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Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino, actors of the most classic and memorable films now do a mediocre thriller
Smells_Like_Cheese15 September 2008
Righteous Kill is one of those films that a lot of people have just been looking forward too because it has two of the greatest actors of our generation, Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino. I must add how I love in a lot of the TV ad's they're saying this is their first film together, true, it's the first time they are real co-stars together, but they've had two films already. Anyways, back onto the film, Robert and Al are both incredible actors, we know that, Robert is actually my favorite actor, so naturally I was looking forward to seeing this movie, I hate to say this, oh, man, I hate to say this, but this film was an utter disappointment. I'm not saying this was a bad movie, but this was a sad and very predictable thriller that could have been done with more average actors, Al and Robert are above this script and don't pull in their best performances due to that. The story is very mediocre compared to some of these terrific actors who looked so bored throughout the move.

Turk and Rooster are partners on the police force, having experienced over 30 years of constant bad guys going free, seeing the innocent's blood shed, and all the injustice in the world, they've almost lost it. Suddenly, there are murders involving the criminals they have arrested, along with younger officers, they try to figure out what is going on, but when one of the cops brings up that it might be a vigilante situation, Turk and Rooster are hesitant. Maybe they're hiding some secrets of their own.

Righteous Kill, don't get me wrong, it's worth the look, especially to see these cinematic legends on screen together, but like I said, for the script they were given, this was way too average and they are above it. I even hate to say it, this was very predictable if you've seen a lot of these thriller movies of today. Not to mention, I think Al Pacino, this must have been his third movie where he has worn that same leather jacket, I mean is it just me, or does anyone else notice this? Over all, it's not a bad movie, but it could have just been done with average actors, instead of all the hype that has been around it because of the actors. Just don't be fooled, it's a typical thriller, nothing special, I suggest waiting for the rental.

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Good Acting, Very Weak Script
Lechuguilla13 September 2008
Turk (Robert De Niro) and Rooster (Al Pacino) are longtime NYC police partners, in this Jon Avnet thriller that has them trying to stop an unknown serial killer, a person who leaves a poem at the scene of each crime. Victims are law-breakers who were freed on legal technicalities. Two other cops, played by John Leguizamo and Donnie Wahlberg, become suspicious of the investigation, and this hampers the efforts of Turk and Rooster.

The script on which the film is based is rather poor. The setup is muddled; none of the characters are especially sympathetic, and secondary characters are not well defined. Further, "Righteous Kill" is not that much different from other serial killer or urban crime films.

The mood here is dark, and the tone is rather cynical. Characters go out of their way to telegraph their toughness by using lots of "hard" language. There's an edginess to the characters, and that's okay. But I could have wished for a character with some degree of softness. That would have provided much needed balance to the overall tonal savagery.

Without a doubt, the film's best element is the acting. There's not a weak performance in the bunch. Of course, the focus is on De Niro and Pacino. This is really their film. And it's their camaraderie, their back and forth playful banter, that makes the film worth watching. Production design and costumes are credible. Color cinematography is generally dark, consistent with the story's mood.

In spite of a weak script, "Righteous Kill" does provide some good plot misdirection that will leave viewers unsure as to the story's outcome. But the film's main virtue is the casting of De Niro and Pacino, two contemporary screen legends whose performances here are quite good.
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Mediocre film with great acting
joanwweiiiii20 September 2008
It is what you would expect from Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. They've been doing these kind of roles for the past 30 years of their acting life. Applause, but no surprise there.

The film itself was not a blast. Totally predictable plot, stereotype good cop bad cop, drug dealers, bad neighborhood were huge minus to this movie. Lack of character development made the film implausible and some parts inconvicible no matter how great the acting was. Finally, the director's abuse of dramatic music without much happening throughout the film slowly eats away your patience.

Six out of ten is what I will give, 3 from Al Pacino and 3 from Robert De Niro.
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The Lack Of Forensic Clues
bkoganbing8 October 2008
When Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro teamed for the first time in Heat the main complaint from fans was that there was not enough screen time for them together. In fact the one scene in that film that had them together was shoe horned into the film. It had to be because in that one the two were on opposite sides of the law.

No problem on that score here because in Righteous Kill, Pacino and DeNiro play a pair of veteran police detectives who take the job very seriously indeed. What they're working on now is as the leads in team that is tracking down a serial killer who likes to leave little poetical epitaphs behind for each victim.

The plot here is borrowed from Magnum Force, but in that film, Hal Holbrook has recruited a personal death squad from among the young officers of the San Francisco PD. and Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry is trying to solve the case. When these guys do figure it out that it's a cop doing the killing, it's one individual however doing it on their own.

This is not a harmonious team that Lieutenant Brian Dennehy has put together. Carla Gugino is trying to show she's as tough as the men and a couple of younger detectives, John Leguizamo and Donnie Wahlberg are wanting bad to show up the older Pacino and DeNiro.

Righteous Kill is pure gold when the two acting legends are on the screen together. When the attention is not on them however, the story does drag a bit in spots. In fact the very lack of forensic clues at the crime scenes should have alerted this team as to where to look for the killer.

Still no opportunity to see Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro for the price of one ticket should be missed.
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A sort of guilty pleasure, by no means bad.
The_Amazing_Spy_Rises11 September 2008
FINALLY! DeNiro! Pacino! Together! For more than one scene! I couldn't wait. I'm also happy to say that, while the film won't be winning any Oscars, it isn't bad by any means, and is certainly an improvement over Pacino and director Jon Avnet's last film, 88 Minutes. Avnet is growing as a filmmaker, and has learned from past mistakes. Righteous Kill is an acceptable mystery film, and of course, features two great performances from two of the greatest of all time.

Righteous Kill, despite having the two leads that it does, is really a director's film, and Jon Avnet cloaks the film in a black blanket of mystery very well. While the main plot twist of the film (and oh, there are many of them) is sort of obvious, the fact that there's more to it than that really helps the film and saves it from oblivion.

What I liked most about the film, however, was the casting of DeNiro in a role Pacino would normally play (the hotheaded cop who just can't seem to keep his mouth shut or stop cursing), and Pacino in a role DeNiro would normally play (the reserved, yet silently intense friend). The film is split up into two parts, each showcasing the talents of one of the legends. Unfortunately, I can't really describe the performances in a deep way without coming close to spoilers, but rest assured, both are excellent. John Leguizamo is a nice addition as a hot headed detective at odds with DeNiro, and Carla Gugino as the eye candy was not a mistake by any means. I have no comment on the inclusion of 50 Cent in this film. Thankfully, he doesn't have a ton of screen time.

The script of the film, on paper, isn't really good, but there's a few techniques that really work on screen, such as the main characters' nicknames, and the feeling that almost everyone in the film is bad. I definitely like Avnet a little more now. DeNiro and Pacino share a wealth of screen time and have a lot of meat to chew on as actors, especially DeNiro, who turns up the intensity and the New York accent (it's a little stronger here than it normally is). While the film won't go down as legendary, I think every fan of both actors will be pleased and will smile at numerous moments just because these two are playing off each other so often, and so well.

My complaints lie with the emotional feel of the film, which I felt wasn't strong enough. I wanted to shed tears in the end, but for some reason, I couldn't. I won't say the acting in the climax could have been stronger, but had it been done in a different way, I might have liked it a bit more. All in all, Righteous Kill is not a bad film, as it managed to keep my attention and hold me in suspense for it's duration without making me feel frustrated. It definitely requires your full attention, and may even require a couple of viewings.
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ferguson-614 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Yes, it is cool to see Deniro and Pacino on screen together again and it's inexcusable that it didn't happen a few more times over the years. But cool casting alone does not make a movie. Director Jon Avnet ("88 Minutes", "Fried Green Tomatoes") and writer Russell Gewirtz ("Inside Man") have discovered that.

On a bright note, Avnet somehow managed to avoid the whiny, screaming Pacino that we have been subjected to so many times these past few years. Instead we get a guy drifting through the film as if drugged like a hyper-active child. DeNiro on the other hand does all he can do to be the tough, aging cop. We are treated to the facials, hand gestures and top notch line deliveries that we have come to expect.

The two legends are joined by rival partners John Leguizano and Donnie Wahlberg, who are convinced that Deniro's Turk is a serial killer. Their captain in this is the rarely seen Brian Dennehy. DeNiro's character somehow is hooked up with the department ME played scorchingly by Carla Gugino, who in real life would undoubtedly be cheating on her multi-millionaire husband and not working for a living. Almost as a story line toss-in, rapper 50 Cent plays a drug dealing club owner who tries to play ball with the cops. Also want to mention that Alan Rosenberg has a small role and offers a reminder of his skills, which have been rarely seen since he became President of SAG.

The film has many twists and turns and diversions, but there really is no doubt who the serial killer is. The video of DeNiro apparently confessing to the crime was actually a good idea and some of his best work. As with "88 Minutes", I am just not pleased with Avnet's directorial style. The attempts to shoot cool shots and toss in some quick focus just give it the look of someone trying too hard to be Scorcese. Still, it is worth seeing for DeNiro but you probably won't be surprised.

While certainly watchable, this one is just not quite as smart as it tries to be.
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Like Lennon and McCartney... sure, if not with the best director
Quinoa198412 September 2008
Righteous Kill is a kind of prototypical modern cop thriller that has the intonations of a neo-noir mixed in with some iconic figures. The script, in a way, is much better than I might have thought, and the actors- stars Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, in a film technically for the third time and for the first time technically in the frame for more than a few seconds (a pressure obviously from those who whined about their bit at the diner in Heat) as well as the likes of Brian Denehey and Carla Gugino- do their best to make it an entertaining ride. And for all of its recycled elements and plot turns and tough-guy take-no-s*** dialog, it's a fun ride for what it's worth as far as substance goes. You want to see what will happen with these two veteran cop characters as they delve deeper into this killer case (somewhat ripped off from Magnum Force, or something like that in terms of the victims), and what the "twist" will ultimately be.

For those who might think it tired or stiff, I wouldn't put any real blame on the stars, or even Gerwitz's (flawed) screenplay, which does occasionally pull off dark and funny banter and some coarse dialog and action and thrills to the degree that one saw in his Inside Man script. The problem mostly was the direction; Jon Avnet is not a visionary, nor is he a really well-suited neo-noir director. He's just a competent technician (if not veerying close to outright hack) enough to dig up a few potent bits or visual touches, and mostly tries to make the film "hip" and "fresh" and "inventive" with the approach to style in the flashbacks, and he doesn't possibly bypass the pitgalls in Gerwitz's script. What is pleasing, ultimately, about the picture is that it's not bad at all, and is actually a good movie. But with characters played by near generational icons dubbed in the film as "like Lennon and McCartney", this isn't quite up to their previous snuff together. They deserve just a little better with the likes of Godfather 2 and Heat to their previous collaborations.
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Disappointing thriller from legendary actors
joebloggscity27 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Surely with a movie that stars both Al Pacino & Robert de Niro, you just can't go wrong? Both are legends of the big screen, and both are lauded for making legendary roles their own.

Yet sadly with "Righteous Kill" it just doesn't pay off. It's a thriller around a serial killer of various nefarious characters (pimps, drug dealers etc). The film begins with a confession by de Niro (a cop) that he is the killer, and we are led on a journey as he and his partner (Pacino) fight off another pair of cops who are suspicious that the trail leads to de Niro.

Having starred together in Heat, you'd expect some high standards, but for some reason the chemistry here just doesn't work and at points you think they really aren't interested. Fellow actors aren't too strong either, and much of the action seems to be just going with the flow. The storyline is interesting enough (with a good finale) but never seems to grip you through much of the film.

Overall, its a disappointment and you expect better from a film that has de Niro & Pacino together in it.
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De Niro and Pacino make it a good movie
gregmovies14 September 2008
This film has a lot of problem, but the great performances of its stars still make it worth seeing at the theater. The twist was way too predictable (I had it solved half an hour in, and I'm usually unable to figure out twists way ahead of time) and the script wasn't very impressive. The direction is OK, but nothing special. There were some pretty funny moments and one liners though. The only thing that makes this better than a sub-par thriller is De Niro and Pacino, both of whom put in great performances and really save this movie. The supporting actors do just fine, but are overshadowed. I was really anxious for a movie in which the pair finally share some significant screen time together, and this movie was about as good as could be expected, considering the makers of the film.

It isn't the best movie out right now (try Burn After Reading), but I do recommend going to see this one. I give it 7/10. I hope Robert De Niro and Al Pacino team up again, hopefully with a better screenplay and director.
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villarreal-cesar13 October 2008
One word, no, actually, two words to describe this film: TOTAL Disappointment (obviously for Robert Deniro and Al Pacino). If you're a fan of these two actors, and films like Heat, I recommend you NOT to see this film. And if you do, expect the worst (maybe that way you won't be that disappointed). The acting was sad but the worst part: the roles they play, they don't fit with their age. Tell me, how can a 68 year old or a 65 year old be a cop, lift weights, try to get in a fight with 30ish year old guys, jump a fence and not break both knees?? It doesn't fit, it doesn't look cool, it looks ridiculous and disappointing! I mean c'mon, learn from actors like Anthony Hopkins, he is 70 and still does films that kick ass like Fracture. He doesn't go running, fighting or anything like that, in the contrary, he does films that FIT HIS AGE! Anyways, this is just my opinion...
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Contrived and Clichéd
isabelle195526 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a very contrived vehicle for Robert De Niro and Al Pacino with almost nothing to recommend it that I could discern. It contains every cop movie cliché in the book, lots of 'manly' dialogue and ends with our two cop buddies spouting deathbed philosophy.

On a broad scale, movies come in three sorts;

1. Stories that just have to written, because they need to be told. Often these are based on real events. Then someone thinks about how to put it on screen and who might be good actors to cast in the various roles.

2. The truly vivid, memorable imaginings of someone really creative who wants to construct an entertaining fantasy. Then, as in number 1, someone thinks about who might be good actors to cast in the various roles.

3. Highly contrived (and often unlikely) vehicles for Big Names, who want to make another movie, and may have convinced a studio exec that they can fill a few seats in movie houses. And get paid a lot.

In other words, in 1 and 2 the story comes first and in 3, the actor comes first. I'm a big fan of the first two, and very dubious about the third. And I'm afraid Righteous Kill comes squarely in category 3. I didn't actually hate it, but it overwhelmed me with indifference. And I used to love these guys!

De Niro (Turk) and Pacino (Rooster) – and even the names put me off – are two veteran (very veteran, but more of that later) New York cops. They are working a case which appears to involve a serial killer who has set himself up as judge and jury to take out the nasty people the courts let off. They may or may not have put the wrong person away for a murder some years before. The sticky, serial killer, finger of guilt is pointing inexorably to it being one of their own, a cop. It's really just a case of staying awake long enough to establish which one of our tough guy, anti-heroes it is.

Now it seemed so blindingly obvious to me within the first half an hour who the guilty party was, that I thought it must be a double bluff. You know, it's so obviously X, that it must really be Y, but, hey, that's too simple too so really it's X after all but we're supposed to think it's Y etc. But no. It really was that simple. It was X all the time, and any double bluff was merely my over-active imagination striving to keep me interested. (Although I will say in the movie's defense that my spouse didn't 'get it' until the very end. Unfortunately that may say more about him than it does about the movie! He'd had a tough week at work.)

I hate to have to say this, but De Niro and Pacino are just too old to convincingly play tough guys any more. Pacino bears a passing resemblance to Keith Richards these days, and although De Niro may have weathered slightly better, I kept thinking as I watched this, that no studio would ever cast two grizzled women in their sixties as street wise cops, so why am I ( a grizzled woman in my 50s) supposed to find these two guys convincing? The female characters are the usual run of plain but virtuous, weeping rape victims and semi-clothed quasi hookers, beloved of tough guy cop movies, except for the token CSI copette Karen Corelli (Carla Gugino) who is, of course, a stunner. (She appears both clothed and semi clothed.)

We see very little of her professional aptitude, but our Karen loves nothing more than a bit of rough sex with Turk and as there are only some 28 years between Gugino and De Niro, I should probably be grateful she wasn't bonking Rooster. In one particularly gratuitous scene Karen gets sexually aroused by Turks' vivid description of the violence inflicted on a suspect, which is doubtless intended to get that vital 18-30 male demographic giggling, but should really have the whole NYC female police corps out on strike in protest. At the vital moment she loses her bottle and can't shoot the bad guy.

Sigh…………… I just find such sexist tripe so tedious these days. I can't imagine where my sense of humour went? I mean it was funny the first two or three hundred times I saw it. In movie after movie. But now? No thanks.

Definitely 2 thumbs down for this clichéd, hackneyed, tedious B flick. De Niro and Pacino, do you really need the money THAT much?
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They OWN the movie
pritish-sai15 September 2008
Most people (including yours truly) are anxious to see this film cause its been 13 years since the two screen legends have appeared in the same movie. First and Foremost the movie delivers on the hype. Deniro is there and Pacino is there n from the start till the end they OWN the movie.

The movie's strong point is that the two legends are back to the their roots .Witty wise cracks ,top notch swearing ,drugs and violence. Pacino is as brilliant as he was in his previous movies but when compared to heat he dosen't show the same energy that he did. DeNiro on the other hand was everything that made him what he is today . One of the immortals Deniro kicks a$$ and with Pacino there the duo literally tear the movie apart . Its superb.

As far as the story goes the plot was nothing new but the twists and turns are highly innovative . Its like a an old 70's crime story with more modern elements. Curtis Jackson surprisingly did an above average job despite the fact that I thought that he would screw up. However when talking about the other acting its just bland cause you know why.

Overall an enjoyable film. Definitely worth watching at least once. But I still feel that these guys have a lot left in them and I am eagerly waiting for them to team up again for another movie.
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True to Style
rstone-2717 September 2008
True to their style De Niro & Pacino put forth an award winning performance. I truly enjoyed this movie.

I was however surprised to see so many negative reviews. With all of the trash that is infiltrating the movie industry at this time, this is a diamond of a movie. Well written, well directed, its a little dark in places, the sound is variable, but other than those minor issues, this is definitely a must see.

I gave it a 7, and for me to give a movie a 7, (check my record) is very hard to acquire.

I watch a movie, THEN I read the reviews. I do not let someone dictate to me how I should "Feel" about a movie prior to seeing it. If I had my way, I wouldn't even watch trailers prior to seeing the movie, they tend to lead you to believe in one way, when in reality the movie is completely different. Therefore -- what good are they, just as "what good" is a review that you do NOT agree with? Watch for yourself and make up your own mind.

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Makes my heart bleed...
Panterken6 November 2008
'Righteous Kill' not only disappoints, it's an epic failure. And I mean wanna-punch-everyone-involved failure. Re-watching that one petite coffee-house scene with De Niro and Pacino in 'Heat' will jolt more electricity into you than this whole waste of celluloid. 'Righteous Kill' is a movie that actually accomplishes to have both De Niro and Pacino hand in a performance so far under their usual level, I'm still in disbelief over it. A healthy suggestion: avoid all films by this untalented hack not worthy of the title 'director'. For example, he also made Pacino look bad in the stinker '88 minutes', a straight-to-cable thriller meets 'Phone Booth'.

Shouldn't these two legends make use of their golden years to partake in interesting movies, why doesn't Pacino make another Lumet (see: Dog Day Afternoon) or why not team up again with Mann again (Heat). Surely they have the power to pull the tablecloth toward them when it comes to getting roles in prestigious projects? Why they rather star in a movie that kids 'you can lick my balls any time' is beyond me.

If you think I'm being too dramatic, go see for yourself but don't come crying to me when you get your heart ripped out and served on a platter as well...
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If only there were more cops like this...
fedor814 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Who'd think that behind a B-movie title such as "Righteous Kill" you'd have a new movie with De Niro and Pacino? Echoes of Dirty Harry movies, a-cop-is-the-killer thrillers, and even "The Star Chamber".

I can even understand some of the criticism directed at the story, but many people seem to be disappointed by Pacino and De Niro themselves. Hilarious. That's probably coming from the same "critics" that praise mediocrities such as Clooney, Pitt, Cruise or Diaz in the latest awful Scorsese, Spielberg, Soderbergh, Zemeckis, Howard or Coen film. But there you go... When the expectations are (too) high, people are bound to feel let down even when the product is good, whereas when you have low expectations (Di Caprio, Tom Hanks, and the like) you might even get positively surprised now and again by total crap: nowhere to go but up.

What exactly did they expect from the two veteran actors? Shouting and screaming, overacting, silly grimaces? They wisely leave the hysterical, bad acting to the likes of Travolta and Nicholas Coppola Cage.

The plot isn't 100% water-tight, but then again find me one thriller that has that. This genre is notorious for getting dumber and dumber by the decade: more far-fetched, more absurd, with plot-twists that are often funny rather than awe-inspiring. In RK the final twist is unexpected but not too problematic. The writer and the director cheated the viewer into not being able to suspect Pacino, and one can debate endlessly whether that kind of shtick was "fair" or not, but I had no problem with that. What I did have a problem with was Pacino's motive for becoming a loose cannon after decades in the police force: his reasoning is that De Niro's planting of evidence disillusioned him - and that's rather weak writing right there! Teary-eyed Pacino says this, and it's the single worst scene in the movie because it lacks credibility. The logic behind Pacino forcing his long-time partner to read the text was also never clarified - but they had to put that into the movie to justify the intro which fools the viewer in the first place! That's thriller-movie writing for ya; you twist and bend logic and characters in order to fit whatever plot device or twist you have in mind. Except that most other thrillers are FAR more idiotic.

The one major modern thriller cliché RK does have is that once again the mass-murderer is a cop. Though, at least that was revealed right from the start and not left as the movie's retarded end-twist. I have no idea why so many films nowadays have cop serial-killers: it's a dumb, unrealistic premise that has been milked dry in idiotic films like "Kiss The Girls" and "Night Watch". The main difference in RK is that the cop doesn't kill innocent people randomly, but targets only criminals who more than deserve it.

De Niro: "Our job is to keep 99% of the people safe from the other 1%. Problem is, the better we do that job the less the 99% think they need us. They're clueless. The only ones paying attention are the cops and the criminals. Everyone else is going shopping." I like this bit. Left-wing hence pathologically anti-authority Hollywood has made tons of money throughout the decades presenting the police as corrupt, immoral imbeciles, so it was nice to hear something as truthful as this.

(Of course, this quote can be widened to include the U.S. public's cluelessness about the terrorist threat as well. Many an attack were foiled by the CIA and FBI, hence many Americans think that the War On Terror is some overblown affair because nothing has blown up since 2001.)

RK is an entertaining movie. I get bored easily these days watching movies, but this one kept my interest for the 90 minutes, and that's not a small feat! The two leads were great - in spite of what deluded Spielberg and Zemeckis fans say - and if there is any bad acting then it could only come from the cast's "pop music section", 5 Cents and Donnie Wahlberg of teeny-sensation New Kids On The Block fame. Wahlberg is simply bland, whereas 5 Cents delivers his lines with the same apathetic monotone voice with which he raps in his dreary, moronic MTV-hyped hits. I was also disappointed in Brian Dennehy's casting; once a great presence, this guy has now face-lifted himself to the point where he is unable to convincingly portray a cop. The shining, ultra-white Hollywood teeth don't help either… Lenguizamo was better than expected but hardly a revelation.
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Pacino & De Niro (A Cult Classic)
vicky_lc2001-112 September 2008
I just came back from viewing this film with my mom & we both loved it! I really don't understand some of the negative reviews, Pacino in this film reminded me more of his performance in Donnie Brasco or Insomnia, very subdued & toned down. Also, what's this monologue of his that some reviewer mentioned? He gave no such monologue! Unless an utterance of a sentence or 2 constitutes as a monologue.

As for the predictability, I'd say, if this film was released just before The Usual Suspects & with different actors on the role (good actors but new faces rather than Legendary tough guys like Pacino & De Niro), I'd say you wouldn't have seen it coming. My mom has a fairly good & acute taste in films (she's very keen or perceptive on twist ending films) but she was completely taken aback with the end. I think the film knew the predictability of it's story due to the 2 points given above, as such, they never really took it too seriously as 'a twist' (because they knew that people from the start wouldn't buy it), they played it safe on both sides; to those who saw it coming from the trailer & to those who never saw the twist coming. It was very well played in my opinion & I really enjoyed this film. To the people that liken it as such, 'it was better than Scarface', I see no similarities that would draw such a comparison, it was a mixture of The Usual Suspects, Basic Instinct (yeah, you heard me right) & all the cop-buddy movies (not that that is a bad thing) since time immemorial. I say, enter the film with an open mind & just enjoy it, don't expect twists or puzzles as I don't think the film lends itself to be taken too seriously in that direction. There have been so many hints leading up to the ending revelation, they seem to be sprinkled throughout the film as a nod to 'Yes, you know who or what this film is, we make no pretense of it'. I especially love the chemistry between these 2 actors, the relationship of these 2 cops seeps through the film, you can see it, smell it, feel the history behind these 2 characters - genuine through & through. All the supporting characters suited their parts well, especially Lequizamo, I like that an effort was taken to parallel his relationship with Wahlberg to Pacino & De Niro's (on the surface at least).

The only complaint I have of course would be 50 cent, he has a pretty significant role that could've been given to a better & more sincere actor. Also, the relationship between the aging De Niro & the younger cop, was too tawdry for me, if only they had picked an older actress, maybe I wouldn't have cringed during their scenes together. One thing though, I'm a girl, straight, but boy was she HOT in this film! Hotter than most actresses I see on screen, this girl was covered almost from head to toe, a turtle neck, a tight skirt just below the knee & a long trenchcoat YET you could see her throbbing body underneath all those layers! Her sensuality was portrayed in a more old fashioned Hollywood type, hearkening back to the 20s, 30s & 40s of implied female sexuality; you don't really see anything but the constant teasing was relentless! Some women, just seem to carry it no matter what they wear!
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Gimmicky and erratic film with solid acting
Simon_Says_Movies23 October 2008
If 2008 has given us, as the moving going public, any blunt conclusions it would be that Al Pacino should stay away from Jon Avnet. Chalked up to director Avnet's resume this cycle are two films ranging from mediocre to painful, and both starring Pacino, whose display of acting coincidently ranges from mediocre to painful. In April we were subjected to the long-shelved travesty which was 88 minutes, and now in the fall months, we see the pair unite again for the much buzzed Robert DeNiro/Pacino contemplation Righteous Kill. While significantly better then Avnet's earlier fare, the production is by no means seamless.

Scripted by Inside Man writer Russell Gewirtz, Righteous Kill is neither as smart nor as crisply formulated as that Spike Lee venture. A number of similar elements appear however, the most blatant being the opening act, video diary style confession which was utilized so well previously. In Inside Man, such an introduction had a purpose and a destination, which in turn progresses the narrative. Here, its only purpose is to throw the viewer off kilter, to smudge the holes in the script and the clichés surrounding the story and characters. The worst about such a choice is not that it does not work (which to reiterate, it does not) but that it is so obvious the mechanism's purpose is to lead the viewer astray, that there is no longer any surprise to where the story is headed.

Grizzled New York detectives Rooster (Pacino) and Turk (DeNiro) claim to have 120 years experience between them. Reaching the end of their respective careers, both have a deep passion for their work, and a strong comradely with their partner. While on the trail of a high level dope dealer known as Spider (Curtis (50 Cent) Jackson), they are thrust into a series of murders that have suspicious coincidences. All have been perpetrated against known scum, and all scenes are accompanied by a short poem. No it's not a Batman crossover featuring the Riddler, but a serial killer with a penchant for rhymes and a methodology that echoes like a cop. As the body's build, as does the evidence that the cop in question may be Turk, and soon fellow servicemen Det. Perez (John Leguizamo) Det. Riley (Donnie Wahlberg) and Turk's sexual deviant fling, Officer Corelli (Carla Gugino), join in the hunt for evidence.

There are strong segments displayed here, and earnest performances by the cast lead by Pacino and DeNiro who, collectively, are almost able to elevate the film from its cradle of mediocrity. Yet the aforementioned successful portions only create a harsh contrast against the doldrums that are the movies lulls. Righteous Kill is crisply shot and continually gritty but its glossy exterior is most unbefitting of a film of such calibre. When the final act comes, and all is revealed it seems egregiously forced, as so much time is spent pilling the blame on one, that when we are told the truth, the shift is jolting. So in an attempt to compensate we are dusted with a 30 second montage of flashbacks that do little to offer insight or believable motives for the actions of the guilty. Continually creating doubt in the viewer is the backbone of any successful thriller, and one that Righteous Kill is determined to ignore. Instead we are drilled with a monotonous and seemingly very self-determined direction for the bulk of the film, only to have our linen table cloth yanked from beneath our plates and replaced by a burlap sack.

Avnet does have skill, but he needs to have faith in his direction and depart from clichés and unnecessary diversions. As for Pacino and DeNiro, this film may serve as a career tipping point for these greats who have not graced the screen together since Michael Mann's epic, Heat. If Righteous Kill proves one thing, it is that casting legendary actors does not equate to an immediate success; they can push it an extra mile further then most, but there has to be gas in the tank to start.

View all my reviews at Simon Says Movie Reviews: www.simonsaysmovies.blogspot.com
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"Think of me as a street sweeper."
classicsoncall21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's a major bait and switch as the story opens that you don't learn about until the end of the movie, and personally, I didn't see it coming. But it almost seemed like a cheap cop out, no pun intended. The value here is in seeing De Niro and Pacino working together as thirty year veterans of the New York Police Department. They're on the trail of a serial killer who's victims are all former bad guys, who leaves a charming poem at the site of each murder. The script gets pretty brazen when it goes in the direction of suggesting a cop is doing the killing, as partners Turk (De Niro) and Rooster (Pacino) have no qualms about casually discussing what might be their own culpability. The police psychologist Prosky (Barry Primus) had it right when he stated the killer wanted to get caught, something I can't personally begin to understand. Presumably, how would anyone know how brilliant the murderer was if he didn't come forward to reveal himself? With that, one of the partners decides to prove what side of the law he's really on by taking down his buddy. If that's enough to whet you appetite, you'll have to see the movie.
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a little disappointing, yet an enjoyable movie
bigwollie12315 September 2008
To put it out plain and simple this was a fun film. Actors, director, and dialogue were all at the top of their game during the movie. But unfortunately the storyline was lacking; and a storyline can make or break actors or directors any day of the week. I walked into the movie expecting for Deniro and Pacino to dish out the old moves like in Heat...and dare I say The Godfather II. Was I being to presumptuous? I don't know. But what I do know is that I knew who the bad guy was from the start, and once i did i lost interest in the rest of the movie. It's definitely a great movie to see for any pacino or deniro fan, but if you're looking for the Departed or Dog Day Afternoon you'll be disappointed.
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Pure hokum
Leofwine_draca14 January 2014
I'd heard bad things about RIGHTEOUS KILL, but how could any cop thriller teaming up two of the best actors of all time be all that bad? By the time it showed up on terrestrial TV, I was all ready to give it a sympathetic viewing if only for the pleasure of watching two former heavyweights back on-screen together.

Sadly, what they said about RIGHTEOUS KILL turns out to be true: this is a piece of hokum, a badly-scripted and equally poorly-directed example of movie-making. It's so cheap and lacking in incident that the whole film seems to be taking place either in some dimly-lit warehouse or in a dimly-lit police station, and there's no style, no finesse or indeed energy injected into the proceedings at any point.

The whole plot hangs on to a lame twist that's so glaringly obvious that you wonder how it got past studio bosses - do they really think audiences are this dim? Pacino and De Niro do their best with what they've got, but they do seem faintly embarrassed, as if they can tell this is no good and they're in a hurry to get it done and dusted as quickly as they can. A handful of interesting supporting actors (including Brian Dennehy) fail to provide inspiration, leaving this a lifeless dud of a film.
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I like the atmosphere of the film
theflautist8213 October 2008
I always enjoyed watching detective films where detectives have miserable and dark lives without a family and a shiny home. (Morgan Freeman is the best actor that can give what i really want meaning "the atmosphere") Anyway, the film gave the painful lives of the agents and the big city burning with murders in a respectful way with the acting of Robert and Al. They acted very well that anybody would think they were once a professional cops before actors. Somehow, i didn't enjoy the final plot. The final scene didn't leave an affect on me. It could have been done better. I don't want to add a spoiler so i wouldn't mention about that.
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Flaccid, predictable, shallow, boring
Mihnea_aka_Pitbull15 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers

So many people are wondering, on this thread, WHY do some great actors, as Pacino and De Niro, accept such compromises. I must confess that today, at the press viewing, most of my colleagues, the best movie critics from Romania, were remarking about the same thing. Of course, we know why they do it - not necessarily by greed. They have contracts, obligations, all kind of sundry reasons to accept such routine work in movies with zero value.

The script here is very awkwardly written, with a messy structure and a total lack of dramatism. Even worse, it's completely predictable. The intended "false lead" meant to deliberately confuse the audience is so transparent, that everybody can guess from the first fifteen minutes the so-called "theater coup" in the end - and so, while waiting for it, friends and neighbors, what a bore! Limp pacing, flaccid storytelling, an absolute impotence in building-up the suspense... And as if this wasn't enough, the final scene is impossibly prolonged, diluted and tacky...

By the way, did you know that even great artists like De Niro and Pacino can act BADLY? In this all-over failure, they are outright unbearable! Their characters are simplistic, uninteresting, shallow, so the poor big stars quickly fall into what became their worst mannerisms - Bob De Niro, mainly, so full of grimaces and squinting... Even Jack Nicholson, in "The Bucket List", was an itty bitty better! A piece of advice: if you really HAVE to view this, carry on a thermos full of hard bitter strong coffee. AND ear-plugs, not to hear the snoring all around you.
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A serial killer that the police can give a medal to
the-movie-guy11 September 2008
(Synopsis) Turk (Robert De Niro) and Rooster (Al Pacino) are partners in the NYPD Homicide Division. They have 30 years of service investigating murders, and before they pull the pin, they want to solve their last big case. The city has a serial killer who is targeting criminals who have gotten away with rape, murder, and other heinous crimes. The serial killer believes that he is helping the police by taking the scum of the earth out of society for good, never to hurt any law abiding citizens again. The serial killer shoots the criminal at very close-range and leaves a four-line poem justifying the execution. Turk and Rooster want to give this person a medal, but instead, they must arrest him before he kills again.

(My Comment) Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are excellent as New York City police detectives on the trail of a serial killer, in this psychological thriller. They play off each other effortlessly. The plot has several twists and turns, and you may think that you have figured out who the serial killer is in the first 15 minutes, but you could be wrong. You will like the poems that are left at the crime scene, and there are some good one-liners. I just love the fact that Robert De Niro and Al Pacino finally got a chance to play in the same movie again. The performances of Carla Gugino and John Legnizamo were also amazing. The acting is so good that the time flies by. You must see this movie! (Overture Films, Run Time 1:40, Rated R) (10/10)
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" You'll remember my name this time as it's the last thing you'll hear "
thinker16918 March 2009
What can you say about one of the best tag team actors of the modern screen? You promise you'll go to the next film up on the marquee as the movie is called " Righteous Kill. " The reason is clear, it has Robert De Niro and Al Pacino in it. Once you're in the theater you are taken into the New York setting where your favorite thespians are playing cops. They are believable as they are right for the parts. The movie is about Good guys versus the bad guys, As such, they are searching for a very disturbed killer as his victims number 14 and rising. Complications arise when they are joined in the chase by two other veteran cops played seriously enough by John Leguizamo and Donnie Wahlberg. Although they are all seeking the killer, they also quarrel with each other as to who their main suspect is. Adding to the quad four is Brian Dennehy playing Lieutenant Hingis. The film is gritty, action oriented and dizzyingly confusing. Still it grabs you as you play criminal roulette. With Carla Gugino as Karen Corelli who spices up the story and '50 Cent (Curtis Jackson) as a very cool character called 'Spider' the movie is hot with intrigue and suspense. The overall tenor of the movie is good, but I reserve the word terrific as I expected more BANG for my buck and my two favorites did not quite deliver as I remained unconvinced, expecting a bit more from their dynamite appearances. ***
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Self Indulgent Old People
doofy-819 December 2008
This film is appalling. De Niro is 65, Pacino is 68, Dennehey is 70. Serious actors who have all done some brilliant work in their time labouring under the delusion that they can act 'young'. And of course they can't. It is embarrassing. Clint used to be the master(?) of this genre, Harrison Ford has had a shot at it - but to see actors of the calibre of De Niro and Pacino having a go is dreadful; surely they did not need the money... De Niro's love interest is in her 30s and looks it - despite having had enough botox to sink a ship. In the real world De Niro can pull a mid 30s woman because of his money and power, but as a humble detective? I think not. There are mild sex scenes - spoiler alert? - and they make you wince. Even the basic stuff like, er, movement is cut to protect the guilty; starting with a full body shot and then cutting to upper body only. UK readers of this comment over 50 might recall Dixon of Dock Green and how, as he aged, there were less full body walking shots and the 'running' looked a bit silly. There are loads of buddy movies out there, often with the hard nosed lieutenant, and this does not begin to compete. Because the leads are too old. I am all for 'willing suspension of disbelief', but Dennehey (at 70) threatening a 68 year old about his pension, while looking like an extra from Cocoon? It does not work. This movie is all about 'lazy' and trading on reputations. I think Pacino is a genius - I watched Carlito last night, De Niro is brilliant - I think 'Ronin' and "I ambushed you with a coffee cup", Dennehey has done wonderful work - the first Rambo movie for example. In this film they are assuming that nobody will notice that they are all 20 years too old. They are wrong and I find this a bit disrespectful.

And all the above is before beginning to consider the plot. Which is lazy and formulaic - if you make it to the final 'twist', you will be neither surprised nor care. This film is aimed simply at the 'fan' market - those who will get excited at Pacino and De Niro in the same film together a la 'Heat'. But 'Heat' was a brilliant film, and this is but a piece of lazy self indulgent nonsense.

I am not a 'fan' of any artist per se; I am a 'fan' of their serious work. If they chose to disrespect me - in the way that the three male leads here have done - I feel that I have very little choice but to disrespect them for my part.

Pacino has had a dabble with Shakespeare - his Shylock was excellent, I have not seen his Richard - I would love to see him do Lear. I do not need to see him put on his leather jacket again. Not at 68.
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