6 Hours Away (2024) Poster


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Okay for what it is
DistrictAsylum26 May 2024
I went into this movie with no expectations. The only reason I watched it was because it had been filmed in Mexicali and the movie trailer looked decent. This film is your standard low budget film so don't look for anything spectacular. The plot itself for the first half of the film is interesting and reminded me a bit of Taken in that sense but the whole second half jumps the shark and leaves you scratching your head and leaves too many questions unanswered. The acting at times is inconsistent and just down right cringe but it has its moments. The fighting is the biggest sin in this movie. The fighting is so fake and laughable but at times that's what makes it enjoyable to watch because it's so bad. This film had potential and had they taken a little more time and maybe hired a better fight director it could've been much more but when you get you're self into these low budget films it comes with the territory. I can't really recommend this film but it was a okay one time watch.
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My own 6 hours away review
tonymicki27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Won't lie I wasn't expecting much from 6 hours away since it looked like an unknown movie with unknown actors and actresses who I didn't recognize. While watching I enjoyed the fight scenes and some of dialogue made sense and others slowed down the pace of the movie. But what got me angry was mostly the 'flashbacks' were annoying but it had an effect on the actual story line so I give it that. Then the twist came 20 minutes to the end where all the speculation of what the protagonist heard earlier in the movie was true. Ok I have no idea of the actors in this movie. In the year 2024, the movie looks cool and it's a normal flick with predictable ending. The way the main good guy was talking sounded like some of Jackie Chan earlier movies of old where it looked like he was been read by another person. The actions in 6 hours away were fine and it gets a 4 over 10. Even those brothers brought comedy into the movie which I laughed. Like I said in this review I wasn't expecting much but it's a nice movie to watch on a Friday night with popcorn to enjoy. For its run time, 6 hours away was neat for its 90 minutes plus runtime.
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So Bad, it's BAD!!
fredtai30 April 2024
Promising start and the beginning looks like a Fast and Furious rip off inc the title cards and fonts. Gets worse and worse in the following 20 mins even the villain looks like a Vin Diesel clone and the 2 buffoon Mexican brothers don't help at all. They try and add humour but only bring annoyance. In one scene the Mustang is driving along the river at the Mexican border then 2 mins later they show the same scene, it's so amateurish! None of the characters are likeable and you don't care if any of them live or die. Terrible script terrible acting and the story makes no sense. The action sequences look like a school play. Save your time and don't waste 1.5 hours of your life :(
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fast paced, entertaining
zair-937-39103211 June 2024
Nice story, great action and and worth watching!!!! It is fast paced as any action movie should be and entertaining. The plot is really interesting and it comes with an unexpected twist that I really liked. The movie also has a comedic element, which to me is so needed when watching pretty intense action films. The direction is great, locations and actors. The latino element is pretty present which is also uncommon in the international market. Movies like this open doors to many Latino talents that get relegated to the roles of the bad guys or drug dealers. I appreciate seeing more of this in the streaming world. Highly recommended.
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Action movie with attitude
dismotronoficial12 June 2024
It is a great action movie, in the style of many that Bruce Willis and Jean-Claude Van Damme have made in recent years. If you enjoy those kinds of movies this one is for you, with the addition of having a latino flavor that those obviously don't have. We need more latin action stars, that's the kind of representation that's really needed on the big screen right now. Humor is not lacking in the film neither, and the story is truly not as simple as it may seem at first sight, it does have one or two twist and turns that more than one would not expect. Let's hope to see more proposals like this in the future.
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