"The Good Wife" Mind's Eye (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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An experimental, interesting episode!
derdriui9 March 2015
Great to see mainstream TV experimenting! Not the usual flow of the show at all, very different, and interesting. I like to see how the writers portray Alicia's thought process.

Additionally, it's interesting to see a female character taken this seriously.

The music emphasises the art-house feel, and it's all a little Grand Budapest Hotel, but that's an interesting way to make a narrative piece.

It's a little unrealistic, obviously, because a book rather than a TV show would be the best way for the writers to show Alicia's thought process, but this works great too!
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A Brilliant, Tour de Force Episode of "The Good Wife"
RyanCShowers12 March 2015
"Mind's Eye" is a brilliant episode of television and one of the top five best episodes "The Good Wife" has ever produced. Every year, there are only a few masterpiece television episodes; The Good Wife already had one in October with "Oppo Research," and it now has the second in "Mind's Eye."

The success of "Mind's Eye" relies on the directing, editing, and camera-work working to enhance the script and create a "thinking" effect. If one of those aspects had faltered in "Mind's Eye," the whole episode would have collapsed into inharmonious pile of ashes . And yet it expertly carries out each of those ambitious mechanical elements neatly. Robert King personally directed the episode, and since he also penned the script, he was able to commit to the material and own the idea in a way a more detached director could not have.

The most impressive thing about "Mind's Eye," from an audience and critical point of view, is the psychology of the episode. Alicia has already been shown as being one of the most fascinating creations on television for the past six years; she's constantly changing and has one of the deepest emotional wells of any character in film or television right now. And this episode plunges us right into that well. We get to see first-hand what she is thinking, what she wants, and how she feels about people in her life. This leads to great fun as we trek with Alicia to the different things she envisions, moments that will have you laughing out loud--such as banter from Eli, Marisa and Johnny in the campaign office (thank you Alan Cumming)--and other moments that scrape at weathered emotional scars.

"Mind's Eye" brings a new definition to the word clever. Just about every second of this episode is clever in some shape, way or form. If you live inside your mind like I do (and Alicia does), you can fully appreciate how Alicia's thoughts interrupt each other, her skewed images of others based on personal bias, and the imagery she creates to conceptualize the other characters. For example, when Alicia is on the phone with Kalinda, she imagines Peter and Kalinda in a dark, ominous room, having their affair; or when prepping for questions about her children in an upcoming interview, she imagines a homeless Zach stranded on a park bench, reflecting her guilt as a mother for distancing herself from him.

The intelligent structure of "Mind's Eye" first explores the more shallow problems in Alicia's life (legal problems at FAL and an ethical decision about her campaign, and her internal struggle of picking between the two professions), then mid-episode it shifts to more personal thoughts like as her sexuality (the question being hotly debated on forums and social media: Will her first post-Will love interest be Johnny Elfman or Finn Polmar?), and then it boils down to her utmost sensitive and intimate thoughts (her lingering grief over Will's death, her guilt for disowning Zach after learning he hid having an abortion from her, and afraid of her atheism influencing Grace's ardent belief in God.) Delving into the analysis of each of these topics would be essays in it of themselves.

Yes, Josh Charles was not physically with us in this episode, but this is a pivotal episode concerning Alicia's feelings about Will. The actor playing "Will" was kept in a darkened setting, symbolizing Will's presence, but we never saw him because Will is really not there. He is dead. And these moments with Will were the emotional bullets for me. In "The Decision Tree," we learned that Alicia's happiest moment in her life was shared with Will when they were making love on a balcony in New York. And that's the setting in which Will lives in Alicia's mind. It made Alicia's episode arc--saying goodbye to Will once and for all, allowing herself to move on--all the more powerful.

Julianna Margulies deserves a round of applause for her work "Mind's Eye." I deservedly praise her performance in nearly every episode, but episodes like this one especially. I cannot imagine a more difficult task for an actor than to communicate the narrative of a character through expressions and their eyes, and this is something Margulies has shown she is able to do in spades. She won an Emmy for this acting style last year for "The Last Call." The type of acting required of Margulies in "Mind's Eye" is not as aggressive as "The Last Call," it's more passive, and something most actresses would not be able to accomplish so deftly.
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One of the Best Episodes
RobinLeiWu10 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode should be nominated as the best drama episode next Emmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The concentration's terrific. The music and the music edition's perfection. The review of the family, the collaboration of work, election, family, love and ethic make the episode a long but exquisite journey but in 42mins. It seems something we can only get from a film, and all the speculation flavoured by the judgements made the piece alive.

And the "goodbye will" made. who knows how many, people cry.

it's almost the end, and the beginning as well.

The new love's budding and it's the time to say farewell.

Now she's not the subordinate having scandal with the boss. She's the boss now. And let's take Effman!
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by far the worst episode so far
ginobean20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was watching this episode and it was almost entirely about hypothetical scenarios. Alicia would think about an issue and imagine various hypothetical scenarios in response to the issue.

I found it incredibly boring and pointless and, by far, the weakest and most pointless episode of the series so far. (I've been binge watching the all of the episodes, in order, for the past week or so).

On the positive side, I would generally rate most of the other "Good Wife" episodes an average of 8-9 out of 10.
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Bonesnap12 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've grown to really appreciate the excellent writing on The Good Wife in recent years, but this episode, 'Mind's Eye', has to be one of the very best. That it contains so many threads of plot-lines, characters, possibilities and outcomes... well, I don't want to gush but I thought this was TV at its very best, all brought together with some very clever direction and tight editing.

Some people may have issues with the style of this episode, and yes, the personal narrative does depart from the usual format but I would encourage viewers to just relax and go with the flow. This is a one off, a unique perspective on a brilliant show - and better for it, in my opinion.

Packed with insight and humour, this episode shows us Alicia's intelligence, her wit, her pathos and her insecurities, up close and personal. More of this, please.
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Painful to Watch
laurenlee65310 March 2015
After 3 different attempts to watch this episode, I gave up 35 minutes in. The "mind" of Alicia Florrick is something I never want to experience again. The "what ifs" of her brain were so incredibly painful to watch. Especially the flashbacks of Will, with the obvious shadowy figure that wasn't him. At times it was difficult to tell whether some scenes were figments of her imaginations or real. Also, the laryngitis plot line was confusing. Because in her mind she could speak. I wouldn't even waste my time with this episode if I were you. Such a disappointing and pointless episode. I hope the Good Wife never makes an episode like this again.
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"TGW" at its quirky best
seanmillhouse16 April 2022
Seeing the low ratings on this episode compelled me to add my own review. This episode is what makes The Good Wife so unique, outside of the box, and brilliant. Seeing the inner workings of Alicia's mind is fascinating, hilarious, and heartbreaking. Julianna Margulies is in a league of her own, expressing so many emotions with the slightest thing facial expression or turn of phrase. If you want linear, by the books storytelling, skip this episode and skip The Good Wife altogether. The Kings truly created a brilliant show that pushed the limits of a network TV drama.
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Skip this episode, you will save an hour and miss nothing.
zoocar8 March 2015
Flashbacks, fantasies, and musical interludes float through Alicia's mind as you are taken through this slow and boring waste of an hour. I love this series and have collected every episode to date, there have been very few dogs but this was not only one of them but will be the only episode I will not include in my current 5 1/2 season collection.

It was so burdensome that when I was thinking it must be about over (and hoping) I checked my clock and was only 30 minutes in. Ouch! As one of my favorite series, any episode prior when I have checked the time it has been because I was hoping it was not nearing the end.

No harm done, nobody can get it right all the time! 6 seasons in I guess somebody just ran out of ideas and tried to get artsy to make up for weak substance.
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genuinely refreshing
igorbear28 November 2016
This is my first IMDb review, and I chose this exact episode for it. Something of a fair warning: The Good Wife being my favourite TV show ever aired, I do come a little on the partial side. That being said, I still consider this to be one of the best episodes of any TV show to date.

After finishing the entire show, I keep returning to some of my favourite episodes. This one is the one episode I keep talking about to the people I recommend the show to. I call it "the one where her voice is hoarse". And people actually remember what I was telling them about when they finally watch s06e14.

From acting, to directing and music editing, this is a true TV gem. Not to forget the great writing, which is already synonymous with the show. All accompanied by great comic relief from amazing supporting cast, as well as a stellar performance from J. Margulies.

The episode doesn't follow the show's usual pattern, which makes some of the more unadventurous viewers dissatisfied. I, however, find the internal processing of Alicia's reveal even more of her constant inner struggle, as well as a relatable, yet more-than-impressive, train of thoughts. This episode emphasises her humanity, and brings us closer to our favourite show's protagonist. And most importantly, it is just jolly good fun. Mind you, if you are stupid, you won't get half of it.
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Bold, imaginative storytelling for TV
findstories2 February 2019
Thank you for s creative leap of an episode. I loved it. Captivating approach.
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Worst episode of the Good Wife?
joshevans-0124913 April 2018
I have never checked IMDB to see the rating of any episode before, but I had to with this episode. Glad to see I'm not the only person who thought it was terrible!
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Utter brilliance.
ginnystuckey4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While totally different than a typical episode with a case arch, this wild experiment is a delightful little treat for someone who's watched for seasons and is invested in Alicia the character.

And now for what is mostly a thank you note slash love letter to the writers and director on this one:

Gah! I felt like we got to surface and confirm all that Alicia is carrying constantly. It was fun to make all the connections as she was...I was having presumably the same internal dialog Alicia was at the computer "is that Will, that sounds like Will" and flashing back to their glorious affair. And to follow even the slightest detail to the next connection.

And then I laughed out loud at "Richard Dawkins" after wondering just before who this dude was. I can't even type it without laughing. Bravo, really.

There were some bold, risky choices, but what a gift to a superfan. I'm in a bit of a rewatch binge and I had to press pause on the auto play :-P and take a moment to just let this episode sink in.
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Alicia's fantasy life
jo_ma415 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was beyond dull.

I still have not finished watching it.

No wonder she appears spaced out at times, way too much going on in her head and none of it is connected to anything in reality.

I was not at all impressed with this episode at all.

The promo for this episode got everyone so excited that something interesting was going to happen.

Needless to say, not a single interesting thing happened.

I am lost as to where they were going with what I actually saw...

I am sure that the writers will fix this for the next few episodes that remain of this season.
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The negative reviewers are lame
bpete33316 September 2024
I don't understand the negative reviews on this episode. Is it the best episode of the entire show? No. Did it move the overall plot of the season? Not really. But it's an incredibly interesting. It's not flashy. It's not scandalous or have big plot twists. But it's well crafted and gives a wonderful insight into the mindset of our main character. It was great seeing her mind at work. It reflects the way most of us think, in a nonlinear and compounded sort of way. Not every episode has to have bid dramatic moments. Some can be interesting and insightful character studies. That what this is and it does is wonderfully. People who are bored by this much have the attention span of a goldfish and a matching brain size to boot.
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Worst episode I can remember
buffgirl733 May 2015
I love The Good Wife. It consistently delivers and over the years I think that it has made the most dull subject matter interesting and engaging. Until now.

In my opinion this episode was trying to be too clever and I found myself willing away the 42 minutes. The dream sequence / alternate reality focus of the episode was dull and whilst I was able to keep up with things, I didn't care. For the first time I wanted Alicia to lose. I don't think missing it would make a jot's difference to the continuity of the series and to be honest I can think of much more enjoyable ways to spend the time.

It's over now though, back to normal hopefully!
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is this the good wife?
furyhunter10 November 2017
This is the only episode of the good wife i have seen, turned on TV and saw it playing, found out it was the good wife and it spiked my curiosity, because i have heard so many talk about it and wanted to know what the fuzz was about.

5 minutes in i was like what the??? is this how the show runs? it is really really something different in all the bad ways imaginable and I immediately tried to find out what the episodes name was, I would hardly imagine the good wife having such appeal if it be running 6+ seasons like this, or people just be weird.

after reading other peoples reviews I kinda got more calm seeing as this is totally different from rest of show, but for my sake the damage is done, I'm not touching this show with a ten foot pole.

If people watch this as their first episode, they either get scarred away for life (like me) or maybe get really disappointed in the show in general if they find this the best thing that happened on television.

Im not gonna rate the good wife (as a show) as this is the only episode i been watching, so it wouldn't be fair to base it on this, but this episode of a show that has such good esteem just HAD to get a review, with a WARNING! for people not to watch as first episode of the good wife, it will ruin you
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Just awful
morrisonliz11 August 2018
I have never given a review below a 5 before but this, dear god was mind blowingly awful. It was not only the worst tv episode of the entire 7 seasons but probably of any tv show I ever watched. Having to sit and watch Alicia debate everything in her head for an hour with imaginations of the other characters either debating with her or acting out her thought process is not a plot. Try again.
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Lost its way
mfrost71w1 May 2015
The Good Wife has been struggling since Will Gardner's death. With such a major character leaving they obviously had to re-jig considerably but they have lost the bite the show once had. The splitting of the firm was inadvisable and its recent recombination hasn't been very successful either. The story lines have been weak, the tension non-existent and i have lost most of the empathy I had with any of the characters. Then comes this episode - surely the dullest, most pretentious, complete-waste-of-time episode there has ever been of the Good Wife. I fast-forwarded a lot of it because it was so dull and irritating; something I've never done with the Good Wife before. With more major characters leaving at the end of this series 6, I fear it is the end of the Good Wife but at least they've made it poor enough that i wont miss it as much as I might have.
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DeSPISED this episode!
djc-623203 July 2016
In not wanting to write a review with spoilers, let me just say: leave this kind of thing to Woody Allen. I understand that it's desirable to always be "fresh" and "take a new tack", but this attempt was a mess. It was confusing, at best, and quite jarring. The nature of what you were trying to do led you to rely on quite cheap-looking shot set-ups, which only gnaws away at what should eventually be a rather classy legend. The non-stop music: UGH! Since that is roughly all I want to write about that topic, but still lack enough lines to get this published, there is one other thing that drives me crazy. Stop trying to be so politically correct and balanced with the number of minorities (jews, black, gays, women, etc.) that you cast. It comes across as an attempt at affirmative action. Let it be more organic. And, I'm sorry, a person like Lemond Bishop would not look like an LA Model, or speak so articulately, because if a man like that would, he would be an LA model/television actor.
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Awful Episode
ltlmss-karen9 March 2015
Not sure what happened this week but this episode was simply boring. I don't mean a little bit boring, literally a yawn fest.

What a waste of an hour, normally I love this show but this episode was just awful. Its actually still playing in the back ground whilst I write this review.

I think the writers must have run out of good ideas for the good wife... Real disappointment for the second week back on air.

No idea how it got a 7.5


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Jump the shark ?
lesf869 March 2015
Jump the Shark ? The show is usually great TV, not this time. I hope it was just "artsy", and not the Jump the Shark episode. Yes, the thought process is like this, but stories are suppose to have plots.The plot was missing from this episode. The characters on this show are always well developed and most of them - too many ? -were in this episode. I'm sure there will be an abundance of The Emperor's Clothes reviews saying how wonderful this episode was, but I didn't think so. Be interesting to see next week's episode. Hope it is back to the usual standards. This has been on of the best shows on TV for several years and I hope it continues. Good dramas are SO rare on TV now days. It's mostly reality ( which it is not ) shows.
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An experiment gone bad
jher-2343511 March 2015
Let me start by saying I am big fan of The Good Wife. I look forward to watching each week. But this episode was very bad and a complete waste of my time. I did not think I would ever say this about an episode of this series.

It was intended to show all the inner conflicts Alicia has going on in the various stages of her life -- family, law practice, run for State Atty. General. But the method they chose to portray this was disappointing at best. I did not enjoy it at all.

They have presented a couple episodes in the past where they used an unusual technique to portray their story, and those episodes were great. Not this one. Not only was it not good; It was annoying at times.

Whoever was responsible for this fiasco deserves a demotion.
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bunicluka7 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Omg such a boring episode. Why they have made this one, no idea. Hope not gonna happen again
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edwagreen9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Extremely disappointing episode. In fact, it was the weakest of all the episodes on this usually winning show.

The constant flashbacks regarding how Alicia sees her interview coming become most annoying. Everyone is included-even the deceased Will Gardner. How revolting that was to be seen.

Ironic, how Alicia needs to keep her voice quiet due to her laryngitis, but is unable to due to constant calls, whether they be from Kalinda, Dianne, Cary, the drug dealer, her children, etc.

We really see in this episode who Alicia's new love interest is. Lewis Canning is up to his old tricks, prior to collapsing and has been sentenced by his doctors for probably not surviving the night to come. That old lawyer's senility never fails to flaw me; although, he seemed somewhat rational in this episode.
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Ugh what a waste of time
jnewwayz23 January 2023
I, like many others who have reviewed this episode, love the show. I just started watching it this year and have enjoyed it immensely. Ever since she started running for State's Attorney, though, I haven't enjoyed it as much. I miss seeing her in court. I almost want her to lose, just so she gets back there. Anyway...this episode was just awful. I don't know what they were trying to do, but whatever it was, they failed. I wish I had skipped it, but I thought "surely something is going to happen" but no. No nothing ever did. For anyone reading this who hasn't seen the show, don't let this episode or these reviews scare you away. Just skip this one.
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