The Last Boy (2019) Poster


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Not that bad
nedraikhumen10 January 2019
I wish it had a bigger budget, but not bad at all. The story was interesting to watch and the acting was good.
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Could have been much better.
jamalking1520 March 2020
Would have been better without the social commentary about what the director feels about priests. Otherwise it had the makings of an interesting story.
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Would have been good if it had been.
S_Soma16 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How interesting. In a fairly fixed pattern, user reviews that complement THE LAST BOY gets a high "helpful" score and every critical review gets a very low score. Oh, well. Apparently THE LAST BOY has an established following of pudding-brained New Age fan-folk. Low "helpful" score here I come.

Most of the basic elements of THE LAST BOY are either good or at least adequate to purpose. The actors fit their roles, the acting was adequate given the fact that there weren't many beats that required advanced acting chops, the music was pretty good with occasional echoes of Bernard Herrmann.

The plot of THE LAST BOY is mostly the same as A QUIET PLACE and BIRD BOX and others of a similar ilk; something disastrous has "happened" in the world and whatever it was has left "monsters" hanging about and picking off the remaining human survivors. This is not original by any means, of course, but I don't have a problem with that. When was the last time you saw a truly original story? As long as it's a WELL DONE disaster-with-left-over-monster-residue-sauce movie I'm happy with it.

Unfortunately, it's the story that makes, or breaks, a movie in my opinion. Something that actually qualifies as a story is definitely NOT a "s*** happened in my head and I puked it up on the script" sort of affair. A good story needs to have cohesion, coherency and, at a minimum, make at least a little sense. Random twaddle scribbled on a page does not a story make.

MOST of the story line of THE LAST BOY hangs together fairly well. Young boy in a world filled with monsters sets out on a quest given to him by his recently deceased mother. With his trusty magic sword (or, in this case, a mysterious electronic doodad that fills the function of a weapon against the monsters) at his side, off he goes on his adventure. The quest does seem a little odd even from the get-go: to make it to the place where "wishes are granted". I just put that little anomaly down as something a dying mother tells her preteen boy to motivate him to get where he needs to go; I'm guessing some sort of actual sanctuary. How wrong I was.

Along the way to his great objective, our hero boy meets noble and nefarious people alike, and even picks up a few hangers on to accompany him on his journey.

But as the story rolls along it starts exhibiting what can only be called storytelling "sins", signs of inept storytelling. These are tells for nonexistent storytelling skills. Classic examples would be engaging in "it was all a dream" or the infamous Deus ex Machina (ESPECIALLY at the END of a story).

SOME storytelling laziness can be forgiven, such as a complete lack of any legitimate explanation for ANYTHING upon which the story is based. In THE LAST BOY we never really find out what the disaster was or where these monsters came from or what the monsters actually are. The most we get is a vague allusion to some science event (whatever that is) and no explanation at all about the monsters. Certainly A QUIET PLACE and BIRD BOX and other similar movies did the same thing; sort of a "here's your monsters - off you go" approach. But if you're going to do this sort of thing, you can't then have plot points that suggest that the origin and character of the monsters are very well understood.

Very incongruously, our hero is equipped with a military grade, advanced electronic device that's capable of effortlessly warding off the monsters and is obviously purpose-made for the task. We are told that whatever happened that caused the original disaster and produce the monsters, happened fast and wiped out lots of people nearly immediately. Yet SOMEBODY had the time to gather enough information, and had the months it would take, to be able to build these electronic anti-monster talismans. Our hero's mother mysteriously worked for the government in some capacity, had access to these anti-monster devices, and somehow knew of a place that one could go to get "wishes granted". Where did all this information come from, not to mention all the time and infrastructure?

And the ending was certainly a deus ex machina variation if I ever saw one and which has no place in a movie that supposed to be something having to do with science fiction. At the end of the movie, literal dead people show up reincarnated in people-sized bubbles standing in the middle of a nonstop wave of wind-monsters, the same wind-monsters that have been killing people all throughout the picture. Where did they come from and how did they get reincarnated? How did they get here? What are the wind-monsters doing and why have they suddenly stop attacking? What are those bubbles the supposedly-already-dead-people are standing in? Why do the bubble people just stand there way out in the middle of the storm of wind-monsters instead of walking towards their loved ones (because if their loved ones move toward them its instant death for them from the wind-monsters)?

One of the already-dead people, the wife of one of the members of our hero's crew, witnesses her loved one getting killed and turned to dust by the wind-monsters when he attempts to walk out to her and, in her grief, apparently is herself KILLED AGAIN and TURNED TO DUST AGAIN. What the hell is going on there?

Is this open field at the end of the movie that is covered in a nonstop wave of wind-monsters the make-a-wish place? How did the hero's mother know about it at the beginning of the picture when she was dying in a camper so far away?

TWO people show up for our hero in bubbles and standing out there in the deathly wind: his erstwhile dead mother and a sweet little girl who got killed along the way during the quest, both coaxing the hero to themselves with outstretched arms. When our hero fords his way out to them through the death wind, he's told he has to choose one of them. Why is that? What happens to the one he chooses and what happens to the one he DOESN'T choose? Who made up these rules? What do these rules MEAN?

Basically, the ending makes no sense at all. It isn't that it's subtle or thought-provoking or "deep". It's just made up, stream-of-consciousness BS because the storyteller couldn't think of a decent ending after having written himself into a corner. Making such a story end "mysteriously" with "thought-provoking ambiguity" is just how a bad writer tries to conceal the fact that he doesn't have any skill at telling a story and couldn't think of an end for this one.

This is apparently playing well with the hippie-dippy New Age crowd around here. Which, sadly, will only encourage Perry Bhandal to write more of this brand of hogwash. It's the Emperor's New Clothes all over again.
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The Last Boy - Hopefully
arthur_tafero11 November 2020
This film belongs on the Turkey Farm. It makes no sense and is unbelievably boring and insipid. The acting and writing is horrendous. Don't waste your time and thank God for the fast-forward button.
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Pretty lame
p_ptacek16 January 2020
I wanted to like this movie, but it just kept getting dumber and dumber. Bad acting, very monotone, ridiculous story, and just no creativity.
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waste of time
salahrifai-3827427 February 2021
Nothing to learn from it super unbelievable story boring nthg at all in it important
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Darkness and Hope
jennyforresters14 January 2019
After the hype created by Bird Box, I checked this out.

It's quite a departure for writer / director Perry Bhandal whose first movie was about a Hitman growing up in the slums of Romania. That movie was pretty well received and it would have been easy to Bhandal carry on down that route. Instead he's chosen to try something completely that couldn't be more different. The kind of choice that can either kill or accelerate a career.

Whilst it doesn't hit every mark he aims for it's a very good film and shows Bhandal's not your run of the mill filmaker interested in just churning out a single genre movies.

The movies drops us straight into the story. Somethings happened and we find out that most of the worlds population has disappeared and there's a lethal wind that's mopping up the rest of humanity. Like birdbox and the happening it ignores naure and the animals. The ecological message is loud and clear in this movie and Bhandal clearly thinks the world would be better off without humans (or a lot less of them).

It starts quickly with Sira played by Flynn Allen (who ably shoulders the lead role) sets off on his journey when his sick mother passes. His departure feels a little too quick but when you make the connection with where he is going you understand why.

He's joined by Lilly played my Matilda Freeman (who is brilliant) a little girl that got lost when her family was ambushed by the wind.

We also find that Sira has a scanner that can detect the wind so armed with this they set off to the place that grants wishes whilst trying to avoid this lethal wind.

They come across a bunch of characters, good, bad and misguided. Peter Guiness who plays the priest is particularly good.

Jennife Scott who plays a misguided scientists is new on the scene and is a pretty good actress and of course Luke Goss needs no introduction plays a sniper who has lost a loved one.

Each of the characters has a compelling reason to join Sira and Lilly on their journey to their ultimate destination and for that Bhandal should be congratulated for creating a compelling narrative.

There is an unexpected twist two thirds of the way in and the ending is almost like a religous experience.

The film is good. There is an environmental subtext to it. It is eerie, disturbing and mysterious. I can understand what Bhandal tried to do and he largely succeeded with a I would say a fantasy sci fi. It will be interesting to see what he does next.
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markhappyboy8 January 2019
Of course the below reviewer is just having a laugh, the music is really annoying, there are no special affects terribly bad acting by all, and worst child actors I've ever seen! Hated it.
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eismoc20 January 2019
A bit theatrical sci fi movie, but it has cool parts and nice drama. It definitely could've been much better if some more details were given in the story. Anyways, it's cool and I liked it.
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Apparently most of the reviewers have not seen the same movie as I did.
pedro-bett26 January 2019
The child actors and mediocre, none of the adults are particularly captivating, and the whole "wind that somehow came from CERN" is just bland, shallow, and straight out of sunday school morals.

i omly regret i cannot give it a zero
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Lyrically beautiful and poignant
CabbageCustard6 April 2019
I have to admit I am not usually a fan of dystopian movies. I don't enjoy their typically bleak and pessimistic undertones and often I find the characters quite unrelatable. That is not the case with 'The Last Boy'. I found it captivating. I found myself caring for the characters and what they were going through and I wanted to understand exactly what it was they were facing. There is an element of mystery here as the movie unravels exactly what is happening. I was on the edge of my seat many times. It doesn't answer all those questions completely, but I think that was intentional. It certainly had me thinking about this movie after it was over. I don't think it will be a long time till I watch it again. How refreshing and welcome to see a movie of this type that doesn't involve hormonally charged twenty-something year olds pretending to be seventeen year olds. Instead this movie is moving and poignant. The acting is great, the soundtrack is beautiful and enhances the story without assaulting your ear drums, and the effects are good but don't dominate the movie. At only 90 minutes in length, this movie never outstays its welcome. In fact, I would have been happy for it to last a bit longer, but that's okay. I find it odd that most reviews of this movie I have read suggest that the star is Luke Goss (who I have never heard of) who plays Jay when, in fact, it is young Flynn Allen as Sira who carries the film. The ending seems to suggest there could be a sequel to this. I don't know if I want that. This movie stands on its own and I would hate to see it be diminished by lesser follow ups. 'The Last Boy' is a great movie and I thoroughly recommend it.
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Director has to explain scientific phenomena in next movie
Chamila-Ambahera23 April 2019
Good movie and new concept as a Sci-Fi movie.Seems like there is a part 2 of this. However, this movie belongs to Sci-Fi category the director has to explain about the scientific phenomena behind the scene. Otherwise I will give 0 points to this movie because it should be belongs to fantasy.
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I tried to like it because of Luke
tkaine39 January 2019
But boy oh boy this film was very lackluster on many fronts. I think the idea of this movie is what appealed to the higher ups but this motion picture did not meet the standards of the productions that Luke Goss is usually associated with. The whole pace of the movie was horrible his mother who we know nothing about kicks the can in the first 30 seconds providing no sort of character development the boy meets characters and after a 1 minute conversation is willing to risk his life for them. The special effects were amateurish at best and the acting was no better. I hope this level of production doesn't continue for Luke it's really not a good look he should take a page from Nick Cage who doesn't do anymore blockbuster's but atleast his films are watchable.
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The Land of Hopelessness
tect-0356419 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Or better yet, the land where everyone dies... Take your pic. It started out slow and stayed that way. It had some interesting parts but the acting wasn't good. I'll give good reviews if the acting isn't all there and the movie entertains, but unfortunately, this one didn't.
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imdb score trickery?
just_in_case2 February 2019
I only got about 20 minutes in before shutting this off. Struct me as odd that the characters acting was not bad so much as non-existent. "I'm gonna read my line now. done. now you read your line". You try to give kids at least a minor break and more so if the plot is interesting but its not. The special effects are non-existent as well. Same with the practical effects. I'm very confused as to why this is holding a 6.9 on imdb. I tend to be very forgiving when it comes to low-budget horror/scifi but theres just nothing here. Don't be fooled, they spent all their budget on a decent camera rig it doesn't look homemade, but it is very bottom of the barrel.
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Wasting of time
abdalrhman-4977221 January 2019
I just wasted 1:27hour of my life on this s*** Please it doesn't deserve this rate wasting of time if I go and watched some Netflix it's would be better
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mfkeenan5015 November 2019
Weird movie but I liked it. I wish the ending was different.
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The poster looks good and that's about it.
deloudelouvain12 January 2019
Apocalyptic end-of-the-world movies, that's normally a genre that I always like, even the ones that score below average. I just like those kind of stories. So my hopes for The Last Boy were high, certainly since it had a couple good reviews. But the truth is that this movie is a piece of garbage. There was no budget for this movie, that's obvious when you watch the special effects, but that's not the problem as there are a lot of low budget movies that are actually good, but The Last Boy isn't one of them. The story is amazingly boring and so is the acting. There are not much actors in this movie but the ones that play in it should just not give up their daily jobs. Well I assume they have another job than acting, otherwise it doesn't look good for them. The kids played by Matilda Freeman and Flynn Allen are terrible in acting. Someone should warn them so that they still can make something else out of their lives. I really wished this movie would be good but unfortunately it is one of the worst apocalyptic movies I ever saw.
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I was expecting something aweful
genesee-6602012 January 2019
...judging by one of the previous reviews. I liked it though. It was engaging and the story was interesting and unique. The effects weren't bad either, The acting wasn't great but it wasn't bad enough to bother me. All in all, pretty good and worth watching.
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The worst movie I'd ever sern
haytham-3952413 January 2019
No electricity . But in the house where the 4 persons hide .....microwave and oven have power obviously . Bad story .. bad actors . Really everything has the rate 0 of 10
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josephinemallorys15 February 2019
Caught this at the Boston Sci fi fest last week. I liked the poster and intrigued by the premise. Had heard of Luke Goss and kind of associated him with below par action movies and wondered what he was doing in this. Later discovered he'd collaborated with the same director on interview with a hitman a film I'd heard of but not seen but more on that later. Anyway settled in not knowing what to expect and was well very pleasantly surprised. First of all Goss. I mean who knew he was such a class act, I mean top drawer stuff. He's definitely easy on the eye and it's not too hard to see how easy it would have been to get to A list status if he'd chosen his past movies better. As for the rest of the cast I loved their performances, esp Peter Guiness and the little girl Matilda. I've read some of the short sharp critiques by some on here and whilst not usually one to comment it kinda sucks and I think anyone reading this should just ignore most of that trash talk. The story's been compared to other other recent narratives but it stands on its own. The whole set up is fresh simple and believable. Religion plays a big part, focused mainly on christianity - the priest and the Goss. I thought that contrasted nicely with the Rumi mysticism I was very impressed with the 'wind' effects.. The ending is what makes or breaks a movie and the director goes all out and pulls it off in my opinion. Felt a tug on my heart strings. I wanted to watch Interview with a Hitman before commenting to see if this was fluke of some kind. Surprise surprise that was pretty damn good too. Not sure what Bhandal's up to next but if he can pull off two films which are so wildly different then he's got my attention. A well deserved 9//10
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Fun film
mrswoody-3413419 April 2020
This was a super cute scifi movie i enjoyed watching. The actors where great together i like the the boy and girl duo it felt connected. I feel like the emotions where lacking it all felt like eveything was ok the effects where good i enjoyed the idea of the wind. Great job
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Another Overrated Film with Fake Reviews
claudio_carvalho17 February 2019
"The Last Boy" is another overrated film with fake reviews in IMDb. It is amazing how producers manipulate this site to promote poor movies like "The Last Boy", luring viewers like I was. The storyline is promising but the screenplay is boring without explanations and the conclusion is awful. It is laughable to read that "The Last Boy" is an intelligent film; the movie has many flaws such as when the Priest turns into stone but the scanner he is holding remains intact. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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What a waste of time
ordinarynana24 January 2019
Really? It's Kidding me. It's real Fiction without science, no meaning to watch.
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Another worst movie! Too slow, not intense and too many boring conversation! Not recommended!
kwenchow25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with an abandoned world, a poem wrote by "Rumi", a boy "Sira" living in a caravan with his mother, Sira's mother died, and Sira start his journey to the place which grants wishes as told by his mother scene! As turnout, this film is about Sira trying to survive in a world that the wind will turn human being into statue and die, he also want to go to the place that can resurrect his mother! Entire film quite slow and not intense at all! Barely intense scene is, a British army "Jay" jump out from his car to prevent the wind attack him! He shot the car's window in the process! At the end, Sira arrive at the so called place which grants wishes! Jay saw his wife, Sira and Jesse divert the wind to help Jay save his wife! Jay fail to save his wife, both of them turn into statue and die! Sira saw his mother and his another friend "Lilly" who die along the way with him! Jesse help Sira divert the wind! Sira's mother ask him choose to save her or Lilly, Sira don't want to choose, both of them disappear, and his mother left him with a letter and a map in it! His mother also ask him to find the place! Maybe his mother want meet him at the place! LMFAO! I won't wait the sequel, Mr. Director! You watch it by yourself! That's it! Another super boring film!
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