The television series is based on the Belgian comic book series "Papyrus", created by writer and artist Lucien de Gieter. The series has been published in the magazine "Spirou" since 1974, reprinted in albums, and has been translated in various languages.
The television series lasted for 52 episodes in total, divided into 2 television seasons.
In the television series. the headquarters of the god Set are identified with a location called "Ombos". This is an alternative name for the historical ancient city of Naqada, which used to be the center of the cult of Set and its priesthood.
Théti-Chéri is depicted as a priestess of Isis. The goddess Isis was a sister of Set, sister and wife of Set's rival Osiris, and mother to Seth's main enemy Horus.
Curiously, the television series depicts the god Set trying to depose and destroy the 19th Dynasty of Egypt. The 19th Dynasty were historically worshipers of Set and had familial ties to the priesthood of Set in Avaris. A number of its kings used the name "Seti" (man of Set). A possible descendant of the dynasty, the founder of the 20th Dynasty, used the name "Setnakhte" ("Set is strong").