Come Out in Jesus Name (2023) Poster

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If you want to get scared watch this movie
married-070243 March 2024
This is a cult, they do not believe in any neurodivergence. They believe almost everything is caused by demons such as cancer, adhd, autism.... If you are not delivered from some of these illnesses, then there is something wrong in your Christian faith. This whole entire movement is only based on fear, mongering control and of course greed. I have been so lovely to experience this first hand. Run as far away as possible from people like this. They will give you a mental illness if you don't have one with all their negativity, fear, hate and conspiracy theories. If you are in a church that supports this please get into a different church. Please don't feel bad about your physical illnesses. Truly read the Bible (New Testament) with open eyes.
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Toxic, culture-led American evangelicalism
parkermatthew-0011115 July 2023
This docu-movie is the latest entry into the ugly movement of loud, self-aggrandising American evangelicalism.

As anyone with a passing awareness of the history of this culture will understand, it is far removed from a scriptural reflection of Christianity. Instead, it places culture ahead of fellowship, church doctrine ahead of holiness, and shouty pseudo-celebrity preachers ahead of Jesus.

Predictably, this project seeks to be an experience for the viewer rather than simply a watch. It tediously but methodically ticks the boxes that have come to define this brand of church, cherry picking bible passages in an attempt to justify cheap, feel-good heresy. Most notably, demonic possession is the tool by which it dabbles in spiritual woo strategies to frighten but assure the more malleable viewer.

One leaves something like this with pity for those who will inevitably be caught up in this kind of abject nonsense. Spirituality for the hard of thinking.
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Cult Rhetoric
namastetony23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This blasphemous Pharisee is the epitome of everything Christ was against. He is a white supremacist who hates and oppresses people of color, a misogynist who treats women as inferior and objects, a homophobe who denies the dignity and rights of LGBTQ+ people, a xenophobe who fears and demonizes immigrants and foreigners, a violence-promoter who incites his followers to attack his enemies and overthrow democracy, a climate-change denyer who ignores the scientific evidence and the moral duty to care for God's creation, a false-prophet who claims to speak for God but twists the scriptures to suit his agenda, a Christian Nationalist who believes that America is and must become a Christian nation and that the government should enforce his version of Christianity on everyone else, a grifter who exploits his supporters for money and power, an adulterous wingnut who leaves his wife fir his secretary, and a MAGA conspiracy theorist who spreads baseless and dangerous theories about the election, the pandemic, and his opponents. He says that demons cause autism and that COVID is fake, despite the overwhelming medical facts and human suffering. He assaults democracy by refusing to accept the will of the people and by undermining the rule of law. He's been off his meds for far too long and he needs to be held accountable for his actions.
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Complete Fraud/Fake Deliverances
shanembarsell25 April 2023
This is such an absolute joke. If you look at EVERY 10 star review they are all by created accounts in March of this year and all have long/very similar reviews as if they were being told what to write. There were no mass deliverances in theaters. Greg Locke is unqualified, a charlatan and only entices anger into his flock. He also says that people who silence and speak against him are witches! Lol Funny because I posted on his facebook page and was blocked and "silenced" so who is the witch here? You have to understand this is purely entertainment and shock value. Jesus did cast out demons but demon activity doesn't happen like it did during his ministry on Earth.
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A new set of men (and one woman) to worship
kurtisjvandermolen12 April 2023
This was a trial balloon 💭 on a new church business model. It was firstly self-glorifying with character development for a new set of church heroes. "Boldly" pushing back on religion, the film religiously exalts Old Testament myth and laser focuses on pseudepigrapha for proof texts of a 'brand new form of ministry'. Yet as long as the focus is inwardly dualistic, it occupies and distracts the mind from the fact that this is a whole new church business model replete with books, merch, and a new mantra. All hail Locke Media, er, and god bless the reinvention of religion bent on and towards hell.
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kjnnhnjtr15 March 2023
Ive been through deliverance, and I've done deliverances. I've shared about deliverance. But this movie has such a beautiful way of explaining it. I personally know people who have changed their mindset because of this movie (for the better). I've seen what this movie did IN THE MIDDLE OF A THEATER! Praise God Pastor Greg had a vision from God and God made it happen!! It was a blessing getting to experience this. And I told my Husband it's a once in a life time experience but now I feel, and believe it's gonna be happening more and more. Praise God for deliverance and educated men and women of God🙌
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nataliehager15 March 2023
This is what the church and the hurting world needs now more than ever. A powerful church doing what Jesus did while he walked the earth. SETTING THE CAPTIVES FREE.

I don't go to the theatre anymore but I went to this amazing documentary this week. And in faith I purchased ten tickets for the April showing so that I can take as many of my family members that will go with me.

Thank you for producing the most powerful documentary ever!!! No one can leave the theatre unchanged. This is Kingdom work in action. I've been receiving deliverance for over ten years for one thing or another and have experiences A LOT of freedom that I couldn't have otherwise. It's something I never understood why it wasn't being done at church services but the explosion of what's taking place now after the showing at this movie deliverance will be taking place EVERYWHERE.
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momppjs15 March 2023
Absolutely phenomenal, Jesus gave me the freedom and peace through Salvation and deliverance I'd been needing and searching for my whole life. I am forever changed and grateful. This documentary of how Deliverance helps to set the captives free is amazing. Thank you Pastor Greg Locke , Gvbc staff as well as the other Pastors and mighty servants for Jesus that made this all possible and allowing the Holy Spirit to work thru you. If you have not seen it or have any doubt get to your nearest theatre on April 10th and 11th And see it. I promise you won't regret it. There will be 0 doubt in your mind once you have.
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Open your eyes
pt-6879815 March 2023
The movie is one of those movies it will make you open your eyes to the reality of what the Bible actually says. Anyone who would deny that is denying the reality of what Jesus actually did, while he walked the Earth. For those who would say that believers can't have demons. You actually have a demon yourself and that's why you're saying that. Although it is true that there are some bad apples out there that would utilize such a thing to make money on it. These men that are in this film, in no way, shape or form or out to gain any attention or money for themselves, but bring all glory to Jesus Christ.
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dmivelaz15 March 2023
Saw movie and once they got to where Pastor Locke was going thru the deliverance manual and the audience started repeating and renouncing the different demonic spirits and witchcraft people started getting delivered. I looked around to see who all was yelling. Got my bible and Annointing oil and walked over to help these people out. People were coughing out spirits and yelling out loud. Multiple people started going to assist the ones being delivered and everyone started praying for them. It wasn't long after we started praying for them that the demonic spirits left these people and they were set free. A couple unbelievers accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. The Power of The Holy Spirit was present and the enemy got whooped. Praise God. Hallelujah. He's The zkimg of zlings and The Lord of Glory.
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stefaniexo15 March 2023
If your looking for freedom and truth here it is!! In Jesus your deepest struggles and strongholds can be broken by the blood of Jesus! This movie was great but the best part was the live stream at the end!! The theater was filled with the holy spirit and it was beautiful to be apart of !!! Many cried and got healing! We prayed together and felt the tangible love of God it was amazing. I highly recommend going and bring your friends! If your looking for truth freedom and the Love of Jesus please open your heart to this movie. It met my expectations and then some. I'm so thankful i got to be apart of it!
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Much Needed Today!
cfgossett15 March 2023
There are so many things to be said about this movie and where to begin isn't easy. We live in a crazy mixed up world and what is needed more than anything is for people to find Jesus and to be delivered of the evils that have tried pulling us all down. This movie proves that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are valid today and are more needed now than ever before. It's time for the Holy Spirit to transform the people of America and the world and this movie can be and is a starting point to get the message across. It's definitely a must see for everyone. People need to go in without any preconceived ideas of what it's about. Go with an open heart in order to receive from God.
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Not a Movie, but a move!!!
chickmom-0337715 March 2023
This movie was an experience! Deliverance broke out in our theater before the movie was even over. It continued well after the movie ended. A group of us were in the hallway of the theater having no desire to leave the move that just happened, and as we sang and worshipped God, there were people coming out of those movies that received salvation. One man was saved and delivered right there and the absolutely radical transformation was incredibly beautiful. There is nothing like freedom from Jesus! I wish I could give this 1000 stars. We have already bought tickets to the 2nd showing & taking friends!
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Loved this movie and was blessed
learnandearnwithanne15 March 2023
Don't listen to thy naysayers. They need Jesus.third moved was spot in biblically true.if this were in the days of Jesus walking on this planet its A typical of how people treated him and so we expect the same Because living a life for Jesus Christ comes with many lashings but eternity in heaven. Many people are set free, I took myself and my 3 youngest kids. We renounced many ugly demons out of our life and whom continue to walk n grow in the goodness of our Lord. If you want freedom from though demons n generational curse! Come to the next showing , give your heart to him Transform your life! Amen.
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God is on the move! So amazing! Must see!
jxpjmkf15 March 2023
This was such a great movie! The entire theater was being set free from oppression, witchcraft, addictions, lust, depression, sickness, and fear. All believers have the authority to cast out demons. Religion needs to get out of the way. Let's make deliverance normal in the church again! God is raising up an army to take back ground that the enemy has stolen from so many people. Take your friends and your family to see this. It is coming out again April 10 and 11th. Don't miss it! I wish all pastors would watch this. You can live in freedom, find a church that believes in deliverance and get help.
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Life changing
onecottagelanellc15 March 2023
Life changing! This movie is for believers and non-believers, if you are saved you really need deliverance, if you are not saved yet, be ready Jesus is calling. Biblically sound teaching, easy to understand, relevant, and desperately needed. Deliverance is life changing, no more addiction, healing, clear thinking, depression lifted, suicidal thoughts gone, understanding the word of God. You will have a spring in your step, a smile on your face and an awesome testimony. I totally recommend this movie! I will be going again asap, and bringing as many friends as I can. Thank you Pastor Greg Locke and Tai Locke for putting your heart into this movie.
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Must see this movie
tracieclarke-5884015 March 2023
Demons are real. Evil Spirits are real. Deliverance IS real. God delivered me from many spirits and one if Satan's strongman demons early on in Pastor Locke's Deliverance Ministry. This movie is very accurate in it's content. God's people need to be free. The movie is amazing. You could feel a true movement of God in that theater. The movie soundtrack is equally amazing. People were being delivered and set free across America at the movie theater. God's hand is moving. God is walking the earth y'all. Go to the movie and be part of His movement. Don't listen to the haters. They need to be set free also.
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Bold, ACTS Church Movement from Pastor Locke and GVBC
lisa-7423115 March 2023
I also applaud the theaters, although driven by the fabulous one-night #4 in the nation box office draw... still they had to make the choice to show such a bold film, and then to have interactive engagment with the audience. All-around, it was amazing. In the Nashville theater I was in at the Opry - there were a dozen distinct manifestations and healing, true deliverance. I imagine the hundreds of people that have witnessed through perhaps doubt, and experience perhaps through complete unbelief a freedom from the chains in their life. Praise God for shaking His Church Awake. Oh, This is Revival.
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A must see movie for everyone
yellowbus-8913116 March 2023
This movie is awesome it is much needed for churches to see a real eye opener definitely going to see it again with family and friends go and see this movie deliverance is much needed Many we're getting delivered in the movie theater where I live and across the United States it was awesome to see God move powerfully through a movie it reminded me when I was a teenager we were at a tent revival the pastor had a satanic Bible from someone who got saved that night he threw it on the ground as soon as the pastor started praying deliverance started happening all over that tent we need more deliverance ministries in churches.
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taliacape16 March 2023
My expectations were already high for this movie but when I saw the premiere in theaters, it went ABOVE AND BEYOND my expectations!!! It still blows my mind that everyone was able to complete this film in 6 months. Praise the Lord for every person in the making of this film and thank you Jesus for letting revival and DELIVERANCE spread across the nation! Let's pray for the WORLD now too! Isaiah Saldivar and Daniel Adams, both reach the younger generation with such HUMBLENESS. Greg Locke's testimony for getting into deliverance ministry instantly softens your heart and God bless Apostle Pagani for what he started here! May this movie spread across the world in Jesus' name and EVERYONE can cast out demons!!!
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He came to set the captives free!!
brookelui16 March 2023
Thank you Pastor Greg Locke and all of the Men of God that had input in this historic film! The theater was sold out in seats and sold out to Jesus Christ! Many were delivered, healed, and set free! We need more of this accurate content spread worldwide! Best theater experience our family has ever had! Mark 16:15-18 states; He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
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tsgriffith-4409816 March 2023
A real life look at the miracles taking place on behalf of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Deliverance is happening and devils are being cast out in this ministry and as a result of this ministry. This has started a movement for Jesus that is inspiring to watch. Lives changed. Wonders happening. Jesus delivering people from devils that keep the spirit Depressed, anxious, physical manifestations.

This is real and raw. You may not like Pastoe Greg Locke but he is making people uncomfortable. He is brining truth. He has his foundation built on God and The Bible. Even if you go to see this movie as a skeptic, just go and feel the power or the Holy Soorit.
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Groundbreaking historical movement in theaters 🎉🎉🎉
nativesecretsenglish16 March 2023
I saw 6 people delivered and set free during the movies. I saw believers taking time after the movie to pray and talk with those who needed it. I saw people hungry for knowledge that is rarely being taught in our churches nowadays.

I can even testify, i didn't experience deliverance as others. But I had asked someone to pray for me afterwards who had been praying for deliverance for many people. It turns out this man was a pastor and he didn't have plans to come to the movie that night. But he was the prayer warrior that helped those 6 people unlock their deliverance that night. As he prayed for me , he gave me some prophetic encouragement to help me overcome strongholds. (Not only me, but the group I was with who waited for me as I got prayed for)

This movie provided to me that the body of Christ is hungry for freedom 🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏
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All I can say is wow
bnewcomer-4945315 March 2023
This movie will have the theater breaking out in deliverance. God wants His people free and deliverance is how He does it. Don't listen to the one star haters, check it out for yourself. Come out in Jesus Name will blow your socks clean off. The American churches have become watered down and unfortunately you don't see the miracles that you see in the gospel happened in their walls. This wakes the people up to God REAL power and authority that YOU were given in Jesus Name. I encourage everyone to dive deeper in their relationship with Him and to expect deliverance to be done in you and through you. Praise God.
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Extraordinary Event
pastortinafleenor15 March 2023
Had the honor of watching at the AMC in Muncie Indiana, had no idea Pastor Locke was doing a deliverance message at the end of it! Wow! We were a group of 9 and each one of us will never be the same again! You talk about a mighty move of God! Whew!! If you don't want healed from sickness, if you don't want to be set free from heartaches, from drugs, alcohol, pride and so forth: this is not the show for you! Because you WILL come out set free, you WILL be changed, you WILL feel the tangible presence of the Lord God Almighty, you WILL never be the same again! May our Lord Jesus continue to use the mighty men of God to reach the world! Glory King Jesus 🔥🙌
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