Tragedy Girls (2017) Poster


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Fun Play on the Slasher Film
themovieparadise26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand why there are some who would hate this movie. The film centers around two teenagers brutally butchering people in their town. When you read what happens in this film on paper, it's hard not to draw real-life comparisons to events such as Columbine. And while there is one part of this movie that did kind of cross the line, writer/director Tyler MacIntyre manages to strike an incredibly lighthearted tone. This allows for us to laugh with the movie during these extreme moments of horror. It's not meant to be a disturbing case file on deranged serial killers; rather, it's an entertaining play on old slasher movies where young teenage girls are usually the victims, but here they are now the killers themselves. It's an interesting twist, and it makes for a more compelling movie. Had MacIntyre not pulled off the tone in the way that he did, this film would have been entirely misinterpreted. Through his writing and his work with the actors, MacIntyre sets a mood for Tragedy Girls that makes it a truly entertaining time at the movies...
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Bloody good entertainment...
paul_haakonsen29 December 2018
I stumbled upon "Tragedy Girls" solely for the reason that I picked it up as it looked like a horror movie. I didn't even bother reading the synopsis for the movie, I just decided to watch it. So I had no clue about the movie what it was about or who was in it. All that mattered was the fact that it was a horror movie.

Right, well first of all I must say that "Tragedy Girl" is definitely a movie that is quite well worth sitting down to watch. So if you have the chance, do so. Take the time to watch it, because it is an entertaining movie with a dark, morbid and somewhat funny story to tale.

The movie's storyline was rather unique, bizarre in a way, but entertaining nonetheless. And I think there were a lot of good aspects to the movie that were essentially brought to closure and the movie did come full circle towards the ending.

There is a fair amount of dark humor in the movie, that is somewhat gory and count be considered morbid by some. But, keep in mind, it is a movie meant to entertain. And I was definitely entertained by the movie from the very beginning up to the end of the movie.

They had a good ensemble of casted actors and actresses to perform in the movie. I must admit that I found it to be Alexandra Shipp - playing McKayla Hooper - whom carried the most of the movie with her on-screen charisma and her wonderful acting performance. I didn't really care much for the other lead actress Brianna Hildebrand - playing Sadie Cunningham. Sure, she acted well enough, but the character was just annoying. I was genuinely surprised and pleased to see Kevin Durand in this movie, and he had such a wonderful role. Just a real shame that he wasn't given a lot more on-screen time.

There are some very hilarious moments throughout the course of "Tragedy Girls", alongside with some fairly bloody, brutal and grotesque death scenes. Was it enjoyable to watch? You betcha...

"Tragedy Girls" was a real nice surprise and a very entertaining movie. If enjoy dark horror comedies, then you definitely owe it to yourself to sit down to watch "Tragedy Girls".
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eve_dolluk26 January 2018
This is a quirky light hearted take on the slasher genre and follows two self obsessed psycopaths who are 2 girls still in high school. They are superficial and spend time on their phones fishing for likes and attention while also commiting many murders within the high school community.

It was quite refreshing and the 2 leads did a good job of playing annoyingly self obsessed teens. The rest of the cast do a good job as well and its well made all round including the gruesome deaths !!

Don't expect anything more than a slasher flick with a difference and enjoy it for what it is #betterthanmostslasherfilms
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for me not a comedy but an above mediocre gory flick
trashgang20 November 2018
I must say that I liked this one. The story is rather simple and easy to follow, it's about two girls going online with their horror show but quickly this turns wrong and real killings are happening.

Is it scary, oh no not at all everybody can watch it but what do makes it great for the genre buffs is the fact that it's rather all gory when the slaughtering goes on. Yes, there some will turn their face away.

Also stated as a comedy I can understand that some things are a bit funny but for me it wasn't that funny at all. Therefor the jokes are made for teens, more about pranks.

At the end the flick loses it a bit but picks up toward the end. Not bad at all.

Gore 3/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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The birth of 2 horror movie villains.
Spookylicious9 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a 10 movie, not even an 8, the humor resides on the killings and probably with the parents oblivious reactions. Problem is there could be more killings and more humor on other places.

A nice twist would have been that they kept their separate ways and fought for likes/popularity.

Also, people are completely missing the point here, complaining about that the movie ends well for the killers, that they are treated as heroes... You are watching a slasher movie from the point of the bad "guys". They are not glorifying them or asking you to like them, they are constantly showing you what a pair of brats and irritating teens they are with their constant "hashtagblessed" bullying others. Everyone knows they are insufrable just look at the teachers' and classmates' faces.

You are watching the killers from a horror movie fulfilling their birth as legend horror movie killers. And we all know the good guys not always win.
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If the roles were reversed, there would be an uproar. #menarenotdispensable
manuelasaez13 February 2018
Recently, there has been a surge of these types of movies; some mentally ill females take it upon themselves to off any man that crosses their path. Movies like M.F.A. where every man is a predator, and poor defenseless females all have to resort to drastic measures to "teach them a lesson". Then comes this movie, that does such a good job of making light of a very serious subject; the notion that men are disposable and dispensable. There is no reason for the violence in this movie other than some girls being bored. That's it. Yes, they are mentally ill, and come from very different backgrounds, but once you start seeing their modus operati, you start to realize that they don't give a crap about the people they kill; they are doing it for notoriety and fame, all the while getting away with every single one thing they do. Who would ever suspect a cute, young teenage female, amirite?

Imagine if the gender was reversed for this movie; two young boys kill any female they feel annoys them or doesn't fall in line with what they want them to do, and get away with it. There would be outrage, the feminazi's would be trying to overturn trucks and assaulting men just for having it, and it would make every single critics worst films of the year list. It's okay when girls do it, but when a boy does it, it's a problem?

This is why my main issue lies with the way the subject manner was handled; making light of how replaceable society thinks men are is very low effort, and caters to a very limited and hateful mindset. I was offended, and I am not easily offended, that someone (two men, no less) decided to make this film, make it a comedy, and think that it is okay in this day and age. Where is the sympathy? Why are men and young boys seen as nothing more than pawns, while mentally ill girls are treated as the main event? It takes a specially kind of sociopath misandrist to find these types of movie funny. They are awful, make light of serious issues, and make everything a damn joke.

Seriously, though, the movie was pretty funny and I enjoyed the hell out of it. The acting was great, and that short haired blonde girl is going to be a star! Despite how I personally feel about the subject matter, I am a grown ADULT and understand that this is fiction, and respected the work as such. I will recommend this film to my friends, as it was very well done.
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The characters aren't the only ones without a conscience
Groverdox16 February 2018
"Tragedy Girls" is an odd and unpleasant movie. The characters are too repulsive to care about, but you could at least laugh at them, but the movie doesn't seem to want us to do that. Are we supposed to be impressed by them? Regard them as heroes? Hope for their downfall? What?

The violence in the movie is so ridiculous and over-the-top that it definitely seems to fit the mould of a horror comedy. But there's no other comedy in it. The plot would have been an almost ideal set-up for a satire of today's social media obsessed youth, but the movie avoids any and all opportunities for social commentary.

It keeps you at arm's length from its characters - which will probably be okay with you, honestly - but then at the end seems to expect you to care for them. I didn't.

The ending would be quite bleak in a movie with a social conscience, but this movie has none, so it's more confusing than anything.

The plot: two teenage girls have a blog called "Tragedy Girls" in which they report on local tragedies and are dying for likes - as are, apparently, the people they write about. At the film's beginning, they set-up a poor (?) ugly teenage boy to meet his demise at the hands of a local slasher, and inexplicably take the slasher hostage. Apparently they have an empty warehouse somewhere all to themselves where they can detain serial killers and cut up bodies and nobody knows about it. They don't get many more likes from these escapades so they start killing people themselves.

That is basically it. Aside from a few creative death scenes - which, admittedly, use the horror-comedy trope of bodies being about as fragile as wax figurines - there's nothing else in the movie, really. This is one of few films where the plot description on IMDB tells you everything that happens in the whole movie.

Because it's a movie about two friends, of course there's an unnecessary diversion where they have a falling out and then make up, but that's about it.

The movie, ultimately, left a bad taste in my mouth. A topic like this cries out for comedy, insight, satire, anything. I think the filmmakers just had no idea how to handle it; it's a social commentary story forced into a horror-comedy film.
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Well I like it
UniqueParticle16 December 2019
I understand the hate but It's not that bad in my opinion! Starts out very meh but gets much better as it goes on, very funny and great kills otherwise yeah it's bad I still appreciate Tragedy Girls; I'd support them! I really like comradery between the main girls and how they tend to do whatever they want in a way. Really not as bad as people say I mean I've seen much worse horror films.
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Funny Girls
kosmasp12 February 2018
Sometimes a movie seems to be too clever for its own good. That doesn't mean you can't have fun with this. No matter how you watch and no matter how you feel about the girls themself. It is supposed to be funny and not animate imitators. Which wouldn't work anyway, because in real life the charade would be over in no time.

But this is also supposed to be a sort of stab at current society and celebrity status and the obsession of some with it. Actually it tries to juggle and play with too many subjects while trying to be as funny as possible. Not everything works out, but it's silly attitude can make things feel lighter than they actually are. So you can enjoy this and a one time viewing is sufficient ... maybe if you are in the right mind set, you will even enjoy this more than others did. Whatever the case, don't expect too much, put morality aside and you'll have a good time
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Waste of Time
jamespycell28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this one but I just couldn't get past the annoying lead characters. Even WITHOUT the killing they were annoying. This isn't a statement against the actors. They were great and I have enjoyed them in other films. But the way these characters are written is just like the screen equivalent to nails on a chalkboard. I wasn't a fan of the ending either. These days, endings like these are a dime a dozen. They aren't fresh or original anymore. I can name a ton of recent movies that try to be "edgy" with endings where the villains win. It's almost become boring by now because it is so expected. This movie just isn't fresh or original at all. You could easily watch Heathers, Jawbreaker, Mean Girls, Ginger Snaps, Scream if you wanna see better versions of teen high school politics, two girls obsessed with death, or the whole self-referential deal. Other movies have done it and they have done it better.
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Scream meets Heather's
dar04176 February 2020
One of the most original slasher / horror films I have seen in a while. When they describe this as Scream meets Heather's they are spot on. Well worth checking out.
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Tragedy! When the Twitter-likes are gone and the murdering goes on
Coventry12 April 2018
I had minimal expectations going into "Tragedy Girls" because, even though a massive fan of slashers and 80s horror cinema in general, I don't feel like I'm part of the target group for this kind of films. Horror comedies, and particularly self-declared "homages" or "throwbacks", are rarely as clever as the writer/director thinks they are. Moreover, yours truly is a 36-year-old male with very few interest in social media (Twitter, Snapchat and whatnot) and I most certainly cannot connect with the life-world of popular teenage girls. Still, there was something irresistibly appealing about the premise of "Tragedy Girls", so I went into the theater with an open mindset and must admit I don't have any regrets. BFF's Sadie and McKayla have two main purposes in life: killing many people and having the world's largest number of Twitter-followers; - the second being even more crucial than the first. They kidnap and cage a beginning serial killer, but cheerfully continue the murder spree themselves whilst actively reporting on social media and incriminating the allegedly at large killer. The girls choose their next victims based on whoever steals their media attention, and meanwhile they also have a school prom to prepare!

I'm not quite sure if director Tyler MacIntyre is spoofing or accurately depicting the trending phenomenon of social media. Teenagers nowadays really are obsessed with their smartphones and do the craziest things to earn their spot on the internet. I don't see any dumb kids capable of murdering other human beings, but admittedly it's a good baseline for a horror comedy. In many other reviews I read that many viewers find all the lead characters, especially the two girls, hopelessly irritating and implausible, but I hardly think you can blame the script. Teens that send texts with hearts to each other while they're in the same classroom are irritating by default. The only character that I personally found truly annoying was Kevin Durand's serial killer Lowell (according to the credits that's his name, although I'm sure they call him Lehmann instead). He's the least competent killer in history and gets his butt whooped by a couple of teen drama queens no less than three times. "Tragedy Girls" is not an excessively gory film, but a handful of death scenes are both gruesome and utmost ingenious. Notably memorable moments include the combination of a poor girl's head and a buzz saw, Craig Robinson versus a dumbbell and a subtly genius "Cannibal Holocaust" tribute. This latter sequence probably won't get noticed by the youngest genre fanatics, but it does prove that MacIntyre knows his classics. His directing skills are more adequate, by the way. Add to this a pleasingly grim (albeit foreseeable) finale, and the overall end result is that "Tragedy Girls" is one of the more satisfying genre efforts of the 2010's.

PS: just in case you're wondering, this user comment's title is inspired by lyrics that are courtesy of The Bee Gees. Who?
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Watch 'Heathers', then 'Ginger Snaps', then maybe 'Scream' instead. Seriously.
bizzywiththefizzy5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I only wanted to see this because I loved Brianna as Negasonic Teenage Warhead in 'Deadpool'. The few minutes there where she was a snarky, perma-texting little brat were hilarious and added to an awesome film.

Now imagine a film where those few minutes are stretched to a full length film -but now there's two snarky, perma texting little brats.

That's about it.

Except they kill people with ridiculous ease (gigantic gym buff dude felled by two 100 pound children) and there's mind boggling things like, a murder in a fitness studio and another in a high school - both places where in 2017, there's CCTV EVERYWHERE (and metal detectors in quite a lot). But apparently not in this town.

I'm not sure if you're meant to like the two leads or what. At one point, it looks as though one will be redeemed - save the day, admit her part, maybe do her time and move on with her life - but that notion ends abruptly.

I kept waiting for there to be a point to it all, but there wasn't. It was just bleak, sad, annoying and an affront to the horror community.

Also, all the god damn text and emoji pop ups on screen reminded me of 'Yoga Hosers' and that just made me even more irritated.

Don't waste your time, man.

3/10 - the 3 is for Craig Robinson's nanosecond of a role.
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Tragedy Girls (2017, Tyler MacIntyre) review
Darksidecrew29 July 2017
It is film festival time once again so it is a great chance to check out smaller films like this on the big screen. This one is a twist on the slasher genre following two horror obsessed teenage girls who use their online blog about real-life murders to manipulate their way into the spotlight. It breathes life into the slasher genre and is also a great take on the dark side of social media. It has some inventive camera work that makes the most of its modest budget backed up with good performances all around.

I feel a shades of Heathers (1988) and it certainly has a few nods to some classic slasher films. It is not the first film in recent years to put a new twist on slasher films with good results... The Final Girls (2015) and You're Next (2011) come to mind but I think this one is better than those and is sure to become a cult favourite in years to come.

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It's fun.
prolelol27 October 2018
Tragedy Girls (2018) is about a two teenagers that are obsessed with the social media, so they start killing some people to make themselves famous and get more followers in the social media. I honestly thought the plot was stupid, but it put smile on my face for some reasons. It's entertaining! Two lead actresses were very solid at the best, but both might be annoying. The kills are really fantastic and yet, it was funny how they tried to kill people only in their hands. It has some great sense of humor and silly dialogues. The cinematography is quite also good, but that shot (where you can see on the poster from this post) is absolutely the best part of the film. If you enjoyed The Final Girls (2015), you would enjoy this one too. Definitely a fun slasher spoof, fans of fun, goofy horror-comedies will enjoy it. My rating: 7.5/10.
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Tragedy Girls is a Scream-esque take on the slasher genre for the new age
cmerril-3524529 August 2018
Tragedy Girls is very fun and self aware. It knows exactly what audience it was made for and doesnt try to be anything more. Its not marketed as an incredible shocking thriller, its a comedic teen slasher film based around topics that are very understandable for modern youth. Things I liked about this movie: Its alot of fun all the way through, there was no point where I felt like I was bored or losing interest in what was happening. The soundtrack is really great compared to alot of other horror movies I've seen where the scoring is extremely forgettable. Almost every song is very well paired with the scene its playing over. I especially enjoyed the trailer song, "Always Forever" By Cults, it was what initially attracted me to the trailer and after seeing the movie it has an entirely new meaning about the main characters. The only song That I felt was really in your face was the first song that played during the prom it didnt really land with me that well. The cinematography is very good in my opinion, the movie has alot of great shots that are incredibly pleasing to look at and that is a very big part of movies for me its what drives my opinion away from other movies of a similar caliber.

Things I did not like about the movie: From the trailers and most of the movie the girls seem to have an established motive but it doesnt seem like they always stick to it some of the murders and a certain part of their backstory strays from it but it doesnt take that much away from the overall watching experience. Alot of the characters introduced aside from the main two girls are very forgettable and mostly just thrown in as plot devices. The girls get away with all of there murders very very easily it could have been a little bit more well recieved if they werent apparently the two best killers of all time.

Overall I enjoyed this movie and if youre looking for a couple laughs I'd definitly recommend it.
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Tragedy Girls
JoBloTheMovieCritic26 March 2021
7/10 - unique and stylized horror flick has an incredible cast and what I imagine to be great rewatchability.
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25 minutes was all I could take Warning: Spoilers
I shut it off when they killed the guy on the motorcycle. I love horror flicks where people are killed at random by evil serial killers, but these two girls were so unlikable and repugnant to watch that I had to shut it off.

The blond chick with the bad dye job really annoyed me to the point where I just couldn't take anymore. Her acting was almost as bad as her hair. Killing people for fun like these idiot characters were doing isn't entertaining to watch. They talk all snarky and laugh with each other while they kill their victims like they're trying so hard to be cool but only come off as juvenile, try hard morons. Yawn.

When the killers mutilate their victims in slasher films, they're usually scary and evil people, which makes it entertaining. But when it's a couple of stupid, social media obsessed, high schoo girls with bad hair doing the serial killing, it's a bore.

I get that it was trying to be a comedy, but I found zero laughs in the agonizing 25 minutes I saw. I guess tween girl sociopaths would love this garbage. I prefer the more classic type of horror/slasher and with leads you don't instantly despise and want dead.
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Smart and highly enjoyable take on the slasher genre
kannibalcorpsegrinder15 October 2017
Living in a small-town, teenage best friends who run an online site obsessed with real-life death want to create their own story to capitalize on the buzz their site creates in the aftermath of a string of deaths and try their own hand at the style where no one is safe when they're done.

This was quite the fun and enjoyable effort. One of the film's finest points is the fact that there's a rather large connection to the way it absorbs modern society in the current day and age. This one starts off immediately with this type of brazenly modern social media-obsessed culture where the girls set their trap and knock out the supposed killer before taunting him with their lingo and fan- girl mindset that gives them the appearance of being quite in-depth with modern society. That this one features them so continuously on their blog, focusing on hashtags and getting their posts out onto the world that it delves so deeply into the modern world that it resonates incredibly well due to that factor. The screens showcasing the different messages or tweets for their work that it furthers this even more, and it manages to give this a really strong stylistic look that gives this one a nice feel. Even with all this work to tie it into the modern culture, there's still the horror elements at present here which are pretty accomplished and manage quite a lot to like. The initial stalking in the woods at the bridge is a rather straightforward affair, but the remaining scenes are played more for black comedy with the way these teenage girls can overcome and overpower their much larger, more powerful victims gives this a comic edge. From the way in which they start the massacre at the school garage to the ambush at the gym where they take down their biggest obstacle yet, these more horrific scenes intended to be funny give this a strong and overall like to like feel when coupled with the rather enjoyable technological connections. The finale at the prom manages to generate a lot of fun by really letting loose with a fun time while offering the more action-packed stalking and chasing to come full-circle while also giving the film a really engaging and strong finish which is quite a rousing way to finish. These here manage to give this one a lot to really enjoy while it does have a few minor issues to be had here. While it does generate a lot to like, there's a few flaws here. The most noticeable issue is the fact that there's no accounting for how the police go about their investigation here as there's no reason why they couldn't have figured out who's doing the killings. The fact that they run such a blog at the particular time this occurs gives them such a red flag that it's almost impossible why they're not targeted sooner in the investigation, and it turns even more obvious once they get to the different bodies found around the town. Even more obvious is their cold and callous attitude after everything, and how they always seem to be in the right spot at the right time is way too suspicious to ignore so their antics only seems to be that way in order to keep the film going. Some of the effects-work in the kills look off with the blood-splatter being way too fake, but overall it's not that bad of an issue.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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fun and good movie to watch to pass time
buckeyefanohiostate20 March 2022
I liked this movie and the way it show's how being obsessed with social media is not healthy at all for teens or adults.!!

I loved how clueless the parents are but sadly thats the way a lot of parent and child relationships are parents have no clue what kind of person there child is, all too often parents think there kids are little angels, when in reality there lil demons lol!! This movie isnt the most realistic movie out there so dont go in thinking that but if you can get over some of the logic i think you will enjoy this movie.
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3 stars for the cast alone
russthorn19 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this one 3/10 because I think the cast is just excellent. It's a shame they are all thrown together in such a mediocre film.

I have read various reviews for this film and I just have to admit that I don't get it. I'm not sure if these girls are supposed to be likable. Are we supposed to root for them? Admittedly through most of the film they are killing off people who aren't that nice at all.... In that case I wasn't feeling much sympathy for the victims but I still found the two leads to be obnoxious. Again, this is all about the characters as I think the actors were phenomenal.

My big complaint comes from the ending and I'm discussing spoilers so read at your own risk....

I wasn't a fan of the revelation that they murdered the mother of the main guy and then after telling him this they murdered him too. He was a decent guy. Not very bright, but decent nonetheless.... And then to show his father outside the school crying out for his son while the girls sit outside and mockingly watch him just felt so unnecessarily cruel. I mean here is a guy who has literally lost his family because of them. Was it meant to be funny and I'm just not getting the joke? Perhaps..... I mean a lot of people seem to be loving this movie. The only thing I can figure out is that I just don't get it.

I love dark comedies and I do have a fairly twisted sense of humor but I didn't find anything particularly funny about this movie (aside from the hilarious death at the school involving the saw.) Overall, it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but ultimately it will be a forgettable experience.
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Social media killers
jakapocasni12 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just what we needed to have social media teen killers. I really like movies with female lead actresses. I like about this movie is that it has a lot of plot twists. I enjoy movies that mention other popular or simular movies in the story. And a honorable mention about cinematografy and camera movement, it is such a joy to watch it really. And music its just right I mean couldnt be better bringing joy and entertainment so you dont get bord if you have short atention span. And the ending is just amazing. I hope you will enjoy it as I have, or already did.
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Decent analysis of true crime and social media
shin-zantetsu5 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you are interested in true crime and serial killers then this is a must watch. Very good analysis of our modern culture and obsession with true crime. I didn't know anything about the film before I watched it. I just scanned the synopsis here on IMDB. I think it is a bit over the top just to emphasize the direction we are heading in. But in a few years I can see this actually happening in real life. Highly recommended
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This movie is a tragedy
pedroquintaoo14 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Tragedy Girls tells the story of 2 teenagers obsessed with the social media, they start killing some people to make themselves famous and get more followers in the social media.

I really love horror movies, this one has great points as the direction, the soundtrack, cinematography, the references to some horror movies,... However is ruined by the two crazy narcissists main characters, they're stupid and annoying girls, I really wanted to enter inside my screen and slap their faces because they were killing innocent people. I can say they are two of the worst and most hateful characters I've seen in a film.

Even with the character problem, I enjoyed Tragedy Girls and I wished to see someone killing that stupid assassins, but the ending was just stupid, they killed everybody and they became heroes because the people in their town think they're the survivors to the high school massacre. I really hate movies where the evil wins, but in this case the evil didn't win, the stupidity won and also ruined a cool movie.

This film gives the lesson that followers and likes on the social media are important and we should do everything to get famous even kill people. Damn, this is ridiculous.

Rating: 3.5
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this was a really bad idea
reverend_rapture24 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film annoyed the hell out of me. i barely made to the end of it. i see some people enjoyed it and rated it positively. they said it's a twist on the slasher genre, so i guess that justifies everything. there's a scene where a student stabs a teacher and then slashes her throat. there's a scene where the two main characters lock in and set on fire all the kids on the prom night. and in the end they are rewarded for their acts, get a scholarship, or something and they drive off to the sunset together. and i guess bunch of people had no problem with that cause alexanbra shipp is hot, and brianna hildebrand looks fairly attractive with hairstyle she has in the movie. someone made this film in the country where school shootings happen almost on annual basis. imagine how kids from Parkland High would feel after watching this film. director practically asks them to laugh with and root for his teen psycho characters. the lesson of this film is just evil. i can't believe someone funded this morbid shit. there's literally a scene where one of the psycho girls falls in love with a boy, and directors makes it seem like she will choose him and normal life, before she hangs him and watches him die. oh yeah, and the girls murdered his mother and them used him for editing videos for their blog. i hope i don't need to point out more examples from this film for you to get how disgusted the whole thing made me feel. i hope the flicks team reads my review and gets ashamed of their work. i demand the director apologize for his work. i demand all the copies of this crap be destroyed and the movie forgotten. watch instead 'american psycho', film that doesn't glorify its psycho character and ask you to root for him
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