"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" Time of the Hawk (TV Episode 1981) Poster

Gil Gerard: Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers


  • Twiki : Crichton, you are ordered to the bridge at once.

    Crichton : I have asked you on several occasions, Twiki, not to give me orders. You are not a human.

    Twiki : But I was...

    Admiral Efram Asimov : [impatiently]  You listen to me, kettle belly: this is Admiral Asimov. You get up here to the bridge now!

    Crichton : Oh, very well, Admiral. By robotic law conceived by some distant and overweening ancestor of yours, also named Asimov, I am obliged to obey your commands. However, this is an appalling inconvenience.

    Admiral Efram Asimov : Move!

    Crichton : I am en route. Anger is a destructive emotion, by which robots fortunately are not afflicted.

    Admiral Efram Asimov : Goodfellow, you built that irritating pile of junk. Can't you build some respect for authority into him?

    Dr. Goodfellow : I'm afraid not, Admiral. It appears that Crichton doesn't believe I constructed him.

    Admiral Efram Asimov : He doesn't what?

    Dr. Goodfellow : [chuckles]  He finds it inconceivable that anything human had a hand in his creation.

    Admiral Efram Asimov : I don't think I believe what I'm hearing.

    Dr. Goodfellow : Well, his life span is virtually unlimited; his factual knowledge far exceeds that of any of us; and he is, I'm afraid, just a trifle contemptuous of human frailties, to which he's not subject.

    [Buck snickers] 

    Admiral Efram Asimov : [scowls]  You find that funny, Rogers?

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Sorry, Admiral.

    Admiral Efram Asimov : Now look here, Goodfellow, if that ridiculous lamppost doesn't believe that humans made him, who, in the name of Theseus does he think did?

    Dr. Goodfellow : Well, he hasn't quite decided that yet. But his speculations are, to say the least, provocative.

    Admiral Efram Asimov : [sarcastically]  I'll just bet they are.

    [Crichton appears on the bridge] 

    Crichton : [clears his throat]  Crichton is here.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : [sarcastically]  Hallelujah.

  • Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Twiki tells me you've been "banking" Crichton, Doctor.

    Dr. Goodfellow : Crichton? Yes. A truly remarkable robot, I tell you.

    Colonel Wilma Deering : That's the understatement of the century.

    Dr. Goodfellow : Century? No, no. Not century, Colonel - millennium. Do you know he's absorbed an entire millennium in the last three days? And he's extraordinarily attuned to the unusual. Do you know what he said to me this morning? He told me that the tongue - listen to this - The tongue of a blue whale can weight as much as a full-grown elephant.

    Colonel Wilma Deering : Oh, come, Doctor. That's a little hard to believe.

    Dr. Goodfellow : Difficult to swallow, you mean?

  • Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : You didn't say be careful.

    Colonel Wilma Deering : What for? It never does any good.

  • Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : My name is Captain Buck Rogers. I'm from the spaceship Searcher out of Earth. I'm looking for a man called Hawk.

    Koori : I have never heard of anyone called Hawk.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : That's strange, since I understand he's half-bird and half-human just as you are.

    Koori : Human? If he heard you call him that, he would tear to pieces. There is nothing human about him or me. Nothing!

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : I take it you don't care much for humans.

    Koori : Care for them? Destroyers. Assassins. All of them. That's what you are, isn't it? An assassin sent here to kill Hawk?

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : I'm not here to kill anybody. I was sent here to find Hawk and try and bring back with me.

  • Hawk : I am Hawk, human.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : So I hear. This is Captain Buck Rogers from the Earth ship Searcher.

    Hawk : I know who you are, Earthman. Save your breath. And I know you have my mate aboard.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Then you know you can't attack me without risking her life. So land and surrender.

    Hawk : No.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Then I've got no choice to shoot you down.

    Hawk : You may find that more difficult than you think, Captain.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Look, I don't wanna kill you, Hawk. My orders are to stop your rampages one way or another.

    Hawk : Rampages? No, Earthman. Retributions. Retributions of genocidal crimes against my people by humans.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : I'm not here to judge you, Hawk. Just to bring you back to answer for what you've done.

    Hawk : You are here to die, Earthman.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : You don't seem to understand the situation, Hawk. If you shoot at my ship, you also shoot at your mate.

    Hawk : It will not be necessary to destroy your ship, Rogers. I shall drive you from the sky, force you to land, and you will release Koori to me on my terms.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Not on your life.

    Hawk : Let us see them which of us shall survive, Captain. You have your intricate technology. I have instincts honed by half a million year of evolution in flight.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Don't be a fool, Hawk. The odds are all against you.

    Hawk : I do not think so, Earthman. You see, the one think you instruments cannot do... is anticipate.

    [fires his lasers] 

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : You're right, lady. That man can fly.

    Koori : He is not a man. He is Hawk. Soon you will know what that means.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : We'll see.

  • Koori : You are a dead man.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : That's funny. I feel okay. Maybe there's hope for me yet.

    Koori : There is no hope for here is Hawk.

  • Hawk : Human. I am here. I could kill you... now.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : We could kill each other, but would that really help Koori?

    Hawk : You wish me to believe that you, a human, care whether one of us lives or dies?

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Yes. I do care. If you hadn't stuck those steel claws into my ship, Koori wouldn't be hurt.

    Hawk : And if you had left her safe in the place from which you took her by force, she would not have come to this.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : I can't argue that. So, we're both responsible. So, what do we do, kill each other, or do we join forces and try to get her some help?

    Hawk : I do not trust humans with guns.

    Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Fine. So we stand here for a few hours not trusting each other as she bleeds to death.

  • Capt. William 'Buck' Rogers : Tell you what, Flagg. Why don't you call off your dogs and you and I will settle this man-to-man like gentlemen.

    Flagg : Good try, Rogers, but then, I'm no gentleman. I'm no hero either. My boys are gonna truss you up like a guinea hen and roast ya... over a slow fire. Every time you holler, I'm gonna take me another drink. And I hope you last long enough for me to get roarin' drunk.

See also

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