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(II) (2007)

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A powerful and bizarre trip into a man's thoughts
filmbizarro12 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Pericles Lewnes made the brilliant B-splatter "Redneck Zombies" over 20 years ago, and it has been his most famous work since, but 50 years from now, Pericles will be remembered among independent movie fans for "LOOP".

"LOOP" is a film that could be hurt by too many spoilers, but it's also a film that has to be seen to be truly understood, so spoilers would not ruin the experience of it all. I will still try to keep this review as spoiler free as possible. The film starts out as a mystery and it becomes a bigger and bigger mystery until the end, if it even stops being one then. With an intelligent story and unique visuals, "LOOP" keeps you hooked, and it keeps you guessing. Many ideas of what could be going on are popping into our heads while you stare at this odd piece of art. But,.. your mind will mostly likely not figure what's going on before it's told to us. You might not even understand then either. I've only viewed this film one time so far, but I know that I will need to watch it two or three more times to understand it. There are a few things in the final reveal of the film that I will never truly understand because I can't relate to them at all, but there is something to catch in this film for everyone. The film is simply put amazing. I don't think I've seen a film that is as independent as this film, and that still remains this deep and smart.

Pericles Lewnes plays the lead role himself and he does a damn fine job at it. I don't think anyone could replace his performance, because I think Pericles might be the only one who really understands how to play the character and why. The rest of the (small) cast are doing a good job too, especially considering how much dialogue they have to do. This goes for Pericles too, of course.

I mentioned the visual aspect of the film earlier. There is always some kind of effect or filter used in the film, and just like in films like "The Demons Among Us" and "I Never Left The White Room", it works as a benefit for the film. As for special effects, like monsters and gore, well.. there is none. This is not a horror movie or a splatter movie, so we don't need it, and we don't want it.

"LOOP" is a hard film to review without revealing too much, but still getting the reader to understand how unique and special this film is. For an independent film that consists 80% of dialogue, it keeps your surprisingly hooked throughout. You will see yourself in Joe, and you will hear things you've thought so many times yourself before. You will most likely not understand everything about "LOOP", but you will be stunned when the end credits start rolling. "LOOP" will most likely remain as the best non-horror independent film I'll see this year. Even counting horror, it wouldn't be far from the top.

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Prepare To Have Your Brain Deflowered
boogie_king_134 February 2008
"This is exactly the film I wanted to make," said the director after the screening I saw. I got the exact same impression while watching the movie. It's so different that I can't quite pitch it, but what amazed me was that I couldn't decide whether it was extremely chaotic or extremely precise or somehow both simultaneously. The only other time I felt that way was when I sat in a theater watching Pi for the first time. It's definitely not a popcorn flick, and it's quite obviously made for pocket change, as the filmmakers told us. But if you're willing to engage your brain for a while, you'll definitely leave the theater with new ideas in your head. And that's a hell of a compliment.
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A real head trip for intelligent viewers
kali902103 February 2008
20 years ago Pericles Lewnes directed Redneck Zombies, one of the first shot on video features to get a major release when Troma picked it up. Anyone expecting a return to that style of extreme comedy horror will be amazed at Lewnes second fictional outing. If a film could be imagined that would be the exact polar opposite to Redneck Zombies it would probably look a lot like Loop.

Too much description will spoil part of the enjoyment of the film; for most of its running time the viewer is in the same state of confusion as the protagonist (Lewnes, effective as a man questioning his own sanity). Fans of Vonnegut and Philip K Dick should appreciate the twists in the plot's journey.

Technically the film is near flawless. Low budget to be sure but it's hard to imagine how the story would have been much improved with Hollywood flash and gloss. Above all, this is a film of ideas; those looking for a movie to watch causally should look elsewhere. If you have people around you who like to wander off for a few minutes and then come back and ask what happened you'd be well advised to lock them out of the house.

One more observation--if you are one of those folks who is a die hard partisan on things like politics or Iraq you will probably get angered--Lewnes doesn't spare anyone and offers no easy answers. It's rare to find a political film that is more concerned with thinking than with scoring easy propaganda points. It's rare to find a film that so defies easy classification. And it's very rare to find someone who is able to achieve that on such a small budget. Here's hoping that it won't take 2 more decades for Lewnes to tell another story.
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A very important film.
cocheezy11 April 2008
Loop has to be one of the best films I've seen this year, and certainly one of the most important. To give a synopsis of this film wouldn't do it any justice, and would only take away the experience of actually viewing the film first hand. Written and directed with intelligence and pure gusto by Pericles Lewnes, this film is a scathing social commentary on how we are as a society after 9/11, and how we lost our identity as a nation of the now. The last 30 minutes of the movie has some of the best dialog I've ever seen. This is the kind of movie you watch twice, first for the experience and second for the details and meaning. This is a masterpiece of low/no budget film. A must see . . . . .
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A Cinematic Brain Blast!
PFloydPiranha6 May 2008
I've just finished watching Pericles Lewnes' LOOP for the second time, and I find myself struggling to form words, as my mind is still reeling (looping?) from the experience. How can I adequately express my love for this remarkable film? LOOP is obviously a deeply personal reflective and observational journey, causing one to wonder how autobiographical the film is and how urgently Lewnes should be put on suicide watch. Based on my own humble interpretation of this rich tapestry of image and idea, I have to conclude that the tortured genius is safe, at least for now. While some Kurt Cobains turn to the pistol, Lewnes prefers to shoot his brains out with a camera.

And so he does in grand fashion. On the surface, LOOP is abundant with Lewnes' signature psychedelic imagery and eccentric, often mysterious characters, propelling the viewer through a semi-psychotic narrative that fluctuates between socio-political awakening and fever dream. Visual effects reach far beyond their budget to create a landscape both surreal and hyper-real. The film's rare flashes of humor are absurd and subtle, falling perfectly naturally amidst the bleakest moments of anguish and despair. Comparisons to Lynch, Cohn Brothers and early Raimi come easily to mind.

But the vortex of this rabbit hole winds deeper still. Frantic motion and Daliesque composition augment LOOP's Rubik's cube chronicle of a man desperately trying to make sense of a world he cannot comprehend because the logic of decency and morality do not apply, where the concepts of mind and humanity are shattered and reformed, where it would not be a surprise to find Kafka waiting impatiently for Godot, or perhaps Clinton battling Obama for leadership of the allegedly free world.

LOOP is a visual and cerebral roller-coaster, both thought-provoking and brain-blasting, twisting and spinning back on itself with dazzling visions and conceptual mindfreaks until all the puzzle pieces come together with a bang, leaving me personally needing desperately to do SOMETHING dammit, whether it's break out my inner activist to fight for change, kick back with a bongload of kind bud, or blow my f*cking head off. Or maybe just watch LOOP again.

I've just finished watching Pericles Lewnes' LOOP for the third time, and I find myself struggling to form words, as my mind is still reeling (looping?) from the experience
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Highly recommended
webmaster-166912 May 2008
This is the kind of movie that you don't just walk away from. It stays with for days, even weeks afterward. I loved every mind altering thought provoking minute of it. I can't recommend it enough.

Pericles has done more than just created a movie here. This is a true work of art. And as a work of art it's subjective. I'm sure some people might not want to go to the places that this movie takes you. Others may welcome the journey. I certainly did.

Beautifully shot, directed, and composed. The special effects are pretty mind altering as well.

Watch it!
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A man trapped in madness searches for sanity
aegisfilms12 May 2008
Loop is one of the most ambitious and brilliant hand-made films in recent memory-- a terrifying sci-fi involving a man desperately seeking a sense of reality and sanity while trapped either in his own madness or an Orwellian nightmare. His journey takes him on an exploration of the different aspects of his psyche-- Or does it? The revelation at the end is mind-blowing and reminds us that the inner workings of our minds are perhaps indistinguishable from those of our society or even the universe at large. In this light, government conspiracies are a reality and a sickness no different from other forms of human psychoses. Lewnes‚ film brings to mind the works of Tarkovsky, Wong Kar-Wai, and David Lynch. Loop is truly a tour de force of a ferociously intelligent mind.
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LOOP is truly a LOOP
sgeorgiad22 May 2008
My brain is scrambled! This film definitely taunts your brain and keeps you guessing the whole way through...by the time you get to the end and it all begins to unravel you cannot help but feel you have been on some crazy "trip". What's even more amazing is that, as intriguing as it is, you begin to feel that there is no way to resolve the movie...but the answers indeed come and slam you when they do...I love discovering movies like this that operate on such a cerebral level and are done with so much painstaking detail. Once "you're in" you cannot turn it off...you just have to see what's coming next...Can't wait to see Lewnes next film...the guys a genius.
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Go on a journey with "Loop"
esparks-519 May 2008
I sat down on a nice, quiet Sunday morning all by myself and watched "Loop." I enjoyed watching it all alone as it is a movie that makes you think. I think "Loop" not only made me think about what was going on in the movie, but also made me reflect on my own life. Pericles Lewnes did an amazing job with "Loop." I really enjoyed the camera work. There were some very interesting shots and angles. Pericles did a great job of portraying the main character Joseph List. He brings you in to the character and makes you feel a part of the movie. Shannon Devido and Beate Whitesell both played strong, emotional characters that I really enjoyed as well. I remember having almost a tired feeling after watching "Loop." Tired like I had been on a journey.....and enjoyed every minute of it.
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Loop is Great!
convolution22329 September 2008
Loop is a great film. If you like movies that contain philosophical ideas, deep layers of meaning, and social commentary, then see this movie.

If you're a fan of any intellectual, independent films, then you'll love this movie. That said, it's not overly complex to the point that an average person couldn't understand at least the basic story. The plot is fairly simple once it's revealed, but the layers of deeper meaning in the film might require some thought after viewing it to digest the ideas that are proposed.

Pericles Lewnes directed, wrote, and starred in this movie, and he did a damn good job in all those areas. This film is simply a great movie.
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the best movie ever
morticebane25 July 2008
LOOP is the greatest movie i have ever experienced.most movies you just watch.LOOP actually blew my mind to the point where i had to scrape pieces off the wall and and stuff it back in my head.i think you should know i love to swim the deep waters,not only did LOOP open another part of my mind but it also opened a part of my soul...LOOP left me wanting more.one of the best things about this movie is that its written very intelligently.LOOP has a lot of depth in a lot of different ways.if you ever get the chance to see this film don't pass up the opportunity cause LOOP is much more than a movie...its a life experience.don't take my word for it,LOOP is out there but like any real rare gem you have to find it.
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