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Bad pacing, subpar acting, and an unpolished script ruin a good idea
Shattered_Wake28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After twenty years apart, six friends rejoin to mourn the death of their childhood friend. At the estate settlement, they find a map that leads them to an old time capsule they buried long ago. Through their journey, they're lead to an abandoned home with hidden secrets. . . that maybe out to kill them.

Of all the Horrorfest films of 2007, this was (for some reason) the only one that I was actually looking forward to. I never got around to watching it, probably due to it always being on the bottom of everyone's ranking for the fest, but I finally forced myself to pick it up. Needless to say. . . I was disappointed. The story tries to play out like Stephen King's It with the group of once-best friends brought together from their separation of time & distance and their attempt to answer mysteries of their past. It's not a bad-looking film as the direction worked well in the settings. The cast (excluding Frank Whaley) was pretty bad, however, and definitely brought down the film a big notch. The script was very muddled and didn't do well to keep our interest for even the short 80 minutes the film ran, which is sad because the story isn't uninteresting. . . it's just the execution of the story in a wider sense that ruined it. Personally, I think, had the script been polished, the ending been changed, and it been stretched beyond a minimal 80 minutes to a length that could've properly held the more complicated story, it might've done better as a good psychological thriller. Unfortunately, being contained to barely feature length made even the 80 minutes nearly unbearable and ruined any chance at any real explanation or intelligence to the film. Pass this one up for the superior films it tries to be, like Session 9.

Final verdict: 3/10. Not worth the time.
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An Incredibly Disjointed Film... Goes From Good to Worthless
gavin694211 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't read this unless you've already seen the film or don't care, because I will be discussing parts at the end of the film.

A few days after a group of friends each begin having nightmares, they are alerted to the death of a friend they hadn't really seen in twenty years. At the funeral, they are given a map to a time capsule. The capsule contains a shocking part of their past: a dead girl. The rest of the day involves unraveling their combined pasts that had gone long forgotten and trying to survive when their guilt comes back to haunt them.

What was the selling point for this film? I think for me it was the interesting plot synopsis (one of the few to not include zombies or cannibals or inbred family members) and Traci Lords (who played Gina Conte). Lords, as I'm sure you know, is known for her underage pornographic work... I also happen to really enjoy her musical career, which runs in the techno-industrial vein.

What works for this film: I thought the film was very well done. The scenery was great, the characters were enjoyable and the plot and dialog seemed to flow nicely. Some parts were going a bit slower than I'd like, but the general pacing was good and we were given hints and clues along the way to solve the puzzle (although whether or not the puzzle can be solved remains to be seen).

What doesn't work: Although I liked the characters, I found them not easily distinguishable. Keeping names and faces straight took a little work, and due to the fact their backgrounds were secret we couldn't know much about them: which really begs the question of what they actually recall about their pasts and how they grew up to be a respectable part of society. The big problem with this film, which actually really upset me, was how abrupt the ending was. I was enjoying the movie, I thought a good ending would make this one something worth recommending, and then it just dies leaving me with the feeling that I had just wasted the last 90 minutes of my life. If there was a point to the film, the ending ruined it. This is why I must rate it low, and have to hold myself back from rating it lower.

How to understand this film: I will try to defend the horrible ending, although it won't be easy. We are told by the priest that "guilt leads to compassion", and we know that when the group was younger they were being taught guilt. At the very end we see a flashback of the dead girl getting ready to enter the box. This leaves me with the impression that the hospital crew planted her there rather than the kids coming up with the idea, as they recall it. What happens in the present day is the conclusion of the experiment from 20 years ago -- this was a way of teaching everyone guilt (20 years later). In order to go from guilt (thinking they killed the girl) to compassion, they must go through what the girl did to truly feel for her. Hence, the guilt is relieved through their own deaths.

If that's the correct interpretation, or something similar, it still seems lacking -- did we really need the girl to come back as a ghost? The supernatural element seems like it wasn't really crucial if the point was to have them feel guilty rather than hunted. Either way, the ending is just too sudden. It's good to leave a viewer with questions so they view it again, but this one just left me hollow and quite upset. If you can get money back, I'd want it back on this one. So, as you can probably tell, I'm not recommending this film despite the potential it clearly has. When it gets released on DVD, I have compassion for those who rent it (but I won't let myself be feel guilty by suggesting it).
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It's not the worst of the Afterdark Horrorfest, but it's not that good of a movie either
Dragoneyed3633 August 2008
I had higher hopes for Crazy Eights than previous films I had seen from the Afterdark Horrorfests' 8 Films to Die For lines, because after seeing a few, I thought I had acquired the ability to pick out the ones that would be good by then. That incident just goes to show you can never be too sure about a movie. Do not get me wrong, this movie was indeed entertaining, but only so because of how much you are wishing it will pick up at any moment, and it does not do so.

To start off, the main premise is interesting. "Circumstance brings six childhood friends together to face their past, and a secret they share." The performances are not bad; not Oscar-worthy, but worthy of being deemed tolerable. The film itself is watchable, in a sense, but that's all it really is and all that should be expected. It's the way the actual story/plot is played out that makes it so frustrating. There is little to no suspense, and that is only because the pace is so abrupt and confusing at times. The premise as I said is interesting, but the plot ultimately defeats this plus-side, never giving us anything short of excitement or empathy for the characters. It's like the director and writer were drunk on the job, but had potential.

I barely remember the climax/ending because I was put off by that moment, and just ready for the film to be over. I might sound a little harsh, seeing as how I did say I was entertained, but I was expecting a lot more than I got, even if this is a B-movie and much can rarely ever be expected from a wide variety of them. Maybe it is time for me to give this film another watch, but it is only for the fact that I am willing to give it another chance, as I give any film I do not enjoy that much on a first watch another chance so long as I did not hate it, and not because I am ready to watch it again out of satisfaction.
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The very many problems with Crazy Eights
jhpstrydom13 January 2009
Six people come together after the death of a childhood friend and begin to unravel the secret behind a past they can't remember while trapped in some abandoned hospital kind of place, and thus begins the very many problems with Crazy Eights.

The film is basically one very big collection of plot holes, beyond what I tried to sum up never really made sense, because for someone like me who has a long attention span, I can clearly say that barely anything is explained, for example, what was the purpose of the experiments? why was the dead girl so vengeful if she died accidentally? And how can a group childhood friends remember each other but they don't remember a thing about their childhood? I don't know if the director tried to make one of those films that's suppose to stay with you for a long time after you've watched it, wondering about the same things I just pointed out, well he did, only after I watched it, I didn't really like it.

Another problem is the score, while watching the film I noticed that the score practically played throughout the film, I can probably account for less than three seconds for when I didn't hear it, and it was more annoying than anything else, for the majority of the film it just played, it didn't help set the tone or create a certain mood or help the film build any kind tension, it just played and muffled a lot of the dialog.

The acting was so so, but whatever kind of film the filmmakers tried to make obviously doesn't work, want my advice? Broaden out the storyline leaving fewer plot holes and make less use of the score and more use of sound and lighting effects to create a lot of atmosphere, I am sure it'll work better.
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Messy Collection of Clichés
claudio_carvalho4 September 2008
Between 1954 and 1976, a large number of children were submitted to behavior studies in the South of the USA. When Brax Young dies, his childhood friends Jennifer Jones (Dina Meyer), Gina Conte (Traci Lords), Father Lyle Dey (George Newbern), Wayne Morrison (Dan DeLuca), Brent Sykes (Frank Whaley) and Beth Patterson (Gabrielle Anwar) reunite after twenty years. While in Brax's house, they discover a letter asking them to search a time capsule from their childhood and map indicating its location. They travel to Entonsburg and find a trunk with some objects and a skeleton hidden inside. Their discovery triggers traumatic recollections from their childhood with tragic consequences.

"Crazy Eights" is a messy collection of clichés, with a confused story about a government study that affects the subjects, proving that it was no harmless as promised to the families. The characters and situations are awfully developed, and the circumstances why the group becomes trapped in the abandoned house are ridiculous. Why should six people in a truck stop the car during the daylight to break in an abandoned house to seek directions? Further, the soundtrack is annoying. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): "Lembranças Macabras" ("Macabre Recollections")
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Not playing with a full deck
movieman_kev18 June 2008
A cast made up of some fairly well known stars embarrass themselves with this highly disjointed ghost story. After 20 years, six childhood friends gather together for the funeral of a seventh. This in turn leads them on a path of remembrance and revelations. The movie did have promise, I will say that. Good locations and a good story or both sadly derail by bad editing, mediocre acting (if this were a cast of newish actors I'd be apt to overlook that, but most of them are seasoned pros so I can't), and the film just raises more questions than it answers. Sorry, but another miss for After Dark Horrorfest. It's down there with "Deaths of Ian Stone"

My Grade: D
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Not totally awful, but really not good either...
macysboy7821 March 2008
Unfortunately, the next movie in my After Dark alphabetical lineup was not quite as good. With a cast that has had a somewhat undeserved amount of attention placed on it, "Crazy Eights" is a story of 6 friends, reunited by another friend's funeral, who in following out said friend's last wishes, find themselves trapped in an abandoned medical facility, that as it turns out, holds the key to an event they all shared, but had blocked out of their memories. Despite the somewhat promising premise, the film turns out to be about as well written as my last sentence (can anyone say "run-on"?). The dialogue is generally bad, the plot developments are easily figured out way in advance, and some events come off as just silly. When one character manages to severely break his leg, one can't help but wonder just how clumsy he is to have done all THAT in a little tumble. There are some scenes that seem a bit creepy, but they are all to often ruined by an obnoxious synth-string theme that keeps popping up and/or very sloppy editing. While not exactly awful, this film is not really recommendable. So far, I'm saying this is this year's equivalent of "The Gravedancers" in the first 'fest. And in case you're wondering, that's bad.
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Crazy Eights is a crazy waste
bigdarvick1 April 2008
To describe the plot of Crazy Eights would be a waste of time because there wasn't one. This movie was a big bomb that would've found a home on Mystery Science Theater 3000. While watching it with friends, all we did was crack on it.

My opinion of "8 Films to Die For" is steadily lowering after seeing a few really bad movies in their line up. Previously, they had some great picks like "Grave Dancers" or "Unrest." But lately, I think they've been taking bribes to include films like "Crazy Eights" or "Tooth and Nail" (even worse than Crazy Eights). Do not bother renting this movie. I did so at RedBox and was so p----d off for wasting even a buck on this pile of dreck, that RedBox gave me a free rental.

p.s. Traci Lords sucked too (no pun intended.)
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bigjoe27-125 June 2008
I will keep this review as short as possible. If 0 or negative stars were available this movie would not have gotten this 1 star. It is worse than awful... i love movies, good or bad, i'll watch the whole thing and typically find a few things about it that i thought were interesting or at least done well. Not this time, this was pure garbage. The plot was simple the acting was terrible, and they call it a "horror" flick... maybe powder puff at best. I only wish that I could call redbox and have them send me a check for the $1.05 that this movie cost me to rent. Do yourself a favor and just go watch your lawn grow, i promise it will be more rewarding than watching this movie.
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Unfathomable Saw II style horror film.
poolandrews14 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Crazy Eights starts as six childhood friends who called themselves the Crazy Eights attend the funeral of a seventh mutual friend Brax, afterwards the six friends learn that Brax left them a map to an old barn & a note saying to find an old wooden chest there. The six travel to the isolated barn & find the chest & along with various childhood trinkets find the rotten skeletal remains of a young girl inside. Shocked they all decide to just go but end up driving round in circles, then they see a large house & decide to ask for directions. One of the friends hurts his leg & the other's take him inside the house which suddenly turns into a hospital where the vengeful spirit of the dead girl stalks the corridors seeking revenge on those who killed her & left her body in the chest...

One of the entries in that annual 8 Films to Die For After Dark Horrorfest festival thing Crazy Eights was co-edited, co-executive produced, co-produced, co-written & directed by James K. Jones & I have to say it's one of the most poorly written horror films I have seen in a while. For a start the title Crazy Eights is terrible from a marketing point of view, it doesn't tell you anything about the film & the words Crazy Eights will mean nothing to the majority of people. The film itself is no better, there are plot holes galore & a story which is just all over the place. The pace is pretty slow to begin with & the first forty odd minutes is sleep inducing stuff, then there's the almost total lack of exposition or explanation for anything that happens. There's no explanation as to why the six friends can remember each other but not the fact that they were orphans or the fact that they spent time in the hospital, we never really find out anything about the dead girl except that she was killed somehow & she blames the Crazy Eights, despite being trapped inside the hospital there are plenty of glass windows that the character's surely could have broke & climbed out of & there's no reason as to why the house suddenly turns into a hospital or why it's abandoned or where all the pictures & clues scattered throughout came from. The script is a mess, either that or the makers didn't shoot enough footage & merely had to use what they had whether it made sense or not which it most certainly doesn't. The ending is terrible too & doesn't make any sense, I was waiting for some sort of twist but it never comes & the whole film ends in a very blunt, abrupt & unsatisfying way. The set-up during the second half of the film feels very much like Saw II (2005) as a group of character's are trapped in a single location unaware of what's going on or why they are there & they begin to get killed off one by one, unfortunately Crazy Eights has nothing that made Saw II so good like the twist's & turns, the gore, the clever traps, the surprise ending & quick pacing. Throw in some nonsense about nightmares, some pointless flashbacks, the ghost of a young girl straight out of any Asain horror & you have a confusing mess that leaves the viewer with many unanswered questions as the end credits roll. Crazy Eights just doesn't feel like one coherent film, it's very bitty with a poor plot that is badly written & explained. Even the character's are standard stereotypes & the dialogue is forgettable, overall Crazy Eights is a bit of a mess from start to finish.

I must admit that Crazy Eights looks quite nice with one or two nicely lit & shot scenes, unfortunately it's not worth sitting through the rest of the film to see them & in isolation on their own don't add up to much anyway. I don't know if it's just me but this looks cut, whenever there's an opportunity to show some gore the makers either shied away from it or it was cut. This sometimes makes it difficult to understand what is going on in certain scenes, the bit when Gina suddenly clutches her face with blood streaking down her cheeks is a good example as we never see what has happened to her. I assume something has happened to her eyes but we never find out for sure. The only reason this would get an adult rating is because of the profanity rather than the violence or gore of which there is virtually zero. The ghost of the dead girls pops up occasionally but seemingly at random & we never really get a good look at her or even find out who she is or indeed was. The special effects are alright but there's hardly any anyway.

Probably shot on a pretty low budget somewhere in Maryland this actually has good production values & looks like a proper film. The experienced cast is pretty good here, to reinforce the Saw connections Dina Meyer who was in Saw (2003), Saw II, Saw III (2006) & Saw IV (2007) stars here while ex teenage porn star Traci Lords continues to try & make a career as a proper actress.

Crazy Eights is a mess of a film that feels like a cross between Saw II & a Asain ghost film but without any of the merits of either of them. No gore, no twist's, a mess of a plot & a slow pace makes Crazy Eights yet another one of the 8 Films to Die For that is quite frankly pants.
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House on Demented Hill
jamhorner20 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What a great combinations of House on Haunted Hill, Session 9 and Death Tunnel. This movie had some great acting, great set design and cinematography, a very confusing yet disturbing plot and some scary moments that make you cringe. The movie is about eight people who know each other who are led to an eerie house were they find a time capsule containing all of their childhood toys. They soon find out that this house was once an old hospital that was home to cruel and inhumane experiments that somehow connects to them. What was good about this movie was that there where some pretty seeable scares they that still surprise you. This movie plays with your mind as it does with those eight people who are trapped.

I'll start off first with the acting. There were great performances by Traci Lords, Frank Whaley (Vacancy), George Newbern and Gabrielle Anwar. I want to especially say that some of the best acting in this movie comes from Anwar and Dina Meyer. I could not rate George Newbern since his role and character calls for a very seldom and calm performance, mainly because he plays a Father. Frank Whaley does a superb acting job as a very angry, skeptical man but take in mind he played in Vacancy and World Trade Center so he had a experience. Gabby Anawr does a splendid job getting into her character and really puts effort and feel into that persona, which is tormented by horrible memories. Dina Meyer does a very okay job in the beginning but near the end her acting level raises and shows what she is truly capable of doing. Traci Lords does a spectacular job but when acting in movies like Blade, The Tommyknockers and Tales from the Crypt, who wouldn't be? The set, which is a very old decaying hospital, was very well formatted. Unlike hospitals from insane asylums or general hospitals, this one was very "kid friendly." This aspect added to uncomfortable and disturbing feel that the hospital had. Like many other haunted hospital movies before it, there were cryptic pictures and data files; there were corridors that led to nowhere and corridors that led in circles. There were three rooms that gave me the chills simply by the way that they looked: the children's playroom, the bathroom and the bedroom. It reminded me deeply of the movie Session 9, but it had the psychotic feel of House on Haunted Hill. There was one set piece that had me pretty freaked out and that was on room with all the plastic over the furniture, than the furniture started to move.

The scares were very heightened in this movie and came out at some of the most random and quiet moments. There were a lot of psychological scares and some unique scares that I cannot place into any category. A great example of fear with a sense of helplessness would be when the group finds the time capsule in the attic of an old barn and inside is all there precious childhood memories, not knowing how they got there. Something about this scene, something deep, gave me chills, and the corpse inside of it didn't help at all. Some of the scarier moments are when the "ghost kids," who remain faceless throughout, kill the group members and then the after effect of the murder. The random "popping-out-of-no-where" scares and the jump out scars. The physiological horror like running down a corridor and finding out that you have been running around in circles down the same corridor and not finding a way out. The horror of not knowing were something is going to grab you, the suspense of knowing something is coming but you can't do anything about it. All of these great horror aspects made me really enjoy this movie, and my theater audience would agree strongly.

All in all, I, as well as my theater buddies, loved this movie despite some minor faults and clichés. It added a new twist and structure of a plot line that had been reworked over and over again; it added some unclassified horror aspects and developed its characters very well. I would recommend this movie to horror fans throughout the world especially for those who love horror movies with mind games and inopportune, in a good way, scares.
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Big Chill of ghost movies
Indyrod12 January 2009
Another one of the After Dark, Horrorfest movies, that is kind of a Big Chill horror movie with a very angry ghost. The death of a childhood friend of six others, bring them all together at the funeral. The deceased has outlined something he wants his friends to do, and that's follow a map that leads them to a spooky building, that they get trapped inside with a little girl ghost that takes them out one by one. Not a lot of action in the first half of the movie, mostly dialogue between the six which is pretty interesting, but might not sit well with a lot of horror fans. After the ghost comes into the story, it becomes a survival against all odds, and with a very strong cast, they pull it off pretty well. I kind of liked the movie myself, but I can see why other genre fans may not be too fond of it.
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Wait, seriously?
BakuryuuTyranno23 January 2011
Much like "Unrest", "Crazy Eights" is the same thing currently oversaturated in big-budget horror and something that shouldn't be showing at a horror festival. I would've thought the people hosting it would have the sense to instead show something with imagination and ambition behind it, not some concept produces every other month.

Some old friends reunite after the death of one of their own. On request of the dead man they journey to somewhere they buried a time capsule, which they dig up.

While trying to leave, they seemingly travel in circles, passing the same house again and again. It's similar to the spacial distortion trick commonly found in haunted house films except they haven't entered a haunted house yet. Additionally, the mandatory "no way out" scenario provides the only other haunted building tradition.

And then, well, people stumble about, jump scares will substitute for attempts at atmosphere, and a ghostly woman goes around killing anyone who - sorry, there's no "anyone who", she kills people she's intending to murder, but takes longer to murder them than you'd expect. Seriously, they can't hurt her - lets not forget, she's a spirit! And they're locked in the building through her powers so therefore, nothing's really stopping her from slaughtering everyone very quickly.

Of course the ghost's past becomes relevant. Of course the opening scene involves people studying a subject important to the plot. Apparently someone forgot to write one of the characters as a skeptic who doesn't believe a spirit could be killing, but don't worry, people will have other things to be skeptical about as the plot progresses.

Jump scares cause most problems here because while normally a poor replacement for atmosphere, for "Crazy Eights" lacking atmosphere leaves viewers watching people sitting in a room while daylight pours through the windows talking about how there's no escape. The building refusing its captives an escape route is a commonly used idea, no atmosphere means the building comes across as nothing more than some building.

If it was some big budget Hollywood film this would get four stars on account of its what I expect from them. However it's a horror festival selectee and whoever runs Afterdark should've known better. Higher expectations equals lower rating therefore.
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Not the worst, but close
bazillionand119 September 2009
This movie isn't good enough to be fun or bad enough to be funny. Luckily, I saw it on the channel formerly known as Sci-Fi, and was able to accomplish some things (like folding laundry) while it was on. I kept waiting for something to happen (ho hum) and then I kept looking for the control (dang those new-fangled TVs), and finally just left the room. I love grade B horror flicks, but this hasn't anything to recommend itself - oh, and the score, there's some syn-instrument that keeps plinking out the same chords - the tune reminds me of that Intel commercial - THAT was the best thing about this movie, and when the best thing about a movie is that it reminds you of a TV commercial, then 'nuf said.
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celr20 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I basically agree with the reviewers here who panned this low-budget horror flick. It showed promise at the beginning, the setting is creepy (a subset of the haunted house genre, in this case the haunted hospital) and the effects are used with some skill. That's why I'm giving it 2 stars rather than one. But just don't see it, it's awful. There really isn't much of a plot... some friends get together; they have a shared past, though it's not clear how much they remember. The movie tells us they were taken from their parents as children, the parents were paid, and the kids were basically used as lab animals in some unexplained, and apparently hideous, psychological experiments, by unknown mad scientists. Now they're lured to an abandoned house which somehow connects by a tunnel to the very facility where they were abused as children.

They appear to be imprisoned in the crumbling building, unable to get out (though they don't try very hard), and at the mercy of some person or demon who is killing them one by one. Whenever any character wanders off from the group he or she turns up dead. The purpose of the experiments that were performed on them as children, and the reason someone wants to kill them, are never revealed. This would be a spoiler if there were anything to spoil. But there isn't. What I described is all there is. You would expect that even the most low budget horror flick would at least offer some explanation of what it was all about, no matter how unbelievable. This movie offers none.

This movie is depressing. The small group of survivors is now targeted again for unknown reasons. They appear to be totally innocent. There is no subliminal satisfaction in seeing them suffer and die, no reason or justice.

I notice that in horror movies there's fun-horror and depressing-horror. Fun-horror is where you have a bunch of annoying boobs who, because of their clumsiness and cluelessness appear to be perfect victims of dark forces. The "Dead Teenager" genre exploits the fact that most people, even teenagers, find teenagers to be highly annoying and the fun is enhanced by having them die in interesting ways with interesting special effects. The people in this movie are often annoying but we can only see them as innocent people who were unjustly abused as children and are having to suffer again for no obvious reason. And how they die isn't interesting at all. Horrible, yes, but no fun.
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Maybe the worst movie I have EVER seen
synergy09816 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers

Note: The real spoiler is enduring this film for 90 minutes.

For some reason, a group of friends are summoned via friend's will to a chest in a barn in the middle of nowhere. In the chest is a kid's skeleton, presumably from a hospital where they all were as kids where some funky experiments took place.

They leave to call the cops (no cell reception) and miraculously get lost. They pass a house a few times, which turns out to be the hospital...yet no one can remember it for some unknown reason. Though it looks like a large house on top, there is really 100 miles of underground spooky tunnels with no escape underneath...where of course they get trapped after "exploring"...though why they would do that after it was found to be abandoned is anybody's guess, since they were trying to find directions/phone.

Now trapped in the basement, they splinter off into groups where they are picked off one by one by the girl's (trunk skeleton) ghost. Why? It makes no sense. And not until 90% of his movie is through do they realize that it's THE hospital. Amazingly, the hospital, though abandoned, still has power and a full library of medical records well as valuable equipment and the like.

There are so many holes and idiocies in this film to even address completely. I watched this for free "on demand", and ended up fast-forwarding to the scary parts, just so I could be done with it. I can't not finish a movie (double-negative disclaimer), though this movie would've been a great point to start.

Senseless plot leaves you wondering "why" more than anything. If you find yourself waiting for this movie to get better, it won't. Avoid this movie at all costs...even if you can watch it for free.
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Don't believe the morons
alansmithee0421 November 2007
The last in this years HorrorFest line up (and not a moment to soon), this film also wins the award for Most Promising Premise Trashed By Sheer Incompetence. It's part The Big Chill and part Silent Hill, all rolled up in a script desperately in need of four or five rewrites.

Okay, long story short. Six friends get together after a seventh dies and begin uncovering long buried secrets of their shared past. Sound good? Well, it isn't. The plot spins off into things-happen-for-no-reason territory shortly after we hit the point where the character's predicament becomes painfully obvious to everyone but them.

From there on, all the usual horror film tropes are visited upon us, from the relatively modern cell-phones-that-never-work to the ancient let's-split-up-so-The-Evil-can-kill-us-easier. Unfortunately, even counting the clichés becomes boring long before the film ends.
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Avoid at all costs
sharks19479 November 2007
Just saw this one at the "After Dark Film Fest". I want to tell everyone to avoid this movie. Why the other comments here have been positive I can't imagine. Maybe they were people that worked on the movie. Or relatives. Or didn't actually see it. At a running time of about 70 minutes it seemed like 3 hours. Very confusing. All Psycho babble. Tracie Lords went form Porno to making fairly good B movies. She has just dropped down to the D class of films. The other two movies I watched today at the fest were good to very good, Unearthed and Borderland stick to them. I like independent movies, but this one was really lame.
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Why is there no zero rating?
hanlan1130 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've never known a movie to physically hurt me before. That was then. This is now.

I feel a part of me was destroyed last night. I haven't been the same since. Something's hurting and no amount of shrugging or reviewing will ever heal the part of me i lost when i watched this movie.

I could say so many things, but one thing for sure is that the music set the mood...the mood for an uplifting children's adventure. I also really enjoyed how whenever something horrifying occurred in the film, we were watching someone sit, or read, or even sleep. All we heard was a delayed scream with no other sound effect.

Sometimes I exaggerate. I now, more than ever, regret that because no one will truly understand the weight of what I am about to say: that was the worst film I have ever endured.

I'm lost, still not found. If anyone knows how to help me, please contact me.
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Your crazy if you see it.
sebanks-15 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is the most stupid movie I have ever seen. Why would 6 white collar workers break into an abandoned house looking for a girl that ran past their car? Then add that they break into the basement looking for this girl? Then the door to the basement slams shut and they are stuck. Why did they throw the chest out the barn window? They intentionally smashed the chest why? Nothing makes sense in this movie.

I am warning you that this movie is a waste of time. Why do they feel guilt? I think they feel guilt for making this movie and they now feel compassion for the people that paid money to rent it or worse those who bought this movie.
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Don't Believe the Haters - This is Silent Hill done RIGHT
Jackalthing12 November 2007
Just because all of one inarticulate reviewer has sandy privates over other people giving this film good reviews, don't let that deter you.

The only thing that's 'off' about this particular flick is the editing -- otherwise, the pacing is VERY steady, the film only seems to drag in places where you can tell they wish they had more time, and there aren't all that many 'boo' scares to speak of. It follows in the tradition of Session 9 in terms of overall atmosphere and mood, but overall, here's the breakdown: We're all sick of slashers and psychological thrillers that fail to meet their mark. What we're seeing here is a genuine attempt to go back to the films that teased at our imaginations and left us feeling subtle chills. No, it's nothing particularly original and the themes have been done before, but considering the slop that's been farted out of Hollywood these past few years, this was a breath of fresh air. And this is speaking as a horror buff that has a penchant for falling asleep during MOST horror flicks in the theatres unless there's a significant level of Drunk going on.

Again: don't believe the haters with sandy privates. Go give it a look and judge on your own. To that end, I will say this: This is a Silent Hill film done correctly. The themes are intact and the very visceral look at guilt and redemption (if indeed there is such a thing as redemption) is sound. Anyone fond of that particular series will find themselves instantly intrigued and drawn back into the mindset of puzzling out the question of 'So what DID happen?' And really, psychological horror is all about questions.

I'm much happier with this than the usual crappy 'you won the movie' sequence. Still, lower rated because, again, the editing was NOT the best.
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session 9 meets the big chill
rivertam269 November 2007
Think session 9 meets the big chill but not as good as either. The film is pretty good however a little slow in bits but rather creepy and involving. Lords and Meyers give two great performances and the film making is original if not terribly creative. It centers on a group of friends who discover a secret when one of them passes. Haunted by ghostly visions they decide to confront it at the place where it all started. It has some nice jump out scares but ewarns it's spooky mood modeslty. A decent film and definitely worth a look. A nice additon to horrorfest library. My one big problem with this film is the questionable villain and unpolished look the film carries besides that it's pretty good.
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Emotions are a human condition.
michaelRokeefe30 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Another of those "Eight Films to Die For" from After Dark. Not bad at all. Flashbacks cause the story line to go semi-limp. Six childhood friends are brought together at the funeral of one of their friends. The estate needs to be settled and an almost forgotten time capsule is discovered. At the request of their recently cold in the grave friend, they set out to follow a map that will lead them on a trip down memory lane. Not a pleasant trip for they will reawaken repressed traumas. The group will reluctantly face a dark secret they share. At least we get to enjoy Dina Meyer and the once-porn Queen Traci Lords. Also in the cast: Gabrielle Anwar, Stephen Szibler, George Newbern and Frank Whaley. Not exactly to die for, but certainly creepy.
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Crazy Eights
Scarecrow-8812 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Childhood friends come together for a dead pal's funeral, abiding by his wishes to open a specific box together which contains a map inside leading to a chest containing the skeletal remains of a little girl, and items each person had at that point in their lives(slingshot, paint brushes, musical notes, etc). Trying to find their way out of the area onto a road leading back to their lives away from the past, they seem to be driving in circles. Lawyer Brent(Frank Whaley, who has made portraying the @sshole character in movies an art-form)sees a girl, opting to follow her, hoping to get directions off the path and on the right road. Instead they find a condemned institution, with circumstances trapping them within thanks to possible supernatural forces. Attempting to find their way out, any exit at all seems lost to them, with doors locked tight and windows heavily protected. Slowly unraveling are each character as they remain locked inside this place.

Dina Meyer is a professor, Jennifer. George Newbern is the trustworthy and wise padre, a pillar of strength the group begins to lean on. Traci Lords is a singer who is finding it hard to hold together. Dan DeLuca is Wayne, whose broken leg when starting down the steps to the cellar is the catalyst for the group's being trapped inside as they all converge to assist him with the door closing them in. Whaley is the foul-mouthed, moody executor of the will. Gabrielle Anwar is the petite and deeply troubled pottery sculptor with harsh nightmares that have scarred her worse than any of the others, although everyone has been plagued with unpleasant dreams surfacing perhaps buried memories. There's little exposition which might've been written this way on purpose because despite what we see in the early going, their past in the hospital, tested like guinea pigs(..perhaps they were autism patients since it's brought up when Jennifer is looking through files surprisingly in mint condition despite 20 years)is an ambiguous mystery. We know by what they slowly uncover, when the memories emerge, as separated members are killed, that 8 of them escaped from this hospital with one girl, Karen(..the one whose skeletal remains were discovered), dying of suffocation because she was hidden in the chest as they fled. Leaving her behind and forgetting to rescue her damns them all. As Karen was locked in the chest to rot, the ones responsible now face a similar situation. Mentioned in the movie as well is the fact that Karen's vengeful spirit was released thanks to the group's dead pal, because through the opening of the trunk, her demise and memory became anew. As long as she was absent, their guilt could remain the same, but, through her release, they're besieged by their part in Karen's death. That's the way I saw it, even though I could be wrong. Whatever the case, it appears that each member, when isolated, fall prey to Karen's ghost, in ripped, musty rags and rotted corpse. The film, to me, felt rushed and heavily cut( kind of feels like one of those film's put through the ringer on the cutting room floor)with an ending that left me rather flummoxed and confused. There are moments of stupid human questions why these characters would even bother with the obviously abandoned hospital(..I mean seriously, do you think a little girl would be living within the walls of this place?)or split apart when possible danger is around every corner. I find it hard to believe that, as a unit, they couldn't free themselves somehow from the rickety building. The violence, for the most part, is off-screen. Even when victims are discovered, there's no real focus on their damaged bodies(..sure a severed hand is shown, but it doesn't really freak out even the casual horror fan with a rather weak stomach for such things). I think the film wishes to explore the trauma of what happens to grown adults effected by a childhood they've buried away, like the corpse of Karen. Perhaps, in unlocking Karen's memory, the events experienced in the hospital resurfaced which led to their downfall. I feel "Crazy Eights" suffers from being too ambiguous, the story of the group too sloppily delivered, leaving us rather confused at to what we just witnessed. To be honest, too, that, despite the aspects mentioned, "Crazy Eights" is still a slasher flick where characters drop out of the story one-by-one with a girl's ghost taking the place of a psychopath with black gloves.
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Typical, average modern horror.
Hey_Sweden17 October 2021
A gaggle of attractive, familiar actors & actresses get together for this would-be psychological horror flick. They play the title characters, who act upon the final wishes of a dearly departed childhood friend of theirs. This involves going to a ghost town and digging out personal artifacts. However, the characters get stuck in the area, specifically in the now VERY run down clinic where they were taken as children, and subjected to what we can easily assume were extremely dubious experiments. Then, it's open season on these unlucky chumps.

At the very least, this viewer liked the location that the filmmakers found. It looked appropriately sinister and forlorn. But most everything about "Crazy Eights" is no more than adequate, from the widescreen photography to the score to the editing. It's all pretty familiar body count type stuff, despite the filmmakers' attempts to touch upon larger issues that are largely not explored enough (such as guilt and redemption). The story & characters are not exactly fleshed out a lot, and the usually capable cast (Dina Meyer, Frank Whaley, Gabrielle Anwar, George Newbern, Traci Lords) have definitely been better utilized in other things. (Co-star Dan De Luca, who plays Wayne, presumably got his role because he also co-wrote the story & screenplay.) Some viewers might wish to watch just to see these performers meet various gory ends. But it's all very familiar material that just doesn't work all that well, and leads to a "What? That's it?" type of ending.

"Crazy Eights" is not the kind of thing that comes highly recommended, unless the prospective viewer is easy to please and not too judgmental.

Five out of 10.
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