"Bones" The Cheat in the Retreat (TV Episode 2013) Poster

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Two Musketeers
Hitchcoc24 February 2023
Cliff Klaven and his wife attend a marriage retreat along with several others. Brennan and Booth go undercover as a lowlife married couple (like they've done before). They are in search of a murderer, of course. For me a significant subplot was Cam facing identity theft. Her good name has practically been ruined by someone. She lets her ego get in the way of the good people at the lab but they have other ideas. Sweets begins to doubt his reason for existing, tiring of the things he does as they explore the cases. There are some really funny scenes, especially at the camp. There are also some touching ones. Not a great episode. But a pretty good one.
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OK, I'm still really pi*sed ...
kols23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
But this episode does what last week's didn't - it miraculously restores B&B's relationship (for me) by transforming The Problem into a joke shared (and the really big point here is shared) by Brennan and Both.

And it does so in a virtually flawless episode (though, if Pelant turns out to be Cam's identity thief, I'll bounce my shoes off my flat-screen).

What really amazes me is that I found it all believable - after last week's episode I didn't think I'd ever be able to regard B&B as a real couple and that their relationship had been irrecoverably tainted.

This episode changed that for me. Perhaps I'm projecting, seeing what I want to see but if it works, fine. Happy to have them back together.

The two plot lines, Cam's identity theft and B&B's undercover at a couple's retreat, play out brilliantly - providing insight into Cam's stubborn independence while, eventually, making her realize she isn't alone, either in her relationship with Arastoo or with the team.

But the undercover at the retreat is the real star: Boris and Wanda even better. Comic in tone, it counterpoints Cam's problems, and provides a perfect platform for obliquely shifting The Problem away from being a relationship killer to the status of an inside joke. As the retreat unfolds, it progresses through a series of skits that are gems (loved the steam-room bit despite hating the brutality of fisticuffs) with a finale that is pure burlesque, pointed references to marriage and secrets peppered throughout.

And the last scene, B&B at home, in robes at the foot of their bed starting an intimacy exercise and ending up as you would expect works better, infinitely better than I thought possible. I bought it.

Normally, I wouldn't drop so many spoilers. In this case, doesn't matter if you know the ending, the watching is the fun.

Still pis*ed and still think Angie should give Booth a swift kick but now pleased as well. (Sorry about the asterisk - IMDb thinks pis*ed is a naughty word and won't allow it).

And amazed by how well the secret-into-joke theme was done.

Finally, an aside re Cheers - Cliff Clavin dropped by (as the male half of an elderly couple in love) and was delightful.
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