VooDoo (2017) Poster


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What was that accent supposed to be exactly?
joseph-masalsky13 June 2017
I kept seeing this film showing up in "Best Horror Movies of the Year" type lists and in comments here on IMDb. I'm not sure what film they were watching, but this one does not live up to their praise.

Samantha Stewart does not come off as a terrible actress except when she is trying to (occasionally) put on a Louisiana accent. It sounds different every time and was confusing why the filmmaker even bothered, except to maintain a connection to voodoo.

This is another "found footage" style film, which is becoming synonymous with "we couldn't afford to hire an actual camera man". Where it makes sense, this style can add a first person creep factor, but does anyone actually believe that someone running for their life from supernatural entities would take the time to keep picking up the camera and putting it down in advantageous locations to capture the action?

The special effects and bit players here appear to have been borrowed from a Halloween haunted house. If you have ever been to one, you have seen enough of these rubber dismembered body parts to spot them immediately. Once the heavy effects and action kick in, any creepiness that was built up in the first half of the film is lost and I just found myself wondering how long I would have to endure the goings on.
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farchettiensis26 May 2017
A vulgar, poorly made, poorly executed, poorly conceived, sort of first person horror movie. It beats me why it has received some incomprehensibly high ratings. My suppositions are that the heavy imagery and portrait of "hell" has generated shock among viewers, who have appreciated the prolonged and dense succession of scenes in such environment; my other guess is that some movies inherently receive higher ratings due to some element that does not concern the movie's content itself. For example, if a movie imitates iconic, consecrated, forms of horror, rendering homages, it usually predispose viewers who appreciate these references to rate them higher than they actually deserve. That is clearly the case with The House of the Devil (2009), an absolutely mediocre movie which imitates 80's, early 90's horror, giving it an aura of cult; it is also the case of The Void (2016).

Having said that, my view is that VooDoo is very bad movie. I am a horror movie veteran; I don't mind gore, heavy imagery, as I see them as instruments (among many others) to elicit typical horror emotions/responses. The problem is the artificial use of instruments: this happens if the instrument is an end in itself. You replace plot, drama, acting, for cheap instruments to elicit responses that cannot otherwise be provoked due to the general mediocrity of the movie. The skillful use of soundtrack in horror movies can contribute enormously to its quality; however, if it is used for the sake of cheap scares, it becomes and end in itself and artificial resource. In VooDoo, this is the case with the second part of the movie.

The movie has no proper unity. The two clearly distinguishable parts of the movie are almost independent. The build-up is too long, as is too long, or simply inapt, the scenes that take place in the otherworldly dimension. This may have been on purpose, an attempt to portrait a state of continuous despair/suffering. The elements that compose this movie (mystery, horror, shock, gore, tension, drama) are not properly distributed.

The portrait of the evil entities is quite laughable. If you don't have the resources to transform your vision into reality, it is better to be subtle. Also, the prolonged exposition to the entities makes evident their shlock make-up.

On the other hand, this movie simply does not make any sense. It is not proportional (such a response to the victim does not make sense in any level; it is not plausible, if you like). Voodoo, mind you, is an African religion. Yet, the entities, their way of acting, the environment, evoke the stereotypical Christian views of evil. One may argue that voodoo was modified in America. However, it is still immensely incoherent.

In sum, I do not recommend the movie. I usually have a high tolerance for horror movies, being my favorite genre of movies. But I cannot recommend this movie on any level. It is a bad movie on the whole, and it is a bad, unimaginative, horror movie. I never cease to be amazed at writers' lack of imagination in portraying evil. 3/10, and I think this is rather generous. Very amateurish.
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The good, the bad and the "meh"
elsa-629732 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I have to say that I really wanted to like this movie, it seemed promising and refreshing.

I'll start with the good parts: the first actual scare (which is the one all the promo is based on) is really good, no need for loud noises it is a good and effective scare. Then the first appearance of the "shadow figure with red eyes" is also something that made me go "oh it might actually be good". The idea of the main character going into hell and seeing all these tortures and creatures was also a good idea, good idea not well treated except for that Satan sex scene which was actually a fun and disturbing scene.

Then the bad parts: the opening scene is never talked about again in the movie, it's good to show a cool and creepy scene but you need to do something with it otherwise it has no purpose other than to be there. Another big problem for me is that you don't get attached enough to the main character because you don't know enough about her, they just throw sad facts about her at you in order to make you sad when something bad happens to her but it doesn't work. And finally the biggest problem for me is that they show too much, the hellish creatures were a really good idea but you see them way too clearly and often, every time they did something cool they made it last too long and the scary effect wasn't there anymore (also the ending scene was kind of shitty and predictable).

Overall it was a decent movie, there were some really good ideas but sadly they weren't executed well,still it did have its entertaining moments but it definitely wasn't a masterpiece.
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I was tricked!
Kemical_Fenix17 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, possible spoiler

After seeing the trailer for Voodoo I couldn't wait to see the movie, looked awesome...Well it turns out they made a great trailer out of a horrible film! I gave it 2 stars for originality and concept, but pretty much everything other aspect was BAD. The dialogue and build up was drawn out & monotonous, special effects were terrible, and the found footage style was lame because who was holding the camera during her tour through hell!? It reminded me a bit of As above So below, which was a really good movie. So overall I'd say it was just a big waste of time!
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swindonfc8525 February 2017
I began watching the film with low expectations....these expectations were not met. I understand that many horror directors, actors etc have previously worked in the porn industry, I really wish these people had never left it and judging by the lack of effort in the screenplay department I'm guessing they aren't aware they ever did leave. No story, terrible acting, terrible dialogue and filmed, at least sometimes, with a shaky cam for literally no reason at all. I was honestly bored through almost all of it. Thought from the trailer it at least might be fun but it really wasn't. No redeeming qualities. Avoid like the plague.
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Saxone8725 February 2017
If you enjoy watching a movie with no dialogue, no flow or even connections through out this is the movie for you. I am generally a fan of bad movies but this went beyond bad to utter disappointment. The majority of the dialogue in the last 30 minutes is continuous screaming and crying. There are several plot holes and a lot of the script either doesn't make sense or is meaningless. Extremely random scenes and character castings that don't collate with the original scenes at the start of the movie. To finish it of a diabolical ending. Real shame
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Oh dear!
jmhoward-383686 March 2017
Well what can I say this film was so bad I have been compelled to give it a review! Its a mess, it's an awful mess of a film that doesn't get going, spends ages building a lack of a plot and finishes with possibly the worst ending of any film ever. I didn't give it one star for the simple reason it made me laugh on a few occasions! But don't get me wrong it tries to take itself seriously, some horrors understand they are not great and take a poke at themselves, this is worse than that.

Whoever did the makeup and special effects needs to choose a different profession, the found footage style doesn't work at all. Rubbish!
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Pile of crap
ghostberry25 February 2017
I love found footage. But this is some demented drivel. I watched it because I was tired, and had nothing better to do. Be warned - it's complete crap. The dialogues are forced and rushed. First half of the movie is constant talking, and hammy acting. The second half is screaming and sniveling. The ending is ridiculous. All those 10 ratings this so-called movie received are fake. Probably from all the suckers that were involved in the movie. I'm giving it a generous 1 of 10.
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If you liked original evil dead
daviddelamancha11 March 2017
Seriously I was not expecting a movie to go down such a depraved path but it did and there's some genuine creepy parts aside from the grotesque descent into what seems like hell. Like the original Evil Dead, the acting is bad and though the special effects lack, that is what makes it work. I get the horror junkies not liking this cuz it lacks more depth or whatever they crave but it's horror and it did what it was meant to do. I had a girl peaking at the movie while I watched it and she went into the other room cuz it freaked her out. Entities with red eyes are something no one wants to see in their room. It's a slow starter and they could've cut out some scenes but I did appreciate the back story as to why this happens to the main character. Also reminded me of the recent Turkish horror movie, Baskin. VooDoo was a sliver better imo.
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Another movie with a poor ending
topcar24 February 2017
I'm getting fed up with modern movies starting off really good and then either not having an ending or the ending is poor and this is another one of those movies. Voodoo movie started really well and I thought this will be a good movie but at half way the movie changed and went downhill fast, so the first half was 6/10 and then the last half was really poor with a poor ending hence my score 3/10
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horrorfan-508006 March 2017
WTF?!! - It's been over 3 hours since I seen this sick ass movie and I'm still trippin'. What this girl goes through in this movie is some sick ass twisted insanity topped with a sprinkle of S+M. Did NOT expect this. Don't be like me. I just go through the new movies and rent em and don't expect anything to affect me but this one affected me. If you let this movie get in your head you gonna be fukd up. The beginning sucked me in, the few scary parts in the beginning were effective, then you go to hell in the blink of an eye and experience what this movies about. You've been warned! The beginning's got a good story. Watch it till you see the dude with the red eyes and turn that movie off or don't and then don't sleep till god knows when because you won't be able to turn it off after that. It's like 'what's gonna happen next' and you can't turn away. It's just crazy.
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Not quite entertaining
Kanzaki_ken25 August 2021
As my title says, but somehow I watched it till the end and keep knowing what will happen .the two female lead is somehow engaging. 7.7/10 . I line up this film like Gonjiam, The Devils Due and The Quiet Ones . They have the same genre.
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Awful beyond words
trutrevallo8 March 2017
Out of the huge list of everything horrible about this movie, what tops the cake is Dani crying and screaming so damn much it was intolerable. This film was super low budget and it shows immensely through the acting, makeup, plot etc. I advise people to not waste their time watching it if you're a true horror movie fan.
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begob25 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
During a boozy vacation at her cousin's place in Hollywood a sweetheart dabbles in her voodoo heritage and summons up demons from the past.

First person POV horror that starts with a ropey opening sequence but settles into a naturalistic best-buds tour of the low rent attractions of LA. The actors are pretty good, creating sympathetic characters, and the dialogue trickles along in a well paced set up.

The back story seems over ambitious, and about half way through suspicions are confirmed as the concept hits a brick wall. The first warning sign comes in an over-egged night-vision fright at about 20 mins, which shows an insensitivity to true horror. Then comes the final stoner hallucination sequence, which is obviously a labour of love but about as horror as the cover art of an '80s metal album - poorly structured and barely relevant to the set up. Also quite prudish, with almost zero skank in the exploitation scenes. In the end I wasn't bothered about figuring out if we'd come full circle on the opening sequence.

Set design for that final sequence is elaborate, but the most interesting element is the sound, with lots of hellish voices and insectoid effects.

Overall: Plenty of effort spent on a weak concept.
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End was best part of the entire movie
davydijkstra28 April 2017
voice acting of 2 main characters was terrible maybe some acting help from a pro in accents would make it worthwhile but overall the movie is annoying mostly due too the terrible accents they try too mimic but the end is some what worth watching but overall try too avoid because movie is terrible waste of time
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Don't watch this movie
iiss-026221 August 2017
I just saw the Bye Bye Man, which is a really terribly made and poorly directed movie filled with actors who can't perform. There's little redeeming quality to that piece of "film", plus there's a ton of information out there already on YouTube and movie review sites about it, it's not worth my time to repeat what the critics and independent movie reviewers have said about it. Now onto this piece of crap. The reason why I choose to review Voodoo is because the first half of the movie is unexpectedly intriguing and well shot. The movie begins with some voodoo demon worshiping ritual with a woman stabbing this already lifeless body. The screen fades to black and then we see the main protagonist lady arriving at LA and recording the entire trip on her camera. Let me refer to her as long-hair. Long-hair stays with her cousin, which I will now refer to as short-hair, and a bunch of roommates in a dark creepy house during her trip. The cousins go out celebrating their reunion and meets Ron Jeremy (a famous movie star with special talents in the adult industry, if you have no clue who he is). Everything goes well until poop hits the fan, first a psychic sees long-hair and senses she's got something insidious vibe going on, then her ex-boyfriend calls her on the phone to inform her that she's cursed. It is revealed early in the movie that long-hair dated this dude who's married and has an unforgiving wife who is able to practice witchcraft and put spells on people. The wife found out that the husband was cheating on her with long-hair, she got super mad and cursed long-hair. So far so good, and the two leading actresses are doing a fine job. In the first half, long-hair accidentally set her camera on night-vision and she's surrounded by spooky looking spirits that can only be captured on a camera. I thought that was one interesting way to sneak in some scary scene. My problem begins with the second half of the movie, which turns into complete chaos. One night, long-hair is disturbed by some loud noise downstairs and she goes to investigate. Then all hail (a note to IMDb if you're reading this, was this the "prohibited word" that I couldn't use? What is the definition of "prohibited words"? You have to clearly include it in your guidelines so your users don't spend an hour editing their movie reviews and scratching their heads about which words are naughty, Kay?) breaks loose, somehow she is dragged into this demon world and tortured by all the evil spirits. The camera is still rolling at this point and long-hair is right there in the frame, I guess I need to give this demon camera person some credit for doing an amazing job. The two halves don't mesh together at all and feel like two totally different movies. Plus the demon world is very incompetently captured. Where does it even come from? What kind of witchcraft is that? How can one person summon twenty demons all at once? Do these demons not have anything else going on, like scaring and haunting other families? The second half is a full-on demon festive, unbelievable. I guess the movie sends out two messages: one, don't be dating dudes who're married to crazy evil women; and second, it's not that hard to conjure up a bunch of demons at the same time (look at other movies, one freaking demon is usually enough to screw up the entire family, can you feel what long-hair is enduring in this movie?).
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Tf did I just see???
asgaroth66616 January 2019
Seriously, I am gonna sue them for the theft of my time watching this thing.
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I wish I could give zero stars.
mat123-14 February 2019
Garbage. It looks like a really bad play. They even lack blood in the scenes. And the whole "found footage"will never work anymore. Just drop it.
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sarahbaldik5 June 2020
I guess the people who made this movie were unaware that there is no hell in Voodoo? The special effects looked like they came from the Halloween Superstore
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Beats the hell outta me
jconte-4339327 February 2017
I'm not exactly a low budget indie horror person but this movie struck a chord. It's one of the better horror movies I've ever seen and it's very low budget. The images are shocking. The story was engaging. It ended with a bang (literally). I did not expect 10% of what I saw and I dug that...so much. I read a review in the LA Times that said this movie brought something new to found footage and that's on the money. Well, well done.
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Are you kidding???
africe10 January 2020
Worst movie in a long time. These high ratings have to be put up by cast and crew. It was horrible. Really? Needed the devil for the rape scene? This movie was bad beyond any standard
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Tries too hard and ultimately over-does it
redban0213 March 2022
The movie begins slowly, with basically little happening in the first 45 minutes except some partying and friendly bantering. Around the 45-minute mark, however, the movie begins the horror, and here, the movie suffers from various flaws .... firstly, the costumes / designs are weak; secondly, the entire second half essentially becomes a long torture session, which starts to drag on (the lead actress just keeps screaming and screaming to the point of annoyance); thirdly, the movie just seems to pile on whatever random gore / disturbing scenes they can think of

I would avoid this movie.
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Gory horror film
ashtay-4342624 February 2017
Much better than the Blair witch project. Kept me on my toes. Not bad for a first time film maker. May go and see again. if you like gory horror then this is the one. fresh new acting talent is always fun to see I would definitely recommend to everyone over 18 Guys this movie will have your woman hanging all over throughout the movie.
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linda-54671-5224525 February 2017
Just wow. This movie is INSANE. I'm not going to talk about what happens. I went in with my boyfriend because he wanted to go and I had no idea what it was about. You should do the same. I was FLOORED by what happens in this crazy f#$%ing movie. For a little indie film it's a solid 10.
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This movies on another level.
sudheerrao3312 March 2017
There's something about a good horror film that resonates with you when it's done right and that's what this movie did to me. The story here is what it is, a story. And I appreciated it as I got into it. So much that by the time the movie got to hell and all the nutty stuff started happening I actually felt really, really bad for this girl. If it wasn't for the beginning of the movie I don't know if it would've had the same impact on me. The hell stuff, well, I'm a horror person, so that's why I watched it in the first place and that didn't disappoint in the least :) If you dig crazy stuff like Baskin and Saw you'll love this. It's not gory actually thinking back, but it's way effective. This is in my top 5 for 2017 so far for sure.
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