Osombie (2012) Poster


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Osama returns from the dead in Ozombie
rgblakey30 December 2012
It was only a matter of time for the movies to start flowing in regarding the killing of Osama Bin Laden. This year showcased three different films, but only one stepped out of the world of the truth and into the world of zombies to deliver a fun take on this important moment in history, Ozombie. The trailers offered a peek into what could be a pretty fun film, but will it deliver or just be another goofy spoof?

Ozombie follows a group of NATO special-forces on a special assignment that alongside a yoga instructor in search of her conspiracy theory brother who believes Bin Laden is still alive despite being buried at sea. To their shock he has returned from his watery grave and is making an army of zombie terrorists. Now they must kill Bin Laden again and stop the zombie insurgence before it infects the rest of the world. This film pretty much delivers the silly nature you would expect, but not the quality. They had a perfect opportunity to deliver a fun take on this moment in history with plenty of action and zombie gore, but instead ended up delivering more of a Syfy original movie style film that is almost laughable in a bad way. Much like most of these sorts of films, the acting is pretty bad and there never seems to be a sense of urgency for the onslaught of zombies. There is a quick explanation to attempt to tie everything together, but never really fleshes it out. For the most part this is non-stop action, which would have still worked perfectly well had they spent a little more time on the action itself. Most of it worked OK, but when it's supposed to be a Special Forces unit, they need to look like they have a bit better skills than your average soldier.

For all this films flaws it's still pretty fun if you enjoy some good cheese. They used way too much CGI blood instead of practical effects, but still deliver a decent zombie body count pretty much non-stop throughout. If you're a fan of films from the Asylum or SyFy then you will most likely have a great time with this one as well. If you can step away ignoring the bad acting and lame effects, there is still a fun film here to enjoy.
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Terrsploitation films? Really?
siderite19 September 2012
Osama is not dead, he's undead! That ridiculous man returns as a zombie in a movie that should have been, by all accounts, a comedy. But no, it tries to bring "the horror" using the same old zombie film tricks. The American army can fight successfully normal armed terrorists, but it succumbs to bites to the neck when the same people are moving slowly and are unarmed.

The only real horror is that I watched this film and it wasn't even remotely funny. The effects were ridiculous, the acting was good only for Osama, but he was an animatronic puppet, while the story was incredibly idiotic.

Bottom line: completely boring, not even bad enough to warrant viewing for amusement. Avoid this waste of time. Have we really reached the point where we make exploitation films with terrorists that are not documentaries about 9/11 ?
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the CGI teared this down into oblivion
trashgang23 September 2012
One of the hypes on youtube for the trailer only. I was looking forward to see it because I liked the story about Osama coming back as a zombie. But I have seen thousands of flicks from the early eighties until now and I must say that I just couldn't care about it. It's weird that it even has given so many positive reviews and that people really liked it. But for me it was just shooting with really bad CGI effects towards Taliban zombies coming out from everywhere. They looked okay but even there, once they are being shot it is always the same CGI effect.

Maybe it is again people coming from the states who liked this flick because their country was being hit by Al Quida and even afterwards they came across the Taliban. So maybe they liked it because they could laugh with Osama again.

People do defend it by saying that it was a low budget flick and I admit, you can easily spot it due the CGI. Here and there it is okay but overall it bored me a lot. And again, it bored me due the , sigh, CGI.

This could have been indeed the zombie hit of the year but for me it failed completely. No gore at all, there is indeed red stuff but not to mention and when people are being taken in close up after been bitten by the Taliban you only see blood running. Sorry mates, maybe it must be me getting old but give me a cheap flick from the seventies I will dig it but Osombie, the overall look was worse, it did look like a really bad SyFy flick or ne of The Asylum, do I need to say more?

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Terribly flat and uninspired
stephoch12 August 2012
This movie was something I accidentally stumbled upon and had high hopes but was truly disappointed. While I enjoy Zombie and gore movies as much as the other guy, I also appreciate some cinematic finesse thrown in. Unfortunately Osombie tries to survive on a single interesting idea with flat characters and an even flatter story.

The movie itself is quickly summarized, Osama Bin Laden supposedly "alive" as a Zombie, guy goes to kill him, his sister goes after him and meets some soldiers along the way in a zombie- infested Afghanistan. While this might be a lot of fun (think Dead Snow) it is not since the action is poorly dramatized, you never really feel that there is any real threat coming from the zombs. Also none of the characters offer any particularly likable traits why you would root for them.

Overall this movie was uninspired and while it had some nice CGIs and obviously some budget it really failed to create a story arc that would allow me to call this flick entertaining.
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Exploitative propaganda, at least it thinks so......
FlashCallahan12 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dusty is on a desperate mission to save her brother Derek, a conspiracy theorist who is convinced Bin Laden is still alive, despite having been buried at sea.

She falls in with a team of NATO special forces on a secret assignment. Turns out Derek is not so crazy after all, and that Bin Ladan has returned from the grave, and is making an army of zombie terrorists.

When the group crash into the zombie army, Dusty and the troops must find and destroy the root of the zombie insurgency before it infests the rest of the world......

The extra star is for the first ten minutes of the film, its a brilliant high concept. Bin Ladan, knowing that his time is up, injects himself with obvious Zombie juice to make himself come back.

And this had me instantly intrigued. Could a straight to Blu Ray movie, that only cost me £1, be actually any good.

But the narrative soon laid rest to that. And as soon as the titular character fell into his watery grave, it's as if the makers have taken their one great idea, threw it overboard, and left it to drift away with Wilson the volleyball.

The rest of the film is literally a group if people, led by a shirtless bargain basement Colin Farrell wannabe, running into Afghan Zombies very five minutes and killing them, with the added bonus of awful CGI blood.

Once in a while, one of the group gets bitten, and the bloke with the bears tells a really weak joke.

By the time we get to see the titular character again, you couldn't care less what has happened, or what will happen, because you'll be asking yourself one question.

Who's drooling more, the Zombie or yourself out of sheer boredom.
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Now its war !
dadatuuexx16 May 2012
The war is on....for all terrorist zombies !.This film kinda came out of nowhere for me. I am always down for a zombie movie,and i like a good war flick.This movie was both.The actors were all good,played cool parts, and made good story.The fx were great,with lots of great looks,done without c.g.i. .(o.k. ,the blood-splatter from the tons of head-shots were comps)As far as story ,its simple-Bin laden may,or may not be dead-or alive.A group of merc's go behind enemy lines to take care of things...for good. All in all,this is a great little flick.Decent story,acting,gore,zombies,no comedy,and the props,weapons fx,and costumes were great.Of odd note,this film has no overt cursing,or swearing,no nudity,or sex.Though there,s plenty of the red stuff,the film really never gets very gory.Makes for a decent movie for younger fans to watch.
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So bad, my buddy fell asleep midway through it
BustedHalo30 September 2012
I was psyched to see this movie after watching the trailer. It looked like it was going be along the lines of horror/comedy. Something in the realm of Army of Darkness. Oh, how wrong that impression was...

In the place of a fun and enjoyable movie was a 90 minute pain-fest that felt like 2 1/2 hours. Really, really bad zombie makeup. Continuity problems. A samurai sword wielding female soldier killing zombies by stabbing them through the chest or slashing across that same chest, yet it was clearly established early on that headshots are the only kill method. Sound problems (or mumbling actors, who knows).

And it was obviously made by someone who doesn't know anything about military tactics or how to use military weaponry. Shooting a .50 cal sniper rifle from the hip? Really? REALLY?!?

At least this movie doesn't hold the title of "Worst Zombie Movie I've Ever Seen". There's that.
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Special thanks to Xbox as our technical consultant!
meantryptamine5 May 2013
Great production value for what it is. The CGI is pretty good, and the costumes and props are excellent. Also, if you like good movies, you won't like Osombie. If you like bad movies, you won't like Osombie, but hey! If you think Ewe Boll is a genius and ahead of his time, then you'll love this movie.

If you know anything about military tactics, this movie will offend your sensibilities. If your military experience comes entirely from media, this movie will still offend your sensibilities. This group of soldiers, purportedly Army Rangers, utilize the "rush into the center of a hoard of zombies and fire in all directions" combat method. They don't hold a line. They rush to melee range to shoot .50 BMGs from the hip. In their defense, they never look surprised when someone is bitten, which is at almost every encounter. Interestingly, the meat head who likes to fight zombies half naked shows impressive survivability.

The dialogue is horrid. Whoever wrote it tried to cram in every colloquial metaphor they'd ever heard in a tragic failure to sound cool. I could forgive "Tomboy's" flawless makeup in every scene and the fact that everyone looks clean and well-fed in spite of daily temperatures in excess of 120 degrees Fahrenheit and near-freezing nights in Afghanistan, but the dialogue is just so, so bad.

This movie exists as a vehicle to hamfistedly deliver us to cliché zombie movie moments, which are then poorly executed. The only reason so many people have heard of it is due to its exploitation of one of the most reviled men in history.

Good sets, good costumes, good props, a very nice camera, and actors that I believe could have delivered if given literally anything to work with... It just breaks my heart that the makings of a great movie were in place, and the people running the show produced this tripe.
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pretty awful but funny in parts
kevin-caprani14 November 2013
I went shopping and waited in the car for my partner while she got a milk bread and a DVD with 3 films for just £5!Not the first time i have had to watch a film that if it was on TV i would have just switched channels.OK there are zombies who get killed A LOT, all the zombies are Afghans, American soldiers laugh and wise crack as they slaughter them in different ways,plenty of blood, not much plot,the zombies move so slowly a tortoise could outrun them but every now and then someone other than a Zombie dies somehow,its pretty stupid and i did start to feel a bit uneasy that Afghans, even zombie Afghans were being slaughtered with such obvious relish by the U.S forces with the current political climate, anyway it fails to provide the entertainment of say eight legged freaks,which is in the same genre, cheesy but entertaining,substitute zombies for spiders there is not much difference.The actors are not half bad really its difficult to shine in a film like this,its very clichéd in places only watch it if you have very very low expectations and have no desire to think when watching a movie.
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A Long Video Game
shawnblackman19 October 2016
Osama Bin Laden has secretly been making zombies for his newest biological weapons. When troops storm into his bunker he injects himself with the zombie serum. The soldiers shoot him and transport his body in a plane. He becomes a zombie mid flight making the plane crash into the ocean thus releasing Osombie.

This thing was ridiculous. All kinds of zombies are walking around in the desert when an American team gets there and just starts shooting them like its a video game. They don't even question the fact that they are zombies. So now expert zombie killers they cut across the desert looking for Bin Laden with lots of CGI blood. The woman soldier has a samurai sword on her back. Why a Seal unit would carry that is beyond me but you just knew they had to incorporate into a scene.

This wasn't very politically correct or any good really. Just one long boring video game.
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As you'd expect
Leofwine_draca15 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
OSOMBIE is a straight-up zombie action B-movie that sees a bunch of soldiers based in Afghanistan tackling various enemy soldiers. One of them turns out to be the zombie of Osama bin Laden, which gives the film it's title. This is straight-up zombie fare, with lots of shooting and CGI blood spray effects mixed in with some fairly effective and gruesome zombie makeup. The script is uninteresting and the characters underdeveloped, but the film has cinematography that's a little better than many zombie indie movies; it's a pity that the second half has far less action and is far less interesting than the first.
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Pleasantly surprised
kimbabe0921 May 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this zombie film and the first thing i have to say is how refreshing it was to watch men taking tops off rather then the typical dumb blonde with fake tits! The acting was superb and there was no shaky camera (what most low budget films have) and the make up/effects on the zombies was brilliant! The storyline was well thought out and as i said earlier the actors were brilliant. Lots of bloody gore and heads being blown off! Throughly entertaining and enjoyable to watch! Very reasonable to buy and will be one that i will keep and watch again. Recommended to family and friends and all horror fans that want to watch a gory bloody zombie film with (for a change) no sex or nudity or bad swearing! A*
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Not bad at all
Virul634522 May 2012
I went to the bother of signing up just to review this 'cos i think it deserved more than the 4.5* it has.

Firstly this is definitely a B-movie so u have to go in expecting that. I usually don't like B-movies like you get on SyFy but i do like zombies movies so i thought i'd give this a chance, and i'm glad i did.

The premise is pretty simple... a group of soldiers looking for a militia base in zombie infested Afghanistan. Sure its silly but it works fine.

At first i thought the acting sucked but it wasn't long before i changed my mind, i'm not saying it's going to win an Oscar but it was a lot better than the crap SyFy puts out, i got the impression the actors had fun and weren't just phoning it in, and i found myself giving a crap about the characters. t's a pity that being a zombie movie so many people had to die because i would definitely have watched a sequel with the same cast.

There are some bad point sure, there are some major plot holes but i was kind of expecting that. I think the thing that bugged me most was the cgi, not the blood and gore cgi that was pretty good, but the helicopters that don't disturb the grass when they land and the cg muzzle flares rather than guns firing blanks. As most reviewers have pointed out the zombie makeup was pretty decent.

I don't know why people complain about the chick with the sword, the soldiers knew they were going to be going up against zombies and given that i think a sword is a perfectly reasonable weapon.

If you like B-movies or zombie movies definitely check it out, it kept my attention for the whole movie.
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Special Forces Soldiers on a Mission to Find and Kill the Zombified Body of Osama bin Laden
Uriah4317 November 2021
This film begins with an American SEAL team landing by helicopter on the rooftop of a building in Abbottabad, Pakistan in search of Osama bin Laden. Completely surprised by the sudden assault Osama desperately infects himself with a virus which eventually turns himself into a zombie. Having then shot and presumably killing him, the SEAL team put his body on the helicopter to take back to an aircraft carrier waiting for them in the Arabian Sea. However, on the way there the zombified body of Osama bin Laden awakens and in the resulting chaos his body is sent to the bottom of the sea. Not long afterward, "Osombie" (played by Walter A. Carmona) stumbles out of the sea and attacks two people on the beach. Recognizing the importance of this event the Taliban not only harbors Osombie but also begins creating even more zombies for use against American forces in Afghanistan. To counter that, a small group of special forces soldiers are sent in to find Osombie and in that regard to fight and kill all of those who stand in their way. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film started off with a ridiculous premise and pretty much remained that way all the way through. Quite surprisingly, there were actually some good action scenes to be found in this movie--but those depicting a female soldier named "Tomboy" (Danielle C. Ryan) wielding a samurai sword in battle certainly didn't help in that regard. In short, I honestly didn't expect much from this film and as a result I wasn't too disappointed.
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Ok needs more I don't know maybe the title you know
coole-8201424 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Osama is my dad make him have more screen time he is my favourite mr bean pirate And Thomas and Batman movies thanks dad.rip Ok I stop joke now ok movie but the title is a lie he is barely in the movie.
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Silly title, bad movie
Stevieboy66613 April 2020
Osombie (or what I initially thought was Ozombie) is one of those movies that I have just kept putting off watching, on the assumption that it was going to be painfully bad. Well one of the few positive things that I can say is that it could have been worse. I thought it was going to be more of a horror spoof but in fact it is pretty much played straight. There is one character, however, known as Joker who keeps coming out with cheesy jokes ("What did the zombie eat after his teeth got pulled? The dentist!"). So amid all of the zombie killing, of which there is a lot, there is humour, all be it somewhat weak. Also between the zombie killing there are many dull and boring scenes which drags the film down. The zombie make-up is pretty decent, however the CGI effects are awful. Utah looks fantastic but it doesn't really look convincingly like Afghanistan. Added to the great pile of crap 21st Century zombie movies.
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Silly fun dampened by profoundly uneven, inconsistent, even senseless writing
I_Ailurophile11 September 2022
I'm not entirely sure why I felt the need to watch this. I had low expectations generally, and most specifically, I could only assume the picture would suffer from tawdry, boorish jingoism if not also racism. Even seen from afar, the concept sounds like one that will struggle to provide entertainment. Sit to watch, and to at least some extent I admit I'm a little surprised - I assumed 'Osombie' would be outright awful, but it comes off instead as a very mixed bag. That's hardly a trio of words that should inspire confidence, but when we're talking about movies in this level, "very mixed bag" can be taken as a compliment.

Filmmaker John Lyde has a long list of credits in TV and indie productions, and his direction is broadly solid if unremarkable - balanced out with some especially nice shots and scenes. Also wearing hats here as co-producer, cinematographer, and co-editor, I think he demonstrates fine capability all around. The filming locations are gorgeous (Utah, standing in for Afghanistan); costume design, props and weapons, and set design are swell. Action scenes, and the makeup, blood and gore, and practical effects realizing the zombies, all look good; while computer-aided visuals are sometimes too over the top (think headshots in action-horror videogames), given the slant of the film - sure, why not. Though unremarkable in the grand scheme of things, in and of itself I quite like James Schafer's original music, tinged with rock vibes.

On the other hand, Kurt Hale's screenplay is the chief source of those three key words, "very mixed bag." Dialogue is all over the place: in quieter moments it's hackneyed and unnecessary, while when geared towards plot development it's Just So. In attempts at any humor, at least half such lines are juvenile, tired tripe, leaving only a handful of quips, one-liners, and otherwise jokes to inspire some happy little neurons to fire off. Characters are written with a modicum of personality, but are mostly uninteresting; with only two women given any prominence, "Dusty" and "Tomboy" end up being the best characters just because they stand out. (Eve Mauro and Danielle C. Ryan lucked out.) Meanwhile, the expository attempt at an explanation for the zombie problem comes off as forced, strained, grasping at straws, an exercise in videogame logic. The overall narrative is almost extraneous and uninteresting, and seems to have gotten the least attention of anything. And the scene writing struggles or succeeds roughly following the pattern of the content I've described - though with unpredictable results from one moment to the next, and some inclusions are 100% superfluous.

Whatever particular weaknesses or strengths one may cite, though, the biggest flaw of all is deep inconsistency in tone. It could have been a schlocky but fun action-horror feature, and there are some ideas in the screenplay that are ripe for a more earnest genre romp. At other points 'Osombie' is so wildly preposterous or over the top that it feels like a horror-comedy, a parody of zombie flicks and military stories. At still other times scenes are so bland and uninspiring that they become all but soporific. Weirdly enough, all this rather seems to be embodied in the character Tomboy. She's a hard-boiled soldier like the dime-a-dozen bros - but also carries a sword for melee combat (and scenes in which she uses it are some of the most satisfying in the whole film!). She refuses to proceed lockstep with the more tasteless humor of her fellows, but also fleetingly illustrates romantic interest in one of the others and is commonly seen with... a lollipop. I like Ryan as an actor, and I think she's fine in this role - but the role is written very unevenly, in an unmistakable echo of the picture at large.

What it all comes down to is that it really seems like 'Osombie' didn't know what it truly wanted to be. It's well made generally, and I maintain that Lyde is a competent director. Yet the screenplay oscillates with scant rhyme or reason between silly, fun, bland, overcooked, and unnecessary - and with that, the acting, direction, and the rest of the production at large seem like they're scrambling to pick up the pieces and make something out of the hodgepodge of notions herein. Good ideas, adequate craft, some reliable people involved, all running around to make sense of what is sometimes almost senseless, directionless writing. When all is said and done I can very honestly say that this is better than I anticipated, but how much that really means is up for debate. I suppose if you're a major fan of someone involved, or extra curious, then there's a special reason to watch this, but for anyone else - well, so long as you keep your expectations low, it's passably enjoyable for a lazy, slow day. Even for as many problems as it has 'Osombie' is marginally enjoyable; would that it were more focused in one way or another.
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Putting the "fun" into Kickstarter funding
steevhopper3 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, and let's get this straight for those people reading these reviews in order to see "just how bad it is" before buying it at Tesco for eight quid, 'Osombie' is very good indeed.

Yeah, you read that right. It's very good. But, but, but, you say- it's cheap! It's about Bin Laden's return from the grave! It looks a right laugh! It's a zombie movie for the luvvapete! HOW CAN IT BE GOOD?, you scream. Well, it is. Very. Here we have a Kickstarter funded action horror film with high production values, a cinematographer with an artist's eye for composition, glorious zombie makeups, a cast evidently having a whale of a time and who seem to be proper actors who are good at their jobs, a script that takes the whole thing seriously without winking at the audience like an episode of The Chuckle Brothers but which is also warm and witty and satirical at times, and a thousand and one splattery zombie headshots. Admittedly, the majority of those splattery zombie headshots are cg- but in this case the old ZX Spectrums are used so well, we can forgive that- if only due to the sheer volume of blood spilled. More zombies are put down on screen here than, I think, in the entirety of Romero's six films so far. And there's not a crap zombie in the mix.

Aficionados of the much-maligned zombie subgenre will find much to love here- I'd say it was one of my favourite such movies of the last few years- and certainly up there with the Ford Brothers' 'The Dead', if for completely different reasons.

I urge anyone browsing in Tesco to pick this up. You will never spend a better eight pounds.
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Surprisingly nice actually...
paul_haakonsen16 May 2012
Having stumbled upon "Osombie" by sheer luck, I decided to give it a go. We got Abraham Lincoln battling zombies and vampires this year, so why not also have a zombie Osama Bin Laden as well? I thought this movie was going to be a comedy spoof, but it actually turned out to be a serious movie. So what is next this year? Saddam Zomsain? Anyway, the movie "Osombie" starts out with action and adrenaline right from the very beginning and doesn't let go before the end. This is a zombie movie that steps out from other regular zombie movie, in terms of the storyline and the fact that Osama Bin Laden is a zombie.

I enjoyed the movie, lots of action in it, and the action scenes were well executed and looks good. But what really worked was the zombie make-up. Lots of really nice detail here, and lots of great work on the make-up. The zombies looked really cool, and weren't just people with their faces painted gray. And the blood and gore effects were cool as well, lots of heads exploding all over.

The people cast for the roles were actually doing great jobs with their given roles and characters. The acting was good and believable, coming off nicely on the screen. People seemed to be enjoying what they were hired to do, and that showed off in their performances.

Now, there were some bad things about the movie as well, some flaws. For example, when did the American army allow their troopers to bring Katana swords with them into the incursion fields? And also, why did Chip have to take off his jacket and shirt all the time? That was just so stupid, and not really how a soldier would act in a situation like this. And to top it off, then suddenly there is a Katana training montage video with Tomboy in the middle of it all, it came out of nowhere and it made absolutely no sense. It was so lame.

But aside from these really stupid annoyances, then "Osombie" was actually a rather entertaining movie. And if you are a zombie aficionado, like me, then you definitely owe it to yourself to check it out. It is well worth a watch. However, the storyline about Osama Bin Laden as a zombie was a bit on the cheesy side though, but the action and the zombies more than made it up for that silly approach.

Being a non-American I did find the movie to be somewhat thick on pro-Americanism, waging war on terrorists even when they have come back from the grave. But hey, it is a movie, meant for entertaining, not being a political broadcasting channel.
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Osombie (2012) Better than it had to be..
horrortheater23 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a perfect example of a film under the Hollywood radar that is a gem. Calling it a gem does not mean it's perfect, but it gives you more entertainment on it's small budget than most big budget Hollywood films.

You have to admit, to produce a film that has Bin Laden producing zombies to fight the Americans in the war is certainly a fresh idea.

The zombie make-up is much better than it needed to be. I didn't spot one bad looking zombie (make-up wise) in the entire film. Was the CG used in the film perfect, no, but there are plenty stunning effects, several I have not yet seen before.

You'd be wise to not listen to the reviewers panning this film. There is no perfect zombie film out there, but Osombie is certainly a fresh one and you should not pass up the chance to view it. You will certainly not be disappointed.
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Not too bad at all
darren___12 July 2012
I was a financial backer of this movie from its Kickstarter project, however I didn't have any input into the movie or its development. So what I write here is my own opinion.

I just wanted to say that without any preconceived ideas or thoughts about this movie I didn't think this was too bad at all. For a small budget movie it certainly didn't show the usual tell tale signs.

Camera work was excellent, the CGI and special effects were above average for what you would expect of a B grade flick.

Knowing that Eve Mauro (Dusty) was in this flick I was expecting to be spending a lot of time admiring her. However I was more impressed with Danielle Chuchran's (Tomboy) performance... she has such a cute smile.

Give it a look, whilst you will probably think its not the best film you have ever seen, I'm pretty sure you wont think its the worst either.
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My New Favourite Film of all Time
hmmiwonderjoe4 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of the funniest films i have ever seen, intentional or not. i especially love the care taken over props and weapons to make it seem like something that could happen. The inclusion of RPS (Rocket Proppeled Steam)at the end. this is a new age weapon and i am glad to see they had the cgi capability to pull it off. i enjoyed the fact that, if anything, it cleaned the man who was firing it was amazing to me whilst tearing osama apart.

i was shocked at the amount of money that had seemed to be pumped into this film. the inclusion of countless helicopters and Ac130s was exciting to me, the question is who got the 11 kill streak? this was the only flaw.. i only counter 10 kills. the constant breaking of the fourth wall unintentionally made the whole experience very real to me.

the story line was kept compelling and interesting with very real characters. The writers kept me hooked with the references to pokemon, facebook and 9/11 was a common theme. this kept it up to date, and i was on the edge of my seat waving the stars and stripes throughout. 10/10 must see
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Actually not as bad as you would imagine!!!
temporary_fault16 May 2012
I noticed the cover to this film and first thing i thought was "oh dear god... really?" but that also gave me the reason to actually watch it. Obviously i was expecting a terrible B movie, and admit i was presently surprised. It was an enjoyable and easy film to watch, and was action packed from the off.. Although it has a silly idea behind it with whole bin laden angle, i reckon most zombie fans will see this as pretty enjoyable.. the zombies make up was exceptionally good when seen in close up. Few really stupid bits in the film including a female soldier slicing up the zombies with a sword... (did'nt realise they issued these in the us army!!) and a couple of cheesy scenes. but all in all worth a watch...
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really enjoyed this
reapershound1 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
one of the most surprising movies that i have watched this year and one myself and the family enjoyed. yes there was some silly things in the movie, but nothing that could not be forgiven. as to how this movie was missed by Hollywood is truly beyond me, although saying that if Hollywood have there hand in it, then it may have come out worst. the cast seemed to gel together and there was action from the get go. but with out a doubt my favorite character had to be joker for his bad taste in jokes, specifically the last two in the movie. again i can not really praise this little movie enough and i am now quite happy that i didn't give this a miss. strangely i want to watch it again.
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Too Good For The Genre
Joel-942-14407521 May 2012
I know it must sound strange to knock a movie because it's "too good", but this not a 'Resident Evil', 'I am Legend', or 'Walking Dead', it's just a regular zombie romp. With a name like 'Osombie' though, this should have been a 'B' movie and a joke, using all of the standard zombie crap we've all come to love/hate.

The acting was very good, as well as the story line. I really enjoyed watching it. It could have been much worse though, and got itself put into the zombie-hall-of-fame i.e., 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Zombieland'. {IMHO}

.... IMDb wants more lines ...
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