"Star Trek: Picard" Võx (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Just Wow
evilfuk113 April 2023
Terry Matalas, take a bow. What you have achieved with this season is nothing short of remarkable. I won't go into details about this episode, but what a great story! I'm sat here in tears, a 40 year old man seeing something I'm wanted since I was 11 years old in 1994.

Having not seen the final episode I have no idea what's to come, however what I'm absolutely certain about is this 'Star Trek Lecacy' universe proposed by Terry Matalas simply has to come to fruition. This man has brought the finest Star Trek since the TNG movie era into our lives and it must continue.

Based on the response of fans I sincerely hope this continues. What a show!
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Nostalgia at its best
zig867614 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If they are trying to pull at the nostalgic heart strings of those that grew up watching this series, then they have done an excellent job at that. This chills I got from seeing the Enterprise D light up in the space dock and of the whole crew back together again on the bridge, actually watched the episode again later in the day. Seeing Shaw get shot towards the end was kind of a bummer because I'm sure he would have made a good lead in a spin off series, and him calling Seven by the name she requested was touching. Adding a bit of comedy with Worf claiming that whatever happened with the Enterprise E and Data still getting used to humor was a nice touch. Looking forward to seeing what I hope is a great finale.
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Thank you Mr. Terry Matalas.
stoeta113 April 2023
I didn't think I would see the day when I would watch the USS Enterprise D again on any screen. The surprise Mr. Terry Matalas gave us is hard to describe in any terms. No more words fit, he is and must be the one who continues the Star Trek series. There are no phrases in any dictionary to describe the immense joy that not only this episode but the entire season 3 created for us. Those who lived through Star Trek The Next Generation 30 years ago believe that they can finally be satisfied fully from the continuation of that series. It is not necessary to throw something in the trash just because it is old. So, Star Trek can be made as originally thought by Gene Roddenberry. Thank you again Mr. Terry Matalas.
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zenfakor14 April 2023
This happens to be one of if not thee best episodes of Star Trek ever. I watched it three times today and it is just superb. I wish this wasn't the second to last episode. ST:TNG is and always will be my favorite Trek. I was blown away with how this episode just wowed me. I love it and I hope you do also. Please make more Trek like this. I really got into ST:SNW and I did like the first 2 seasons of DISCOVERY But this... this is the real deal right here. Picard, Riker; Troi, Geordi, Data, Dr. Crusher, Worf, 7 of 9, Shaw, Raffi all are amazing in this season. The younger cast is phenomenal. The villains are top notch. #LLAP #ENGAGE #MAKEITSO. I will be sad when it's over. It's the best Sci-Fi Tv I have seen in years. Sit back and enjoy the ride that happens to be the best Star Trek you will ever see.
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Absolute perfection!
tom99213 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have nothing negative to say about this episode, every week gets better and better. It's been a joy watching this season of Picard every week. We finally found out what's behind the red door and boy I didn't expect this at all, this is some genius writing here! This episode is exiting and thrilling as the story goes on, and yes to top everything of we got the old crew together on the enterprise D again, now we know what Geordi was doing at the fleet museum, he spend 20 years restoring there old ship. I got goosebumps all over when they took off in the good old enterprise. To me this episode is worth a 'solid' 10. (Changeling joke) to me this is by far the best trek season out there!

And there is still one episode to go, I can't wait what will be in store for us next week!

We definitely need more of this 'Legacy' star trek. Bring in voyager and ds9 too!!!
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Take your "fan service" criticisms and shove it!
nuge1613 April 2023
This ep hit the feelings hard. All the Gen Z borg fodder who say "blah blah this was fan service" can shove it! This was exactly what we needed in an era of trek that has failed time and time again to create anything original... yeah I'm looking at you, discovery.

I was secretly hoping that what happened in this episode would actually take place, so I don't care that I saw this coming, it was what I had hoped! Now... I just don't know how the crew will take on such an impossible task, but how many times have we thought that before watching TOS over the years? I just hope they don't mess it up!
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The ending!!!!!
carlowesterhof-3062613 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I shed manly tears of joy at the ending of this episode. Whereas I hated season 2 with a woke vengeance... this season showed us what we should have had. It is a complete fan service and I am all for it. To see the NCC1701D light up and fly again with the old crew is nothing short of a dream come true. I can NOT wait for the final episode!!

I loved the quick burn Worf got after he stated preference for the NCC1701E's weapons systems. I giggled like a little girl.

BTW... the Borg... who else ;). The way they assimilated the federation was a stroke of genius. The voices Jack was hearing and the fact he could take people over make a lot of sense now.
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Still a perfect season
derek-c-sullivan13 April 2023
Probably the best episode of the entire series and a perfect buildup to what could be a fantastic finale. Literally the only way they can screw this up is if Wesley somehow saves everyone at the end. But in all seriousness, I really appreciate how they brought almost all of the cast together in such clever ways. Even bringing back an old guest star and literally pointing out the irony of what she was doing was genius. The writers deserve a ton of credit making such a great season, especially since following one of the worst ideas from season 2 which was not having it in space... I'm glad I didn't give up like I did with Discovery.
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Make it so!
jborg-2625614 April 2023
Maybe I am too much of a fan to impartial, but this season is just blowing me away! Putting the old cast back together could be considered nothing more than a cash grab, but it doesn't feel that way at all. It genuinely feels like everyone is happy to be back. This has been a continuous reminder that THIS cast was the finest in the franchise, hands down.

The Easter eggs keep coming, and I won't spoil them. I would not want to deny anyone the shear thrill it felt to witness them first hand. There has been a great attention to detail this season, far more than in the previous two (and they were great!), but it's clear that no stone shall be left unturned as this cast of characters go out on their final voyage.

I never thought they would come close to the opus that was "All good things..." but we are coming damn close. Thank you for reminding me why I am such a loyal fan.
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When Homage and Fresh Story Ties in Perfectly - I Hope Disney is Watching and Taking Notes for future Star Wars Projects
kovacevicmatija13 April 2023
Fan service is often a dirty term but this episode proves beyond doubt that it does not have to be. This is how you combine going back to the roots with going forward with a fresh, engaging and poignant story. You bet it services the fans - my wife and I literally cried and stood up in applause (hadn't experienced this with a TV show since Mandalorian S2E8) - but it does so without any deleterious effects for the originality. Star Trek creatives are aware that they messed up with Discovery and are now returning to what makes Star Trek so good. It started with Strange New Worlds but Picard S3 is really a tour de force in that effort. I'd love for the similar to happen to Star Wars instead of attempts to rehabilitate sequels. Way to go Terry Matalas and the crew, you've truly restored Star Trek's awesomeness for the next generation!
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nicholasshiels13 April 2023
It's a tribute to the greatness that Star Trek is. I have no words that can express the happiness the end of this episode brought me. A love letter to trek.

It was so engaging no pun intended I didn't even realize 50 minutes had passed. Adding new and clever layers to the Star Trek mythology. Using the universe, it's technology and it's history to construct a epic beginning to the season finale.

This is peak trek something I had lost hope in ever seeing again under the "guidance" of Alex Kurtzman. But I have been proven wrong this season and especially this episode. More Terry Matalas please!

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tomsly-4001518 April 2023
So season 2 had no meaning oder why is it still the Borg, we all know? In season 2 we were presented a different Borg evolution in where they no longer just assimilate but help those in need and integrate them into the collective. Since the whole history has been changed there, Picard would have never been assimilated by the Borg. The Borg in season 2 are no longer trying to dominate the galaxy.

The big problem with ST Picard is, that basically every season has a completely different flavor to it, but does not seem to affect the later timeline. They took the Borg Queen we know into the past. There she merged with Agnes Jurati. Picard went back to the future. Agnes showed up there as Borg Queen. So Picard would have changed his own history by exchanging the Borg Queen. But Star Trek likes to mess around with different parallel timelines... Just add in "time travel" and you can explain basially everything in Star Trek these days. Has become a bad writing habit. If you run out of logical ideas, just use time travel and add a new time line which you need for your plot which exists parallel to other timelines, so the "old" history still exists alongside it.
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it was the Borg all along
fotini18824 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode decided to follow the star wars approach on using one villain and one villain only. In this case it is not Palpatine but BORGS! Although the season was much better than season two which spent too much time on its sub-plot on the new Borg queen changing the Borg from the inside, this episode's writers apparently did not need to watch season two. There is no mention of the events of season two and once again it is the Borg's fault.

What happened to the changellings? But why give viewers an interesting villain?

For those who got invested on learning more about mutant changelings with call backs to the Dominion wars the writers just said f* you!

Just fill yourselves with memberberries, the Enterprise and the crew coming together I am not going to focus on the fact that they also killed captain Shaw, without second thought, a character who was a fresh breath of air in this season!
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Thank you, Number One
snoozejonc19 April 2023
Jack's secret is finally revealed.

This is a strong episode with tremendous fan service.

There are two notable aspects to mention, but I cannot give details without spoiling.

Crusher's secret is revealed early and for me is reasonably good. The details of the build up all make sense now and it involves a clever use of Picard and Crusher's relationship. However, in the grand scheme of the franchise, it feels like the writers are returning to a safe territory via an established and successful concept that largely relies on the power of nostalgia to carry the audience through.

That nostalgia is excellent and goes off the charts as the episode reaches an exquisite climax, that only the most cynical, who take life very seriously, could fail to enjoy. If you are a TNG fan, the sight of certain characters, in a particular setting, about to embark on a high stakes mission should be very exciting. Patrick Stewart and the TNG cast are all on great form, along with Jeri Ryan and Todd Stashwick.

For me Ed Speleers strays marginally over the top in some moments of perpetual anger, but if this is how the scenes were written and directed it is not his fault. His character has not been particularly likeable throughout the season given so much of his dialogue includes the words "I" or "me". It feels like the writers are making a point by having the major problems caused by a self-obsessed young character, dragging other young characters into the mix, leaving the older generations to save the day.
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The Best of All Worlds
nebula002418 April 2023
Now THIS is how you write Star Trek. I'm going to keep all spoilers out of this review, so if you haven't watched this season yet, simply stop reading and go find a place to stream the show or purchase it on Blu-ray. All the details and breadcrumbs that were dropped this season culminate in this episode and it all makes complete sense now, even down to the choice of music throughout the season. Everything about this episode is absolutely fantastic, with everyone playing their part perfectly - it all feels complete and properly put together, even the carpet. I hope studio-heads and writers from all companies take note, because this is exactly how you honor the legacy of a long-running series and tie a neat bow on top. You're gosh-darn right this is fan-service, and it's been done in the best possible way. I can guarantee I will be buying this season on Blu-ray so I can watch it again.
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Oh. My. God
Capitan Cabeza14 April 2023
When I thought nothing could top episode 8... Mind officially blown!

It's a nice time to be life long trekkie.

THIS is how this fan loved franchises should be treated, with quality , love and respect for what has been done.

I won't spoil a single thing, besides saying that now season 2 looks a lot like a certain Episode 8 from the guys on the other side of the road (inane and rendered pointless)

I really really hope the people in charge of THIS will make more Trek.

And since I need to type 100 more characters, I'll say that this is gooooooood TV. All studios out there should learn about BRAVELY going out without destroying the foundations.
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The Order 66 of Star Trek
max_kirchi14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode ripped my heart out, tossed it in the air and kicked it and crushed it.

So much pain in this one episode, built up over decades of Star Trek, DS9, Voyager and especially TNG, built up over these NINE episodes of Picard's third season.

And it left me in tears of joy from the return of the Enterprise D, anger at how the writers told us the emotional drama so grandly, sadness at Captain Shaw's heroic death and fear for each and every one of my beloved characters who are out there fighting for their lives.

What Terry Matalas and his crew, including every single actor, show in this final season of Picard puts the crown on Star Trek.
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Total emotional rollercoaster
rbsvxl13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is Star Trek. More explosions & fight scenes than the series' of the 90s, of course, but that's the baseline with these new series'. But this episode struck all the emotion & nostalgia chords. The writers did a great job with bringing all of the pieces together to finish the picture. I LOVED watching the old chemistry between TNG cast shine. I got chills watching them walk around the bridge of the D & literally burst into tears hearing Majel Barrett's voice respond as the computer.

This season has nearly made up for the last. After this season, getting to watch the NexGen cast together again, I'm so sad to know the series is ending.
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Why am I crying?
A-Lost-Soul15 April 2023
Never have I watched an episode that is so AMAZING that it literally brought me to tears. For true fans, we are in the debt to the creators and writers for putting together a single season that had made entire series of Star Trek look amateurish. Yes, this series and episode is built on the others but everything has been pieced together so well that it has me questioning my own talents but inspired to just be better.

The unexpected combined with the nostalgia married to the innovation has phenomenally brought together conflict and comaradrie of arguably the best crew of Starfleet. It did leave me with the question about Jurati but since I stopped the show 10 minutes before the end to write this then I might get my answer.

If you want to know what happen in the show go watch it. I will watch it again with you.

Creators, writers.... WOW!!!
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Gold Standard
cianhennigar15 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Never a doubt. Bringing the crew back meant bringing the ship back. What a moment. Give this show runner the reigns. He gets it. Everything until now I want to wipe from my memory banks, this is is gold standard.

Scuppers s2s ending if the Borg were to align with the federation. My guess is the recon will reveal pills queen as the cloaked big bad. Needs must. At this stage, it's not about the story it's about the reunion and whatever they do, this episodes payoff with the return of the mark d will be worth it. Not show horned but much like the reintroduction of all in this season, nuanced and leveled.

Forget about what came before. Picard has landed on it's feet. Gold standard!
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Thanks for this tribute to my childhood heroes
immeramfeixen13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This one is for the history books!

Seeing the Enterprise-D restored fly out of the (old?) space-dock clone which is seemingly Geordi's personal (because otherwise unmanned) ship museum gave me goosebumps.

Is this entire plot a 'little' bit far fetched? Of course! It would have been easy to serve us TNG fans a little more realistically - or should I say "old style" - but todays screen writers and directors seem incapable of doing so, so I'll take it.

Will they be able to answer 10% of all the questions and details I'd like to get answered in one final episode? No way! ... but was I hoping for a little bit of all of this for 'decades'? YES

So thank you to have at least partially returned to some good old up-beat Star Trek, I'm enjoying every bit of fan-service this provides!

========= Looking forward --> "Make the Borg great again"!

Who hasn't been wondering about the Borg assimilating some changelings in order to become super drones?

At least the Borg are back after they lost all their might and over the past two decades due to some (pardon me) IDIOT screen writers. So at the end of TNG outwitted and overpowered Starfleet, just as it should have been all along! I hope they don't get entirely killed off in the final episode, it would be too much (again).

To me the Borg are THE most believable of all the adversaries and they should become scary AF again given todays potential quality of story writing + CGI . I seriously hope that whatever Trek series comes next will portrait the Borg as the ultimate enemy, maybe nudge them a little bit into the direction of cybernetics + AI hybrid and you can create amazing stories for "the next generation".
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I've never been so happy to see so many wrinkles, but...
jad-stormrage18 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Big spoilers below:

1) We're to understand all the Armada crew above 25 are now dead or fighting for their lives on borg taken over ships, this means every character we have known to love in Star Trek, Voyager, Deep Space 9, TNE ... as well as all the alien crew members (since i doubt Picards human DNA worked on them) are probably dead

2) If Kathryn Janeway was present and now dead, this opens a paradox as she won't be there to travel back in time and take out the Borg queen. Won't it ?

3) Lets say somehow the plot stands, and the decks are still being contested, the psychological trauma on the Federation members will run deep, not to mention the diplomatic ramifications of all of this after it gets undone.

Overall it's a massacre of unthink of proportions, as federation members had to fight each other and all ships were lost to the Borg controled younglings

4) Aren't the new Borg part of the Federation now, since Picard season 2, how did all of this pass un-noticed considering they were helping the Federation?

5) I hope this gets fixed with timetravel or some galactic favor that restores everything to what it was before it turned to dust.
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If you liked "The Best Of Both Worlds"..
SamRawr14 April 2023
You'll like this. It's certainly going to be in the running for best TNG two part story, even though it's technically a different show.

Finally, Star Trek is back on our screens and it doesn't feel like a teenage soap opera aka "Discovery".

I would have preferred the final episode and this episode to be combined in on, but overall it's been done very well. There are some other fan favourites reprising their roles.

You can tell this season is written by a Star Trek fan, and not Alex Klutzman and his band of merry clowns who know nothing about Trek or it's fanbase.

Not much else to say without spoilers.
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After all this time!
MamaLeysa15 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I tell you my jaw DROPPED when those hangar doors opened. When the lights came up on the bridge of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D I was entirely overwhelmed and unable to process what I was experiencing. While Picard is doting over the carpet I'm blown away by the crisp 4K sharpness of such rich early 90s nostalgia. Even the inimitable sound of the ship going to warp is executed with grace and care. This episode was like coming home when you never thought you'd see that house again. Gratitude doesn't come close to what I wish I could convey to Terry Matalas. Live long and prosper my guy and PLEASE continue making Star Trek great again!! <3.
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Simply perfect
martin-104-50357213 April 2023
This third season of Picard has proved to be a master piece, and this penultimate episode of the third and final season was just stunning. It brought me to tears. Fan service? Absolutely - but what would you expect? It's undone some of the hurt that the rather poor motion pictures created.

The quality of work that has gone into this final season is truely impressive - what a shame that the previous two seasons were not up to the same standard. Each episode seems to simply knock it out of the park, and this episode seems to top the lot so far.

If you were a fan of the Next Generation series, the last ten minutes of this episode will have you in tears of joy.
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