Éger (2023) Poster


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Entirely too long for what it wants to deliver
joveradam-0670428 November 2023
This would have been a rather excellent short film. The monologues are needlessly long, unbroken, thus they devolve into a comedy of themselves. You know halfway where they're going to end up and from then on it's just words piled on words.

Having Kata tell the monologue of Zsolt was the biggest mistake. It breaks the consistency of the movie and the choice adds nothing of value or substance. Was the original actor of Zsolt unable to deliver the delusional monologue of an unloved loser? Or what was the aim here?

The movie should have ended with the fire. The last scenes were eyerolling and just one step too far down drama lane. The fire was an excellent choice. It would have served the movie better to leave the rest to the viewer's imagination.

Otherwise, good idea told poorly. I hope Nagy-Borús Levente builds from this experience and delivers something truly excellent next time. I believe he has the talent for it.
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