Les Misérables the Dream Cast in Concert (1995) Poster

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salconde-15 January 2022
I have seen Les Miz at least 4 times in Philadelphia and on Broadway. Each performance took my breath away. Of course, the first time I saw Les Miserables was especially magical!

What a treat to watch this 10th Anniversary concert with Colm Wilkinson and the Dream Cast of Les Miz performed in London. Perfection from start to finish! And that ending! Bringing all the Jean Valjean's from around the world singing as they are marching to the stage was inspired. I get goosebumps every time I watch. One of my favorite parts of the concert.

I can't recommend this performance enough!
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Two Excellent Performances: The 1995 and 2010 Concerts
timcon196417 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are many recorded versions of Les Miserables. This review compares the 10th (1995) and 25th (2010) anniversary concerts. The 1995 concert featured a "Dream Cast"-most of whom had performed in the London or Broadway versions, and they include some of the most highly regarded singers associated with Les Miserables. Some of the 2010 cast (Samantha Barks, Earl Carpenter, Katie Hall, and Norman Lewis) were drawn from contemporary London productions; others had other significant singing experience. Whether this was less than a Dream Cast is a matter of opinion. In general, they are equally good; in casual listening, you may not be able to tell one from the other. But some differences are notable.

VALJEAN Colm Wilkinson (1995) is an award-winning singer, the original and, some think, the best Valjean. He has a powerful voice, but does not always employ it; his performance emphasizes emotional expression. Alfie Boe (2010) tends to sing with more power than Wilkinson. Boe had once trained for the opera, and it shows. He was 37 when this concert was recorded-roughly 20 years younger than Valjean in his final years. Some make-up would have obscured this age discrepancy.

JAVERT Philip Quast (1995) won several awards over his long stage career, He is best known for playing Javert, and his long hair and sideburns resemble Hugo's character. Norman Lewis (2010) had sung in a wide variety of musicals for nearly 20 years. Quast and Lewis are both very capable singers.

FANTINE By the time they appeared in these concerts, both Ruthie Henshall (1995) and Lea Salonga (2010) had extensive experience in musical theatre. Both give excellent portrayals of Fantine, although Henshall, fitted with a blonde wig, looks more like the character in the novel.

M. THENARDIER Hugo's Thenardier is extremely sleazy and sinister. In the musical, M. Thenardier is a somewhat comical figure. Perhaps the authors felt the need for some comic relief from the generally dark story line. Alun Armstrong (1995), a very versatile performer, had a long career in various roles. He sings more musically than Matt Lucas (2010), and his costume and make-up are more appropriate.

Mme THENARDIER Jenny Galloway (1995 and 2010) had this role in both concerts. Although much of her career was as a television actress, she also possesses musical talent.

EPONINE Lea Salonga (1995) was an established star when she sang this role. Samantha Barks (2010), who turned 20 just a day or so before the concert, had portrayed Eponine in London for just a few months. "On My Own" is one of the best songs in the musical. It demands a wide range of emotions, tempos, registers, and dynamics. If a singer has any weaknesses, this number will disclose them. Both Salonga and Barks deliver very strong performances.

MARIUS It is in this role that the two concerts are most noticeably different. Michael Ball (1995), one of the most popular singers in the cast, demonstrates talent in both singing and acting, although he had little or no training as a singer. Ball was 33 when the 1995 version was recorded. In contrast, Nick Jonas (2010) had turned 18 only weeks before the concert. His previous work was on music videos. His rendering of "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" demonstrates musical taste, and a stronger voice than he shows in most of his other numbers. He suffers when his voice is juxtaposed with those of the other lead singers in the 2010 concert; but, strangely, he often seems to be holding back.

COSETTE Judy Kuhn (1995) has had great success in a variety of musical roles. But the 2010 concert was perhaps the first major appearance for Katie Hall, who had turned 20 a few months earlier. She and Kuhn have similar styles. Kuhn may have a slightly stronger voice; but Kuhn, a 37-year-old brunette, does not look like Cosette. Hall does, and also has marvelously expressive facial features-the audience can always understand her emotions. When singing duets with Jonas, she may have held back to maintain balance.

ENJOLRAS Michael Maguire (1995) won a Tony Award for his singing as Enjolras in Les Miserables on Broadway. In a long stage career, Ramin Karimloo (2010) has appeared four times in Les Miserables. Both men are very strong capable singers.


1995: Royal Albert Hall (RAH) has a capacity of roughly 5,000. In the 1995 concert, singers awaiting their cues were seated on stage behind those actually singing. This arrangement resembles a high school talent show. Although lighting and camera angles tend to obscure this, it can be distracting (as when, during "Beggars at the Feast," we see Wilkinson in the background quenching his thirst with a bottle of water). The RAH concert employed relatively large microphones which occasionally obstruct views of singers or cast shadows on their faces. There were a few problems with lighting and sound. The concert was recorded by 9 camera operators. Most close-ups were shot from below the performers; and sometimes there is a wide-angle view when a close-up would have been better. Images from the West End stage performance are occasionally projected on a large screen to show events that could not be enacted at the RAH.

2010: The 25 anniversary concert took place in the massive O2 arena. Its normal capacity is 20,000-even with some space taken up by the concert stage, the capacity must have been over 12,000. For this event, more thought was evidently given to lighting and sound. Smaller microphones were used, which are seldom noticeable. Only those who are actually performing appear on the stage. The credits list 18 lighting technicians. And the 20 camera operators provided multiple views, which have been well edited. The large screen behind the choir displays enlarged pictures of the actors on the stage-helpful for the live audience, less so for viewing the digital version.
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Where can I watch this on video?
deborahcinque30 January 2022
I'd live to watch the 10th anniversary concert in full on video. I can only find a DVD or clips on YouTube. I lived the 25th anniversary but I'd like to see the original cast.
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