Grandma's Boy (2006) Poster


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This film would have sucked had Sandler been in it
cindy-20115 January 2006
One of the funniest movies beginning to end that I've seen in a very very long time. Allen Covert did a REMARKABLE job writing this film, and It's easy to see where Sandler really gets his material from. Nick Swardson (Terry the gay male prostitute from Reno 911) was absolutely hilarious. Linda Cardellini (ER) was great too... I don't know how many women in the gaming industry are as cute as she is - but - it was great to see her in something as funny as Grandma's Boy after seeing her every week on ER for the last couple years. Having exposure to gamers - a couple of whom are testers, I don't think this flick could have been *much* more accurate. Overall - I LOVED this movie. Start to finish it just got progressively funnier. GOOD JOB MR. COVERT!
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Surprisingly Good Film, And Funny, Too
gavin69423 August 2010
A middle-aged video game tester is forced to live with his grandmother to make ends meet. He falls for a female video game employee, but he's in conflict with the biggest nerd of all: his boss.

I was happy to see Linda Cardellini after my recent run of watching "Freaks and Geeks", but she doesn't seem to be the same. Blond and set to be the girlfriend and nothing more in the film, this is quite the step down from her leading role. Nice to see her just the same.

I had no idea what this film was about, but didn't expect much. When I found it to be a funny film, with Adam Sandler connected to it (but not appearing in it), I was very pleased. I'm not very interested in drug humor, and there is plenty of that, but there's enough other stuff to make the drug references not completely overwhelming.

If you're into comedies like those with Adam Sandler, this is probably a good choice. I found that it had more heart than the "American Pie" films or anything with Will Ferrell.
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Stoner Fun
elitt26 January 2006
A 35 year old video game tester (Allen Covert) gets evicted from his apartment and is forced to move in with his grandma (Doris Roberts) and her two elderly friends (one of them is played by Shirley Jones). He tells his goofy friends at work that he's living with three babes, but the "jig is up" after they show up at the office.

This is one of those C-list acting B movie comedies that should be awful but it's really pretty funny. There are laughs throughout the entire film. Most of them are juvenile, toilet, and stoner jokes but they work for the most part. The film is loaded with toilet humor on the same level as the American Pie films. There is also a sweetness to it that helps balance things out.

The film does begin to fall apart towards the end and a some of the writing is pretty predictable. But this is a fun movie that will probably go by the waste side due to lack of stars, so catch it on DVD. It's pretty enjoyable and certainly a guilty pleasure. (**1/2)
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Surprisingly funny
coldstick15 January 2006
If you go into this movie expecting a sophisticated plot, dramatic characters, or heartfelt moments, you will be very, very disappointed. On the other hand, if you don't care whether a movie has a plot, as long as it's funny, Grandma's Boy will definitely satisfy. With plenty of stupid and silly moments (the Lara Croft scene is hilarious) and one-liners, most fans of "stupid humor" will enjoy themselves. If you're an uptight, stick-up-the-butt type, you will likely curse the day you saw it. Stay home and eat Cheetos if you take dumb comedies that seriously.

No, it's not perfect. The "robot" kid is freaking annoying, and some of the gross stuff feels forced. But ah...what are you gonna do? Better than watching another painful romantic comedy, right?
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Well, Whadya Know
view_and_review18 October 2021
I didn't expect that. This movie was actually funny in spite of how utterly silly it was. The weed jokes didn't work for me, but surprisingly the adult child in the form of J. P. the game designer (Joel David Moore) had me cracking up. Regularly adding to the laughs was Jeff (Nick Swardson), game tester and best friend to the main character, Alex (Allen Covert).

Alex was a 36-year-old video game tester, pothead, dweller in the home of his grandma. To be fair, the grandma situation was temporary as he'd just been hilariously evicted from his house by his landlord Yuri (Rob Schneider). The movie wasn't deep nor did it have a real conflict until the last fifteen minutes, and even that was mild. It is a fun movie with sophmoric humor that will work with some and not with others. For some inexplicable reason I found it gut-busting.
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Freaking hilarious
ckaspereen21 September 2007
One of the funniest movies I have ever seen, if not the funniest. As many others have said, this isn't highbrow comedy, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. The puns and gags are highly memorable, and there are a lot of lovable actors, many of which you wouldn't expect to see in a movie like this, which makes them even more entertaining.

Whenever my friends have a LAN, we have to watch this movie at least once, as most of them are game designers. Many people have said that the movie is unrealistic, but beyond the obvious physical and logistical deviations, the general attitude and behavior of the characters isn't too far off from what I see when I've been around my friends.

I can't believe anyone could rate this a 1. If you did, call the morgue, you are dead inside.
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I'm thinking of getting robot legs...
jfgibson7316 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't want to give this movie credit. I am not a fan of pot humor, and a lot of the jokes just strike me as trying to hard. Yet, when I find it on t.v., I will stop and watch. I don't want to, but I do.

It's about a guy who works as a video game tester, but he is a little bit older-looking and has some confidence. This immediately puts a twist on the setup, as we would expect a movie about video games to have a Revenge of The Nerds-style story arc, where the geek learns to overcome his lack of proficiency with women. This is more like One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. In that movie, Jack Nicholson looked like the coolest guy around, because he was surrounded by "feebs." It's a bit like that. Much of it doesn't work at all, such as the unfunny pot dealer, or the new-age influenced CEO played by Kevin Nealon, who brings the movie to a halt in every scene he shows up (Steve Martin essentially played the same character in Baby Mama--equally unfunny).

I've read that the guy who plays the main character is a writing partner with Adam Sandler, so that gives you some more idea to the style of humor. I am sure there are folks out there who will find this to be the funniest comedy they've ever seen. And it does seem to have a sort of cult following, along the lines of Office Space--failed in the theater, took off on t.v. and video. I think this is what I would call a guilty pleasure--I can't stand that I actually enjoy it.
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You'll love it if you like these kinds of films (like I do)
BrandtSponseller9 July 2006
Well, obviously some viewers didn't like this one, and that's the case with all comedies that we could compare to Grandma's Boy. I still haven't quite gotten a handle on what those viewers aren't seeing in these films that they would like to see. The typical answers are that they want something funny, something not stupid, not clichéd, and so on, but of course that doesn't tell us much, because lots of us do find these movies funny, not stupid and not clichéd.

So how do you know whether you'd like Grandma's Boy if you haven't seen it yet? It's worth noting that Adam Sandler it, it features a lot of Sandler regulars, and it's the vein of Adam Sandler comedies like Happy Gilmore (1996), The Waterboy (1998) and Little Nicky (2000). Actors like Rob Schneider, David Spade and Kevin Nealon have cameos or small parts, and it's also not off base to compare Grandma's Boy to the Deuce Bigalow movies (1999 & 2005), or Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003). Chances are that if you like "those kinds" of movies, you'll find a lot to appreciate in Grandma's Boy, too, and if you don't like those kinds of movies, you should know (or should have known) to stay away from this one.

Of course Grandma's Boy is exaggerated and not realistic and even ridiculous and absurd at times. That's part of this subgenre of comedy, along with an ever-present irreverence and regular jabs of "crudeness" that work because at least in theory, they tend to appear when you least expect them. The idea at this point isn't to top the irreverence and crudeness of previous films, because to do that a filmmaker would basically have to resort to doing various illegal things in front of the camera. The name of the game is to give the false impression that maybe you're going to play things straighter this time around, so that the crazy stuff works in context. Director Nicholaus Goossen shows that he understands this well.

Grandma's Boy is about game designers, which by extension makes it about geeks and nerds. This may not be how most game designers (or most grandparents and their friends) really are, but this isn't a documentary, it's a very funny comedy, and this is at least about how those of us who aren't in the business imagine or want them to be. That's part of what makes comedy work--it has exaggerated, fantasy elements by way of caricatures/grotesques of (stereo)types that exist at least in popular, contemporary "mythology".

There are plenty of gags that people who like these sorts of comedies will remember for a very long time. They arrive about once every two or three minutes at least--just enough time to wipe away your laughter tears from the last gag. You can't get a much better recommendation than that. And if you know you don't like these kinds of films, please, do yourself a favor and just avoid this one, too.
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Typical Adam Sandler humor
funzo3335 December 2005
You can go into this movie expecting the same thing you get from most movies with Adam Sandler involved, (who was a producer for this movie, which is a Happy/Madison production). You don't actually see Sandler in this movie, but you see all of the Sandler gang and you get ALL the Sandler antics. It contains many forced sex and fart jokes and fruitlessly attempts to make you sympathize with its loser main character. Some of the jokes are so bad that you can only wonder how a grown adult wrote this movie. That's not to say that you can't be entertained, because some of the jokes are pretty darn funny; you just need to know what you're going in to. The movie claims to be about a 36 year old game-developer who lives with his grandma, but it focuses more on his work, his relationships with his co-workers and friends, and their utter love of pot. Although the jokes are juvenile and unclever, the characters at the video game developing firm, (where the main character ,Allen Covery, works), are fairly entertaining. If you liked Napolean Dynamite, then you will find JP, the head developing "genius" pretty entertaining. They are all nerds, and pretty easy to laugh at (or with! :-/ ), and probably the main reason to see the movie. There are enough critics out there to dis on this movie. I can leave most of that to the "experts". The truth is, if you go in to the film, knowing what you're getting, and with a good attitude, you can have a good time!
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Very underrated comedy
KineticSeoul1 October 2009
Watching this movie, was like watching some good Adam Sandler comedy. But beats out all the new stuff he is in now a days with some really funny jokes that are over the top, although it might seem like a Adam Sandler style of humor, this movie takes the cake when it comes to being over the top with jokes. There are already a lot of stoner comedies out there and although this movie does have a bit of that stoner comedy, most of the jokes revolves around comedy for gamers. Gamers will get a lot of laughs out of this movie, even non gamers will probably find themselves chuckling during certain scenes of the movie. Although there are a lot of random stuff thrown in this movie, I could not help but find just about every scene in this movie hysterical, in a good way. Most of the characters just want to have a good time with Alex who is the protagonist of the movie while he stays at his grandma's house, after getting kicked out after his roommate spent all the rent money on Filipino hookers, but also has to deal with some Matrix obsessed game designer who hates Alex with a passion, and tries to ruin his career and steal the girl he fell for. Although it may seem a bit cliché, the way the characters go about it adds a lot of entertainment value, although some may find comedies like this one vulgar those that do enjoy it will have a fun time watching it, although it's not groundbreaking.

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Painfully unfunny and boring
DonFishies12 August 2006
Creating a comedy is like walking a pretty thin tight-rope. It either works, or it does not. Grandma's Boy is one of those movies that does not work. It may have a few very funny parts, but for the majority, it's just a terribly unfunny comedy from the usual supporting characters in Adam Sandler films (sans Sandler himself, he's just a producer).

Alex (Allen Covert) is a game tester. He's 35, and is the best tester and game player at his otherwise kid-filled workplace. He ends up getting his apartment and his stuff taken from him for not paying the bills (as it turns out, his roommate had just been spending the rent money on Philipino hookers and not paying the landlord). Desperate, he moves in with his grandmother, Lilly (Doris Roberts of Everybody Loves Raymond) and her two roommates.

That's the basic plot of the film, thrown in with subplots about a hot new girl named Samantha (Linda Cardelli, unrecognizable from her days as Velma in Scooby Doo) trying to get the testers to complete a new game as fast as they can, a robot-like game creating prodigy J.P. (Joel Moore) who works with Alex and wears much of the same clothes as Neo in The Matrix, and of course, all sorts of sex and drug related jokes. That's it.

The problem with the film, besides the fact that the real conflict in the film occurs and is resolved within the last fifteen minutes of the film, is that it just is not funny. It is totally mind-numbingly boring, and only sparingly funny. Nothing really happens at all. No emotion, no real sense of direction, and a whole ton of intense swearing. You find yourself maybe laughing at a few funny quips that the actors say, but otherwise sit in complete boredom, wishing you had not even bothered with the film. How this film was greenlit and how Fox thought it could make money will always remain a mystery to me.

There's just no entertainment value to come from it. None of the actors are actually putting in good performances, they are just acting like idiots for the camera, and hoping for the best. Stoner comedy has been done before multiple times, and on occasion, actually works (Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle and Dazed and Confused come to mind). Here, it just makes for making the film even less funny than it is already. The random inclusion of a monkey and a pair of bare breasts really does not make the film any better either.

Other than a few funny one-liners, this movie should just be out-right missed altogether. It's not very funny, the entire plot is silly, it's boring, and it just makes for one horrendous film. Avoid it like the plague.

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I went back again!
booeythang19 January 2006
Never in my life have i went to see a movie playing in theater more than once. You get those people who have gone to LOTR or star wars 3 or 5 times, once was enough for me. Of all movies in the world that I could see for a second time, Grandma's Boy was the one that did it for me. Not only did i see it twice in theater but I Paid twice to see it! No sneaking in, no illegal downloading...I have supported this movie! And why? Because never in my life have i found a movie that made me laugh so much. And i laughed just as much the second time as I did the first, perhaps more. Joel Moore owns this movie. He plays his character so well that you can't help but wonder how he did it. Makes me want to get metal legs too.I'm not saying everyone will find this movie funny...if you've never smoked a joint, played a video game or made a sexually explicit comment....well then yeah you'll probably sit through this like a wet fish. A sick sense of humor is kind of a must. Maybe you have to be a bit of a dork, i dunno. Fact is it had a good beginning, middle and ending and what could be better than that? (Even award winning Backdoor Mountain left me disappointed with the ending!?!) SO that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. 10/10 for the best comedy of the year...and two thumbs down to the critics who are obviously too old and boring to find the crazyness of youth amusing.
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Likable, entertaining comedy.
Hey_Sweden22 September 2012
Adam Sandler stock company player Allen Covert got boosted to star status with this easygoing stoner comedy that Covert also produced and co-wrote (with Barry Wernick and co-star Nick Swardson). The amiable Covert plays Alex, a 35 year old video game tester who loses his apartment through no fault of his own. He briefly - very briefly - is able to stay with his co-worker & friend Jeff (Swardson), who refers to his parents as his "roommates", until an unforeseen incident involving Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, occurs. Soon he's obliged to accept the offer from his grandmother Lilly (Doris Roberts) to come stay with her and her friends, Grace (Shirley Jones) and Bea (Shirley Knight). He comes to enjoy the arrangement, despite a rocky start, and is immediately attracted to Samantha (Linda Cardellini), the hottie supervising the production of the game that he's currently testing. Covert does a fine job with the writing of this appropriately goof ball movie that includes enough wild and random - and raunchy, of course - insanity to make it pleasurable viewing. The bit with the martial artist chimp is particularly funny. The assorted off the wall characters include Peter Dante (another member of the Adam Sandler stock company) as stoner dude Dante, Joel David Moore as weirdo video game prodigy J.P., Kevin Nealon as Alex's New Age boss, and Jonah Hill as another of his co-workers. They're all good at what they do, but it's really the older generation that adds that something special to this thing, as veterans Roberts and Jones are very much up for anything in this outrageous movie; Roberts is endearing as always, but Jones is a revelation as an oversexed show business groupie whose liaisons included ones with Charlie Chaplin and Abbott & Costello. You'll never look at Shirley Partridge quite the same way again! Predictably enough, there are cameo roles for Sandler's old cohorts David Spade and Rob Schneider. Moore's "robotic" shtick does wear a little thin, but that's hardly a major quibble. A production of Sandler's Happy Madison company, this does take a bit of time to kick into gear but once it does it remains an acceptable diversion for its duration. Seven out of 10.
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God, this is crap
metalrox_20002 March 2007
Alas, poor Shirley Jones and Doris Roberts, they really should have saved their money. They must have really been down on their luck to sign on for this piece of crap. Acting, bad and amateurish, the entire cast needs acting lessons. The script, as funny as a funeral, and seemed to have been written quickly by someone trying to cash in on the American Pie/ Road Trip gross out wave. Former WWF World champion Kevin Nash has the best performance in the film, looking like Alec Guiness, to everyone else, who more or less act stiffer then wooden statue. Good or bad, I've hardly ever walked out on a movie. This is one of those few I walked out of after seeing it at the local dollar theater. Tried watching it again on cable, giving it a second chance, and again, could not sit through the entire flick.

There is only one way this movie should ever be shown in it's entirety. That is if the US Government wishes to resort to torture to get information out of someone. A movie so bad, it would have been a shame to put the fictitious Alan Smithee's name on it. I do ask that IMDb does allow us to give movie's a negative score, cause I feel so bad to give this movie a one, cause that's much higher then it deserves.

Only watch if you really hate yourself, and which in inflict plain.
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Hilarious Movie
nehrams20207 December 2005
My college campus provided an advance screening for this movie, and I was quite happy that I went and saw it. For a short plot summary, a video game tester gets kicked out of his apartment and moves in with his grandma and two elderly roommates. After that, there is no real plot for part of the movie. The best part is, that doesn't matter. There are some really funny one-liners and lots of slapstick humor. There is a lot of drug use and language, and some sex-related humor and nudity, so leave the kids at home. This movie would be great for any video-game fan, pothead, and people interested in comedy. This was as good as "The 40-Year Old Virgin", and if not better. Since the movie is produced by Adam Sandler, expect to see many of the actors that have been in his past movies. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie, and the theater audience was roaring throughout the entire movie. I give it 9/10.
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The irony of Sandler films
StevePulaski5 December 2011
Why is it that the best Adam Sandler films are the ones where he isn't the lead role? He has a producer's credit on Grandma's Boy; a funny, sometimes juvenile comedy with no plot just a lot of characters doing stupid and hilarious things. It provided me with some of the biggest laughs Happy Madison has ever delivered, yet it also has enough of a soul to acknowledge when it has or is about to go too far.

I recently watched Strange Wilderness, another Happy Madison film that failed to deliver the laughs I expected even though it occupied a strong and capable cast. Grandma's Boy features typical Adam Sandler regulars like Allen Covert, Peter Dante, Nick Swardson, and more.

Something has to be said and praised about Adam Sandler and his crew; they make movies for themselves. They write scripts that appeal to them, and they couldn't care less if you like them or not. Grandma's Boy is a staple on what they find funny. Not everything was, but I will go as far as to saying I laughed harder and longer than any comedy I've recently seen.

There isn't a story. Just many characters with heavy backstory on them. Alex (Covert), a thirty-five year old video game tester, has recently been kicked out of his buddy Josh's house after they both neglect to pay the rent. Alex has no other choice but to go live with his grandmother (Doris Roberts of Everybody Loves Raymond fame) and her two friends (Jones and Knight).

On a few sidenotes, he works with his buddy Jeff (played by Nick Swardson, who is surprisingly very funny here) and is trying to develop a new game he has had in the making for several years. He also can't resist the urge to hold house parties that involved monkeys, bongs, and a ridiculously unorthodox amount of marijuana.

Excellent cameos are made by Sandler regulars such as Kevin Nealon, Peter Dante, and David Spade, and a very unlikely member from Drake and Josh also steps into frame for a hilarious and unexpected cameo. The cast handles all the material well, and most of the cameos aren't anticipated unless you've seen many Happy Madison films.

A great movie this isn't, but a funny comedy this is. It follows the slapstick formula at points, but also develops a great ability to incorporate some raunchy laughs in as well. Grandma's Boy isn't perfect, but it sustains its loose premise and has fun with the characters. Maybe what has been going on in the heads of Happy Madison employees for years hasn't all been just dead ideas.

Starring: Allen Covert, Nick Swardson, Doris Roberts, Linda Cardellini, Shirley Jones, Shirley Knight, Joel Moore, Peter Dante, Kevin Nealon, and Jonah Hill. Directed by: Nicholaus Goossen.
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Respectful underground stupid comedy
burnzyburns14 December 2020
Looking for stoner comedy? Then perhaps start here. Grandma's Boy has been thrashed by critics but it's a cult underground semi-hit of a comedy. Now saying that this movie is NOT amazing. I don't understand how people are giving this a 9 or 10 rating. Most of the movie is pretty boring, even if you're watching it high. However, it has its moments, it's pretty funny at times and most of the cast is solid. The plot isn't anything crazy either even tho it is a little bit original and it might've had potential if they focused on it more.

Grandma's Boy is a decent at best, comedy. It is underrated because it's been panned to death by paid reviewers. I don't love this movie but I don't hate it either. It's light and very easy to sit through. A 7 is a perfect rating for it.
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Don't trust the critics!
dpo777 January 2006
First and foremost, I only gave this movie a 9 to out weigh all the 1s that morons are giving it, I believe that it truly deserves about a 6.5-7.0 (currently it has a 5.5 with 87 votes). Look this is a funny movie, it's not ground breaking and it is certainly low-brow but it's actually quite enjoyable. The critics are trying to make it into the worst movie of the new year, which is sad because, in my opinion, it's as funny as anything that came out last year, including wedding crashers (although wedding crashers, I'll admit is a better film). The story relies on comedy to get by, the plot bobs and weaves, sometimes awkwardly, in the name of telling a joke rather than flowing an interesting plot line, that said, I enjoy the filmmaker's willingness to disregard any attempt to make the story realistic or to make the transitions genuine. The flow of the story seems as if it is constructed in an alternate universe where random parties come together with ease, while it may sound as if I'm being sarcastic I'm certainly not, I believe that most movie transitions are simply labored and lame attempts to get from point A to point B, they just jump almost directly to what they want to do next in Grandma's Boy ala the first Wayne's World, which keeps the movie from sagging. All and all, I believe this is a great comedy, it's certainly not for those with high brow taste, remember, critics typically like comedies like Sideways and Broken Flowers, movies that, while entertaining, find it difficult to make a young person laugh. If you liked There's Something About Mary and previous Sandler films, with the exceptions of Spanglish and Punch Drunk Love, you will enjoy Grandma's Boy.
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Unbelievably Funny
dimasodbowie10 November 2019
Underrated comedy gem. Oscar Worthy Movie. If your sick of Marvel and need a laugh.
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Absolutely Hilarious!
full_can_of_beer4 January 2007
One of the best stoner films i have seen in a long while. Even though I love such movies as Harold and kumar go to white-castle. I'd have to say this one was a lot funnier. With snappy lines the movie was great. Decent plot made the movie had just what it needed to be a classic stoner flick.i went to rent this movie with low expectations and when I had finished watching the movie even my father (who is somewhat strict) thought it was hilarious. See this movie. I was surprised to see that this movie had only a 6.6 on and see all of the comments that were negative. All in all this was a great movie and i would suggest it to anyone who likes a fun loving silly movie. oh and IMO i think that guy DOES look like Mel Gibson!
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"Drive, Monkey, Drive!"
TheFunkyBass27 May 2015
Grandma's Boy is about a 35 year old video game tester has to move in with his grandma and her two old lady roommates. This is one of the few movies starring everyone Happy Madison except Adam Sandler. No wonder it doesn't suck likes most of his movies.

It had a good plot, only bad thing is that it didn't have much of a storyline. But it didn't matter that much because their shenanigans were entertaining and funny.

Grandma's Boy is a cult classic and stoner film. It's a shame it didn't do well on the box office, it's truly an underrated comedy. Maybe it was the title of the movie, I don't know.
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Please Don't Breed!
procul9911 August 2009
Honestly, this may be the worst movie I've ever seen. And I've seen Spider Baby, and Not of This Earth. Heck I've even seen 200 Motels. Having just discovered the Freaks and Geeks series and being surprised at the acting ability of Linda Cardellini I checked out the reviews here and decided this was worth a try. That is the LAST time I will ever rely on a review at IMDb. I didn't realize that MORONS were writing IMDb reviews while they were waiting for their calls to be answered on AM radio.

This movie is so far beyond bad that mere words cannot express the wretchedness of its vomitous state. Seriously.

Watch this movie if you think Will Farrel is really really really funny, if you think Adam Sandler is a comedic genius. Watch this movie but PLEASE DON'T BREED!
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An Incredibly Funny Film
dar21066 December 2006
All though i admit this is not a movie that would be enjoyable for those with "high brow" humor. But those with "high" (aka pot/stoner) humor would absolutely love this movie. This movie received High Times Movie of the Year. For those who enjoy movies like: Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Super Troopers, and Harold and Kumar; you would totally love this movie and find yourself peeing your pants.

This movie, while lacking plot, sacrifices nothing for humor. Adam Sandler clearly only disassociated himself from this movie, because of its racy drug content.

Anybody in the teen to thirty classes would love this movie. Or anybody that enjoys "dirty" humor. The unrated version of this movie is ridiculous and the special features are just as good. With hilarious comedy, and funny goofs.

Honestly this movie is a must watch, especially for this with a taste for bud, or those who enjoy drug induced lifestyle, this movie will knock your socks off, and for those who enjoy the occasional brew and enjoy the high school days this movie is a must watch.

Sorry if my comment is incoherent I'm really messed up…hahaha….living within the true nature of the movie…long live Frankenstein… Hilarious!!!
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Grandma's Boy...
Thanos_Alfie8 November 2013
"Grandma's Boy" is a Comedy movie which shows us a 35 year old video game tester who had some issues and now he has to move in with his grandmother and her two old women friends and roommates.

Allen Covert (Alex) who plays as this video game tester in a big company, he has to try very much to become the best on it because of his age and because of the competition that he has. Linda Cardellini (Samantha) who plays as his boss, she is pressing very much her testers and of course Alex to become her company the best in the video games.

Finally I think that this movie's goal was to make people laugh and I think that it achieved it.
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Half Baked's Boy
oneloveall5 May 2006
Borrowing a generous amount of thematic elements from some of the most popular contemporary comedies around including half baked, office space, and American pie, Grandma's boy never seems to find it's own voice throughout the derivative plot and performances. To the film's benefit, they do manage to tap into a fairly unique niche market-the video gaming crowd, to deliver some underused stereotypes in their pro-to-geek glory. The main antagonist in particular, while grossly exaggerated, was a pleasure to see come to life on screen, representing the eccentric, antisocial tendencies of the genius video game designer. Sadly the film did not incorporate it's themes of heavy marijuana use as effectively as it's video game theme, somehow making the use of pot feel completely superfluous to the script and somehow thrown in there for blatant appeal to the half-baked set. Being a huge fan of the original weed flicks, it is sad to see Hollywood's ongoing strategy to use pot flicks simply for marketing devices to appeal to younger crowds, while forgetting about the whole content that made the experience in movies like Friday and Half Baked so genuine. All in all, compared to the majority of uninspired laugh out loud comedies that come out lately, you could do a lot worse, provided you are under the age of 25. Grandma's Boy does provide quite a few gut busting moments, just don't expect the replay value to be on par with the great dumb comedies of the past 5, 10 years.
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