The Bunker Game (2022) Poster

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It's hard to root for a Nazi
josephjanz17 March 2022
I Realize this movie is only 95 minutes long but it seemed much much longer than that. The story seems so disjointed, and I really didn't get much time to care about any of the main characters. This setting for these LARPers is supposed to be haunted but the film isn't the least bit scary. The jump scares are lame, and my biggest problem is that these people are all willingly playing NAZI's in the LARP. I might not understand the whole LARPing community, but I know a bad movie when I see one.
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More drama than horror
iamMarkPrice26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For years Laura (Gaia Weiss) has been working as an actor in an immersive interactive role play experience (LARPing) where patrons get to participate in extended historical reenactments or fictional scenarios.

Her hard work and devotion as an actor has paid off, she's just been cast in an exciting new role in New York. Laura plans to move there from Europe after this last reenactment job is finished. Laura's dreams just might be on the verge of coming true until she learns she's pregnant to her casual boyfriend, and boss, Gregorio (Lorenzo Richelmy).

Feeling trapped and resentful, Laura must choose between the career that's just taking off, and having the family she never wanted out of a sense of duty. Feeling trapped, Laura is haunted by nightmares of her identity slipping away into her unborn baby.

But when the power unexpectedly goes out and a fixture almost injures some patrons the LARPing event is forced to end early. Now with all of the patrons gone, the staff are left to clean up; but are they really alone down there, and where has Gregorio disappeared to anyway?

Developed by Manuela Cacciamani and director Roberto Zazzara, The Bunker Game comprises a premise which has all the potential to tell a compelling tale filled with subtext and deeply engaging plot lines. Instead the audience is disappointed with 95 minutes of confused and incoherent visual ramblings.

If one looks closely there are the remnants of a once clear voice struggling to come through in this film. Unfortunately The Bunker Game suffers from too many extra voices attempting to pile on after the fact; which only crowd the plot and smother that once clear voice.

The visuals of the films photography are competent although somewhat basic and a little vague. There are no frames throughout which could be genuinely considered more than utilitarian, with minor attempts at the cliched shots of others. Framing and blocking are both unremarkable, with neither doing much to serve the story.

Dialogue is disingenuous, made worse by stuttered performances across the cast, particularly Yasmine (Amina Smail) whose unnatural pauses and explosions of undue aggression function only to build an invisible wall between the audience and the film. In truth if there was any chemistry between the cast it did not survive the editting process. Real people do not talk to each other the way this script calls for.

Weiss' performance is of the extent we have come to know for other models whom feeling long in the tooth suddenly decided they might like to extend their career by giving acting a go. They all seem interchangeable at this point, right down to their invariable nude scene.

From Laura's cousin Harry (Mark Ryder) who thinks he'd be the better love interest to Laura, to edgy gender confused Robin (Felice Jankell) and neo-nazi Andrej (Tudor Istodor), all of the characters are reprehensible. When everyone is the "bad guy" the audience is left pondering whom they were intended to relate with.

But for all the complexity and political ideology this film drips with, what is mysteriously missing from The Bunker Game is anything which might reasonably invoke fear. Even simple jump scares are absent. In it's place we receive copious amounts of somewhat aimless walking, with perhaps 70% of this film just people tediously walking around for seemingly no coherent reason.

Ultimately this film had potential, so one hopes those involved do try again after taking honest feedback on board and spending more time polishing a single idea without overwhelming it. Skip this one, but keep an eye out for what comes next from Roberto Zazzara and Manuela Cacciamani.
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Visuals are great. That's about all
hemipristis25 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting premise, but it failed to deliver. As others have noted, the story was disjointed, and a slow burn. Too slow, in fact. You willl find yourself fast forwarding in parts. The visuals, such as camerawork, and especially the use of lighting and shadows are well done. The resurrection of everybody's favorite bogeymen, the nazis, is uninspired and so overdone at this point. Can't someone find another set of "bd guys", just for variety's sake? Ending is somewhat predictable, and as per all horror and action films over the past 10 years: Strong WomanTM overpowers and kills man, and wins. Yawn. Is this a law now?
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Nuclear Armageddon would be preferable
wwejournalist11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a real slog to get through. I considered turning it off a few times and in retrospect I really wish I had done.

The synopsis I read before watching sounded quite intriguing. A collection of hardcore LARPers are role playing a scenario where nuclear bombs reigned down to end World War 2.

The gamesmaster goes missing and a ragtag bunch end up locked in a huge series of tunnels with seemingly no means of escape.

While this description does very loosely fit the plot of the film, it transpires not to be very interesting or entertaining at all.

The cast are so forgettable that the only ones I remember are the films protagonist, who keeps seeing a ghost, and a guy in a wheelchair... and that's only because he meets a particularly gruesome demise.

You'll notice I mentioned a ghost there... that's because this film has a paranormal element to it. Not a very good one truth be told, and it's often purposefully ambiguous as to whether the events that are happening are paranormal or a situation of the demented games master's making.

But it's definitely there. The problem is that it's so poorly written, badly strung together and terribly explained that you'll be wishing it wasn't.

Unfortunately those traits aren't limited to the spookier aspects of the picture.

There's a paint-by-numbers big twist at the end, which even Stevie Wonder would have seen coming, and it even has the audacity to leave things unresolved as if they thought anyone would bother filming a sequel.

It makes absolutely no sense, but then after an hour and a half of total nonsense I don't know why I expected anything different.

Nothing in this film is done well, and you'd be better off if you found an old bunker yourself and just spent a couple of hours locked in there in the dark.

If you're wondering how this dreck managed to score a lofty 3.5 stars take a look at the 8, 9 and 10 star reviews. They are so generic it's hard to tell if they have been written by spambots or the people responsible for the dialogue in the movie itself.

Either way they are responsible for inflating the rating for this 'film' higher than it ever deserved to be. One star is generous.
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The Bunker Lame
afishcalledsid28 June 2022
A silly premise, melodramatic performances replete with badly faked accents, the least exciting sex scene I'd ever scene, pretenses to depth that wasn't there and I was out within 40-45 minutes.
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Unbelievable crap
bjornjonsson-7895315 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who came up with this weird idea?

We didn't understand anything of this mess.

People act strangely without reason, the premises of the story are far fetched and stupid.

The plot is really weird..why pretending the nazis won the war? It has absolutely no point for the story. Why do people speak English in Italy when they are nazi descendants. Suddenly, the trapped people could just be let out when there was danger.

The Nazis have a popular black man in a wheelchair??

Seems to be no script at all, just a collection of badly acted scenes. One guy disappears. So what? Who wrote this? Who read the script and approved it? Who offered to direct ?

This will be a black mark upon the actors, the directors and writers resumees. " Oh, you were in THAT production..."

And WHO put this film in the Horror genre?

There is nothing scary, no horror, no suspense.

Had it been made 50 years ago, the celluloid film could at least have worked as a fire starter.

A W F U L!
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Another worst horror film! Too slow, full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Avoid at all freaking cost!
kwenchow15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a video footage talking about "Soratte Bunker", and a bunch of people having conversation scene! As turnout, this film is about a Role Playing Game Bunker been haunted by a ghost "Clara"! Entire film full of boring conversation, and super annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the long angle bunker scene, overuse of the blackout scene, overuse of the eating scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the dreaming scene, overuse of the jump scare scene, overuse of the holding torch light scene, overuse of the video footage scene, overuse of the copulate scene, and overuse of the dancing scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, Laura survive, and walking out from the bunker! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
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VERY slow burn, great camerawork/lighting/scenery
payupyou17 March 2022
I can't really give an honest review of the substance of the story as it moves rather slowly and struggled to hold my attention.

I do enjoy a good slow burn (You Should Have Left comes to mind - slow burn, great camerawork and the story keeps a good pace) but this one was just sort of stuck in second gear in my opinion.

I did find the camerawork, lighting and scenery quite enjoyable and that held my attention.

It's worth a watch if you can set aside the slow story and enjoy it on perhaps a more visceral level.
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Underdeveloped story
cyberknight2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The action feels disjointed through the precisely first 30 minutes, as it shows the characters playing Live Action Role Playing Game (LARPG). The next 30 min are used to build tension, without anything really important happening, and exactly at 60 min of film, the killing starts. The whole film ends in 90 min, plus 5 min of credits.

The game's scenario is "what if Hitler had won WWII," which would have led to a total nuclear war, and although the Nazis would have won WWIII, the survivors would be forced to live in the titular bunker. "What if" stories are not uncommon in RPG (Live Action or conventional "table top"), as it's a genre in Science Fiction and Fantasy (see Philip K. Dick's "The Man in The High Castle" for a very similar scenario.)

Some direction choices make those first 30 min very confusing if the viewer is not paying close attention (there's no kind of hint, visual or otherwise, to acknowledge when the actors are playing their parts or it's their characters playing the game, or, if there is, it was too subtle to me that I didn't notice.)

Suddenly, a power shortage forces the players out of the bunker, but some are left behind for reasons. Then, an "invisible force" locks them inside, also for reasons.

The actual story is a bit confusing, so here are the main points:

1) A woman is pregnant and reveals that to her boyfriend, after they make snu-snu in a bunker's restroom.

2) The boyfriend wants the baby, but the woman doesn't (she thinks they are not "parent material.")

3) A woman's cousin is revealed to be in love with her. She obviously rejects the idea.

4) The woman starts having visions of a dead woman, which sympathised with the Nazis to survive. That woman was also pregnant and, during an attack, has her belly pierced by a glass shard and dies.

5) A ghost (it's not clear if the dead woman's or someone else's) kills a random character (the one trying to operate an old radio, to call for help.) No apparent reason is presented for her murder.

6) Another random character is killed by fire. Again, no apparent reason.

7) One character turns out to be a real Nazi, murderous and all, though with no consequences (except knocking the incestuous cousin down,) as the "invisible force" scares him to death immediately after the revelation. Again, no apparent reason (of course, unless one considers "being a Nazi" reason enough to kill a Nazi...)

8) The incestuous cousin wakes up and, in an attack of fury, kills a random character, before going after his beloved one.

9) The woman discovers that her boyfriend had been killed earlier (off screen) and deduces (correctly) that it's been her jealous cousin.

10) Rejected again, the cousin strangles the woman, but she's possessed and saved by the spirit of the dead woman. She/they kill(s) the cousin with a glass shard (which is shown piercing his belly, but on the next shot, it's stuck in the middle of his chest, supposedly accounting for his seemingly instant death.)

11) The possessed woman walks to the bunker's gates, which magically open. Credits roll.

The film has a good atmosphere and the actors do very fine (they overact when they are playing LARPG in the first 30 min, then go with more convincing tones after their characters find themselves locked in.)

The main problem is the plot. Too many questions have no answer (most because any answer would make no sense.)

For example, why were the gates locked? If it was to keep the pregnant woman inside, so the ghost woman could possess her, why risk letting the majority of the players get out? It was just by a plot device that she didn't get out with them. If it was another ghost, why the gates only opened after the woman was possessed? Maybe she was being helped by her Nazi lover. In that cause, in there was a Nazi ghost (which is never hinted), why didn't it try to possess someone else in the bunker (or maybe it did, the woman was pregnant, it could have possessed the , what is also never hinted.)

It's worth one view, mainly for technicals (camerawork, sound effects, props, lighting), but it won't stand the test of time.
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Could have been good
johanthunberg15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The plot itself isn't that bad but overall ait is so poor that it ends up in total crap. Taking place in a WW2 bunker a LARP i held and it starts of quite good. The problem putting it all together is shown as soon as the guests have left, leaving only the staff.

The dialogue is poorly written, editing even worse but the really rock bottom is the acting. Who ever casted the actors should be banned from all future film making.

You get no background story so you get no connection with the characters. Mark Ryder, playing Harry, is over acting in almost every scene. And there is a lot of slow moments, where it seems they had to prolong the scenes to get enough minutes.

There is no real horror or suspense. It's not even a little bit scary.

The idea is not bad however.
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Could be better
lud-4015416 May 2022
It's a great movie and it could be better than it is but it's worth watching atleast once. The storyline could be better and the way they did everything could be better but this is worth watching atleast once and it's like a one time movie.
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Something or someone is down there
sachaput5018 March 2022
Just watched The Bunker Game on Shudder. Best not to read the synopsis, as I expect many folks went in not knowing much. Almost anything I say will be a spoiler. Trailer sort of gives you a hint, but I liked the twist.

Only a few likable characters, with a creepy subplot that might really bother some folks. There is Nazi imagery, I can say that much. First ten minutes set things up then you begin to understand, as things go wrong. Slow burn with things growing weirder. Odd ending you can take a couple of ways.

I gave it three out of five 💀 on the app.
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A good concept, but nothing interesting was done with it.
becky-9234620 October 2022
The Bunker Game (2022) follows a group of people running a larping event in an underground bunker, when mysterious things keep happening, they decide to stop the event and investigate. This film had a very unique premise but it was just completely boring and lacked substance or any originality. I felt nothing after watching it, which is always a bad sign for me.

There were some decent colour palettes, but other than this, the cinematography was very mediocre. The focus shifts weren't well done and looked way too odd, and the flashing lights used were super annoying and distracting. However, to my surprise, the final shots were absolutely gorgeous. The end shots showed that the filmmakers had the ability so make something visually beautiful, it's just a shame they didn't utilise this until the last minute.

The score was definitely lacking, and I just felt like the sound design as a whole was missing something. I expected a film like this to have effective sound design in order to build up tension, but unfortunately it didn't.

The acting was decent, but this inevitably didn't matter as the characters were poorly written and had a serious lack of depth. Also, some scenes were very dialogue heavy which was a bad thing due to the dialogue dragged a lot.

The movie started off a bit messy, and took way too long to get going. There wasn't any tension built up, and I was over half way in when things started to happen. The pacing was very consistent with a lack of atmosphere, and the whole movie just felt incredibly bland.
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Had so much potential
westy_captain10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was really excited after watching the trailer.. this had so much potential.. thought it was going to be like the whole movie was Larping and you had to figure out what was real and what wasn't and someone was taking it too seriously and starting killing people or something of that order..

Instead we got an angry ghost... and a movie around 6 people..

I'm not a massive fan of supernatural in horrors..

And the ending didn't really make sense, like so what now the ghost from the 40's needs to see what it's like to live in 2022....
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Another movie where a woman is only good for making babies....
ryukiy-2932910 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The setting and filmography are really good but it plays really heavy into the "woman finds personal power through motherhood" trope. They really nail it in by killing the nonbinary character and only leaving the main chick alive.

It's honestly really gross how innocent people are killed and then swoop in with the "ghost is only trying to protect me!!" milarky.

Honestly it had a solid start and nice creepy moments but the message and presentation felt insulting, gross and just confusing.

Overall it's very misogynistic and has no idea how to write women with character.
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More Videogame Junk - The Bunker Game
arthur_tafero19 October 2022
This is not really a film; it is more of a video game. Unfortunately, it is not even a good video game because NOBODY CARES about any of the characters in the film. They have no character development, so we don't care about them. If they die, they will get another life, because you get three lives in video game land. In real life you get one. And it is much better not to waste part of it on this exercise in tedious competition.. The actors in the film are cartoonish, as is the script. So maybe it would have been better to make this as a cartoon rather than such a lame attempt at a real film. Don't waste your money on this turkey.
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Bunker Game nonsense
darthvicster25 October 2023
(No spoiler)The movie has SOME redeeming qualities. The beginning is semi interesting? Makes you wonder what will happen next, but that quickly devolves. It has so many weird, unnecessary plot points. The pacing is super bizarre. Each character makes you feel like they were going for a different movie with each of them.

In the end the movie got to be so boring and drawn out I would fast forward through some of the more pointless scenes. There's a weird nude scene, just because I guess? Lot of scenes that were, "meant" to add to the ambience or suspense and manages to do neither.

For the story itself it's just bad. There's no other way around it. The movie doesn't know what it's trying to say, because it ends up saying a lot of nothing. The individual stories feel super bland and pointless, while the main plot somehow manages to be worse?

It boils down to creepy horror movie trope executed HORRIBLY to the point where the movie was somehow creepier before you got to the tropey horror execution.

Then it tells you nazis are bad, and that incels are also bad. While this is true. It offers nothing extra to say for either of these.

The point they try to make about female autonomy was also done poorly in my opinion. They make the main character brave and independent, which is good. They, however undo a lot of this by making her personality revolve around a guy and having a kid.
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Larping around
kosmasp16 April 2023
No pun intended - as in lurking around or whatever else you may read from it ... well maybe a bit intended ... or a lot. Like when you plan role playing games, but you know not everything will go according to plan. That all being said and while the actors really do do their best (is that grammatically correct?), the movie has quite a few flaws.

I am not even sure you have to like role playing games to be into this - but it does help for sure. You have to love movies to even consider watching this of course. Because this low budget effort is really only for certain people ... it looks good for sure, but that is to be expected from any movie that is being made, with technology having evolved. Costumes and sets are quite nice too though - especially for a low budget movie.
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The Bunker Game
AllEyezOnYou14 February 2023
Wow this movie is perfect! A perfect example of badness, because this is a yet another modern movie that likes to fulfill many criteria of bad modern movies: low budget, feeling quickly made, stupid plot, nothing new, lacking of witty dialogues, lacking of atmosphere, lacking of style, lacking of acting and so on and so on...

What's wrong with you people? Seriously, WHAT is it? Horror/thriller you say? YAAAAAWN! It's a drama, and not even a good one. And also a drama to watch. Filmmakers should pay people to watch it, not the other way around. I can't believe I finished this forgetable trash and would advise everyone NOT to watch it ever.

Hashtag #IDIOCRACY (2006) <----get it?
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An interesting, strange sort of thriller
supermellowcali7 April 2022
To me this movie seemed like part thriller, part tragedy tinged with scifi, and part something else, but I'm not sure what. I'm even not sure I get the whole thing, but I think what makes it worthwhile is the set, which is amazing and kept me watching, and the actors being top notch along with some interesting dialogue and the generally high quality production... everything very well done. It also felt a bit profound, as if wholly allegory, but went so many directions I can't say what the message was. Recommended if you don't mind wondering wtf a few times without always getting an answer.
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Fair rating
sivewisdom7 May 2022
Not bad but I think it's not scarry enough.

The movie builds up fairly well and gives you enough spooky moments. However, the movie lacks enough substance to make it a good film.
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Cool voice acting, actors, plot.
piloyec1 June 2022
Cool movie. I put 10 stars. Cool voice acting, actors, plot, the best moments. Thank you so much for such a movie!!! But there are a few disadvantages, I don't want to talk about them... This is normal...
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It's ok
fluffchop31 May 2022
Chick looks so much better as a blonde. It sums up what happens in the description. There is a game in a bunker, it ends and then the organiser disappears. That thread remains untied which is a bit weak. We see other things happen which struggle to lend interest to the final acts. It's visually ok, entertaining enough. It's ok.
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More drama
bm-019907 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To me this movie seemed like part thriller, part tragedy tinged with scifi, and part something else, but I'm not sure what. I'm even not sure I get the whole thing, but I think what makes it worthwhile is the set, which is amazing and kept me watching, and the actors being top notch along with some interesting dialogue and the generally high quality production.. . Everything very well done. It also felt a bit profound, as if wholly allegory, but went so many directions I can't say what the message was. Recommended if you don't mind wondering wtf a few times without always getting an answer.

Any way nice movie.
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Pretty good idea
cgoofies-632-54037017 July 2022
It was slow starting but then the real plot started unfolding. I didn't care for the sex scene and mutes the sound. Some scenes could have been explored more and been more interesting. Ive never scene the film idea. It was original and it was a nice film to watch.
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