The Last House in the Woods (2006) Poster

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You like the red stuff?
lost-in-limbo11 October 2008
This Italian micro-budget horror production isn't that good, but nonetheless it's not too bad for a first shot at a feature length production, as writer / director Gabriele Albanesi has created three horror shorts before it. With a title like that you'll know where it's target audience lies, and for most part it delivers on it if you just go in expecting something rather amateurishly crazy and explosively bloody in what is an all to familiar get-up. You can see its style is raw, lurid and recalls shades of 70s / 80s drive-in grindhouse exploitation. It's a total throwback. Even with this element, still it's hard to find it disturbing. It's far from it actually, as it's over-the-top hysterics (especially involving three moronic douche bags) and macabre confusion can see it fall on being darkly humorous.

A young couple, Aurora and Rino are trying to come to terms to where their relationship is at or what was, but they're interrupted by three loutish thugs that bash Rino and attempt to rape Aurora. However an older married couple driving pass saves them from that disastrous fate and takes them back to their place to recover. But unknowingly to them this couple has a secret which might put Aurora and Rino in a great deal of unexplainable trouble.

The narrative is thoughtlessly thin and dank, but cluttered with so many disjointed plot structures (some that feel like a second thought as if made on the spot) which go onto to lead to an inevitable (and perplexing) explanation to all of this demented carnage. I'm at a lost?! You can easily spot the influences from other horror films though. 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' shoots to mind. The unsubtle script was mostly horrendous.

After a plodding beginning-- setting up Aurora and Rino's rocky relationship and their early encounters with the brain-dead thugs. The whole mystery surrounding the hospitable couple and their son is what holds you, until it throws you into the ugly, explicit violence and bewildering situation. Nothing suspenseful about it, but it's flipped out with it gushing with plenty of red stuff and gore skews into camp territory, but that final closing is shockingly weak and rushed. What was going against it is that there was no one to really cheer on (yep Aurora and Rino were less than desirable characters) as they weren't painted oh so greatly.

Gabriele Albanesi's direction stays conventional with some neatly realized images and fast moving zooms, but it's considerably well shot. Even when it decides the shake the camera about a couple of times. The electronic score stays low-key with a sensitively harrowing vibe, striking back to those old features. The pacing moves quick enough and the limited resources are handled effectively (like the make-up and splatter effects).The performances are very indifferent and quite poor (thanks again to those three ridiculous thugs). Daniela Virgilio and Daniele Grassetti didn't make much of an imprint as Aurora and Rino. Gennaro Diana and Santa De Santis's stiltedly icy portrayals bordered on farcical as the mysterious couple. David Pietroni was just laudably hammy as the main front man of the trio.

Unusually ragged, but slightly amusing and outrageous Italian horror.
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This is one where I definitely disagree with a number of the 'external' reviewers...
lathe-of-heaven23 January 2012
Usually, I depend heavily on the 'external reviews' here on IMDb; no disrespect for the other reviewers here like me of course, but I have my favourites who I rely on for my impressions of a film and whether I think I will like it.

Well, as my title suggests, I VERY much disagree with some of my 'regulars', that is for sure! Both at DVD Verdict and Dread Central they praise this film as a great return to Italian Horror. I suppose... However, perhaps it's just a matter of 'taste' in this case (no pun intended - I guess you'll hafta actually see the film to get it) Sure, there is a LOT of old fashioned gore, etc. And that can be okay IF, and I do bloody well mean ***IF*** at least it is done well. But, sadly, in this case I am sorry, but it was not. Now maybe the level of competence is expected to be lower with this kind of movie, but still, there are TONS of great low-budget Horror films that may even be somewhat stupid, BUT there is a certain charm or retro feel to them or SOMETHING for Goodness sake that makes them worthwhile. Not this one...

Primarily I just couldn't bleed'n STAND the monotonous and EXTREMELY super-extended padding in this thing. GEEZ, so he / she / whatever is running through the woods... Okay... I get it... Can we PLEASE not spend 20 frigg'n minutes watching them running and screaming, and running and screaming, and then running and screaming some more...???! PLEASE...! Literally about 20% of the dang film is made up of all these SUPER-extended reaction shots (hold on her face... Okay, now hold on his face. Okay, now go back to her face... GEEZ, just shoot me already, or hang me, I REALLY do not care at this point!) I GUESS, MAYBE, if it had just been tightened up a bit and moved along with SOME concept of pacing it probably would indeed have been a fun and enjoyable little Horror film. Man, as it was it came in at what, about 85 minutes WITH credits. I mean EVERY dang scene was dragged out, mostly with awful repetitive yelling and 'acting' I mean HOW MANY bloody times does one tough guy hafta tell his other friend to 'Shut up!' And also how many, MANY times does that same friend say 'Hey, we really should go back; we shouldn't do this, etc., etc., etc... It's just that when you add all this stuff up it ends up being HALF the damn film, really! Just a LOT, and I do mean a HELL of a lot of time wasted, totally destroying whatever possible suspense or interest that may have been generated .

I WILL say though that there were a few things about this movie that I did like. First, I REALLY liked the opening song; I mean it sounded RIGHT out of TWIN PEAKS, honestly! So, I'm thinking 'Great! This is gonna be some subtle, moody, atmospheric film a la David Lynch. WRONG... BUT, I will say though that towards the very beginning there were indeed a few shots / scenes that did remind me of Lynch's use of long, quiet shots that gave it a nice, odd feel. And also, I really noticed a very deliberate effort to copy Argento's lighting in 'INFERNO' You see blues and reds EVERYWHERE! That looked kinda neat. But, all in all whatever slight patches of style or mood that MIGHT have been there, they were TOTALLY obliterated by completely inept narrative and pacing and WAAAAAAAAAY drawn out scenes. If he could have just edited all that completely useless crap out of there and maybe brought the film in at even 70 minutes, that might have done the trick.

Now again, if this kind of film falls into the category sort of like Porn where you really aren't exactly watching it for the 'tight' direction (cough...) etc., well then, fine... Maybe this just isn't my kind of movie. But, at least as I imagine it being directed, I THINK that you really could have snipped out all the stupid stuff and just gotten to all the gore, etc., THEN you just might have had a much, MUCH more effective and emotionally striking film. Instead ALL the tension that is actually built up is completely wasted and drained away by about 20% of the footage that just shouldn't be there.

YES, there is a definite and even somewhat effective homage to Argento and Classic Italian Horror in general; but, if you are gonna do that type of thing, PLEASE do not completely ruin it by making an awful film around it...
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Pizza Shlock! Ingredients: gore, vomit and tumor-pus
Coventry9 February 2010
If you look at the international title of this low-budgeted Italian flick, you automatically expect this to be throwback to the gritty and disturbing rape/revenge exploitation thrillers of the 70's, and particularly of course Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left". If you then watch the film, you'll have to conclude it's much more reminiscent to that other Wes Craven milestone of the 70's; namely "The Hills Have Eyes". But what truly surprised me here actually was that "Last House in the Woods" is one of the goriest, most sickening and distasteful recent horror films I've seen in months! During the first half hour or so, writer/director Gabriele Albanesi apparently still tried to serve some personal style and ambitious structure, but then the whole thing just turns into a non-stop nasty and absurdly over-the-top shlockfest. In the middle of a relationship crisis, young couple Aurora and Rino are assaulted by a trio of drug-addicted thugs on a remote forest road. They're about to gang-rape Aurora when a middle-aged couple drives by and comes to the rescue. At the couple's house, hidden deep in the woods, Aurora soon realizes she's in even deeper trouble as her hosts have the nasty habit of kidnapping people and serve the flesh to their cannibalistic 7-year-old son. If this isn't quite unhinged enough for you yet, there's another duo of freaks loose in the woods – one has a disgusting tumor in his neck and the other a half rotten face – and an outrageously insane climax involving a child that got lost in the woods during the intro of the film. "Last House in the Woods" is badly acted, incoherent and senseless and honestly doesn't feature any aspects that qualify as original or surprising. Still, this is guaranteed fun to watch if only for the gore and unusually high level of depravity. Moreover, in spite of the obviously very restricted budget, the makers nevertheless managed to engage Italy's most prominent and gifted special-effects guy for their film! Sergio Stivaletti is literally a wizard with blood & gore effects. He worked with Italy's greatest horror directors of the 80's and 90's (Dario Argento, Mario Bava and Michele Soavi) and already even directed two excellent but shamefully underrated himself ("The Wax Mask" and "Three Faces of Terror"). Thanks to Stivaletti, "Last House in the Woods" is a real treat for sick puppies like myself, with an overload of slit throats, bitten throats, disembowelment, amputations, chainsaw murders, close range head shots, stabbings … Shall I continue, or will you purchase the DVD already?
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This flick is a giant merda
bigdarvick26 November 2008
Nice artwork on the DVD box and that's about it. On the cover it says, "from the people who brought you the Grudge" etc etc, lot's of hype. From Ghost House pictures, a company that usually will deliver the scares, but not in this case.

First 10 minutes of the film is shot too dark. Then there are numerous gaffes with the day for night type scenes. One scene it is dark, the next it's daylight. On par with an Ed Wood film. Horrible editing, shots of 3 guys driving in a little Fiat seen over and over with the driver never turning the wheel.

Lingering close ups, fast zooms--both in and out, shaky hand held camera to the point of it looking like the cinematographer was having a seizure.

Goofy, over the top acting, more suitable for an Italian soap opera. "Hey Enzo, we needa more blood, no?"

I bought this movie used for 10 bucks and I might as well of just flushed it down the toilet. Here's some advice for Ghost House pictures: Please don't become another Full Moon. There are already enough low budget stinkers being put out by those guys. Have some credibility and actually watch the movie before you market it --and in the case of Last House in the Woods, your marketing was deceptive and I fell for it. You got me, but now I will research a Ghost House movie before I buy or rent one.
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The Last Chainsaw Massacre on the Left of Mother's Day
lovecraft23129 November 2008
Aurora (Daniela Virgilio) and her boyfriend Rino (Daniele Grassetti) are having a bad day-for one thing, a trio of thugs decide they want some fun, and after they are saved, it turns out that their savior's family has some really ugly secrets.

An Italian tribute to 70's and 80's Grindhouse fair, "Last House In The Woods" could best be described as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" meets "The Last House on the Left" with a dash of "Mother's Day" thrown in. The film obviously has plenty of love for old school Exploitation flicks, and also boasts an effective score and top notch gore FX by Sergio Stivaletti ("Cemetary Man.")

Yet, it never really reaches it's full potential. Sure, you aren't exactly looking for an original type of horror movie, but it doesn't help when you realize that you could be watching other, better Horror Exploitation movies from the 70's and 80's instead of this. Here, not only have you seen it before, but you've seen it done considerably better. It also doesn't help that the acting is largely poor, with the exception of Gennaro Diana as Antonio and Santa De Santis as Clara. Sure, you can throw in all the Chainsaw action, gore, and cannibalism in the world, but it doesn't make up for it.

To be fair, director Gabriele Albanesi definitely shows some potential, and could possibly pull of a good horror movie. Sadly, this isn't it, but damn it, he at least puts effort into it, which counts for something. Plus, it's nice to see a gory Italian horror flick that's recent-too bad it ends up, as James Brown once said, "Talking Loud and Saying Nothing."
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Just didn't get it
Poe-1723 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Cannibalism and gore with a story ... not. They just didn't get it. Horror has been here before. They brought nothing new. Would have been a whopper a decade back but now is just a rehash already been done. I'm sure they saw their venture as daring and innovative but only because they didn't do their homework. Unless you've only been visiting Disney, there's nothing to shock you here. All plot elements have been explored as far back as the late 60s. That seems to be the mantra nowadays. It's easy to say "There's nothing new to be done" and then something like "The Dark Knight" rolls through and you realize it's about pushing the envelope and creative juice and back in the day when little bitty films (like "Night of the Living Dead") hurled themselves against the mainstream. They originate off the chart, not repeating the already done. Different world, I guess,but aren't there film makers stirring and concocting things outside the box? And how in the world do films that do nothing get the financing? Skip it.
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"It's like we had both ran out of ideas" (1:17:03; DVD edition)
sandarce-7457331 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it seems they completely ran out of ideas by the end of the movie. It turns out, two parents had a son, he was born with a dental defect and they took him for a monster. You'll realize this when the mother says, "Giulio was a monster", and then, she explains "he was born that way... look at his teeth". So, because the boy had bad teeth and he seemed like a monster to them, they decided to isolate him in the forest. They found other persons with special needs to live with them in order for the boy to have "a normal life." One day the boy bit his father's hand and somehow managed to bit off his finger, so they had this great illuminating 'eureka' moment, they had the brilliant idea of feeding him human flesh. So, they went out and started to kill... to feed their child... like any parent would, the mother explains. Brilliant, just brilliant!
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Go straight past the last house on the left, turn right at the edge of the park, and it's the last house in the woods.
BA_Harrison14 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Prologue: the world's densest family are driving home when they blow a tyre and crash (no seat-belts; no airbags; very dumb); the father is dead, so the mother gets her injured son out of the car and tells him to run down the road with her (he could be suffering from spinal damage for all she knows; what an idiot!); when she spies a car approaching, the mother stands in the road and waves her arms, but fails to get out of the way when it passes (Splat! How thick?); the driver of the car pulls over, walks to the barely-still-alive mother, and bashes her head in with a rock (the son, who is cowering in the woods, shouts out; he's easily as stupid as his parents).

After this unparallelled exercise in stupidity, we are introduced to a pair of lovers, Aurora (busty Daniela Virgilio) and Rino (Daniele Grassetti), who attempt to solve issues in their relationship by having car sex in the middle of nowhere. As they redress themselves, post intercourse, a trio of pill-popping thugs turn up, kick Rino to the ground and try to force Aurora to perform fellatio. Fortunately for her, the assault is interrupted when a couple in a passing car stop, and the driver, Antonio (Gennaro Diana) proceeds to send the thugs packing (with the help of his gun, of course).

Grateful for his assistance, the shocked couple accompany Antonio to his house, but it turns out to be a case of 'out of the frying pan, and into the fire': Antonio and his wife Clara (Santa De Santis) are the proud parents of a group of deformed cannibals, and Aurora and Rino are destined to become dinner.

It is clear from the derivative title alone that Last House In The Woods is intended to recreate the nasty, gritty vibe of 70s and 80s grind house horror, most notably the early work of Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, and Italy's own Ruggero Deodato; unfortunately, director Gabriele Albanesi tends to stick a little too closely to his source material, and for much of the film, he offers very little new in terms of ideas. Inbred cannibals; vicious rapist thugs; chainsaw mayhem: it's all so familiar. Hell, even Gennaro Diana looks kinda like David Hess's younger brother.

However, as Italian horror films seem to be in the habit of doing, the script eventually decides to launch logic out of the window and matters get very crazy, very gory, very quickly, transforming Last House In The Woods from a predictable Hills Have Eyes/Texas Chainsaw clone into a totally bonkers and magnificently vicious gore-fest. In fact, I had so much fun with the typically Italian insanity in the closing moments that I found I could easily forgive the movie's earlier weaknesses.

Yucky treats that await those who are patient include limb amputation via chainsaw, bullets to the head, vicious stabbings, and a messy disembowelment (all courtesy of MUFX man Sergio Stivaletti); furthermore, Virgilio gets absolutely drenched in blood, a mutant cannibal has his huge boil burst during a fight (which results in a geyser of pus hitting a guy in the face), and there's even a quadriplegic kid for good measure. It's mad, it's messy, and it's fun, and that's good enough for me! 6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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There's many backwoods horror films out there, and this is definitely.... one of them
movieman_kev25 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Aurora can't seem to catch a break, her ex won't leave her alone (perhaps because she keeps doing the horizontal mambo with him, but I digress), then she's almost raped by neadrethal jocks, and to top it off the couple that saves the un-couple turn out to be sadistic maniacs (but they do it all out of parental love...awwww). Aside from some good shots and a pretty nice atmosphere, this film fails to distinguish itself from the myriad of other films of the ilk (Ie. Texas Chainsaw massacre, Hills have eyes, etcetera). As such I can only cautiously recommend it to fans of that particular sub-genre. Not that good, but not that bad either. It's just kinda there.

My Grade: C-

DVD Extras: Director's Commentary; a 40 minute making of featurette 'Backstage on the last house in the woods', a short film (L'Armadio), theatrical trailer for this movie; and trailers for "Saw 5", "Punisher: War Zone", "Dance of the Dead", "No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker", "the Substitute", "Dark Floors", "Trackman" "Room 205", "Brotherhood of Blood"
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Some creepy thematics but otherwise not impressive.
TdSmth510 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A couple with child are driving on a road in the woods. The man loses control of the car, crashes into a tree and dies. As the mother tries to stop a car for help, she's run over. The driver stops, grabs a rock and smashers her to death. When he hears the hiding kid he goes after him.

Later we meet a young but estranged couple as they drive to the woods. They stop for romance and are assaulted by some drugged gang members. He's beaten up, she stops a car for help. The man who helps her has a gun and makes the gangster run for their life. Also in the car is the man's wife. The young couple is taken to their estate in the woods. But something isn't right here. When she awakens, she's tied to a chair. Next to her is her ex also tied up but passed out. His lower leg is missing. In front of her, the dining table and a child munching on his leg! Eventually she escapes and ends up in an RV that belongs to some deformed retards. They take her captive and bring her back to the home in the woods. Our gangsters from earlier hear the noise and make it to house as well. Turns out the 2 retards and the kid who has shark-like teeth are all children of the couple that lives there. The kid has some need to devour flesh and the parents find the human meat when necessary. At this point all sorts of struggles take place between the crazy family and the gangsters who now have become good guys.

The final scene is quite powerful, when we see a sort of shrine in the basement. At the center is the kid from the accident at the beginning of the movie. He is alive but his limbs have been removed. He and the monstrous kid meet presumably for the first time.

This movie has an interesting premise but the production cannot make the best of it. Too many characters, none of which are particularly interesting or arouse sympathy. There's some gore here and there. Quite a bit of this movie is rather dull.
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lastliberal8 October 2010
I have no intention in engaging in the game of comparing this movie to those previously made. There is really nothing original in horror, so naturally, any film will have glimpses of others. I am just glad I didn't have to watch a dubbed version.

Rino (Daniele Grassetti) and Aurora (Daniela Virgilio) were jumped on the side of the road and she was just about to get raped when Antonio (Gennaro Diana) came buy to stop the action, I mean to save the day.

They soon find that there are worse things than rape. Rino ends up tied up in the boy's (Fabiano Malantrucco) room, and she is running for her life through the woods.

Soon she is back in the house, and we see why this film was also called Italian Chainsaw.

There is lots of blood and gore, and some really icky stuff.
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The goriest Italian film in years
kannibalcorpsegrinder12 June 2015
Saved from a rape attempt, a woman and her boyfriend take up shelter in their rescuer's house, unaware of the deadly secret they hide within that is soon unleashed upon them with a ferocious vengeance.

This was one of the more impressive and enjoyable Italian slashers in the scene. One of the better elements in here is the general sense of unease and discomfort found within here as it details several different tactics quite successfully. While hinted at somewhat with the early scenes after the rescue, the film begins to really get into the discomfort when it brings their deformed child into this. Looking suitably distressed and gruesome, there's enough off about his behavior and appearance to lead to quite a distinctive feature here, and even more to that point is the discovery scene where they find him hiding in the bedroom after one of the many escape attempts. That fact that there's some rather decent ones in here is another rather enjoyable feature, providing this one with some enjoyable action that keeps it flowing along nicely. Starting with the main escape attempt, where the group is able to get out onto the dirt road which is pretty dark and chilling here, and a secondary attempt here through the woods leads to some pretty chilling stalking scenes in the bushes. This one also manages to set-up some rather intriguing action in here as not only are those thrilling yet there's a lot of other fun times featured elsewhere with these alongside such scenes as the opening car-crash on the highway, the assault in the motor home off in the woods and the final retribution against the gang-members which takes up the entire final half in the house which is over-the-top gory, brutal and just a lot of fun featuring the chainsaw action, cannibal attacks and tons of suspense here with the encounters in the child's bedroom and down in the basement. That all of the action scenes result in tons of gory, bloody and rather inventive kills tops off the film's positives here, as these are enough to hold off the relatively few flaws. The main one here is the rip-off nature of the film during the dinner sequence, which is cribbed so heavily that it never manages to stand on its own because so much of it is shot-for-shot that prevents it from being enjoyable. Beyond that, there's minor problems that don't really amount to much such as the shaking camera preventing a lot of the action in the woods from being clear or the brawl in the garage looking incredibly lame with the weak choreography really taking the sting out of it. Otherwise, this one proved to be a lot of fun and really enjoyable.

Rated R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, a rape scene and children-in-jeopardy.
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Last Massacre on the Edge of the Park?
FilmFatale28 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If the wardrobes and home decor weren't so modern, I would have sworn this grimy little movie was an authentic 70s Italian gore film. Really, it had almost everything, as I shall try to illustrate. First, we're treated to a mom, dad and little boy driving home down a long deserted road in the middle of nowhere. After running over a well-placed booby trap, the car crashes, dad dies, and mom and kid escape to get help. Help doesn't REALLY come though, and the little boy takes off running through the woods. Flash forward to recently broken-up young lovers Aurora and Reno, who decide to "talk" about their problems on the same lonely road. They're beset by three obnoxious young men who want to rape the girl and beat the boy. But help comes in the nick of time from a fashionably dressed couple. Unfortunately, it's not REALLY help and our young lovers soon find themselves in the terror-filled "Last House in the Woods." We've got a creepy, androgynous kid with an annoying voice (Fulci, Burial ground). We've got well-dressed moms with issues (tons). We've got family secrets (tons of gialli). We've got crazy lighting (Argento). We've got a bizarre synthesizer score (tons). We've got gore, vomit, and pus (the good ones). We've got a David Hess-looking main bad guy (House on the Edge of the Park). We've got one crazy dude with a chainsaw (Hooper, not Italian but still). We've even got a guy who acts like a zombie, since there wasn't a logical way to throw in a real zombie. Oh, and the threat of some good ol' Papa Fulci eyeball violence. It's like an Italian "Scream," bringing back the conventions the writer-director grew up with. Plus, like all good Italian gore films, it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Is this a good movie? No. But "Last House in the Woods" is an entertaining little time warp, made enjoyable by some fun gore and a love of the movies that came before.
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Gory Italian flick.
michaelRokeefe14 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Italian director Gabrielle Albanesi is believed to revert back to 1980s Italian horror reminiscent of American drive-in fare. Quarreling young lovers Aurora(Daniela Virgilio)and Rino(Daniele Grassetti)are having 'make up' sex in a remote woody area when a trio of sadistic bullies stop to assault them, beating Rino to a blood mess before trying to rape Aurora. Another car stops with a pistol-packing Antonio(Gennaro Diana)and his wife Clara(Santa De Santis)offering refuge to the young lovers. It is agreed to proceed to the older couple's home, the last house in the woods...deep woods. Upon arriving at the isolated home a dark hidden secret begins unfolding. Knives, a chainsaw and a pair of shark like choppers will give cause for mayhem and the bloody gore to begin. Praying for death may be the quick way out of the woods.
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Last House in the Woods, The
Michael_Elliott19 April 2009
Last House in the Woods, The (2006)

** (out of 4)

Original title: Il bosco fuori

The Italian horror film has been dead for nearly two decades now but director Albanesi tries to bring it back with this piece, which is getting mixed reviews to say the least. A woman and her boyfriend are in the woods when they are attacked by three thugs. Thankfully an elderly couple rescue them and bring them back to their house. Soon the young couple wish they had just stayed with the thugs because these elderly folks have a secret of their own. The title would make you believe this is yet another rip of THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT and while there are elements of that film the main draw here is THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE so in the end we have an Italian throwback to both of those. This is certainly exploitation 101 but without the sex and nudity, which was a little shocking. As far as the film goes there's certainly plenty of gore and violence but in the end it really didn't work for me. The low budget nature is put to good use as we get some very raw scenes but at the same time the film's third act is so over the top that you can't take any of it too serious. I'm not sure why the tone of the film changes but there are a couple extra characters thrown in, via CHAINSAW style, that just don't work. One deformed guy with some sort of thing growing on his shoulder eventually gets that thing popped and watch out. The gore is flowing throughout the final act but by that time I had grown pretty bored with the entire set up. If you want a throw back to the grindhouse days of the 70's then you'll probably want to give this a try even though the final results aren't a major winner and I doubt this kickstarts the Italian horror genre.
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loricossette-2006119 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Holy cow, i have a strong stomach, but I literally almost tossed my cookies watching this film. I do not mind blood or amputations, but I hate PUS and exploding boils. So gross, so graphic, but pretty original in its representation of gore. Beware those of weak constitutions!
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Made in just 18 days which should tell ypu everything
jordondave-280859 May 2023
(2007) The Last House In The Woods/ Il Bosco Fuori (In Italian with English subtitles) HORROR/ SUSPENSE

Made in just 18 days, is not a bad effort except that those other influences that the director had made a homage to are still better. Centers on a ghoulish family located in the woods with some twists. Written and directed by Gabriele Albanesi who was inspired by Argento's "Phenomena", Lucio Fulci to Mario Bava as well as many others including Craven and Hooper of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" movies. What's scary is not when viewers know that it's going to happened, but what is unexpected. And although, there's plenty of gory scenes, it's just disgusting.
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Gross, unsettling exploitation film
dorotka243 March 2010
I've been on quite a gore kick of late with some zingers like Day of the Dead (1985), High Tension, Land of the Dead, and May. I'd put this one in amongst them in terms of gore alone. Some "Unrated" movies I'll get done with and ask myself why they were branded with such a rating. Some of the above, including Last House, left no doubt as to why they deserved to be beyond Restricted (R).

The story, acting, soundtrack, and ambiance initially was enough to make me want to stop the film and get to bed early. It is very poor quality in all of the above. That must have been the point as a direct homage to some of the 70's and 80's films of the same nature. They were bad, but yet had an undeniable power to them with their disturbing scenarios, gratuitous gore including many gross-out scenes, and overall non-PC actions.

The crazies in this one initially played it straight, and seemed like a loving family as do many in such films at first. I wish they had kept this demeanor and tried to be somewhat sympathetic instead of turning into completely sadistic psychopaths - it would have made the crazy setup more disturbing than the generic looney pastiche that I'm so accustomed to.

So if you're looking for a thought provoking and well acted film with a great storyline, then go elsewhere. If you have a bit of a horror vice for being disturbed and grossed out without any of the aforementioned in tow, then pour yourself a tall one and get ready for a stomach churning experience...
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My Review
joemamaohio12 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In this Italian horror movie, young Aurora (Daniela Virgilio) and her boyfriend Rino (Daniele Grassetti) are ambushed by a gang of hoodlums who wish harm on them, but thankfully good Samaritan Antonio (Gennaro Diana) comes to their aid.

He takes them to his home, which lies in the deepest recesses of the woods, and soon Aurora realizes that her savior is in actuality her devil. He introduces her to his family, including cannibalistic sons, and soon Aurora and Rino are in a fight for their lives, and their only true saviors are the hoodlums who once attacked them.

It seems like this film was made a long time ago, with the old camera effects, but the storyline is highly engrossing, and the gore is there in spades. It reminds me actually of the classic horror flick "The Last House on the Left," and with the similar title it might be why I connect the two. I also enjoy how the bad guys at the beginning of the film end up being the good guys in the end. Its always nice to see people change their ways.
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Genuine Satisfying Schlock
chicagopoetry3 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A couple gets attacked by three psychopaths only to be saved by an older couple who are actually the caretakers of a fang toothed cannibal child and two mentally unstable deformed nuts who later get attacked by the same three psychopaths in this cross between Last House On The Left and The Hills Have Eyes, please add the color and lighting effects of Suspiria. The most shocking thing about Last House In The Woods is that it was made in 2006; I actually thought I was watching some legitimate schlock from the 70s that I had somehow overlooked. No spoilers that I could possible reveal here can brace you for how utterly disgusting and horrible this movie is. Vile men raping, vomit splashing, amputations a la chainsaw, puss spurting, intestines spilling out, bad dubbing, you name it. This film has it all. If you are a horror fan you do not want to miss this one. It is the real deal, so bad, so bloody awful, that it is actually good.
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Good Old Fashioned Style Horror Flick
Nightmare-Maker28 November 2008
I have read some real negative reviews on Last House In The Woods, and I did'nt have high hopes...but I actually thought it was a good time.

If you like the old-fashioned Italian flicks (Argento...Bava) I think you will probably get something out of this.

It has some pretty nasty moments, arms and legs getting ripped off, nasty bites, bashed in heads and more!!! It reminded me of House On The Edge Of The Park and TCM Also on the Ghost House DVD, it has English dub or Subtitles, we watched it with the dubbed language, which is fine (quite funny at times too!) All in all I had fun time watching Last House In The Woods, watch it without any expectations and I'm sure you will too.
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The Last House in the Woods
Scarecrow-8814 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sexually liberated Aurora(Daniela Virgilio)has tired of former boyfriend, Rino(Daniele Grassetti), but he's in love with her and is able to coerce her into sex in his car out of the city. Three hooligans, Cesare(David Pietroni), Ginger(Geremia Longobardo), and Diego(Cristiano Callegaro), on a trip, interrupt their conversation on continuing the bumpy relationship by beating Rino to a pulp and terrorizing Aurora, almost sexually molesting her when a couple, Antonio(Gennaro Diana)and Clara(Santa De Santis)pull up in the nick of time. The thugs warn Antonio to bugger off, but he has a gun and isn't afraid to use it. Able to shoo them away, Antonio offers Aurora and Rino a ride to their home for a moment or two of rest, and they accept..little does Aurora know what plans they have for them. Alternating through the plot, a young boy is running through the woods to get away from a mysterious man who hit his mother with his van as she was attempting to flag him down(..their car run over broken glass, careening head-on with a tree, killing the father).

Director Gabriele Albanesi mentions in the documentary for this film that his story and content was highly influenced by the 70's and 80's(..specificially Wes Craven, Tobe Hooper, Lucio Fulci, Ruggero Deodato and especially Dario Argento)and you certainly see that here. Buckets upon buckets of blood and hideous gore. The film features cannibalism( sharp teeth ripping flesh), nasty chainsaw activity(an arm and leg are removed;stomach is torn through with the intestines exposed), human freaks(..a child with shark-like teeth with a hunger for human flesh, along with his "brothers", one with a large tumor-like growth on his neck and another with a hideous skin infection on one side of his face), other degrees of potent violence(..a large knife is stabbed multiple times into a torso, another gets his throat sliced open;a gun is used to bash a victim's skull;a bullet wound to the forehead squirts blood), and, to cap it all off, the shocking fate towards the kid we see running through the woods seeking help. The film works off the familiar premise of innocent couple falling prey to a family who appears on the surface to be a normal member of the bourgeoisie society..although, anyone who lives so far into the woods most of the time is hiding a secret. The dinner table scene is memorable as poor Aurora, tied to a chair, must watch Rino's decapitated leg being feasted on, while also getting showered in blood as the chainsaw is used to hack away his arm. Also, the hooligans, who almost raped Aurora, were bound to return to confront Antonio(..although, Albanesi fashions a rather contrived way for them to find his home). The film is played completely straight, with a classical music score complimenting the serious tone. The film, at it's core, is a showcase for make-up/special effects artist Sergio Stivaletti(..who was, at first, confronted by the director and his producer Gregory J Rossi on issues regarding his opinions on their effects)who takes the small budget his young unproven filmmakers have at their disposal, delivering an extravaganza of bloodshed and grue. It's neat seeing practical effects, not CGI, used again, even if some of the set-pieces are considered primitive by today's standards. As expected with an Italian horror film, the material presented is full of bizarre behavior and strange characters. My major beef is Albanesi's decision to shoot certain action and violent set pieces in that frenzied, shaky-cam method(..he called it "warfare", a change from the more polished, fluid Italian style, the kind of style I thoroughly enjoy). Albanesi mentions that several bloody set-pieces were inspired by Argento's Tenebre(..particularly the final gory set-piece). For old school gorehounds, this might be entertaining..for the squeamish, not so fun.
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Italian Grindhouse
Carrigon16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just like watching an old 70's horror film. Remember the oldies with the bad dialogue, terrible acting, and badly cut film? This movie perfectly captures that old feel. If you're a fan of those old movies, you'll like this.

The movie starts out with a couple who get attacked by some thugs on the side of the road. They are rescued by a couple who take them to their house in the woods. And of course, they have a secret. And it involves feeding their kid and strange family members in unusual ways.

The gore is good. The film cuts are hilarious. They really captured the bad shots, and if you're a fan of those old films, you'll really get what they were doing. Like the camera will hold a really long time on a weapon and it's just hysterical.

I was really surprised by this film. I would love to see more modern films made this way.

Ten stars.
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Great horror movie's !
seckinlergafri3 August 2017
The Last House In The Woods (2006) is a slasher thriller horror film originating in Italy, the film was released on October 6, 2006 and directed by Gabriele Albanesis telling of a young couple who was attacked by three mysterious men suddenly there was someone who saved them, eventually they Join the house of the couple, and it turns out the couple has a dark secret and a small child cannibal who eat human flesh .. Can they run from the house ??? The Last House In The Woods (2006) a pretty fun and sadistic Italian horror movie .. The acting of the cast is pretty good .. The gore scene is pretty scary ...
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