Dark Space (2013) Poster


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Try to look past the first 15 or 20 minutes of the film...it DOES get better!
planktonrules21 January 2015
It's frustrating to watch this film because it had so much potential and with a tiny re-write it could have been really special. In its present form, however, it's a bit tough to love.

A few months ago, I reviewed a low budget sci-fi film that surprised me. While "Starship Rising" had many faults, I was extremely impressed by the look of the movie. Despite having almost nothing to spend to make the film, the special effects looked so very professional. It's too bad that the film wasn't particularly good when it came to what is important--the plot. Well, when I watched "Dark Space" a few days ago, I felt like it was a case of deja vu! Once again, here was a sci-fi film with a minuscule budget yet had exquisite special effects that made the film look very professional. Yet, as in "Starship Rising", the writing left a lot to be desired. If the makers of either film could improve the writing and characters significantly, I would sure to love to see more of their work.

"Dark Space", unfortunately, starts off very, very poorly. My youngest daughter was watching the film with me and she kept remarking how dumb the characters were--and she was right. Believe it or not, although the film is set in the distant future where space travel is commonplace, the characters seem like they were lifted out of an old "Friday the 13th" or "Halloween" movie! I half expected them to land on a planet where they'd find themselves at an abandoned summer camp or roller disco and the characters lacked depth--they were just there to be killed by some unseen menace. Many of the characters (particularly Devin) were irritating and completely ridiculous...and seemed more like clichés than people.

At this point, you might wonder why we continued watching since we hated the characters so much (and we REALLY hated them). Well, we assumed it was just a really, really bad film and we were actually having a good time laughing at the writing and characters since they were so bad. However, through the course of the film something strange happened--we both found we had to finish the movie and we actually were enjoying what we were seeing. However, I wonder how many people would bother sticking with this one.

On the plus side, the outer space scenes are extremely professional and look like something out of Hollywood as are the aliens. Additionally, although the plot is quite simple (sort of like combining Friday 13th with Predator), it works well and gets better as the film progresses. Plus, the explanation as to what is occurring and why is really very creative. The bottom line is that the film has a lot of merits...along with some god-awful characters that seemed more like caricatures than people.

By the way, if you are looking for an ultra low-budget sci-fi film which has a bit more to offer, try "Hunter Prey". Despite a simple plot, the film is rock solid from start to finish and is a great example of what can be done by clever filmmakers even if they are hampered with a micro-budget.
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Ship of fools
Someguysomwhere24 July 2013
A bunch of irresponsible and immature --oh yeah-- and "dumb" young men and women make an interplanetary journey from earth to Centari Five for a vacation. As soon as they board ship there is hard-driving rock music, pot-smoking and beer-swilling. If they were doing this in a suped-up SUV on a highway on earth it would be irresponsible. In a space ship traveling from one planet to another? --Well one of them starts to complain about how slow the ship is moving ("My grandmother flies faster than 10X"). They come into agreement and convince the resident nerd/geek to fiddle with the ship's mechanics; specifically the part that regulates speed. Once this is done the speed indeed gets amped up but the ship goes off course and the young drunkards wind up somewhere getting bumped by asteroids. At this point, one of the young women, sitting in some kind of meditation-pose, chimes "The Universe will take care of us". This is the same young woman who did most of the squealing in the movie. Apparently at this point the pot she was smoking was no longer circulating in her brain. Anyway, their oxygen supply is threatened by damage to the ship and they are forced to land on a "earth-like" planet.

After an ungraceful landing, 4 of them go out to explore the planet and see if they can get help while 2 of them stay behind (resident nerd and Miss "universe will take care of us"). The thing that stood out the most, and what really annoyed me, was how naive and even stupid these people were. Realistically, most people would not behave the way they did. What would YOU do reader, and how would you act if you crash-landed on an alien planet far away from what is familiar to you? --Never mind that it looks like earth with air you can breathe. If you are responsible and sensible, you operate with caution. You are wary and alert. Even an animal suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar environment has enough sense to do this. Well, reader, not this group. From the way they behaved you would think that they were just out hiking in one of the nation's national parks. Who knows, maybe that's where they filmed this thing. They even stopped to do some skinny-dipping. I remind you this is an "alien planet" whose lifeforms (except the earth-like vegetation) is yet unknown. What might, for example, live in the water? --Or what natural phenomenon may be in operation under the placid surface that could be life threatening? For that matter, how do they even know that it's water as we know it on earth just because it "looks like it"?

In this movie when anyone thought they heard or saw something they said "Hello?" Are you f!!cking kidding me? Is that what you would say, reader? Personally, I would shut the f!!ck up and be as quiet as I could be. And if there was a place where I could hide, wait, watch and assess I would go there. I would not stand out in the open talking about "Hello?" They did this repeatedly. The resident nerd/geek did it while he was on the ship trying to repair it. He thought he heard something and said "Hello?" You would think this guy was in his home responding to a noise he heard in his backyard. THEN IT WOULD BE APPROPRIATE. You are on an alien planet dumbo. Lifeforms unknown. He even had the door to the ship wide open. Supposedly, until the ship was repaired, it was the only way to get oxygen. In that case why not keep the door open only a crack? This way you could get your air and peek thru if you hear something and be safe. No, folks, this idiot had the door wide open as if he was getting ready to throw a "Everyone is Welcome" party.

Finally, the acting could have been better in some instances but the writing and directing is what screwed this movie as I have described above. The characters were so stupid they didn't even have animal instincts. It was a good idea in general and I can only wonder what a better writer and director would have done with it. No doubt it would have earned this movie at least 2 or maybe even 3 more stars from me. Love, Boloxxxi.
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A not too bad Saturday afternoon B flick
Rabh1727 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, okay, a bunch of College students in a future galactic society 'rent a shuttle' for an interplanetary 'Spring Break' that goes bad.

The actors were actually pretty good, given the script they had...the main flaw being the very slow predictability of the plot. Especially when you start seeing the old 'Lost in the woods and something's following us' trope. SO I wouldn't blame the actors. When it came time for the mayhem, they did a believable job.

The rest of the story kept itself from being a total bomb with the Government Conspiracy of Genocide being revealed. Plus the special effects were done very well.

Like I said...it wasn't stellar, but it wasn't stupid. It's a passable 'B' Grade Saturday afternoon flick. You'll be lightly entertained without needing to be glued to the screen.
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NO No no no no no no no
nwsts6 July 2013
Just to be sure no one is mislead, Off World is a poorly done movie. The story is pretty ordinary: a group of college age people go on a spring break road trip in the distant future. They rent a space ship and it crashes (of course) (apparently somewhere in the woods around Denver) and they must fight aliens and Bobba Fett's in order to survive. The story was serviceable enough, but everything else was terrible. The dialog was horrific: I get more p**y there than most people get in a life time. Yes, that was a line delivered with absolutely no context or feeling...yechhhh. The entire script was nothing but sparse and unnatural sophomoric dialog. The acting was about as emotionless as I've ever see in a movie...all lines delivered like a 6th grader reading a book in front of class. And since it is a scifi movie I should mention that there are NO special effects or costumes worthy of putting into a modern day movie. I could go on, but I have already deep 6'ed this movie and don't want to think about it much more. Save yourself a trip to the trash bin and skip this movie.
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Low-budget, low-quality.
darthvoice6 July 2013
This will be a short review, the only other review here seems like it must be someone related to the film, because they gave it a completely undeserving, glowing review. The acting was terrible, the writing was atrocious, the effects were, how shall I put this, I've seen better effects in "Asylum" made movies, which, until now, I believed to have the worst SE team in the business.

The characters were all white stereotypes, the "strong" white woman, the "hippie" white chick ("The universe will take care of us"), the paranoid white girl friend of the strong one, the super-scared nerd, the more manly nerd that lusts after strong white woman, and finally, the d-bag chauvinist.

Nothing like seeing some Halo armor wearing rip-off alien shooting a scoped sniper rifle from the hip.
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Should have been called 'Stereotypical Cliché'
jeepmjw-955-82148330 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to mention the story as it's thin and very amateurish, I wont really mention anything other then the utter stupidity of it....oops there's the spoiler :) From the opening scene I was cringing, the acting was deplorable and the dialogue was an EPIC FAIL!, it was filled with dialogue of why the blonde guy (Keith Reay) shouldn't be allowed to "fly" a rented spaceship, all sorts of flying infringements etc (from a rental company no less) yet no one "flies" these craft they are fully automated, so why would ANYONE'S prior history (rented or not) come into play?.

The movie is like this all the way through, there is no cohesion, nothing gels it's just one BIG mistake after another, Keith Reay from the very beginning all I wanted to do was reach into the screen and punch him in the face just for being born, what an annoying actor he is, and no he wasn't acting his annoyance it's simply his presence.

The movie is filled with gaffs like the STUPID analogue switches on a console in a ship that wouldn't/shouldn't exist in a bloody 'rented craft', I mean seriously if you had a fully automated ship that was rented it's like that for a reason, you would not be able to override anything, let alone place a (apparently very easy to use)console for everyone to just play with...DUMB!.

Of course the craft crashes on an alien planet and 'Flower' has a compound fracture of her tibia, well ever wondered if you can walk on a compound fracture of your tibia?...well by all accounts you can, not only that she manages to run on it also....DUMB! Then while wandering out in the woods they just happen upon a 'stick man' Ala 'Blair Witch Project', it had no rhyme or reason being there it just was. DUMB! Then we have the stupid 'storm troopers' and to coin another reviewers term, they looked like they were wearing the armor from Halo, not only that the guns were frighteningly similar also, and these guns have nice big scopes on them...are the scopes being used?....no of course not, no wonder 100 'storm troopers' couldn't hit these annoying so called bloody actors, I was praying they would so the pain would stop :) DUMB! Then we have the poindexter nerd who CANNOT act to save his life, with his 'tool' he uses to repair the ships 'software' and changes 'hardware'...whatever right?, but the tool he uses looks like a damn icing gun my mother used to use to ice cakes...for crying out loud, absolutely NO IMAGINATION.....guys a hint, there's plenty of comic books around, get some hints there, I'm sure you own them all :) Now please remember this 'ship' is a rental, so why would it come equipped with an 'icing gun' and a bloody welder to repair the ship??, this clearly wasn't an Hertz rental was it?. :) DUMB! There are scenes right through this movie that SCREAM BULLSH!T, such as the scene where a 'storm trooper' checks a pulse with thick gloves on, I mean come on people, why are we treated like D!CKHEADS by these film makers, do they really think we are this DUMB?.

Well I'm very glad to disappoint them, they SUCK and so does this so called movie.

Total CRAP!.
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Waste of a good title
paf3150-535-5495093 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it 2 stars, because I watched it. Never got better. Very low budget, stock space footage. Very unreal scenario. Not funny, not campy, just a sad, disappointing SCI-FI. Great title, "Dark Space" but does not live up to dark matter, more like a black hole. If you B- films this might be for you.


Walking on a compound on a compound OUCH! One guy reads, and woman flys ship with one hand, over trees. Remember this is a huge space ship. Spring Break, give it a beak. Fix a completely FUBARed space with a screwdriver.. ..funny? well it is laughable. Is that the same as funny?
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This is why indie films are not respected
katarn1328 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*****Might contain spoilers******

First off, I gave this movie two stars because A, the plot was actually had potential and B, because some actors actually TRIED to do their best. I won't name names but it's only a couple out of the whole cast!

This movie should not have been made the way it is.

The script, whoever this Emmett guy is, has no idea about dialogue, character development or anything else, really. Not a single technical term was used, only pre-school talk onboard the ship. ("Lower the nose of the ship" etc. of course they wrote it in a way that that's what they would need, Yoohoo! no one will notice!) They also have no idea about relationships or real people. Every character was a cliché, went nowhere and didn't have any substance.

The director didn't see the holes in the script and the bad writing? He just said, OK, great plot, let's get a production company involved? Is he insane? Oh, no! He's not! He wrote it! Yaaaay, he's a genius! Everything he does must be purrrfect. Maybe I should end this review right here and blame the whole thing on him? Seems like it kind of is because he must've done the casting as well because there is no casting director listed. No wonder! All the pieces of the puzzle fall into place!

The casting was sooo horrible, I really cannot believe it! Give good actors a bad script and they might make it work, give a badly written script to bad actors and what do you get? DARK SPACE! Some acting students could've done better than this cast. So many great talents lost to these folk?? Give me a break. What were the auditions like?? Hey! read your favorite fairytale for us. Yes, the actors didn't have much to go on, since the dialogue ducked lumpers! But that doesn't necessitate not doing what you're supposed to do with what you got, i.e. always do your best! Most of them didn't even try.

The CGI, the cheap effects, all that stuff would've been totally OK if the first three things were in place. If the script was well-written, it was well-directed and there would've been a good casting director attached who knows what real acting is and knows when he/she sees it!

This is why indie films get a bad rep. Movies like this, $750, 000 wasted on something like this! I don't believe it. When they could've gone and made a much better movie with much less money! Does the name of Robert Rodriguez's first film, El Mariachi say anything to anyone anymore? Or Christopher Nolan's first film, Following??? With just a few thousand bucks, these people actually made watchable movies!!!!

This is why good indie actors don't get a chance in a movie like this with high potential exposure ("Oh, we don't need a casting director, I'm sooo good with spotting good actors!!"), this is why most indie films go nowhere. And this is why people don't want to see any more 'indie films'. And all of this was OK'd by the Production Company. I'm sure he's the president of that production company too, Geez, I give up...

As an actor/writer, I feel really sad about the fact that this movie was ever made and it's a shame to the whole industry.
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Great for Netflix
tysetloose27 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off, you see a bunch of sci-fi channel films that are far worse. This movie is great to watch on netflix, but i would never buy the DVD. The acting is b-class, not terrible but seems forced rather than authentic emotion. The weapons are clearly just painted "nerf" weapons. one really strong aspect was the costume design. Who ever was in charge my hat is off to you. Really well done, they were innovative and looked like nothing i have seen in these low budget sci-fi films. The look of this movie is of a far higher caliber than it seems you can do with a low budget. Storyline note: your leg isn't gonna get infected in a few hours. I would have loved to see this movie with a higher budget for the actors, other than them it was great.
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not a functional film. The definition of amateur.
brianmacsmith24 October 2014
Someone with absolutely no talent must have watched AvP and thought to themselves "hey I can do that". Oh how horribly wrong they were. Apparently they think that if one cheap jump scare is great, a hundred of them is even better!

A taste: in one scene, an idiot hears a noise outside his ship (you always know it's an alien by the very loud and very generic "jump scare" sound that plays when the run by. Naturally, said idiot walks outside to investigate. He stands out in the open for what seems like forever making no attempt to conceal himself while the alien jump scares around. Seriously this happens dozens of times. It's never scary, and by the fiftieth time they try the cheap jump scare, you just want to mute the television.

Anyway, while he is standing just outside the ship, right in the open, the alien walks inside the ship where a girl is lying unconscious. Oh, she also has a skin piercing, fully fractured, infected leg. The ship is a tiny one room vessel with one door. There is no other way in or out. Inexplicably the girl manages to sneak out of the ship, out into the woods, and back to the idiot outside, who is now hiding behind a tree. The alien completely misses the guy who made no attempt to hide himself at the entrance of the ship, and the girl with one leg in an empty small room. It's hilarious.

Also, the look of fear on the actress's face looks more like she is trying really hard not to sneeze.

Despite her horrendous acting, she's actually the best of the lot. The two other girls are completely emotionless. At least broken leg girl has a sneezeface. One of the actors, the "cocky", Hudson-from-Aliens knock off, seems to be trying really hard to remember his lines. Bless his heart. The men seem to be playing drunken frat boys, but look well into their thirties.

Otherwise, the movie is poorly shot and edited. Much of the action is confusing if not completely cut altogether. There are plenty of shots of the party from behind bushes to give the sense they are being watched, random blood sprays in place of actual effects, and of course, the dozens upon dozens of lame jumpscares. Mostly it just looks like a cheap vacation video.

The effects are weak. The space stuff is passable, but the beastlike aliens are ultra generic, and The invisible dudes' (*cough*predators*cough*) first appearance is particularly terrible. It seems that 99% of the budget was wasted on their admittedly nifty helmets. Good job, helmet design guy. You get the one star.

One more great one: after the party is chased and one of them vaporized by what appears to be thousands of Predator knockoffs, our Hudson knockoff then recites the scene to his two friends... who were right there with him, as if they weren't there. Hilarious editing fail.

Low budget or not, its no excuse. Worst of the worst, but as long as you have your finger on the fast forward button, its kinda funny in a so-bad- it's-good sort of way. Sort of.
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A fun B flick
zampaz7 August 2013
A fun "Campy" low budget B sci-fi flick reminiscent of classic B sci-fi movies appealing to youth such as the original "Blob" and other films of the 50's-70's

Young people will find this fun because it's fun watching other young people do dumb things and the foreshadowing is within reach of a teen.

This is a better movie than many "A" Studio sci-fi flicks and "bad science" is forgivable in B movies if they're fun.

Considering the low budget the effects were well done... Good direction, adequate acting.

Refreshingly politically INcorrect. Even more refreshing are people who are upset by this aspect of the movie. har har har.
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Low Budget, Great Effort, Decent Acting -- Overall, not bad!
anthonyk7476 July 2013
OK, first off, when reviewing/analyzing this movie, look at the fact that it has a budget of only 750,000 U.S. Dollars. I've seen Syfy movies made with budgets of 1.5 mil - 10 mil U.S. Dollars and are worse than this movie in almost every way. For the budget of this movie, they pulled off some unbelievable stuff - to the point of you hoping that they find a bright future in movie production, because if they had 10 mil U.S. Dollars, I can guarantee you that the movie will be a huge hit!!

Now, given the budget of $750k, the effects of the armor, the hull integrity, the space ship designs, the Artificial Intelligence built into the ships' mainframe, and the planetary (both, from space and ground) effects were stunning! In terms of effects and atmospheric simulations, this automatically gets a 7/10, given the budget.

However, the acting was very good for first-timers or at least beginning actors, as I don't recognize many faces in this movie. They could've done better -- but could they, really? Think about it, most good actors are behind a green screen or actually jumping out of windows, but these people only had a budget of $750k, so they didn't have much to go on, and they pulled it off nicely!

Sure, it had a generic plot, but this is typical with low-budget movies.

Overall, I give this movie a 6/10, because it had great special effects, not bad acting, and generic plot with slight enhancements - throw in an extremely low budget of $750k, and you got yourself a seller!
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Credible space environment
patricio-mira22 July 2013
Given the low budget, the space suits and the shuttle craft are credible, and the special effects are fine, I'd say better than those seen in other Sci-Fi movies spending millions.

However, I'm certain the background idea can be better developed and the uncharted planet be given a far more alien look; that Earth-like aspect is something not to be expected and must be ruled out.

The characters must all be changed, since they become annoying stereotypes of a terrible performance; the writing was unsatisfactory as well.

This movie deserves a second chance; nonetheless, I'd suggest re-writing the script in most parts and gather a completely new set of actors and, finally, give it a more space exploration spirit.
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uvpdell29 January 2016
For crying out loud other reviewers, don't take yourselves so seriously! Have you heard of CAMPY, "B" rate. This movie fills the spot and is worth the watch. Not an Oscar nominee, but wasn't trying to be from what I see. Acting was definitely the weakest point, from my perspective, but I was able to laugh at the moments when appropriate and if you pay attention there is actually some full circle, human introspection at the end. This is better than a lot of big budget movies. Yes, low budget, yes, not-so-great acting, but also yes, entertaining. Looks like a first attempt, and I would say, better than I could do on a first attempt.
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Better than most Asylum trash.
freezageeza196618 August 2017
What this movie has that most low budget sci fi efforts don't is a decent effort in nearly every department of film making.

On a budget of just $750,000,you get a movie with a plot that isn't necessarily anything special,but it's clear to see so much has been done with the money.

The plot has a group of youngsters hiring a shuttle to a certain planet for a bit of fun,but end up crash landing on an uncharted planet in a restricted system,where everything from the planets creatures to human soldiers who shouldn't be there,are out to get them.

Time and effort was clearly put in to the above average special effects.The indigenous creature effects are actually rather good,and the armour the human soldiers wear actually looks like some thought and imagination was put into it.

As far as the acting is concerned,nobody comes across as particularly wooden and they give it a good shot so kudos to them.

let's be clear though,there will be scenes where you will look at the screen in amazement thinking "No way would THAT happen",or "No sane person would do that" The soldiers come across as not being able to hit a barn door from 20 paces despite possessing weapons seemingly capable of destroying entire forests in minutes.There are more than a few flaws to be seen.

But you know what?.Look past it's failings and at the budget and what we have here is a movie worth watching far more than a lot of the crap churned out by the Sci Fy channel and Asylum.

There will be a lot of haters of this one,but it deserves a lot more praise than it has been given.
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Off World/Dark Space
doktorwirefly1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To all you critics pointing out the stupidity of the characters. 1. It's par for the course in almost all horror movies. Run to the danger instead of away. You probably wouldn't have a horror movie without this basic stupidity. 2. Have you ever watched real students on vacay or at a party. Stupidity is par for the course again. If you ignore the stupidity. There is very little left to criticize. As another reviewer put it. This movie is way better than all of the crap put out by Asylum Productions and typical of what Amazon offer for free in Prime Video. With a small budget it ain't ever gonna compete with most block busters so if that's what you are expecting? Don't watch it.
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Total and complete crap - may contain spoilers
rbiggs1019 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What first looked like it was going to be a camp slasher movie in space became much worse. Only the stereotypical characters were ripped from the slasher movie. The "assertive" chick, her torch-holding boy "friend", the hippie/stoner, the nerd, the chick with the boobs, and the narcissistic a-hole that everyone wants to see bite it.

The writing and acting were total crap, the physics were of the Star Wars variety. Laws of physics? We don't need no stinking laws of physics! We just fly like airplanes! I can enter a planet's atmosphere and land by hand, after the nerd does his figures on his iPad, I've played vidgames! See? They even use my joystick controller). The terrain kept switching from tall pine forest to rocky desert over just a few steps (seems they may have had only 2 exterior locations to use, and said screw continuity).

Did anyone actually think the actors looked like "college students"??? They looked old enough to be driving their kids to soccer practice in the mini-van (they could have been a backup cast for "Grownups"). I've seen better student films (at least the cast would be age-appropriate).

I got to watch it as part of my Netflix subscription, and even then I'm tempted to ask for a refund.
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Movies like this make me question the intelligence of others
derek-a-charette10010 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's not worth writing a long review for this atrocious movie. Simply put, why and how are movies like this produced and released to the public?! Better yet, how did 3/4 of a million bucks ever find it's way into the hands of people who decided it was a good idea to produce this film? Most terrible movies have one thing in common, and that is, characters that lack any intelligence. It seems the only way that terrible writers are able to move their plot along is by having the characters do things that are so unintelligent, that nobody over the age of 10 would ever consider doing.. or anyone not locked up in an insane asylum would ever partake in doing.
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Horrible Direction
kaprphish11 September 2014
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I love sci-fi, so I am a bit biased in this genre. The story is OK. It's just too predictable. Another poorly scripted movie with heavy VFX; where the dialogue is unrealistic, the personas of the crew are unrealistic, and the actions they take are unrealistic. Poor choices all around. It's just another sci-fi movie on the shelf. I knew everything that was going to happen almost 4-5 minutes before it happened. How did I know a girl was gonna survive to the end and be the heroine? Because the girl always survives. Yawn. Only 1 person gets seriously injured in the crash. Poor choice. The entire party (save for the tech guy and the injured) leave the ship? Um... sorry. No way. The ship is the most important asset. If it's an unknown world, chances are... you guessed it... there's nothing out there worth searching for but food and water. Do they go hunting or collecting resources? lol You guessed it again. No, they go swimming. Wait, you mean to tell me that despite all the survival shows on TV, they missed that? Um, we have crocs on Earth. WTF is in the water dumb@$$. Nobody filled a canteen. They went swimming. Wow. When the tech guy leaves the ship at night, and just stands there waiting for the aliens. Laughable. No f***ing way. I wouldn't even stand outside my tent in Yellowstone with creatures I know exist (bears, wolves) let alone an alien world! And when the aliens are seen zipping by at the speed of blurred vision. It's amazing that the tech guy has all the time in the world to outrun the alien carrying a wounded friend. Wow. Really poor choices. Too many inconsistencies. I will say though... that there were a few moments where I did laugh out loud. Not to the credit of the movie's direction, but because the script was so bad... I couldn't help but think. No one in the world talks this way. I mean. These guys are drinking and smoking on the ship. Party animals, and then when it's time for conversation... the atmosphere feels so dry it's hard to believe that any of these characters are actually likable. They all just talk about sex, but you SEE NOTHING. LOL!!! As in any movie though, if you stimulated a response (my review here)... you've won. I watched the entire movie, so Kudos to the film for getting the job done. I was just left unfulfilled. We don't need more sci-fi movies. We need better sci-fi movies. I own Humanity's End by the way. I love my sci-fi. On your next go-around, please correct these mistakes. Freegin contact me. I'll proof the script. Let's get the next movie done right!
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Worse than terrible!
john_seater17 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Routine hole-ridden, awful script, adolescent dialog, dull and immature acting, special effects at about the level of 1990 video games.

There is so little plot to "spoil" that I don't mind spoiling it in the hope of saving a lot of people the disappointment of wasting their time on this trash.

In the future, six college kids take a vacation trip to a vacation planet. They talk and act like 13-year-olds. They rent a shuttle to take them to their destination. The shuttle speed is slow, so the whiz kid among them tinkers with the speed limiting device, and lo and behold the shuttle turns into an interstellar hot rod, able to jump to warp speed and go where (almost) no one has gone before. Like renting a Fiat and turning it into a Maserati by removing a regulator on the throttle. They end up at an uncharted planet. They run through an asteroid belt on the way in, but the asteroids mostly bounce off causing only minor damage. They crash on the planet. The shuttle has no seat belts, only living room couches bolted to the floor, so our heroes and heroines (three each) are thrown around when the shuttle skids to a landing amidst trees.

Remarkably, the landing is about 50 feet long. Despite the implied incredible deceleration and no seat belts, only one person is seriously injured. She has a compound fracture of her lower leg. One of her friends grabs her leg, pulls it straight, and snaps the bone pieces back together, where they conveniently stay with only a rag wrapped around the cut. Four of the six intrepid heroes then venture out to look for help, leaving behind the injured colleague and the whiz kid. Whenever they hear a strange noise, they shout, "Hello? Who's there? I know you are watching us," and so on. One of the four is self-described lady-killer with all the sex appeal of an amoeba - no brains, no personality, no looks, no physique. He continues to make passes at his two female companions and to talk like a 13-year old even though his group is lost on an unknown alien planet, their friend has a broken leg, and their ship is ruined. He takes a break to go skinny-dipping in a lake. The water's fine, but there are aliens watching. Gripping. We know it's gripping because the tedious background music says so.

Soon the four intrepids meet the aliens who have been hunting them, but just in time our heroes are miraculously saved (sort of) by the miraculous appearance of a horde of soldiers who blast away at the aliens. This horde is trying to colonize the planet but must exterminate the natives because it is illegal to colonize any world that already has intelligent life on it. They blast everything and then burn large swaths of territory to "hide" the evidence. Nobody later is going to notice the huge burned-out areas over an entire planet or find any traces of the intelligent former-lives that were there. The baddies don't want any witnesses, so they decide to fry our friends. They succeed in killing one, but like all baddies they cannot hit the broad side of a barn from the inside, so the others get away. In the race back to the ship, the remaining three intrepids are reduced to one, who reaches the ship.

Ship? Oh, yes. Its computer was broken, its hull badly damaged, and its oxygen tanks ripped open. The two heroes who stayed behind fix the computer. They have some encounters with the aliens. The one with the broken leg gamely hops around to evade one alien. The whiz kid says her leg is infected. The infection will kill her if it reaches her brain! She must take some tranquilizers to slow the spread of the infection! Apparently both bacteria and tranquilizers of the future have evolved from our day and can do amazing things. Once fixed, the computer makes innumerable announcements that function as a narrator. "Warning. Electrical failure." "Hull integrity at 5%." "Object blocking door. Opening door. Object removed." Too bad the object blocking the door was the whiz kid who was being dragged out of the ship by an alien. The partly-closed door was holding the whiz kid. When the computer opens the door, the alien drags away the object, i.e., the whiz kid. The computer declares in a self-satisfied tone that the object has been cleared. The broken-leg heroine, now alone, fights off and kill a baddie who shows up. She also fixes the ship enough to make it fly despite its 5% hull integrity (5% of what, by the way?). Apparently all you do in the future is tell the computer to fix things, and it does it. How it can wield a blow-torch to repair torn metal and so on is left unexplained.

The broken-leg heroine somehow makes the ship fly and then somehow finds her single remaining friend wandering around outside. They set off a distress beacon. That attracts a baddie ship. Conveniently, this baddie ship has only one crew member. He enters the intrepids' ship and gets blasted by one of the intrepids, using the ray gun dropped by the baddie whom the broken-legged heroine killed previously. All this is just what our heroines had planned. Our two remaining heroines then take the baddie's ship and leave for home.

Garbage like this gives sci-fi a bad name.
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Amateur hour
jhr201230 August 2020
Your basic SyFy movie. Poor acting, silly plot, weak special effects. Expect little, and you won't be disappointed.
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Don't Leave Dark Space In The Dark
Fredtimbo15 July 2017
I like discovering movie gems, and Dark Space is certainly among my favorites. The sci-fi action thriller may be low budget, but it's sourced from a well-written script and very original story. Some of the acting and production value keep it from getting a higher rating, but any fan of science fiction should check out Dark Space.
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somehow thrilling
Rexford_Bedloe6 January 2014
reviews should consider that this is a low budget scifi b-movie, so benchmarks have to be set accordingly.

the plot is not groundbreaking, special effects are not very special, characters are not developed and acting is student like.

i've seen almost all relevant sci-fi movies, most of them with far higher budgets, and this one definitely has something special. somehow stupid, somehow brilliant. camera, editing and light are involving the viewer, technically well done. the idea of the film is worth more - with a 130 million "after earth" budget this movie would be a milestone.

anxious in all aspects, "dark space" is a movie which delivers polarizing entertainment. a story, which is well told, with the given resources. for me, a surprise.
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Off World or just OFF?
pr-3619 November 2018
Off World (Or Dark Space - it really doesn't matter what this rubbish is called) is a C-movie inspired by the likes of Predator, Aliens, Lost in Space and a host of other watchable sci-fi movies. Unfortunately a nonsensical script, terrible acting, bad cinematography, poor editing and budget-bin CGI make this almost unwatchable - it's SO bad it doesn't even fall into the "so bad it's unintentionally funny" category. The best part? It's only 90 minutes long.
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P-U, what a stinker!
larrymctex-203-49427611 October 2019
I don't know what I could add to other reviews except to say whatever they paid these "actors" was WAY too much. Two of the girls sounded like they were drunk all the time with a delivery as flat as the floor, which is also exactly the way the ship's computer voice sounded, so one of them obviously did the voice-over. Everything they did throughout the movie was exactly the wrong thing to do, This movie was 90 minutes of my life wasted, and I love bad sci-fi.
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