Header (2006) Poster


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Look past the acting, and you'll find a unique horror story. A review with some spoilers.
fathersonholygore2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First thing is first: yes, the acting is fairly rough to terrible throughout Header. However, if you can bear through some of the awful acting work, it's pretty rewarding to watch something unique. Of course it's vile, but it works. Edward Lee wrote the story in 1995 (published by Glenn Danzig's comic book company), and it was bound to be made into a film by some sort of twisted mind (although I haven't read the novel): the movie adaptation has makings of a tragedy, but with a horror sensibility. We watch two stories simultaneously: ATF agent Stewart Cummings works in the backwoods of West Virginina presumably trying to keep a lid on the meth and moonshine business, and resorts to helping out some criminals while they sell big quantities of drugs so he can pay for his sick girlfriend's medicinal needs; meanwhile, Travis Tuckton is released from prison to go live with his disabled grandpa, and learns a devious backwoods revenge tradition from the old man called a 'header'. Soon, dead bodies pile up with holes in the top of their skulls, and semen-filled brains. These two men unknowingly intersect, as Cummings investigates the murders, and slowly begins to understand exactly what a 'header' is.

It's absolutely hideous, and very graphic, but once again- it works. If only the acting was better this would be an absolutely horror classic. I would like to read Lee's novel, and see how the writing is compared to this script. I give it a 6 because there were a few moments where the acting wasn't atrocious, but mainly for the story, and all the dirty violence this movie contains without being any sort of apologetic for it. A raw, unflinching depiction of a crazy backwoods town from Edward Lee's imagination. 6 out of 10 stars.
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Watch Something Else With Mom
Steve_Nyland19 June 2010
Seriously, if you're rained in for the weekend while visiting mom this summer you should probably find something else to watch than HEADER. Or THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE, two post HOSTEL films of the new school of ultra-extreme horror & exploitation entertainment that are setting message boards across the internet abuzz. That people are talking about the film -- or chatting about it, whatever the right term -- justifies its existence. In a sick, demented, completely inappropriate way this is art, like it or not.

That doesn't mean everybody necessarily needs to see it, however. I kind of wish I hadn't. A lifelong lover of horror films including low budget gross out exploitation horror, this film went beyond the pale that I usually confine myself to. But it did so deliberately, with conviction, and had the courage to get down into the cesspool with its viewers. The idea wasn't just to repulse its witnesses, or titillate them, or to push the boundaries and limits of what's permissible. The film does that in the first fifteen minutes & never looks back. It eats up repulsive extreme torture porn for breakfast and regurgitates it back up for lunch, wolfing the filth and bile down a second time with a lip-smacking leer. Shocking its viewers was small potatoes.

I think one of the purposes of the film was to try and push the clock back on how low budget exploitation horror garbage was made; I was reminded of THREE ON A MEATHOOK, the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" films, and the despicable FORCED ENTRY (the first version, that is) as much as I was thinking of DELIVERANCE. Those treasure troves of human creativity were made back when filmmakers weren't obsessed with potentially alienating viewer demographics and went for broke. Likewise, HEADER manages to assail every creature on this Noah's Ark of human failure: Hillbillies, law enforcement, medical professionals, housewives, random people walking down the street, are more or less all devalued into human trash to be chopped up, shot, skewered, stabbed, beaten, whatever you can imagine and then some. The only person in the whole film with any genuine scruples is a drug dealer and even he buys the farm.

The barbarity of the movie's core premise also masks an interesting Tarentino-ish plot about an overworked idealistic ATF agent at the end of his rope whose life spirals out of control during the very gripping final twenty minutes. Which have nothing to do with perverted hillbilly psychopaths ... and yet it does, or rather has to do with the depths to which humans will descend for primal pleasures, a mythical attribute of the cinematic redneck harvested by DELIVERANCE. And the first half of the film serves as an extension of that film's second most famous scene. If you ever wanted to see what the deformed mountain men from DELIVERANCE might be doing back at their barnyard shack when not dry humping canoeists, here's your big chance!

Beyond that however it's an almost impossible film to recommend, a matter not helped by the shot on digital hand-held cam look the film is just as obsessed with as it is the sex & violence. After a while the technique becomes tiresome, as if the filmmakers were saying they were just too punk rock cool for a tripod, or that its storytelling too frenzied for simple pans & zooms. Sometimes they even move the camera deliberately just to show it isn't stuck in one place. The effect of a hand-held shot is best utilized when juxtaposed against more static camera positions in a way that involves the viewer in momentary bursts of action (see ALIEN from 1979 for a masterful example). Without anything to juxtapose it against the effect becomes a method and overpowers whatever visual language the cinematography was trying to employ.

There's also a duality to the film that seems like two different ideas welded together & given a fresh coat of paint that divides the movie into two acts: A first act that wallows in the urinal with the rednecks, and the second act where the ATF agent's ultra-bad day at work comes into play. The first part is more of what I call a Behavior Film where we get to witness various depraved behaviors put on display for our entertainment like a cartoon freak show. It is only when the plight of the agent takes center stage that the film concentrates on telling a story about events happening to people & becomes genuinely interesting. The standout scene being a jaw-dropping monologue by a veteran ATF agent (played by Jim Coope) who obligingly explains what a "header" is while spitting tobacco juice into a paper cup. I won't forget that speech anytime soon, and just like THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE can't help myself from wondering *how* anybody ever thought any of this up.

But still, for an in-your-face, all out assault on good taste you can do a lot worse. Sadly, this will probably make a great party movie, catering to low attention spans, bawdry crass humor, dumb cracker jokes (one of the only demographic groups along with fat guys still fair game to any manner of abuse a writer can hurl at them) and repulsive visual gags. I also like the goofy low budget approach with certain elements like the mail order ATF AGENT shirts that serve as a readymade costume for the feds. There's some good laughs to be had here for sure, though whether or not I would hang around such a party is a different matter. The idea of people actively enjoying this film is even more disturbing than its content, which may have been the ultimate goal.

5/10; As for mom? "Dark Shadows" box set. Never fails!
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gave me a headache
trashgang21 December 2010
Archibald Flancranstin first flick as a director, made in 2006, immediately got some attention due the reason 'what's a header'. Well, I know and I must say that I wasn't disturbed by it. I guess it must be me by reading all those reviews as one of the most disturbed flicks ever. The idea is okay, but for me it was never gory or as demented as stated elsewhere. After a while I even got a bit bored by the scene's between grandpap and his grandson. The header scene was okay the first time but after a while...Luckily there's another story going on about ATF Agent Stewart Cummings. He's going from researching the header victims towards a world of corruption. The conclusion of his life is the best part of this flick. The effects used for the 'header' are well done as are the shootings of the victims. But overall, after all the fuss about Header I was left with a HEADache.
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IMPORTANT: Every positive review here is fake
mprindle-263-72912412 January 2012
I'm giving this film 1 star not only because it's a terrible movie, but also to show my contempt for people who create fake accounts just to elevate the grades of lousy movies they worked on, or have friends who worked on. Click on the names of every person who posted a positive review of this movie, and you'll see that "Header" is the only film they've reviewed on IMDb. (except one guy who later posted a review of a childhood favorite) These accounts are fake. These positive reviews are all fake. And that absolutely infuriates me. IMDb is such a great way to discover really good obscure films, and jerks like this take advantage of it, create fake accounts claiming that their film is a masterpiece, and ruin the whole experience for all of us.

As for me, this is my first "review" on IMDb and may actually be my last. I specifically created this account because the fake "Header" reviews irritated me so much.
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C'mon filmmakers, do the man's work some justice
udar5519 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
ATF agent Suffian is dealing with his sick wife and a moonshine investigation. What he doesn't count on is stumbling across a twisted backwoods grandson and granddad who like to kill girls by 'header' (literally screwing one's brains out). Horror author Edward Lee writes some of the grisliest fiction out there (as that plot synopsis can attest) and this is the first film adaptation of his work. Sadly, the filmmakers do his work an incredible disservice with this cheap-o production. Sure the IMDb is rolling with "This is real hardcore horror, dude!" accolades, but the messed up ideas couldn't overcome the ineptitude on display. All of the acting is so laughably bad. In fact, I would almost recommend the film for people to see the performance put on by Elliot Kotek as the main baddie Travis. Kotek engages in an almost Gomer Pyle-esquire depiction of what he believes a Southerner sounds like ("I's gonna get mes job real soon Granpappy" in thick drawl) and gives one of the worst performances I've seen in ages. Jake Suffian as the lead ATF agent is equally bad. On a personal level, seeing this sleaze shot on crisp digital video just doesn't do it for me. The opening flashback actually had some style (fake emulsion scratches, jump cuts) but that is quickly abandoned. Lee and fellow horror author Jack Ketchum have cameos as cops.
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Really silly film, poorly made
nixolympica12 January 2010
Just seen this film, and have to say that I shouldn't have bothered. The trailer looked really cheap, with poor photography and lousy acting. Anyway I thought I'd give it a chance. Well the basic OMG shocking Header scenes are just stupid. Nothing made any sense. And the idea of the Header just seemed ridiculous to me. I guess if you watch a film purely to feel grossed out every now and again, then this may be just what you're looking for. But otherwise stay clear of this cinematic mess. If only the director knew how to handle/direct his actors and DP. I just hate badly made, poorly shot films. You don't have to have a lot of money to find and bring out the best in your performers and also create a distinctive visual look. Definitely a desperate, gimmick movie for the McHorror crowd. Steer clear of this - unless you're a 12 year old who wants to brag to his friends he's just seen something 'naughty'.
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This Edward Lee Adaptation Just Might F!ck With Your Head...
EVOL66611 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I originally started watching HEADER a year or so ago-but I remember being tired when I watched it and couldn't get into it-so I turned it off less than halfway through. Despite having read several of Lee's stories (though I have yet to read this one...) and being pretty hyped to see this-I found the poor acting, horrible Southern accents, and lame cinematography to be more tedious than entertaining. But just recently I started reading Lee's 'Flesh Gothic'-and it reminded me that I still had this disc laying around, so I decided to give it another shot.

Travis is a scumbag redneck who gets out of jail and goes to live with his legless grandpappy in some shack in the woods. During their time of familial re-bonding, grandpappy relates the joys of the 'header' to Travis, and explains that the act is to be used as a means of revenge against those that have wronged the family. Travis becomes an enthusiastic header devotee-and starts header-ing everyone in sight. Meanwhile, there is a dirty ATF agent named Cummings who runs drugs for local dealers to help pay for his wife's expensive prescriptions. The two story lines converge when Cummings starts getting involved in the header murders...

I'll start with the good. The basic plot works for what it is. Grandpap's performance (unlike anyone else's in the film...) was extremely entertaining. There is a passable amount of gore-but those that insist that this film is some sort of gore-soaked bloodbath obviously haven't seen too many gore-soaked bloodbaths. There's a couple decent sets of tits-that's always a plus. As to the bad: the acting by virtually the entire cast is weak. Travis' retardedly fake Southern accent is so horrible that he's often unintelligible. The cinematography/editing (if they can be called that) make the film look extremely amateurish. I also feel that the revenge aspects of the whole header ritual was glossed over when it came to Travis' choice of victims. Often the victims transgression against the family-resulting in the header-was explained in a quick sentence or two- almost as an aside-and oftentimes nearly or completely unintelligibly due to Travis' ridiculous accent.

So what's the verdict? Upon my second attempt with HEADER, I will say that I enjoyed it more than the first time-at least to the point that I finished it. It's hard for me to judge this one because although it's relatively entertaining and despite the fact that I haven't read the source-material, I've read enough of Lee's work to see his 'spirit' in the film. Unfortunately-I just can't get past how low-budget HEADER feels. I realize that it is in fact a low- budget indie film-but I've seen many 'smaller' films do more with less. One reviewer nailed it when he mentioned the style of the opening scene and how it had a cool, vintage, degraded film-stock kind of look that would have assuredly worked much better throughout the entirety of the film, as opposed to the obviously shot-on-digital look that the rest of the film has. And even though HEADER presents some semi-graphic material-it doesn't come close to capturing in visual terms the hyper-sexuality and violence that Lee's writing exudes. Personally-I'd love to see a more experienced and ballsier film- maker do a proper adaptation of one of Lee's other works. I totally think it could be done-but it would take someone who's really willing to both cross and crush the 'line' between horror and porn in film like no one else has before. Anyway-I'm going to give HEADER a pretty lenient 7/10 for at least attempting to put this sort of material out there-even if it is a bit tame (and lame...) by comparison...
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Just don't waste your time watching this bullsh*t movie!
haagse_junkie20 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just don't waste your time watching this bullsh*t movie!!!! I don't even know how the hell one would call this a movie!!! the title header just means that one dude skull-f*cks a girl just because they have beef with another family! and on the other side ( i don't know why the hell they put that story in the movie but it wouldn't make the movie better) there is some kind of a city-cop who's girlfriend is very very sick and the meds shes using are very expensive and only because of that the cop is going corrupt and goes out hustling and that kind of stuff! all in all i would say the director of this movie needs to get killed or at slapped on the back of his/her head for thinking this would be a good movie!! so if u want to waste 1.3 hours of your life and or puke, please watch this movie if not than PLEAAAAASE for the love of god or Satan or whatever, don't even bother watching this peace of sh*t bullsh*t movie!!!!!!!!
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Read Edward Lee before watching
thacker2715 July 2019
To really enjoy this it helps to be familiar with the work of Edward Lee. The dialogue is spot on with his novels, and the almost cartoonish behavior of the characters is something only Lee is a master at. Was glad to see Lee and the late Jack Ketchum in a cameo as state policemen. Loved it all the way through!
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The 1st hour and 15 mins should be deleted!
asdalovesme31 July 2009
for the first hour i actually wondered if i was watching the same movie that was listed here....a lotta ppl giving this very good ratings,..well...let me tell u this...IT SUKKED!! i would of given it a 1 rating but the last 15 mins were actuall quite enjoyable! Right from the start of the movie i noticed 3 things....1 = the acting is terrible.....2 = the cameraman is either terrible or drunk...and 3 = i think the director quit before filming started!! Now, i am a massive fan of low budget movies...but this is something i doubt even troma would put his name to!! The idea based around the movie is great, but it just doesn't work here, instead of feeling sickened by "heading" i was in fact bored of it as the whole focus around it is made laughable to a pathetic level! None of the characters bring anything enjoyable to the movie, and the idea is ruined with shabby acting and terrible camera work! i dunno about "low budget" i think this movie was made with a $1 budget which was spent on chewing gum!
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This movie grabbed me by the balls and never let go...
chris-425631 October 2006
I had "heard" HEADER had to be experienced first-hand, so when the opportunity arose, I jumped on it. I can only say the movie was even better than my expectations. While I do not want to give "anything" away I can say this - there REALLY is a story behind all of the unspeakable, horrific acts. In fact, its a very tight story. I had never heard of Edward Lee - but I'm gonna check out some of his other words - based on this film.

I have to admit, HEADER is one of the best indie horror/dark comedy films I've seen in a very, very long time. Its definitely not for the feint of heart, but if you don't mind watching twisted things and well, feeling a bit uncomfortable - you're gonna really dig this flick! I actually felt like I was there - a voyeur. I'm really excited, can't wait to see it again and introduce my friends to HEADER!
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I will never get that time back
cabowabo73213 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As he held his pappy up to "head" a chick...well...i was done. I thought i really gave this flick a chance but that was more than it was due. I understand Kentucky is all back woods and all, but huh. Was this a result of someones Prozac dream, or a drug trip gone horribly wrong? The fact that this flick got an award in Rhode Island, just comes to show that we have too many "film" festivals. I gave it a one vote wise because zero was not an option. If you were one of the unfortunates that thought this was any good, you may enjoy another awful bit of cinema like "Grace", or "Repo" (another film that I didn't make it all the way through)......................................................
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wzx33-12 August 2009
Wow this movie was simply terrible. All it is, is some grotesque twisted acts done by some idiot hillbillies, and a cop that gets mixed in with it. The story was lame and quite boring, i had to just skip through most of it. The dialog was just unbearable. I think i loss some brain cells just listening to these characters. The acting... what acting? from what i saw there was none, and if there was it was pathetic. Though you can't really blame them with this kind of trash for a movie. There was just no entertainment value whatsoever. The movie will only appeal to those with some sick gore fetish. Come on who in their right mind would want to see brain-humping? As for it being called a horror movie, its not. Its a snuff film, there isn't one moment that's thrilling nor scary for it to be deemed a horror movie. I really wish i hadn't stumbled upon this film. I read about two-three comments about it and they were positive. Totally baffles me how anyone, besides a pervert, would enjoy this movie. Even the focus on gore and sickness of the characters as the defile another human being was lame. Oh wow he killed another person and is having sex with a hole in their head... yawn. Overall rating: Bad movie

You are better off not watching this film.
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Horrible, not horror
dstern110 February 2007
This is not a horror film! Horror films have suspense. This film has none.

This film was screened at a major festival for independent films. I left the screening wondering why it had been selected. It was far below par for any festival, much less a major festival.

It is the story of sadism and revenge among hillbillies. It is the story of an equally sadistic federal agent. The plot was predictable. We had technical problems during the screening; however, I knew exactly what was missed because the plot was overly predictable.

The film is on its way to the DVD dollar racks or more likely the 50 cent racks. It will be purchased by those on the fringes of society who identify with the sociopathic.
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It just doesn't get any worse...
ccblazer20 August 2010
How does this crap get made? What I really don't get is all the positive feedback. Only 2 bad reviews, well make that three. I watched about half of this disgusting so called film. I love a good horror movie. Not this. An Indy movie that must have been made on $10, if that, dumbest back woods accents every to be uttered in a movie. Lousy sound, worse editing, pathetic characters. I wish I had had my brain "Headered" before turning this on. Save a buck, not worth my time discussing. Please someone, give me the 40 minutes back so I can watch anything else. I do agree with one reviewer, wish they had a zero star rating, I sure would have used it here.
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A Backwoods Greek Tragedy
sariybnormll30 October 2006
This horror film containing a campy sense of humor similar to Sean of the Dead, although with surprising depth is a must see! The controversial themes and definition of a HEADeR is reason enough to check this film out. WARNING... it is so disturbing you won't believe your eyes. The special effects and scoring are fantastic for a low budget indie, true guerrilla film-making at its best. But listen close to Grandpap, the funniest paraplegic white cracker that will make you pee your pants... I promise you don't want to miss a single line! The writing is unbelievably catchy, unconsciously you'll find yourself repeating one liners to your friends and family! Do your self a favor and see this film, a new and innovative movie never done before. You won't be disappointed!
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HEADER stays true to the novel -- This is a good thing!
gunslngrmjo14 April 2007
You go into a movie like HEADER, based on a novel by Edward Lee, with certain expectations. If you know *anything* about Lee's work, you go in expecting a nauseating bloodbath, a grand guignol for the 21st century. I've seen the movie a few times now, at various screenings (Rhode Island and New York City), and it stays entertaining and fun at each showing. Yes, it's about hillbilly revenge, as another reviewer stated, but it's a balls-to-the-wall, no-holds-barred gorefest and with this in mind -- and it's made clear from the start what this is about -- you go in and have a bloody good time! The performances are over the top (some are: Grandpap Jake, and Travis are wildly exaggerated in their performances, but they're effective, while Jake Suffian as Stewart was more reserved, more in control, but equally effective) but *exuberant*. These guys are having a blast playing their parts.

So why did this make the film festivals? Why not? Seriously, there's room for all forms of entertainment, and there is an audience for all of it. Take me, for example. I loved the hell out of it, and I cite My Fair Lady, The Princess Bride and Finding Nemo and some of my favorite movies. But sometimes you just have to sit back, kick up your feet, and get down and dirty with entertainment that may be a bit (or more than a bit) more extreme than most people can handle. But if you're one of those people who appreciate Edward Lee, and can appreciate a true "Backwoods Greek Tragedy," as this film is affectionately referred to, then you're going to enjoy the hell out of this one. Check it out if you get the chance, because as I've stated elsewhere, I really believe this is destined to become a cult classic.
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superman263315 July 2009
I was skeptical from the start, as low budget movies can sometimes be a waste but quickly realized there was something different about this film.

From the first drop of blood to the very last sickeningly twisted encounter, I was sucked into a world where sadism and raw horror are married into the perfect cocktail.

I am a grown man and a horror film fanatic, but was quivering through its entirety.

No other movie grabs on quite this hard--YOU'LL LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT! (if you don't like it, I'm sure the Disney channel is still on...)
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lisa-manker22 July 2009
This is the film I've been dying for--there are just too many pussies out there that think they're tough going to see "Hills Have Eyes" or some crap. See if you can handle this! I'm a girl and loved every thrusting minute of it! Its about time someone had to balls to make this--I want more!

This film gets your blood pumping as the victims blood gets squirting and your adrenaline will rip through your veins!

I've never had a thing for rednecks, but this movie can make a girl think twice. Can't explain how much I loved this film. Tell all of your pseudo-macho friends that they need to man up and see HEADER!
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This film is gonna tick people off
stinakennedy24 March 2007
Oh my God...If you go to church, pick flowers, smile at babies, pet kitties, or generally think people are kind and good, then HEADER is not for you. I left the theater in NYC with a pit in my stomach. I couldn't believe what i saw. what a story! I had to talk to my friends about it the rest of the night just to cope with what I saw. I still tell people about it, which is why i'm here now typing this comment. It's got to be seen. Very original plot. The acting was great, good film-making for an indie. I read a bunch of great reviews on the film too since i saw it, and these reviewers are as excited as i am about it. A desperate ATF officer, drug running, violent hillbillies, a sadistic legless old man in a wheelchair, the brutal act of Headers and a conclusion that surprised me and the gang I was with...It had to be the craziest flick i've ever seen. Edward Lee and Archibald Flancranstin are both going to hell.

See ya there.
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Never has nausea felt so good!
s-swixx21 July 2009
I thought I was ready...nope, not for this. Never in my life have I seen a film so bizarrely twisted and perverted. This film takes brutality to an entirely new place and you'd better be ready because HEADER takes no prisoners! I'm not familiar with the director, Archibald whatever, but I'm going to start following his work--its like nothing i've ever seen.

If you haven't seen this movie, you're probably wondering what a header even is...you don't want to know. Just to give you a hint--if you let your mind wander, and think of the most gruesome, disgusting, horribly perverted thing to do for revenge, you wouldn't even be getting close.

Your stomach will be churning so hard, you won't be able to keep your popcorn down through the first half--ITS GREAT!!!

Bon Appetit!
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My 2 cents...
mike-563210 July 2009
My comments are based on the following: 1) I've read the short story and enjoyed it (as well as other Ed Lee stories); and 2) I purchased the film and have watched it two times...

Given the nature of the story and the fact that this was a INDIE production, I was very, very pleased. I mean, the film could have been XXX rated, but the filmmakers treated the material seriously without being exploitative. While some of the performances were a bit over-the-top, I found watching the film a second time added to the experience.

If you were not happy watching it, a) this film (or any Ed Lee work) is not your cup of tea, or b) you need to sit down and watch it a second or third time...

I have a bunch of friends coming over to view the film together. We will have some cold ones and I guarantee you, we will be talking about HEADERS for a long, long time.

Just my opinion...
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A tale of love, hate, revenge and actions words simply cannot describe.
sga22325 July 2009
I read numerous reviews about this film before purchasing. The reviews had me thinking this was a good, but low budget film. After watching the film a few times I decided to share my $.02. First, the overall film exceeded my expectations. There actually was a story and plot - often lacking in horror and indie films. Second, the special effects and setting were great. Third, I truly believed the characters and their interactions with each other. Agent Cummings truly loved Kathy. Grandpap and Travis truly cared for each other, heck, ignorance is bliss. I gave this film a very high rating, because it appears as some people are giving it a unfair "low" rating. If you want to compare this to a $20m Rob Zombie remake - you may not be satisfied. But if you want to compare on the basis of creativity and cost, it can't be beat! Again, just my $.02.
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very underrated here
deadbull-9517120 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Considering the outrageous comedy of this hillybilly legend brought to life, way farther out then 'Pumpkinhead', the acting is much better then what I'd expect, totally appropriate to the spectacle depicted, and more then that, there is a tight well written story line with a surprising amount of character developement. It's miles better then most of what passes commercial muster from 'Hollywood' these days. Is anything even made in Holllywood anymore? The term just represents slick soulless sliderule derivative actuarial corporate product. I didn't nod off at all during this, this one holds your attention. The character of 'Grandpappy' is better then anything that came out of the Texas Chainsaw business, and the production is full of very pleasant and amusing treats. You'd definately buy this for a dollar.
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