"Game of Thrones" Winter Is Coming (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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Winter Is Here!
g-bodyl20 May 2015
This is the first episode of the first season of Game of Thrones. It's nice to see a fantasy series make its way to television and become insanely popular. Based on the first episode, the visuals are almost cinema-quality and we are treated to lavish production design and a rousing score. We are also treated to ripe characterization and on the whole, this looks like it will be a blast.

In this episode, "The Winter Is Coming," we meet the Stark clan, the protectors of the North. The North is ruled by Eddard Stark and he has 2 daughters, 3 sons, and a bastard child. The king, King Robert wants Eddard to help protect him after the death of the previous Hand of the King. Meanwhile, across the seas, an exiled Viserys Targaryen marries his sister off to a nomad warlord in exchange for an army in which he can invade Westeros. Finally, trouble arises from the Wall Keepers when an ancient force, long seen as dead, awakens.

As for television series go, this series has a very well-known, powerful cast. Peter Dinklage does a good job as Tyrion Lannister. Sean Bean is good as Eddard Stark and likewise Mark Addy as King Robert. Jason Momoa says very little as Khal Drogo, but his presence is menacing. Kit Harington as the bastard child, Jon Snow does a great job. I really like Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark and Richard Madden as Robb Stark. The list goes on and on here.....Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister, Emilia Clarke as Daenarys Targaryen....and so on.

Overall, this is a fantastic start to what I hear is an incredible series. If this is the beginning of such epicness, then I am in for a treat. I like how the series does not shy down on its violence as there are some gruesome scenes here. But my oh my, what a start!

My Grade: A
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Visually Stunning and Wonderfully Dark
silverfrog1019 April 2011
Game of Thrones offers an epic on the scale of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and doesn't dumb-down the subject matter; this is fantasy for grown-ups.

Visually this is on a par with many a cinematic effort. The effects which create castles and cities are of a high standard and the opening scene involving a foreboding, snow-covered wood was hauntingly beautiful. The costumes are superb; very original, with unusual and authentic-looking hair and makeup designs. The cinematography is simply beautiful, with some amazing wide shots (courtesy of the special effects) of the interesting landscapes on display, ranging from damp, Gothic castles to sweeping seascapes and deserts.

This episode offered the perfect balance of dark scares, humour, drama and character-building. I'd heard beforehand it would be full of sex, violence and swearing. I thought the amount of each was entirely in proportion with the type of series this is and didn't find it gratuitous at all. I have never read the books but despite the complexity, with many families introduced and their myriad connections to each other unclear at this early stage, I didn't find the content overly complex or hard to follow.

The acting was good - not excellent but easily of the standard required. The impression created is that this will improve as the series progresses. All in all this was an excellent opening episode and I look forward to more.
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One incredible winter beginning
TheLittleSongbird11 November 2017
Came to 'Game of Thrones' fairly late in the game and due to being so busy the binge-watching was gradual. Have found myself truly loving the show, very quickly becoming one of my favourites. It totally lives up to the hype and not only does it do the brilliant source material justice (a rarity in television) it is on its own merits one of the finest, most addictive and consistently compelling shows in recent years and quality-wise it puts a lot of films in recent years to shame.

"Winter is Coming" starts off 'Game of Thrones' absolutely brilliantly, couldn't change anything for the world. Not many shows have their overall quality, tones, themes and characterisations so spot on and well-established when it first starts, but 'Game of Thrones' is one of the strongest exceptions. It is an example to all first/final episodes of how to start off a show.

Visually, "Winter is Coming" looks amazing. The scenery is throughout spectacular, the sets are hugely atmospheric and beautiful on the eyes with a real meticulous eye for detail and the costumes suit the characters to a tee. The make-up is beautifully done. The visual effects are some of the best of any television programme and are not overused or abused, the scale, the detail and how they actually have character and soul are better than those in a lot of the big-budget blockbusters. As well the cinematography and editing, which are cinematic quality as well.

One cannot talk about "Winter is Coming" without mentioning the thematically, orchestrally and atmospherically multi-layered music scoring and the unforgettable main theme. Again, worthy of a high-budget fantasy/action/drama film.

It is hard not to be bowled over by the quality of the writing, outstanding isn't a strong enough adjective to describe how good the writing is. It always has a natural flow, is layered and thought-provoking and demonstrates a wide range of emotions such as suspenseful tension, poignant pathos and witty humour. The story is paced so beautifully, structured with such nuance and attention to coherence, a high emotional level and is done with intelligence and sensitivity.

Not only are the more action-oriented/more dramatic moments done with a lot epic scale, superb staging, excitement and dramatic tension but underneath all the scale and flashy attention to detail there is a lot of heart and a multi-layered one.

"Winter is Coming" is so early on and already the characters are so well developed and as close to real life as one can get despite being in a fantasy world. These characters are not hero and villain archetypes and have both strengths and flaws and one can understand why they act the way they do.

Sean Bean gives some of his best ever acting, as does Kit Harrington. Peter Dinklage has always been one of 'Game of Thrones's' greatest assets and that is totally the case here.

All in all, couldn't have started such a wonderful show so perfectly. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Excellent beginning
slightlymad223 September 2014
The first episode of Game of Thrones opens in a suitably violent fashion. From there, we are quickly introduced to the main characters and the details of their relationships are sketched out. A lot of scenes are very short with us quickly going from one location to another, but there is a lot of ground that needs to be covered.

The wonderful title sequence is a joy.

Those who are fans of the books will find that much in this first episode follows the book quite closely, though there are some changes here and there. The introduction of the Starks is a very nicely done and the introduction of the Targaryen siblings is excellent. The scene with Tyrion Lannister and Jon Snow was my favourite scene of the episode. And, of course, the ending had me wanting to watch the next episode straight away! Prior to the last scene I thought, it had been OK and I would persevere with it, but the ending made me need I each it straight away.
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Late to the party
jcbsn17 June 2016
This is my first time viewing Game of Thrones, so I am slightly aware of the main plot and some story lines, but really not enough to have predicted anything that was going to happen.

It moves at a pretty quick pace, the plot development is easy to follow and I thought they established character development through various and dialogue from several different viewpoints, which helps make connection with the characters from early on. Plenty of shock that comes from the subplots that aren't over the top or too obnoxious for what has already been developed.

A regular amount of nudity, and some strong language, although not too over the top by any means. Some graphic scenes.

I would say that basing everything I've heard about the series off a 60 minutes episode, I look forward to moving along and I am curious to see where things go from here. 10/10, would recommend for a friend.
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Rainey-Dawn14 September 2018
I have been waiting 7 years to watch this series - I've finally acquired it and now enjoying it! This first episode blew me away and got me interested right away with the story and characters themselves.

Everything about this premier episode is top notch! HIGHLY recommended viewing for those that had to wait to watch it (as I did) or for those wanting to watch again.

House Stark for me!

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Still remains one of the best TV pilots!
and_mikkelsen1 January 2023
After all the pilots i have seen over the years( BB, Lost, AOT etc.) I can still say that this pilot is among the best! It perfectly captures the vibe of the show! It has an exciting first scene that draws you in, and a shocking cliffhanger that leaves you wanting more! I remember the first time i watched this show and I was emidiatly hooked after this episode!

The episode also establishes a great first impression of the characters, and then plays on that as the show goes on! To me the cast is perfect and we even get some more controversial scenes already, which the show is famous for!

One could argue how some of the plotlines and character arcs are revolved later, but this episode still sets things up perfectly!
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Winter is Coming and so is the greatest show made today
Kingslaay25 April 2017
A solid and excellent start to probably the greatest show in modern times. I am grateful to be alive to watch this show and be among the many masses across the globe that love this watch.

Game of Thrones wastes no time in creating its own universe and characters. It is as if it has always been and you the viewer just showed up to join the party. Some brutal scenes and rich dialogue let you know that this is a show like no other.

After watching this series you will be awe stricken and ask Breaking what?? Clearly in today's times this show has no equal.

So if you tuned in to this show and have started watching I have news for you, it just gets better and better. Also some advice, don't get attached to a character because in the Game of Thrones you win or you die.
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Game of Thrones: S1E1 "Winter Is Coming" Review - King Cadmium
kingcadmium22 February 2022
Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is dead. King Robert Baratheon plans to ask his oldest friend, Eddard Stark, to take Jon's place. Across the sea, Viserys Targaryen plans to wed his sister to a nomadic warlord in exchange for an army.

What I Liked:

This premiere does a fantastic job of introducing its characters and themes early on, with almost every main character feeling fleshed out, at least to some degree.

The cinematography is solid, with each scene looking organic with meticulous attention to detail. On top of that, each actor gives a strong performance, with Sean Bean and Mark Addy being notable standouts. Their scenes together are exceptionally well-written and acted.

Ending this premiere with a cliffhanger was a smart move by the writers, leaving the viewer wanting more as soon as the credits roll.

What I Disliked:

Too much expository dialogue is present during some scenes, most notably the first exchange between Jaime and Cersei, to the point of feeling unnatural.


Game of Thrones begins with a terrific, near-perfect premiere. Just about every element combines to create a highly enthralling viewing experience.


King Cadmium.
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Excellent beginning...
Red_Identity9 July 2011
The Pilot for Game of Thrones was all around a success. It built many characters nicely and also had touches of both humor and darkness, not to mention the amazing production. The art direction is superb as is expected, but the cinematography is just brilliant. Cinematography isn't just capturing 'pretty' things, but also camera angles, lighting, and tone, and this show's cinematography is pretty much perfect. The performances are pretty good, what is expected for a show like this.

I can say that this pilot was better than Boardwalk Empire's for sure. Although that pilot was good, it was heavily flawed, whereas I think this pilot was much more successful and intriguing. I am definitely sticking with this show.
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A Game Worth Playing
Threepwood_Lives15 May 2011
Reviews Of Unusual Size!

Re: Based on the novels by George R.R. Martin, Game Of Thrones tells of a land of seven kingdoms, surrounded by intrigue, death, sex, family duty and what men and women are willing to do to sit on the iron throne.

Outstanding: I loved the title sequence, I thought it was beautiful and clever. The casting in this is great, with a lot of small name (or no name) actors and everyone is very good. The settings and costumes are elaborate and realistic.

Unacceptable: A few of the scenes in this episode felt poorly shot/acted, with lingering shots of characters doing something a bit awkwardly to drag out the dramatic tension. I have a hard time seeing them sandwich the entire book into a ten episode series without it feeling rushed.

Summary: So far, a gallant effort by the filmmakers. The world of the seven kingdoms is beautiful and dangerous and the characters are right out of the books, with a lot of the dialogue true to the source material. I knew from the get go that I was going to be all about Peter Dinklage as the dwarf Tyrion and sure enough, he's spectacular, but I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I liked Joseph Mawle as Benjen. I've never seen him in anything else, but I really dig him. A promising start.

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When you watch Game of Thrones - You Win and .......... that's it!!!
sjstobo2226 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off I'm a late comer when it came to this show as the first three seasons had already been going. I always knew from the trailer I was going to like it but after watching the first episode- yes that's right THE first one I was hooked. Some said it would take a few to get you into it but not me. It is very hard now for me to watch anything as this has become my favourite tv show ever. First off it's dark which I love and it's got that medieval element which I love with a touch of fantasy again which I love. I also like the many storylines that keep you guessing and I have never been so shocked at a show where I've thrown my phone on the floor in anger/disgust or paced the (King's) landing in shock for 20 minutes - yes that's right after watching Hardhome I paced the landing throwing my arms around and just repeating 'Every One is Doomed!' Of course it wouldn't be the greatest show on earth if it wasn't for George R.R. Martin and the guys that created the show David Benioff & D.B. Weiss even down to Ramin Djawadi's theme. One simply cannot watch an episode and fast forward through the opening credits well I certainly don't. It's got plenty of things to keep you talking about with your fellow GoT fans. Of course the actors and actresses add to this too. They have done outstanding performances and I'll say this about Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) I loved her in most films I've seen her in from Gossip, Judge Dredd and Brothers Grimm. But in this I hate her with a passion which means she's nailed her character to a 'T' same as Jack Gleeson (Joffrey Baratheon) hated him so much and the season 4 episode 2 moment - The Lion and The Rose - AKA The Purple Wedding - I literally punched the air. No more rambling for me I'll just say one last thing THE BEST SHOW EVER <3
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Promising Beginning
claudio_carvalho6 April 2014
In the northern frontier of Winterfall, the warriors of the Night Watch patrol are searching for savages but out of the blue they are attacked by white walkers. One of them survives and deserts the Night Watch and is considered mad and decapitated by Lord Eddard 'Ned' Stark in accordance with their laws. Lord Stark also learns that his friend Jon Arryn, the Hand of the king, is dead and King Robert Baratheon, who is his friend, is traveling from the King's Landing to Winterfall to invite him to be his Hand of the King and travels with him to the capital. The King was betrothed to Lord Stark's sister but she died and he married Cersei Lannister, who has two brothers and a secret love affair. Meanwhile in the exile, the greedy Viserys Targaryen forces his sister Daenerys Targaryen to get married with the brutal warrior Khal Drogo since he needs an army to overthrow King Baratheon and take the power.

"Winter Is Coming" is the promising beginning of "Game of Thrones". The episode has stunning cinematography, very creepy and brutal scenes in the very beginning, betrayals and incestuous relationship. Many characters are introduced at the same time and it is quite confused to keep each name in mind. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Winter is Coming"
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Overrated garbage
martinsplads29 April 2019
Yawn this TV show is boring. Why the hell people think that this is the greatest TV series ever made on the entire planet is really a clue to me. Game of Thrones has to many characters, it just goes from here to there all the damn time, and I can't for the love of God keep up with these small stories with people that I don't get to really know cause their focus is always on the sideline. The acting and sets are great but it just doesn't save from my own boredom with it. I have only watched it to season 2 and then I just gave up couldn't take this big mess anymore, I'm sorry but its pretty much the most boring show I have watched on TV for now.
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maybe, the best episode
Kirpianuscus19 May 2019
After the end of entire serie, "Winter is coming" remains one of the best episodes. Maybe, the best. Because it gives, using precise traits, the map of entire film. Secrets, politic, friendship and loyalty, fragility of power and the danger behind the Wall. Family force and subtle, wise portraits of the basic pieces of the game. It is a fine embroidery of emotions . And one of great first step to a long travel who, after almost a decade, becomes more precious then the end itself.
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A great introduction
Tweekums31 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This opening episode quickly throws us into the action as three members of the Night Watch encounter White Walkers north of The Wall; only one of them survives to tell the tale. We are then introduced to the series many protagonists, starting with the members of House Stark. Led by Lord Ned Stark they govern the north of the Kingdom of Westeros; a harsh land with harsh rules; we see Ned, who is being set up as the hero, decapitate the member of the Night Watch who survived the White Walkers while his sons look on; including Bran Stark who is only ten. The next group to be introduced is King Robert and is in-laws the Lannisters; he is a friend of Ned but the Lannisters seem less pleasant; his wife is having an incestuous affair with her twin brother and her other brother is a dwarf who seems only to be interested in bedding the town's prostitutes! Finally we are introduced to the last of the Targaryens; Viserys and his sister Daenerys, He is determined to retake the throne King Robert took from his father and if that means marrying his sister to the head of a tribe of savages to gain an army he will.

This episode does a great job introducing us to many of the large cast of major characters without it feeling like it is just an introduction. The opening scenes show us that this isn't a gentle family friendly fantasy… and if a decapitation wasn't enough to make it clear this is a show for adults we get nudity, sex, swearing, more violence, incest and more nudity! So if that sort of thing puts you off you'll know to give up now rather than carrying on to watch more! The cast does a great job; I particularly liked Sean Bean's performance as Ned Stark, young Maisie Williams' spirited portrayal of the tomboy Arya Stark, Peter Dinklage's Tyrion 'The Imp' Lannister and Emilia Clarke's Daenerys Targaryen… although to be honest I could probably go on listing the rest of the cast as no characters seemed weakly portrayed. The production values are such that this looks as good as if not better than most films; the world of Westeros feels real; not at all like a series of sets. This opening episode got me gripped as it sets up multiple story lines; the King asking Ned to return to the capital with him to become his right hand man; the 'Hand of the King', the events north of the wall, the Targaryens' plans to retake the throne and the Lannister twin's actions to hide their relationship; this last storyline leading to a shocking episode conclusion. Watching for the first time this serves as a great introduction but watching again one sees subtle hints of things that will be important later in the series without making it obvious that they will be important. Overall I'd say this was great and if you enjoy this opening you are sure to enjoy the rest of the series.
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darna-8326218 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Game of thrones the best series Alruosh absolutely not fall but fall in the order I love and prefer the best series even after the end
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One of the best pilot ever
UngaroSpinato16 June 2021
I'm writing this review after I've watched all the show, and now it's my second time. This is how you fall in love with a storytelling, with a great cinematography and writing.

A 10/10 episode 'cause it's the beginning of it all: Game of Thrones is a legend, even more than Breaking Bad. I do love both, and BB has the perfect ending, but GOT has become a damn trademark. If you have good taste and love fantasy stuff this is your realm.

Mesmerizing! The final scene is one thing you'll never forget. That moment is cruel and epic at the same time, and it's just perfectly delivered.
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Winter is coming and it is going to be an exciting one!
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic10 June 2017
Right from the start Game of Thrones is beautifully well made. As a viewer you would not necessarily know what is going on unless you had read the books but the quality of production is clear straight away. The filming is of very high standard, the sets, costumes, music etc are all spot on. Most of all it is the dialogue, acting and the plot which sets this show way above the normal standard of TV shows. The first episode begins with the quality already all there to see in all these respects.

One negative of this first episode is that there perhaps could have been some clearer and more logical depiction of the passage of time. Dialogue explains a month has passed but this passage of time is unclear in its presentation. Some things seem to have needed a different passage of time. The direwolves found as tiny pups at the start remain very small right to the last scene before appearing as much larger animals at the start of episode 2 which is meant to be only a few weeks later. This is actually a 'fault' of the book 'A Game of Thrones', the first of author GRR Martin's great 'A Song of Ice and Fire' book series. The first book is very faithfully adapted in season 1 (apart from older ages for characters in the series than in the books) and I feel the passage of time could have actually been improved. Martin's book depicts each chapter from a different character's point of view. This is brilliant dramatically and artistically but it does not lend itself to neat chronological progress as things seem to progress at slightly different rates for different characters or at least the passage of weeks and months is not fully clear. For the series it would be better in my view if they showed the initial events of the prologue and the direwolf pups being found as happening around the same time before showing that many months have passed before Jon Arryn's death and initial events at Winterfell with the royal visit then shown to happen later having had time to travel up from King's Landing. That way the pups could have grown already in order that they can believably be normal wolf size (though not full grown direwolf yet) for episode 2 and it would have given a better feeling of time progressing from Jon Arryn's death to the royal visit.

The only other issue is this episode understandably has to introduce a lot of characters, settings and set up the storyline so it is quite heavily laden to take in and fully enjoy when you first see it, unless you have read the first book. It is much more enjoyable re-watching it when you know how it all pans out.

Those aspects means it is not one of the series best episodes but it is excellent in establishing the series roots. The settings and characters are presented very effectively and the story is quite absorbing by halfway through the episode.

It is difficult to pick out any particular actor. The ensemble cast all deliver top performances. Sean Bean immediately makes Ned Stark a fully three dimensional character you are sympathising with and Kit Harrington as Jon Snow gets you on his side from the beginning too. Cersei and Viserys immediately make your skin crawl while Mark Addy and Peter Dinklage make you laugh as King Robert and Tyrion. I feel Tyrion is slightly less sympathetically presented in this episode than he is in the book but he goes on in later episodes to be presented more favourably.

The differing ages of characters from the books to the series is quite a big difference. In the books Jon and Robb are 14, Dany is 13, Joffrey is 12, Sansa is 11, Bran is only 7 and Rickon is 3 whilst Ned, Robert, Cat, Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion are all only meant to be mid thirties at most! It is a 'double edged sword' because in some ways I think it would have been nice and made sense for the ages and timescales to be the same as in the book but it was much easier to present some of the events with older actors as the Stark children and they make it all work really well. I am happy we got the cast we did.

The cliffhanger at the end of the episode is done to perfection and is the hook that grabs you. From that point I was on board 100% and could not wait for the second episode.

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Great episode
aminemedjeber16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best episode I had seen in years. The violence is so over the top and the fight scenes are fresh and keep you guessing. Highly recommend.
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Things I do for game of thrones !!
lyes-metta2 November 2019
Wow! What a great beginning, I've choked when I've seen this world, winter is coming is one of the most popular episodes series.
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Great premier!
affel-555784 April 2017
Fantastic premier episode of an amazing show. The show is truly something else and this premier is were it all started. This episode introduced many characters and plot at once, which can be hard to keep up with. But once you get grip of the story and who every one is. It becomes just amazing hour of television.

Great visuals as always from HBO and a great cast. The score is also fantastic. The premier has a great replay value as well. Even after being seasons ahead. You can just sit back and watch this episode and see how it all started. It takes you back. Just amazing.
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A pilot to unthrone them all
igoatabase18 April 2011
Cinéma has Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings, Now TV has the Game of Thrones by the master of Sandkings. George R. R. Martin in heaven his work should spawn at least Four Seasons, The cold-blooded beginning will burn your latent emotions and freeze your dual reasons.

Closing black metal door and opening credits scavenging for unknown kingdoms, Highlander and fantastic territories as surreal as a wonderful forest of giant mushrooms. Almighty production with only a few minor glitches and heroic sets, From lifelike costumes and lurking soundtrack to majestic visual effects.

Sean Bean as lead and Lena Headey as queen plunged in a pool of steep talent. Kids to glide a smile, the bastard and the dwarf, vertiginous curves with riding knights. A cascade of refreshing characters to escort us through black days and white nights. Cuddly wolves, history books, dragon eggs. A universe has never been so magnificent.

Tolkienian by its numerous names and great attention to details, Despite the labyrinth an enchainting viewing and intriguing parallel stories. Winter warriors, white haired incest or blue savages are struggling families. A balance of Braveheart blood and medieval epicness to crimp biogenic trails.
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Noobmaster699 May 2019
Incest, Death and Alcohol. All the ingredients for a perfect series (to some).

The first episode of what now has turned out to be one of the most popular and most talked about tv-shows, shows us exactly why Game of Thrones has become this popular. From the great visuals of castles and a hauntingly scary forest. The only thing that is might pull someone away is all the characters that have been introduced. For what is meant to be an episode that shows off what the storyline is about. I feel like there are to many characters introduced in the first episode, it is very hard to keep up with the pace of the series, and for someone who doesn¨t watch many tv-shows , this massive introduction of characters gets way to hard to keep up with.

For a first episode it was not perfect, but showing off great cinematics and a plot that is explorable to the max, Game of Thrones really showed a lot of potential for a big hitter.
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Bad. Just bad.
aliu_9 November 2018
Most of the guys here are reviewing from the perspective of a fan, someone who have watched the show and loved it. The truth is, you kinda need to force yourself to watch next episode because this episode doesn't leave you wanting to know more. Plus the type of +18 stuff and the amount of it is kinda disgusting.
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