Bullet (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Simply an action movie, nothing new...
Nebzyl5 March 2014
This movie will keep you interested only if you are the action lover. There's actually nothing new in the story. But one can always watch it as a time pass action flick. It's a revenge story without intense action and thrill. Although the movie is a cheap one, it doesn't look that way. The storytelling feels a bit messy at some parts but the movie is pleasant because of it's simplicity. Both the hero job and villain job are okay and it's what needed for an action movie. Visually, the movie is quite peaceful. For me, it was just an average movie, nothing more, nothing less. There are lot better movies than this, and you won't lose anything if you miss it.
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rushknight24 March 2014
Having seen many Trejo movies, and having loved many of them (not all mind you, just many), I was disappointed with this one.

In order to make a old man into a larger than life figure, you need to pull off a small miracle. You need to bend and direct the audience's perception juuuuust right. Machete pulled it off, but Bullet simply does not. Danny does not truly appear as a larger than life character who takes charge and lives life dangerously, but instead as a nearly retired cop who has too many problems. I confess that I don't have the technical movie knowledge to adequately explain what I'm trying to say.

I can only say that the movie felt.. like the illusion was empty.

Trejo's movies are usually somewhat outlandish, heavy on the "grindhouse" style, and inventive. This film has none of that. It seems that the director decided to try making it more dramatic instead. The fun and vivacious extremity I was expecting was instead replaced with old cop movie clichés.

The acting was poor because it tried too hard, the execution was plodding and halting. The special effects were disappointingly poor. It seems the director and editor had no concept of what I like to call "vicinity errors". These occur when the objects being used in the scene do not correctly stay in their places from scene to scene, or their behavior defies the common sense expectations of the viewers. Essentially, the area around the actors isn't correctly used. Bullets hitting their targets too long after being fired, objects being there one second and gone the next, or a character taking his hat off twice in the same scene without putting it back on in between.. These are vicinity errors and are usually are the result of bad editing. This movie has too many of them.

It was not a bad film. It just simply didn't shine with any of the usual Trejo brilliance.
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Trejo is a legend but this isn't a good movie.
Beard_Of_Serpico18 October 2020
I bought the blu ray because it was cheap and the tagline is one of the most awesome and hilarious i've ever read - "They tried to stop him....they died".

Based on that and Danny Trejo's legendary cult movie status i was expecting a hard as nails, over the top action movie. What i got though was a pretty unexciting movie with flat dialogue and performances and ropey action scenes. Trejo is a legend who has appeared in so many great movies and he still looks awesome with his leathery face, moustache and tattoos. He's great as a support character or an evil henchman but he isn't a leading man. Jonathan Banks from Breaking bad plays the bad guy which was pretty cool.

Not the worst thing ever but i wouldn't watch it again.
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This is an example of a bad director
zk53 March 2014
I love to see Danny Trejo acting, so I'm familiar with almost all of his movies. This movie in particular have a common plot but in a different manner, what makes this a 4.5-5.0 rating is the poor directing, many scenes were bad and never made again, in other words with a good director this movie would get a 5.5-6.0 rating. Danny Trejo is Danny Trejo. What else can you say? That stoic face delivers good lines and those hammer-fists deliver country-boy style beat-downs. You can just tell these two guys, along with the rest of the cast, had a boatload of fun making this action packed film and prove once again that producers don't necessarily have to use high-end special effects and martial arts to make a great action flick. Give me a good story and some solid acting like this film delivers.
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Laughable attempt at an action film... It would be less painful to poke your eyes out with a stick
wob19798 March 2014
Bad acting throughout.

Bad direction throughout.

Bad acting throughout.

Poor story throughout.

Bad acting throughout.

Poor plot devices throughout.

Oh, and did I mention the bad acting throughout?

The story starts reasonably OK, but quickly descends into a mindless mess with poor continuity and random scenes that make no sense.

For example, having been kidnapped, the hero jumps out of a moving van only to find his car parked right next to where he jumped out... Well, that's just handy as they can now have a mandatory action film car chase can't they?

Very low budget film that has not used the little budget it had in an intelligent manner at all.

Only worth watching if you are in the mood for a laugh at how poor film making can get. A shame really as Danny Trejo was good in the Machete films, but then they did not take themselves seriously as this clearly does.

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.44 Caliber Crap
jet662 May 2014
Danny Trejo is the reigning king of the B's. And I'll watch anything he's in, no matter how poorly-written, no matter how amateurishly-directed, and no matter how ridiculously, incoherently edited.

And that's the sloppy road Nick Lyon haphazardly lays for the undemanding fan of very familiar plots. So if you really don't care about utterly absurd, incredibly illogical, and comically lazy story lines, the entry-level acting might not even register. But on the way to the traditional "Commando"-like action-movie denouement every 12-year-old boy expects, you'll ask yourself:

• Why is there always a long-haired, German super-villain lieutenant in organized crime? • How did Frank Marasco's car just happen to be where he needed it? • How can two bad guys with handguns out-shoot a squad of body-armored, assault- rifle-toting cops? • Why am I watching this to the predictable end?

Well, I can at least answer the last question: so you can hear Danny Trejo bark the immortal line, "This is America! Speak Mexican!"
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not a bad movie (Spoliers)
nikola176 June 2014
i love Danny Trejo i am so happy that he is the main role in movies i loved Machete, Dead in the Tombstone i luv the movies that he is main role this movie had action but i wish the action and movie should have been better it was a bit too short they should have release the directors cut in Australia but they didn't i have no clue i liked this movie the Action, The lead actor is Danny Trejo. I really appreciate him, I like his face and the way he is acting in action movies. He looks quite bad ass. Well, I prefer the "Machete" style, but he is OK at this movie, even as a cop. i know him becoming a bad guy to good guy because sometimes i get bored when he plays the bad guy all the time all the time Danny Trejo is good guy i wanted watch this movie because he is main role i luv movies with him as main role. the action scenes a bit of car chasing was awesome not much of car chase but it did good scene with he stabbed the guy in the eye with a becoming weapon pen in the eye that was awesome i didn't get the chance to see that in Machete Franchise the shooting was awesome in hotel area witch is awesome scenes specially he did a trap he put guy in the car 2 guys pulled him out the guy in car had a hand grenade behind him get Blown up very awesome not much gore shame ! i like the awesome car what Danny drives black car suits for this movie with this character fighting cage scene was awesome when Danny was fighting with the guy 70 years old man was doing push up witch is good to keep trejo fit Danny trejo should do more boxing movies like this cage fighting film couple of them were like that of his movies the fight was lucky awesome scene but there is gore in this movie not much

as Machete or Dead in the tombstone witch i like that better the Villains were (Johnathan Banks) from breaking bad was OK didn't do the best, villains are lame a bit i find them lame don't do much not much entering as Danny Trejo Character Bullet witch is trying to be like Machete to Bullet. movie has a very short storyline that is A tough cop takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped. i mean it is kinda lazy needed more of movie and story Johnathan banks son died from lethal injection that's why he wanted to kidnapped grandson there is a lot gore in movie Johnathan had golf bat hit the guy thousands of times all blood went into the screen a lot of it witch was awesome the rest of scenes were like a bit poor made i like this movie for me 5/10 it could of have been better movie like Machete.
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B movie with some charm
Morten_512 January 2019
This was even more of B movie than I expected, with embarassingly bad but entertaining editing and really ugly cinematography. However, Danny Trejo is rather charming and some of the fighting and shooting scenes are quite okay.
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Let down by bad direction
Leofwine_draca12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
BULLET is a cheap straight-to-video digital thriller starring everyone's favourite Mexican hardman, Danny Trejo. It feels like a deliberate spin on the whole MACHETE mythos with Trejo cast as an unstoppable killer who destroys anyone who gets in the way of his quest to rescue his kidnapped grandson. The plot is very similar to TAKEN and the overall film has a great pace with lots of violence to see it through. Jonathan Banks, an old-time B-movie villain who previously appeared in the likes of UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY, makes for a great criminal mastermind. The main problem with this is the direction, which is really schlocky and poor when it comes to the action, giving everything a fake, rehearsed look. Not a good look, and frankly it spoils the movie.
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Not bad, not great
akiskaratz1 March 2014
Another action movie where one man messes up with a lot of people and he shows what he can do on his own. This guy's name is Frank, but we will remember him as Bullet, and he is a cop. Not a usual cop, though.. They kidnap his grandson, he gets angry and he is going to do anything to get him back to his mother. The lead actor is Danny Trejo. I really appreciate him, I like his face and the way he is acting in action movies. He looks quite badass. Well, I prefer the "Machete" style, but he is OK at this movie, even as a cop.

Don't expect too much from this movie. There are definitely better at this kind, but you won't be disappointed. Its short lasting (1 hour and 20 minutes) helps the viewer to watch the movie without getting bored. If you have seen a lot of action movies and you are trying to find another one to see, give this movie a chance, I think that it won't be harmful. But don't expect too much from that particular movie. If you get bored at the beginning, don't shut the film down, because it's getting a lot better at the last 30 minutes.

Not bad, not great.
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albrechtcm31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We all like Danny Trejo. He's one of a kind. With his rugged mug he can be menacing, frightening, lovable and funny. In this outing, he gets off to a good start, even having some pretty good lines to spout. True, it's formula action, with, as usual in these films, lots of plot holes and contrived situations. As usual we have the good guy with serious problems, the bad guy who just can't get any badder, the child you know will end up being the bad guy's hostage. In this case they went overboard and threw in two hostages. And speaking of bad guys, who can better represent bad than Jonathan Banks? When he looks at you, you tremble. They even managed to work in a bridge in downtown LA. That's, as Tevye would say, "Tradition". Every action flick in LA has to have some scenes on, around and under one of the bridges. As soon as I saw the city hall in the background, I told my wife to watch for the bridge scene and we weren't disappointed. Maybe it's something in the city charter that any action film made in LA County has to have some scenes including one of the bridges over the LA River, or in the actual riverbed, or both. So far so good. They missed the abandoned factory shootout, but on a budget of $3,000,000 you can't have everything. Where this film falls apart — make that, where this film completely breaks down, is when a fully armored SWAT team with assault weapons hits an apartment and two men, one being Mr. Banks hitting on seventy, armed with two pistols, kill each and every one of the SWAT team plus a couple of other detectives with only Danny Trejo. escaping, we simply broke down in laughter. From there it was downhill the rest of the way, with the usual standoff and bittersweet ending. This started off as one of Mr. Trejo's better outings, but something got lost in the translation.
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Watch the Director's Cut!
x-out-945-25312011 March 2014
I've been at 2 different screenings and have seen two different versions of the movie - the US cut distributed & cut by Giant Ape and the much better Director's Cut distributed by SC Films International. I just recommend everyone - WATCH THE DIRECTOR'S CUT - these are 2 completely different movies! As a huge fan of Trejo I can't believe what these incompetent guys at Giant Ape did with this movie! The Director's Cut (International version) is really a great cinematic action-thriller, but the Giant Ape / US version is a slow-paced drama which reminds of a typical boring TV crime movie. The slow-paced US cut misses a lot of necessary scenes which are very important for the story, for the characters and for the pace of the movie. Instead it seems like they just put together the worst & most boring scenes with an absolutely boring score (Chris Ridenhour's score in the Director's cut is much, much more better!). The Giant Ape cut should be seized immediately!

This should be shown on all film schools worldwide as a classic example how editing & scoring can change & ruin a movie.

Everyone who watches both versions will understand my anger. If you want to see a good movie just watch the Director's Cut (International version)! 9 of 10 stars for the Director's Cut. 1 of 10 stars for the US version.
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Fun, stylish, and entertaining. A touch amateurish in places, but overall a pretty good ride... Blu-ray: Excellent A:10 V:9
lathe-of-heaven22 April 2014
BRIEF BLU-RAY REVIEW: Whatever shortcomings the film may have, the Blu-ray will blow your frigg'n PANTS off!

It's very interesting that another reviewer here mentions a completely different Director's Version distributed by another company. I don't personally know anything about that, but I DID just finish watching the U.S. release and I can kind of see what he means.

Without knowing that there is another version, my first thought also was that the directing or something was a little off... But, maybe it might have been the USUAL producers meddling with it in post-production. But, it still is a fun enough 80 minutes or so. A bit of a shame too... Because with sharper editing or better scene choices I think the film could have been much more effective. They should have just left the Director's original intention alone (as usual...)

Trejo does his usual Kick@ss job, and a few of his lines are great. My favourite was the one he said after dealing with the French lawyer. Pretty funny. And, OF COURSE, Jonathan Banks is ALWAYS awesome.

Bloody BEAUTIFUL car too! (and I have a Classic 1969 Mustang, but even so...)

There is some fun to be had here. Just try your best to overlook whatever studio meddling was done and enjoy it for the CHEEEEEEEEEZ that it is. Sit back and relish Jonathan Banks and Danny Trejo's Bad@ssedness, and you should have a fun ride...
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Typical Trejo Movie! 2/10
leonblackwood29 March 2014
Review: Typical Trejo movie, but in this one he actually lives. This is your average cops against the baddies type of movie with some kidnapping added for flavour. Although Trejo is looking pretty old, he proves that he can still kick ass against the bad drug lord who is trying to save his son from a lethal injection in prison. The storyline isn't that complicated but it could have done with a bit of work. It isn't as bad as a lot of Trejo movies that I have seen lately, but it still felt like a B movie that deserved to go straight to DVD. Average!

Round-Up: I'm enjoying watching these mindless Trejo movies, because you know what to expect. He usually dies within minutes of his movies, but in this one he lasted all the way through, which was quite surprising. He actually said more than a couple of lines and I could tell that the director wanted to make a franchise out his character. All of the other actors need to go back to acting school, but it can't really blame them because the script was pretty terrible. At the end of the day, it isn't amazing but it's a easy way to pass the day.

Budget: $3million Worldwide Gross: N/A

I recommend this movie to people who are into there thrillers about a cop trying to take down a drug lord, 2/10
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Mostly bad stuff
Wizard-89 March 2014
I like a lot of direct to DVD movies, and I also happen to like Danny Trejo, so I thought that I would enjoy "Bullet". But it turned out to be one of the worst movies I've seen for quite some time. The signs of a troubled production are quickly made evident by the opening credits, which list five (!) writers - too many cooks spoil the broth, and too many writers result in the movie having a lot of moments that are somewhat unclear or don't make the least amount of sense. The low budget also hurts the movie at times. While there are some bits that look very slick despite the low budget, often the movie looks underlit or has rotten photography. Also, the decision to use CGI for bullet wounds just doesn't work, with the splatter looking really phony. The movie is also directed with low energy, with the action mostly coming across as flat and not the least bit exciting. The low energy behind the camera may also explain why Trejo seems to be phoning his performance in instead of going all out. In short, this is pretty lame stuff.
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trinash-230189 March 2024
This movie is so bad. I mean bad, bad, bad , & bad. Just awful, awful and awful. It gives law enforcement of any kind a bad name. How can these so called bad guys keep killing cops and getting away every time. This movie is so disappointing and frustrating.

This movie is really hard to watch because it is so ridiculous. What is so sad about this movie is that it has a pretty good cast of veteran actions. How they can be part of such an awful movie, I do not know why they would be a part of this extremely bad movie. I found myself not being able to root from any character.

The statement from the lead Mexican police detective right after shooting the woman in the bath tub "speak Mexican. You are in America" is so crazy, but true as the US is now over populated with illegal Mexicans.

I guess in the near future, there may well be more Mexicans in the US than any other nationality.

Crazy, but scary thought. As America was founded to be a melting pot if all nationalities.

I do not recommend this God Awful movie to anyone. Not even to my worst enemy!!!! I gave this movie two stars instead of 1 because they did not use the "N" word.
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tcwaterford9 April 2022
This is up there with the worst movies I have ever seen. The Acting is unbelievably BAD! , Especially the FBI agent at the start, never seen such poor acting even in a kids school play!.

The movie itself, plays out like the Director either left or was constantly drunk! . The script is so bad, that a 10 year old could have done better.

Camera work is shaky, out of focus and at times the subject: person, building or vehicle is off centre and the viewer is left wondering what to watch for, especially in a crowded scene or where there is a complete scene change.

In conclusion, I would rather stick pins in my eyes, than have to watch such utter crap again. Just bloody Dreadful!
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Been there, done that (better)
kosmasp21 June 2015
If you're a Trejo fan, you might like this a bit more than others. It's an obvious "star" vehicle for him. Though not even close to the Machete league he elevated himself to. The action is sometimes decent, sometimes awful. The story itself not really worth mentioning (I don't even think it's possible to spoil any of it, even if you tried, because it's so clear cut).

Some of the actors are way over the top (like the "german" bad guy of the week), which you'll either love or loathe. But even Trejo struggles at times with some lines. Especially trying to repeat one of the better jokes in movie history -> "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight" ... maybe even mocking his Machete character? Who knows? Only thing that's for certain: It doesn't work, because the delivery is off by miles! Add to that the inability of the bad guys and one slide/move by Trejo that would put Neo to shame (or Lucky Luke and his shadow combined)
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Very cheap movie and it show...
destroyerwod16 November 2015
I really appreciate Danny Trejo in everything he does, or should i say more or less. The guy usually have good screen presence even when relayed to a supporting cast, or even close to an extra.

But this movie... The general plot on paper does not sound bad at all. Classic... VERY classic sure, but there is plenty that could be done with it.

But the execution is sloppy, like very sloppy, in everything. The story, the gunfights, the bare knuckles fights. Trejo does not look like a one man army on a mission like for example Liam Neeson in Taken, he just look like a tired old man and there is full of clichés that does not help its cause either. Like bad guy have could shoot him, but decide to for ... we don't know why? Its really one of those very low budget movie that really do not deserve a second look. I don't blame Trejo but really the production company and the director.

Oh and i watched a dubbed version, and its really one of those super cheap dubbing in french, where you recognize every one of the voice actors, like there is a total of 10 people or less they employ in that company. And its really mediocre recording and "talents". So yeah this didn't help, but usually they pick very low budget cause if not for them we wouldn't get those movie anyway, as nobody would pick them. So well...
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Trejo Kicks Butt!!!
zardoz-138 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Writer & director Nick Lyon's "Bullet" looks like a Nicolas Cage crime thriller without Nicolas Cage. Instead, producer Robert Rodriguez cast likable veteran character actor Danny Trejo as eponymous LAPD detective Frank 'Bullet' Marasco. Marasco has to rescue his adolescent grandson from a ruthless, trigger-happy, cartel chieftain, Carlito Kane (seasoned heavy Jonathan Banks of "Beverly Hills Cop") and his loquacious Teutonic sidekick Kruger (Torsten Voges of "The Lords of Salem") who like to wave their guns around and threaten our rugged hero. If you have any doubts that Carlito is a hopeless dastard, you won't after he beats a small-time drug dealer to death with a golf club. When our hero isn't struggling to recover his grandson, Mario (Kyle Villalovos) he has to prove to his peers that he did not murder three fellow police officers as well as help his junkie daughter Vanessa (Tinsel Korey) kick a narcotics habit. Ironically enough, the daughter had cleaned up her act and then the villains snatched her son and she reverted to her bad ways. Carlito grabbed Marasco's grandson because it was Marasco's testimony that prompted Manuel's conviction.

Lyon and three co-scribes, Ron Peer of "Goodbye Lover," rookie writers Byron Lester and Matthew Joynes, recycle all the usual clichés in this contrived crime thriller. Our hero turns in his badge, like John Wayne did in "McQ," goes out and gets arms from the underworld type, and metes out vigilante justice that seals the fate of several villains. Nevertheless, despite its low-budget look and formulaic plotting, "Bullet" isn't bad for a bullet-riddled kidnap & extortion thriller. Banks' bald-headed hood orders the abduction of the daughter of California Governor Johnson (John Savage of "The Thin Red Line") so Kane can compel the state's chief executive officer to release his notorious son, Manuel Kane (Eric Etebari of "2 Fast & 2 Furious"), who is scheduled to die by lethal injection. Lyon orchestrates several interesting but obstreperous shootouts and some of the dialogue is actually memorable. The German villain Kruger has some funny lines, too. Mind you, "Bullet" is nothing special, but a robust cast and a trim 87-minute running time compensate for the familiar nature of the plot.
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nogodnomasters7 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Frank 'Bullet' Marasco (Danny Trejo) is an LA detective. When he is not at work he likes to cage fight, go to Narcotics Anonymous, and take long walks in the park with his grandson (Kyle Villalovos). In order to prevent the execution of his son ( Eric Etebari) crime boss Carlito Kane (Jonathan Banks) who doesn't know about sun block, kidnaps the governor's daughter (Seri DeYoung) and Bullet's grandson. Frank goes on a rescue mission.

I love Danny Trejo,films and it was nice to see him in a movie longer than two minutes. But let's face it. This was a bad script, with cliche filled stupidity and not in a good way. They made the lawyer (Julia Dietze) idiotic. There was a ridiculous cheap special effects blood splatter scene involving a golf club. The daughter (Tinsel Korey) ex-drug addict thing didn't work well with the rest of the film.The attempt to build Frank's character felt forced.

Possible rental worthy for Trejo fans.

Parental Guide: f-bombs. No sex. Nudity (Julia Dietze)
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Guns, guns, guns... a bit of wrestling... and then more guns, guns, guns.
fortywood28 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Good cop gets accused of being a bad cop, good cop gets angry, hands in badge, goes out on his own and gets all the bad guys, including the really bad guy (naturally, he goes down last), dodging all the bullets and saving the day (and his nephew). Heard that one before? I'm sure you have. So have I. Been there, done that.

Sometimes I get the feeling that the gun manufacturers in the USA finance movies just to show off their arsenal of weapons - especially when there's a scene in the back of a low-dive bar where all sorts of weapons are on display, shining like diamonds, for the good cop to choose from. I think the only smart phrase in the whole movie is when good cop meets naughty daughter at the detox center and addresses the recovering folks: "Remember, work the steps because the elevator is broken". Every other scene and piece of dialogue is deja vu all over again. No smart twists in the plot, nothing. Pity, because I like Danny Trejo - his ragged looks, his style, the characters he portrays. I just think he stands out more in supporting roles than as the man in charge of operations.
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Bullet Review
margulanabutrlov25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Bullet (Trejo) embarks on a Commando-style vengeance mission when his grandson is snatched by a drug lord's (Banks) cronies. Cage-fighting cop Frank Bullet (Danny Trejo) is out for blood when drug lord Carlito Kane (Jonathan Banks) kidnaps his grandson. Hobbled by lazy plotting and dodgy dialogue, the meagre thrill comes from seeing Trejo square off against fellow Breaking Bad alumnus Banks (aka Mike Ehrmantraut).
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Danny Trejo is Awesome as the lead star in this Cool little B-movie Action Thriller!!!
lukem-527607 November 2018
Bullet shows why "Danny Trejo" has become such a great Action Hero in trashy slashy B-movie Cult Cinema.

Trejo is doing now what the likes of "Charles Bronson" was doing in the 80's making gritty violent action Thriller's that mosty went straight to video or in Trejo's case straight to dvd & it's so Cool!!!

Bullet, it's a good little low-budget Action crime Thriller thats got plenty of gun action & some good fights with the legendary character actor Danny Trejo in another rare lead & he's excellent once again.

Bullet, is a low budget B-movie in the Action Thriller genre but it's made really well & it's definitely his best role after his iconic "Machete" role.

"Bullet" is a very cool movie with Trejo as a very tough & rugged old cop who turns vigilante & out for revenge when his grandson is captured, "frank Bullet" is used as a pawn in a plot to get a cop killer off of death row it's just a simple revenge story, it all feels nice & old school like an 80's or 90's action Cop Thriller.

Jonathan Banks (48 Hrs, Freejack) makes a decent psychotic villain & the action scenes are pretty decent for its cheap budget.

"BULLET" is fine for a low budget easy watching, Action movie starring a cult B movie HERO such as "DannyTrejo" in a rare lead role & he gives a nice solid performance, he can act!!!

In fact in some ways this little Thriller is just as good as "Machete" as this movie concentrates on just "Trejo" as our hero but in his ,"Machete" he often gets pushed to the side because there's so many other stars/Characters in the movie but here in Bullet it's all about Trejo here!!! It's an action Cop film & i love that genre & Bullet is the type of low-budget flick that could've come out during the late 80's or early 90's.

Make no mistake, "Bullet" is a "Danny Trejo"

Now don't get me wrong, Bullet, isn't "Amazing" but its a decent straight-to-dvd Thriller & definitely benefits from having Trejo as the lead star otherwise it would probably fade away with nothing good going for it but Trejo really is good as the lead & carries the film with absolute ease & really is a fine actor.

Trejo has been around for so long & i remember seeing his distinctive face in so many films before i even knew who he was like Anaconda for example but now we all know the name Danny Trejo & we all know he's a legend of Cult Cinema.

Bullet is a bloody & gritty revenge Thriller with the legendary Trejo & would make an Awesome double bill with his Machete for a grindhouse type of movie night.

Other great Danny Trejo lead movies are: Dead in Tombstone. Dead Again in Tombstone.

Machete. Machete Kills.
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A descent Cop movie with Trejo and Banks delivering the goods.
isildur-422-11075826 February 2014
So the movie is not a blockbuster, but its not a crappy B-movie either. It fit's somewhere in between. It's a flick for guys with a few laughs thrown in amid gritty action scenes, we even get a few 'bullet' time shootouts that are pretty nicely done.

Danny Trejo is Danny Trejo. What else can you say? That stoic face delivers good lines and those hammer-fists deliver country-boy style beat-downs.

Jonathan Banks works nicely opposite Trejo delivering a performance just as edgy as he gave in Breaking Bad. These two together on screen just doesn't get any better in my humble opinion.

You can just tell these two guys, along with the rest of the cast, had a boatload of fun making this action packed film and prove once again that producers don't necessarily have to use high-end special effects and martial arts to make a great action flick. Give me a good story and some solid acting like this film delivers.

Like a fine wine, Trejo and Banks only get better with age. I look forward to seeing these two in a film together soon.
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