2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams (2010) Poster

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Not A Patch On His Last Offering
drumdrum7720 July 2010
As I really enjoyed Tim Sullivan's 2005 remake '2001 Maniacs', I foolishly thought this would have the same fun set pieces and wacky script.

However it is devoid of any real gore, the acting is wooden, and the script so poorly written. I was forced to hit the fast forward, which is something I rarely do.

The real shame is that does have actors like Lin Shaye and Bill Moseley going to waste. It's easy to maybe cite a reduced budget or external factors, but it's hard to make excuses for this turkey.

I'd avoid unless your a real masochist.
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So Bad...It's embarrassing!
Nightmare-Maker24 July 2010
After watching the original 2001 Maniacs, with Robert Englund, and really enjoying it, I was quite excited about the sequel when I heard about it.

Lots of positive reviews, saying it was better than the first, and more gorier...my hopes were quite high.

...Now I have seen the sequel, and I'm not kidding here....it's one of the worst films I have seen in years, honestly, the acting is soooo bad it's as if they are just people who were randomly picked up off the street! I know you don't watch a film like this for the acting, but when it's this bad, there really is no excuse!

As for the gore, well frankly it does'nt come close to the first one. after 45 minutes only 2 folks have bitten the bullet, and neither one was gory at all!...Then you wait for it to kick off (that's if you haven't press eject on your DVD player by now), it just don't happen. The couple of so-so gory effects towards the end are so badly done, obviously dummy's, you could'nt care less.

Anyway, I don't want to waste any more time on this pile of dog turd. I must just say, all the 10/10 reviews MUST be people involved with this film, they have to be!

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Bad, Bulk Rate Direct to Video Horror
TheExpatriate70021 August 2010
2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams is bad. Very bad. It lacks the originality of its source material, the 1960s Herschell Gordon Lewis film 2000 Maniacs, and is crippled by largely poor production values.

This sequel takes the maniacs out of the South, as a lack of victims forces them to go on the road to Iowa. There, they encounter a pair of Paris Hilton / Nicole Richie clones and their reality TV entourage. Carnage follows.

Perhaps the most glaring problem of the film is its death scenes. Although they shed plenty of blood, at least in the unrated edition, they are not particularly creative. Only one of the killings is at all original or entertaining. In a franchise that prides itself on outlandish deaths, this is a fatal flaw.

Furthermore, due to the extremely low budget, the movie lacks in some of the basic areas of film making. The sound quality is terrible, so that I had to turn my television up to top volume just to make out the dialogue, some of which is clearly dubbed. Aside from Bill Moseley and Lin Shaye, the acting is bargain basement variety. Even more damning for an unrated horror film, one of the deaths-a hanging-occurs off screen, one suspects because the filmmakers could not afford the safety equipment or stunt person to safely simulate it.
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Embarrassingly Terrible
terrencepatrix16 July 2010
This movie is just inexplicably awful. I watched the first one. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one. I absolutely LOVE campy "B" movie horror films, with whacky over the top acting and violence. This movie had none of that. Zero. Ziltch. Nada.

I'm not some "fanboy" speaking out against a sequel that didn't match his preconceived notions of what a proper sequel should be. I'm speaking out against a terrible terrible movie, that has 20 something positive reviews which are obvious plants by people involved in the production. There's no possible way anyone, no matter how die hard a horror/camp fan could rate this a 10. It's a mockery.

Starting off, this entire movie takes place in a field with tents. That's the entire set...an empty field with tents. There's no old southern feeling town, there's no old southern people. No, it's tent's set up in a field. That's the ENTIRE MOVIE SET.

Secondly, almost all of the sound is dubbed in. They apparently didn't have the budget for an actual sound crew, so all spoken bits and sound effects are dubbed over the video. This doesn't come off as cheeky, campy, original, funny, etc. It comes off as cheap and irritating. The dialogue, volume, and emotion doesn't match the physical acting. It's pathetic.

Third, the plot. There is no plot. They took the fantastic premise of the original movie, and meshed it with some ridiculous mockumentary of "A simple life", that Paris Hilton reality show from 5 years ago. They took an RV of horrible actors pretending to be this reality show, and they crashed into a random field, and happened to meet 10 or so southern weirdos. With tents. There were maybe 3 or so returning actors, which was somewhat amusing, but overall the horrible dubbing ruined it all. Scenes just randomly lead into the next with no lead up. There is NO direction whatsoever.

Fourth. The so called "gore". The budget is so shoe-string that almost all of the gore is actually shown off-camera. That's right, a horror movie, with a terrible plot and budget, terrible acting, no set budget, absolutely nothing to offer but that "shock value" gore...DOESN'T HAVE GORE.

Fifth and last. Boobs. Yes there are some boobs. But they're not the boobs that you want. Some are very nice, yes. I love boobs. They make bad movies watchable at times. Not this time. A few of the boobs are bad boob jobs. The especially nice boobs don't get near enough time to shine.

Finally, this movie is an insult. I don't mind low budget horror. I personally try to find those "B" and "C" movie gems that are out there. This movie takes a solid dump on anyone who would ever pony up the money to purchase it. I can't believe that they got a couple of established actors to work in this crap. There is literally no redeeming point in this movie. It didn't deliver on any point. The humor, while attempting to be "shocking" is shoved down your throat, it's obvious and tedious. Avoid at all costs.

This movie is terrible. Nothing like the first. If you haven't seen either...watch the first, and avoid, NEVER NEVER WATCH THIS ONE. I want to say more terrible things about this movie, but I'll just be wasting space. Just please believe me that I love this genre of movies, and that this one does not deserve a viewing.
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rhaynes19741 August 2010
Train wreck of a film and before the hate mail starts - no budget is no excuse - I could have done a hell of a lot more with 400 grand (any takers :) The film looked like it was shot on video (HD is fine but needs to be graded properly) thrown together in about a week or so and featured some truly diabolical performances.

The only saving grace and giggle this crap got out of me was from the fabulous Lin Shaye (who was slumming here) and Bill Mosely please get your agents to read the scripts before doing the films - YOU deserve so much better than this - sheesh - and I enjoyed the first one. It's independent efforts like this one that are going to sink the indie horror scene not re-invigorate it. Unfortunately due to the offensive nature of most scenes it'll probably make a good return on investment and there'll probably be a third but for God's sake at least work with a script that doesn't seem like it was written on the back of a piece of toilet paper, and hire an editor who can grade your picture properly.

A wasted opportunity.
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AWFUL sequel to a very decent movie
vasax22 July 2010
This review is for rated version of the movie because that's the one I watched.

I am a fan of 2005 Tim Sullivan's movie "2001 Maniacs". I have watched it with great pleasure both back in 2006 and today once again to prepare for the sequel. But I have to say now that the sequel is below any skeptical expectations.

Main characters don't make you care about their fates at all unlike the characters from the previous movie. Bill Moseley is no replace for Robert Englund, he tries hard but still isn't convincing and interesting enough.

Poor acting with a few exceptions (Lin Shaye) and very weak plot are what you're going to see in this movie. The movie looks cheap and reminds me of some C or even D class horror movies: not funny jokes (including toilet humor), excessive use of swearing (unnecessary in a lot of scenes), predictable plot and complete nonsense in many scenes. Some of the situations the script puts for example Granny Boone into are very frustrating to my mind. I don't want her to do what she had to do, it looked very unnecessary and out of character.

What I liked about the movie is lots of word play hinting - that was at least entertaining. The second highlight was a number of a really hot, handsome guys showing some private parts. That was a total guilty pleasure for me.

I don't recommend you watching this movie unless you want to ruin your good impressions based on the 2005 film. But if you're into hot looking guys or girls and just want to stare at them rent this movie.
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Even the blood, boobs, & violence can't save this one
Shattered_Wake17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Five years ago, Robert Englund starred in one of the most entertaining of the modern remakes, '2001 Maniacs.' That film did what I believe most remakes should do: It took a somewhat forgotten film, Herschell Gordon Lewis's 'Two Thousand Maniacs!,' and did something a bit different with it. It was a change from other remakes like that take already great & well known films and ruin them.

Now in 2010, the Maniacs of Pleasant Valley, Georgia, return for '2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams.' In this installment, the undead Southerners head out on the road and meet up with a spoof version of the brainless duo Paris Hilton & Nicole Ritchie's show 'The Simple Life.' The crew of the show is lured into the town's centennial celebration where they, like many other Yanks before them, become the revenge sacrifices of the town's evil leaders.

Before the release of 'Field of Screams,' many wondered why Robert Englund decided to drop out for this sequel. However, after viewing the film, the only wonder I had was why horror legend Bill Moseley decided to replace him in the film. The first film, while it was far from perfect, had a certain charm about it that made some of the flaws of the film easy to look past. However, 'Field of Screams' loses that charm, making the absolutely unbearable writing and acting just about impossible to watch. There is plenty of great gore, crazy kills, and over-the-top humour to make the film watchable, and that will please plenty of horror fans. However, the script and actors, even for a film like this, are just too awful to look past.

Final Verdict: 4/10, boosted a bit due to Bill Moseley & Lin Shaye.

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Doesn't live up to the first
House_of_Gonzo16 July 2010
Well, I just watched this last night and let me preface this by saying I love the first one. The first had original deaths, was funny and the production value was wonderful as is the acting. Well, the new one doesn't hit on any of these.

The acting--Bill Moesley, as always, did a wonderful job. He made Mayor Buckman his own and you could almost forget that Robert Englund played him previously (scheduling conflicts wouldn't allow him to reprise the role). Lin Shaye was also very funny. The rest of the Maniacs did a decent job but where the acting lacked was the actors that get killed off. Not good at all.

Deaths--As I said, the previous film had some great kills, and, as weird as it is to say, they were fun. The ones in this film, not so much. I can't say much more about them as I don't want to give anything way but I think you may be disappointed. Now, I did see the rated version so that may have something to do w/it. However, in order to see the unrated I'd have to buy it and I'm not sure I want to do that.

Production value--I know they only spent 2 weeks shooting this and First Look is on board as apposed to Lions Gate who did the first so I have a feeling that they didn't have much money to work with. That being said, the audio for the entire film sounded as if it was ADR. The voices didn't seem natural and in one scene in particular it sounded as if the actor did his lines over the phone. It was very distracting.

All in all, I was pretty let down. I try not to get to excited about films because I set the bar high but I did w/this anyway and it certainly didn't meet expectations. I'd say 2.5 stars out of 5.
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Awful sequel (some spoilers)
cinemascribe-318 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
2001 Maniacs : Field of Screams

In 2006, some people got together and decided to update H.G. Lewis's gorehound cult classic 2000 Maniacs for the modern era.

The result was 2001 Maniacs, an often genuinely funny, gleefully gruesome exercise in horror comedy that featured a terrific leading performance from Robert Englund as George W. Buckman, undead mayor of Pleasant Valley. The basic premise behind this is that -back during the civil war- some errant union soldiers who were part of Sherman's march wandered into the unsuspecting town and murdered every living thing within its borders. So now the restless dead arise every year to exact their cannibalistic revenge on anyone hailing from the north until the number of their victims matches the number killed in Pleasant Valley- 2001.

Now fast forward to 2010 and Sullivan and Kobin (assisted by producer Christopher Tuffin) have brought us a sequel , bearing the nifty little title 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams . Eli Roth, however, did not choose to return for producing duties on this one. I have to wonder how much of the magic the first time around was due to his behind the scenes influence, because - despite having the same writers and director- this sequel sucks.

What's really heartbreaking is that the premise is a good one. The ghouls of Pleasant Valley, having once again made preparations for another year of slaughter, realize that this time they have no takers. After a promising opening sequence where they deal with the local sheriff, Mayor Buckman (a scene stealing Bill Moseley, who proves he's a horror superstar by making the role entirely his own) decides that they will gather en masse' on the town bus and take their festival on the road.

At this point the film introduces us to to a group of travellers cruising in an RV as part of a reality TV show along the lines of MTV's Real World.

The RV comes across a detour sign and is re-routed right into the newly christened Pleasant Valley Travelling Jamboree. From there the film slips into essentially the same territory as the first, as the northerners are picked off in a variety of extremely gory ways .

The acting sucks. I've seen Troma flicks with performances that put the ones in this movie to shame. Moseley is terrific, as are Lynn Shaye and Ryan Fleming (both of whom return from the original as , respectively, Granny and Hucklebilly) - but in all other regards this is strictly amateur hour.

Since there are some good gore set pieces, I might have tended to overlook the acting- after all, this isn't great art. But Field of Screams also manages to commit the unforgivable sin of cult gore cinema- it's boring.

We spend scene after scene watching the idiots from the RV wander around and behave in a manner suggesting that they actually died at birth and -though their brains are inoperative- their nerves have been firing for twenty odd years since, giving the appearance of life. Nothing they do is particularly funny (which is really annoying in the instance of a pair of Paris and Nicole clones, since Hilton and Ritchie are so out of the spotlight at this point culturally that the inclusion of their personality types is lame to begin with) and so many moments unfold with only these people on screen (minus any sign of the Pleasant Valley folk) that they begin to feel like torture.

Then there's the pacing. I kid you not..at times it's as if the people in this film are sleepwalking through a river of molasses.

Case in point: there's a moment inside of one of the festival tents where Buckman informs several of the surviving northerners (who have all been bound together) that they have a chance to live if they search for and find various weapons hidden around the jamboree site while the ghouls hunt them. If they arm themselves and can fight their way out before being killed, they're free to go. So what happens? We get a shot of these people walking -not running, mind you, but walking -away from the tent after being sent out to locate the weapons while two banjo players idly stroll behind them . Now, personally, if a town full of cannibalistic shades had just untied me and told me that all I had to do to avoid ending up on the menu was find the gun hidden somewhere close by, walking wouldn't enter into it. I'd be rocketing into the night looking for something to whack a hillbilly with.

Throw in some second rate, racially charged attempts at comedy, a horrendous and ill considered Flashdance parody and a character who can apparently shrug off being impaled on a pitchfork as if it were a paper cut and you end up with a film that misses the mark disastrously. Excellent splatter effects and a top notch turn by genre great Moseley are not enough to cover the multitude of pacing and performance issues prevalent in this sequel. A definite disappointment.
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trashgang24 August 2010
What the hell, what is this piece of crap. I was looking forward to enjoy this but what a mistake it was. I wasn't a real fan of the first part, I guess that American based geeks better understand the history of north and south but the second movie. Really tedious. It really bored me and I don't know what to tell or write about it. There is a bit of gory parts but it's never convincing. Off camera mostly shot. The only thing that the movie delivers are boobs. I guess every girl in it will show their juggs. Except Campbell, sadly, okay, she wobbles them but never delivers. And see, it's all about the tits. Some shots made are all about showing the boobs. But again, I don't mind if it fits in the story but here it gratuitous. The most frightening thing is the face of Ogre, the singer of Skinny Puppy, he sometimes delivers a creepy face as we are used of him. Anyhow, forget this movie, I've watched it so you don't have to do it...
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Suck my Dixie! This movie was awesome!
refuseliamxfilms4 March 2010
I have just returned from the English premiere of '2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams'. Never have I had such a fun time inside a cinema. This movie has everything, blood, breasts and beasts! The movie represents everything that is missing from mainstream cinema, and that is 'soul'. There was so much heart put into this movie ... a long with other body parts, which are proudly splattered on screen.

Bill Moseley stars here as Mayor Buckman, taking over from Robert Englund. Bill Moseley does an excellent job in the role and really makes it his own. Ogre also puts on an outstanding performance playing Harper Alexander and it was great to see Lin Shaye return as Granny Boone.

I really hope Tim Sullivan continues with more adventures of the maniacs, Independent cinema is still alive!
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It's just straight up splatter.
Strawberry_Typhoon4 July 2010
The first "2001 Maniacs" movie came out of left field for me. I had already seen Herschell Gordon Lewis' "2000 Maniacs" and While I personally enjoyed it, it seemed like an odd movie for someone to remake. It had the backing of a solid indie studio, and starred Robert Englund, so I checked it out. Some people hate it. It's campy, with over the top gore, and way over the top acting, but it's a fun flick, especially if you're a fan of the HGL original. "2001 Maniacs: Field Of Screams" follows that same pattern of campy goodness. Genre favorite Bill Moseley, however has replaced Robert Englund this time around. While we're introduced to a couple of new characters, the best characters from the first film have been kept. While the story is not exactly paramount to the plot. It is however, summed up with a slick comic book style intro montage. Basically, during the civil war, some "yankees" came into the small town of pleasant valley, and raped, tortured, and killed the entire town. Since then, the town folk return once a year, luring unsuspecting northerners into a festival, in which they will kill and eat each one of them, until they reach the magic number of 2001, which signifies the number of them that were killed. This year though, the sheriff of the town, who has apparently been playing ball with the ghouls, has told them that he would no longer allow their festival of death to happen. What can they do, other than to take their carnival of the macabre on the road?

Before pressing the play button, you have to ask yourself the following questions. In order for you to enjoy a film, do you have to have solid, clever writing, and amazing acting? If the answer is yes, you're probably not going to dig on this sequel. Director Tim Sullivan is not out to win any awards with this one. He simply wants you to have fun. In doing so, he's asking you to forgive a lot of stale lines, cheesy delivery, and classic horror movie clichés. Also, considering that this is an homage to hicksploitation, there is a small amount of racism in the film. It's never harped upon, nor is it glorified, but used to display how disgusting our antagonists really are. Then, there are things like the one Hispanic character in the film being named "Jesus" and having his name mispronounced as "g-sus" throughout the entire film. I'm here to tell you though, I'm a bleeding heart liberal at my very core, and none of this offended me in any way. It's an homage, and paying respect to an era of film that was made famous for it's political incorrectness.

The special FX in this film are most definitely practical. From what I could tell, I didn't notice one usage of CG in the entire film. This, as you know, makes me happy. Some of the kills were absolutely insane. Ridiculous, of course, but no less insane. One scene in particular involves a naked chick, and a table saw inching it's way toward her nether regions. Add to that graphic electrocutions, "brokeback" gay sex, and exploding heads, there's enough gooey red stuff in this flick to make even the modest jaded horror junkie crack an evil smile.

If you like your horror loaded with gore, and filled to the brim with enough nudity to make a late night Cinemax movie look like a Disney film, you've come to the right place. It's cheesy, it's goofy, it's gory, it's off the wall ridiculous, but I can think of much worse ways to kill 90 minutes of your life.

Tim Sullivan, in an interview, stated that he was a little more free to do what he wanted this time around. This translates into some insanely grotesque fun. Kills that you would never see anywhere else. As mentioned before though, if you're not into campy films, this might not be for you. There is no clever plot twist, nor are there A-list actors to deliver a well written script. It's just straight up splatter. If that's what you're looking for, you will be satisfied. 7/10

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The line betwixt "just for fun" and "wretchedly low-quality" is a thin one, indeed...
shroyerw-119 November 2010
First off, the viewer should be aware that the movie they are about to watch is not going to be anything even remotely resembling a "good" horror flick. It's more or less a "just for fun" piece, the bulk of its appeal being in all the hot young skin (of either gender) being shown all over the place. Lots of yummy eye candy if you're up for that sort of thing, but there's no real quality to it. This is a film that you can tell was thrown together by people who were more interested in having fun making a movie than they were in making a high-quality movie.

That might sound like a criticism to some, but it isn't. There's nothing wrong with getting a crew together to throw something like this together once in awhile - I'd love to have been on the crew of this flick, in fact. :-) But the fun they surely must have had making it doesn't quite entirely translate into an equally enjoyable viewing experience. It is fun, that's for sure, and if you have time to waste and are not in the mood for serious or deep, "meaningful" horror, this is a good flick to watch. So little attention is paid to the actual plot & dialog, that it's really more the type of flick to have playing on background TVs in dance clubs and the like - what appeal is present is almost entirely visual.

The 5 stars are only because I don't honestly think they were trying to make a great movie - and they didn't. It's a good thing, though - that means they didn't take themselves too seriously, which you can tell when you watch it, which is why the silliness and craziness isn't as annoying as it is when more "serious" movie makers try similar tactics. It's a trashy, low-budget, low-quality "just for fun" eye candy flick. Nothing wrong with that, so long as you know what you're getting. I enjoyed it, might even watch it again sometime.
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This is the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE. EVER. Thank goodness for movie piracy.
smoothdude716 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film because I am know one of the actors and wanted to see their work. I saw the first 2001 Maniacs and at least that was somewhat entertaining. However, this one was NOT. AT ALL. This is why people pirate movies, so they don't have to waste their hard earned money on garbage like this. This movie isn't even a download. Save your bandwidth. Seriously.

"terrencepatrix" has is explained specifically on why this movie is HORRIBLE. Without rehashing what he said, I will give you the reasons why I am writing a bad review WHILE I'm watching this movie... it's so bad, I would rather surf the internet and do something productive with the time I am losing off my LIFE seeing this. In fact, I won't even call my review a review. I'll call it a point by point NEED TO KNOW about this movie. I'm at a point of not giving a damn if I am using bad grammar or syntax writing this. This is a rant about how this movie made me feel while seeing it. It's worse than sitting in an emergency room waiting your turn. At least then, there is a point.

  • The plot is the worst thing ever. They just try to mash a bunch of "jokes" (many of them racist), a bunch of boobs and naked guys (Tim Sullivan is apparently homosexual, thus to satisfy his requirements of making this film homo-friendly). It's like watching a really bad episode of some late night show having skits trying to be funny.

  • The girls aren't even that hot. Looks like the it's back to the pole for them.

  • If you're Jewish, you would find this highly offensive. One of the characters is supposedly Jewish. They say "Jews run Hollywood"--- well, not this time. The fact this movie was even made boggles the mind. STRAIGHT TO DVD (or in this case online)...

  • The acting .. O M F G... the "acting"... Don't quit your day jobs guys. Seriously. Don't.

  • Tim Sullivan should be ashamed of himself for writing such a horrible storyline. I know you gotta pay the bills dude, but really? - Last time I checked we don't give a damn about Paris Hilton and "The Simple Life"... you're only in the wrong DECADE trying to exploit this. Unless you live in a distant far away country away from North America where the show is new.

  • The racial stereotypes. Blacks, Asians, Jewish people, and any ethnicity I have seen in this film should AVOID and BOYCOTT this movie. We get it, the characters are rednecks, but you're only doing a disservice towards America, the South (the Civil War was over ages ago, let it go) and the fact they got an Asian girl and a black girl to do this movie is an ABSOLUTE SHAME. If your parents saw this movie, they would give you the beats for selling out your culture.

  • Imagine going to a carnival in a small town. Now imagine no rides, no cotton candy, no stuffed animals. Now add some blood, some really bad accents, a lot of half naked (or completely naked) women and men from Hollywood's D list. Now combine that with a bad plot, overacting, and an overwhelming sense of bitterness. I hope you don't live in Cleveland and watched this movie... July will give you a really really bitter taste in your mouth, especially after watching this movie.

"Chicken so fresh it's painful" The sign should have said "a movie so bad, it's painful" People who gave this movie anything higher than a 4 has REALLY poor taste in movies. Any SANE adult knows this movie isn't even that funny (if at all), the gore scenes are so poor budget, and this is 1 hour and 23 minutes I want back.
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Mercilessly terrible.
privatebleeding23 September 2010
The previous 2001 Maniacs was pretty good. I was surprised that the parts between the murders were just as fun the deaths themselves (unlike HG Lewis's original). This sequel to the remake, however, is an absolute travesty where NOTHING works.

I'm all for a bad movie, but this one made me angry. The characters are the definition of cliché, the dialog is miserable, and the actors do nothing to even slightly improve upon the crap they're given to work with. Everyone puts on an accent or persona they simply can't pull off. Even Bill Moseley stinks. Every one of his lines comes off as something you'd find on the gag reel. He laughs through each line as though he no longer wants to laugh.

The worst part of this wreck is the merciless attempt at comedy. Trust me, there is nothing funny about this movie! When one joke fails, the viewer moves on. When every joke fails, the viewer gets enraged, especially when each stone aged joke relies too heavily upon multicultural racism and flamboyant homosexuality.

This movie is worse than bad. This movie is, by and large, a sheer waste of time and energy.
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So bad it's still not good.
scrapmetal728 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
2001 Maniacs was not bad at all. It was cheaply done but well done, and a lot of fun. I hadn't expected this sequel, and was excited when I saw that it would star Bill Moseley, because the world does not get nearly enough of him.

Well, we still don't. Neither he nor Lynn Shaye can save this movie. They are not given any good lines or good scenes, or any opportunity to show their considerable talents.

Well, there would be a lot to have to save. Most of the actors in this movie are just painful to watch. Most notably bad is Miles Dougal as "Jerry Schmidt". It's like these people aren't even trying. So many scenes are just so irritating I found myself wishing the movie were over just 10 minutes in.

There's some eye candy. Christa Campbell and Andrea Leon are very nice to look at, but like everyone else in this movie, they aren't given ANYTHING interesting to do.

Ther problem is that the makers didn't get their own concept. The first movie was good, but could have been better. A sequel should have just been an attempt to do it better. Same concept, the ghostly southern town and its tormented inhabitants, some hapless travellers, cue the fun and then the carnage. That's all that was needed here.

Instead, they try to take on current reality TV tropes, they move the venue, they get tired of exploring southern stereotypes and try to do stuff like have Lynn Shaye do a mock performance on Michael Sembello's "Maniac" song from Flashdance (Oddly enough, it's not called "Maniacs", it's called "Cannibals"). Unlike the rousing "The South Will Rise Again" number from the first movie, neither "Cannibals" nor any of the other musical attempts are listenable.

No one wants to watch reality TV, so why would we want to watch a parody of reality TV? The idiots are like the Jersey Shore idiots. It seems like it might at least be fun to see them all get massacred, but it takes forever and the kills are all pretty spare.

The filming is very rushed. Each scene has so many quick cuts that no actor really gets to stand out. Each scene and each cut in each scene feels hasty, yet at the same time the movie drags its sorry arse endlessly until all the protagonists are finally, FINALLY killed. Not that I'm some homicidal maniac who wants everybody to die, but it is only after all the deaths that this sorry excuse for a film can be over.
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Awful(small spoiler)
un16 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen the 1st movie then you'll be very disappointed by the 2nd! the 1st movie had, as plus, hot women(there are some in this movie too but they seem like cheap escorts compared to most of the girls in the original) and it had charismatic actors(even if some actors were not so good, I'm talking about the three "northern guys" who were friends) and it had some cool death scenes, and I really enjoyed the first one with Miss Pussycat.

So what does "2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams" have to offer? most of the original actors(talking about those in the ghost town) are not present in the movie(a very big minus), in fact it's very lame, since the new actors can't act at all! You'll also hear lame swearing and other lame stuff, the death scenes are also lame in this movie, in fact the whole movie is boring! If they wanted to kill up a good horror setup and a promising 1st movie then CONGRATULATIONS! this movie ruined it.

PS I also enjoy that in this 2nd movie they can't make up their minds if the mayor's eyepatch goes on his left eye or on his right eye.
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Avoid avoid avoid!
stuart_osborn20 September 2010
As a fan of B movies, low budget horror and gore I have pretty much seen a lot of tripe in my days. But this has to be one of the worst 'films' I've seen in a very long time! And I've just watched neighbor! I won't bother with the synopsis or plot as there doesn't seem much of it to speak of. The budget must have been about $20 and it shows! Only managed to get through 30 minutes of this dung heap of a movie before switching off. Bad acting, bad script, bad direction, bad sound quality, well, bad everything really! I see the original with Robert Englund gets some favourable reviews but anyone reviewing this, even the least bit sympathetically, must have worked on the movie! Avoid like the plague!
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Anything above 1* must be fake, honestly..
maccy-928938 April 2019
Literally one of, if not the worst film I have ever seen. It's not even so bad that it's good, it's just absolutely terrible. The acting is excruciatingly bad, the sound is dubbed over - and not well. It's just an absolute mess from start to finish. If you gave me £6 and a 200mp camera I would have made you a better film.. and I actually liked the first one.
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Simply Atrocious
Linda197329 September 2010
I cannot find one single thing that was good about this movie. I enjoyed the first, and own it. I was looking forward to seeing this one, but this movie fails on every single level.

I am not surprised in the least that Robert Englund is not involved in this. Though he has made some stinkers in his career, he had the sense to steer clear of this one. Lin Shaye should have known better, but she must have needed a check. Bill Moseley has never been worse in his life. As for the rest of the bunch...the "acting" is horrible from every person involved. Technically the camera work is amateurish, the sound is everywhere except where it should be, and there appears to be no director or script to be found. I would mention set design, but there is no set. This is literally filmed in a field with some tents. No joking, just tents. I read the film cost about $400,000 to make, but I see nothing that would run over $400.

Every single person involved in the making of this should be ashamed.

Hands down, one of (if not the) worst movies I have ever seen.
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The South has risen again.
ScottyDawg718 March 2010
I caught a screening of 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams in London a few days ago and thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. Although this wasn't the finished product,the soundtrack still needed mastering etc, the silliness and colour jumped from the screen and made the most of its few flaws with the aid of a fun script,economic yet still insane direction and a cast and crew who obviously enjoyed every minute of shooting despite all the challenges they had to face thanks to a budget a lot less than the previous film and therefore more in the spirit of Herschell Gordon Lewis's original. Those who assume it's less of a film without Robert England in the Mayor Buckman role,fear not. Bill Mosely fills Buckman's shoes with relish,especially in his scenes with the ever reliable and totally bonkers Lin Shaye,who returns as Granny and plays her with even more zeal and anarchy than the first time round.

Also,special mention to an unmasked Ogre for his best on-screen role so far as Doc Harper,especially for one particular scene which I wouldn't want to spoil by saying more apart from wishing it makes it past the censors uncut. If anything,this one's even more politically incorrect and offensive than the first and the goretastic deaths are hilarious and effective. Add the cool comic book opening credits,a great soundtrack,a song and dance sequence which defies description and you have a highly recommended slice of old school comedic grindhouse fun.
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Sequel sends UK premiere Audience screaming with laughter
xgeishagirlx7 March 2010
Finally the sequel to the brilliant cult classic, 2001 Maniacs arrives. In 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams, The politically un-correctness hitches up the radar with a host of North vs South characters in this very uncivilized homage to the Civil war. The Tagline reads- 'Guess who's Coming To Dinner?' and in this sequel, not only does the audience get a VIP invitation but so does a host of unsuspecting, morally challenging group of cast and crew members of a new reality TV show. The action has moved up North, Gone is Robert Englund and in his place stands the brilliant Bill Mosely. The victims are more diverse and stereotypical than the predecessors to Pleasant Valleys wrath. The death scenes more imaginative and gory than the last- and the hoots of the ye olde barn dance of terror having ya rolling with tears and laughter. The sequel of 2001 Maniacs, brings with it more mania and mayhem than the last and will leave the audience with a smile on their face and perhaps a fear of going to the deep south for a visit. For it could be you served up for laughs in this platter of vengeful glory. Yee haw!
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dobbiesautographs24 March 2017
the worst sequel ever - very forgettable - nothing more to say - not a patch on the 1st movie - wooden acting - and a very thin plot line , please don't waste time and money on this movie , I found no evidence of humour , or any real gore , even the plot line was wafer thin , it didn't help that the main character was played by a different actor , I found nothing redeeming in this movie what so ever
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Torturous viewing
youlking2 June 2015
I always watch a film to the end once I have started, this one was tough going though... It's truly painful to watch.

I saw the original about a week before so I thought I'd give it a go, I wasn't expecting much but I wasn't expecting to be put through this cack.

Within 5 minutes you want every single 'good' character to die. Within 10 minutes (and that's being kind) you want the actors to die as well. Within 20 minutes you may just want to die yourself.

The acting is disgusting, not even amusingly bad, it's so bad I wanted to climb into my TV to kill them all myself. The acting is so much better in the majority of 'adult' films, as is the plot, the sound, the effects, I could go on. It wasn't just that a bad actor spoilt a scene (all scenes were spoilt by the fact that they existed in the first place), almost every line throughout is badly delivered.

The very few lines that the average moron could find amusing are rendered limp by a complete lack of 'comedy timing', even the most useless director should have known to re-shoot them with some direction.

The sound quality is the worst I have ever heard. The volume goes up and down randomly, it's just bizarre.

The racist stereotypes and 'jokes' (and I'm sorry to say that I would often laugh at some of these) fell flat without fail. After a while they really grated. Even the first film wore these out pretty early on but this one took it to a new level.

The producer (character) played by Andrea Leon is the worst actress I have seen, she shouldn't be allowed in another film. Ever. She probably shouldn't even be allowed out in public in case she spoke to someone.

A lot of the cast and crew shouldn't be allowed to work on a film again. They shouldn't even be allowed to sell cakes at a fête.

In fact, some of them should be dropped in the middle of the ocean and forgotten, along with all copies of this trash.

I hate this film.

Everyone that was any part of this film should be ashamed of themselves. Their families should be ashamed by association.

There is more to say but this film has already wasted too much of my time.
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This Film will rekindle the War Between the States
SouthernPride19647 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I simply cannot imagine all of these fanciful reviews for this hurtful, insulting, and negative film. The depiction of the Glorious, Unreconstructed, South is, put simply, a disgrace.

We in the real South, the pure South, have striven to rise above the momentary lapse of sanity which you Northerners still call the "Civil War." Yet there was nothing even remotely "civil" about burning our women and children, and worse yet, effecting our property and moral rights against our will and good judgement. The result has been easy to see, in cities such as Detroit, and Memphis, and even Philadelphia.

This Maniac film treats us as fools (though at least that director got the glory of our costumes right.) The film reviles in gory violence. My three year old daughter (the older of the twins) actually toddled out of the room, screaming and crying, after seeing some poor fella dispatched in the most un-gamely, and if I dare say, most un-scientific manner. I'm a butcher (and part time medical doctor) by trade, and I can tell you that a bi-laterial cut like that would be a waste of time and resources.

Mark my words. This film is bad news for race relations, genderic relations and sexuality relations. It should be banned and I'll be right outside the theater with the twins, exercising my rights as an AmeriKan to force people to not see it. Or something.
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