2012: Doomsday (Video 2008) Poster

(2008 Video)

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If there's a god, protect us from this movie.
tcapristano27 February 2008
This is a bad film.

The plot is the most idiotic thing I remember watching in a long time.

The "god message" takes form after 15 minutes of watching, so you end up waiting just one more minute because you just cant believe what you're seeing.

There's some amazing bad acting going on, like people talking in panic for almost no reason, or doing the most absurd things. Even plain cell phones work in the jungle.

Its a film made for people with short horizons and no brains. Its an excuse to spread the "word of god". And its done in the dumbest, lamest, least appealing way.

...and I do love all genres of cinema.
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It cant get any worse then this
megerild30 January 2008
I hope the makers of this movie are happy, they made me waste 1,5 hours of my life a left me puzzled with greatest question of all time: will there ever be a movie thats worse then this? I have to say I started watching this movie with skeptic thoughts in my mind, but not even in my worst nightmares would I have seen what was before me. The dialog is a waste of breath, they could have had "Band X" play random songs for 1,5 hours on top of the movie instead of the dialog and it would have made exactly the same amount of sense. The special effects are like from the 80-s, and even then they would have been below average, the acting is below zero. This movie was actually so bad it forced me to register to IMDb so I could rant about it so at least it achieved something good. The only time I could recommend spending time with this movie is ... well lets face it: never.
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Awfully awful
saurabh-bose4 February 2008
Its a doomsday not for the all humankind but to the ill fated ones who are doomed to watch it. A real disaster starting from misguided storyline,dumb acting,pathetic dialogues and supreme bad direction. The dialogues are real crap. one is "The world is falling apart and so i want to know you are safe"..And the special effects reminds me of some late seventies movies .I mean some of them had much better effects. Starts with doomsday countdown of your patience and unlike the world's fate (saved of course by talking to god )u are out of any patience. Uff pathetic.. give me back my lost 90 minutes.. I am planning to invest in inventing time travel to get it back.. Never ever watch it..if u dare u will have your doomsday...
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Spoiler would only enhance the pain
mt33556 February 2008
I couldn't spoil anything because there is nothing to spoil. Words could not convey the ......... of this film. You see I can't even find a word to say how bad it is. I can't believe when they were making the film or even writing it, that they couldn't see they were making a mistake. The actors seem to be trying to act as badly as possible. The story line is right out of the Sunday morning Davy and Goliath writers trash bin. You can't say this film is good for nothing, it can always be used as a good example of a bad film.When I think of the money lost and the time I wasted I want to cry. If the story is true, they should have spared us and released it on 12-25-2012
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waste of my time
slash-strike2 February 2008
When i first started watching this movie I taught to myself "how bad can it be?! it will be at least a decent watchable movie .." . I was wrong .

This movie is just horrible . Everything in it is badly done , including the acting . I doubt there is one thing anyone will like about this movie . I can even say it is the worst movie I have seen in my entire life ! I have never rated a movie with 1 until now.

I just want to know : was this a low budget movie ? Because if it was I would somehow understand why I was put trough this horror of watching this movie . Special effects are like in the '50s , the acting is like of 10 year old kids , the attention to details is non existent , the background sound is probably from another movie . And this is only the stuff i can think about now .

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone , not even the people i hate .. If you think of watching this movie DON'T ! Skip directly to "Cloverfield" if you want to see a new good action movie . I know i should have done the same !
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worst movie I ever saw
laci2715 February 2008
Features of this movie: bad acting , visual effects made with a home PC, bad directing, useless talk scenes, bad screenplay, bad dialogs (where the writers on strike?! - actually they were... and you can tell!), fake rain made with a bunch of shower heads, very bad casting and totally random music.

With a decent cast, screenwriters and a director, it would have been a 7+ movie. This looks like something you can make with your friends, a PC and a handy-cam. Actually NO, I've seen much better short films on Youtube. Total waste of my time. This movie is even worst then 'The Helix... Loaded'.
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Terrible Christian end of days movie.
eisa-110 February 2008
Don't bother. Complete waste of time with no redeeming features. Some of the effects are passable I suppose, but the scrip and the wooden acting combined with the mixed mess of the basic religious undertones...yuck.

The music sucks, the pacing sucks, read the other comments and stay far away, the only reason to watch this would be with a few friends, some beer and for free as something to laugh at.

Silly string rain, computer graphics probably done in paint, text overlays with typing noise, generic characters,silly string used as "rain" text cant really express just how bad this thing is.
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Oh my God, this is the worst film in the history of film-making
fastrack62511 February 2008
This film is the worst piece of biblical garbage i have ever seen. I really wish that i had looked it up on here first to save myself the pain of watching it. The acting is horrible, and the story is even worse. The CG parts are trash, not even suitable for those "TV movies" that they make for the sole purpose for TV, like the Poseidon adventure that was on NBC. However, at least that movie had a suitable storyline to make up for the bad acting and unsatisfying graphics. I would gladly be forced to watch black and white TV for the remainder of my life than have to watch this piece of trash again. Sorry to all you believers out there...
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My eyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
skullous16 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will make you beg for doomsday to come quickly. I highly recommend this movie if:

A- There are no bridges nearby

B- You actually like having typewriter messages in the form of "San Diego, California, 17 hours to Doomsday" popping up every 2 frames, making sure you're aware that this is, in fact a doomsday movie and that you have enough time to go do something else.

C- You're fond of music scores composed by a rabid monkey on crack with the volume set on max. But then again this might disappoint you.

D- You get shivers down your spine when actors deliver a poignant porn movie like performance (minus the porn)

E- Youlove it when an actress cast as a paramedic repeats her "I don't believe in God because people die everyday. Good people." just in case you didn't get it the first 5 times.

F- You truly believe that the more an old ladylooks like she's having a constant aneurysm and whispers her lines so that you have to crank the volume up to 50 to make any sense of what she just mumbled, the bigger her chances of going to heaven are.

G- You're Mel Gibson.

Otherwise, it's a really good movie, and you should just take my word for it.
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Waste of time
charlesdias7 February 2008
This movie promises something interesting but just delivers Christian religious propaganda, poor CGI effects, far-from-good actors and a very cliché story.

I'm really unable to understand why people would spend money to film a movie like that, it's a waste of money, just it. Perhaps some people gets some nice tax reduction investing in films like that because I doubt it makes enough money to worth the trouble.

If you want some religious propaganda plus wasting your time and money, feel free to rent/buy and watch this movie. I you want a good advise, rent another movie and never think about this one, even if it's in the bargain basket.
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Worst movie ever!!!
bwayz14 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst movie of my life. Bad acting, graphics very far under par, plot is infantile, the writer, for that matter everyone associated with this film needs to shoot themselves. I have never commented on a movie but i registered for this film. I am embarrassed to say that this movie was filmed in my country. The movie is set in Mexico, but not a single scene was shot there, it was all filmed in Belize, and clearly the people are not Mexican, the scene has things in English. The Maya ruin referred to as Chichen Itza is actually Lamanai. The one Belizean person with a role in the movie ridiculously over-gestured. I am embarrassed as a Belizean. As a scientist I am offended at the implications of what was happening. I was hoping that at the end they would at least have redeemed themselves by saying something that the rotation of the earth had reversed, still implausible, but at least would have continues with what they were suggesting. As a Christian, I was offended that the produces think that this fear mongering, and the cheesy religious dialogue would at all convince 'non-believers' or even sit well with Christians. I am offended by this movie in all senses. I agree with other commenters that the writer should bang his head on a rock, it would be more entertaining.
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A life changing experience
jausom27 November 2009
I was looking for some information on the "official" 2012 movie when I found out about 2012 Doomsday, I was an atheist, but when I read about it, I knew I had to watch it. The next day I found a place I could rent it, with the DVD in my hands, I walked home and started watching it. I was halfway through it when my parents walked in and my dad said "Why are you watching this? Are you becoming a Christian? Son, I am disappoint". He left the room and I finally could finish watching it, I though about it for days, the arguments to prove god's existence used in the movie where far more superior than the ones used by atheists, my life was changed, I decided to tell the world I was a new person, I started going to church every Sunday and reading the Bible every day, my parents didn't know about it, I didn't wanna tell them because they are the anti-Christians type of atheists. But one day a friend from church called, I wasn't home, so my dad picked up the phone and asked him if he wanted to leave a message, he said: "Yes, please, can you can ask him if he is going to watch the church choir tomorrow?", my dad said "OK" and hung up the phone. When I got home, my parents asked me all about it, I told them the truth and my mom got scared, she said "You moving with your Christian uncle in Bel-Air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "Christ" and it had a cross in the mirror, if anything I could say that this cab is blessed, I said "Nah, forget it, please, lover of god, to Bel-Air". I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby "Sir, God bless you", I looked at God's kingdom, I was finally there, to sit by God's throne as the pastor of Bel-Air.
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I know why only a 1.8 rating
kenbad101030 June 2013
I know why this movie which I enjoyed a lot received only a 1.8 rating and that is because most of the people who reviewed it are I'm very sorry to say ignorant atheists and so didn't like it because it was sort of a religious drama and not the action/thriller they thought it was also there was no bad language or adult situations like sex or drug taking or people killing people. I feel sorry for them and pray for their souls. You don't see air but you feel it and you breathe it so it's there right? So why have you stopped believing just because some religious documents sound untrue. What a bunch we live with. I usually do not watch anything that Asylum, has done or has it's hands on but this was a very enjoyable movie well worth a look for us believers.
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Movie in dire need of a redeeming scene
JHerculano2 February 2008
Should have been alerted by the "Christian Epic" reference, thought it was an apocalyptic movie in the line of the 7th Sign. It indeed deals with the end of the world and the usual heroes that somehow convince God through some ordeal that He should let us apes live a little longer. But where movies like the 7th Seal grip you by script and acting, this one will bore you to tears. Acting is awful, the dialogs are out of bad evangelical early morning TV, plot and subplot lines make no sense at all. You'll need a lobotomy to watch this one with anything other than utter boredom and a sense that Armageddon must indeed be near for something like this to be thought of, let alone be produced.
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Please do yourself a favor and skip this movie
nastyninja16 March 2008
Movies could not get worse, in fact I am the lazy kind and never register on the sites. This movie was so bad it has forced me to register. I was not the only one who registered into IMDb.com found at least one more person who felt like me.

If it did not have 2012 in the tile I would not have bothered.

* bad acting * bad direction * stupid story line * the location / time information (usually in the beginning of the movie) over used * awesome scientist theories

Anyway, the stupidity of having a Christian connection to the Mayan prophecy is weak. I have seen better direction/acting/screenplay and plots in XXX movies
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Some people might really like this
jsorenson77717 March 2008
If you were the filmmaker's mother and the offspring of some sort of DNA cataclysm and if you think of yourself as an intellectual Christian who does not need to read in order to know what is and if you dislike all those sinners who do not subscribe to your interpretation of your holy book and if you only believe the truths espoused by your pastor (Billy-Bob-Ed-Tim-Fred) down to the corner in the back of the gas station and if you think Ed Wood was a true master and if you were recently put into a clothes dryer down to the laundrymat for a few hours -- then you might well be able to somehow find something maybe a little bit worthwhile or at least unrepugnant about this film.

Otherwise you probably won't like it much at all.
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no redeeming features
GLanoue16 December 2012
The real doomsday isn't 21 December 2012. It's sometime after five minutes of watching this movie. Sometimes you think, nah, it can't be that bad. There must be some cosmic joke behind it if I can just find the key and laugh along. Unfortunately, there is none. It's just inexorably bad. Peoples' actions seem completely unmotivated by any known psychology. This movie looks like it was directed and then edited by people who had never seen a real movie before. The effect is a bit weird, as if we're not sure we're watching a movie or something else. Possibly, some sort of preachy fundamentalist propaganda about the End of the Days by Oral Roberts University film school alumnae? Who cares. Not one redeeming feature; even good looking actors as potential eye candy are underused here. Do not watch.
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The Power of the Universe
nogodnomasters6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is an Asylum rip-off. The Mayan prediction is coming true and we know this because a crucifix was found in tomb #3 in the Yucatan, opened by a volcano. Going underground during earth tremors is where I want to go. In addition to mixing the religions, there is a woman drawn to the site like Close Encounters and her mom (plot spoiler?) is raptured on the way. The reason for this is the black hole at the center of the galaxy causing our rotation to slow and then stop. Not sure what butt they pulled that plot point out of. But don't worry a baby is born and my brain is about to explode.

Hits upon so bad it is good. Do not watch sober.
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Marginally better than being on fire.
Gurochan21 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is among the worst movies I have ever seen, and I've seen some pretty bad movies. There should be some sort of horrifically painful punishment meted out to people who direct movies as agonising to watch as this one. Here are the first ten minutes of the movie, after which I became comatose:

Shaky camera angles of a river. Fake rain. People appear in the jungle. Busy man is unhappy with the arrival of silent woman. She seems not to notice. Apparently a volcanic eruption is imminent. This seems a great time to go underground, so Angry Man drags Woman into some sort of Mayan tomb, where they find a gold spray-painted wooden cross. Volcano erupts, they run. Random helper guy also runs, is flattened very comically by a giant paper mache boulder. Nobody cares.

A weather man says something. Perhaps it was important.

A paramedic woman fails to save a random man and has a hissy fit because god hates her. Or something.

At this point I had an aneurysm, and the rest of the movie is thankfully a blur of god-bothering rubbish.

If I had to describe this movie in one sentence it would be this: One giant facepalm, if you have the choice, shoot yourself in the face instead.

Give it a miss. Do something more constructive, like hunting down the director of this travesty and punching him repeatedly in the back of the head until his brain comes out.
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Terrible, just plain terrible.
idkak31 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The title of this film implies a good story, I mean Mayans, doomsday... how can you go wrong with those? But...guess what? They really made a mess of things, big time.. The film is cheap from scene one throughout to the end, not only graphically but also story-wise. The story should have really been pretty straight forward as according to Mayan prophecies the we will be entering another "World Age" on 21/12/2012 which to some translates as doomsday.. There are a million things that come to mind that one could have done with such a story, but it was some how mixed with faith, Christian symbolism, Christianity and familiar scenes to the "seventh sign" (1988) towards the end.. To me mixing Mayans with Christianity is hilarious on its own but I agree that even that would have been interesting to watch if it had been written well, but this film simply wasn't, the story is terribly cheap so much so that its not even worth the watch on TV.
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What a crappy god-loves-us-all propaganda movie
the_wolf_imdb22 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I have seen more intelligent Nazi and Communist propaganda movies than this crap. Are really US Christians THAT stupid??? God wants Apocalypse to be brought to us so he explains his plan magically to Mayas and even gives them very cool brand like new cross with Jesus Christ on it approximately in year 600 (just to have most of Indians to be mass murdered by Christians somehow later). So we have Maya-Christian calendar in Maya-Christian pyramid with Maya-Christian cross in it. Now we have year 2012 and ever-loving Gods steps forward to kill us all by arranging all the planets that way so Earth will stop its rotation according His good plan (this is SO lame science that I just don't trust authors could ever pass even basic grade education). To prevent this well planned massacre by ever-loving God, some of believers and soon-to-be believers must gather and travel to the Maya-Christian pyramid to perform some pagan-Christian ritual for no apparent reason. No one has idea why this must be performed as there are no references to Bible or any other source of legend or reason, but everyone "feels" it must be done. So they spend a lot of time by traveling and having endlessly painful dialogs about ever-loving God and His Plan (not) to kill us all. That part is very painful but with speedup of DVD play to 8x you may survive it. In the end they manage to perform some hi-tech birth-enabled pagan-Christian ritual which cancels all the effects of gravity and will of God so world is saved. Bravo, brave US-Christians! Another villain plot by our ever-loving God Almighty has been crushed. Way to go! But please: Warn us please in advance and clearly sign your crappy brain-dead propaganda DVD in clear manner, not as a "catastrophic thriller". As a paying unfortunate customer I would evaluate the cost of this crap not as "$3.99" but "give me back 20 bucks for surviving this".
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You have got to be kidding me
snowmelter18218 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, a quote from huggie-1's review: A good clean spiritual end of the world picture, that you would not mind if youngsters watched.

Which religion, exactly, has a "good, clean, spiritual" apocalypse? Things tend to work out in the end, but as the end comes, we're all hip deep in blood. This movie is so bad it can't even appeal to Christian Evangelicals because it doesn't follow the biblical version of the 'pockyclips at all. A virgin birth in a Mayan temple stays the Hand of the Lord who was busy ending the world? I don't think so.

The acting was atrocious. Whoever wrote the story obviously never even took a creative writing course in high school. The special effects, well, my old playstation had better graphics.

Everyone should avoid this movie at all costs. I love b-rated crap, but this is even beyond my tolerance. It is my new baseline for crap movies.
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rrichkj4 October 2008
This movie is the most hilarious movie I've seen since "the Omega Code",and that is saying a lot. Ed Wood himself could not have made this movie any better! The perfect combination of a ridiculous premise, bad dialog, bad acting, low budget and no continuity to boot. A Mayan temple that must be reached for no apparent reason. A missionary working in Mexico who can't speak Spanish with her voyeuristic counterpart and his giant camera. A panic-ed paramedic and her spooky mother. A Indiana Jones wannabe and his estranged wife with a weird accent. A some doofus whose supposed to be working for an unknown government agency in what looks like office suite you'd rent at Kinkos overlooking the entire mess. The Lord is laughing at "Doomday 2012"! Laugh out loud, doubled over, gasping for breathe hilarity. I highly recommend this film. Warning: your stomach muscles will hurt for two days after viewing "Doomsday 2012".
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Pretty good considering the budget!
stephen-hoyland3 August 2013
It seems to me that the vast majority of the so-called 'reviews' of this movie are people just 'having a go' at Christians - little wonder that Islam Is taking over the world while ever people from Christian countries attack their own faith!Why can't people rate this Movie on It's acting,special effects and photography Instead of using It as an excuse to attack Christians? Considering the relatively tiny budget of just £250k, this Isn't a bad job at all. Of course It's far fetched - but people love films like The Matrix,Mars attacks and similar stuff which are laughably stupid and unbelievable - but entertaining despite that.There's a lot of hypocrites about,In other words. The special effects are good - again,considering the budget - and Cliff De Young Is a damn good actor, just take a look at the many films he's been In! Okay,so the films premise Is silly,but as I say, most of the highest-rated movies of all time have a ridiculous and unbelievable storyline. The many Christian churches - Protestantism,Catholicism,Baptists,Wesleyan,Coptic,Orthodox,Mormons, witnesses and hundreds more - serve only to confuse the Issue. All organised religion Is false - Jesus tells us himself through Matthew In the new testament that those who pray In churches are Hypocrites - one should pray alone,In private,In ones 'chamber'(bedroom or other private place).Reading the book of Matthew reveals the one truth about Christianity - be good,be nice to people,pray for forgiveness of your sins each day - and THAT'S IT! Remember - MEN have created organised religion\churches, NOT Jesus! Neither did Jesus suggest as much - as he himself said,those who attend church expecting to be 'forgiven' have already blown their chance of redemption,likewise those who give 'charity' by having their picture taken whilst handing over those big cardboard cheques will be shunned by God - Alms(charity) should be given In private,known only to the giver,the receiver and God. Jesus makes It absolutely clear In Matthew that ones relationship with Christ and God Is a private matter for each Individual. DON'T SHUN Christianity BECAUSE OF ORGANISED RELIGION - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO JOIN ANY CHURCH TO BE A 'GOOD' Christian!! Read Matthew In the authorised(King James) bible and make up your own mind. Don't laugh at Christians because of the silly story to this film.
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Enjoy the comments while criticize the film
accacfa31 March 2008
I felt I was cheated after I finished this film. So I googled this film and I found out it's one of the

Worst movie. I read these comments on IMDb. Some of them are really funny. i didn't have fun with this film, but i

enjoy reading the comments on this film. Just like one comment says, "You can't say this film is good for

nothing, it can always be used as a good example of a bad film". To me, it caused some funny comments. And just as another comment says, "I have never commented on a film, but I registered in this web to vent

my frustration. I registered in this web to share the pleasure to read all these great comments on this

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