My House Walk-Through (2016) Poster

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Anxiety at its peak.
nakulvsalat1 November 2023
The eerie sound of the wind, like a howling creature, assaults the senses, while rain trickles through the cracked walls, soaking the space and creating a suffocating atmosphere within the narrow hallway. This all weaves together, forming an exploration of a house that feels uncomfortably tight and profoundly uncertain, much like the seemingly stray long strands of hair hanging about.

The enigma surrounding the protagonist's grandparents, coupled with the astonishingly realistic effects that serve to emphasize forthcoming revelations, keeps one on edge, wary of hidden threats. Yet, what is most perturbing is the protagonist's demeanor as he unravels these mysteries. His detached manner and indifferent description of the peculiar features of the house create an unsettling dissonance. There's an eerie mismatch between his calm, as if he feels no fear, and the viewer's escalating unease. It's as if, in this environment that should provoke anxiety, he's disturbingly at ease-almost as if it's not just a place he's visiting, but a place he unequivocally calls home, a sensation that leaves the audience deeply disconcerted.
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