WWE Backlash (2006) Poster

(2006 TV Special)

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2 matches (out of 7) make this worth seeing (?)
gridoon14 August 2006
1) Carlito vs. Chris Masters. Nothing terrible here, but nothing special either. In my opinion, these two are not yet experienced enough to carry a PPV match on their own. **

2) Umaga vs. Ric Flair. Not much to say about this one. Umaga is just a Rikishi-style "wrestler", and Flair should have retired about a decade ago. *1/2

3) Trish vs. Mickie (Women's Title). This match begins aggressively, especially on Trish's part, but then she hurts her shoulder for real and we get a quick and cheap DQ ending. Disappointing. *1/2

4) RVD vs. Shelton Benjamin (Winner Takes All - MITB contract AND the IC title). Now this is what I call a match! An ideal combination of ground wrestling and aerial spots, and an amazing display of athleticism by two of the best wrestlers on the WWE roster. Match of the night. ***1/2

5) Kane vs. Big Show. Incredibly sluggish big-man match, but the "mystical" storyline surrounding it (which was meant to promote Kane's movie "See No Evil", and was completely dropped after a few weeks) is good for a few (unintentional) laughs. **

6) The McMahons vs. HBK and "God" (No Holds Barred). I didn't care at all about the Vince-HBK feud, nor am I fan of draggy hardcore brawls. HBK tries to save this match with some high-risk moves, but there is only so much you can do with Vince McMahon and the Spirit Squad in the ring. **

7) Edge vs. Cena vs. HHH. Triple Threat for the WWE title. The wrestling here is not brilliant by any means, but the dynamics of a triple threat are well-worked-out and (along with a hot crowd) make this enjoyable. ***

Footnote: Matt Striker is so good on the mic that he even makes a sketch with Eugene (almost) tolerable.
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After Wrestlemania 22 a solid PPV follows
Tex_Willer198717 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This PPV didn't disappoint me. In fact, I was very pleased with it. The only bad thing was that Vince McMahon booked himself and his son Shane in a fight against HBK and GOD almighty which I found offensive. Now let me say a few words about the matches on the card:

Match #1 - Carlito vs Chris Masters - I really liked the feud that developed between this two young athletes in the past couple of weeks. Some funny promos took place on RAw in that time. The match was really good. Carlito's head took a big bump after he hit a corner pad with his head when Masters performed a powerbomb like move, but it didn't stop Carlito to win this match. He used a backcracker to put down Masters and used his feet on the ropes for leverage for the victory. I've got a feeling that Carlito might be the new 'Dirtiest player in the game'. Crowd loves him even when he does illegal moves. Anyway a really good opener. 7/10

Match #2 - Umaga vs Ric Flair - this was basically a squash match where Ric Flair jobbed like never before. In under 4 minutes he falls victim to Umaga who stays undefeated (although in 2002/03 under gimmick of Jamal he got beat on many occasions - but I guess new character means new person ... oh well). I was really sorry to see Nature Boy get beat like this. Maybe it's a sign of his retirement closing. 2/10

Match #3 - Mickie James vs Trish Stratus (women championship) - unfortunately it is hard to judge this match because in the opening minutes Trish dislocated her right shoulder and I'm not sure that Trish winning by DQ was supposed to be the ending of this match. Anyway I rate it 5/10 because they are WWE divas - most beautiful women in the world and I have no heart to give them a lower grade.

Match #4 - Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam (intercontintental championship/ Money in the Bank) - both MITB briefcase and intercontinental championship were on the line - after 18 minutes of a great battle RVD hits his Van Daminator to send briefcase right into Shelton's head which he followed by a beautiful 5 star frog splash. Winner and the new Intercontinental champion Rob Van Dam. 9/10

Match #5 - Big Show vs Kane - this match went to a no contest because WWE is promoting a movie starring Kane so now Kane hears some voices in his head telling him about May 19th and something that happened on that date. Voices came over the loudspeakers and the lights in the arena went red - Kane fell on the ground holding his head trying to stop the voices - Big Show took a chair and hit Kane in the head with it to 'put him out of his misery' and then walked out. 3/10

Match #6 - Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon vs Shawn Michaels & GOD (no holds barred match) - Vince changed the stipulation of the match to 'no holds barred right before it started. Although I hate this mocking of GOD the match had some nice spots - after ramming Shane's head into Backlash sign Shawn used crossbody to take himself and Vince to fall down to a lower meters. Although they landed on soft spot it was very nice because they fell down from some 5 meters of height. (I know it's no fall from the top of the cell but still...). In the end HBK laid out both Vince and Shane down in the ring and set up 20 foot ladder trying to perform the same thing he did at Wrestlemania 22 but unfortunately all 5 members of the Spirit Squad came out and beat on Shawn and slammed him through the table allowing Vince to cover HBK for the win. A very nice match 8/10

Match #7 - John Cena vs Edge vs Triple H (WWE championship triple threat) - this was an awesome and brutal match - The first highlight of this match was Cena hoisting up both men on his shoulders at the same time for F-U but he couldn't connect. After that Edge performed his impaler DDT on Triple H on the Spanish announce table (always Spanish ...) and then rammed his head into the steel post which busted HHH open. HHH retaliated with a massive chair shot. Then he went to the ring to attack Cena but he retaliated with the STF-U submission hold but HHH got to the ropes. Cena then tried to use the same submission maneuver on Edge but before he tapped, Triple H stopped his hand and then whacked Cena with the microphone. After some recuperating Cena tried to perform his F-U finisher on Edge on the top rope but HHH came underneath Cena and took both of them down. He then tried to perform Pedigree but Cena reversed it into the jack-knife pin for the victory. Winner and still WWE champion John Cena. A great match 9/10

Aftermath - HHH couldn't bear with the fact that he lost so he whacked both Edge and Cena with sledgehammer to finish of this PPV.
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WWE Backlash 2006
This Backlash had so many good points and bad points that it is difficult to sum up.

Poor Trish Stratus separated her shoulder in the match with Mickie James and this storyline with James fancying Trish is so out of date. The usage of 'God' in a match is in poor taste and McMahon should not present God as a joke, ie Shane drinking water then it turns to wine is so pathetic for a wrestling organisation.

Results from Backlash which was held in Lexington Kentucky are as follows: Carlito defeated Chris Masters with his feet on the ropes. Mickie James defeated Trish Stratus via DQ to retain the Women's title. The Big Show and Kane went to a no contest. Rob Van Dam beat Shelton Benjamin in a thrilling match to win the Intercontinental Championship. Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon defeated Shawn Michaels with help from the Spirit Squad. Umaga defeated Ric Flair in a crap squash. John Cena retained the WWE Championship against Edge and Triple H. After the match Tripper pounded them both with the sledge hammer much to the delight of the crowd! Overall Grade - B-
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One match dragged this PPV down
kliko40030 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Now I do reckon Samckdown is better than Raw, & this PPV was not really bad but except one match. I mean come on, who would be so crazy enough to challenge God to a match. Raw should get fined for that.

FIRST MATCH- CARLITO VS. CHRIS MASTERS Okay match to start the show with, both these two superstars prove that they can put an okay match. Carlito wins after a Backcracker, followed by a pin using the ropes. 5/10

SECOND MATCH- UMAGA W/ ARMANDO ELJANDRO ESTRADA VS. RIC FLAIR Before the match, Armando Eljandro Estrada introduces Umaga to the ring. Ric Flair has been in this business for so long, & he gets squashed like this. Umaga wins after a Samoan Spike. 3/10

THIRD MATCH- MICKIE JAMES VS. TRISH STRATUS FOR THE WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP I've got to say that I am quite a bit disappointed in this match, their Wrestlemania 22 encounter was way, way better. Trish lands bad on her hand on the apron. Mickie James gets disqualified after choking Trish with handcuffs. 3/10

FOURTH MATCH- ROB VAN DAM VS. SHELTON BENJAMIN IN A WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP VS. MONEY IN THE BANK BRIEFCASE WINNER TAKES ALL MATCH This is what wrestling is all about. Great athletics & acrobatics by both men, especially Shelton Benjamin. The referee gets knocked down, so Benjamin tries to nail RVD with the briefcase, but RVD nails a kick with the briefcase on Benjamin, followed by the Five Star Frog Splash for the win, not only to keep his Money In The Bank briefcase, but also to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship as well. 5/10

FIFTH MATCH- BIG SHOW VS. KANE Boring big man vs. big man match. These two are better as partners rather than opponents, a bad match. During the match, a May 19 voice starts saying May 19 has come which drives Kane really crazy. Big Show nails Kane with a steel chair, then leaves to the back as the match ends in a no contest. 3/10

SIXTH MATCH- VINCE & SHANE MCMAHON VS. SHAWN MICHAELS & 'GOD' You know what, I'm not even going to comment on this match at all. Vince McMahon should be sent off TV & fired. If this was a Handicap match, I would off gave it 5/10, but involving dear 'God', Vince you really have done something crazy big time. 0/10

SEVENTH MATCH- JOHN CENA VS. TRIPLE H VS. EDGE W/ LITA IN A TRIPLE-THREAT MATCH FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP An acceptable main event, HHH being busted open really badly makes the match a bit more interesting. John Cena overcomes the odds & gets a Jacknife roll-up on HHH for the win & to retain his WWE Championship. After the match, HHH goes berserk & attacks Cena, Edge & the referee with a sledgehammer, before leaving the back as the PPV goes off the air. 5/10

An okay event, with some matches being great, then others being pretty boring & sloppy. But the biggest death nail in this PPV is The McMahon-Shawn match, I mean challenging 'God' to a match, not even the craziest man on Earth will do that. But overall it was an okay event, with last year's Backlash event being way better.

Overall I'll give it 6/10 & a C
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Cena retains but suffers the Backlash
stitch_19813 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Backlash 2006 from Lexington, Kentucky seemed on the road to ruin until the final two matches of the evening. The undercard was mediocre to say the least. Carlito defeated The Masterpiece, Chris Masters in a decent opener. Umaga destroyed Ric Flair in a worthless match. Trish Stratus unfortunately suffered a dislocated shoulder in her WrestleMania 22 rematch with Mickie James. This cause the match to be cut short with Trish winning with a cheap disqualification victory. This certainly left the fans in attendance wondering what the hell had just happened. This wouldn't be the first time that night they would feel like that.

The Money in the Bank vs the Intercontinental Championship match was up next. I was looking forward to this one and it more than had the potential to be the match of the night. Is it me, or has Rob Van Dam lost a step or two since coming back from injury? His match with Shelton Benjamin was a big disappointment. Maybe this would have been better if they had kept to the Money in the Bank tradition and had this one as a Ladder match too. What good does it do to have RVD become a six time Intercontinental Champion anyway? The booking of WWE lately leaves a lot to be desired.

The next match on the card was one of the most awful matches in the history of WWE Pay Per View. Remember, fans in the United Kingdom have to stay up until around four in the morning to watch a WWE Pay Per View event live. Having something like this mess on the card only acts as a heavy dose of sleeping tablets. The Big Show vs Kane was dire and the ending was even worse. It ended in a no contest after the lights went out May 19th was quoted again and again and again for what seemed like an eternity. And I thought their PPV contests back in 1999 were bad. It will take a lot to beat this for worst match of 1999.

I may be the only one who has enjoyed Vince McMahon's performances as of late regarding this whole God angle. His hammy, over the top acting went once step further during his introduction of God to Backlash. This was all truly comical stuff. To keep the feud rolling between the McMahon boys and Shawn Michaels it looked certain that this glorified handicap match was going to end up with the McMahon's picking up the victory. The match itself was highly entertaining. It didn't have the same "big time" feel to it that WrestleMania 22 had but it was riveting viewing none the less.

The main event was next. WWE Champion John Cena was defending his title against both Triple H and Edge. The match was fantastic back and forth action and although the crowd were solidly behind Triple H I don't think anyone could have been certain about who was going to walk out with the gold. In the end Cena picked up the surprise victory with a pinfall over The King of Kings. However after the match, Triple H destroyed everyone with his trusty sledgehammer and it was him, not Cena, who we saw standing with his hands in the air as Backlash went of the air. This was certainly a sign to Edge and Cena to remind them as to who the real star of the WWE is.

Backlash 2006 would have bombed out if it had not been for the last two matches of the night. For the past two years, when it comes to the one brand only Pay Per Views it has been Raw hands down that have been the cream of the crop. With the disaster known as New Years Revolution and now Backlash not proving great, maybe Smackdown's time has finally arrived. Raw may have the stars but without the booking team putting the right men in the right angles, their product will continue to fail. Hopefully we will see an improvement at Vengeance on July 25th.
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It was mostly watchable. Not a tremendous show but worth a rewatch.
morantjavonte8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Backlash 2006 Thoughts

Backlash 2006 was the 8th Backlash PPV event produced by the WWE. It took place April 30, 2006 at the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. Attendance was 14,000 with a buy rate of 273,000.

The event was a Raw-Exclusive PPV with 7 matches held on the main card. The main event was build around a feud that saw John Cena defending his WWE Championship against his previous WrestleMania opponent, the Game, Triple H and the Rated R Superstar, Edge (who feels he stole the show at WrestleMania to earn a shot against Cena). Great buildup to the PPV. We also had the McMahons battle Shawn Michaels and "God" in a silly storyline that was Vince targeting HBK's christianity who was a born-again Christian in real life. Other notable matches included Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam in a winner take all match, Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James for women's title and Carlito vs. Chris Masters.

The Good - Well the Triple Threat main event was as great as expected. The intensity was big and Triple H bleeding really gave goosebumps to everyone as the match was getting more heated. Some entertaining moments through out the match like Cena & HHH using Edge to test one another and Triple H spinebuster on Lita. HHH was on the process of a face turn and he even teased a DX reunion at the end which did eventually whined up. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam was also really good. It started out a bit slow but the crowd was into the match from the start to finish and RVD & Benjamin had great chemistry. I can't remember if this was their first one on one encounter. Chris Masters vs. Carlito was also a good opener.

The Meh - Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon vs. HBK and "God" was really a generic Handicap match with no DQ. The opening segment was a little controversial because of some folks serious religious beliefs. It was though entertaining to the crowd. The match was.just a basic brawl and nothing special. Umaga squashing Flair was just a typical match to put Umaga over.

The Bad - As hard as it is, Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus was unfortunately messed up after Trish's legit injury. It's hard to rate the match as it wasn't neither their fault. Just unlucky night. The awful match was Big Show vs. Kane. Man two giants with no chemistry one on one is absolutely something you never want to see. Match way of ending in a no contest was awful too and made no sense.

Overall - I really thought the only match I was going to really care for and talk about on this show would be the main event but no...show turned out better than expected. Recommended B-Level PPV.

Score - 6 out of 10: Decent

0 = Terrible : 1 = Bad/Lackluster : 2 = Decent : 3 = Good : 4 = Awesome : 5 = One of the Best of all Time

1. Carlito vs. Chris Masters - 3/5

2. Umaga vs. Ric Flair - 1.5/5

3. Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus: WWE Women's Championship - 1/5

4. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam: WWE Intercontinental Championship & Money in the Bank Briefcase - 3.5/5

5. Kane vs. Big Show - 0/5

6. Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels & "God" (Handicap Match) - 2.5/5

7. Edge vs. Triple H vs. John Cena: WWE Championship - 4/5

Best Match - Edge vs. Triple H vs. John Cena

Worst Match - Big Show vs. Kane

Most Memorable Moment - Triple H knocking everyone out with the sledgehammer after the match. SUCK IT!!

Top 5 Performers

1. Triple H - Great Performance

2. John Cena - Was improving at the time

3. Edge - Great Performance

4. RVD - Good Performance

5. Shelton Benjamin - Good Performance.
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Has it's moments, but fails on awful story lines
josh2310947 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well this PPV was a kind of fallout from a fantastic Wrestlemania 22, in my opinion the last good Wrestlemania, the last few Wrestlemanias have been awful, but Backlash was a very weird but enjoyable show. First match even worth talking about was RVD Vs Shelton a very very good match both guys know how to put on a great match The Shawn Michaels and 'God' Vs Mcmahons is the single worst storyline ever, teasing Michaels over his beliefs come on gets a few laughs but stupid, A surprisingly good match is Mickie Vs Trish for the women's title, very enjoyable diva match, which never happens now because WWE have no real working divas in the company now as they are all Barbie dolls. WWE Title match Cena, Edge, Triple H again nothing special, this PPV is recommended for only die-hard WWE fans
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Not a good PPV. I was very upset. **No Result Spoilers**
amw_bgwelectric25 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(Whats the point in me telling you the ending)

My girlfriends uncle gave this PPV to me as a gift. He told me it was good. When i watched it, I was a bit insulted. At the time i thought it was a mean joke or something. But i was very polite and thanked him any way :)

Criss Masters VS Carlito.

The starting match was Carlito vs Criss Masters. The Match was OK. A good start to the show. There was only one good move when carlito jumped from the rope.. 5/10

Umaga VS Rickflair.

Pointless feud. The match was alright. Kinda sad to see rick flair to be beaten up like that. Thats all that really happened. Rick flair being beaten up, Flair didn't stand and chance. Besides the odd slap or low blow. It was a really fast match. But it wasn't to bad. 6/10

Trish vs Mickie James

It was a OK match, Not much happened. I was looking forward to seeing what would happen after WM. The match ended after she injured herself (inreal life) But i didn't care. The match wasn't that great. 3/10 Poor Trish lol :(

RVD vs Shelton Benjamin

I love RVD. It was a good match but it took to long to get started. The match started really slow. There were a few good moves. A good match. 7/10

Kane vs Big Show I thought the feud was funny. Kane attacking big show over a silly thing about the date may 19th. Big show had a small cut over his eye, And said 'Tonight will be an eye for and eye. Haha. The match was stupid. They acted like idiots. (pains me to say that about such kick ass wrestlers) The room went red and a magic voice started say may 19th. Kane started crying and big show put him out of his pain bye knocking him out with a chair... It was really short. 1/10

The McMahons vs HBK and god.... I don't care about the match. The fact the Mcmahon was talking to god in front of the fans was just stupid. I was getting very tired of this PPV. I was not offended bye this match.. It was just stupid. No wonder there's a stereotype that wrestling is for kids. 2/10

Edge vs. Cena vs. HHH

I must say that the DVD was not running well but from what i saw it looked like a pretty cool match. Nice and bloody, The out come made every edge/cena/HHH fan happy. 7/10

This was a rushed PPV just after Wresltemainia.
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