Nina Needs to Go (TV Mini Series 2014– ) Poster

(2014– )

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arielsiere20 May 2022
Is this show using a lot of toilet humor just like Sanjay And Craig, Breadwinners, Fanboy And Chum Chum and Pig Goat Banana Cricket i used to watch this show since february 17th 2014, i think it got cancelled in 2017 or something.
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Not my cup of tea
wikizolotar12 November 2018
So, I'd like to make it clear already at the start: it's fine if you or kids like the show, I just can't personally get into it. To avoid of the anger of the fans - this is NOT the absolutely worst of the trash, but it's not a precious gem either.

Also, keep in mind, that this is ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINION & I'm glad you liked it.

The animation is OK. It's not very ugly, but I wouldn't call it especially artistic either. The style kinda reminds me of "Peppa Pig", with a prettier coat of paint and nicer character designs. All in all, the animation isn't outright bad, however it doesn't mean I haven't seen better. The effects totally work, to the show's credit.

I can't put my finger on the voice acting. It's pretty good. It might not be on "Avatar: The Last Airbender" level, but it's not ear-grating at least. Hey, they talk like normal people! The dailoge isn't painfully bad or gibberish.

My biggest problem with the show is how abstract and non-sense the it is. Now, "RedaKai" or "MonSuno" weren't super normal, but they were imaginative , entertaining and clever (I know they have foul reputation, but still, I love them). But back to "Nina needs to go!", it's also boring to me, inspite of being fast-paced & motion-packed. Well, the creators were at least trying, but this isn't it yet. Not for too long. So, in conclusion, "Nina needs to go!" is not a great show, but not garbage either. 3\10 for now.
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Dumb Cartoon with harmful message
roxanasanchez10 December 2015
As a parent with a child that is potty trained, I found this cartoon to be more harmful than anything else. Nina has no learning curve what so ever. Every episode ends with her saying she had learned her lesson and she will not wait, but then here comes another episode where she repeats the same mistake of NOT listening to her body and holding it until it's too late. This is not teaching children to listen to their bodies, it's teaching them to hold it until they are about to pee themselves because the adults will do magical things to make sure they get to the potty. Anyone that thinks this show is anything but awful should be put in a crowded space with hard to find bathrooms and given a child who is about to pee themselves. It's not fun and nothing magical happens to get you to the bathroom faster. It's made even worse when the child is intentionally holding it until the last possible moment because "that's what Nina does!". The creators of this show should be made to wash ALL the pee covered clothing from all the kids unfortunate enough to live in the real world where magic rocket shoes do not exist.
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Don't let your kids watch it...(contains spoiler)
mk-5225612 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously don't is all a nasty marketing-plan of Pull-ups to increase "wet accidents" and sell more diapers. It makes kids (even potty trained ones) wait until the last minute, following the example of Nina, but in the end they wet themselves. Closest example is a family friend's kid.She was fully potty trained, but recently she started holding herself and then shouting "I NEED TO GO", like Nina does and having "wet accidents" all over again. This show is just a no no, trust me... Better give your child something good and educational to watch or do something creative rather than watch this show...Honestly...
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😩Most controversial show that aired on Disney Junior☹️
bigg346923 June 2016
Nina Needs to Go! is about a four year old girl named Nina who has a overactive imagination who always tries to "hold it" until the last possible minute when her Ninja Nana arrives to save the day and gets her to the potty.

Truly this is one of the most awful and controversial shows ever to air on Disney Junior. Nina's Parents (especially her mom) act like a couple of morons not assisting to their daughter's needs and how in blue blazes does "Ninja Nana" appears or knows when Nina needs to go?

Some of the more stupider episodes are: The Play, where Nina dress as a boulder and her mom forces her son (who was wearing a lobster costume with the arms in a upright position) by using a icy cold stare on him to take Nina to the facilities (which was in the other side of the school).


Camping: where Nina's family was camping in the Great Outdoors (and forgetting the camping Port-a-Potty) and Nina gets paranoid about the forest critters "watching" her go potty in the open until Ninja Nana arrives wearing a ridiculous hat with antlers (and surprised that she didn't got shot by the hunters) and having the forest critters building a outhouse for her!

Many parents and grandparents are upset about this show due to its "monkey see,monkey do" mantra and their young ones are imitating Nina and having "accidents".

Now they got this mind rotting garbage airing between the 7:30 am & 8 am showing of Doc McStuffins and I rather be watching the crazy comical adventure of Molang and Piu Piu on Disney Junior on the Disney Channel. West instead! In conclusion Disney should take this idiotic show off the air because it doesn't make any sense at all!
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Possibly the worst preschool show ever!
MilkTheCouch31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show is perhaps the worst preschool show on the planet! It's annoying, repetitive, disgusting, and dumbs down the brain. I would have rather spent the 20 minutes I spent watching this show watching two episodes of a better show. This is about a little girl named Nina who has to pee everywhere she is and gets there thanks to her Nana. Nina has an annoying voice and looks ugly! She also gets what she wants all the time and is such as spoiled brat. Not only that, there's too much potty humor in it. This show makes the Animaniacs episode "Potty Emergency" look like Kevin Meaney's "Cheesecake Boat" sketch, and we're talking about a six-minute cartoon that's also about a character who has to pee, and I had to shut that off after 2 minutes. I agree with my teacher who wouldn't let his daughters watch this show, along with many other parents-it's a horrible influence on toddlers, but toddlers still like it. Did you know that this show got higher ratings than SpongeBob when it still aired? Oh, and the toddlers who watch it also wet their pants more often because they think Nana will come to take them to the toilet in time when they really need to. If you don't want to see this short, CHANGE THE CHANNEL at the end of the 9:00AM episode of Doc McStuffins on weekdays and the 9:55AM showing of Sofia The First, or watch the Disney Junior channel, which recently canned the short for "Can You Teach My Alligator Manners?" and "Tasty Time With ZeFronk", two better short shows. If anyone is curious and wants to watch this, please don't. I lost more brain cells watching this than any horrible show and scored low on tests in school because of it. I'm unsubscribing to Disney Junior's YouTube and not watching a single episode of this ever again!
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Why does this show even exist?
bfggggggg12 August 2019
Such a concept of a whole show about a little girl trying to go to the bathroom is just retarded and dumb. First of all, in most of the settings she could just go in the environment around her like the woods and the pool. Even the jokes aren´t even funny, they´re more immature. This show shouldn´t be a thing
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the most awful and controlversial show on disney jr. show ever
makulskidarek5 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I cant belive this show is on my TV. Why those this show existes i hate this show so much. Dont let you kids watch this piece of garbage, because it teaches preschoolers to go to the restroom. pls end my suffering disney jr. cancel this show NOW.
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Who you gonna call? AGENT NANA!
Aleta_Nook12 March 2021
Okay first off, why does this show exist? How could you make something as simple as going to the bathroom a freaking story/adventure? Every episode is the exact same thing just in different locations. Like child, who cares if the animals watch you? They pee in the forest all the flipping time. Who cares if people are in your way, just GO AROUND THEM? Why do you have to call Miss Godly Nana who's basically the show's deus-ex-machina, too fit for her old age every time you need to go? Her family should just take their child to the bathroom before they get in line/on a car ride/at a race/camping. Plus Nina lies all the time about not needing to go, why can't her family see through her after 12 episodes of her lying?

Even worse, parents have reported that their children have started holding in their pee thinking Nana might come and take them on a grand adventure! Not to mention all the thrill rides Nina goes on would cause her to pee, why is she ok with this?

This show is the Caillou of modern tv!

It's unfunny, boring, random, and stupid. The only positive is the voice acting is decent though Nina's may have sounded unfitting at times.
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From a 6 year old
tqlrse-956-22150024 March 2022
Well all the bad reviews did you actually ask your child if they liked watching it cause mine does and that is what the show is for a child not an adult so I do understand why all these bad reviews. My twins love the show and it teaches them not to wait.
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Not at all that bad as far as kid's stuff goes
tristella197612 November 2014
First of all... IT'S A KID'S PROGRAM!! For crying out loud people.. kids like simple, action, colors, etc... and for anyone who has potty trained a toddler, you know that kids "need to go" at the most awkward of times.. This short portrays how today's families are too.. mom and dad are slightly clueless (like the first reviewer) and Nana comes to the rescue.. it's the message at the end of the short that is most important.. listen to your body and don't wait to go. It's not any worse or better than many of the other shorts or shows for kids. And as for comparing it to Spongebob, there is no comparison.. Spongebob is uneducational.. there is learning in repetition.. there is no obscene "potty humor" in Nina needs to go.. this is one of the few things that makes my 18 month old sit and watch.. very little gets and keeps his attention.. I rate this only a 7 out of 10 simply because I'm not super fond of it myself, but I do approve of it for my kid..
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simplemente no es buena serie
songokuman14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nina es una niña de 4 años (supongo) que cuando le preguntan si tiene que ir dice que no pero al final dice que si y va al baño con su abuela, al final solo es para los mas pequeños de la casa

PD: solo tiene un buen concepto pero no puedo decir lo mismo de los personajes y la trama.
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No. Just No.
Jace_the_Peanuts_Fan27 December 2023
I'd have to agree with what many other reviews say about this short series: it has a harmful message and a protagonist who makes the same mistake over and over again. I went on this page to see if there are any other people who feel the same way about Nina Needs to Go as me, and I thought I'd point out its problems if nobody else would, but most of the reviewers mention some of the same thoughts on it I have.

The main problem I have with this is the plot. In every episode, the protagonist, Nina, is in public with her parents, and she doesn't have to use the bathroom at first, but she always has to go a minute later, hence the title. At first, she is in a crowded space, which makes it hard for her to get to the bathroom on time, but she always makes it on time with the help of her Nana, who happens to be a ninja. After Nina is done, she always says, "That will never happen again, because now I know, don't wait to go." Despite this, the same thing always happens again in the next episode, as if Nina didn't learn her lesson before, and she never listens to her body. Also, sometimes it's best to wait to go to the bathroom if one can hold it. Every episode feels the same. I think just because a show is formulaic doesn't mean it sucks, but formulaicness is beaten to the ground here. The only differences between all the episodes are that Nina and her family are always in a different place, and the title character comes across different things that remind her of the bathroom. Nina Needs to Go would've worked better as a one-off short.

Most of the characters have little to no personality, and very little is known about them. All we know about them is their names, their family positions, Nina always feels the need to use the restroom, and Nana is a very talented ninja. The latter is the only good character. Enough said.

Whatever you do, don't watch Nina Needs to Go. Surprisingly, there's no toilet humor in it, but that's not enough for me to like it. If you're looking for a show to help potty train your kid, this isn't the one.
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It's an enigma
registroseisquintodos15 February 2023
I can't decide if this show is good or not. On one hand, it's an awful tool for parents, as it could cause kids to wet themselves if they imitate the titular Nina, yet on another, I could see this entertaining kids, maybe even teaching them. All of the episodes follow a set structure, so I wouldn't recommend binging, yet because of the short length, you could probably watch it in an hour. The art the direction is a bit generic, but suitable for the target audience. The characters are eh, I probably enjoy Nina the least and her brother the most. The 5 special episodes are unique, yet still flawed like the first 15. I don't know if I love this show, I don't know if I hate this show, it is truly an experience. Please give it a watch, even if only ironically.
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mariaraluca-195901 November 2020
Disney was like: hey u know potty jokes right? yeah the unfunniest a joke can get. lets make a whole series about it
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This show has changed my life
hendrik-8049219 October 2018
As a 26 year old dude this makes me feel better about my own struggles to time my bathroom visits. I know I'm not alone. It is very suspenseful and very addictive. I find myself watching it for hours per sitting. 10/10 wish i could rate higher!
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Ignore the pretentious haters
cbeary-5564910 February 2021
This is a cute show. It's about a little girl who needs to use the restroom at the most inconvenient times. Just like every child I have ever known. Her grandmother swoops in to save the day in a very magical imaginative way. It's cute, fun and delivers the simple message of "don't wait to go." What's not to love.
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