"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Two to Go (TV Episode 2002) Poster

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Willow goes "all Dark Phoenix"
katierose29531 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Really, season six is Willow's season. It was her idea to bring Buffy back, her addiction to magic that drove many of the story lines and, in the end, it's her descent into darkness that will give the Scoobies the worst Big Bad they've ever faced. Willow is out of control and she's more powerful than anything Buffy can fight. Willow, the same girl who got so excited over that Pez witch and who played with Miss Kitty Fantasitco and who always tapes "Biography," is on a path to destroy the world. You can't skip this episode. It's an incredible twist for her character and it will set up everything to come.

"Two to Go" picks up right where "Villians" left off. Buffy, Anya and Xander are in the woods, Willow is after the remaining members of the Trio, and Warren has been skinned alive. The Scoobies are horrified at what Willow has done. But they quickly rationalize that at least she only killed Warren. (Xander is especially eager to write off Warren's death as old fashioned "He Got What was Coming to Him" frontier justice. He loves Willow too much to accept that she might be slipping over the ledge.) As Buffy explains it, though, Andrew and Jonathan are different than Warren. Less guilty, more helpless and if Willow starts peeling off their skin, there's no coming back. She and Xander head for the jail to break the Trio (Now the Duo) free. Anya teleports ahead to warn the boys that Willow is coming.

Andrew and Jonathan are in the "Big House." Abandoned by Warren, ignored by their families, and terrified at what might happen to them, they are spending their time bickering among themselves. Anya arrives and tells them that they have to get out of the cell. As they try to talk the police into opening the door, Willow shows up. Ripping the bricks out of the wall, she breaks her way into in the jail. By that time, though, Buffy has freed the Duo. Willow chases them all for awhile, but soon she has to recharge and she heads for Racks. Dawn goes there, too, looking for Willow. The Scoobies take the Duo to the Magic Box and try to formulate a plan. Meanwhile, in Africa, Spike continues on with his demons trials. Buffy makes her way to Rack's and stops Willow from hurting Dawn. But, Willow is now too powerful for any of them to control. Magically transporting herself, Dawn and Buffy to the Magic Box she immediately attacks Andrew and Jonathan. Thanks to a spell from Anya and some Slayer fighting from Buffy, Xander, Dawn and the Duo escape. Willow isn't worried, though. She knocks out Buffy and Anya, proclaims that no one can stop her, and then the door to the shop slams open...

There are some good parts to this episode. I love Jonathan and Andrew. The way that Jonathan tries to come to grips with what they've done is really sad and well done. He's known Willow since he was a kid and he's horrified at that they've driven her to this. Jonathan has always been the most sympathetic member of the Trio. He basically joined up with them because they give him a place to belong. Even in this episode, he's really trying to be part of the Scoobies, though. Andrew is less willing to take responsibility. And he's certainly not about to let the Scoobies and/or Willow dole out his punishment. He's ready to go down fighting, which is a prelude to where his character will go next season. Andrew has made a lot of mistakes and he's in complete denial about most of them. (It's not until "Storyteller" in season seven that he seems to break down and accept the consequences of his actions.) Still, Andrew isn't someone who gives up or lives in the past. No matter what's gone wrong, he still wants to survive and keep going forward... Preferably to Mexico.

I also adore Dark Willow. It's impossible to even see the "real" Willow left within her her dark shell. All the insecurities, slights and secret "meaness" inside of Willow have bubbled to the surface. She's ripping into Dawn for her constant whining. (Which is such a wonderful, guilty pleasure of a moment that I always want to rewind it and watch it again. I know, I know, I'm just petty.) She's accusing Buffy of being a hypocrite and a snob, "who needs every square inch of" her ass kicked. She's killing Rack, the man who helped her down this path. And, no matter what she does, I forgive Willow instantly. All of her rage is fueled by of her grief over of Tara. I understand her pain and, like the Scoobies, I just want the "real" Willow back and whole again.

On the down side, Spike's really not in this episode very much.

My favorite part of the episode: The cliffhanger at the end of "Two to Go" is probably the most satisfying, surprising, jumping-off-the- couch-and-shouting-"YES!" moment of the season.
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Never stops moving
Joxerlives29 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Good; This ep just never stops moving, just like 'truck driving magic momma' DarkWillow.

The Bad; No time for that!

Best line; Anya; (of Andrew) "The annoying vrigin has a point"

Women good/men bad; The female coven sense the impending disaster whilst the male dominated Council don't

Jeez!; You really know how far Willow has gone when she threatens her beloved Dawn, mocking her loss of Tara and Joyce. Willow really doesn't live here anymore as is brought home by her referring to herself in 3rd person.

Kinky dinky; Anya tells Xander that her tryst with Spike was not vengeance as it appeared, it was solace. Xander doubts that Andrew has ever had any sex. According to Clem Rack likes 'little girls' (as we saw with Willow and Amy). Dawn says she's not a little girl anymore but still insists on going to see him, willing to pay any price to help those she loves.

Captain Subtext; Xander spends almost the whole episode bemoaning his uselessness. Don't worry, every dog has his day and it's coming. Note Jonathon keeps trying to help at the Magic Shop, he wants to be part of the Scoobygang. Even DarkWillow still refers to Dawn as 'cutie' and 'honey'

Apocalypses; 6

Scoobies in bondage: Buffy: 8 Giles: 4 Cordy: 5 Will: 4 Jenny: 1 Angel: 4 Oz: 1 Faith: 3 Joyce: 1 Wes: 1 Xander; 2 Dawn; 4

Scoobies knocked out: Dawn faints after teleporting whilst Anya and Buffy get knocked out at the Magic Shop.

Buffy: 18 Giles: 12 Cordy: 6 Xander: 12 Will: 8 Jenny: 2 Angel: 6 Oz: 3 Faith: 1 Joyce: 3 Wes: 1 Anya; 4 Dawn; 3 Tara; 1

Kills: Willow kills Rack Buffy: 107 vamps, 56 demons, 6 monsters, 3 humans, 1 werewolf, 1 spirit warrior & a robot Giles: 8 vamps, 2 demon, 1 human, 1 god.

Cordy: 3 vamps, a demon Will: 6 vamps + 3 demons +1 fawn+1 human.

Angel: 3 vamps, 1 demon, 1 human Oz: 3 vamps, 1 zombie Faith: 16 vamps, 5 demons, 3 humans Xander: 6 vamps, 2 zombies, 1 a demon, Anya: 1 vamp and 1 a demon Riley; 18 vamps + 7 demons Spike; 8 vamps and 4 demons Buffybot; 2 vamps Tara; 1 demon Dawn; 1 vamp

Scoobies go evil: Willow and how! Giles: 1 Cordy: 1 Will: 3 Jenny: 1 Angel: 1 Oz: 1 Joyce: 1 Xander: 4 Anya; 1 Dawn; 1 Buffy; 1

Alternate scoobies: DarkWillow Buffy: 8 Giles: 4 Cordy: 1 Will: 5 Jenny: 2 Angel: 3 Oz: 2 Joyce: 2 Xander: 4 Tara; 1 Dawn;1 Spike; 1 Anya; 2 Recurring characters killed: 12 Jesse, Flutie, Jenny, Kendra, Larry, Snyder, Professor Walsh, Forrest, McNamara, Joyce, Katrina, Tara

Sunnydale deaths; 94

Total number of scoobies: 2- Anya helping but not really part of the gang Xander, Buffy, Xander demon magnet: 5(6?) Preying Mantis Lady, Inca Mummy Girl, Drusilla, VampWillow, Anya (arguably Buffy & Faith with their demon essences?), Dracula?

Scoobies shot: DarkWillow threatened by a phalanx of police guns but no rounds fired Giles: 2 Angel: 3 Oz: 4 Riley; 1 Buffy; 1 Tara; 1

Notches on Scooby bedpost: Giles: 2; Joyce & Olivia, possibly Jenny and 3xDraccy babes? Cordy: 1? Buffy: 4 confirmed; Angel, Parker, Riley, Spike. 1 possible, Dracula(?) Angel: 1;Buffy Joyce: 1;Giles, 2 possible, Ted and Dracula(?) Oz: 3; Groupie, Willow & Verucca Faith:2 ;Xander, Riley Xander: 2; Faith, Anya Willow: 2;Oz and Tara Riley; 3; Buffy, Sandy and unnamed vampwhore Spike; 2 Buffy and Anya Anya; 2 Spike and Xander

Dawn in peril; 10

Dawn the bashful virgin; 9

Questions and observations; Anya says that Willow is the most powerful wicca in the Western Hemisphere (she's the wicked witch of the West?). Anya's outfit makes her look like some sort of puritan. Check out kung-fu DarkWillow. The 'walking action figure' will later turns up as Helo's...I'm sorry Agent Ballard's sparring partner in Dollhouse.

Marks out of 10; 8/10
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Cat & Mouse
Samuel-Shovel3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Two to Go", after killing Warren, Willow pursues the remaining two members of the Trio. She won't stop until all three of them have been destroyed. Buffy and the gang must help the two escape from Willow's wrath. They do this to both save their enemies and their friend Willow. Dawn convinces Clem to go help her find Willow and talk some sense into the witch. They find her at Rack's where she has killed the warlock and absorbed his power. Meanwhile, Spike continues his challenge to conquer an opponent to win some sort of unknown reward.

Anya uses spells to protect everyone from Willow's magic. Buffy and Willow must duke it out while everyone else escapes. Willow lays waste to Anya and Buffy and looks close to finishing everyone off... That is until Giles shows up and gives her a blast of magic. Season finale, here we come!

This whole episode is a long game of cat and mouse as Willow pursues her prey. Most of the episode revolves around trying to figure out how to stop this madwoman. But in the end, it's an old friend showing up that may just do the trick. I figured that Giles would reappear at some point this season or next but, even so, I was extremely excited when he popped through that door. Hopefully this season finale will make this subpar season worth the viewing.

Also, I wonder if Amy will show up at all in the finale and help the gang?
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Two to go
Realrockerhalloween5 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy has to protect the remaining two of the trio from Willow's wrath as she grows more powerful by the day. Its almost as if Willow isn't there any more attacking her friends nearly killing them and threatens to turn Dawn back into the key. It seems the more evil she becomes the scarier she looks as her skin becomes white and her face veiny and even mockerying in her voice instead of the compassion we're used to. I know Willow was sad yet she avenged Tara's death and now power hungry as she target's innocents or mess with free will. Another fascinating tribute is Willow hates the way she was embracing her new personality as no one will love her and feeling her world is shattered with no one left to pick up the pieces.

One good thing to come out of it is Anya has pledged her allegiance back to the scoobies putting aside her hate to use her powers in saving Jonathan & Andrew from prison or leading Buffy to Warren before Willow can kill him. It allows time for Xander & Anya to talk out their problems instead of running away from them. It still hurts they don't get back together yet its a step in the right direction as they try and find a way to help their misguided friend.
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Deeply personal threat
ossie8523 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy, Xander and Anya desperately try and stop Willow from killing Jonathan and Andrew. Buffy breaks Jonathan and Andrew out of jail. Willow's power is getting weaker and to get a power boost she goes to Rack. Anya also tells Jonathan and Andrew that Warren is dead. Spike's trials begins.

Why It's So Good - A very exciting episode, as Willow falls off the rails completely. Can she survive this? Can Buffy and her friends? Can the world? A whole lot of threats, and not a lot of answers. And Giles!

Watch Out For - Clem's cheeso talk.

Quote - "Oh, for crying out loud. Signals? Who from, your probe-happy alien friends? Say, maybe we can trade a pack of cigarettes in for tin foil. Make you a nice antenna hat." - Jonathan.
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A hopeless flaw.
freeist7 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This for me was the least engaging of the series finals. The world is endangered again. Okay, they did that in season 1, 2, 3 . . . and I guess that's a hard one to top every time.

My main problem, though, is with making Willow the agent of the Apocalypse. Not that I think Willow was too nice to do it. I know this is fantasy and all, but am I supposed to believe that getting powerful enough to destroy the universe takes less time than getting your Bachelors' Degree? Without any "gift" like Buffy's or grant from something powerful? I accept the Buffy fantasy overall, but if this were true, somebody would have destroyed it by the 10th century, by accident. Even if Willow "stole" the power late in the show, she did it magically, with little effort, and as a witch with only six years experience this was just unbelievable. I must have missed the episode where Willow is sucked into a time-slow dimension and studies magic for a thousand years without the Scoobies knowing. It would have fixed this whole thing.

Well, not completely. There were other flaws less glaring. I thought it was unintended irony that Xander would become the heavy-handed Christ figure in this (the carpenter reference must not have been lost even on Xander) after earlier arguing why they shouldn't save Warren.

Which brings up another problem: Buffy's moral arguments all through this sound very thin and trite. When she fights Willow, she has nothing interesting say. The dialog then is just very flat, so atypical of this show. Not only did Willow kick her ass, but she won the argument, too.

There are a few good parts. Giles' entrance for one. Anya's knowledge and teleporting around does add a dimension here and makes her good for something. The show has other things to recommend it.

But it just wasn't a very good story idea.
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