Alone Together (2022) Poster

(I) (2022)

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I watched it last night but I can't remember it already
A twee little movie that is inoffensive and fairly unmemorable, sort of Hallmark-ish in its lasting ability.

But there is one very annoying plothole: why, when from the outside this appeared to be a very large house, was there, inside, only one bedroom and onebathroom?
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Good Effort, Nice story
AuVid1 August 2022
It's not bad, the story is nice, and kind and warm in parts, but... there are so many cringe-worth moments in the movie that I had to watch in two parts (and I almost gave up).

It is apparent (to me, at least) that the script needed more iterations and finessing (to remove the cringe moments for starters).

Also, none of the "couples" had much chemistry, I think the movie would be much better off with slightly older (mature) male counterparts and a more relaxed and relatable relationship between them.

Maybe in a few more years, with proper distancing from the pandemic, a refined script and more time to proper audition and cast the 2 main male characters the movie could have been much better.
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... not enough making it worth ninety-plus minutes of your time
bjarias4 September 2022
... it's an achievement getting through this romantic-drama without fast-forwarding many sections... there are just sooo many parts that either take forever getting anywhere, or large sections that are just completely predictable as to be intensely boring

... there's not anything tremendously off with any of the acting or the film's production values... it's just when there is entire control in the hands of just one individual, it can prove an issue as evidenced here... outside of having the pandemic as part of the storyline, and not an interesting part, this movie just seems empty.... smiling alot of the Katie Homes smile just isn't enough to make this worth the time.
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pretty awful....
lelectra26-11 December 2022
There is no there there...I assume Katie Holmes can afford to hire professionals to direct and write--at least punch up the script.

No real plot--2 strangers find themselves together at the beginning of the pandemic thru an airbnb screw up--and like attracts like--two of the most boring people in the world fall for each other. Zero chemistry between the actors.

The usual rom com cliches: montages of mundane cute--her boyfriend shows up/new guy splits--again no chemistry, no anger, no drama-no questions--he sees she is not emotionally there anymore, leaves--she sees kids, realizes she wants some, she looks up the new guy again. They missed each other. The end. (Thank God)
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Lazy Afternoon Watch
GalAlba31 July 2022
Deserves more than its current IMDb rating.

It's a classic, chick flick, lazy Sunday afternoon watch & I enjoyed it.

The male lead is charming, the female lead is wounded/manipulated & the villain of the piece (not that there is a real villain) is self-centred & unaware.

Easy to follow, well written & acted. It's accessable stuff. Just what you want on a lazy day.

It's probably a 6, but, I gave it 7.
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Covid shut-down movies have been poor to date, and writer / director / star Katie Homes' offering only marginally improves on them
danieljfarthing26 August 2022
In simple little drama "Alone Together" (Katie Holmes' first film as writer (second as director)) she's a lowly NY journo whose dickish bf Derek Luke books them a rural AirBnB as the covid lock-down strikes... but he then doesn't turn up AND it's double-booked (sigh) with Jim Sturgess (always likeable) already there. Resigning to co-habit Holmes & Sturgess hit it off (duh) but as the world shuts up can she really shut it out and live a kinda fantasy? Calm & humourless it's pretty dry, but performances are sound (inc Melissa Leo as Sturgess' mum) and Holmes' direction fresh. We still wait on an excellent covid movie, but just maybe with this they're getting SLIGHTLY better.
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Enjoyed it. Underestimated movie, describes what was going on in NY
flOrlando13 December 2022
I quite enjoyed this movie, it describes what went on and what people went through in the city. With all the awkward moments. I remmwber thinking it was going to be two weeks, then everything shutting down, remember not being able to hug my family, staying away from friends, my building not allowing friends to come for a meal, friends dying and hearing of people passing, and working all day and stepping outside for the 7pm cheer - in my opinion it's well done. And then getting better here and worse in other countries. And if it seems slow, that's because that's how those days were. Well done!

And the love story is a nice background, or the other way around.
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Not Bad
lornak-1800828 December 2022
To those reviewers that only watch part of a movie and then rate it 1 star-that's just not fair. Look, this movie is not a major movie and it's made for a female audience. I watched the whole thing last night and found it to be a fair romance set against the backdrop of the beginning of Covid. My problem was with Katie Holmes's character talking about wanting marriage and children sometime in the future. She's 44 so unless she's adopting that's not going to happen anytime soon. I do realize you can get pregnant at that age. I just think she was trying to play someone about ten years younger and that didn't work for me. It wasn't a bad way to spend 90 minutes, it's a bit slow moving but what do you expect during a pandemic? Her grandfather who raised her died and she cried briefly and then it's barely mentioned again. That wasn't realistic. So those are my reasons for not rating it higher than 6, although I mostly enjoyed it.
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Tired, dreary and terrible
robynsegg322 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the almost-50 Ms. Holmes trying (and failing) to act 30, this movie fails on so many levels that it almost makes it an art form. The acting is clunky, the sets make very little sense and there is no romance OR comedy anywhere in this 'romantic comedy'. In fact, I don't remember cracking a smile, even a pity smile, for as long as I could stomach watching it.

The pandemic was a real thing that we still haven't quite gotten a handle on, that's about as close to a truth as this movie ever divulged...everything else is just garbage.

Oh, there was one interesting thing about this movie - the car that the male actor drives. Where on earth did they find an early '80s Mustang 2 that wasn't riddled with rust and still runs?? Now that's impressive!
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A Pandemic Love Story Played Like a "Dawson's Creek" Episode
EUyeshima11 October 2022
I wouldn't have expected Katie Holmes to be the filmmaker who attempts to create a love story set during the early days of the pandemic. She wrote and directed this 2022 romantic dramedy. However, I would expect her to be the star since her filmmaking style draws from the same sensitivity well as her six years on "Dawson's Creek". The sensitivity of her direction and performance works to some degree, but the leaden pacing and feckless characters hamper Holmes' intention to bring a level of intimacy to COVID. There is something frustrating about watching fortyish characters act like they're dealing with twentysomething angst. Holmes, Jim Sturgess, and Derek Luke try mightily to compensate for this lapse by infusing sincerity. Only an unrecognizable Melissa Leo registers as a character actually living through the uncertainty of the pandemic.
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12101968kaw14 December 2022
Alone Together is absolute rubbish! I don't find Katie Holmes to be a particularly great actress. I think she is someone who got on a hit show so the offers come in. This movie was so slow and boring. Katie is in a bad relationship and heads to the house her and her boyfriend rented for a week to get out of the City during the start of the Pandemic. He bails and she shows up and someone else is there. They both stay. Who does that? The whole movie is painstakingly slow. The acting is very dull. The dialogue just isn't there. Katie wrote, stared, and directed this. My guess is she funded this because who in there right mind would fund this?
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Katie produced, wrote, directed and starred in this
abillings-6646727 December 2022
She wanted to tell this story and what a lovely story it is. This is not for mainstream society. It takes its time as it unravels into a sweet love story about being true to yourself. It's not an overdramatized, empty romance.

It starts at the beginning of the pandemic but not in a way that brings up any of the uproar that society felt. It's calming and quiet watching these two lonely people find connection with each other but particularly June finding herself and who she not only wants to be but who she wants to be with.

I can see most people feeling this movie to be slow and maybe boring but I found it to be sweet, relaxing and heartwarming.

Hope you enjoy it.
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6 .5 shiny stars
Goosegirl1426 January 2024
I feel I have been a bit harsh on this film, as I did really enjoy watching I, and found it to be a bit better than reviews had me believe.

It wasn't a wholly original premise, although the Lockdown element added something fresh. I can understand this film isn't for those who like high action or a steady flow of punchy one liners.

However, despite the gentle pace, no huge peaks or troughs, and a pretty tame/simple concept, I was fully engaged throughout the film and thought it was very watchable. Yes, big things are ignored, or/& wrapped up/over before they're really ever a 'thing ', but I just liked being in the company of the characters and watching them navigate the pandemic with existing stresses and life situations.

I'd not deter anyone from watching this, and I appreciated most performances. But, its not something I'd rave about either. I think it's best being one of those films you stumped across and decide to give a try, and end up having a pleasant 90mins viewing experience.
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Let's just start off on the right foot...this film is awful.
Boristhemoggy3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
OK June goes to an air bnb but instead of meeting her boyfriend there she meets a complete stranger Charlie.

First off the 'mistake' was handled badly and the acting was very B movie. So nothing whatsoever rang true from June, Charlie, the boyfriend, the mother the friend etc etc etc There was some gruesomely twee scenes, like the one where June is sitting on a table trying to look cute when Charlie brings her a McD's. It just serves to show that it's a good idea for a story, but scripted badly, translated to the screen badly and acted badly.

Nothing against Katie Holmes personally but she is far too odd looking to be romantic anyway. Her eyes droop at the corners, her mouth actually looks disfigured, and she has zero expression skills.

I felt like I was struggling to breathe, and that life was passing me by, and the world was having fun while I was sitting wasting my existence watching this slow paced rubbish.

It's up to you whether you watch it or not but I wish I could recover the time I wasted on it.
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I am so sick of these.
Kittendragon26 November 2022
Okay why I need to pick spoilers is beyond me. Youd have to be really dumb to not see the entire predictably of this one from a mile away.

Its trash, straight trash. I don't know who payed for this to even be made? I mean did Katie Holmes because no one wants to hire her? Its just not good, not good at all. I mean unless you're really bored and kinda just want some background noise then sure go for it. If you want some real predictably then knock yourself out. But if you are sick of this same story told a million ways just skip it so Hollywood stops making them and wasting our time and money for recycled trash.
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burnzyburns15 October 2022
Katie Holmes splits herself into the acting realm, writer and into the directors chair for this movie, Alone Together; also staring Jim Sturgess.

It was a fine effort but this film will be easily forgotten, if it hasn't been already.

The entire movie comes with a COVID-19 backdrop and works as somewhat of a time capsule movie. While I understand the use of the theme, it becomes redundant very quickly and that we don't need constant reminders about the dangers of COVID. The movie also contradicts itself from COVID practices in ways I won't spoil, that questions why the COVID theme had to be explored at all. It was probably unnecessary that Holmes had to make this such a central part of the film.

The acting is okay but sometimes a little too messy. I sensed some typecasting problems. Jim Sturgess is a good actor, but he doesn't fit the role of Charlie. Holmes overdramatized a lot of her sequences and further proves that she's not a very good actor, the lead could've been just about anyone else. Derek Luke is bland and Melissa Leo is probably the best of the bunch but that's not saying much.

I did like the writing. It's very predictable but it was mostly good enough to get by minus all the unusual amount of cuss words that were thrown in.

I'll give Holmes credit in some areas, there we're some nice moments. This movie is raw so if Holmes were to direct again then there's a lot of things that need improvements but a nice first step nonetheless.
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I've seen worse but...
kirkendog2 February 2023
Just including the background voice of the NY Governor is enough to lower the rating in half. New Yorkers who are brainwashed might believe he really tried at helping people but everyone else knows the truth. He barely used a ship hospital, that would have been a good place for all the infected he put in the nursing homes.

An 8 pm curfew has to be one of the most ridiculous things people will look back on & wonder how stupid can people be.

Katie is 44 but is trying to play a 30 yr old with her Dawson Creek teenage personality, it just doesn't work.

The house has to have at least 3 bedrooms, it's like the upstairs doesn't exist with these 2, he gives up his bed for the couch makes no sense, give her another bedroom.

She's originally from Indiana but somehow thinks drinking beer is a Wisconsin only thing, has NY polluted her brain that bad?
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Slow but steady
gray9225-956-3563718 February 2024
A sweet film that is romantic and sad in all the right doses. Nothing seemed out of place and the soft piano score was perfect for the ambiance. Holmes gives a more vulnerable performance than normal, but still seems a bit too gaurded. Sturgess is wonderful as always. I wanted to know more about each of their characters just as much as they seemed to want to get to know each other.

Added note: especially for those who lived in NYC, had family passed from COVID, or overall struggled through the pandemic you may want to refrain from watching. Definietly brought up some memories and feelings from lockdown.
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Speaking on what is considered the romance itself
ballouvince2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Run of the mill. Any number of writers could have written it. There is a market for the formula. Katie will reach an audience with this one. The first Bridgerton romance spoiled, as it proved one could write a romance with excitement where the couple gets married first, then has sex. Not everyone uses foul language, contrary to reports, but it's here. But as long as a certain extreme of it isn't, it's passable. Still, it's not preferred or necessary for impact. The main couple meets after their respective earlier partners ditch them, by expected invention and, perhaps, deliberate mystery and guilt tripping. There are stories told that make for vulnerabilities, but this reviewer needs something different, for a change, other than those stories. Katie's daughter sings Blue Moon, good, as the opening theme. The singing gets ten stars.
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Actually pretty watchable.
Sleepin_Dragon22 June 2023
June and Charlie are thrown together by a twist of fate, both have booked an air BnB, the same one. It just so happens that the covid 19 pandemic is starting.

It's an inoffensive, easy going movie, it doesn't offer anything profound or deeply moving, but it's definitely a watchable movie, one to watch after a stressful day with a glass of wine.

Credit to Katie Holmes, she wrote, directed and started in this movie, clearly someone who throws herself into her work, and is keen to explore all aspects of movie making, both behind and in front of the camera.

I put myself back to that time, when the pandemic was just about starting, everywhere was shut, people were frightened, it was a scary time, it made for an interesting backdrop. It's a love story set during an unusual time.

I'm wondering if this was made at a time where restrictions were still in place, hence the small cast and distance, if that's the case, credit to them.

The amount of Maccy D's we all ate during those early days......

Holmes was good as always, Jim Sturgess was excellent, that was a convincing accent, all credit to him.

Not bad to be honest.

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EPMD5729 July 2022
There is nothing earth-shattering about this movie. The plot is simple, even somewhat predictable, which leaves the focus on the characters. Fortunately, they gave us a couple likeable characters. And the rest -- well, it was just people being human. I liked it. Maybe you have to be in a certain mood to enjoy such a stripped-down movie, but I was in that mood for this one.

If you like something like Hallmark movies but with a bit more cursing and realism then this is the type of movie you will enjoy.
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DO NOT WATCH! Read this before watching !
alexanderlowy16 April 2023
Warning: DO NOT WATCH!


I NEVER write reviews but I had to this time, just to warn you not to watch this steaming pile of garbage.

I love Katie Holmes. She has talent. But this is a boring slow paced movie about NOTHING with a bunch of ads where my girlfriend and I instantly knew she had nothing better to do during covid than to make a movie about her diary. She then hit up Lyft McDonald's, Airbnb and more companies to shamelessly mention their names multiple times and even visually blind us with their logos. All in the midst of boring me to death to make me watch the slowest pacing nonsense of all time. All based around NO PLOT at all. Airbnb doesnt even allow differe t consumers to book one place ! This plot is ridiculous. And the pacing and script are TRASH.

She could've thought of a better thing to do to get money during covid and to pass the time. This movie was offensively bad, boring , completely lacking depth, and pointless. I no longer have a crush on Katie Holmes. Wtf.
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A Nice Small Movie
tkdlifemagazine18 April 2023
This movie is unfairly criticized. It is a low budget, romantic (pseudo-comedy) that is centered on two strangers that become trapped together at the start of the 2020 Pandemic. It is low budget. It is predictable. It involves an unlikely premise. The cast is small but decent. However, it is smartly written and it does capture the essence of the feeling many of us had at the start of this worldwide crisis of epic proportions. Katie Holmes is likable and attractive in the lead role. Her co-star, Jim Sturgess, is good, as well. Zoysia Mamet always fun. It is a nice movie. That's how I would describe it- a nice movie.
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As light and fluffy as a light and fluffy thing
stevelivesey-3718326 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Almost a hallmark movie.

There's nothing here to offend yet nothing to inspire in this tale of lockdown romance. It is completely inoffensive. A rice pudding of a movie. Dare I say, a chick flick. Best watched on a Sunday afternoon with hot chocolate and vegan friendly marshmallows. (Watch the movie) I see Katie Holmes both wrote and directed the movie, which is to be commended, and she does a decent enough job.

Two unlikely peoples have a meet cute, fall in love, complications and work their way to a predictable conclusion. It's hardly Pulp Fiction but then it's not meant to be. Sort of recommended if you you are struggling for Rom coms to watch.
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LiquidLucids19 January 2023
So, Katie Holmes is the writer and the director, and she plays the main character. It is now clear, that Katie Holmes has zero talent for writing a script. She didn't even have a solid idea to start with!

It's boring and predictable, has no interesting story or plot, and the dialogue is absolutely clumsy and amateur-like. It basically belongs on the Hallmark Channel...

There was absolutely no good reason to make this, perhaps except Katie Holmes having the chance to write, direct and act, and sort of making it look like her career is still happening.

Crappy, talentless productions like this, shouldn't even exist.
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