Squeal (2008) Poster


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Not That Bad...
horrorwhore222 May 2011
Listen. This was not the worst movie I have ever seen. Yes the makeup wasn't the best. & some of the chicks constant screaming & yelling got a little annoying. But it was entertaining. & different from other independent stuck in the woods horror movies. If you like different then it is worth a try. I LOVE horror films. I have seen tons of them. & this was neither the best nor the worst. It was actually pretty good for a no name independent film. I just wanted to add my opinion after reading these other 2 reviews about how it was horrible. Like I said it was not the best, but it was alright if different, bloody, slasher movies are your thing.
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Watch Only If You're Into Hogsploitation
scarletheels6 August 2011
This has all of my favorite elements of a low-budget below B-movie horror flick - a cast of unknown actors and actresses, a rookie director, a budget of however many bills and coins said director could fit in both jeans pockets, and a film poster/DVD cover that quickly triggers a WTF reaction. The tagline, The Island of Dr. Moreau meets Hostel, should have had me running for the hills but I couldn't resist the cute and cuddly hillbilly porker with the pitchfork. Until tonight, I was a hogsploitation virgin and there's no purity in that.

It seems those crazy scientists are doing the Devil's work again. This time, they're performing sick and twisted experiments, slicing and dicing up swine and then splicing their DNA with humans' for the sole purpose of... entertainment? The viewer is never given comprehensive details as to why there would be any intelligent purpose to create a porcine-human mutant and it's probably for the best, considering there is no reason convincing enough. Lo and behold, the lab's dubious creatures end up slaughtering their creators and abandoning the compound they'd been confined to in favor of a nearby abandoned farm. He-pig and she-pig and their mischievous midget son have quite a mean streak, taking delight in abducting poor folks who have the misfortune of traveling through them their parts.

A trio of band members, Mark, Travis, and Tom, Travis's ditzy and well- endowed groupies, and Valerie, the band's manager, are kidnapped and made to await their demise in chickenwire prisons. The movie is tolerable up to this point, thanks to some good suspenseful, nail-biting scenes, and of course, healthy doses of blood-soaked innards and dismembered limbs. What destroys Squeal is the insufferable screaming, bawling, and the God-awful, over-emphasized hyperventilating from all but one of the characters. At some point, the director has a duty to step in and squeeze two fingers together in a gesture that says, "Tone it down, waaaaay down."

Other than that, the make-up (aka a pig nose and body hair) is decent, the acting is not that bad, and the DIY special effects are okay. A lot of the gore and violence is shot right outside the camera's view and, besides a brief sex scene and a pair of naked knockers, this is something one would expect to see on the Chiller channel late at night. Even though I rated it low, this was a hundred times better than I expected it to be and is actually more watchable than most of the drivel on the SyFy channel. I've seen worse movies, horror or otherwise, with a much higher budget. Michael Bay, anyone?
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Worth it.....
coflorida21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just to watch all these annoying characters die .....

Just to watch all these annoying characters die.....

Just to watch all these annoying characters die .....

Just to watch all these annoying characters die ....

Just to watch all these annoying characters die....
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Remster26 February 2011
After watching the first five minutes of this movie, I already knew I'd better turn it off and do something worthwhile with my time, but nooooo, I had to be stubborn and sit through it only finding myself wasting another ninety minutes of my life.

Even though the premise sounds good (genetic experiments gone wrong created vicious hillbilly human/pig hybrids that want to kill people with a hatchet or first have sex with the more attractive female species), the movie is a complete and utter, boring, amateur mess.

There really isn't anything good I can say about it, the plot is dull, completely illogical and predictable, the acting is among the worst I've seen in quite some time, - and I've seen my share of bad movies - especially the persistently hyperventilating Valerie gets on your nerves really quickly, irony wants it she's in the movie until the end, so there you have it.

If I would call this a "really bad Texas Chainsaw Massacre" rip-off, some people would want to see it anyway, because there's some supposed resemblance with that movie. But believe me, it's not worth your time.

Avoid at all costs.
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The Epitome of Garbage
deadbull-951715 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This represents every single characteristic, without missing one, of the traits that make a movie unwatchable. A lot has to do with an industry that churns out thousands of these things a week, or month, never expecting them to go mainstream, whatever that might be these days, (I remember when the only choice was a movie theatre).

The point is, like american currency and the equally worthless debt-bonds that "back" it, it costs nothing to produce but can be sold to one of the hundreds of online stream companies that pull some advertising revenue for because if those that haven't figured the magic combinations that get everything free and without ads.

In 1960 a few new movies came out every month and we all knew what they were, who the stars were etc. Now, they are mainly independently produces by anyone with a cell phone, use amateurs with no talent, have no crew to speak of, so there is no editing skill, or acting skill, or script or screenplay or novel or even a plot, certainly nothing like direction, and with no budget either, the viewer truly gets what they pay for, which is usually nothing.

Perfect films for a completely stupefied public between the ages of 8 and 20 something, that have never learned anything about human beings but know how to use a cell phone and wouldn't know quality if it hit them over the head with a crowbar or butcher knife, in fact two of the major means of creative expression in this particular masterwork of stupidity.

The so called horror genre 50 years ago sometimes trotted out a movie with some creative ideas that were startling or very funny, or could in some way be called creative. But this...............

The formula. Get 5, and it is usually 5 teenagers. Isolate them via car breakdown in some rural area, a farm, cabin in the woods etc, and then pit them against some aberration that methodically mutilates them to their welcome death. The audience welcomes it more then the tortured victim, as it brings the end of the movie closer, and the decibel level of high pitched shrieks drops 20% with each dispatch.

And here we go AGAIN. 6 (we get a bonus moron) imbecilic teens are stranded and abducted by a group of engineered pig people, complete with ridiculous pig noses, that now run the farm/laboratory where these Pigensteins were created, after killing their inventors, and now feed themselves with the random tourists they kidnap.

At least Toby Hooper, father of this part of the genre, created a movie with enough going for it, at least for it's place in film history, to have warranted criticism. This just warrants a no-show. It is just so bad, so poorly done, so ludicrously predictable, that there is zero tension, fear, surprise, pleasure, absolutely nothing to compel interest or empathy or any emotion except contempt for your own judgement in deciding to look at this witless mess. In this situation, the only possible empathy can be for the largest pig-nose, because at least he has a motive, he like to eat. Beyond that the only standout feature is that the one victim that temporarily escapes has THREE distinct chances to kill his unconscious and isolated captor, or to get far away, but no, he prefers to be hunted down over and over, until his limbs are separated from his body with an ancient rusty gigantic butcher knife, and as for his girlfriend, who has also escaped at least twice , the last time we view her , her head is being split in half. THE END. So, at least it ends on a happy note, namely that we can switch to a better movie,

I highly recommend that you do watch it, because unless you were born without a brain, a medical anomaly that has occurred, you will be in that wonderful position where "I told you so" And it is part of the perversity of human nature to slow down at car wrecks to ogle, and to deliberately do the wrong thig for the sheer idiocy of it. Why not inject yourself with cancer or Bubonic plague, because a specialist in these plagues tells you not to?

But, as punishment for watching after hearing or reading the stone truth of the matter, you have to sit through the entire thing, at high volume so you don't miss one grunt, shriek, snort, whine or squeal.

Then come back and read this............I told you so.
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In a word, awful
Leofwine_draca9 February 2016
Okay, so SQUEAL is one of the worst slasher films I've ever sat through, and I've sat through stuff like MANIACAL. This is terrible, amateurish, whatever you want to call it; a film entirely lacking in a single redeeming feature, and a waste of time from beginning to end.

The loose storyline is about a group of musicians stranded somewhere remote, who find themselves menaced by a couple of pig-human hybrids. These hybrids are nothing more than a couple of guys in cheap pig masks who run around. Meanwhile, the victims have zero characterisation and just yell and scream a lot.

There's some gore thrown into the mix, and a whole lot of darkness and shaky-cam stuff. And not one moment in the film is enjoyable, from the opening moments to the closing credits. At least in a B-movie you can usually enjoy at least some elements of the production, but in this cheap, derivative and nasty slasher, it's amateur hour all round.
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don't waste your time watching.
salem0612 October 2020
Like the headline says, please do not waste your time watching this movie. I found it while searching for some good ol' early 2000s slasher films and when I watched it, I was greatly disappointed. I wasn't necessarily expecting it to be that good in the first place but just watching it made me feel unfortunate that I had even wasted my time. Of course, I did get some laughs out of the movie, more from how horrible the acting and makeup was, but if you're looking for a more serious horror film, I really wouldn't recommend this.
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A waste of my time,
frankieskank1 March 2011
This is pure and utter crap, what ever you do, don't watch it as you will feel robbed, acting is terrible, the plot is non existent, The visual fx and make up are a complete joke. If this film was not taking it self so seriously it might just be slightly amusing, but the fact is they are serious. Plus there is no actual logic to this film, the main characters seem to react like their mentally challenged, so do yourself a favour and avoid at all costs.

It might only be a short film, but it still felt to long to me. Basically I'd rather urinate razor blades then watch another minute of this tripe.

worthless dribble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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insert witty subject here
godinamachine29 November 2021
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME, (4) and today we review .... my uncle ...the movie !!!! - .... get it .. hes a pig man .... oh who am i kidding im a fat pig too according to my wife .... and now i need to call my therapist again .... thanks movie ,,,

WELL here we are with another pigman movie and i dont mind i #1 love giant pig monster flicks .... like razorback , boar etc ....and also pig man hybrid movies ....or in general animal people hybrid movies ....so here we are .... SADLY this film doesnt offer up much new for an avid horror film watcher ..... maybe to your run of the mill casual film going who doesnt see alot of crazy weird or off the beaten path films sure this would probably be something special ..... so if your used to seeing horror films like "the conjuring " or tyler perrys bootoberween 5 " then this might blow your mind ....OTHERWISE naaa its pretty basic ..... following the standard format

group of kids ....the pot head, the a$$hole , the hot chicks, the boy friend girlfriend etc on a trip/going someplace / ending up someplace they shouldnt ..then attacked by monster / bad guys .... so story is same ol same ol on this one ....

the pig guys look good .... the design is simple and good because of it ...NOT a mask some guy is wearing but some genetic hybrid action so they did a solid job with the FX especially on the little guy...he looks great ...set design looks good .... all thats tight ...


DAY FOR NIGHT = TERRIBLE ...but i know how it goes .... lighting a night shot is rough ..and sometimes you cant help it ... BUT man it kills a flick sometimes to day for night it .... you just end up watching the movie through a pair of blue jeans .... its about that clear at times .... alot of the colour throughout the film was flat , ... d-saturated even ... maybe that was the look im not sure .... but the lighting was also pretty dark through out .....and it at times becomes a muddy mess ...kind of like my pants after a rough night at taco bell ....too much info ? ....

and finally .... the script ...was all of about 4 pages long then the 5th page just said .... scream, squeal, scream, squeal , wash rinse repeat ..... nothing "wrong" with that sometimes ..when you have astrong story to back it up that needs no talky talky to help move it along ... BUT when thats about all it is ... its gets a little redundant ...

SO final girl ...i mean verdict ....eh .. not bad .... not great ....just kind of middle of the road like a deer in headlights waiting to be splattened across highway 41 at 3 am in the morning by a drunk trucker named "big jimmy" ....

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Spoilers follow ...
parry_na12 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film deals with pig/men hybrids. That's not so much a spoiler, as the face of one such unfortunate is on all packaging. Unfortunately, with this being a very low-budget project, the pig make-up isn't really its best feature, and so the decision to highlight it on DVD covers is questionable. The creatures are much better when seen in shadows, or obscured by objects etc. And their high pitched, porcine squeal is horrifying – indeed, it has to be to rise above the shrill screams of the 6 mostly appalling young people that get caught up in the machinations.

The performances are enthusiastic, the characters' arguments are explosive and often amusing. But that doesn't deter the viewer wanting to see most of them despatched by the mutants. Incidentally, there are only cursory explanations as to why these creatures exist – their deformity seems limited to their faces, as their bodies and hands seem entirely human.

What makes up the story is the same as in many other films of this nature. There are no real surprises. Director Tony Swansey makes a good job of communicating the utter despair of the totally degraded crew, and the fact that Travis (Stephen Dean) in particular never, for one moment, stops reminding us how reprehensible he is makes us yearn for something unmentionable to happen to him. When such a thing does occur (in this case, having his mouth sewn up with a guitar string), I defy anyone not to feel a certain degree of relief.

I enjoy watching 'Squeal' for what it is. It doesn't take itself too seriously (although it plays mainly as a straight, brutal horror), and there is a moment after the end credits that amuses, as one pig hybrid puts on a magic show for two corpses, propped up. At the end, he pulls their dead faces into grins and cheers at his own cleverness.
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