Veep (TV Series 2012–2019) Poster


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the VEEP get my vote as funniest new show anywhere,
steveaherne200024 April 2012
I was surprised to see only one vote in for this hilarious new show,i always assumed HBO attracted a more discerning kind of watcher,ah well I'm sure word of mouth will do the trick.

VEEP is a deliciously bracing concoction brought to us courtesy of the man behind the similarly themed British TV show THE THICK OF IT and movie offspring IN THE LOOP,Armando Iannucci.

Like those projects as well as many others(Iannucci often works with those other mainstays of British comedy Steve Coogan and Chris Morris)Iannuccis dry (very)sharp wit is on full display here as he delivers machine gun pace dialog and manages to hit all his targets with a resounding bullseye.

do yourselves a big favor comedy fans,seek out this brilliant show,tell all your friends because it would be a real shame if this show falls between the cracks becoming the TV version of the real vice-president,you know its out there somewhere but u can never seem to spot it!
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This show is hysterical!
pburntproductions22 June 2012
Get the remote, find the rewind button and get ready. Not an episode has gone by where I didn't have to rewind because we missed dialogue over the laughter in the room. In some cases, we just have to re-watch scenes over again for sheer enjoyment of Julia's performance.

This show is bound to get a bad rap because it comes across as vulgar comedy. Audiences are forgiving when it is delivered by men, but when a woman is leading that charge, there seems to be some rule that it must be respectful or clean. Not here and good for her! This show is just flat out a good time and Julia is at her very best (and I miss Elaine!). The supporting cast is strong and able to respond and react to her every action.

The dialogue, be it written or improved, is unmistakably honest and delivered to perfection with the timing that hits the mark with almost every line. With each view, i catch comments and reactions that are not visible on the first view because the show moves like a rocket. The moments are fast and filled with the perfect elements of comedy.

HBO is a good home for VEEP and this show better last. .
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Selina Mayers rocks
mecbik29 May 2014
Initially started watching Veep being a huge fan of Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Season 1 , first few episodes were not so gripping but as the show progressed the plot as well as the comedy quotient heightened.Now cant wait for the next episode.The dialogues are witty and a lot of intelligent situational humor. You might a lot of expletives being used but thats what it more realistic.

As expected Julia Louis-Dreyfus has a exceptional comic timing and the supporting cast is also up to the task of keeping pace with actress as strong as their leading woman. Every character has his own little quirks

A must watch
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Utterly vile and sublimely superb
Having seen all the original aversion in the UK (The Thick Of it) and adoring it... I didn't think it could be topped in sheer poetry of swear words and toe curling insults. Always close to the bone and often vulgar but in the most intelligent and hysterically funny ways - this is absolutely one to binge and turn it up... you will miss some corkers from the deafening laughter in the room if you dont. Not for the faint of heart or easily offended but utterly wonderful right up to the very last episode. It seemed to cram in quite literally every filthy joke and disgraceful insult they'd ever written and not got the chance to use so as not to waste any. And thank God they did!!! No spoilers but just watch it all it's a breath of fresh air in this oh so vanilla TV landscape.
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I am truely going to miss the brilliance of this show.
atwiththestars10 May 2019
This show communicates well how the most selfish, petty and arrogant of people are drawn to politics. And what makes it work is that it never mentions parties. This show perfectly captures what both parties are potentially like, and also what most global politics are really about. This is one of the best shows of my lifetime.
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rednblack10 May 2012
Like the rest of Ianucci's work, this is a fantastic political satire. The reflexive self-serving sycophancy, the arbitrary nature of power, the automatic deferral to the hidden powers behind the throne, the elevation of random dross above real issues (brilliantly lampooned in the pilot when the use of cornstarch forks in the White House becomes a stumbling block to setting up a clean jobs task force) are skillfully portrayed, showing how the dysfunction of the modern arena (especially the media's eye, usually passive but, as in the second episode, sometimes accompanied by a mouthful of vicious teeth) prevents the exercise of power for actual governmental function. None of the characters are perfectly likable, though all are well-played, but somehow the ensemble is endearing. Watch this if you want to see a sharp commentary on the drunken carousel that is politics.
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Contrary to popular belief, this show is hilarious.
daniellouthain28 May 2012
I waited until after the sixth episode to review the show so it had time to germinate and really show the audience its potential before I made judgment. I liked the show from the start, mostly because I love The Thick of It and In the Loop. Now I love this show.

Its smart, the dialogue is rich and full. You don't get the crappy, tepidly funny one-liners you get from most comedy series nowadays, you get incredibly intelligent situational humor that really makes you wonder about politics in the US and around the world. The show really highlights the humanity that people often dissociate from politics, a quality Armando Iannucci has always brought to his political humor with wit and vulgarity. Highly recommended.

This show is only funny if you actually pay attention to the plot of each episode, you simply won't get it if you pay half attention, because every line has a twist of humor, and every line builds on the last, which is so rare in comedy in the US.
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Br00723 April 2012
Just saw the first episode of Veep and, if the rest of the series is as good as the opener, HBO has a brilliant series on its hands. Louis-Dreyfus delivers a performance reminiscent of her Elaine days; utilizing every ounce of her talent and pouring her entire body into each moment. It's easily her best work since Seinfeld, and that's no put down of her post Seinfeld work. It's a commentary on just how brilliant she was on that show.

The supporting cast is up to the task of keeping pace with a comic and actress as strong as their leading woman. Pleasantly surprising is Anna Chlumsky's funny and endearing chief of staff.

One episode may not be enough to judge a series on but, for episode one I vote 10 out of 10. Smart and laugh out loud funny is a hard combo to come across. I sure hope the rest of the show lives up to day one. I look forward to more.
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Reopened my account just to score the show high.
ian8024 April 2012
Why are people voting on a show before it's aired? There is no way this deserves a 4.9; however, I'm sure it will go up as actual viewers chime in. I've seen the first episode and I'm hooked already.

Short and sweet: Louis-Dreyfus is best at characters with an edge. She had me laughing out loud and re-watching line deliveries ("Selena. Hi. I'm melting, I'm melting."). The entire cast is great. Tony Hale does what he does best -- meek, a little dim -- but it works great. Anna Chlumsky holds her own next to Dreyfus. The writing snappy and natural. The direction slick.

I hope this show sticks around for a bit!
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Definitely hilarious
Red_Identity15 July 2014
This is just fantastic. I think it starts off a bit rough, but gets better and better as it goes on. The performances are all aces, the writing is on point. It's also incredibly admirable just how the writing is layered out as if it was a drama and never really going for obvious comedy clichés and tropes, and just having the comedy play out naturally instead of like in other comedies. It's all rather well done. Dreyfuss is just perfection here, and like the show always seems to play on the verge of drama. This is a fantastic show that has only gotten better with each season. This is definitely strongly recommended. Go
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What a colossal let down in the end...
domp-3343016 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yea...I'm new to the show. Just finished up and I have to say this is some of the best writing in a show I've seen in a very long time. The constant jokes about each other and the general lack of empathy for anyone or giving a damn about being PC was remarkably refreshing and very funny BUT.... I've never seen such a fall from grace of any main character of a show. She turned into a despicable monster basically. Yea yea yea all politicians are awful blah blah blah but for gods sake. They turned her into the worst of the worst. Just an odd let down I did not see coming at all. Throwing Gary under the bus and not visiting him the entirety of his sentence?!? It was just such a hard left turn at the end it seemed unnecessary and rushed or something. Either way....really good show right up until the last few episodes....which really soured it in my eyes.
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Many great laughs, do not give up after the couple of episodes based on The Thick Of It comparisons
anotherclueforyouall23 June 2012
For those who gave up after the first episode or two and are writing this off as 'not as good as The Thick Of it', you're doing yourself a great disservice.

The Thick Of It is brilliant. This is brilliant too, and in parts surpasses the original. The subtlety is still all there, the bullies, the bullied, the excellent dialogue, the jokes that you'd miss if you blinked, and it manages to hold up well even without any Malcolm Tucker character (something I'm not so sure the original could manage).

The closing title sequences are often hilarious (unlike in the original), and I'm sure Arrested Development fans will enjoy Tony Hale as Gary.

I know it takes extra effort to to accept a remake of something that's already so brilliant ('why do they need to do remake in the first place?? you think'), but I honestly think the effort is worth it in this case.
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Smart but way too glib
lssking13 April 2014
I tried following this show because like most HBO programs, it does not dumb down for the audience. I agree with everyone who says the situations effectively caricature the massive egotism and narcissism that is American politics. Julia Louis-Dreyfus needs to be a television fixture because she just nails comedic timing and facial gestures. The dialogue is super sharp. My problem with this show is that there is just too much of it. Lines just fly around relentlessly like bullets in an action film, and it really grates on me after about ten minutes. The characters just seem to never shut up to take a breath of oxygen. Also the younger characters are always portrayed as the most irritating intern types. In fact, most of the cast portray annoying and smarmy types except for the constantly exasperated title character.
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rommauld21 August 2021
First off, my rating is more my personal reaction to the show and less a reflection of the actual quality, which I think is decent overall from a production standpoint. Conceptually and artistically, the characters portrayed don't resonate with me as they're throwing insults at one another for 30 minutes straight for 10 episodes a season and it gets rather tiresome. There's a meanspiritedness to the whole show and a few of the characters really annoyed me about 2-3 episodes in. Some of the performances are really good though and even the minor characters give it their all. Really not for me but it has it's fans.
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Brilliant satire on US politics
grantss26 April 2016
(Updated after Season 7).

Selena Meyer (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is the Vice President ("Veep") of the United States. We see how she and her staff go about their day and the things and people they have to deal with.

A brilliant, biting comedy on the hollowness, superficiality, manipulation, keeping-up-appearances, lies and deceit that is US politics (and politics in general). Created and written by Armando Iannucci who previously gave us The Thick of It, a similar satire on UK politics and even more over-the-top than Veep, and In the Loop, a great movie spin-off of The Thick of It.

Everything and everyone are fair game and nothing is sacred, which is refreshing and rare in today's overly-PC age. Definitely not for the easily offended or the fanatical party partisan.

Screamingly funny, and delivered in quick-fire fashion: the rewind button got quite a workout!

Amazingly, Iannucci manages to keep up the hilarity, quality and freshness of the show through seven full seasons. If anything, it got even better towards the end: Season 7, the final season, was probably the best of the lot. With Jonah Ryan as a politician, Iannucci turned the amp up to 11.
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Great comedy
nimitberry14 February 2019
A very smart comedy that I believe can only be understood if you have brains and some knowledge of the American political system. I don't know how people can rate this comedy to be worth 1 star . Probably the above conditions would missing
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Fast & Dry
generationofswine27 March 2013
This is a great example of how comedy should be written. The humor is dry, witty, and fast paced. By the time one joke is sinking in the next one has already arrived & been delivered by an excellent cast that has the good sense to play it straight. I'm forced to give it a ten out of ten, the writers are brilliant & the cast knows how to handle the script.

The only down side is that it's probably too clever, witty, & faced paced for it's own good. In an era with a lot of dumbed down crap--"Big Bang Theory," "Parks & Recreation," "How I Met your Mother," to name a few--"Veep" comes as a warm welcome that reminds us that comedy can be both clever & funny. Intelligent even.

Unfortunately, that is probably going to be its undoing. It's doomed to go down in history with a small but loyal cult following & an appreciation that comes only decades after it's off the air. Its too smart for its own good, which will probably doom it to an early cancellation.
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Political parody and satire done perfectly!
minister_of_silly_walks18 August 2019
One of the best modern U.S. comedy shows is a must see for any comedy fan out there! It is clever, fast paced, incredibly funny and it pokes fun at all of the political tropes we come to expect form politicians all over the world. The cast is just amazing, especially Julia Louis-Dreyfus as the main protagonist Selina Meyer and the standout performance of Tony Hale as series favorite Gary Walsh. There is not a single dull moment in this series as the characters try to establish themselves in the world of D.C. politics where backstabbing and plotting is an everyday occurrence.
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Smart comedy
dpoland-7658925 February 2019
I don't mean to say that people that rate this show low aren't smart. At all. But it is a brilliant mix between dark, clever and raunchy that Veep offers. I love this show (and hated Seinfeld).
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A political Larry Sanders
cherold17 May 2019
In seven seasons, Veep never missed a step. Always hilarious, always savagely cynical, always brilliantly acted, this is one of the best TV sitcoms ever made.

The series is very much in the vein of The Larry Sanders Show, stripping away the positive public facade to reveal a vile mix of cynicism, greed, and stupidity.

The main difference is the people in Sanders would lie to themselves and convince themselves they were really good people. In Veep, everyone knows their terrible people doing terrible things for terrible reasons and their fine with it.

There are probably two things you will need to enjoy Veep, an interest in politics and a dark view of the human race. If that fits you then watch this series immediately.
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So underrated
ericliuanish8 September 2020
This is one of the best comedy out there and no one is watching this. Usually political satire feels unrealistic but this show really breaks that trend while being hilarious. First season was alright, jokes were funny but it just gave me a depressing vibe, I don't connect to the characters as much as I would like. Then it just went right up in season 2. This show had an amazing plot for a comedy, you also get attached to characters as the show progresses, it is just a great show. Obviously this show as a political satire contains a lot of content that may be considered offensive to some, but if you don't take this too seriously the show is great.
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It isn't laugh out loud funny, its a clever kind of funny
riteshshergill9 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of show with blink and you miss it jokes. You have to pay rapt attention to detail and though it does aim to be funny, its not that funny. The humor is clever and dark and mostly dry/witty/sarcastic. The casting though is perfect and I really must say that Julia Louis does not disappoint. I especially like the Mike character because he seldom knows what is going on and his expressions are priceless. I know it got an emmy and all the brouhaha but it is all right. If you're looking for laughs this show is not for you. But if you like cerebral humor, it is right up your alley. 7 stars is what I think it deserves.
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Truely a 11/10 comedy
kalluris-7579812 July 2022
A very smart, irreverent comedy; seen it all 3 times.

Every time, every single episode (every one) has at least 2 moments where I ROFL (that irritates the hell out of my wife :)).

(My other top shows - This along with VEEP will change your life :).

Extras, Breaking Bad,Frasier, Arrested Development, Fleabag, Seinfeld, the office, everybody loves raymond, GOT, 1 and 2 season of House of Cards, Billions, Shameless, Dexter, show called 'episodes', Mirzapur, Made in Heaven, (After Life if you want to cry) and so on etc.)
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Good laughs at the expense of people that we don't trust or like
bayou_hannibal1 June 2012
I generally don't find political comedies or dramas to be too entertaining, largely because the political bias of the writers and actors can't help but make themselves obvious on the show. I do find myself enjoying Veep though, and watching it on a regular basis. This is largely because of the performance of Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She absolutely steals the show as Selina Meyer. Having once been a rising political star with Presidential aspirations, Meyer is now the vice president. Rather than being a stepping stone, it feels more like a humiliating demotion. Dumb, bumbling, and narcissistic, she tries to preserve her career and her ego by making the most out of the unimportant tasks that she is handed as vice president. The president never calls her, but constantly undermines her limited agenda and sends his errand boy to deliver orders. Her character isn't very original, but she is well written. Her phony public smiles followed by behind-the-scenes meltdowns almost perfectly fit the cynical picture in our heads of what politicians are actually like.

One of the constant sources of comedy is the triviality of everything that happens. Meyer and her staff are constantly scrambling to finish tasks that seem like they would have no effect whatsoever on the country. Filibuster reform? Meh. Who cares? Meyer's Green Jobs initiative gets undermined so that she can get filibuster reform done, and then filibuster reform gets dropped. The occasional gaffe ends up on the news in highly embarrassing fashion. It is bureaucratic inefficiency at its worst, and it can be doggone hilarious.

While I generally find the writing to be funny, I often feel like I'm watching the movie Juno or an episode of Gilmore Girls. If you have seen this type of comedy, then you know what I am talking about – usually witty, often quick exchanges of dialog, filled with pop culture references (word of advice – make darn sure you have subtitles turned on!). As often happens with that brand of comedy, sometimes the writers try a little too hard. An exchange of jokes will go on about two or three lines longer than it should, as if the writers don't trust you to get the joke right away. Another problem is that there is too much profanity. It doesn't seem like a realistic portrayal of behind-the-scenes politics, as much as an occasional lazy attempt on the part of the writers to generate comedy. If anything, cleaner dialog would have probably made the show's cynical hijinx funnier.

Overall, I can recommend Veep for people who follow politics, but tend to hold their nose while doing so. It is ultimately a show that lets us have a laugh at the expense of the people who we feel have screwed up the country. For the most part, the comedic hits outnumber the misses, and Veep ends up as good entertainment.
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Downhill after season 4
dontakeitpersonal24 March 2022
For me it felt that it wasn't going anywhere after season 4. Up until then, storywise it was okay. Then it went all over the place, touching on all sorts of political subjects, characters all over the place. The character Jonah took off strangely and became much more funny and interesting. It has some good laughs and point of views regarding politics.
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