40 Days and Nights (2012) Poster

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Dreadful in every way imaginable
TheLittleSongbird13 January 2013
I'm afraid I have to agree with all three reviews here, 40 Days and Nights is dreadful and quite possibly the worst movie I've seen in a while. It is almost certainly down there with The Asylum's worst, and when they are bad, bad isn't enough to describe it. And while I'm mostly encouraging with reviews and ratings, I have seen a lot of bad movies recently. Visually, it looks terrible. The scenery is too compact and dully lit, while the special effects- which 40 Days and Nights is very heavy on- at best are artificial and at worst diabolical. Even the camera work is bad, even when the ship was on turbulent sea I never got that sense as it was all too stable. Shots of Monica Keena's cleavage fared a little better, but this idea feels like a low-budget film and Asylum cliché and feels very thrown in. And if anybody is fussy about continuity I guarantee that you will have a field day spotting all of the numerous errors scattered throughout 40 Days and Nights. The music does nothing to match the movie's mood either, while the dialogue constantly feels awkward and almost as if the writers had little to no idea of how to make a movie script make any kind of sense. The story is a major failing as well, there is never anything exciting, fun, suspenseful or thrilling, the events are incredibly predictable and rushed, the scientific errors- of which there are too many to list, though the ones involving the DNA specimens were the absolute worst- make the film ridiculous and you never feel the extent of what damage the storm will do. The characters are underdeveloped and obnoxious and the acting is either wooden or over-compensated, in Monica Keena's case it manages to be both. In conclusion, a real disaster on every level. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Absolute garbage - give it a wide berth
matthew-609-43285514 February 2013
Expectations can never be much above rock bottom when "The Asylum Presents" pops up on screen, but here they have plummeted to all new and uncharted depths.

This blatant rip-off of 2012 is simply atrocious. The acting is poor, the story is absurd, but the biggest flaw of the lot lies with the so-called "special effects." They are only special in that they are probably the worst I have ever seen. You don't for one moment believe that what you are seeing is real. Not even the slightest attempt has been made at realism. This is one of the greatest insults to movie watchers' intelligence that has ever been unleashed, and it should rather have stayed unmade.

In conclusion - stay away.
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Real disaster movie
istvan-barta-jr9 March 2013
I wonder how copies of this movie have not all been destroyed upon request from the actors... My favourite scenes in the movie were the ones where it was showing heavy rain, but you can see the clear shadow of lamp-posts and other objects, even the shadow of the actresses hair on their faces. You may also see that while normal people would try and wear something warm/waterproof in a bad storm, for the sake of showing Colonel Nipple's cleavage, she had to wear t-shirts even in the worst weather. And once out of the storm, her hair would be all dry, as well as her clothes. Brilliant! I guess it is actually entertaining catching these golden moments of the movie.
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It will take lots of water
kurtandtobi7 May 2020
It will take 40 days of rain to wash this disaster off of you. The most amazing thing is how the we're about to compile the worst actors on earth all in the same movie. None of the costumes are correct. The captains seats in the Ark are three different office chairs. It will take longer to get over this movie than to watch it.
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A Great Turkey-Time Movie 8 of 10
recklessron14 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think this is an 8 out of 10 in the category of funny-to-watch-but-aimed-at-being-serious turkey-time movies. I highly recommend it. For those who can't see this type of humour it is a 2 and not worth the time it took you to read this far.

I knew this was bad before I watched it. IMDb rated it 2.7 and didn't have a review so I figured it might be a hoot, turkey time, but knew it could also be just terrible and unfunnily so.

With that in mind I was pleased to be smiling fairly quickly and fairly often.

Right off the bat we have a girl floating in what should be rapid flowing water but is clearly stationary. She looks to one side in fright at the monster wave about to engulf her and is hit from the other side by what must have been a large bucket of water. lol.

And it just keeps getting better and better. This is not just bad, it is funny-bad. It is not camp, nor a parody, it is just plain bad to the point of humour.

At the 21 minute mark there is a boat scene that you can use as a benchmark. If that scene isn't making you laugh then give up.

Trying to figure out what is going on, why, and what it has to do with the dialogue creates suspense and the closer attention you pay to anything (dialogue, characters, plot, you name it) the more improbable it becomes. Many movies cast out seemingly unconnected segments which are brought together to form something coherent at, near, or just after, the end of the movie. This is not one of them but trying to keep track definitely fills out the literal lol moments, which, if you are looking, are everywhere.

Best of all the special effects rival those of Gilligan's Island - but with better graphics!

To sum up: I plan to see it again. The acting is funny, the dialogue is funny, the special effects ARE funny - this should be re-branded and released as a cult-comedy.
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Do NOT insult your intelligence
roswelljones-343-88774410 January 2013
This film is such a travesty that I hesitate to honor it by calling it a film. An eighth grader from the slow learners class could have written the script and the acting is so bad that it could almost be mistaken for a spoof of a Science Fiction movie. It is so disjointed in the plot line that Ed Wood would have been ashamed of it. This is not Science Fiction, it is Science Stupidity. There are so many components that are impossible...literally impossible....like a huge military transport plane becoming air borne within 100 feet of it take off position. The science of the DNA specimens is totally bizarre, such as moths being necessary for pollination, but mid movie it becomes bees instead of moths. I hold EVERY SINGLE "actor and actress" in the movie in contempt. They are all wooden and over act every line they deliver! The experience of sitting through their hammy performances was almost enough for me to quit the movie before the end. Science Fiction is my favorite genre, but any more movies like this one and I will give up on Sci Fi, speaking of which this was so clichéd and poorly done that I thought it was a SyFy original!!!
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I now have a new "all time worst film ever made"
mrbarth-125 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
No amount of drugs and alcohol could make watching 40 DAYS AND NIGHTS less cringe worthy. One of those horrible "Last Days" kinda script where for the actors own good you pray the new Arks sink as quickly as they can and end mankind's and the audiences' suffering. Like any good train wreck however, I couldn't stop watching it. My partner kept saying it couldn't get much worse, but it got worse. So once more he said it couldn't really get worse could it? Sure enough, it got even more so. It was as if we were mesmerized by the whirlpool of wooden actors reciting 4th grade text being directed by a blindfolded director who saved money by interjecting news footage of hurricanes and filming with a portable car wash . Watch it at your own intellectual peril, or just for the pure enjoyment of a good eye rolling face palming session. If you love poorly assembled movies, you will love this one.
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It should be illegal to make turds like this
draftdubya27 August 2020
The one and only star I give this shiat is for Christianna Carmine. Yes she can't act but she's cute.
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Worst movie since Plan 9
eblien24 May 2014
Probably the worst movie I have ever seen. I cannot decide if it is so bad it becomes funny (like Plan 9 from Outer Space) or just plain boring bad, perhaps so bad it becomes interesting; how did they accomplish? It looks like everyone know this is going to be really really really horribly wrong, so they don't even bother to try.

CGI is used for everything and it looks like something from an average PC game. And when this bad CGI is not used for something "dangerous", then we see some bored faces looking like they don't know what the hell is going on, whether they should look frightened or bored, camera panning back and forth, and then afterwards the other will tell you what just happened, like "oh, he just died" or "oh, she nearly died" (everything with the same lame "but we couldn't care less" expression).

Oh my god.
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The Titanic sinking wasn't this bad.
ejl217922 July 2014
OK, so 1st off. The head of the costume department should have gone to a thrift store. The military uniforms are plain awful. In terms others who have been in the military will understand they are totally A.T.F.U.

I have seen better acting from a McDonalds manager apologizing for an incorrect order.

The saving grace of this movie is that there is no real questionable material. No cursing, sexual scenes (ok, one make-out session but only kissing) no graphic violence. Maybe a child could watch this and not see how bad he SFX and acting is.

The only thing that I enjoyed about this movie was the end. No, not the *not a spoiler alert folks* culmination of the story where the hero saves the day or fails and all is lost. But THE END. When the movie was over.
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amadioludovica16 November 2020
Amazing! Don't trust to who said that this film was terrible, you have to understand that this film is an incredible film, see this with some humour ahahah
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This is SO BAD, it's actually ENTERTAINING!
svcjunk10 March 2013
Yes, that's right ... I gave this a 6 out of 10.

I did so because I was highly entertained by how bad this movie was.

It was so bad, so flawed, there were so many continuity and logic errors that I am thinking that this was done on purpose just to entertain!

If you've ever watched Manos: The Hands of Fate, you know what I mean.

Just some examples: > The wimpy pilots on a C130 > On the train, there are cheap metal shelving units loosely holding valuable specimens jars > One minute the moths would save humanity, then it was honey bees > The tough-looking female Navy Seal accompanies the scientist and is not wearing any protective gear, no sidearms, no M16... whatever... what's she going to do, kill bad guys with her tough looks? > These tools are working on these tiny little turbines that are to go onto a supposedly colossal ship (the "ark") and expect them to steer the thing.

I mean... this goes on and on ... it's so much fun to pick out the flaws... I LOVE IT!!!
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I should have been paid money to watch this
markraihl3 August 2020
As a true believer in finding the worst films ever, I believe I've stumbled upon my top. I was convinced it was horrible 31 seconds in but stayed to see if it could be worse. Thankfully I was rewarded with more horribleness as the film went on. I'm certain that I'll never find something more horrible yet completely worth the 12 16oz. beers it took me to finish. Without a doubt I'm now slightly trashed and believe I should be reimbursed for the 12 pack of beers it took me to get through the film.
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Generic and stereotypical disaster movie...
paul_haakonsen1 January 2016
This is a very, very generic disaster movie to make it out from the minds at the people at The Asylum. And if you have already seen just a single other disaster movie at any point, then you have essentially also already seen "40 Days and Nights".

The storyline is a straight out of the how-to-make-a-disaster-movie manuscript. A global storm of biblical proportions hits the Earth, and the survival of mankind rests in the hands of just a few Americans. It has all been seen before.

The CGI effects were ranging from being adequate to being downright ludicrous and horrible to bear witness to. And the constant rain on the screen was the worst; when they used CGI rain, which was quite often, it looked so fake that it was just embarrassing to look at.

There were no famous people in this movie, and for obvious reasons you might add. The acting in "40 Days and Nights" was wooden and stiff, as to be expected from a movie of this caliber.

"40 Days and Nights" is not worth the time or effort, and not really worth the $2 I spent on the DVD. A very typical disaster of a typical disaster movie from the creative minds of the people at The Asylum (or lack thereof).
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very bad movie
wim-mortelmans213 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Luckily I rented the movie as part of my provider's subscription so it didn't cost me anything except time.

Even the start of the movie was so bad that at first I restarted the movie because I thought I surely must have missed something.

The actors are all performing very bad, completely out of the context they are supposed to be in.

Off course a very predictable plot where all problems appear magically and then are resolved just in time. Combine the above with the fact that the special effects were also very, very bad and you understand why I found this such an awful movie. Naturally if you build an ark for the survival of the human race you use never before used engines which have very rare parts. The Ark was bigger then a aircraft carrier with a nuclear engine so I think that would have resolved their power problems...

What is worse that I was not surprised because it was a SyFy movie...They really need to do something about their quality or soon they will get extinct themselves.
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I was stupified how bad the movie was..
william-carmichael20 March 2016
I watched this movie because of my science background and also there is so little good TV to watch these nights...and kept hoping it would get better. it did not, it only got worse, which i was saddened by because i had always enjoyed Alex Carter in CSI and other things he had done. Monica Keene was the standout worst actress in the show...and when looking her up i was surprised to see a considerable body of work behind this movie?! I am not sure what happened to her training and skill sets in this movie - she looked hung over most of the movie. The science was bad - supposedly she had enough DNA samples of moths, molds, bees, etc, for the replenishment of the entire earth contained in several tubes she slung over her shoulder. the writing was bad, the special effects were bad - it was just a BAD movie. Sudden tidal waves in the desert, women on a helicopter not strapped in while navigating through a major storm front, then jumping onto a train and then off of it, all the while not stumbling around People aboard the arc while navigating storm fronts had a perfectly calm and stable interior while doing those scenes. Woke me up instead of putting me to sleep it was so bad...not sure why they made it!!
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The worst of the worst
bryan-1449828 October 2015
I have, with the help of a lot of substance, put myself through a plethora of movies from "The Asylum". I have put up with reused sets, terrible oversights, movies where the helicopter changes four or five times, horrendous CGI, and characters who are privates but referred to as "sir".

This movie is worse than all of those.

The oversights on this are hilarious. These navy guys are wearing multiple types of camouflage,the officers have over sized jackets with no name tags. The guards have M4 rifles with NO REAR SIGHTS. THATS USEFUL.

The arc is powered by old GE turbine engines. The DNA specimens are held in WATER BOTTLES of all things. There is 0 story, the movie just starts with a flood beginning. The woman is a navy seal. Guess what? The SEALs don't have women.

The patented CGI with a storm, but nobody is wet and the background is sunny Santa Monica weather.

Kill me.
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This is a MUST NOT see!!
rmcwmson-597-6608221 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***May Contain Spoilers*** I have seen some bad movies in my time, but this I have bumped up to be the WORST movie ever made. If we could rate movies in negative numbers this would be a -10. Yes, that is how bad it is. The movie according to title would lead one to think biblical story of Noah and the Ark. If this movie was to be a modern day version of that biblical story, then the movie failed miserably. One: The movie contains language and sexual innuendos that would not make it a biblical movie, at all. Some of the effects are OK, you can tell it is a low budget film, but the OK effects are few and far between.

Furthermore, the effects and plot isn't consistent throughout the whole movie. Raining once here, not raining there, then raining again in the same spot. Stuff like that. Plus, you can tell that one of the buildings was a computer image. This movie must have been so low budget that even a person on welfare could have paid to get it off the ground. I think, they should jerk it from the shelves. All time, bad movie!!
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This turkey laid a large goose egg!
CaptSquid5 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The system won't let me rate it for what it is actually worth. The special effects, however, somewhat made up for a very thin plot line.

I find it very difficult to swallow that cities at very high elevations would get flooded out by oceans.

The acting is horrid, the "interior" shots are too stable for a ship on the high "seas." Even battle damage on the Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) show more motion.

There is no continuity between scenes. The sails appear and disappear at random.

In a somewhat tragic scene, one "crew member" smiles and laughs insipidly.

I'm just thankful that this movie was in the bargain bin at my retailer. I shudder to think that some people actually paid to get into a movie theatre to see this dreck.

They should color code movies that are this bad.
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I'm speechless...almost
sean-h-597-25444724 April 2014
I am new to Netflix and have some time to waste at the moment, so after watching 1 random movie, I simply click on the next one recommended as the credits start rolling. Well, I don't know where to begin....I guess the reason I watched this flick all the way to the end was more out of morbid curiosity than anything else. Curious as to whether it was maybe an April fools joke or something similar. However, it then dawned on me that the makers of this movie actually believed they where making a real movie, yet it was just wrong in so many ways, from the plot, to the special effects, to the acting. It is officially the new worst movie I have ever seen, and I watch a lot of movies. This one is going to stay with me for a while, yet I don't regret having watched it as I know I could have stopped at any time. So, I would only 'recommend' this movie if you have time to waste, or you are stoned....cause maybe then it might actually be funny.
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Epic Science Fiction and a Powerful Story of Survival
dianerpessler-4616424 August 2015
An epic saga of survival when humanity is threatened by rampaging seas rising after a gigantic tectonic shift in the earth. Gifted director Peter Geiger has brought this to the screen with vision and magnificent style, utilizing breathtaking special effects and incorporating stunning imagery. Geiger's inspired camera pans a vast landscape of devastation and roiling oceans, with never-ending vistas of a planet virtually drowning. Scientists and technicians build a awe-inspiring ark on which to save the DNA of life on Earth and to rebuild civilization in the future. The suspense and terror are intense and at times the plight of these survivors is overwhelming. A superb cast supports this first-class production, with Monica Keena, always reliable in every role, a particular standout in this film. An intelligent script, incredible science fiction adventure elements, and a prophetic message for our time, this is a motion picture of fantastic grandeur.
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It's a matter of perspective
robertfranz13 March 2013
I have to concur with another reviewer in that this movie causes one to stand in awe at of the synergy of bad science, absurd logic, and inexplicable behavior.

You stop watching the story, and watch the movie, wondering how it could have happened.

I mean, people put this together on purpose.

After a bit, I concluded that this was improvisational film making.

They must have handed the actors random lines, given the effects department random props from bankrupt studios, and a pile of cgi rejects from Irwin Allen's basement.

Then they told them to make a movie about a biblical flood.

I can't swear that's what happened, but it fits the final product.

After i reached this conclusion, about 12 feet of cleavage into it, the rest of the movie was much more fun.
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wstetler5130 October 2019
Ever so many plot holes in this movie that it was ridiculous saying that you can meet you and grow everything with DNA samples not possible you actually need the seeds or in cases of living things you need eggs or the living Bee ,moth, embryo or whatever. For a ship that can handle 50,000 people where are the people.
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Mindless CGI disaster flick
Leofwine_draca10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
40 DAYS AND NIGHTS is another dead-headed disaster movie made on a very low budget and packed with cheesy CGI effects and a predictable scenario. I have no idea whether it was made by SyFy or The Asylum but either would be a good fit. The story is about a period of incessant rain which causes the Earth to flood, so various technical types decide to build a modern-day ark to house survivors. This is dumb stuff indeed, loaded with wooden acting from the supporting players and a seen-it-all-before feel. The CGI wave effects are much worse than those seen in THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW and SAN ANDREAS, which is no surprise.
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I fell into a cesspool and hallucinated this film
coex2324 January 2019
I can't even... I don't know. I like badfilms. I do. Plan 9 has so much charm despite it's own ineptitude that I could watch it every year forever. Andy Milligan films are a blast! Hell, Nick Zedd blows Richard Kern out of the water over and over.

See? badfilm is not the problem.

But this film is something else. It has nothing to do with the biblical story at all; despite there being an "ark" and 40 days of rain. It's not trying to be an updated version of Noah for some reason. Nope, it's about a buncha twenty and thrirty somethings trapped in a warehouse building a boat (which we only see in one vaguely done CGI image in the corner of the warehouse. Oh, and inside the boat is someone's workplace office interior!). Every once in a while we are treated to really bad video game-level CGI airplane or helicopter trips to find a part or something, but mostly everything is in one warehouse room.

The acting makes Tor Johnson look like Orson Welles. There is not one decent actor in the lot. In fact, I can't imagine that anyone onscreen considers themselves an "actor". My bet is that they are ALL just "helping" a friend out (that would be the director; who happens to appear to be a recovering alcoholic with a serious angel dust addiction. Oh, and he probably has an affliction similar to Phineas Gage's as well.)

Oddly, or stupidly, or something, I finished the film. Sorry, I only walk out of crap that ends up at the Oscars lately. I was hoping a modicum of entertainment would surface. I was wrong. Watch this only at your own risk. No amount of booze or weed can help. If you know ANYONE that worked on this film, PLEASE, for the love of god, NEVER speak to them again.
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