"Smallville" Rabid (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent


  • Lois Lane : But I do remember seeing a whole new side of Clark Kent.

    Clark Kent : Which side was that?

    Lois Lane : I'll give you a hint. It starts with "H" and ends with "ero."

    Clark Kent : I wasn't even wearing red and blue.

    Lois Lane : Well, you've got a long ways before you can do that.

  • Clark Kent : Oliver. Is this your idea of fun now that you've hung up your bow?

    Oliver Queen : Should have known it was you. Clark Kent, the king of buzzkill. You and your pet rock put on a hell of a barbecue. But I had my money on Doomsday, so...

    Clark Kent : You can try and play it off as a joke, but I *know* that the loss of Jimmy affected us both.

    Oliver Queen : Well, I guess God's got a sick sense of humor. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be taking your name in vain.

    Clark Kent : What, you need to hear me say it? I should have listened to you. I should have gotten rid of Davis instead of believing in him.

    Oliver Queen : It's a little late.

    Clark Kent : I'm trying to make up for what happened, not add myself to the casualty list.

    Oliver Queen : Yeah, well, I can't get my thrills leaping tall buildings or outrunning speeding bullets. We mere mortals - we have to rely on a tweaked-out Ducati and the opened road.

  • Lois Lane : The fire just got put out - by The Blur. He is so amazing. Here you and I are just having a coffee while he's out squelching five-alarm fires in three seconds flat.

    Clark Kent : Two seconds. Not that anyone's counting.

  • Clark Kent : You know that you're meant for more than this. This isn't you.

    Oliver Queen : Who are you, huh?

    [looks at the "S" on Clark's costume] 

    Oliver Queen : W-what's all this? What's the "S" stand for? What is that, "superstar?

    Clark Kent : It gives people hope.

    Oliver Queen : I'll tell you what, Clark, why don't you, uh... go ahead and plaster your symbol of superiority all over the city so that people can worship you like some kind of modern Jesus. That's what you want, right? That's why you're here. Here to save us.

    Clark Kent : You need help.

    Oliver Queen : Yeah, well maybe. But I hate to break it to you Clark, not everyone believes in the second coming.

  • Clark Kent : Do you get motion sickness?

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Mm, not really. Why do you ask?

    [Clark superspeeds off with Emil] 

    Chloe Sullivan : Really?

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : I found the antidote, but we're running out of time. Where's this mystery, extraterrestrial specimen with Davis Bloome's blood type?

    Clark Kent : [Whooshes in]  You're looking at him.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Well, that explains a lot.

  • Clark Kent : You only had to do one thing, Oliver - keep her awake. But Lois almost died! You're spiraled so far you couldn't even protect her. Is there any part of the person I used to know still there?

    Oliver Queen : Maybe not.

    Clark Kent : Look, I understand that it's hard trying to figure out how to come back from what happened. Maybe you need help.

    Oliver Queen : Actually, I thought about what you said, and, uh... I took a look in the mirror, and you were right. I've been running away from myself for a long time now. But now I know who I really am.

    Clark Kent : All right, then you know what you have to do.

    Oliver Queen : Yeah. Thank you, Clark.

  • Lois Lane : You can put away the pepper spray, Smallville. It's only me.

    Clark Kent : I wasn't hiding.

  • Lois Lane : Well, looks like another thrilling Friday night. Just you and me flying the red eye on this paper airplane. Almost like you never left the cockpit.

    Clark Kent : Well, it's nice to have my co-pilot here.

  • Clark Kent : What's with the bag?

    Lois Lane : All-nighter survival kit.

    [unpacking each item in turn] 

    Lois Lane : Comfort food. Comfort footwear. And comfort music. Chicken soup for my soul.

  • Lois Lane : Okay, get your engines going. Looks like there's a major fire on East Brunswick.

    Clark Kent : You know, if we're gonna be here all night, I'll get some coffee.

    Lois Lane : That's what I love about you, Smallville. I say fire, you say food. I'll take mine black.

    [behind her back, he speeds away; as she turns around, she sees him offering a take-out coffee cup] 

    Lois Lane : That was quick. Do you smell smoke?

    Clark Kent : [surreptitiously wiping soot off his hand]  No.

  • Clark Kent : There's a high-speed motorcycle chase out near by the bypass.

    Lois Lane : At least somebody's getting a little action tonight.

    [when she's not looking, he uses his freeze breath on her coffee] 

    Lois Lane : [taking a sip]  Clark, this is ice-cold. Never mind. I'll get it myself.

  • Clark Kent : This doesn't make any sense. Tess is not the nervous breakdown type.

    Lois Lane : But she is the lying, cheating, scheming type. You keep enough secrets, they start to back up on your brain, Clark. Seriously, alien orb? Now she's rambling about zombies? It all adds up to "C" for crazy.

    Clark Kent : Just trust me, there's got to be more to the story than that.

    Lois Lane : Look, I respect how quickly you managed to get the low-down on Little Ms. Lithium's mental break, but sometimes you can be a little gullible.

    Clark Kent : Really? Why don't you call your new best friend and get him to weigh in on it?

    Lois Lane : I-I'm not gonna cry wolf just to get a pity call from Studly Do-Right.

    Clark Kent : Something tells me he'd side with me on this one, anyway.

    Lois Lane : Why, because you have so much in common?

  • Lois Lane : Tess.

    Clark Kent : Come on, Lois. At least wait until she's awake to get your comment.

    Lois Lane : Don't you want to find out what made Cruella snap?

  • Clark Kent : [after zombie-Tess attacks them]  Lois, are you okay?

    Lois Lane : I've thrown down with Tess before, but not quite like that.

    Clark Kent : Looks like there may be some truth in her story after all.

    Lois Lane : Which is why I'm heading back to the office right now to write it.

  • Clark Kent : [after she nearly clocks him with a fire extinguisher, thinking he's a zombie]  Lois, I'm gonna get you out of here.

    Lois Lane : You have no idea what you're up against. I'll get us through this.

  • Oliver Queen : Got any idea what triggered this sudden appetite for human carpaccio?

    Lois Lane : All I know is one minute my copy editor's dozing, the next, he's trying to bite my face off.

    Clark Kent : Same thing happened with Tess. She was asleep. When she woke up, she became one of them.

    Oliver Queen : You think this thing incubates when people are sleeping.

    Lois Lane : Let's hope not. We only have a few hours 'til four million people get up to go to work.

    Oliver Queen : That's one hell of a rush hour.

  • Lois Lane : I just came by to say thanks. And to apologize if I tried to rip your head off or anything.

    Clark Kent : You know, you have a pretty mean left hook.

    Lois Lane : I don't remember any of that.

  • Lois Lane : Clark, do you have any deep, dark secrets?

    Clark Kent : Do you?

    Lois Lane : Last year, when I was talking with the Red-Blue Blur... for the first time in my life, I was doing something that mattered. And I wanted to work with him because we did such good things together. But then I started to realize that... I wasn't just doing it to save people. I was doing it for me. I just wanted to be with him.

    Clark Kent : We all get crushes, Lois. It doesn't make you a bad person.

    Lois Lane : You don't understand. I had never had this connection with someone before. Now that I have this connection, I don't want to go back to the way things were. This is embarrassing to admit, but... I don't want to be alone anymore.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : Any idea how the virus metastasized so quickly throughout her body?

    Dr. Coats : Oh, generally something spreading this fast is airborne. We're about to quarantine the hospital, and they've sent a team over to Ms. Mercer's office.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : The Daily Planet? I thought Ms. Mercer called an ambulance from the Luthor mansion.

    Dr. Coats : No, she arrived at work experiencing some type of a mental trauma. Paramedics picked her up at the Daily Planet.

    Clark Kent : [eavesdropping with his superhearing]  Lois.

  • Clark Kent : Can you run a blood test on this? It belongs to Tess Mercer. She's infected with something. Lois and I went to see her at Met Gen. She attacked us both.

    Chloe Sullivan : That's different than the way she is on every other day how?

See also

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