Terror at Bigfoot Pond (2020) Poster

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my eyes cannot believe what i saw..
jmc196914 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Theres so so much to write, but its 2am and i want to give a proper roasting to this monstrosity ,so will write more tomorrow and thoroughly trash this heap of dung.....in the meantime DO NOT watch this trash if you come across it.... AS PROMISED MY NEXT DAY FOLLOW UP REVIEW: at first I was going to say NO ONE PLEASE EVER EVER watch this movie, but after completeing it, i now changed my stance to EVERYONE MUST watch this movie... Why you ask? because until you watch this piece of non-existent budget, cow dung of a movie you can never ever appreciate even a "low budget" movie ever again. if you were drunk, high, and on black tar heroin, using a camcorder from 1983 , the quality would still be better.. when the one chick started flashing her "chest" in the beginning of the film, i was for the first time watching a movie "pleading" for her to put her shirt back on...Then the group gets naked in what could ONLY be described as a drainage ditch on the side of a road 20x20 sewage overflow pit. Seriously, they are all standing in a cirlce in the middle of a filthy , nasty mud pit that someone obviously filled with a garden hose because they couldnt find a suitable location with a real lake i'm guessin? I actually said to myself in the beginning when they were all standing around, whos the 'kinda' hot chick, until the one chick introduced "it " as her boyfriend.... The soundtrack consisted of a 9 year old striking a single key on a "play skool" plastic keyboard piano. Have you ever watched a really really bad movie when very drunk, and said "wow this isnt that bad'----Well, i was pretty drunk when i watched this and still thought THIS IS REALLY BAD. Honestly, im not just trying to rag on a movie that was low budget, poor acting, no sets, and a guy parading around in a 38 dollar monkey costume for the heck of it. This movie is hands down, NO JOKE, the absolute worst movie i've ever seen in my life. This INCLUDES "fan films' on youtube made by teenagers.. I dont even know how the heck this movie made it to Tubi TV, but trust me you really really need to watch this, so you also can comment on this movie. If we dont band together to warn others, then we are all guilty of letting this type of horrific garbage to be made. Please, lets make sure this type of film never, never neverrrr happens again... thank you.
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OMG please don't subject yourself to this.
mapj-5231114 November 2020
Wow, one of the worst B films I've ever seen. Seriously long intro with the WORST freaking music. There's a very drawn out and boring skinny dipping scene, right in the beginning, where the whole group of friend's are geared up to "go skinny dipping!" And then they all just stand there awkwardly in the water. It's such an unnecessary scene. Really wish I would have stopped watching there. But no, I had to continue on to see the HORRIBLE Halloween of a Bigfoot costume. This is a film not worth the time to watch it.
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Are you joking, 'film maker'?
kardosma24 January 2021
And believe me, I use that term very loosely.

This barely resembled a movie per se; not only was the acting atrocious (it sounded like a first read through for all the emotion anyone showed throughout), the $5 lighting budget meant that you couldn't see anything at all for good chunks of the 'movie'.

Not to mention when you finally saw the bigfoot, it looked like a cheap mangled space alien halloween costume smeared with ketchup. Hah... if absolutely everything else hadn't been so irritating, that's where I would have laughed out loud and might have gotten some enjoyment out of this thing.

You should probably know you're in for something 'quality' when a movie starts with a 10 min driving montage that makes you want to dig your eyeballs out with a spoon, but I hoped in vain it would improve. Hahahaa... yeah.

I mean... really? A 2020 movie and this is the best you can put out? I can take better and more entertaining video of my dog wandering around the yard looking for a spot to poop.

So yeah, it's a 'no' from me. There are better ways to spend the run time than watching this. Like plucking nostrils hairs, changing nappies, scrubbing the toilet... :)
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dpicarelli29 December 2020
I have seen unscripted home movies better than this. I honestly think the only people who would like this would be 12-year-old boys because of the skinny dipping scene.
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The only thing terrifying about this movie is the title
kristyalan3 February 2021
The opening scenery was great, the long intro was extremely boring and I had hoped that it would get better...Sadly it got worse from there. The pond isn't even a pond...The actors could barely swim in it and there was no reason for the "skinny dipping" scene when everyone was sitting awkwardly in the water.

The two characters Kelly and Tommy didn't even look like they'd been dating for 9 months, they actually came across as having only met moments before filming. Camera angles were off in most shots, script was .... terrible. There was absolutely no story line. There's no suspense, no terror and seriously who is going to believe that Big Foot lives on an open piece of land? That wasn't even a forest...maybe a cattle ranch. The music was horrendous...and in some parts sound eerily similar to the Jaws theme song, minus one or two notes.

When "Karen" dies ... seriously guys, some bad editing there as her head gets whipped around while Johnnie is still awake but wakes a moments later??? By the fireplace it's pitch-black but by the pond it was almost dawn?

Let me not even start on the BigFoot Costume, however Thomas Vigil must be extremely happy that no one saw his face in this movie.

So many awkward moments, too many shots of Bigfoot walking casually past the camera, the growls...my dog makes worse growling sounds and with a little bit of effects maybe you could have turned this around. I wouldn't watch this again even if I had nothing to do ... I'd much rather watch paint dry!

While I can appreciate the fact that it's not easy to make a movie, there are 7 year old's who made better movies and posted it to YouTube. This movie should be banned it's so bad...No where near the Blair Witch Project - Barbie movies are better and more entertaining.
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No. Just... No.
spphotosa3 February 2021
I've worked at a film studio and I appreciate how hard it is to script, film, and edit a movie.

But I can't get over how bad this one was. If my eyes had been closed and I'd heard the opening music, I would've assumed I was about to watch a children's puppet show. Unfortunately, my eyes were open for the whole thing... And for some reason, I just couldn't look away.

I hoped it would get better, but alas, I was sadly mistaken. The lack of a flowing storyline was the smallest flaw. Awkward semi-naked scenes made it somewhat creepy from the start, but certainly not creepy in the way they intended. Let's not even bring the fluffy and oddly tech-savvy Bigfoot into it.

The dialogue was sorely lacking in both substance and genuineness. And the characters talking themselves through exactly what they're doing/should do/are going was somewhat annoying. No anticipation, no suspense, and no terror.

Sorry guys and ladies. I appreciate the work that went into this, but if you're serious about making films, I recommend doing a couple of courses before you make another movie.

Looking forward to seeing improvement next time, though :)
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Actually i want to put 0 in the review but it dont have it
lansen-9429724 March 2021
Bad sound effect bad lighting and it not suppose consider as movie. It is more like a fake vlog about the big foot, is the first suck movie that I can't watch it finish.
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Best 1 star movie out there.
NinaZurita3 March 2021
The whole thing was filmed like a poor persons home movie. The bigfoot actor was the worst by far.
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klauvdall6 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This might be the worst thing i have seen in my life. There is NO special effects... bigfot is a halloween costume.
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Proves the Many Worlds Theory.....
jcallender12128 February 2021
This absolute Smack in the Teeth of a film, and I use the word film very grudgingly, never ever made it to release in this timeline. Somehow another universe, teeming with hairy knuckled, window licking nincompoops flicked against ours and this debacle was farted into existence. I can't even sick up enough words to describe it to you,,, an estimated budget of $280,000,, I can only assume one of the crew paid $279,990 for a coffee and they shot the "film" on what was left. I'm away to blast myself in the face with a big stick, it'll be a step up after watching that.
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Blown away by the professionalism
tlawrenceshannon-991123 February 2022
Casting was right-on - four of the most beautiful women on the planet (real hotties), a very cool black hippie guy wearing an indian blanket and headband, and two totally "hip" white dudes. The acting was oscar worthy. The skinny dipping scene was really hot. When the bigfoot threw the rock into the pond it was absolutely terrifying (apparently it was his personal pond). Best part was the suspenseful piano pounding every time right before the bigfoot showed up. Then there was the excellent campfire dance when the hippie played his bongo drum (great choreography!). The bigfoot looked very real - like an actual creature. Hopefully it'll be on the big screen near me soon.
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More like Terror of the Worst Bigfoot Movie Ever!
Wow this was painful, really hardcore cheap as you can get BAD! I mean I had my misgivings as to the possible quality when the opening drive sequence went on and on and on before begrudgingly getting to the dang 'script', and boy did it not disappoint. It was so ugly and awkward, just people standing and talking endlessly, it was doing my head in so much I couldn't even stand to hear it as background noise, I looked at it and I thought wow, I could do better than than with my crappy phone recorder, I'm sure I could at least film one scene with a smidgen of atmosphere, after forty odd minutes I couldn't take it anymore, it's one of those nebulous void non-movies that drive you crazy with boredom. I've seen some colurful monstrosities about Bigfoot in my time but this was the worst I've seen yet, I mean my god! Only fun part was when some of them got naked when they were swimming. Not remotely worth watching, an absolute nuke bomb of a picture, you gotta dig to find the ones that are this bad... If I haven't made myself clear, unless you like painfully terrible movies with absolutely zero fun aspects to them including unintentional comedy, you'd do best with avoiding this piece of Schmidt!
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Words just escape me...
brianhenneman-881474 December 2020
It's hard to know where to begin with this hot mess. Check out the review posted by jmc1969, he pretty much nails it. I just can't anymore.
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ok, here is the new reality...you will never see a decent film about bigfoot ever gain
bilfil-6847921 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Subtract about....ummm...20 from the 1 star rating. similar to found footage style, it is just some guy filming the group as they do activities. maybe a friend made the background music and wanted it promoted or how else can you explain the first 8 minutes of this "movie" having terrible background music that is loud while the camera just films the country side going by? thats the first 8 minutes. this movie is worthless. at about the 30 minute mark you catch the first glimpse of big foots face and that is where i gave up. clearly a mask bought for 25 bucks at a costume shop. no point at all in continuing and losing my dignity and all respect for myself. i don't know what motivated or possessed these people to make this movie but they have amassed a huge amount of bad karma in the future as punishment for making this movie FOR SURE. FOR DAMN SURE. i have given up all hope of ever seeing a good movie about bigfoot ever again .
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It beggars belief
Hayden-8605521 October 2023
Terror at Bigfoot Pond (yes, it really is just a tiny pond) is a very awful film. I had fun watching it, don't get me wrong but it was just so terrible. The bigfoot costume was hilariously bad, the kills were extremely silly and boring and the cinematography was horrendous, except for a nice shot or two of mountains near the start.

Some of the parts which stood out as the most awful was one of the main characters going topless within about 45 seconds of the film starting, the horrible 8 minute intro scene with the 2000s Powerpoint font and the soundtrack that sounded like a cat slamming the same key on a keyboard on repeat. The fact that they even had the audacity to make it a found footage film makes it even worse, the only redeeming feature is that I think the film is at least meant to be somewhat tongue in cheek.

1/10: No.
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qgssqn3 January 2022
As other reviewers have said, it sounds like the read through of the script draft the acting is so bad.

Minutes upon minutes of walking, scenes light with a headlamp, and a $50 gorilla suit.

I enjoy "b" movies but this doesn't qualify. The movie my 12 year old nephew made for a school project is better than this.

Mad I wasted and hour 20 of my life.
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Absolutely Heinously Put together
gabbyren27 September 2022
This movie was so freaking terrible I actually cried while watching it.

The HORRIBLE and LIFELESS acting and extremely cornball footage left me wondering if this was a movie or simply a series of flaming garbage clips taken on a Motorola. The audio sounded like it was coming from the speakers of a rotary phone,and the lighting was horrendous.

Not to mention,the extraordinarily long driving in the beginning and the totally rando and awkward conversation as soon as the movie started.

Speaking of awkward, the scenes where the "actors" and "actresses"( more like pretenders and fakers) got naked,was positively embarrassing,uncomfortable,and totally unpleasant.

Did anyone notice how during multiple parts of the "movie" they kept reusing and recycling both audio clips and footage??

On top of that,I'm 80% sure that the names in the end credits were fake,scratch that,I'm 95% sure.

I mean come on,if there was ANY time NOT to watch a movie,it would be this.

I cannot describe how freaking terrible watching this movie was. It is so cringeworthy it is barely able to glean a chuckle from anybody.

It is possibly the WORST MOVIE I have seen to date.

It's comparable to if you chewed a disgusting piece of crap in your mouth,spit it into a vomit covered garbage can,then scraped it around with a grimy shovel,and scooped it back into your mouth. You cannot BARE to stomach the absolute ATROCITY this movie is to both mankind and to the world.

I'm not even sure if the movie was intentionally supposed to be this corny,cheesy,tacky,or bad,or if it just lacked the touch of a decent actor/actress.

I mean seriously, the people who made this should be completely ashamed to put their names on a crime of film like this.

Please,save yourself the PAIN and SUFFERING of watching this "movie",however,if you do decide to waste your life away by watching this,don't say I didn't warn you,and also PLEASE GOD warn other people so that the criminal injustice of this accident of a "movie" isn't seen by other innocent and unassuming stumblers just looking for something to watch.

THIS MOVIE ISNT EVEN A GOOD BACKGROUND NOISE,and you'd probably lose brain cells if you tried to fall asleep with this on.
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Very amateurish:barely entertainment
fastpctv18 November 2020
Hi cast and crew, I really appreciate the hard work that you put into this. It's not easy to produce entertainment of any type. Im sorry to the cast and crew if you really had high-hopes! IMHO, no one will take this seriously as a horror film. With more work it might have made a good comedy. Overall this was poorly blacked-out, felt rushed at times. There is no plot, no character development, scenes are too dark, no storyline. No suspense, no drama. Unnecessary nude scenes. Music didnt quite fit (but interesting melodies!) Poor direction/lighting. Bad camera angles, no close ups. There are no special effects in the audio nor video. At least you could have made bigfoots growl better with basic sound effects? I guess/hope the cast/crew had some fun making this? I used to run sound for some small play productions, I know how much work these things are. The New Mexico scenery is beautiful and the actresses are attractive. Gen, you look cute and did a good job with your parts! I gotta say the back-crack sounds were funny!🤣Christopher S, what were you hoping for? Certainly better, right? I recommend a remake. Do small takes then go back and analyze and redo. This movie wasnt ready for final production. And unfortunately, there is budget left to make a new one. Try making short high-quality films like Ahalya (YT).
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how can i count the ways
amymay-6991629 October 2023
In which this has GOT to be THE worse movie i have ever seen?!?!? The nudity,the acting,the wardrobe,the setting,the wigs,the "cinemetography",the continuity. So let's talk about it--the nudity. Random, awkward, uncomfortable,why even include it?!?! I feel this was about nudity in any movie but a dedicated (p)orn,but this was A LOT of random nudity! ESPECIALLY the sad,sad,cringe "skinnydip" scene. Which makes me jump to the scenery. As has been mentioned by multiple reviewers,that filthy,shallow mud puddle does not consitute a pond. Black girl and fake snoop/bob marley guy's wigs were awful. I get that FF is categorized by shaky footage,but this junk looked like a go pro took a ride in a dryer. And the "acting"!? No chemistry,awkward convo circles where lines were delivered woodenly and badly. Oh! The bigfoot costume was laughable-i LITERALLY saw a little boy in a gorilla suit in target (at the time i'm writing this,it's two days before halloween) that looked better than this. Shockingly,that kid killed it. This movie did not. It's too late for me-i cannot unsee this. But you can save yourself.
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shelleyjennings8 April 2024
How can one describe this movie. The crappy filming, being able to pick out the behind the scenes people and camera men on the side of the screen and horrible bigfoot costume and even worse the music, I think they overuse that one poor piano key.

Also loved the way they cut cutting away the sides of the screen when you could see the boom mic and the small green squares that would apear in the middle of the screen really made for great viewing.

Do yourself a favour if you want a good laugh. The acting is incredible no emotions at all in any of the actors really shows the depths of their skills.
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The Film Spielberg Wanted To Make When He Made JAWS
daver627 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers







From the opening 10 minute scene I was hooked: Beautiful babe, hot guy, witty dialogue, thrilling motor ride, strangely ominous backdrop flashing by. The film grabbed me by the throat and demanded my attention. It never let go and lead me on a journey from gentle amity to stark terror, redemption, and finally....acceptance.

The film further entices the viewer at the poignant initial meet up at the pond, introducing an eclectic cast of arresting characters that the lucky viewer KNOWS heralds a film with the social awareness of The Graduate and the slowly enveloping primeval fear of Alien. Additionally, yes there is more, one of the actors personifies a homage to Led Zeppelin - how cool is that??!!

Artistic merit aside, this film shows it how it is, there is no compromise and the director exquisitely withholds from the viewer cheap bourgeois clarity. Night so dark that chaos, fear and panic must be imagined, doomed people acting strangely without logic or sense, cheap and tawdry sex in isolated and vulnerable places, a creature that subverts the form and holds up to the face of the viewer a man in a cheap homemade costume. This film embraces and exalts the power of negativity, and exemplifies an ode to 'not expensive' and 'not great expectations'...
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petegallows17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The "good" - the black girl looks good naked The bad - everything else.

This is not a film, despite having "credits" stretched for maybe 8 minutes. This is a YouTube holiday video, with a twist.

I've mentioned nudity, it's absolutely pointless, but whoever filmed this, must have insisted on it for some reason. The long haired blond dude probably enjoyed filming this.

This whole fiasco looks like unsuccessful rehearsal of amateur movie "hey, so we're gonna stand here and talk about some random stuff - like "how do you two know each other" - "I think we know each other from high school..." (- you "think"? You're supposedly 20 and you don't know, how you know your supposed friend?).

The "couples" act like total strangers to each other (the couple at the start look like they could, theoretically be dating) .

This whole "acting", looks like a low effort rehearsal. But instead of rehearsing it and then filming the scenes, they just filmed the rehearsal and were done with it.

I ffw through most of the movie, because there was no point.

The bigfoot mask was ridiculous, but still better, than any of the "acting". The black girl- Kelly, I think, should have been a mute character.

There's one hilarious scene, when this bigfoot is sitting in the dark, wearing Kelly's bandana and Kelly's boyfriend approaches the bigfoot, thinking it was his girlfriend. Seriously funny bit.

Another funny bit almost happened, or so I hoped- after Kelly "fought" bigfoot in the horrid day/night "fight " scene, and the lady pulled over in her 4x4 and was enquiring about the injuries and this was filmed from POV - you couldn't see who she was talking to, who she was letting in her truck. Logically, it was obviously Kelly, but I hoped it would be the bigfoot, in a funny swerve...That would have been hilarious. But it wasn't meant to be.
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anthdavjoy30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of if not the worst movie I have ever seen. I have seen better editing in a home movie. The audio was out of sync with the video. Eg. Someone is obviously killed and the next scene you hear them screaming. Bigfoot? I have seen better costumes on Halloween from the 2 dollar shop. What the hell was the headlamp light in front of Bigfoot, when he clearly never wore one? The acting was unbelievably poor. The fight scene at the end, if you could call it that? This would be one of the lamest fight scenes I have ever seen. They actually look like they are "rehearsing". Daylight, night time, daylight again. How could you look at this and not see how bad it is?
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johnnytmolleur28 November 2020
This is by far the best movie I've ever seen! A movie hasn't scared me this much since the Blaire Witch Project!!! 10/10 love it!
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cream-3306827 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jesus, I don't even know where to begin. What kind of horse garbage is this movie? I feel ashamed that I actually saw that terrible piece of disgusting trash to the end. I wish I had just saved myself the agony of watching something as ludicrous as this.... I actually thought about seeing a therapist after watching this pile of STEAMING HOT DEFECATION just to help me get through the nights without thinking about this laughably absurd, horrible. That $2 budget was absolutely INSANE. Please..... just.. please. Why are they switching from using a phone in this film,..... if it can even be called that. This plate of low budget, and REPEATED SCENES that they tried to sell was absolutely disgusting... yes, I was utterly Disgusted by this monstrosity, this heinous work of trash. What would compel you to write, direct and produce this? And please....for the love of GOD, what the hell was that terribly awkward scene in that filthy kiddy pool that they called a pond, I mean honestly... you really wanna skinny dip in disgusting fungus, and algae filled water like that?..... Well alright, be my guest, it isn't my fault if you catch an unfriendly disease by swimming... no crouching awkwardly in that nasty ditch. You couldn't pay me enough. And don't even get me started in that INSANELY CREEPY scene where the girls felt that they had to take off their shirts and dance around the fire in some strange cult-y dance of sacrifice just because someone decides they want to play the drums.... And HORRIBLY at that, mind you. The REPULSIVE music that they played in the beginning was ridiculous, I can't believe I actually sat there, through a six minute long intro of the terribly dry scenery. Take a look at the credits, ALL songs written AND arranged by the same guy.... Who is also an actor??! No, my friend.... Just no. Please I implore you, Save yourself the atrocity. Do not watch the abomination that is this movie. Thank you.
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