Time of Her Life (2005) Poster

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Mediocre at best
nigelkbrook12 October 2006
Frankly I'm rather incensed that on the basis of the dazzling reviews attributed to Steven Smith I wasted nearly two hours on his debut offering. Have they all been written by his pals? The action clunks along, the music is irritating and over used, the script is simply dire and the actors (with the exception of the gardener) mediocre at best. I do think we should support the efforts of a young filmmaker but saying it's brilliant when it's not will surely only encourage him to make the same mistakes again i.e. continuing to write his own scripts and using the same actors for another venture. Yes, it's his first film, low budget etc. - I get it, but it's also out there for members of the public to purchase and it's just not up to scratch.
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Oh dear God!
jdgrem-119 January 2007
Happened upon a copy of this. Not mine and if I had spent my own money on this I'd be finding those responsible and demanding it back! All I can say is this would be a terrible student film. Any understanding of the medium of film is absent. Acting is god awful, the story would have been rejected from the original Twilight Zone series as unoriginal and lame, and the change in tone of the lead character's reaction to the 'ghost' is laughable.

I can only agree that the 'glowing' reviews of this film are from friends and family. I'm afraid it's not even entertainingly bad.

Amateur in the extreme!

Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!
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So bad, it's almost good
tom_strudwick25 June 2006
It's one of those dramas that's so bad that it almost hits the point of being very funny, the script is absolutely dire, direction appalling, lighting purely armature, the only thing letting it down from a true so bad it's good feel is that the sound design is only quite bad; it adds no suspense to the story although trying hard, but doesn't at least destroy any speeches. There's continuity problems of seasons of out door shots throughout. And finally last but not least the acting is appalling. For a professional production it very much has the feel of a university media project you have to feel sorry for the sorry for anyone who had to put their names to this.
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This movie is unbelievably bad and poorly made
audracrane2 August 2014
The film is bad on virtually every level-even student films run circles around this for quality. The dialogue and acting is dire. The exposition dumps are hilarious. Virtually all the actors seem to be just reciting lines into space, there is no sense that they are talking to each other or have any sense of timing. The lighting fluctuates wildly. The tone flicks all over the place and the lead actress can't decide whether to be chummy with the ghosts or terrified- so she goes back and forth throughout the film. She also receives and forgets information consistently- maybe the script changed throughout filming. If I had to hear the fake asthmatic gasp of the lead one more time, I might have had an asthma attack myself. It's completely inaccurate as to English inheritance law and just generally doesn't make much sense. Part of the reason my review is so harsh is that I am very leery of all the 10 star reviews- an adoring mother wouldn't be able to give this 'baby' more than a 6 and an honest review is truly a 1.
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5.9?! Wwwwwhhhhhhaaaaattttt?????
natashabowiepinky14 December 2013
"A REAL GHOST CAPTURED ON FILM" trumpets the front cover. "WAS IT ONE OF THE STARS AFTER SEEING THE FINISHED PRODUCT, HAUNTING THE SET OF WHAT DROVE HIM TO THE EDGE OUT OF SHAME". I ask. But I kid... Suicide is no laughing matter... so don't do it. There are people who love you, the Samaritans are only a phone call away, it'll take ages for your mum to clean the bathtub... etc. But IF there was a good reason for taking the ultimate step, being part of this... THING must rank somewhere between your family discovering you're a poultry molestor, or that you have all of Shaking' Stevens back catalogue in your collection.

I have to ask... Is this a joke? When they picked these actors, who must rank among some of the WORST I've ever seen (they can't even smile convincingly) was it because they paid into the project, or the casting director had a LOT of extended family members? And as for the dialogue... Jeez. It starts off like a bad episode of Eastenders, then we get the historical flashbacks... And it starts to resemble a REALLY bad Jane Austen adaptation. (Apologies for linking the great lady's name with this tripe). Seriously, if you set up a cringe-o-meter for the lines here, it would be off the scale every 10 seconds.

AHA you might add, it may be a boil on the bum of Satan, a complete disgrace to the film industry and anyone with a brain, but at least it's good for a few unintentional laffs, right? Well... Yes, and no. Yes, in that there are some choice moments here which'll have you rolling in the aisles, but having to tolerate the rest of the crap that is bundled along with it... I don't think so.

I'm thinking back to that supposed spectre "CAPTURED ON FILM", and I have another theory. Could it be... Jeremy Beadle playing a gag on us all from the afterlife? Did the spook have a big bushy beard, and was he carrying a microphone? If it was indeed the prankster himself, than THAT WOULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!! Making a fake movie... that must rank as one of his most audacious set-ups yet. Of course... anyone who's watched it would figure it out immediately... NO-ONE would spend money on making something as shoddy as this. Right? RIGHT?! 0/10
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My two cents worth.
countrygreg29 October 2006
I've just had a chance to see this film, and having read the comments below, feel the need to add my say. First I must say that I have spoken to Greenway about working in their next film, 'The Book', so bear in mind that I think the film is more than good enough to warrant putting my time and effort into the opportunity of working with Steven Smith. I would not discount all of the negative points in the previous two postings (although I'm glad that one had the sense to point out the dazzling performance of the Gardener), however it is clear to me that Steven is going to go far in his career. I did enjoy watching the film, and found that as the story progressed I, like the characters, became drawn into the story of Hylands House.
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An enjoyable film with a stong storyline and a classic soundtrack
bazkaz14 October 2005
The quality of the film is way beyond its budget with good acting and beautifully filmed across historic landmarks in England. The storyline keeps your attention and the music provides the right atmosphere throughout the film. The film starts off as a suspense thriller and turns into a period romance so it should appeal to a large cross section of people. The movie switches across two hundred years between the present and the past, with some clever effects when the two times are interacting with each other. Due to the nature of the film with its strong storyline and the way it was shot, it will look good both on the big screen and on DVD.
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Good god, this was terrible
ladycatrin18 September 2011
I usually love ghost stories, but this was dire.

To begin with, in parts of this film I got the impression that someone on the crew had watched 'Moondial' one too many times and decided to make an adult version. So frankly, not even particularly original.

Then there's the lead actress. I've seen better in school plays - wooden, unattractive and looked continually puzzled throughout the entire film.

It has the feel of something shot by a group of friends with a hand-held video camera - so amateurish it's ridiculous. Is this a student film project? If so, I don't know what it's doing listed here.

If you're thinking of watching it - seriously, don't waste your time.
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An enjoyable ghost story!
ActorHans223@aol.com1 October 2006
For director Steven M. Smith's first feature film, I was very impressed with how nicely handled this story was played out. The locations are beautiful and the actors are great! Ally (played by Laura Penneycard... who also has some small resemblance's to British actress Kiera Knightley, no joke!) plays a young girl who is an inspiring photographer who happens to be drawn to this old English house she comes upon with a group of friends one day exploring. She then realizes that she has had a connection to this place..through recurring dreams she has been having often. She doesn't know what it all her dreams mean until she meets the ghost who haunts the gardens..named Emmett (played by Geoff Shaw). Emmett, a kind and humble man has been bound to spend his eternity in the gardens..is determined to find his true love that he lost many years ago when living there. Apparently, the ghost of his true love is also roaming the gardens in search of him too! Only Ally holds the secret deep down to where he might find his long lost love, the only thing is, she needs to figure it out. Through the help of the ghost Emmett, Peter the Gardner (played by Colin Bower), and various other characters and clues will she unlock the secret to Emmett's past and the mysterious connection she herself holds. Check this out if you get the chance if you like ghost stories with some mystery, twists, and a love story! The real ghost caught on film also had a sweet cameo!
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Actress on Time of her Life
nfw717 October 2005
I had the good fortune to work with Steven Smith and Greenway Entertainment on Time of her Life. I thoroughly enjoyed being part of a very professional cast and crew. We are all delighted with the results. I'm sure this will be the first of many successes for Greenway entertainment. Greenway are a very hard working company with original ideas and projects in the pipeline. There is no genre they will not explore. If you enjoyed Time of her Life do look out for their next release you won't have long to wait. Steven Smith is a commendable Director he managed to put the cast at ease and obtain some fantastic results, we are sure to hear much more from him in the future. Nicole Freeman-Wright (Lisa)
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Check out the ghost in this movie
anderswilbur13 October 2005
I had the pleasure in watching this movie at Cannes in May and considering it was made for less than nothing it was a very well put together feature. The buzz was it had a real ghost caught on film and true, there it was, a silver orb floating behind the older actor in a scene straight out of Pride and Predujice. I looked into this and it is apparently very rare to film an orb in daylight!!!! Where do I get these things from? Watched too many "Most Haunted" episodes I guess!! This is a must buy if when it is released. The story was excellent, it's simpleness was it's charm!! Want to get this on DVD. When is it released? Anybody help out?
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Excellent first effort
jrkp18 August 2006
A very good first effort from this director. Surprisingly good in fact given the extremely limited budget. Amazing that they managed to make a film at all, not least of all one this good. Good solid acting as well. Decent camera-work, and the soundtrack is really good as well. The story is also fairly good. This sort of project should be an inspiration to all young budding actors and directors. And it makes you wonder what these multi million pound sets spend all their money on. All in all this is a surprisingly good film given how much was spent on it. I expect future projects, with more money, will be extremely successful. I eagerly await the next film. Apparently it's another thriller.
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Time of Her Life a quality movie for all the family
biffo120 October 2005
Saw the movie recently and was very impressed by Director Steven M Smith's debut. It is a really good story, a mixture of romance, lost love, and scary ghost story. Set in modern day with a cross-over into 200 years in the past, which worked very well, the 'herione' discovers links to a tragedy that has created a lovelorn ghost searching for his lost lady love. It was beautifully shot, located in a Gothic mansion and its grounds. The music score was exceptional, and fitted the action and romantic scenes very well. I enjoyed it thoroughly!! Considering it was (by comparison with today's movie budgets) a 'low cost' film, it was as well produced as the 'big bucks' movies. When it comes out on DVD I will certainly be adding it to my movie collection. More from Mr. Smith please!!!
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Wonderful first time effort
sealandfilms31 December 2005
Steven M.Smith. A name to remember, a future light of UK independent film making. Time of her life, is a very impressive first effort from this writer/director, as indeed too was his directorial debut of notable admiration. But the real triumph was his almost single handed quest, dogged determination, and a shear single-minded focus, to achieve the ultimate goal of making that first movie. Steven's first effort should be noted, as a beacon to all would be filmmakers. why? Because he's done it, he's made that journey of ups and downs. He held the whole production together with string and gaffer tape, whilst juggling cast/crew and finances with both hands tied behind his back. When he ran out of money and the usual doors slammed in his face, he somehow found enough to keep going. At the end of it all, I guess this films entire journey will probably have taken over two years of his life, maybe even more, and in all that time I know his dedication would not have dropped below 110%. All young would be filmmakers, or old, need to learn from people like Steven, as this guy has completed the journey on which many of them wish to travel. And for all of Steven's endeavours he now has to his credit a truly wonderful first time independent feature. Well Done!
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A shining example of the spirit of independent film-making.
jibproductions8 April 2007
Shining a ray of hope for other filmmakers with the 'it can be done' attitude Steven M. Smith has accomplished what little others have; delivering a period drama on a budget.

'Time Of Her Life' is a feature, which in itself is enough to be praised. Furthermore it uses historical locations based in Essex to draw the magnitude of the love tale to our psyches.

The script is forward moving at a pace that allows us to develop affection towards the main character, Alley (played by Laura Penneycard).

The movie clings to the issue at hand, resisting the temptation to bombard it with unrelated issues other young filmmakers might have tendency to include.

Overall, 'Time of Her Life' demonstrates Steven M. Smith harvests an intelligent perspective on emotional issues and will no doubt grow to become one of the UK's leading film-making figures.
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Good Ghost Film! Nice Locations!
ukfilmcom23 January 2007
I've just watched this film and I was at first a little surprised by the previous comments and not looking forward to it. But to my surprise the film is played out very well and the director has an eye for telling a story which is very very rare these days. He doesn't use sudden movement of the camera or expensive effects, but old fashioned movie angles and minds eye gestures. They clearly had very little cash to splash about, but with the help of some wonderful locations and exterior landscapes he keeps us interested enough to care. The acting is OK (some better then others)but the characters you believe in from the outset. I'd normally give this type of low budget fare a 6 out of 10 but for the hard work of all concerned I have to give it a 10. Well worth seeing. His next film The Book looks interesting too.
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Spooky Ghost Story From England
jawsreturnsfilm23 January 2007
I loved the haunted houses and costumes. The comments made by some people just seem misguided. Reasons - It was made for nothing:

1 - shot on location.

2 - Period costumes used.

3 - Some special effects.

4 - excellent story.

5 - clever direction.

6 - has a beginning, middle and happy ending.

All in all a good film with a great story. The production looks lavish and expensive and was only shot in 15 days in the UK at some historic locations. At one they caught a ghost on film. I couldn't see it in the film myself but perhaps you can email me if you see it.
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