Immortally Yours (2009) Poster

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Immortally Bored.
dagonseve30 April 2009
Sometimes I ponder the intricacies of the horror genre after watching a really solid title, and I'm grateful to relate to the director's vision. I'm left wondering also, after experiencing a rather bland and boring attempt of a film - this is where Kiss of the Vampire makes its introduction, stage left.

Vampire films can generally be cataloged by time period, ranging from the depiction of Nosferatu in the silent era, the classic Universal era with stars like Bela Lugosi, the many versions brought to you by Hammer, the vampire revival in the 1980s, and of course the more modern and up to date creatures made possible by films like Blade and Underworld. I could easily break down the in's and out's contained within each era to offer more insight, but the point I'm making is that with each re-telling of a vampiric story there are clearly defined categories. To make any artistic progress within the film industry we must look past these "definied categories" and strive to create something new and refreshing; this is not my quarrel with Kiss of the Vampire.

The first thing I noticed that this film was devoid of was has none. I must confess that I am no film major nor can I dazzle others with the industry's jargon and slang terms for motion blurs and set lighting. However, through the eyes of a common viewer and both a seasoned and appreciative horror fanatic, what hurts this film most was the lack of mood lighting. Each environment, in terms of lighting and emotion, is no different than the last. In my opinion, the romanticism that encompasses a vampire is part of what makes him/her so alluring. Why would the director choose to leave this out? A second observation of mine involved the cast...more importantly, the acting. I could not bring myself to get on board with what the actors/actresses were selling. Without describing the plot, there were too many instances where the dialogue seemed awkward and humiliating to sit through. You don't have to be an actor or actress to realize how certain lines need to be delivered and I can confidently say that none of them won me over. I conjured up a scenario in my head where the cast were handed a script with a blank title page, confusing them as to what film they were about to star in. If they had realized beforehand, they might catch onto the fact that the director had a vision of combining all of the stereotypical facets of a vampire, only to fall short and embarrass himself on each ensuing level.

Another subject worth mentioning are the action sequences. To put it simply, they are painful to watch. I'm not sure which in particular I'd rather be ashamed of...the choreography, the visual effects, or audio elements present here. Whenever the camera pans over to the "clan" standing there, menacingly, I can't help but laugh hysterically because they look like a bunch of children at an elementary school Halloween party. This is precisely why you shouldn't cast actors or actresses into the role of a vampire unless they have at least SOME understanding of how to act. I've seen more impressive role playing in a college-based vampire film that I helped do makeup for - and here I thought THAT was amateur-level cinematography.

In conclusion, vampiric cinema is one of my preferred sub-genres within the horror community. To see such a poor attempt at portraying them really disappoints me. This is 2009 - we've had nearly a hundred years worth, and then some, of sources to draw from to keep this legend alive. It seems as though Kiss of the Vampire chose to adhere to the more classical elements while incorporating a modern touch without making either interesting or unique enough. So why, do I ask, would you bother at all?
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Vampires, Illuminati, Cops, and Bad Acting
chuk9927 May 2009
A film such as this could only come out on DVD. The studio probably realized how bad it was and decided that it would crash and burn if it was released in the theaters.

While some of the cast have been in decent films, most of the cast are wooden or sounding like they're reading cue cards. Most of the dialogue sounds amateurish and fake.

The plot seems to be a composite of a few story ideas, with the hopes of making something stick (a cop story, a vampire romance, a conspiracy involving the poor man's version of the Illuminati. Unfortunately, none of it works.

The main vampire, Alex, is boring, as is his love interest, Estelle. Since they can't act, it's not a big deal. Neither can the cops, or anyone else.

Finally, when the closing credits are playing, the theme song, "Immortally Yours", is like ice picks to one's eardrums.

Save your money and avoid this turkey.
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Boring and Lame Vampire Movie
claudio_carvalho13 July 2013
A pack of blood thirsty vampires attacks people in an American city. When their leader Alex Stone (Daniel Goddard) meets the mortal Estelle Henderson (Kat Hawks), they fall in love with each other and Alex seeks out her father, who is researching immortality, to ask him to be reverted to mortal again.

The Illuminati Cartel is secretly sponsoring the researches since their leader Victor Price (Eric Etebari) wants to be immortal. Meanwhile, the vampire hunter Marshall Pope (Matthias Hues) arrives in the city to help the police to hunt down the vampires.

"Kiss of the Vampire", a.k.a. "Immortally Yours", is a boring and lame low-budget vampire movie released direct-to-video on DVD with subtitles without synchronicity with the speech. The laughable story is a mixed bag of dull romance and a boring cartel story entwined with vampires that are staked on the stomach and dies. Further, the noisy vampires attack in pack, roaring like lions and moving their heads back and forth in a ridiculous way. The acting is awful, with wooden actors and actresses and the scenarios and locations are very poor. Last but not the least, there are many fake reviews in IMDb promoting this movie and luring the readers. You just need to click on the author and see when he joined IMDb and how many reviews he has written (only one). My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Oh my gawd
tonynelson7721 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the worst vampire movies of all time. A genre plagued by bad movies, this one is at the top. The dialogue was absolutely awful. It makes me sick that someone can read a script this bad and throw money at it when there are so many good ones out there struggling to get dimes. I am ashamed that I actually watched the whole thing. Some horrible vampire movies are awful in a good way, like Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Where you laugh at the ridiculousness the whole movie. This piece of garbage you just shake your head constantly as to how anyone thought this was a good idea to write or produce. It truly boggles the mind. I think this may even be worse than Twilight and that is a bold statement.
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People actually LIKED this movie?
azesmistress11 November 2009
IF YOU LIKED THIS MOVIE DON'T READ ANYMORE! *************************************************

I watched this movie...after the first ten minutes...for the laugh factor. If you stake a vampire through the stomach they die? Vampires can't defend themselves against puny mortal police officers? Oh and they growl like dinosaurs? I've been a fan of vampires all my life, and I have NEVER seen a vampire movie as bad as this.

The acting was absolutely horrible. What's with the pursing of the lips after each line? REALLY?? Alex looked like he wanted to make out with himself every three seconds. The action scenes were laughable, you can't even really call them action scenes. I won't even go into the comical background noises and the music tracks and the hilariously bad British (as well as other) accents that seemed to come and go among all the characters. The vampires live together in a big cushy mansion, but they all sleep in a crypt in the backyard in their own individual coffins. How archaic can you get? If they're going to sleep in coffins...AT LEAST HAVE THE COFFINS IN THE BIG CUSHY MANSION!!! The big names were the dwarf and the guy from Karate Kid who ran the Cobra Dojo. Tells you how big those names are, I can't even remember them and I've seen Karate Kid AND the Dwarf more times than I care to admit LOL. After doing this movie I'd doubt those two will ever work again.

I fully comprehend that this was an independent film, but what was the budget? $200? I only gave this one 1 star....because it doesn't give a zero option! As a vampire fan, I take this movie as a personal insult.
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1/10 bad
Crimepunisher21 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Immortally Yours had seemingly every opportunity to make a memorable horror film, filled with drama, suspense, romance, and action...the only problem this movie encounters is that none of these can be at all executed. The writing was so second-rate that most of the dialogue consists of a sentence or less, and often lines are repeated numerous times. The actual plot doesn't seem to take form until about an hour in where we understand that among several 2-dimensional protagonists there are apparently three factions warring for apparently no reason. The Illuminati is a multi-national crime syndicate that can't seem to execute a single drug deal without being thwarted by cops moving at snail's pace. The Vampires too seem to be adept at screaming but possess little to no fighting abilities, seeing as how most of them are killed while standing still mouth-agape staring at their attackers. And then there's the idea why they have such a big role but apparently they've inserted undercover Cop Clowns in seedy vampire nightclubs. If you turn to Immortally Yours hoping for a well-done horror flick I'm afraid you may find yourself disappointed. While the camp manages to stimulate a few laughs it cannot manage to atone for the movie's innumerable ridiculous mistakes.
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shame for authentic Transylvania's vampires
lulutza218 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
awful the worst film, if you can call it film. the vampires were hissing like mad everywhere in such a hilarious way that I laughed the entire movie. and when the hunter was on their track, all they did was to make a funny noise and wait for the spike. when they encounter the police, they wanted t keep a low profile by yelling at he moon like dogs? i think they were amateurs filming behind the blocks. they were so fake. and stupid, in the forest nobody was behind them, they were 4, the hunters were 2, but they were afraid to leave. no really? this film is a joke, a bad joke. and they ate like pigs, i didn't know vampires feast gathered like pigs around the victim. more, they lift their head and yell again at the moon. i think chickens lift the head when they drink water. and when Alex was near the pigs at dinner, he helped himself not to eat in such a way.. let's be serious, that was the stupid thing i have ever seen i do not think i save seen a worse movie. i would give it a minus infinite, but this site allows online positive marks.... impossible, the actors should grow up and stop playing with the cameras, and fake teeth.
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*this movie is truly awful* i'm secretly shouting
aquamanfreak5 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Alright..... First of all... I would like to comment on the fact that this movie appears to be low budget... that is alright, it's not a problem. But it doesn't help the poor quality acting. I have seen better acting in a middle school play. Some parts of the movie are redeemable, i will not mention which parts because i don't want to ruin it for the people who enjoy watching trash. But, i can honestly say, these parts are not worth the movie rental. I am currently viewing this film and regretting every second of it.

List of Reasons to watch this train wreck....

10. Poor acting 9. bad effects 8. acts as a sedative 7. comic relief 6. cures any fear of vampires 5. animalistic behaviors 4. no reason to want to cheat on your significant other with a vampire 3. bad voice over's 2. motivation for house work to get away from your television 1. hooker's and clown's running the show

Please do yourself a favor and just leave this one sit on the shelf at your local blockbuster. It's not worth the effort.
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|||||))))>>> Do Not Waste Your Time <<<((((|||||
charlies12324 January 2010
I have not seen a worse movie in many, many years. From the writing, to the production, to the actors, this is just awful.

Right off the bat, you know you are in for a bad ride. The actors spout inane lines in a deadpan monotone. While it is true that they are not responsible for the confused plot, which rambles about pretty much pointlessly throughout, they could at least put some effort into the deliverance of the lines. The effects throughout the movie are equally lame.

The movie is just full of unbelievable characters, doing unrealistic things from the poorly portrayed cops to the ridiculously portrayed illuminati, to the vampires that no one could really care about.

I just cannot believe that it is possible that any person or group of persons could have thought that producing this drivel was a good idea. Who pays for garbage like this? (I mean the producers, etc). I guess they never once saw any of it before it was done, otherwise they would surely have pulled the plug on it. For some of the reviews I have read that gave a positive review...they HAD to have meant a different movie. No one, I mean no one, could like this. Awful. Terrible. P-U, it stunk, badly. Some movies are so bad, you actually just have to see it. Unfortunately, this is not one of them. Although it is really bad, it is not even entertaining in its badness.
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Disaster! A total waste of time! Steer clear!
Manos_Mantzas11 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst movies I've ever seen! It's really a paradox the high ratings it got. In order to verify it, I watched it twice! :-( I still can't get what all those critics found in this movie! First of all it's about a vampire, that in the entire movie we don't see him drink blood not even once! Now what kind of a vampire is that??? The dialogs are just awful. It's like they had absolutely no work on them. The visual effects are childish, to say the least. Terrible action scenes, like the one with the vampire slayer that killed at least four vampires before and some in groups and eventually just stands still in a long sequence just waiting to be killed my one single vampire without bringing the slightest resistance and even worse he's got help, he's not alone like in the previous sequences that he was one against four vampires. And don't get me started about the story line. I just couldn't find one plus in this movie. It's a real shame that there are no negative stars to vote for it. It can not even be categorized as a beta movie. I'd say it's a gamma movie. Don't waste your time. Do something better with it.
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Unfortunately Poor
cliff31410 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I stuck with this through to the end meaning that we experienced the astonishing "heads in space" finish.

There are so many things wrong with this movie, we thought it may have been a spoof, but alas, I don't think it was. It has the potential to be one of those classic bad movies (Attack of the Killer Tomatoes anyone?) but I suspect the idea was to make a proper movie and it just went terribly wrong.

Really, nothing works. The acting is amateurish and corny (at best) - the snarling vampires dancing around were genuinely funny, but not on purpose, the romantic thread is as clumsy as these things can be, the story line is patchy and pointless (Illuminati! Immortality! Romance! Cops!), the sets and scenes have the lowest production values, the special effects were not special and barely effects.

OK, you might find some entertainment in the badness, the stilted dialogue, the odd bunch of extras in the club scene, the aforementioned heads in space, the little guy struggling down steps, I could go on, but it is amazing that someone didn't intervene before this embarrassment was made public.
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O my gosh! A Good Horror Film on DVD.
pepefdr322 January 2009
I rented it to watch for my wife and kids recently and thought it was good and so unusual for a vampire film. For me I liked the international cast and the sexy vampire girls which are a mainstay in modern vampire movies now. I think they were atypical which is good.

This movie had an interesting plot with a lot of turns that made it interesting. There was enough action and killing for me because I don't like a movie that is all kill and no plot. The movie cruised along pretty good and it had some mildly fearful parts to it too. My son and daughter (early teens) also thought it was good but it was frightening to them in some scenes. My wife said it was way different than she thought it would be but pretty good.

The way this movie presented vampires and criminals brought a new light into movie making and that's what I like to see. I also did liked the ending and thought it was pretty imaginative. To think of disposing of the criminal vampires like that had to be a first.
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OK, pretty good.
zandora9320 January 2009
I have been reading a lot of mixed reviews and had to see it. The movie is pretty good. I did like the story and a different take on vampires. The acting was good by most and the effects were OK too. For my taste, I thought it could be more violent and think it is like twilight in a lot of ways. I thought the best part was when the vampire hunter and the police were fighting it out.

I guess for a younger teen, twenties and tween audience it was very good. There have been many vampire movies over the years and some have been exceptional and others not, but this seems to be in the middle somewhere, especially for the young. Nothing great but nothing bad. I give it a 7 out of ten for a family type film. It was worth the watch.
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There are much better ways to waste your time then watching this.
lpwevers20 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of vampire movies, ignoring other peoples bad reviews and knowing some people really liked it, I did decide to watch it. That was a mistake.

Where to start? Well I guess the most annoying bit is the way the vampires behave. When they're battling in the vampire "hunting ground", all they do is stay back and make some spastic movements. (Actually, most of the time that's all they do).

Then there's the sound the vampires make. What were they thinking??? It sounds more like a werewolf with a very bad cold then anything resembling even remotely what I believe should be a proper sound.

Next, the acting. Or should I say, lack of it? I've seen lots of High School plays with much more talent then in this movie. What's wrong with them? It can't be that hard to find people who can actually act at least a little? Was it all bad then? No, the story could have been something. On one hand you have the rich human criminals that want immortality and on the other hand the vampire that wants to become mortal. That results in some somewhat interesting plot twists, but unfortunately most of them are highly predictable.

So, since I'm in a good mood today I give 3 out of 10 stars for the effort.
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The worst movie in the history of movies...of any genre.
dwarven_tavern2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first of all, I was in the movie. It was the only movie in which I have ever participated, and after all was said and done, I was incredibly relieved that my scene was cut! I really and truly don't want my name associated with it.

The cast was crap, the writing was abysmal and the production was boring an unimaginative to the n-th degree.

I've met a lot of "celebrities" and many who actually deserve their celebrity status, who have been decent, well spoken and down to earth individuals for whom I have a tremendous amount of respect. I met nearly the entire crew of this flick and I have never encountered a larger group of pompous, self-absorbed, back patting, pretentious, and arrogant group of people in my entire life. They seemed to feel as though they were real actors and that's how actors are supposed to behave. Nope, sorry. Even the chick that wrote the end theme, one of the worst songs ever written, unless you LIKE burning q-tips driven into your ears, thought she was the reincarnation of John Williams, only he's not dead yet, so he was still in possession of all the talent and lent her NONE.

Now for the movie. After the cast and crew were finished congratulating themselves for creating the best movie in history on a purported 600k budget, the movie was taken to this place and that for release and was apparently not picked up by anyone (smart folks out there). This movie was written by Katherine Hawkes, whom I met and seemed cordial enough, but she was flaunting the fact that she has an MA in the Russian language and therefore knew how to write good movies. OK, that's just like saying that I just bought a thousand dollar pair of shoes so I can read in the dark. The two just don't relate to each other. Obviously, since the movie is so utterly and ineffably bad.

There was also a lot of tension among the crew that was interesting. No one seemed to like one of the producers, so "SOMEONE" (not me) trashed her hotel room to scare her off, which it did, so she left, and after that, there was a huge and infinitely more interesting drama going on behind the scenes over the movie's web page and other areas. It's a shame that the drama that took place behind the curtain wasn't the actual movie, it would have still been bad, but better than the movie by a light year or two.

The vampires, were garbage, both the actors and the characters. They went from spoiled aristocrats in human guise to mindless animals in vampire form, which was funny. Which reminds me, when they had the big "premier", it was at the SUPER SAVER CINEMAS at Forest park mall, and they showed the flick with a digital projector. Just sad. It was a clue that it was going to be a horrible flick when the audience, all of whom were either in the movie or a financial contributors to the movie, were laughing at the serious parts and dead freaking silent through the parts that were supposed to be funny. Just sad.

I've seen REALLY good movies made for next to nothing with great story lines, fantastic acting, and magical production values, but this flick couldn't touch any of those movies with a mile-long pole.

So, I am of the opinion that all those they asked to act in the film, the wealthy of Hamilton, including councilmen, and the "Hamilton elite" were lining someone's pockets under the ruse of making a movie. The movie was made, but someone got away with the investment money, the talent, the acting, music, and movie quality, because NONE of that could be seen on the screen.
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Wow. Really bad.
amdcp6125 May 2012
This movie has everything: uninteresting plot, poor acting, slow pace, bad editing, exceptionally bad sound. What's not to hate?

Vampires that roar like lions... ugh. I could just hear the director saying, "OK,now throw your head back and snarl. Make your eyes crazy! Show your fangs!" Sound mixing was probably done on a 1980's cassette recorder.

I can't believe someone actually thought it was a good idea to produce it.

Wish I hadn't wasted my time - it's an hour and a half I'll never get back - but I kept hoping it would get better. It didn't.
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A 2nd chance for all the B-movie actors and actresses
zenboogie7511 May 2009
I have never ever in my life seen such a ridiculous movie. What a waste of money and my time..but than again, The movie could not have cost more than a couple of hundred bucks.. I hope the real Dracula will not see this,

I'd think he would settle it his way with the director of this crap. And isn't that the bad guy dojo master from the Karate Kid. Does this guy still walks the earth, what a surprise

Making real movies is still an artform that not so many people know to do in a way that one really is grabbed out of ones life and thrown right into the story..

So, if you have bought this movie..i'm terribly sorry for you. If you have downloaded this movie (like me) than Shift+Delete this one immediately!

Peace. Zenboogie
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Really are you kidding me
lexyshirley29 August 2009
Okay I am a huge cheesy movie fan but this was bad even for me. Watchout folks plot holes up ahead.

it could have been good there is a story here but it was executed poorly.

the only way i recommend this movie is to see how not to make a vampire movie.

one character made 'specialty weapons' to kill the vampires, and what are they long stakes and large sling shots with wooden stakes. Do they actually know where a heart is located on the body?? most of the time NO they aim and strike just below the heart in the diaphram, yeah that will kill them.

sorry for the spelling
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Kiss of a What?
ladybug1624 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This definitely was the worst vampire film ever made! I regret wasting 100 minutes watching this. It was absolutely ridiculous! From the beginning I felt like I'm watching an amateur's attempt to record a film with his personal camera. The close-ups where extremely bad, creating awkward moments (and I'm referring here to the glances exchange - Katherine Hawkes looking rather dumb than inducing the 'love-at-first-sight' feeling).

The first close-up with the vampire at the opera was anything but mysterious. I remember thinking: "What the f...? Who has a lamp behind him at the opera?" I am sorry for the actors, I haven't heard much of them, but their acting skills are pretty low.

Another thing that I noticed was that they skipped from one scene to another and at first, it was hard to follow the story (or maybe I was too tired to try to understand what was the director's point): from the incident at the opera to a couple of men in a car talking about a character not yet introduced and ending with the disclosure of the romantic relationship between the two cops.

Of all vampire embodiments, this one was the worst. All the hissing, the roaring... were they vampires or wolves, for God sake's? At the club, when Alex is trying not to join his companions at the feast, he was looking like his dental prosthesis was falling. All the feasting scenes are awful. Why are they lifting their heads, howling at the moon? And although they were biting the victims entire bodies, the wounds where only on their necks.

They wanted to present the concept of a vampire in another way (with the virus and stuff), but they were totally unsuccessful. It's a shame this movie saw the light of day.

Very bad plot, dialogs, special effects, action sequences and the list can go on. From my perspective, as a vampire film fan and as an inhabitant of the country where the legend of Dracula started, this so called film does not worth any of your time.
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this was a joke, not a movie
old_bad_wolf23 November 2009
this movie was ...pathetic . looks like Eric Etebari is the only real actor ( and well, my only reason to watch the movie). for God's sake, save this guy, he deserves better roles. the vampires look hilarious,they can't scare anyone with those grins. the police officers like porn actors and the villains like amateurs. the main actress is awful - she looks like a drug addict - when Alex was shot she behaved very artificial. and another issue - the vampire hunter acted like a newbie, he was killed by a teenage vampire. this movie was a real disappointment to me, sorry to say it. there were no special effects, no structured plot line, no nothing.
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Immortality is dull
JoeB13129 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I guess I can see why the lead vampire wanted his eternal life to end. This movie was an eternity, and I couldn't wait for it to end.

Okay, the plot is essentially that there is a group of Illuminati who are trying to live forever by harvesting the organs of strangers and dealing drugs. You have a group of vampires who are running around parks and nightclubs picking off victims. You have some cops trying to catch both. You have a scientist trying to discover the cause of immortality, and his manish looking daughter who can't act and has a blank look on her face most of the movie. You have a EuroTrash vampire hunter who helps the cops kill most of the lead vampire's posse (makingyou wonder what their purpose was in the film to start with.)

The only actor I recognized was the midget, because i've seen him in other movies. He was actually a better actor than the rest of them, but that isn't saying much.
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Not very good
dbborroughs19 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget film concerns a bunch of vampires coming to a small town and starting to suck it dry. The leader is a man of culture and his designs on the finer things grates against the need to feed.

Its okay but it looks like so many other low budget films except that it has vampires. Of course there are lapses in logic, but they are forgivable, the problem here is the actors and actresses playing the vampires seem to be playing it up past the point of cliché, why didn't anyone rein them in?. A borrow from a friend at best, though I'd wait for cable so no one is out any money.

4 out of 10
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I love vampires!
ks45298 January 2009
Out of the box! I loved it and think the actors did a very nice job. Of course it's not going to win an academy award but it was refreshing to see new stuff. I think it was pretty scary in some parts and kind-a-funny in others. The neat part of the movie to me was when the vampires were in their mansion and also in the cemetery. It gave me a few chills when the vampire girl jumped out of no where and attacked the police man. I think the vampire girls are way good and looked incredible. I do love Twlight the best and am a big fan of horror and think it is tight to have new looks and plots in any Gothic films.

When the vampires are in the night club and they kill that guy that was spooky and it was funny when the little guy was takin care of them. Goth, horror and vampire is the way to go and the clothes on the fems were YES. Keep comin' up with new ideas for goth and vampires!
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It's a good flick
petersarapino17 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
All in all, it's a neat movie. It is a little different by making the Illuminati the bad guys and they probably do exist. I also like the fact that Gary Daniels gets to show some moves with his kick boxing talent. The vampire girls could have been shown more and they could have done more killings though. It is complicated in the beginning and the end slows too much but the movie did keep me involved and entertained. I like the fact that it just didn't have death dying and gore to make it interesting and it was still a good story without just bats and wolves. There is something to think about with the Illuminati and how they have less of a heart than even vampires. I am a student in college and I do like all kinds of vampire movies so this was good for me.
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These actors could and should have done better
thetammyjo6 February 2011
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This isn't the worst vampire movie I've ever seen, I've seen much, much worse. However, given the cast I was expecting more of the acting but perhaps some of that fault must lie in the hands of the director. The story itself seems spotty, problem with the script or the editing, I can't say, but it seems to be both a case of too many subplots -- vampire romance, vampire rivalries, murder investigation, secret society, and mismatched human lovers. The subordinate vampires in a strange little coven that has odd "living" habits, know far too much compared to their leader. Thus mismatch if knowledge is only added to by a mismatch of language and behavior that varies most gravely in the character of Alex, the vampire leader. At least the horror of vampire attacks is a nice change from a string of angst ridden, romantic subtle killings that seem to be pervading our movies and television show. While I have no problem with romance and even humanity in vampires, I think we should never forget that they are, first and foremost, monsters.
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