"Perry Mason" The Case of the Decadent Dean (TV Episode 1963) Poster

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Perry demands 'corpus delicti' - he will soon have it
kfo949416 October 2012
In this episode we get a good introduction into courtroom proceedings when Perry gets a case dismissed when the prosecution cannot prove 'corpus delicti' or the fact that a crime had actually been committed. But it will not be long until Perry will be back in the courtroom trying to get his client cleared for the second time in the show.

Dr Aaron Stuart runs a prep school that seems to be having trouble meeting most of their bills. And with a company wanting to buy the land where the school is located people are beginning to talk about selling the school. Dr Stuart finds out that Assistant Dean, Tobie Wade, has been sabotaging the school but the reason is unclear. Dr Stuart confronts Tobie Wade near an ocean cliff and gets into a scuffle. Tobie Wade gets pushed off the cliff and falls into the ocean. Dr Stuart goes to the police station to confess to the homicide.

Even though Dr Stuart confessed, Perry is able to have the charges dismissed when the State cannot provide the 'corpus delicti'. So Dr Stuart is freed even when he still believes he killed Tobie Wade.

Later Dr Stuart receives a call from a teacher advising she had seen Tobie Wade alive in a rural cabin. Dr Stuart goes to the cabin and there the police now have their 'corpus delicti'. Dr Stuart is standing over the dead body of Toby Wade murdered with Stuart's tire iron.

Perry again is masterful as he defends Dr Stuart in court. Through testimony and video presentation, Perry works his magic as he combs the testimony to reveal the true murderer.

Not only does this episode provide the viewer with a good mystery- the script makes the show interesting and suspenseful. A very good episode.
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Fine episode
Panamint16 June 2021
Just want to note the outstanding performance by Milton Selzer in this "Perry Mason" episode. This is an example of absolutely perfect casting (often a hallmark of this series). Selzer is a poised and confident actor and his performance is flawless. The episode as a whole has a very dramatic tone throughout, and fortunately produces excellent heavy drama, very watchable.
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Tried and True Mystery
Hitchcoc6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While I enjoy the bad guys getting justice dealt to them, the resolution was a bit too easy. When the Sheriff said no one could survive the fall, did anyone bother to look for a landing place just below the cliff? And why was Walt Whitman maligned? That was a red herring! But it still was fun.
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Was the Corpus actually Delieti'ed?
sol12188 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Perry Mason,Raymond Burr,has his hands full here defending a client Dr. Aaron Stuart, played by the gashes and bubbly Milton Selzer, who he defended previously and got him off an a Corpus Delieti, no proof of a crime being committed, technicality. Dr. Stuart was tried in the murder of his assistant at his pre collage prep school, the Manazni Prep School, Tobin Wade, H.M Wynant, by shoving him off a cliff and into the Pacific Ocean where his body was never recovered. Thus the Corpus Delieti defense on Perry's part worked to get Dr. Sturat, who confessed to the crime, off.

Thinking that the Perry Mason episode was over and as I was about to turn the channel but all of a sudden the dead Tobin Wade pops up again this time really dead or murdered in his cabin with his skull busted by a tire iron! And who do you think is the person who found his body and is now indited in Wade's murder. A murder that unlike the first one Wade was supposedly a victim of this one is the real McCoy! Non other then Dr. Aaron Stuart! speaking of lighting striking twice!

On trial for murder with a real not imaginary murder victim as evidence, the late Tobin Wade, Perry has to back track to uncover the strange circumstances that lead not only to Wade's murder or murders but how is unlucky client Dr.Stuart was involved in both, the real and fake, of them! As Perry soon finds out Wade was trying to get the Manzani Prep School to go out of business by bankrupting it with in fact he did achieved. Wade then planned to sell it and the valuable property around it under an assumed name,since he was supposed to be dead, to the local big time real estate developers who've been itching for years to get their hands on it.

****SPOILERS***** In him feeling outside the law by faking his own death Wade then contacted a real estate agent in the area to, after getting his hands on Manzani Prep School property, pay him off in $50,000.00 in blackmail money in Wade, who set him up, not framing him for his own, who was actually alive at the time, murder! This whole crazy and ridicules plan on Wade's part backfired on him when the man he planned to blackmail ended up murdering him instead! And now it's up to Perry Mason to prove Dr.Sturat's innocent for the second time and this time, without a Corpus Delieti defense, make it stick!
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Oh, so typical PM
pmike-1131215 February 2022
Was this show EVER based on any semblance of reality?

Virtually all courtroom sequences are so far-fetched and NOT based in real law and justice as to be laughable, at best. This one is ridiculously so.
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