Legend of the Sandsquatch (2006) Poster

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Props to the SFX team
dragonflyjie25 November 2020
Disclaimer: not affiliated with the film in any way.

Quarantine has led to me binge-watching my way through all the horror movies on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon and Tubi. So I've seen some pretty shitty movies. This was not one of the worst I've seen, but also not one of the better.

I'm guessing it was very low budget.

The Pros:
  • Decent amount of gore if that's your thing
  • For the budget, the creature actually looked pretty decent. Props to the sfx team
  • The closeup of the scorpion was pretty cool. Some of the scenery/artistic shots were actually done pretty well
  • Didn't drag as much as some of these below budget B movies
  • I laughed at the part where the almost kiss got interrupted. That was pretty good.

The Cons:
  • Whatever band did the songs. I'm sorry but whoever said it sounded like they were karaoke Trent Reznor was right
  • Like all of these low budget monster films they drag out "getting to know the characters" when everyone knows they're all going to die. The movie could have been a lot shorter without the unnecessary partying and over exposition. Nothing super exciting happens until like an hour in and even then it's not particularly scary
  • The camerawork. Shaky and all over the place.
  • The acting was stilted. Not as bad as some I've seen, but it definitely felt like it was a college movie project
  • Nobody knows how to fire a gun

Overall: unless you want to watch roughly an hour of twenty/thirty-somethings fumbling through a script, or watch something you don't have to pay much attention to for 90% of the time, pick something else. I'm honestly giving it three stars because of the special effects team and most of the scenery shots.
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Fairly boring attempt at a horror movie...
paul_haakonsen8 June 2024
Needless to say that I had never heard about the 2006 horror movie "Legend of the Sandsquatch" from director Lola Devlin, prior to stumbling upon it by sheer chance here in 2024. Of course I opted to sit down and watch the movie, on account of it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, nor actually ever heard about. Sure, I have to admit, though, that I wasn't really harboring much of any expectations to the movie, given its rather laughable title.

The movie does start out nicely enough, I have to say that. As a gorehound, I was definitely thrilled with the way that the movie started. But the movie fell into a slump shortly thereafter and director Lola Devlin just didn't manage to impress me with this movie. It felt like there was no red thread throughout the narrative, and that made sitting through "Legend of the Sandsquatch" feel like an erratic and random viewing experience.

I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list in the movie. The acting performances in the movie were fair, though nothing grand here. I will say, though, that I've seen far worse acting performances in other movies, so the acting in "Legend of the Sandsquatch" definitely spoke in favor of the movie.

For a horror movie then "Legend of the Sandsquatch" was a swing and a miss. It felt like a high school film project pieced together by director Lola Devlin.

This is not a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time. Nor is it a movie that I would recommend horror fans to waste 83 minutes on watching. Some of us suffered through this so you don't have to; you're quite welcome.

My rating of writer and director Lola Devlin's 2006 movie "Legend of the Sandsquatch" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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Just a Legend
Sandsquatch22 July 2007
So much fun, to be a part of and to watch.. It is a B movie epic in my opinion!. Everyone check it and me out!!! Everyone else I met through the process were energetic and fun. The site was full of excitement and wonder. People from near and far were there, and you should had been too! The soundtrack fits perfectly with the course of emotions throughout the film. A lot of personal time went into this project, by everyone involved.. Simply a unique experience for me... Enjoy! Just to mention as well that these types of movies don't happen by chance, and also not without some collateral to fund the demands of material and individuals time..! Myself and everyone who enjoys watching this film should thank Tom Devlin and Lola Wallace for their hard work and vast knowledge... Thanks!
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nogodnomasters9 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens in 1956 as 3 men are killed and ripped open by Sandsquatch, a new creature whose name pretty much describes it. Frank is obsessed with finding the creature and spends 50 years in the dessert looking for it, until finally it kills him. His granddaughter (Hilary Schwartz) gathers a group of 4 heavily armed individuals to locate grandpa and to kill Sandsquatch. Meanwhile 4 anarchist friends decide to grab a gorilla costume to scare the 4 armed individuals.

The acting and script was better than most low budgets horror films that I have viewed, but it still has a long way to go. The title track sounds like an off-key individual singing karaoke to Trent Razor. It was very bad.

F-bomb, sex, nudity (thank you Amanda Ward).
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A Naked Bigfoot,That is more vicious than Harry & The Hendersons
guestar5720 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Legend Of The SANDSQUATCH www.1313fx.com Starring Trent Haaga and Amanda Ward. Directed By Lola Wallace Re-inventing the Bigfoot cinema, That's a task, This film does it with flourish.

Sandsquatch as a character is a make-up nightmare that seemed welcomed to the challenge. Unique look, And camera perspective makes it seem huge and the final scene is truly inspired.

There is a garage band that kind of bothered this critic and won us over at their deaths. There were a lot of night shots and most times worked to a eerie advantage.

Is SANDQUATCH scary as most creature films, Oh yeah and bloodier then someThis may be over the heads of some, LOL !
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