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Superb Gangster Fare
gary-44425 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A tremendous British film boasting a strong cast, intelligent script, and a solid story. Tightly edited, the film bounces along mainly due to some superb characterisation. The plot basics are simple. A drifting loser finds boxing,a friendship and purpose, but all at a price.

Colin Salmon as Head Bouncer Louis dominates proceedings physically with an utterly convincing brooding presence, and a fine acting performance.Shaun Parkes shines as his sidekick Rob, and Mel Raido carries the lead role as Danny with a restrained, under stated performance."Coronation St" fans will spot Nikki Sanderson ( the erstwhile Candice)as Dance Teacher Gee Gee.

Whilst violent, and crude, the cerebral reflections of Danny, and some wry dialogue ,elevate this above the banal "geezer speak" of some of its genre contemporaries, noticeably the work of Guy Ritchie.Although the bloody "crucifiction scene" echoes one from the seminal "Long Good Friday", Director Neil Thompson succeeds in providing staple ingredients which deliver credibility rather than cliché, with the 95 minute running time just right. It is also far superior to the contemporaneous "Shifty" by Eran Creevy.

A hidden gem which will stand the test of time.
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Importance of Friendship
Baghdaddy16 January 2014
Great British Drama, which depicts the life of a man who lives in constant fear until he meets a group of friends who change that. After meeting outside the gym, the main guy offers him a job as a bouncer, and the main protagonist begins to train hard in order to fit in with his newly found friends.

Nice meaning as a film and famous phrases such as quotations from Sun Tzu's 'Art of War'. Shows the impact and importance of friends on a person's life.

Would have been rated much higher if the final fight scene involving the two friends seeking revenge was choreographed and shown, as that would have been a thoroughly entertaining climax.
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Great Crime Drama Set In Birmingham
wilsonstuart-3234612 May 2018
Tired of endless 'Mockney' gangster flicks? Fed up with Danny Dyer? Bored with the same plots and dialogue recycled time after time (think Essex Boys anyone)? Then Clubbed is just the antidote you need.

Set in Birmingham in the early 1980s, a meek factory work (with a shaded backstory) re-establishes his pride, confidence and even masculinity in the dangerous world of nightclub security. The acting, direction and production values are simply first class; characters are brought to life as three dimensional people with challenges, values, beliefs and problems like everyone else; and, yes, the violence is frequent, messy and sudden - again, just like in real life - but like every other life lesson and action (beneficial or otherwise) contained within this morality play, its use is never without consequences.
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What a great British film
demaym1 March 2009
I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this one, but I thought it might be o.k - So I was pleasantly surprised, as I found myself gripped within the first 10 minutes.

This film is fast paced, so you won't get bored. It just gets on with it and flows nicely throughout. No filler, no overly long dialogue, and no corny subplots.

Not one for the faint hearted, as adrenaline is sure to pump throughout. Not many movies manage to hit the right spots at the right time, so these guys did a good job.

The soundtrack is great, and really compliments the action. The acting is realistic, and the casting was superb. You become quite attached to the characters throughout this short journey.

With action, violence, drama, crime, comedy, and touching moments, this film should appeal to a wide range of people.

As far as British film goes, this movie is right up there, and possibly in a league of its own.

A very enjoyable and touching flick, which I'd recommend to anybody - especially fans of British cinema.

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Agreeably rather more than your average lowlife gangster Brit flick
pfgpowell-130 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered Clubbed by chance when I came across a copy promoting the release of the film on DVD in the office. That I had never heard of it is, in a way significant, in as far as it is an independent production without big studio backing and obviously only had limited promotion when it was first released in cinema. Or at least limited promotion of which I was unaware. That is a shame, because it isn't half bad (as we Brits tend to understate), and deserves a wider audience. Briefly, it is the story of a man who discovers courage and self-respect. Mel Raido is that man - Danny - a factory worker in a dead-end job who has been divorced by his wife and dotes on the two daughters he can only see by arrangement and the goodwill of his wife. By chance he meets Louis, a nightclub bouncer who is passionate not only about boxing but the psychology of violence, fear, warfare and 'fighting with fighting'. He also meets Louis's two assistant bouncers Rob and Sparky, of whom Rob is by far the more sympathetic. Other characters include a local psychopathic hoodlum and his henchmen, and Danny and Sparky's wives. Every performance is strong and intelligent, and there is a horrible logic to how everything gradually spins out of control with Rob dying a horrible death, Sparky killing himself by drinking bleach and Louis serving 12 years in prison for an attack on Hennessy, the hoodlum. Invariably, Clubbed will be lumped together with other recent Brit films - the DVD bills it as a cross between Trainspotting and Layer Cake, but that is unfair. It is more intelligent than Layer Cake ever was and has none of the very dark - Scottish - humour of Trainspotting. If anything, my one criticism is that Clubbed lacks depth: we could have done with more characterisation and the establishment of character and motivation. If that would have made the film longer, well so be it, I, for one would not have complained. Given that British films, as a rule, have far more limited resources than Tinseltown productions, and given that independent British films have even fewer resources, Clubbed is exceptionally well-made. However, as with other Brit films, a certain self-consciousness comes over in as far as Clubbed knows that it will be likened to the other Brit flick lowlife gangsters films which have been made these past ten years and, more pertinently, that is where it will be assumed it target audience is. But clubbed is not just another lowlife gangster film. It is a film examining character, yet I sense that, with one eye on the market - which means the finances, which means not losing money - it feels it has to pull its punches slightly and cannot get as deep into an examination of Danny's psyche as it would have like to have done which, at the end of the day, would have made a good film even better. Finally, it has to be said that the portrayal by Mel Raido - who would be a shoo-in for the title role of any mooted biopic of the great Norman Wisdom - is superb, and that despite the necessary limitations of the script and direction, he gains sympathy for his character Danny, at heart a decent family man who has yet to realise his full potential.
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Great film. Can't wait to see it again.
monellion1 February 2008
Just watched this and was blown away, not sure when it is coming to cinema but can't wait to see it again.

There are not many well-known names in the cast but seems to have found the best of the British talent not yet ruined by Hollywood.

The initial story is about a factory worker called Danny who is down on his luck and close to suicide, he is recently divorced and even his kids start to see his weaknesses.

When he starts to involve himself with some new friends at a boxing gym, who work as club doorman, and explores new relationships with people he can trust, his life starts to improve.

With his new found lifestyle other stories start to evolve. Sparky is finding it hard to resist the pressure and the money coming from the local gangland boss Hennessey. Rob is on a crusade of removing the club of Hennessey's drug pushers and Louis, the head doorman tries to keep them in toe including his new found protégé Danny.

I was not old enough to remember the eighties but the film felt embroiled with fashion and music that seemed to show the culture of the time.

There are not many films I can remember getting goose bumps but I was effected several times throughout this film, which is even more surprising considering its genre.

I have just checked out the films website and there is a trailer, so have a look.
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Clubbed- Pleasantly Surprised
kayleighsheldon5 February 2009
I rather enjoyed this film, admittedly i only watched it to see Scot Williams, who i am on a one woman quest to marry one day. But i thought it was thoroughly entertaining. Rob, Louis and Danny were very likable and believable characters- the ending made my cry!! And i have always loved the brilliant Maxine peake!! This film is perhaps a good starting point for anyone wanting edgier British cinema without too much initial violence, as some of guy Ritchie's stuff etc can be over the top and unnecessarily nasty. Milesssssssssss better than that God-awful scouse film 'the crew' which was released almost simultaneously, although Scot Williams makes that worthwhile too... Give Clubbed a go.. its surprisingly good x
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Just Loved It
collioure_bee16 January 2009
To be honest, I reckon this knocks spots off any Guy Richie gangland type film. This is British Cinema at it's best and I was left wanting the film to just go on longer. The way it finishes with a blast of Bob Relf's northern soul number Blowing my Mind to Pieces just left you feeling excited about what had gone before. Yes it is brutal in places, funny too, as well as genuinely scary, not scary in the horror film type way but in the scared for the main characters. Brilliantly acted, the soundtrack of decent soul, Gwen Guthrie's Keep the Fire's Burning, Chic's Everybody Dance and even Willie Tee's One Way Street and the fact I found myself caring about the characters kept me hooked on the film right from the beginning. I can't recommend this film enough if you like a good hard film, well constructed with plenty of nostalgia thrown in.
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If You See "Clubbed", Fine. If Not, No Big Deal.
redrobin62-321-20731119 February 2020
If you're into soul and disco music, "Clubbed" offers it in spades. In fact, I kind of hate equating modern crime films that utilize an R&B soundtrack ala Tarantino, but in this case, it can't be avoided. Without pointing to the similarities in "Pulp Fiction" and "Jackie Brown", let me say that "Clubbed" is not a bad film to spend 90 or so minutes with. Sure, in that time, you could be vacuuming your carpets or walking your dogs, but "Clubbed" is actually time well spent if you're into weaklings learning to beef themselves up. This is a trope in a LOT of Chinese Wuxia films; obviously, that's not a unique premise here. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch as a caterpillar blossoms into a Monarch, or something like that.
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Mediocre, one-dimensional and depressingly unintelligent. Another misfiring also-ran Britflick.
NitrousMcBread18 January 2009
"Clubbed" is yet another 'will-this-do?' entry into the Brit fisticuffs genre and is sure to keep punters who aren't expecting too much moderately entertained for ninety minutes after a few beers. However, for anyone seeking intelligent, quality entertainment it's really best avoided.

There are so many misnomers in the appalling script that even an actor of the calibre of Colin Salmon is left looking daft. The action is set in the 1980s, but it's never clear why, especially when they haven't been able to pull off any convincing feel for that decade - it takes more than a few 80s soul records on the soundtrack, the occasional zoot suit and a handful of 30-year-old cars. Then we see central characters studying texts such as Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War" and speaking about how violence should be a last resort, while the same characters seem only too willing to start doling out punches with all the testosterone-fuelled, unthinking abandon of a bunch of chavs fighting over a bag of chips.

Character development does not exist in "Clubbed". Nor does irony, subtlety or pathos. This is a film which trades on fond memories of Guy Richie's early gangster films, which despite their flaws certainly had much more wit, better editing, snappier dialogue and packed more emotional punch than this limp little saga. They're a decade old now, anyway - isn't it time we moved on from trying to emulate them?
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Clubbed makes UK cinema cool again!
TheOracle8021 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Gangster, geezer, Brit flicks have become some what of a tradition, in fact there's probably enough for a whole genre or at least a shelf in HMV.

So when a friend of mine invited me to a preview screening of CLUBBED I was expecting it to have the same credentials, but scratch beneath the surface and here is a film with a heart all the way through it like a stick of Blackpool rock. It is an absolute gem!

A depressed and downtrodden father already separated and scraping a living is beaten up in front of his kids. This incident spurs him on to confront his fears and he meets the guru of the piece Louis at a down at heel boxing gym who teaches him to stand his ground and not take any crap. The guys are all doormen at a local night club and Danny (our hero) soon becomes part of the gang and ready to do his stint on the door with resultant beatings and bloodstains. That's when things get really nasty...

With stunning performances from a great home grown British cast (the guy who plays Sparky in particular really stands out) and an old school 70's and '80s soundtrack, make this is a stand out Brit flick which should be massive.
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Have a Good Night, Lads
JoeytheBrit19 June 2009
Writer Geoff Thompson is a former bouncer who allegedly advocates hiding in the company loos to write your next best-seller so that some poor chump unknowingly pays you to do it while one of your workmates has to do the work you neglect. Works for him, I suppose, but not the most honest of attitudes (if it's true).

This film is based on his autobiographical novel and it's quite a decent little film (although James Marquand's similarly themed Dead Man's Cards beats it by a country mile in all departments). The story is sort of believable - although morally dubious - but it's let down by a failure to establish a believable sense of period and a poor performance from Colin Salmon who might look the part but is totally unbelievable as a philosophical hard man who takes Thompson alter-ego Mel Raido under his wing. Salmon's lack of presence is counter-balanced by a good performance from Scot Williams as Sparky, one of a cadre of three bouncers who become Danny's (Raido) surrogate family when his marriage (and life) fall apart. Raido himself isn't that believable as a hard man thanks to an unfortunate resemblance to 50s British comedian Norman Wisdom. Despite this disability he delivers a decent performance while never really managing to win the audience's sympathy.

The violence in this film is graphic and liberally sprinkled throughout the film, as is the kind of language that made films like Rise of the Foot Soldier, another recent Brit crime-flick, so laughable. No doubt it's authentic in some milieus but sometimes realism paradoxically serves to undermine the truth of a scene...
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Where to start
Jaffa5528 May 2023
I'll be honest, I only managed half an hour of this. I seriously struggled with some basic concepts. For example. Why did they cast actors who are about 9 stone soaking wet to play bouncers? Why was the main protagonist taken into the fold of the bouncers (I use the term loosely) gang based on the fact he looked in the gym window and that automatically made him "one of the lads"? Really? Was there a bouncer shortage in the 80s?

Why was the acting and script so atrocious? Even Maxine Peake and Colin Salmon couldn't save this. I'm all for low budget Brit movies where a good screenplay can override the weaker elements of a production but Christ on a bike it has to be better than this.
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Tough and moving, a really great film!
nooclar4 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was invited along to a test screening of "Clubbed" earlier this year and have to admit that I was blown away by it. The makers gave a brief speech up front about the history of the film. It is based on a best selling book and is a true story. The film is much better looking than I was expecting. It is more like a gritty Working Title kind of film than a Ken Loach. It is the story of a man who is brutally attacked in front of his children, his life falls apart then he meets the highly enigmatic Louis (Colin Salmon from Alien vs Predator) and is drawn into the world of the nightclub. The film picks up a massive pace then as events begin to roller coaster and things start to go really wrong! There is a great twist too!

There was a lot to like about this film. It looks great and it really really moved me. Especially knowing it is true. It is quite harrowing in places but has enough humour in it not to drag you down. The soundtrack is spectacular and has tracks from Chic, Sister Sledge and Forget Me Nots, the Men in Black tune.

The cast is great. I have not seen the lead guy in anything before but he is AMAZING! Looks like Mel Gibson meets Daniel Day Lewis. Colin Salmon is in there too and this has to be the performance of his life.

To give a balanced review I guess I should put some negatives in but it just really moved me. I was expecting a film about a thug but found a film about a guy who just happens to be in the wrong place and wrong time and is forced to make some really big decisions. There is some fairly heavily violent scenes in there, one springs to mind in particular where the woman next to me put her paper over her head, and the language is quite heavy. But there was a big age range in the theatre and everyone seemed to love it. it got a standing ovation at the end!

The film makers said it will be out towards August or September. I think this film is the next Long Good Friday. Actually it is a bit like a cross between the Full Monty and The Long Good Friday. Go see this film!!!
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Gripping drama with depth and integrity
livingjoy3 September 2008
I really loved this film and I wasn't expecting to! I usually go to the cinema to watch romantic comedies, however I went as my friend had been an investor on the film and had been raving about it for months.

From the start I was drawn in. I found myself really involved in the characters lives and I really cared what happened to them. With each twist and turn of the plot I became more and more involved.

There were violent moments, which are to be expected with a movie about bouncers, however I felt that they were well done. They were very realistic and really added to the intensity of the plot.

All that I can say is that it is wonderful to see British cinema shining again. This is the type of film that the UK should be making - as it is what it is so good at. A film with a strong plot, engaging characters and a unique gritty style.

I will certainly recommend this film to others when it is on general release.
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Promises a lot, fails to deliver
cskoien5 May 2009
The promotions for "Clubbed" project a slick looking film based around the clubbing scene of the 1980's. What we end up with is a film with identity issues. The sub-plots end up taking over from what viewers would assume to be the main plot, so the focus on this film being mainly about "clubbing" ends up being left in the gutter.

Boxing, depression, self-loathing, gangsters, bouncers and drug-deals, are all hastily crammed into 90 odd minutes. On no less than 4 occasions I had to check the run-time of the film, as the worry grew that this film was bound to disappoint.

What club scenes we do see are bland and repetitive, featuring approximately 3 extras dancing in what is barely recognisable as a "club", hardly capturing the vibe of the day.

If you're looking for a film about the 80's club scene, something along the lines of what "Human Traffic" did for the late 90's, forget "Clubbed".
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Reality gangster with a superb gloss
jegpad31 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film demanded a second take, especially because of the excellent twist at the end. And a second take still retained the virtual stomach punches and the empathy I felt for the fear and loathing pervading the lives of the bouncers.

The shockingly crude language lends even more reality to the perilous nastiness that rules the doormen's existence.

Yet within the scary setting there are some real belly-laughs:

Louis: "Make a bit of noise and the whole army can be robbed of it's spirit. Sun Tzu." Louis exits. Sparky: "Who the **** is Sun Tzu?" Rob: "How do I know, I don't know all his mates do a?"

Spotting which one was Neil Morrisey was quite a tease.

Let me make myself 'crystal' it's expletive deletive brilliant British film-making.
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Depressed father missing his wife, wanting to get over his fears and be a good parent.
ReaperRayle15 February 2009
This movie was an absolute waste of time. It's nothing but a wanna-be gangster movie. It contains a very predictable plot. My feelings are unsympathetic to the characters, and the dialogue is mediocre at best. Half the time you are looking for something else to do, because the movie is that boring, since you already know what's going to happen. The other half of the time you're desperately hoping the protagonist grows a pair of balls or just ends his life by jumping off a bridge or something. Also, the secondary characters are for the most part one- dimensional. There's no depth to any of the characters in this movie! No depth!
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Surpirsingly Good!
warakalabot26 May 2009
i watched this movie out of boredom. this was nothing good on TV so i decide to rent a DVD. spent an hour in the shop looking for a good movie to watch. finally decided to get the matrix trilogy and since the store offered a promo to get one free when you rent 3. i started searching for another DVD. there was this one guy who was returning the dvds he rented. in my hurry, i just grabbed one the dvds he was returning. so that's ho i got this.

and to my surprise, this movie turned out really, really great. the movie plays out to an inner emotion that most men don't usually admit. fear. especially the fear that you can not protect the one you love. it tells the story in a unique and very personal level. you almost feel like you connect to the character and each emotion he portrays is also your own.

in the end, i felt really satisfied watching the credits. you know that you've watched something great when they roll the credits and you find yourself smiling. i felt good after watching this. unlike most high budget movies nowadays. which leave you dazed and confused and thinking, "what the heck just happened??" goes to show that being a low budget film with almost unknown actors in it doesn't mean that it can't be a great movie. sometimes, all it needs is a connection.

you'll find plenty of that in this movie. now get your behind off your couch and watch this. :)
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The Brit Hit of 2008!
missteek-12 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw an official pre-release screening of Clubbed at the Prince Charles cinema in London's Leicester Square and like the majority of the capacity audience I queued up outside with, I was totally blown away. I didn't know what to expect as the director was making his Feature debut and on the surface it looked like a period Brit flick. However, anyone expecting a Guy Ritchie/Nick Love style movie set in the 80's would have been very mistaken, and gladly so! Clubbed contains everything that those dreadful British Crime films fails to have, and that's HEART...One might think that a film set on the club doors of a violent midlands city in the thatcher ruined 80's might be a perfect vehicle for a bone breaking blood fest, and on one hand it is, for there is no denying it is a violent film, but the violence in Clubbed (as opposed to other British crime films) is there because it 'has' to be and not because the writer/director had too many 'lovely' testosterone flakes for breakfast. It is there to depict the average night in the life of a club doorman. The violence is therefore a barred window into their souls, their heart. Usually, (much like bad love scenes) scenes of violence can seem like an interlude, a perfect time to nip out for pop corn...but not in Clubbed. I'm sure this is down to the life of the writer Geoff Thompson, a Bafta winning writer who apparently spent almost 2 decades on the doors. Indeed after the screening he took to the stage to inform us that everything we saw actually happened! Frightening really. Thompson, (apart from a rather slow and over narrated first 10 minutes) has scribbled an interesting script. It's basically a story about fear (something we all have) and how to conquer it. "What does one do when ones only fear itself"? Then we come to the acting, and in my opinion this is where the film really excels, this is where clubbed stands apart from the usual suspects. Sadly the film industry, especially here in Britain is far too formulaic and it's all too easy to imagine what clubbed might have looked like if the non-risk taking hands of Ritchie or Love (and others). Jason Stathem and Danny 'is' Dyer stamping their mockney hard man (really as hard as candy floss) reebok classics all over it. No, rest assured, there certainly wont be a free copy of 'Clubbed' with every issue of NUTS or LOADED magazine. Thank god the producers took the risks and cast an ensemble of absolute ability over marketability. What we see is easily Colin Salmons finest performance (and the closest to himself apparently), a wonderfully still leading presence in the shape of Mel Raido, a fine subtle hero etched out by Shaun Parkes, and the absolute screen stealing electricity of Scott Williams, a truly iconic performance that will surely be remembered for time to come in the manner of Begbee (or sick boy if only for the hair). I hope this film is marketed correctly and in the right category for if it is, it will surely be a hit and the producers deserve it to be just that. Look out for it...Oh, and did I mention the amazing soundtrack!
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Misleading quotes
Carol78022 January 2009
Why does the poster & artwork say "Clubbed is one of the best UK indie films I have seen in a very long time. SCREEN INTERNATIONAL" when it was a quote of the French distributor REPORTED by Screen International (an influential film trade publication). See which reads:

"Pretty Pictures has acquired all French-speaking rights to Neil Thompson's Clubbed ....James Velaise, president of Pretty Pictures, said: "Clubbed is one of the best UK indie films I have seen in a very long time.""

Isn't this rather misleading? The distributor is bound to say it's good. Are the other quotes real?
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Much, much more than just another gangster flick
greavsie-125 January 2009
Went to see Clubbed mainly out of curiosity. I'd seen it compared to Trainspotting, Goodfellas, This is England and everything by Guy Richie. Couldn't work out how it could be like all this lot at the same time, and it isn't. It's not like anything else really, and I think that's why people have struggled to pigeon hole it. Just when you think you've got it sussed as you recoil in horror at some pretty graphic violence it throws another emotion at you, as you struggle with the lump in your throat, only to have that demolished by a laugh out loud moment. As if that wasn't enough, you're forced to think about what it really means to be a man - to face fears and stand up and be counted. There are no trite solutions here, just difficult questions with no back and white answers. All this is wrapped up in a tense, gripping story acted out in some of the best performances you'll see, and overlayed with a stunning 80's soundtrack. Definitely not to be missed!
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An interesting idea that's not pulled off very well
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Danny (Mel Raido) is a lonely factory worker who tries to get by with his job and to be a good dad to his two daughters after a messy divorce from their mother (Maxine Peake.) But after an altercation with said daughters present at a Working Men's Club, he uses a trip to their dance class to take a glance at Louis (Colin Salmon) and his gang of hard men who train in the boxing gym/free weights section there and to train himself into a tougher, more assertive person. Before long he's taken the philosophies of Louis to heart and has joined him as a nightclub doorman as the 80s disco faze kicks in...but when associate Sparky (Scott Williams) tries to do a sideline in drug dealing, everything turns pear shaped.

As Robert De Niro once stated in the film A Bronx Tale 'there's no bigger tragedy than wasted talent.' The writer of Clubbed had a good idea and a talent to make it into some sort of film...but without the ability, it seems, to put it all together into some sort of coherent film.

As a brummie, some of the filming locations (especially a scene at the end outside the Ring O' Bells pub in Moseley!) were quite easy and fun to spot...but the dour look of the cinematography is really a downer on things. Some really poor acting, for instance lead actor Raido with an indecipherable accent that's all over the place, and a hammy script with some misfiring dialogue are bigger problems for the film though. More established actors like Peake and even telly favourite Neil Morressey are sidelined to very small supporting parts, while the disastrous Raido and Ronnie Fox's lame villain take centre stage. Williams does a poor man's Sick Boy from Trainspotting impression, leaving Salmon and Shaun Parkes seemingly the only performers left with any integrity from the whole thing, as the excessive, blood splattered violence (becoming a common trend for Brit flicks!) takes over. Truly a missed opportunity. **
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Must see
aqos-19 June 2009
I went in to this movie with no expectations and came away happy. This is a story of love and devotion and doing what you feel is the right thing. The main actor reminded me of Bill Moseley visually. He is a dad just trying to do what it takes to keep his girls safe and loved. He decides to try boxing and from this, becomes a club bouncer with the man that is teaching him to fight. The other players at the club are also bouncers. There is a sense of family with all of these men but Sparky. With a baby on the way he makes some bad decisions in order to save money to provide for his family. There is a mobster and his guys involved and this is what complicates the relationships. The end of the movie was very heartwarming. It was nice to see a movie that left me feeling happy and remembering how important our loved ones are.
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Highly recommended!
Kaiman117 January 2009
Have just seen this film on the recommendation of a friend. Great acting and looks superb when you consider this is a low budget Brit flick. It does exactly what it says on the poster, especially the soundtrack - truly cracking indeed, will definitely be buying the soundtrack album. I highly recommend it to everyone, and if you hurry, you'll get a free copy of Watch My Back, from which the film is adapted - great all round I'd say! I hope this film does really well - it deserves too. Saw some of the press articles, which give you a sense of the work and love that has gone it to making it. I have also read some reviews which I found to be a little unfair - take it from me as your regular average 'joe' and not some jumped up pretentious film reviewer - this film is a must see!
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