Merlin and the War of the Dragons (Video 2008) Poster

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Cheap and not very cheerful
prustage9510 March 2011
Likes :

* The CGI dragons are great - very mythical and more appropriate than a more Hollywood/Spielberg style would have been

* The location - totally fitting moody Welsh landscapes

* Some of the acting was good

* The music was a bit overblown but quite professional

Dislikes :

* The acting direction was non-existent so despite the individual actors doing a reasonable job there was no sense of interaction or timing.

* The camera work was atrocious. Most of the film is shot in close up with occasional distant shots where you cant actually see whats going on. Ironically although most shots are static (i.e. no dolly or tracking)the degree of camera shake tells you its hand held.

* Editing was poor and uninspired. Some of the conversational sequences were obviously pieced together from shots taken at different times.

Even low budget films can be successful if well directed - this one unfortunately wasn't. There are so many bizarre mistakes - hand held cameras that don't actually move; gorgeous open Welsh landscapes that you cant see because the camera work is too tight, good enthusiastic actors that end up sounding like a school play through lack of direction.
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Where's the Colour
pineleigh6 January 2009
I had the misfortune of buying this DVD from thinking it would be half decent to watch. What a mistake that was, as other reviewers have said this is quite bad, actors who can't act etc. etc., but worst of all there is no COLOUR to the film, no green grass, no flesh tones, nothing actually, I know it is supposed to be the Dark ages but the director Mark Atkins is also a cinematographer but he well and truly "cocked" this film up big time. What Jurgen Prochnow was doing appearing in this film is anybodies guess, the story isn't that bad with better direction and a bigger budget from money saved by hiring totally unknown actors except Jurgen who knows. A POOR EFFORT, not a very good advert for the British film industry.
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Film for lockdown period
alessandro-pagliano11 March 2020
I've watched this movie with my family during Coronavirus lockdown in Italy, because my youngest daughter loves dragons. I expected a low cost movie and my expectations were fully confirmed. Actors are mediocre, special effects could have been good for a 1980 movie, but this was published in 2008. Plot is not very interesting, and overall it evolves very slowly and therefore the film is boring. Not suggested even if my youngest daughter found it good (just because there are few scenes with dragons, much less than I expected).
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enthusiastic acting, low budget, old school feeling
poushkine25 November 2008
Debatable if worth the time to watch it, but has its good sides. Starting with the bad ones. Low budget in everything. While not a crime by itself, one is left to wonder if scenes of murdering someone by sticking a sword under his armpit are best left out. Constant impression that the whole acting crew is maybe 20 people... Which for supposed massive battle scenes with little cg and minimalistic make up looks odd if nothing else. Script is simple and straightforward. One may chuckle at "Mage" being the mage's name... On the good side - actors are very enthusiastic and so very Welsh, which is a good thing as it is refreshing and unusual. Minimalism and ascetic cg/sfx actually convey almost theatrical impression, at the same time evoking a kind of an 'old school' atmosphere (or maybe it is just me). To sum it up - an OK for fantasy fans, not OK for action/cg/massive/budget fans, a sure yes for welsh and legends of round table fans. I'd love it if actors from this movie got big enough to surface in other ones. While acting is often crude, they have their own charm and look different.
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Not worth watching
I consider myself a fan of dragons which is what attracted me to watching this film in the beginning. But from almost the beginning it was clear that the special effects were completely unrealistic. The dragons well i cannot find a word strong enough to explain how poor they look and how unbelievable unreal.

Not only were the special effects poor but the acting is as well. The whole movie just screams low budget. The battle scenes are terrible you see people getting cut with swords but at no point do you actually see any blood. At one point after a battle everyone basically gets up and runs away. Its over dramatic at all the wrong points and some of the backing music is really played at the wrong times.

I do not consider myself to be harsh i have honestly never been so disappointed in a film. I will not be recommending it to anyone and i feel the need to in fact warn people before they waste time or heaven forbid money actually watching it
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Possibly the worst movie of all times
robin_hood8622 April 2009
I hope this films budget was so low they could not even pay their actors. There is absolutely nothing good with this film. The actors cannot act and most of them seriously needs some tweezing. The "special" effects are outdated. The plot is more predictable then an episode of Murder she wrote. This film could have been entertaining if the people making it at least would know they were producing something so bad it dos not even warrant a straight-to-DVD release. But doing slow motion fight scenes to hide the lack of choreography and blurring the screen when the dragons are shown to hide your lack of a special effects budget is just really pathetic. If you want to watch a decent Merlin film, get the mini-series from 1998. Not only has it a better plot and actors, but it seems that special effects were better 10 years ago.

If they make this into a trilogy I will resign from mankind and go live with the two horrible, but kind of cute, Lady of the lake actors in their cave.
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Geoffery Chaucer is spinning in his grave.
DirectorLeighHater26 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are Medieval fairs in New Jersey where the 16-year-old attendants at the fried foods tent have more knowledge of English history and mythology than the makers of this sorry excuse for a movie.

The facts of this movie were verified by a guy who once saw 'Amedeus', the fight scenes were choreographed by Lindsey Lohan on New Years Eve, and the magical special effects were edited by giving the film to Edward Scissorhands after heavy application of cocaine.

Each sword fight drags on until both stunt men die of boredom or succumb to nausea from the endless scene cuts that occur every time they clank their plastic swords together. Mark Atkins must have figured that the fight scenes wouldn't seem like two drunk z list actors waving Mattel toys around if he only filmed them a quarter of a second at a time.

The movie wouldn't have been as bad if scene cuts weren't used for EVERYTHING. When a rock materializes out of thin air, you see people react in amazement to the rock before you see the rock just sitting there. When a character dies dramatically, all you see is the other actors vomiting in terror at the amazing death scene you just missed. Throughout the entire movie, I felt like the actors were watching the best movie ever and they wouldn't show it to me.

If you still feel like watching this movie, here's a substitute that will benefit both you and everyone but the Asylum. Rent the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings trilogies and invite your most inarticulate friends to watch them with you. While they watch these epics, position yourself at an angle next to your TV so you can see your friends react to these awesome movies but not the movies themselves. Then have them describe what's happening and see how satisfying it is.
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really bad movie
kelong_200028 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a story about merlin as a youth. This is an interesting premise but the actual film was a disappointment. the script dialog was bad and should have been worked a little bit more to improve the movie. The film's flow between scenes was not smooth and the editing was bad. The part about this film that really annoyed me was the cinematography. The composition of the film's scenes was really bad. The camera shots did not make any sense. For example, some of the battle scenes were not focused on the action but off center. One could consider it an attempt to be "artistic", but it was not. Overall the film was very amateurish and not worth my time.
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The Asylum tackles fantasy
Leofwine_draca19 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
MERLIN AND THE WAR OF THE DRAGONS is another weak and insipid fantasy film from the team at The Asylum. It was shot in the Welsh countryside with a bunch of stars who should never have been put in front of the camera, plus poor old Jurgen Prochnow, whose DAS BOOT days are long in the past. The plot seems to have been made up on the fly and there are bits and pieces of LORD OF THE RINGS thrown into the mix. A couple of the CGI dragon scenes are done okay and if you squint a bit you could suppose that you're watching GAME OF THRONES. I'm being charitable.
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disneydel8 September 2019
Strange to see tar Mac road running through the hills in the days of merlin😂😂
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Great Story of Young Merlin - Definitely Worth Watching.
sara-6739 January 2009
I couldn't keep from commenting, although I rarely do. After reading some of the nasty comments on this film, I couldn't keep myself from commenting. The nasty commenter's obviously didn't watch the same film that I did.

The film I saw, although lower budget, is a very well shot, well thought out story of the young Merlin. It has nicely developed characters, is very well cast, and most of the acting was very good. I was impressed at the local welsh talent in this film. The story moves along well, and you really get caught up in the story, and the characters. I would say this is definitely a director to watch in the future. Also, the girl who played Lady Vivianne... also a real solid talent. I was surprised to learn this was her first feature film. Of course, Jurgen Prochnow turned in a very solid performance as well, which is to be expected.

But anyone who calls this film laughable, or poorly done, either doesn't know good film-making, or simply is trying to put the filmmakers down, for some personal reason. The film has a lot of heart, and I truly hope to see a sequel to this film, as the ending hints to? (I hope?)
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Fun enough for a Saturday morning
dbh85011 April 2009
I liked it. It was not awful, and not the best film ever. But it was fun. Considering the usual fare on a lazy weekend, it's good enough. My wife writes fantasy and we watch plenty of films of this genre.

CRITICISMS: It didn't have huge surprises and the props and costumes needed a little help. The book, for example, was quite tattered on the outside, but the pages were a bit too clean, and the edges of them were perfect. Shouldn't they be dog-eared and worn with spots and smudges?

Costumes were TOO CLEAN - and in too good a condition. You would expect, particularly after battle, dirty clothes with rips and tears. And how does Merlin stay so clean shaven out in the field all day? And swords should be bloody after you run through a man with one. Small things like that.

Our biggest issue with the film-making was the sped-up parts of battle. That was - sorry for the word - cheesy. The special effects were not very special.

COMPLIMENTS: I think Info-11159 said it well in the "A good old fashioned - good VS evil fantasy film" comment. His (her?) point about needing a bigger budget and more time is really what was needed. We really enjoyed the horse scenes, but we're horse people. We always enjoy seeing beautiful horses handled by highly skilled equestrians. The riding was very good and a pleasure to watch.

The filming location was GREAT. I like seeing these kinds of stories in more authentic locations. Very beautiful countryside that contributed to the project. That's a sacrilege for me to say - we're in California and our son is a writer in Hollywood! But truly - filming in the UK was perfect for this.

The actors did well with what they were given and the story was just right for this genre.

Overall, I enjoyed the film. I do like the genre. I think to really enjoy it, you have to have the right expectations. Don't expect huge budget Hollywood fare - think of it as a fantasy B movie and just go with it.

If they do a sequel, I hope they use the same horse suppliers and riders - and don't speed it up. Those people were highly skilled and could handle the action just fine at the speed they would be performing at. Maybe get a little bit better CG software.

I would watch it again.
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Bad Film
brave_mike131427 August 2010
This Movie is pretty bad, to begin with something, the framing of the entire movie doesn't go anywhere beyond CU. The SFX are OK for a low budget, but an army of 30 ugly men is not.... Most of the costumes where a little off. One of the warriors didn't know how to wear his own helmet! But one of the worst thing if not the worst part is that the sword "Exalibur" is a rip off of Glamdring, Gandalf's Sword. If you are going or make a movie with low budget and bad acting, at least try to be original with Props.... I strongly recommend to see this movie as an example of how a movie shouldn't be made. It had a good cover in the DVD which made me think it would be worth it, however after the first 10 minutes I decided to finish the movie just for the fun of it, since I wasn't going to get anything out of it, by the time they showed "Excalibur" I was totally off... Watching this movie to the very end (out of respect more than anything else) was a huge pain. You couldn't pay me enough to watch it again.
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Poor Jurgen Prochnow
kelly3-274-7539939 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The year is 420 AD. The Romans are gone from Britain and the locals have been left to the ravages of the Saxons and fire breathing dragons. A young Merlin must over come various threats and challenges to help Uther defeat the Saxons. Swords, ladies of the lake, ruined castles, peasants in coarse home spun garments. You get the picture.

I thought the movie tried, but there were the obvious things like non- bloody swords, remarkable clean clothes and the tiniest British army in history that have been pointed out by other reviewers.

My biggest problem and the biggest unintentional laugh that I got occurred when the Mage is being attacked by the evil Verdiger. Watch the background carefully after the Mage has been shot with a crossbow bolt and is confronted by Verdiger. In that background is a lovely little cannon! Let me repeat the year is supposed to be 420 AD. I'm pretty sure the Brits wouldn't get their hands on cannons for another 800 or 900 years. I felt a little sorry for Jurgen Prochnow, but maybe he needed the money. Four stars
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Gives new meaning to the word yuck!
SCYoungReview4 March 2009
This movie, if one can even call it that, is bad all the way around from the cameraman who seems to be epileptic, to the silly battle scene in which all 20 cast and crew took part in and the utterly ridiculous attempt at a troop rallying speech (picture a mentally challenged version of Mel Gibson's Braveheart speech). Although I have to say at this point it was good for a laugh, watching them try and make 20 people look like 20,000 by quickly changing camera angles (which may have been the epilepsy again). Total budget for this movie, $24.65. $20.00 on props, $2.00 on CGI, $2.00 on the script and .65 cents on acting lessons. If you like fantasy movies stay away from this one... far far away!!!
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Pretty bad film
rwalk-25 September 2009
This movie was pretty bad. The best thing that it has going for it is the scenery. The acting is horrible with few exceptions, the special effects are VERY bad, almost like there was no effort put forth. Merlins character looks like McLovin from Superbad, and the antagonist looks like someone who got beat up everyday in high school. I don't remember his name, but one of the warriors gives a really cheesy motivational speech to his army of 15 people that was ripped off from braveheart. The massive armies that are battling it out are comprised of about 30 ugly actors and occasionally some poor CG. Half of the actors couldn't control there horses. I wouldn't recommend watching this movie. Sorry of my review is a little disjointed.
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Not as bad as I'd read, but I wasn't bowled over by it either
TheLittleSongbird7 September 2012
To be honest, I was expecting Merlin and the War of the Dragons to be bad. When I did see it with an open mind and no actual idea of how it actually would be like, I was actually rather mixed on it. I don't think it is ever going to be one of my favourite movies and I don't think it is the best thing since sliced bread either. However, I do not think it is as bad as the rating and some of the negative commentators say. By all means I can definitely see why one would dislike Merlin and the War of the Beasts, but considering how many other low-budget movies I've seen that were far worse than this one I personally do not think it was that bad, and wouldn't ever say things like "you have no idea what a good movie is" or "you have to be a shill to enjoy it".

Are there flaws? I do think so. The camera work is static at times, especially in the fight sequences which were not all that compelling and somewhat incoherent. The costumes and props are on the cheesy side and do look too clean. The dialogue does have a crassness to it, and some of the acting does show signs of inexperience- I personally was not convinced by Simon Lloyd Roberts but maybe that's just me- making the characters somewhat stiff(which sadly doesn't make up for their rather clichéd personalities). The music is not so bad, there are some nice fantasy-like parts, but at the same time it is not amazing either coming across in places as overblown.

However, I did like the idea of the story, and while there is some filler that could have been cut and there are few surprises there are some exciting moments and I wouldn't call it dull either. The locations are stunning and I loved the horses and the way they were ridden also. The effects compared to other films I've seen are not bad either, the dragon looks reasonably good actually. There are some decent performances as well, with Dylan Jones faring best. Jurgen Prochnow seems to be having fun as the Mage and Carys Eleri and Nia Ann are lovely without being just that. In conclusion, not awful but at the same time not great either, if anything I'm in between on this one. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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Don't waste your time with this movie
wommow-73-6535395 June 2011
This movie was disappointing in every aspect.

Everything is just "low budget".

The story is too simple.

The special effects are outdated (to be polite).

The "big battle" consists of ten people. (Ask Monty Python how to make a cheap good looking battle scene)

There seems to be no blood in this great Britain. (Is blood really that expensive ?)

Everything is clean all the time. (Is dirt really that expensive ?)

Excalibur is a copy of the sword of Gandalf. (You could get a copy of Excalibur for 300$)

Most events you don't see. You only see the actors watching it. (Maybe better than more cheap special effects)
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Not that great
alkimbel-420-34545911 July 2012
I find it hard to believe this movie was made in 2008. It has horrible acting, and even worse special effects. The graphics were terrible. It was a decent story-line if you want to go along with the myth behind the Arthur story rather than the historical record we see in the 2004 movie King Arthur. Granted, there is the typical myth behind Arthur with Merlin "the wizard" and the Lady of the Lake, but I think that the actual historical Arthur is a better story than the myth, because it actually happened, rather than making up a bunch of things to embellish it. Anyway, the story was OK, but the scenes especially with the dragons were ridiculous. I could photoshop a dragon that looks more realistic than those did. And why wasn't there any blood on their swords when they killed people? The costumes need a lot of work as well.
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nogodnomasters15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For an adult, this is a bad movie. Simon Lloyd-Roberts as the 20 tear old Merlin was absolutely horrible. This is an Asylum low budget film, but even so it could have been far better. Some of the characters spoke in modern English while others adopted a 17th century hybrid. Britain is under attack by Pics (which we don't see enough) Saxons and dragons. Merlin as an apprentice has to save them.

For a ten year old child this movie may be enjoyable. There is no swearing, sex, nudity, or even sex talk. The dragon effects were acceptable for the low budget aspect of Asylum. The sound track could have been better. The opening narration could have been far better. The lead role and acting in general was laughable. The speech given on the horse to rouse the troops was a hoot. While the man is talking the horse seems to have a mind of its own while walking around and making sudden jerks and turns. The magic was just great. A spell is cast, the camera pans away, and then comes back and suddenly something appears!

This is a bad low budget film, but for some strange unexplained MST reason it held my interest.
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How it compares to other Arthurian movies?
Pellam17 March 2020
Massive blunders in the every domain of film making, starting from pound for pound worst special effects on this list. So woeful that it's actually funny.
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A good old fashioned - good VS evil fantasy film
info-111599 December 2008
Yes, this is a low budget film ... but I must say, if you watch this film carefully and with an open mind.. I promise you , you'll enjoy this as much as I did. Old fashioned filming takes place to bring the story of Merlin alive.

Set in the beautiful landscape of North Wales , UK this film is complimented by talented local acting that support Jurgen. The special effects are believable for most part.. if the budget was bigger and the film time scale , greater , I'm sure we would see a great film ... not a very good film.... The horses were lovely to watch. The action scenes were pulled off , well done to those involved!! Can't wait for the sequel!
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Well told Tale
muse7-315 April 2009
I wonder why this title got so many negative comments! I for one thoroughly enjoyed it. True, some of the lesser actors were poor, probably local Welsh villagers-but overall I thought the film was well presented. I liked the scenery and the fact that a lot of it was filmed at dusk-which added to the ambiance of the whole thing. It reminded me a lot of a film I saw many years ago "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" which was also filmed in Wales. I liked the earthiness of Vivienne and Nimue and the magical effects were well done. Maybe not a masterpiece but still a well made film and I was pleasantly surprised. It may have been psychological-if I had been expecting it to be brilliant I would have been disappointed-but thinking it would be terrible had the opposite affect! As far as Merlin films go it was pretty good!
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Bored me to tears
ashcard7 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing remarkable from this movie.

I cannot decide what is worse; the acting or the CGI or the choreography.

The story is boring, and none of the actors can bring life into this film. The dialogue is dull and back stories unbearable. The actors apparently only show emotion through yelling and glaring.

The CGI is OK. I have seen worse. But having the lady of the lake morphing into the water and making it well... fake... does not excite me at all.

The choreography of the fight scenes is terrible. Everyone looks awkward and confused.

Overall the movie "Merlin" is tiresome and drawn out. It bored me to tears.
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This never suspends my disbelief.
topherevans10 December 2011
I really don't understand what people see in this production, my wife watches it religiously, and I have seen several episodes, but never at any point have I reached the point where my disbelief is suspended.

How can anyone reconcile this low budget, poorly written, show with the Legend of Arthur, nothing is big enough, nobody is heroic enough.

I can't lose the feeling that I'm watching inexperienced actors trying to fill boots way bigger than they are.

I love the Arthurian legends, I've read Mallory and many others since, but this is like watching a college production, just doesn't do it justice in my opinion.

I do understand that it's a low budget production, but surely that allows for a little bit of more impressive scenery? the closed shots suggest it's filmed in some council estate woods, open up show us some of the awe of the Welsh mountains and forests.
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