Dune World (2021) Poster


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biglogmollydog8 September 2021
This is a joke right? People actually allowed their names to be associated with this steaming pile of crap?

Haven't seen anything this bad in a long time. And I see a lot of bad movies.

If I could have rated it less than 1, I would have.
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So bad it's bad.
thegriffenator10 September 2021
I tried to find unintentional humour in this, for want of a better word, film. It would have actually made it watchable (for all the wrong reasons), but alas it wasn't to be.

From the cheap props and a kids mask in which they didn't even bother to fix the pushed-in nose to the wooden doors in a spaceship?!? Not to mention the toy guns and dust masks this atrocity should never have been unleashed on the unsuspecting (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) public.

If you're reading this, it may well be too late and you've probably already watched it. I found that talking about it helps. Find a support group and I wish you a speedy recovery.
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Doodoo Doone
wroclawkontakt9 September 2021
It's dune allright, but them dunes aren't the sand ones, those are dookie piles.

I took one for the team so you don't have to. Avoid, unless it's a party screening and everyone is drunk, then show it to the guy who is already passed out.
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Dune World makes Ed Wood look like George Lucas
littlesatanhooves9 September 2021
There are 'bad movies' and then there are 'awful movies'. Even if it hadn't cost much to make this 'movie', the question on everybody's mind, after spending 15 minutes watching it, would probably be "But why even make it at all?" !! With acting 'skills' that fall somewhere in between porno and home movies, jumpsuits passing off as spacesuits, toy guns for weapons and a humanoid with a pot belly, you'd think that things couldn't get any worse. Wrong! Compared to this, Ed Wood's 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' looks like high art.
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Oh dear...
paul_haakonsen9 September 2021
Granted, when I sat down to watch this 2021 movie titled "Dune World", I wasn't really harboring much of any hopes or expectations to the movie. Why? Well, from the title alone, it seemed like a mockbuster cashing in on the new "Dune" movie. So yeah, I figured this would be another movie from The Asylum.

First of all, this movie was not a The Asylum production, for better or worse. Although I wish it would have been, because at least then I would have been in for something significantly better than what Polonia Brothers Entertainment managed to spew out.

And then let me just say wow. Just wow! This movie was phenomenally bad. It was bad in every possible way and aspect. From the storyline, to the acting, to the special effects and to the props and costumes. Everything here was just beyond the scope of what you would think would be passable for a movie to see the light of day in 2021. Yet somehow writer John Oak Dalton managed to pen the script for this atrocity of a movie, and director Mark Polonia brought it to the screen.

The special effects in the movie were so bad that I was let laughing so hard. In fact, my son came to join in since I was laughing so hard, and he was commenting on how fake everything looked at almost every single scene that we suffered through. And the robot was just insanely bad; they had a plus size guy in a silver hooded jacket and wearing a kids toy mask. And the CGI effects looked like they were made in an Arts & Crafts class and slapped onto the movie in post-production.

The acting in the movie was as wooden, rigid and pointless as the storyline itself. So don't get your hopes up for any of the performers to salvage this movie as it sinks into the silt. Needless to say that there weren't any familiar faces on the cast list.

Do yourself a favor and stay well clear of "Dune World", because it just simply isn't worth the time, money or effort.

My rating of "Dune World" lands on a one out of ten stars. This is by far one of the worst sci-fi movies I have had to suffer through.
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Dont under any circumstance pay to watch this, You've been warned
Unimatrix_Zero9 September 2021
I'm guessing they spent 80% of the budget on the poster which was probably a good strategy as it got me interested, then I hit the play button, whoaaa!

I think its great for kids and young people to play around and tinker with being movie makers, stars, dress up in costumes and it's great they were able to put together over 1hr worth of movie (I use that term VERY loosely) but it's deceptive to release this onto the market promoting it as some type of wonderful Sci-Fi/fantasy adventure.

No more "movies" from you guys please.
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literally the worst film ever made
gabrielguerena-4786018 September 2021
First of all this is a mockbuster and has nothing to do with DUNE.

This is all about the same 5 "actors" with weird costumes in front of a green screen for 1 hour, that's it. DO NOT WATCH it will make your eyes bleed.
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Nothing here
jonasatmosfera9 September 2021
This is a high school production made with lunch money they collected on a Friday before an extended holiday.

It is more like a joke than anything else.

There is nothing here.
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BLAlley27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
How do you make something this bad? School kids with a smart phone and a hand-me-down computer loaded with a few free apps can make better quality movies.

The biggest spoiler is the movie stealing ten minutes from your life before you turn it off.
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What did I just watch.
avramoski-9067314 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Since you got to the point of reading this, tell you what.

This is the cheapest movie i have ever seen in my life.

One hundred percent of the time is all greenscreen, infact this movie wouldn't be possible without the greenscreen.

The entire cast of 5 people are only cosplays of costumes.

Really, really bad.

If there was an option to rate 0 stars, I would have gone with that one.
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Was that a question
nogodnomasters10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A repair crew travels to the Calian mining moon of the mineral dispersium. They crash and discover worms as the title suggests.

Bad plot, plot acting green screen Polonia Brothers special. I see Anthony has gone from doing make-up to co-directing. Worth a pass.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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michle531 October 2021
I love this movie. It's a testament to the human spirit. Mark Polonia keeps cranking these things out, and I can't get enough. Keep going!
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pure stupidity
kaefab23 September 2021
Its hilarious that zero budget movie like this still get made in this day and age.
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Nothing to see here , move along please
nittyriddims10 September 2021
What can be added? 1970's fx's., shabby costumes ,its terrible.

(i wont even talk about the acting) ,maybe reshoot it in B+W and send it back to the 50's . SORRY not for me. NARDA ..
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No need for an Oracle
jeremiahjohnson-5104620 September 2021
I threw 3 coins in the air 6 times, and the result was always the same: This movie is awful.
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There is a reason this movie has no trailer.
jamieson-725 September 2021
You wouldn't even make it through the trailer, let alone the film.
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Utter Garbage
clarkmick3316 October 2021
I think I would rather watch grass grow than this fan made loose concept film.

I will give it A for effort but an F for everything else ...

Do not do it!
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Unwatchable, horrible, worst movie ever made. You have been warned.
maverickz-33-53038810 January 2022
This is my new top pick for worst thing ever released as a movie. If I was in any way responsible for this, I would change my name to avoid being associated with it. If I was one of the actors, I might even consider plastic surgery to avoid being recognized. This will give you a new appreciation for the production quality and standards of low budget "made for TV" movies. Forcing people to watch this on repeat in prison might be a strong deterrent against crime, IF it didn't get struck down as cruel and unusual punishment.

Script - 0 (not sure they had one, or if they just ad-libed everything).

Acting - 1 (they could at least speak but it all sounded like a first read through) Costumes - 0 (The ships "captain" Babs, literally had a patch on her sleeve that said "Superhero" and "Astronaut" on the front) The rest were just as bad.

Effects - ROFLMAO the effects in B movies from the 1950's and 1960's were better. Maybe they could have just used Instagram filters for better results.

The only positive thing I can say about this "movie" is that it was thankfully short. Only about an hour long. Please watch anything else. Watching paint dry or even the inside of your eyelids would be a better use of your time.
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An embarrasing cottail ride
philip_assarson29 September 2021
Probably the only positive contribution that internet-piracy of movies has done to the entertainment industry. Is to starve the industry of B(minus) movies that rides cottails on big budget features. So people doesn't get tricked renting the wrong movie because of misleading titles.

Because who would watch this utter waste of precious time of ones existence.

The time we have in our existence is finite.

And I just spend two minutes of my existence trashing this movie review. That's how bad it is!!

I just saved you 70 minutes of your LIFE.. Go spend it well.. By watching paint dry or what ever.

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Oh My Lanta, Can you get worse?
itsfordeedogz-spam29 September 2021
Who put this nightmare together? A bunch of 10 year olds? Budget was about $6 CN. Its hard to believe that anyone spent anything on this. Please, please, do yourself a favor and read this before you pull up a seat - FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO WATCH! ANYTHING! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME! AND DEFINITELY DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!

Some movies are pretty cheesy and end up cult movies. This one is NOT one of those. Halloween costumes, wooden props, wooden actors...and special effects and story boards from an Etch-a-Sketch. 100 years of big-screen lessons learned and it looks as awful as that "movie" that "started" the Benghazi fiasco.

Warning. This movie has been declared unfit for human observation, placed under class-one quarantine by the interplanetary Authority. Under penalty law, do not attempt to watch. Repeat, do not attempt to watch. You have been warned.

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Uncovering the Charm of 'Dune World': A Hidden Indie Gem Amidst Undeserved Critique
danielcolby-4097024 February 2024
Dune World, directed by the prolific Mark Polonia, is an intriguing entry into the realm of indie science fiction cinema that captivates with its creativity and sheer audacity. Operating on a budget that is a mere fraction of its blockbuster counterparts, Dune World showcases the power of imaginative storytelling and resourceful filmmaking, proving that heart and innovation can triumph over financial constraints.

From the outset, Dune World distinguishes itself with its unique vision and unapologetic embrace of its indie roots. The film's narrative, while drawing clear inspiration from the broader science fiction genre, carves its own path with original characters, inventive plot twists, and a distinctive setting that captivates the viewer's imagination. The story unfolds on a distant desert planet, not unlike Arrakis from Frank Herbert's "Dune," but Polonia injects his narrative with unique elements that set his world apart.

Mark Polonia's direction is commendable, demonstrating his ability to do more with less. Through clever camera work, imaginative set designs, and effective use of practical effects, Polonia creates a visually engaging world that pulls the audience into its narrative. The film's commitment to practical effects, in particular, adds a tactile sense of realism and charm that often gets lost in the CGI-heavy landscapes of modern sci-fi.

The performances in Dune World are earnest and committed, with the cast delivering their roles with a sincerity that grounds the film's more fantastical elements. While the performances may not have the polish of those in big-budget productions, the actors' dedication to their roles adds a layer of authenticity and relatability to the film. Their ability to convey the emotional stakes of their journey through the harsh desert landscape adds depth to the story and investment in their fates.

One of the film's standout aspects is its imaginative use of limited resources to convey a story of survival, exploration, and adventure. Dune World utilizes its settings effectively, making the most of natural landscapes to create an alien world that is both beautiful and foreboding. The film's score, while modest, complements the visual storytelling well, enhancing the atmosphere and adding to the sense of wonder and peril.

Moreover, Dune World explores themes of resilience, cooperation, and the human spirit's indomitability in the face of overwhelming odds. Through its characters' journey, the film delves into the importance of facing challenges together and finding strength in unity. These themes resonate deeply, giving the film an emotional core that engages the audience beyond its science fiction trappings.

In conclusion, Dune World by Mark Polonia is a testament to the creative potential of indie filmmaking. It showcases how imagination, passion, and resourcefulness can overcome limitations, delivering a compelling and enjoyable science fiction adventure. While it may not have the visual splendor of its big-budget counterparts, Dune World possesses a charm and sincerity that make it a noteworthy and commendable effort in the genre. Its unique vision, engaging narrative, and heartfelt performances make Dune World a film that deserves recognition and appreciation from fans of indie cinema and science fiction alike.
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zaiken-0258628 September 2021
The spaceship looks like it was ripped right out of a freelancer game. The "robot" is just a guy in a shiny hoody and a mask. The weapons are literally just toy blasters. Its a headache inducing mess of cheap effects.
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I give - 0 rating. because this movie is one of the worst, disater mobie of th century
hijohnkennedy23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid jackass movie.

I give - 0 rating. Because this movie is one of the worst, disater mobie of th century.
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Recorded in Mom's basement
n-1262923 September 2021
Using a 80's style camcorder, 5 people record themselves in Mom's basement and call it a film.

No editing, just VHS style and thrift shop cloths they call outfits.
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Nice piece of
abhiwa-1094215 October 2021
In simple words a great piece of $hit. Everything is just terrible including VFX (idk if there's any), acting, music, quality and storyline (even lullaby stories are better).
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