"Smallville" Pandora (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent



  • Oliver Queen : You know, for a guy who just got a mondo dose of kryptonite, you sure seem happy.

    Clark Kent : Well, the sun is shining, Lois is going to be all right.

    Chloe Sullivan : She should be fine. Dr. Emil ran every possible test on her, and she's healthy and doesn't remember a thing. Except, of course, the flowers that Clark sent to her hospital room, but who could forget five dozen roses?

    Oliver Queen : Five dozen roses? Wow. That's subtle.

  • Chloe Sullivan : [to Clark and Oliver]  Look, I really don't get why the two of you are grinning, considering the fact we're all about to die terribly tragic deaths in the not-so-distant future.

    Clark Kent : That's because if we do something in the present, we can change all that.

    Oliver Queen : Well, I vote we take Zod out right now. That way, he doesn't have a chance to take the sunshine off our shoulders.

    Clark Kent : No. In the future that I saw, I tried to fight Zod. All I did was turn him into a more powerful enemy.

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, just because you learned a lesson in teamwork doesn't mean we have to stop fighting Zod.

    Clark Kent : But going up against Zod, will only force him to come back with everything he has.

    Oliver Queen : So, what, you think you two can just hug it out?

    Clark Kent : When my father said "Save Zod," what I think he meant was save Zod from himself. Now, if I can befriend him and show him how good life can be here...

    Chloe Sullivan : That would be a mistake. Clark, if Zod gets his solar towers online, that gives him all the power in the world and us *none*, including you. Zod will fly psychopathic circles around you.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, I've seen what happens when I treat Zod like the enemy. This time, I'm gonna do things the *right* way.

  • Clark Kent : Lois, what are we doing?

    Lois Lane : I'm eating a maple donut. And you're kind of invading my personal space.

    Clark Kent : I mean us. Lois and Clark, Clark and Lois, as a couple.

    Lois Lane : Whoa, cowboy. You just went from 10 to, like, 110 in two seconds flat. Let's just slow it down. You know, I-I still need to get my feet back under me.

    Clark Kent : Well, you can lean on me for strength. I feel stronger when you're around, anyway.

  • Lois Lane : Clark, I have done this dating thing wrong so many times.

    Clark Kent : Then let's do it right. Let's take our time.

    Lois Lane : Really?

    [standing up] 

    Lois Lane : In that case... let's go get a real cup of coffee.

    [leading him out] 

    Lois Lane : And then we'll have lunch, the first of many. There will be ice cream and chalupas, picnics in the park, dancing in the rain. And you *will* take me to a monster truck rally.

    [they get on the elevator; as the doors close, she takes his hand] 

  • Zod : I should have known you'd come after me. All to save a doomed race. When faced with a crumbling world, these humans, they rather die than unite under a single leader and do what's required to build a glorious new world. It's tragic. You thought you could take on me like this. Metropolis would not be destroyed if you had all just stopped fighting and join me.

    Clark Kent : We'll never stop fighting, Zod. Humanity will never lose its spirit.

  • Clark Kent : You're reign of terror is over, Zod. I'm sending Lois home to the past. She can warn us about your tower before it's ever built.

    Zod : You chose to defy me. You forced me to unleash my power! We could have made this planet a paradise!

    Clark Kent : It always was. And you never gave humanity a chance.

    Zod : They've made you weak.

    [stabs Clark with kryptonite knife] 

    Zod : If she travels back in time, then the lives we know will cease to exist. You have destroyed our world.

  • Clark Kent : I understand you've been looking for me.

    Zod : My brother and sister Kandorians, he has come. Kneel before Kal-El.

  • Oliver Queen : Clark, I got three of the country's best neuro MDs on their way.

    Clark Kent : It's too late. Lois is already missing.

    Oliver Queen : What do you mean she's missing? You took her to the hospital. You've been with her all night, Clark.

    Clark Kent : I was. I stepped out to see if you called, and when I got back, she was gone. There's nothing in her chart. There's no releases, and there are no witnesses.

    Oliver Queen : Hospital said someone called and requested a copy of Lois' test results. Emil.

    Clark Kent : Why would Emil care about Lois?

    Oliver Queen : He wouldn't. Maybe the person he's working for would.

    Clark Kent : [realizing]  Chloe.

  • Lois Lane : I was just hoping for some food here. And I'm pretty sure this is a bad dream, but right now, I could eat about 30 maple donuts.

    Alia : You want food? And what do you have to trade?

    Clark Kent : [offering Jonathan's watch]  Take this.

    Lois Lane : Smallville?

    Clark Kent : It's all I have. It's yours if you let her go.

    Alia : This will do. For now.

  • Clark Kent : Are you okay?

    Lois Lane : Define "okay". So far today, I've traveled through time, fought off flying aliens, and... almost got my head chopped off. But despite all those things... one thing I can't believe. I can't believe you and Chloe aren't friends anymore.

    Clark Kent : It's not her fault. I turned my back on her. Lois, after you disappeared, I couldn't... I couldn't be around... Oliver or Chloe. They reminded me of you, and that hurt too much. So... I left. I trained myself to fight Zod.

    Lois Lane : Clark... what did you mean about having a history with him?

    Clark Kent : Let's just say that I've made some mistakes.

    Lois Lane : Stop beating yourself up. You are not alone in this. The truth is... we could all die tomorrow.

    Clark Kent : Lois, I died when you left.

    Lois Lane : I'm here now.

  • Clark Kent : [giving Lois a donut]  Hey, this is for you. You just got back from a trip from the hospital, not Hawaii. You need to take it slower.

    Lois Lane : I have hypoglycemia, Clark. Not arthritis. Doc says as long as I eat every three hours, I'm gold.

    [taking a bite] 

    Lois Lane : Happy?

    Clark Kent : Very. I almost lost you once; I don't want it to happen again.

  • Clark Kent : How's Lois?

    Chloe Sullivan : She'll be up in a few minutes with a headache. But it's nothing that a couple of aspirin can't handle.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : I was able to isolate the area of her cortex where her synapses were firing at an accelerated rate. By injecting her with a chemical inhibitor, I effectively reset those cells.

    Clark Kent : So her memories from the future are gone, right?

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : If she had them while under the influence of the machine, she won't now.

    Clark Kent : Good.

    Chloe Sullivan : From the look on your face, I take it the future isn't so bright. What did you see, Clark?

  • Clark Kent : Take the ring, put it on.

    Lois Lane : No.

    Clark Kent : You have to, now.

    Lois Lane : What if I never see you again?

    Clark Kent : You will.

  • Clark Kent : We need to get the ring back. Then Lois can return to the past and prevent Zod's tower from being built in the first place.

    Chloe Sullivan : That's not a bad plan, Clark, but why should I trust you now? You already left us once to fight on your own.

    Oliver Queen : You abandoned us, big guy. Plain and simple.

    Clark Kent : I thought I could stop Zod myself. I tried to take him on as my enemy, and I was wong. But I'm here now.

    Lois Lane : Okay, then, look, why Clark decided to take on our enemy ETs by himself is beyond me, and maybe you think he abandoned the cause or something. But come on, aren't we all in this together?

    Clark Kent : You guys shut down that tower and bring back the yellow sun. You know I'm your best chance at getting back that ring.

    Chloe Sullivan : Maybe. I still don't trust you.

  • Chloe Sullivan : The towers are the key to the Kandorians' power. They collect all the sun's radiation, turn it red, and then beam it back to the LuthorCorp satellites.

    Oliver Queen : Those satellites take the radiation, they beam it back down to Earth. Giving those alien SOBs all their superhuman strength. Now, we take the tower down, we shut them down.

    Lois Lane : Guys, I've seen Zod's troops. We are seriously outnumbered. We'd never reach it.

    Chloe Sullivan : We don't have to. We have a secret weapon. Watchtower. I powered down Watchtower so the Kandorians couldn't find it. But I can use the computers to hack into Zod's big red flashlight and unleash a virus that should shut it off remotely.

    Clark Kent : You guys bring back the yellow sun, and I'll take the others to find the Legion ring.

    Lois Lane : I just have one more question. How does turning the sun yellow make Clark our number one draft pick for taking on the Zod guy?

    Clark Kent : Zod and I have history.

  • Clark Kent : Let her go. Take my life. Let her live!

    Lois Lane : Clark.

    Zod : Your bravery is commendable. But by defying me, you have forced my hand.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Tess has been keeping more than just an editorial eye on Lois for the past few months.

    Clark Kent : Lois can't answer any of her questions. She's in a coma.

    Chloe Sullivan : She doesn't have to talk to Tess for her to run tests on her. And we both know how obsessed she's been with the fact that Lois vanished for three weeks.

    Clark Kent : You think this has something to do with her trip to the future.

    Chloe Sullivan : I think it's possible. Emil gave me the hospital work-ups on her. She suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.

    Clark Kent : Every time she has a memory, her body re-lives the trauma.

    Chloe Sullivan : Her heart can only take so much.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, I have to find her.

    Chloe Sullivan : Tess is never gonna admit that she took Lois. Let me try something.

    [picking up her landline] 

    Chloe Sullivan : I have a guy on the inside.

  • Clark Kent : I thought I'd lost you forever.

    Lois Lane : Clark. Thank god.

    Clark Kent : I can't believe you're alive.

    Lois Lane : This dream just got ten times brighter.

    Clark Kent : What do you mean dream? Lois, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're not dreaming.

  • Lois Lane : Since when did the Kent family farm become a prison? And why would give away the one thing of your dad's that meant so much to you?

    Clark Kent : I did it for you.

    Lois Lane : Okay, hold on. Explain about the wicked witch and the flying freaks. Have we been invaded by the Wizard of Oz?

    Clark Kent : More like another planet.

    Lois Lane : Aliens?

    [he nods] 

    Lois Lane : Clark, before I fought Tess, she went on and on about some orb, called it alien technology, said there was life inside of it. This invasion, Tess knew about it.

  • Clark Kent : These aliens have their own leader. His name is Zod. I tried to fight him, but... I made all the wrong choices. A lot of people died.

    Lois Lane : Please tell me Chloe wasn't one of them.

    Clark Kent : Lois, I don't know. After I thought I lost you, I went off on my own. I haven't talked to her in months.

    Lois Lane : Months?

    Clark Kent : Lois, you vanished a year ago.

    Lois Lane : No, I was just throwing down with Tess a few hours ago. And then I grabbed that gold ring.

    Clark Kent : The Legion ring? It must have brought you here when you put it on. Do you still have it?

    Lois Lane : Yeah.

    Basqat : You. General Zod would like to see you.

    Clark Kent : Protect the ring.

  • Clark Kent : Where's Lois?

    Chloe Sullivan : Last I heard, you dropped her at the hospital.

    Clark Kent : Someone moved her, and I know that you had Emil look into her records.

    Chloe Sullivan : She's my cousin, Clark.

    Clark Kent : Chloe, you've been hiding things from me for months. Now I think you're hiding Lois.

    Chloe Sullivan : [a thought strikes her]  Right accusation, wrong girl. Clark, I may not have been sharing my deep, dark secrets with you lately, but someone else has been playing hide and seek a lot longer than I have.

    Clark Kent : Tess.

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah. We can work on your apology later.

See also

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