Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud (TV Movie 2007) Poster

(2007 TV Movie)

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GoreMongral's Review: Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud
ChiefGoreMongral12 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Pumpkinhead, the name alone sends fond memories of the late 80's early 90's when there was still a few good horror movies coming out. Then we got into the Scream era and things got real schlocky. Things we are still trying to recover from as horror fans but anyway that is another issue. The original Pumpkinhad though not a great film still managed to put one of the wildest monsters ever created on the silver screen and though the movie was marginal the monster alone saved it from mediocrity.

In comes this the 4th installment to the Pumpkinhead series, Blood Feud. while part one was decent 2 and 3 were not so fortunate and with the 4th I really questioned if anyone could at least make a mediocre monster flick with ol' PH in it. At its onset we start with some killing and Pumpkinhead which is always a good thing if you ask me, then we get to the opening portions of the "story". We begin with a wedding celebration that gets ruined by a feuding family, sounds like the Hatfields and McCoys right well the cheesy thing is IT IS!!!! For some reason of shear lunacy the writer, director and all involved agreed to give the feuding families these names. Once I hears that I began to laugh at how corny and cheesy that is, let alone totally unoriginal. Well after an accidental death and someone calling up Pumpkinhead for revenge we get back to some killing which does happen frequently especially toward the end. It is this reason that I can say that saves Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud and makes for one of the more entertaining Sci-Fi Channel movies I have seen.

One thing that Sci-Fi for the most part has been liberal with is the gore and they did a nice job here, from bear trap head crushing to Human head stomping there are some nice gruel being thrown around here, not to mention Lance Henriksen reprising his roll of Ed Harley, as a tortured spirit who tried to warn others of the true cost of summoning the demon. Also the last 20 minutes we get a final stand of sorts that has a nice body count by the time it ends.

Though P:BF will not earn points for originality and that crappy decision to name the families Hatfield and Mc Coy I was entertained by this one. The CGI is kept to a minimum and I would have liked to have seen it none at all but compared to the previous installment they did do a lot better job of sidestepping the CGI and only using it in the dark sequences. Old school monster fans will like that this one for about 90% of the time is all man in suit style effects which again saves it from another damaging mark I have against Sci-Fi Channel movies, Crappy CGI.

In the end if you want a monster film with a better than average body count and you can forgive the movie for its shortcomings I would say give this one a shot. The monster FX are handled well and the kill scenes were rather nice. I give Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud: 5/10: a middle of the road example of monster action which is better than I was expecting. Monster Fans give it a shot you may very well enjoy this more than you thought you would.
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Romanian creature feature #6987
Sandcooler27 March 2011
This fourth entry in the "Pumpkinhead"-saga (damn, that's kind of a depressing thing to write) finally goes for the element we've all been waiting for in this series: a Romeo and Juliet storyline. This movie provides us with an important lesson: if there's one thing that can truly express how much you really love a girl, it's by summoning a demon and instructing it to kill her entire family. Duely noted. Other than that the movie doesn't really provide much new, but it's entertaining and gory and just good enough for a lazy evening. It all seems to be in good fun, even the scene where the monster advances on a dude in a wheelchair is suspiciously humorous. The highlights of the movie are Lance Henriksen's interventions though, when it comes to delivering random wise-sounding monologues in rarely-seen genre movies he can't really be topped. Overall "Blood Feud" is a decent sequel, nothing less nothing more.
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Soggy sequel
timhayes-119 June 2007
Pumpkinhead was in itself a decent 80s horror flick. No classic by any means, but an enjoyable piece of fluff. Why then, have we now been treated to a fourth film in this franchise is beyond me. As in previous sequels, there's nothing here to really connect the films except for the monster, the witch and Ed Harley (Lance Henriksen). This time out we follow the feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys. Part of the film is a Romeo And Juliet romance as a young McCoy boy and his Hatfield lover decide to run away to be together. Soon, however, they are torn apart and the boy's sister is killed. The boy escapes to the woods and gets the witch to resurrect Pumpkinhead for some vengeance. The acting is passable at best, amateurish at the worst. The titular demon doesn't even really show up for almost forty minutes and when it does its a pale comparison between it and the original design. Overall, Blood Feud fails to impress. It may be worth a watch once, but certainly not an addition to the collection.
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The best of the sequels so far.
Boba_Fett11381 August 2009
It was a bit surprising to note that this fourth movie from the Pumpkinhead franchise was the best of the sequels to watch. Not that that means that it was a great movie though but it featured a decent enough story, that stays true to the Pumpkinhead-franchise but is not as predictable and clichéd as its predecessors. The characters are all better and the movie also features a decent enough amount of gore to pleasure the genre-fans.

The movie has the same look and feels as the third movie "Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes" and also seems to be shot at the same locations. This isn't a very positive thing though. It got shot in Romania, which is of course nothing like the South of the USA, which made the first Pumpkinhead movie such an atmospheric one.

The movie features some pretty good effects, which also provides the movie with some nice gory moments. It also uses the monster at the right moments and it doesn't make the mistake of featuring it as prominently as any of the other earlier sequels.

Yet again the movie features Lance Henriksen, who had played the main character almost 20 years prior to this movie, in the first Pumpkinhead movie from 1988, directed by Stan Winston. He also reappeared in "Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes" but his role in that movie was rather small and pointless. In this movie his character doesn't make a totally redundant impression and it's a pleasure to watch him in this movie. It still gives the movie a certain bit of more overall professionality over it, despite its overall obvious low-budget look and feel.

A decent enough movie and certainly the best out of the so far three sequels made.


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Wuchakk13 July 2012
The appeal of the original "Pumpkinhead" (1988) was its creepy atmosphere, serious vibe, malevolent monster and the always reliable Lance Henriksen, but other than these factors it wasn't anything noteworthy. As far as overall entertainment goes, practically every Friday the 13th sequel was/is superior.

"Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud" (2007) is the third sequel and -- although it was shot in Romania rather than California -- it stays true to the original concept by having a similar revenge plot and features the three main characters of the original: Ed Harley (Henriksen), albeit now a ghost; the ugly, old witch; and, of course, Pumpkinhead itself. Although Henriksen is 18 years older he's just fine; the witch looks almost exactly the same; as does Pumpkinhead. Speaking of which, some complain about the appearance of Pumpkinhead, but he (it) looks great to me; I know it's probably done via CGI, unlike the original, but it works and I couldn't discern any strings, so to speak.

The unique thing here is that the story involves a modern-day take on the Hatfield/McCoy feud crossed with Romeo & Juliet, which I found interesting.

The creature is featured prominently throughout, as are Henriksen and the witch, and there's loads of gore, but I didn't find the story or the characters all that compelling. It's not bad, but it's not good either; it's somewhere in between. The story needed more drawing power. Still, it's a decent sequel.

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If its broken add some hillbillies
hstephen1384 October 2007
Well they've done it again a new pumpkin head film, the first pumpkin head film was perfect for its time, a dumb, gory, and clichéd monster flick. so heres how it goes, some one loses their loved one, goes to the witch in the woods, gets her to raise pumpkin head and have it murder everyone responsible. unfortunately the film makers have deemed it irrelevant to try and do any other than this, for the films fourth outing, deeming it far more suitable to add some lame romeo and Juliet sub plot, involving an idiotic family feud (over a car!!!!) and surprise surprise some gory pumpkin head slayings, so far so formulaic, but it doesn't stop there the acting talent in this flick is dire...oh so bad half of them can't even keep up a southern accent without slipping into their native and often posher accents. Lance henrikssen is on board so surely he would bring some gravitas to the movies proceedings...but no lance merely ambles on screen lets the words fall out mouth with absolutely no emotion or seemingly direction, and walks off again, i honestly think he just turned up for the money, then went off to his trailer to drunk and reminisce about aliens.

this film is utter cack there is no redeeming feature other than it ending credits which signal its all over.

despite the failings of ph:bf...if you want a no brainer that'll make you laugh for all the wrong reasons watch it.

if you want something with abit more meat and originality avoid.
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A classic in its own right.
paulclaassen28 June 2018
True to the original classic, this installment is a classic in its own right, and the second best in the series (next to the original). The McCoys and Hatfield's family feud resulted in the death Ricky McCoy's young sister. When Pumpkinhead is called for revenge, the families must stand together to survive. With a good script and solid acting, this fourth installment almost lives up to the original.
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Romeo, Juliet … and Pumpkinhead!
Coventry30 March 2011
Presumably due to a severe shortage of inspiration and creativity amongst the newer generation of filmmakers, quite a lot of 80's and early 90's horror film franchises were picked up during the 00's. Most of them simply got remade, but some franchises suddenly received two or more belated sequels that nobody ever asked for. Seemingly overnight, there came new entries in popular 80's horror franchises like "Sleepaway Camp", "Return of the Living Dead" and "Pumpkinhead". The latter film is a modest genre classic, directed by the late Stan Winston, and introducing a unique type of demon that extracts bloody vengeance in your place! Nearly twenty years after the original, there are two new installments entitled "Ashes to Ashes" and this "Blood Feud". "Blood Feud" is basically a reworking of William Shakespeare's famous tale of "Romeo & Juliet", but with a hideous demon thrown in. Jodie Hatfield and Ricky McCoy are two hopelessly-in-love teenagers, but their love is forbidden because of an ancient family feud. When a couple of Jodie's hillbilly brothers kill Ricky's younger sister, he takes her dead body to the local witch Haggis and demands the resurrection of Pumpkinhead. In spite of all warnings coming from Ed Harley, who's restless ghost is still dwelling around after all these years, the humongous demon comes to life and promptly goes on a devastating killing spree. Apart from the horribly clichéd and implausible family feud story, this is actually a rather enjoyable horror movie. The titular demon still looks impressive and there are a couple of truly engrossing massacres to behold, for example when one of the characters tries to amputate his own leg with a switchblade knife because he's stuck in a bear trap and Pumpkinhead is approaching. There's plenty of action and even suspense to make you forget the imbecilic plot and inferior acting performances. Lance Henriksen walks around the film purposelessly, but I guess it's good marketing to be able to display his name on the DVD box.
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Way better than part 2 n part 3. This one has lottuva body count in gory ways.
Fella_shibby1 May 2022
I first saw this in 2007 on a dvd which I own.

Revisited it recently.

The gore n the body count is the highlight along with the towering creature.

But again there is zero atmosphere n no tension or suspense.

Few amazing stuff: Head crushing via the monster's foot.

Head smashing in a bear trap.

Head being decapitated via the monster's hands as if the monster picking up some football.

A man gets impaled by the monster's hand.

A man's intestine gets crushed by the monster's foot.

Some wtf moments: The sheriff is well aware that the monster cant be killed via bullets or any other means and he is well aware how to kill the monster but like a stupid fella he shoots the monster n faces the monster rather than hide or rather than kill Ricky (the person who brought the monster).

The stupid sheriff somehow survives the huge blow after being thrown in the air by the monster. Yet the sheriff doesn't shoot Ricky.

Suddenly the two elders (Old Man Hatfield n Papa McCoy) from the two rival families disappear as if they never existed.

Amy Manson is a hot babe but the movie has zero nudity.
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Problematic but still the best of the three sequels
TheLittleSongbird25 August 2012
I enjoyed the original Pumpkinhead, but the three sequels are not as good. The best for me was this one, though Ashes to Ashes isn't bad either. Blood Wings was severely lacking for me. What I did like about Blood Feud was that it wasn't too bad visually. The effects are a little better than they were in Ashes to Ashes, the scenery is appropriately eerie as well as looking beautiful and the photography is thankfully not as frenzied. The music is haunting, what ties this movie with the original are used well and while the titular character doesn't show up for at least 40 minutes, while not having the impact he makes in the original, he is at least frightening. Lance Henrikssen is very good, he puts a lot of effort into the role and it shows. However, I was largely uninterested with what was going on until he showed up. The story of the Hatfields and McCoys is clichéd and often unbelievable, and is further hampered by plodding character exposition, and even then the characters felt under-written. The writing is rather trite and sometimes cheesy and most of the acting apart from Henrikssen is poor, sometimes even amateurish. All in all, the best of the three sequels but also could have been much better. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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Highly impressive sequel effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder14 June 2016
After their blood-feud prevents their love, a man raises the demon Pinhead to kill off his rival's family to save her for himself which drags the rest of his family into the struggle to prevent the creature from finishing it's work.

This here was perhaps the best sequel in the franchise and had a ton to love about it. What really gives this one a lot to love is the strong story-line here, with the obvious ploy here about the long-standing blood feud between the two families which gives this one plenty to work with here. The beginning impact of the feud, from the opening introduction of the wedding that degenerates into a full-scale barroom brawl between the family's in grand Western-style tradition, kicks it off nicely while the different incidents between them throughout history that are piled on adds to the whole story that is continually added on into the farther sections of the film that simply fuels the revenge part of the story-line. Almost as much fun as the story-line here is the absolutely fun and over-the-top confrontations here which generates a lot of stellar stalking scenes. The opening chase through the forest chasing after the bikers is really fun generating a few enjoyable scenes, and once it starts in on the vengeance against the family there's a lot more to like here as it features a strong series of shorter ambush attacks on the family. The first sequence of it attacking the two at the moonshine farm that results in some brutal deaths, the absolutely fantastic scenes of it taking out the posse in the woods which feature insanely brutal kills on top of the fun the fun of the psychic connection coming along at the most inopportune places that allows this one plenty to like. The film's two biggest scenes here are where the feud leads to the best moments here with the retribution attack on the house setting it on fire and forcing the rescue that is really thrilling, as they battle against the encroaching flames that gives the scene a lot to really enjoy about it, while the film scores incredibly well with the finale house ambush. With the creature delivering full-on justice to the two family's in grand fashion with tons of utterly brutal gore-drenched kills, some fun encounters and plenty of tense stalking that shows the creature coming along and generating some fun here doling out not just justice to the other family but finishing off the other other side-plots featured here. Along with the brutal and gory kills here, the film's other big positive here is the absolutely amazing looking main creature here as the design is creepy, the suit is superb with lots of details and it never really looks bad here for an overall spectacular-looking creature. These here give this enough to really hold this off against the film's lone flaw. The film is yet another variation on the same them now and really doesn't do anything new, not only with the return character here spelling out the franchise rules without doing anything else, just running through the same story-line without much deviation. Along with a few scant scenes of noticeable CGI, these are the film's true flaws.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Language.
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Doomed Love
claudio_carvalho18 August 2008
In spite of the long feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys because of a car accident, Jodie Hatfield (Amy Manson) and her boyfriend Ricky McCoy (Bradley Taylor) love each other and are planning to leave their families and move to another place. During the night, after the Hatfields having trashed a McCoy wedding, Jodie sneaks out from her house to meet Ricky, while his young sister Sara (Maria Roman) looks out for them. However, Jodie is followed and they are found together in the woods by Jodie's brothers Bobby Joe (Ovidiu Niculescu) and Billy Bob (Elias Ferkin) that accidentally kill Sara. Ricky seeks revenge, going to the house of the witch of the woods Haggis (Lynne Verrall) that summons Pumpkinhead to kill all the Hatfields except Jodie. When his vengeance is set in motion, the Hatfields are attacked by the demon in a bloodshed night.

"Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud" uses the forbidden romance between a young couple of two families in permanent feud and a tragic love story like in Romeo and Juliet to bring back the powerful demon Pumpkinhead in another bloodshed. This television movie is not as bad as indicated in many reviews; actually I liked the enjoyable story and I found it underrated with the 4.5 IMDb Rating. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Pumpkinhead 4: Maldição Sangrenta" ("Pumpkinhead 4: Bloody Curse")
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Pumpkinhead:Blood Feud
Scarecrow-8815 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Hatfields and McCoys are two rival families who have been at each others throats since Uncle Abner(a Hatfield)was hit by a car(driven by reckless joyriding McCoys)confining him to a wheelchair..to fuel the ongoing feud, the McCoys didn't provide the motorcar they promised to deliver because of the incident. When Ricky McCoy's sister is killed while running from Tommy and Bob Joe Hatfield, he'll conjure the Pumpkinhead demon to seek revenge. In true Romeo and Juliet fashion, Ricky McCoy(Bradley Taylor) loves Jodie Hatfield(Amy Manson) and such a forbidden courtship leads to inevitable consequences as does the summoning of Pumpkinhead. As the Pumpkinhead demon dispatches McCoys, Ricky's soul is slowly "eaten away". Meanwhile, the damned spirit of Ed Harley(Lance Henriksen, with a more substantial role in this film than the previous entry in the series)tries to talk the witch out of allowing Ricky to summon the Pumpkinhead, and, when that isn't successful, attempts to warn Jodie of the acts set in motion and what she must do to rectify the unfortunate state of affairs which will take away all those she loves. Because of his love for her, Jodie is exempt, it seems, from the fate of her brothers. Everything just escalates; tensions intensify as those Hatfields which remain seek to get vengeance for their fallen brethren.

The Pumpkinhead series perhaps comes to an end as Ed Harley is able to contribute mightily in ending the demon's reign of terror by convincing Jodie to make a devastating choice under strenuous circumstances. Like the other films in the series, the Pumpkinhead demon will not stop until all that are marked are killed so the source will have to be taken care of before it can be vanquished. This could've been called THE PUMPKINHEAD MASSACRE as the demon monster has plenty of victims to rip apart and destroy. The Pumpkinhead series is a nice throwback to the rubbersuited creature features of yore, but I'm not sure why this particular film has such poor hick characters living in Depression era conditions. By all rights, this is set in a modern setting years after Ed Harley conjured the Pumpkinhead, but, for some reason, the film takes place in a western-like town, with surrounding wilderness. It was nice to see Henriksen given more than just a five minute part, his role, Ed Harley condemned to live "between two worlds never to ever see his son for the calling of the Pumpkinhead", extended past "paycheck status". Lots of men crushed, mangled, with their guts spilling out, heads crushed, and tossed about like pillows. I think the oft-used "family feud" plot is played out and tired, but such a premise does seem sensible for the classic Pumpkinhead tragedy, always a factor in every film in the series, where innocents are sacrificed due to a hunger for revenge. We know that once a death takes place, the Pumpkinhead will be called by someone in a moment of blinded rage, and it will not end well for the person who summoned the demon from hell or those marked. The witch is a grotesque sight and the Pumpkinhead creature is as ugly and menacing as ever. Still, I reckon Pumpkinhead's time is up and there's really nothing left to do with Stan Winston's monster..time to retire and let it's bones rest. Rob Freeman has a part as the sheriff, Dallas Pope, who shares a history with the Pumpkinhead demon, and his role in the hit and run accident which left a woman for dead, will be justified(often visited by Harley, who reminds him of what awaits).

"We are what we do."
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Family feuds never end well, especially when the families involved in the feud have to deal with Pumpkinhead.
donny-4222 October 2007
Writer/Director Michael Hurst's Sci-Fi Channel sequel to Stan Winston's classic horror tale of revenge gone awry has its moments and some decent gore, but ultimately falls short in comparison to the original.

I'm pretty sure the filmmakers weren't trying to make a comedy, but I caught myself laughing throughout. A family feud started over a car accident is the basis for this entry into the franchise. The Hatfield and McCoy families live in a backwoods town with dirt roads, drive pickup trucks, drink moonshine, and kick each others asses every chance they get. Just when they thought it was safe to hate each other and live happily ever after, Jodie Hatfield (Amy Manson) and Ricky McCoy (Bradley Taylor) decided to fall in love causing the fit to hit the shan. One night the two lovebirds decide to head out into the woods for some quality time while Ricky's sister plays lookout, but it just so happens that on that very night some of the Hatfields accidentally kill Ricky's sister and catch him and Jodie together. You know what happens next. Ricky finds his sisters body and decides to pay a visit to Haggis so that he can exact his revenge through the mighty Pumpkinhead. Ye Haw! Also, Harley (Lance Henriksen) is back to warn potential damned souls against using Pumpkinhead to ease their pain. Which really put a kink in the story because Harley is supposed to have called on Pumpkinhead years before this story takes place, but the setting and characters look like dirty Pilgrims that somehow traveled through time in order to bring the pickup truck back to Plymouth. Then there's the Sheriff (Rob Freeman) who has his own ties to the demon and looks like he belongs in a 70's revenge movie instead of a made-for-cable horror flick.

Some of the gore and special effects were cool, but instead of sticking to the man-in-a-suit way of thinking Hurst used some terrible looking 3D shots for certain scenes. One particularly embarrassing shot shows Pumpkinhead jumping from tree branches like a badly rendered 3D monkey. The cinematography was exceptional and elevated the quality of the movie quite a bit. The acting was pretty decent also, with the exception of a few poorly executed accents.

Family feuds never end well, especially when the families involved in the feud have to deal with Pumpkinhead. I didn't enjoy every minute of this flick, but it was much better than most of the movies the Sci-Fi Channel spits out. Maybe it's a sign that the Channel is trying to bring the quality of its movies up to match the quality of its original series'. I wouldn't waste any coin on a rental, but if you get the chance to catch a rerun of it on the boob-tube I would say to check it out. It's a not-so-killer-film but it rises slightly above the level of trash that makes it onto DVD these days.
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Definition of Cheap
utgard148 February 2013
Cheap, worthless piece of excrement that is a waste of your time. It looks cheap. It sounds cheap. It is completely devoid of any value whatsoever. Unless you happen to be one of the untalented people involved in the making of this sewage, in which case you could at least say you got paid for it. Although I hope you didn't get paid much.

For the record, I loved the first Pumpkinhead movie. The sequels not so much. If the sequels are turds (and they are) this one is diarrhea. There are people in this world(and all over IMDb) who think all horror movies are supposed to be terrible and therefore we shouldn't judge movies like this too harshly. I think that's complete and total crap. In life, whether we're talking about art or business or anything else, if you make a habit of lowering your expectations then you might as well just stop having expectations. This movie is without any technical or artistic merit and provides the entertainment value of syphilitic dementia.

It does NOT belong in the "so bad it's good" category of movies either, in case you're hoping for that kind of movie. It is just boring, cheap, uninteresting, poorly acted/written/directed garbage. If this movie were a person I would spit in its face.
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5.9 out of 10?!? Are you kidding me?!?!?
Phillemos15 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I realize it's a small statistical sampling (8 votes as of this posting), but 5.9 out of 10? I'm giving this movie a 3 and even that's generous. I've tried to watch this movie three times now (the Saturday night 9 p.m. premiere on SciFi Channel, and the Saturday night at 1 a.m. and Thursday night re-broadcasts) and I've fallen asleep all three times before the movie ends. Which leaves me with a laundry list of unanswered questions. For example, is Lance Henriksen that strapped for cash that he has to keep playing supporting roles in these god-awful "Pumpkinhead" sequels? Is Henriksen contractually banned from doing any non-"Pumpkinhead" movies? Can't the creators of this franchise do better than a monster that looks like a geriatric, emaciated "Alien" who walks like he has a stick jammed up his a**? When are the hick characters in these movies going to realize that handguns and rifles don't hurt the "Pumpkinhead?" Why don't they try jamming another stick up this thing's a** instead? And, lastly, are the writers of this movie so creatively challenged that they couldn't come up with names for the two feuding families more original than the Hatfields and the McCoys? While you're at it, why not write a screenplay about a fictional president and name him George Bush? Someday I may have the mental stamina to watch this movie all the way through without drifting off to sleep. Until then, if somebody has the answers, please let me know.
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Family squabbles leads to less of Pumpkinhead...
paul_haakonsen4 November 2021
Well, the further they ventured into this franchise, the further the story started to veer from the original core essence of the original 1988 movie.

And this 2007 fourth movie in the series titled "Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud" was at the threshold of starting to slip fully away from the franchise, as it was mostly just a family feud movie with a "Pumpkinhead" label pulled down over it.

Writer and director Michael Hurst just didn't manage to capture the essence of the Pumpkinhead lore and was drifting away from the horror aspect of the franchise, and started to venture into a drama and family feud zone, where the movie was suffering terribly. Yeah, "Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud" just didn't feel as an appropriate addition to the franchise. It sort of started to mutate into an animocity that no longer resemble the core essence, just as what happened to the countless "Hellraiser" movies that brought the franchise further and further out of touch with what the fans enjoyed.

Sure, it was nice to see Lance Henriksen return to reprise the role of Ed Harley, of course it was. But he was not the main actor in the movie. But I will say that they actually had a fair enough ensemble of talents to portray the various roles and characters in "Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud".

Visually then "Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud" was adequate. There were some pretty terrible effects here and there, but overall was adequate. However, the Pumpkinhead creature was having less on-screen time in this fourth movie in comparison to previous movies, and that was a shame.

Yeah, "Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud" is watchable, but it is a very forgettable addition to the franchise.

My rating of "Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.
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Worst of the franchise
jared-2533119 September 2024
I just finished watching the final Pumpkinhead movie for now, Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud (2007), and it is easily the worst entry of this franchise.

Positives for Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud (2007): The practical effects for Pumpkinhead still look very decent in this movie. And finally, there are some gore effects with the kills in this movie.

Negatives for Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud (2007): It's worth noting that this and Ashes to Ashes (2006) were filmed back-to-back with each other and you can tell by the cheap production. This is another made-for-television sequel that looks dreadful from start to finish. The camera work and quality look awful just like in the last movie. I hope the filmmakers enjoyed the gore effects in this movie since that's where all the money went to because they clearly didn't spend it on lights. There are so many scenes during the evening where you can't even see what is happening on screen. Lance Herricksen is on screen for 5 minutes and I'm being generous with that runtime, he probably in it for less. There's even this glowing effect around him that makes his appearance hard to look at. The acting from everyone in this movie is by far the worst in the entire franchise and I didn't care about any of the characters or their stupid love story. At this point, I was just done with the movie and I was just waiting for it to end.

Overall, Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud (2007) was a huge disaster and a final nail to this franchise. Who knows when there's going to be a new Pumpkinhead movie, but whenever that happens, let's hope that it's better than this abomination of a movie.
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Way better than ashes to ashes!
reeves200221 November 2007
I nearly didn't even bother to rent Pumpkinhead-blood feud since I hated the one before it called Pumpkinhead-ashes ton ashes,and they were made back to back.The only thing I liked about ashes to ashes was Lance Henriksen & returning from the original.I mean even pumpkinhead 2 was better and that one was a flop. The very first pumpkinhead movie back in 1988 was the best one and deserves a proper DVD special feature release.At the very least a cleaned up digital copy in widescreen! But the newest one "blood feud" is a good sequel.I could actually sit through it and enjoy it.The plot was good and it had again disastrous results for the poor bastards that summoned the demon and again ignored Ed Harley's(Henriksen) warning.This one was probably the goriest one in the series so far.The acting was a lot better then I thought it would be after the b-rated ashes to ashes.And even Pumpkinhead looked better and more ferocious then in the other one.
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Lame addition to the franchise
bowmanblue17 August 2014
Eek, where to begin? Just don't bother. If you like low budget horror films then watch the first Pumpkinhead. This one offers nothing new and is just terrible.

I try to be a little more constructive, but it's just bad, bad, bad.

It reunites Lance Henriksen with the franchise. The film-makers obviously think that his name will entice people back to the story. And it worked... with me. I still think he's a great actor with amazing screen presence. However, he's not in this film enough to save it.

It's about a load of hillbillies. You won't care about any of them (even those meant to be sympathetic). They resurrect the demon Pumpkinhead. He kills people. Rinse and repeat.

It's a pity this film is so bad because Pumpkinhead himself still looks pretty cool. It's like the film-makers spent so much money on a decent-looking monster that they forgot to employ a competent writer. Shame.

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Love, vengeance and a monster
Elvis-Del-Valle8 July 2024
Filmed at the same time as the third installment, Pumpkinhead 4 concludes the saga not in a closed way, but in an appropriate way. The film takes as its main focus the conflict between the Hatfield clan and the McCoys in modern times. The idea seems to give the feeling that the film is not good, but it ends up being a pleasant surprise. In fact, this is perhaps the best sequel in the saga. As it is a movie produced by Sci Fi Channel, it obviously features cheap CGI, but only in a few scenes. The rest of the film is good, offering gore that looks unreal at times, but does not disappoint. The design of the creature is still noticeable. The strange thing is that the film seems to be oriented in another era, but it is because as has been seen in the other films, the majority of the inhabitants of the territory are farmers. The saga has never given specific details about the area in which it takes place.

What makes this movie very good is it further expands the Pumpkinhead myth with more details to know. Here Ed Harley returns, but revealing that he is a spirit trapped in limbo as a result of having summoned Pumpkinhead and can do nothing but warn those who may suffer a similar fate. This serves to imply that the price for invoking Pumpkinhead is to remain in limbo without the possibility of eternal rest. The film also reveals that those who have survived Pumpkinhead are affected, as seen in the previous film with Bunt being visited by Ed Harley. Here we are introduced to the surviving Dallas from the prologue and who is also visited by Ed Harley to have to face Pumpkinhead again. Furthermore, here you can see that the legend of Pumpkinhead regained a little more strength due to what happened in the previous film and is now back on people's lips including what happened to Ed Harley. While in the previous film Molly Sue accepted being consumed by revenge, here Ricky McCoy becomes more relevant by accepting being consumed by revenge on a more dangerous level. His desire to be with Jody and the fury he feels over Sarah's death become a dangerous mix that makes Ricky willing to sacrifice his soul just so the Hatfields die and he has Jody for himself. . Ricky manages to be the perfect representation of how revenge along with the desire to possess someone can cause all traces of humanity and mercy to be lost. The film manages to show the most dangerous extreme to which revenge can lead.

Furthermore, the film not only maintains the moral of revenge as something negative, but also reveals another message present in the saga about letting go of what you love most. That was always present with Ed Harley having to accept the death of his son to do the right thing, Owen accepting Ellie Johnson's sacrifice to survive and now with Jody having to choose between Ricky or what's left of her family. The film also shows that the saga has always had a metaphor about facing our own demons. That could be seen with Ed Harley having to face Pumpkinhead, Tommy's murderers having to face their destiny, Bunt having to face the consequences of his participation in an illegal business and now Dallas having to face Pumpkinhead to redeem himself from the evil he unleashed. Five years ago.

Definitely, Pumpkinhead 4 manages to be a very good sequel that, even though it did not give a definitive end to the saga, because more sequels could have been made, managed to finish the saga with style both as a horror film and by maintaining the metaphor and the messages that are essential to the legend of Pumpkinhead. Perhaps it could have been better if it had not been made for television, but it is undoubtedly a very good film. My final rating for this movie is a 9/10.
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This is easily the best Pumpkinhead sequel and is definitely worth a watch for fans of the series/character
kevin_robbins28 December 2021
Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Fued (2007) is a movie I've been looking for forever and finally caved and watched on Amazon Prime for $10.99. The storyline follows the famous feud between the Hatfields and McCoy's when one of the Hatfields falls in love with one of the McCoys. Unfortunately for the love story, Pumpkinhead may decide he's the only one that can settle the feud between the two sides...

This movie is directed by Michael Hurst (House of the Dead II) and stars Lance Henriksen (Aliens), Rob Freeman (Saving Private Ryan), Amy Manson (T2 Trainspotting) and Richard Durden (Batman).

The movie starts with a great kill scene. The storyline for this is pretty bad and the dialogue and script is uneven. However, the Pumpkinhead special effects are solid and the gore and kill scenes were better than I expected. Henriksen was awesome in this and ties this film back to the first film well.

This is easily the best Pumpkinhead sequel and is definitely worth a watch for fans of the series/character. I would score this a 5.5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Worth watching sequel
atinder15 August 2013
Pumpkinhead: Blood Feud (2007)

No were near as good as last 3 movies, even bit better then Blood wings

So this movie is long Feud going on with two family however Teens have fallen in love with each and secretly meet.

But when they get caught, The boy sister dies and Boy watch revenge , you know the story by now.

The rest of the movie, well it flowed really well, with some calmer scene here and their , there were a lot actions scenes in this movie.

But this movie is very predicable form start as you know how it going to end but I could help but like some of nice bloody gory death in scenes in this movie.

I do think this is the goriest movie of the series.

4 out of 10
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The Hatfields', McCoys', & Pumpkinhead????
MWNiese21 March 2008
I loved the original P.H. and was somewhat satisfied with Bloodwings (II)and Ashes to Ashes (III), then I saw part IV. Oh boy..... As a Pumpkinghead enthusiast, I did my best to give part 4 as much credit as I could, but it's pretty bad. The wedding reception fight right at the beginning of the film is a horrendous mess for one thing. The Hatfield and McCoy storyline is incomprehensibly stupid and cliché. How did the producers get away with using that tired family feud storyline? Wow, unbelievable. The acting, besides Henrickson, is below average. The plot and script are mind-numbing. The actual editing and cinematography are average, as is the directing. I mean, the movie isn't a total loss. As always: I really enjoy watching Pumpkinhead, I love seeing Haggis the Witch, and like watching Harley's ghost in action. But all three characters had WAY too much screen time. I thought Haggis and Harley would wind up going out to a supper club for an evening bite to eat and drinks, the way the were being so buddy buddy in her cabin. The bottom line is.... Is that I wanted all the characters in this puke fest of a plot line to be dead within 20 minutes of the start of the picture. Where does Sci-Fi get these so called "film production professionals" from anyway!? I could do a better job writing a script stone cold drunk. I'm sure there was a limited budget and everything, but come on! See it if your a fan of the other three, but just once. And then go back and stick to the original two. Shame on you Sci-Fi!!!!
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vixen_thevision1 November 2022
This movie was so bad, even the monster was a terrible actor. You can tell it's not the same director who director the first PumpkinHead. I grew up off the movie as an all time Halloween classic. This movie did not have that some flare and genius as the first. Story line sucked and slow. Haven't seen the other 2 I decided to watch the 4th. I was excited until I realized how poorly put together this movie was. A shame to the first. The production and the acting was poor at best. I couldn't even finish watching. Even the old lady (Who was my favorite character), was watered down and dum looking.
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