Escaping the Prophet (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

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Real People Making A Real Difference
shirley-13126 February 2014
"Breaking the Prophet" is not only a TV program, it is a moving force in educating the public in horrific abuses happening here and now in the name of "religion". The courage that the people, Flora and Brandon and their team, demonstrate every day to help get victims out of this abusive lifestyle is to be commended. They deserve our respect, and our support. TLC has the potential to be a huge player in exposing this "lifestyle" for what it is - a horrible, mind-controlled, abusive-in- every-facet, crime.

The three episodes that aired were real. The people they helped rescue were real. I know Flora and Brandon and team are still doing the work - courageously and selflessly, but they don't need to be doing it alone. "Breaking the Prophet" needs to continue to be aired, to garner more and more awareness. With awareness comes, knowledge, and with knowledge comes power - the power to make a change.

We cannot allow this type of abuse to continue. TLC cannot, in good conscience, allow it to continue either.

I have confidence in TLC to do the right thing here, and bring back "Breaking the Prophet".

Here are some important online information to educate you on what this program is all about, and ways to add your voice to help end this crime, and to bring back "Breaking the Prophet" which is a huge moving force in this endeavour.

Tell TLC how you feel about them cancelling "Escaping the Prophet" on their message boards. Go to TLC, "Escaping the Prophet - The Road Isn't Easy".

Tell Corporate Discovery (TLC's parent company) how you feel via their online contact form. You can find it on their website under "contact".

Check out the website "Child Protection Project" to find ways you can get involved.

Tweet your opinions using the hashtags: #bringbackescapingtheprophet #escapingtheprophet

Join the Facebook group "Escaping the Prophet Revolution".

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.
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Missing Escaping The Prophet!
rose-mclaughlin1 February 2014
I really admire Flora Jessop for her courage for standing up to these Polygamist!This is an important show, not just for bringing awareness, or helping those who want out,but helping innocent children who are born into this oppression! I don't believe America Should be in the dark or stand silent,ever when there are children being abused in every way possible. I find incredibly hard to believe this exist in our time. Please air this important show so people are not in the dark any longer.Every person should be educated of what really goes on behind closed doors in polygamist communities.We should all stand up for what is right, & stand against for what is wrong!
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Escaping the Prophet is Important in Many Ways
cabincreek491 February 2014
I'm writing to encourage you to reinstate the program you canceled, "Escaping the Prophet"….which had value even beyond the important topic it covered…that of helping the people of the FLDS get out of the frightening situations they were born into…but "Escaping the Prophet" also showed the courage it takes to get out of any of many different kinds of dangerous relationships and how move to something healthier. There are enough polygamy-is-wonderful shows, in my opinion. "Escaping the Prophet" was more than entertainment…and I thought that that was what The Learning Channel was all about. Please. "Escaping the Prophet" has an important message and shows more clearly what the polygamy is truly about.
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"Escaping the Prophet" (2013)
sashacat9725 February 2014
This TV Show is a mega smash hit out of the park home run! Flora Jessops and Brandon Jeffs are magnificent. The fight against polygamy needs to be told loud and clear. The practice must end! The abuse,rape,sodomy against women and children and the inbreeding which has caused major disorders must be told. When they go into Colorado City to rescue these women forced into marriage and living in terrible conditions just breaks my heart. America needs to know these crimes are happening each and every day.This amazing show shows the viewing public what polygamy is really about. It is not about nice fancy homes where the women all get to dress in the fashions of the day; where the kids get a good education and carry on to college. It is about the subjugation of women; the rape of young girls; the sodomy of little boys; total control; torture; killing; babies born with severe genetic defects, and other horrors. These are the true facts, and they are facts that the world NEEDS to know about. Those who fight the horrors of polygamy on a daily basis need the rest of the world to know what is going on, and that is one way to stop it.
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Escaping the Prophet should never have been pulled
just_mee_5925 February 2014
"Escaping the Prophet" was hope for so many of us who are fighting to live normal lives after leaving or trying to leave one of these cults. It is incredible to me that abuse and a blatant disregard of laws of this magnitude can go on unhindered in the United States. Religious freedom should not give free license to physically, emotionally, sexually and spiritually abuse men women and children with impunity. It is nice that you want people to accept alternative lifestyles but with these alternative lifestyles should come responsibility to others and the laws of the United States. These laws are being ignored because those who live polygamy believe that by living a "higher law" they should not be held accountable for crimes that would otherwise not be overlooked. "Escaping the Prophet" gave the public a chance to learn about, consider and hopefully do something about what is happening in the United States under the guise of religion.
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Bring Back Escaping The Prophet
mickask2 February 2014
Escaping the Prophet brought badly needed national awareness to the FLDS cult in Colorado City, AZ and Hilldale, UT. This is a polygamist cult that victimizes women and children every day and is still being run by an individual who is currently serving a life sentence for statutory raping two of his wives that were below the age of consent. The program follows Flora and Brandon--two ex cult members who express a deep concern about the people who either still live in the cult or are struggling with scars of the abuse they experienced. They keep it real. Unlike a lot of other sanitized versions of shows, there isn't always a happy ending.

Escaping the Prophet is intelligent, riveting programming with a serious message that needs to be shared. It is unfair that it got sidelined after only 3 episodes, Please bring it back and let the nation see the real struggles which take place there.
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Escaping the Prophet is an excellent & timely series!
lindakpforsyth1 February 2014
What a fine program this is and is a worthy effort to educate the public and help the victims of FLDS--and all cults--to escape the mind-control, brain-washing & sexual and physical abuse that is so prevalent. Flora Jessop and Brandon Jeffs themselves escaped and clearly still suffer a great deal and continue to suffer knowing that so many babies, children, teenagers, women are still entrapped. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the United States of America & we cannot, must not, continue to turn a blind eye or deaf ear to such crimes & suffering. There is much more to be done. Flora Jessop and Brandon Jeffs are great spokespersons for the victims, including those who can no longer speak. Thank you, TLC--The Learning Channel--for this program. PLEASE KEEP IT GOING!
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The flip side of Reality
authenticself14 March 2014
Flora goes front line, head on, and at great risk to rescue others from a cult. No one knows how to do it better than someone who lived on the inside. Flora speaks for those that do not have a voice still living under the spell of Warren and others like him. She also speaks out and tells the audience the reality of what happens if you do not, "keep sweet." She teaches us as she risks her life to bring freedom to those who want out. This is an example of Polygamy gone bad. I have read many books on this topic and I know friends who went great length to escape this type of lifestyle. The popular side of polygamy would have one believe that this is to be considered a alternate life style, after all the bible references plurality of wives. Yes, this is true as in the case of Abraham; however, ever time it is mentioned in the bible it has negative implications. Flora is brave, kindhearted, and totally focused on helping others not to have to go through what she did.
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amandafickas26 February 2014
No wonder TLC pulled this show! The three episodes that aired were horribly done. Flora Jessop acted like some character out of Terminator. Bullet proof vests and weapons? You could tell that was purely for drama for the show. It was so fake, poorly scripted and did not hold the viewers interest. According to TLC it was pulled because of extremely poor ratings. The script had no depth. The characters were weak. If you are going to attempt to make a show on such a serious and important topic, do it right. Don't try to make a fake "reality" show out of it. Do a documentary movie. Stop trying to capitalize on people's suffering and abuse.
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So Happy Escaping the Prophet is Back
acoble24 March 2015
I'm so happy to see that TLC is finally going to show the entire six episodes of season one of the wonderful program, Escaping the Prophet! The reality side of polygamy needs to be shown to balance out the unrealistic programming of Sister Wives and My Five Wives. The Brown "family" and the Brady "family" have both broken away from their religions because they do not adhere to the strict rules. The Browns had to flee the state to avoid being prosecute for practicing polygamy. The Bradys have also left their "church" because they want to make their own rules. Both families hold what they call "church services" in their own homes with no other people in attendance. Thank you TLC for doing the responsible thing. I am anxious to see Escaping the Prophet season one from beginning to end!
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