The Levenger Tapes (2013) Poster

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Not too bad...
jlsmithms27 July 2018
Not too bad I guess. For some reason, I really like found footage movies, but I do have one question. Why are the detectives watching "tapes" when the footage was all shot on digital hard drive cameras? Did someone take the time to transfer all of it to VHS?
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It's not a cemetery. It's a burial ground.
nogodnomasters10 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Three young adult go out for an adventure at Chase's ( Morgan Krantz) parent's mountain home. He films everything as he takes Amanda (Johanna Braddy) and Kim (Lili Mirojnick) with him. He hopes to score with Amanda while Kim is more level headed.

The kids become missing and a VHS tape was found and is being viewed by the police. We have the ground cam, the jerking cam, the running cam, and "what was that" scene after scene. The kids running around in the woods with the camera light shining brightly talking low so no one can hear them was inane and annoying.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Has interesting parts, but not for everyone
dragmio24 April 2017
In some aspects the director managed to make the most out of very little. It shows how seemingly insignificant and trivial events can look very threatening in some circumstances. Sadly, the rest of the movie was very sub par. You see that quite often. A movie maker has a talent and good ideas, and delivers on them, but he messes up the paint-by-numbers parts. Well, creativity is not enough. You have to deliver the whole package.
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Burn 'Em
dcarsonhagy3 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
About the millionth "found footage" film about who knows? This big old turd gives you characters who have the personalities of a fence post and the screen presence of a turnip. I did not care for ANY of them. In fact, it would have been fine with me if the guy would have died immediately, he was so obnoxious.

After stealing liquor from a store, having an accident with another vehicle (I think...), and going to someone's cabin (natch), the drunk guy decides he has to apologize to the guy whose car he side- swiped. And for those of us who have been around drunks, he's going to apologize come hell or high water. Thus the three leave the comfortable confines of the cabin to run around in the dark, magically disappearing and then reappearing--never remembering what happened.

The entire "plot" (and I use that word here very lightly) made no sense. Most of film involved two girls screaming at god knows what and supposedly the "ghost" of a little girl who is all grown up now. Rated R and not recommended.
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Yet another Blair Witch clone
Leofwine_draca8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE LEVENGER TAPES is yet another BLAIR WITCH rip-off with no sense or style of its own. The whole film is a pointless bore, treading water from beginning to end while offering nothing in the way of pay-offs or incident. The protagonists are annoying characters, all of them, and certainly folk who you won't want to spend an hour of your life in the company of. The dialogue is poor which makes me suspect that most of it was ad-libbed. Little happens until the climax, by which time it's all too late, and the slow pace makes it a difficult film to sit through.
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Please spare yourself
Mikep1594 August 2018
This has to be, without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen. I actually got angry watching. These characters make no sense. The are literally the dumbest people on earth. Whomever wrote this, don't write any more. Start making fries at a local fast food joint. You have no talent.

If I can save ONE person from watching this then typing this was worth it.

Save yourself. Clean your bathroom instead.
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Plot holes the size of a crater.
belindaklemm6 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all the characters are annoying as heck. The acting is bad. And the plot makes no sense whatsoever. So many things happening that there's really no reason or explanation for. But the biggest goof in the movie is at the end when the detectives are watching the last video and see the little girl still alive. How are they watching a tape that hasn't even been found yet? That tape was still in the camera and the camera was with the girl. Makes no sense.
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Rated it a 1 simply because you can't choose 0.
Endorfun86-928-70611914 July 2018
These sorts of movies are just crap, if you gave 1000 movie cameras to 1000 monkeys you would have 1000 movies as good as this one or better.
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Gets better in second half
LordManhammer31 January 2019
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, because I've seen just about every "found footage" horror and sci-fi movie there is.

"Levenger Tapes" spends about 40 minutes being one of the worst of the genre I've seen, and ultimately, anyone who isn't a true fan of found footage probably won't like this. I mean, it comes complete with the obligatory car-trip opening in which the characters' witty banter is supposed to introduce and endear them to us. Cliches abound in the first half, and some aspects carry through, like characters making illogical choices.

But the movie turns out to be something I didn't expect, in terms of what the 'scare factor' was. Like another reviewer said, the film description on this site gives away more than perhaps it should, yet really doesn't give away the game. There was an interesting component that was underdeveloped, but pulled the movie out of the gutter for me. I urge you to stick with this one to the end.

One scene also managed to really freak me out, involving a flashlight in a bush--you'll know it when you see it.
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So much potential...lost
veganlyfe4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am neither a fan of nor against "found footage" films. Just don't have the camera be so shaky the whole time that I get sick. There were enough instances of the camera being still that I was OK.

Anyway, this had so much potential to be a good nail-biter. The acting sucked, but the ambiance and anticipation built nicely...for about the first half. I got really tired of the screaming, though. For real. Can you like not shut up when you're being chased? Ugh.

My irritation comes at the end. The story does not wrap up nicely. It's very disjointed and really makes no sense.

I paid $1.50 to buy this previous rental from the video store. Not worth any more than that.
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Fascinanting movie
ivanov_petar11 September 2018
I dont know why there is a lot of hate for this movie i must say that this movie is far far better than today movies.Yeah it's cheap movie but the camera is perfect the acting is not fantastic but it's very well.A lot of twists happens everytime you're under press to be scared you breath so hard when you're watching this movie my adrenaline was 10000.The only bad thing i find for this film is the bad choices the actors are making...i won't say what they are watch the movie and you will see.I am wating for PART 2 for sure GOOD JOB for all the SQUAD !!
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Worth the watch
torroutedipz10 July 2018
I found this and "Always Watching" while browsing, and both seemed like similar found footage movies, and based on reviews watch "Always Watching" first- in short - this was much better. Usually if I fall asleep during a movie, it doesn't get revisited, and I was struggling to stay awake when I put this on, but it seemed interesting so I actually put it back on the next day. The movie was technically sound (hate when the sound and video are crappy), and kept me guessing and on edge. There were a number of instances where the movie could've gone in more than one direction, and it legitimately had me guessing as to who was in on what. For me, the true answer to how good a movie is (especially Netflix or Prime freebies) is "would I watch it knowing what I know after watching it?", and yes, I would definitely thought this was worth the time and would recommend it. Don't waste your time with "Always Watching". That's one I would not watch after knowing what I know now.
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More questions than answers
rks-7496913 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You will be disappointed.

The primary characters in the movie (two cheerleaders and one football player) seem to lack the basic ability to reply to questions like "What did you see?" and "What happened?". I fail to see if this is a misguided attempt to make the viewer guess and fantasize about what lurks in the darkness, cause a small child would be able to describe what she had seen.
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Decent potential, all of which is ultimately wasted
grantss27 December 2021
A horror film that held some promise but fails to deliver. The whole "found video footage"-type plot and viewpoint has been done before and done better (Cannibal Holocaust, Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield are the best examples) but initially this angle does seem intriguing. However, this doesn't really go anywhere new or interesting.

Performances aren't too bad for a B-grade horror but are hardly great.

Considering the potential, quite disappointing.
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Yawn... another found footage snoozer
dracforever29 April 2019
Despite the other bombing reviews on here I was intrigued by the description of this movie to see it myself and make my own decision... wish I had listened to the previous reviewers. That's time I will never get back in my life. Oh well, lesson learned. The story was vapid. Characters were undeveloped, their re/actions were mindless. To put it succinctly, this movie was one horror cliche after the next with no sense or story to connect them together. Not to mention most of the "action" takes place in the dark, to the point of you cannot see much of anything. Also, I found that the plot lines were not developed beyond infancy and had no logical conclusion or connection to one another. At least some of the B-grades I've seen in the past made an attempt to be originally ground-breaking or unique; this one just fell flat on it's face right from the starting point. I do not recommend you waste your valuable time.
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It's watchable, but slow.
K_Rad887 August 2021
The trailer for this was so promising, it genuinely made this movie look terrifying and I was so keen to watch it.

I watched the entire thing, I rarely stop movies half way through, BUT I was a little bored here and almost tempted to stop it. The movie is rife with tonnes of unforgivable plot holes, it started off incredibly boring with characters I didn't find myself clicking with or rooting for, I kinda wanted them all to die 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, it's a bit of a snoozefest but had a lot of potential.
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lisajackson-534339 April 2019
This movie reminded of Blair witch. A waste of money
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They found footage of a freshman acting class
brunovanael21 November 2020
A found footage film. A somewhat original approach so for me it had some potential to be more than average if it wasn't for the atrocious acting.
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Scary Scary and Scary!!
flitz35-633-6276502 October 2018
As a horror fan I am always looking for the next movie that will scare me. The levenger tapes was one of the scariest movies I've seen in a long time and it kept my interest the entire 90 minutes or so.

I can guarantee whoever didn't enjoy this movie was either not a horror fan or they were hired to do so. I know this movie isn't a perfect 10 but I'd give it a solid 7.5.
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More of the lame same
Ripshin24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first of all, the lead actor just doesn't work here.

As usual, this is obnoxious people doing very stupid things. Time and again, you just yell at the screen, "What the ____ are you DOING?!!"

Yes, let's wander through the "dark" countryside (heavily fake lit, by the way) towards a guy whose truck we hit and ran from earlier. Let's continually creep into dark bushes because we see or hear "something." Let's open a "cage" (wait, there's no TOP), and step in with some crazy, monster woman inside. (Of course she escapes, and then somebody follows her into a strange house/cabin.)

Let' me go back to the "dark woods," where they're constantly using "night vision" on the's lighted like a football field. OOOOOOOOH, scary!!!

The ending is a hot mess.

Listen, my family once had a cabin in the remote woods, and I guarantee you, I would never have wandered around after dark. D'OH!!

Give me a horror movie, where everyone does the most logical thing - it can be done.
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