The Park (2003) Poster


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Utter Rubbish
Puppetmister12 March 2004
I've seen some dodgy HK movies in my time, but this has to rank pretty highly in the roll-call of stinkers. An unstructured, clumsily-paced mess from start to finish, with little in the way of a plot and so much thunderous noise and self-conscious 'scary stuff' that it never comes close to creating the quietly unsettling atmosphere needed to set up the viewer for a scare. The bargain-basement 3-D effects (a surprise considering CGI-fiend Andrew Lau's involvement) simply don't work on a DVD viewing (and providing only one pair of glasses is pretty cheap!) due to the poor colour balance. I will think twice before snapping up any more gimmicky films from bargain bins...
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Unscary and dull movie which even 3-D sequences can't save
dbborroughs27 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Chinese horror film about an abandoned amusement park where a bunch of kids go looking for a missing family member. Years earlier a series of accidental deaths caused the park to close and for people to stay away. It transpires that an evil clown like entity is taking and stealing the souls of the people who died there and holding them.

Good looking but unfrightening and dull movie that really isn't worth bothering with. If it wasn't for the fact that the film has some ghost sequences in 3-D this movie really wouldn't have seen any play dates out of China. There has no tension since much of the spooky action consists of the characters stumbling around looking scared while in the dark amusement park with nothing scary happening. This films ideas of scares or interesting ghost imagery is to trot out every long haired and small child ghost cliché and use it. If you've seen Juon/The Grudge/The Ring you've seen it all before.The film also uses people with physical deformity for frightening effect for no good reason other than the film makers have broken through the bottom of the barrel. The clown ghost stuff is interesting but because of lousy 3-D you really don't get a good look at it. Its not even worth discussing the illogic of the plot, its twists, or how good the amusement park looks after being abandoned for so many years.

Clearly this is going to be the made just for the cash turkey in director Andrew Lau's closet(he did Infernal Affairs and Initial D among others).

Stay away from this, even as a rental.I picked this up in Chinatown for five bucks on DVD and feel I was over charged (and ripped off since the DVD only had one set of 3-D glasses in it- then again the 3-D didn't always work) 3 out of 10.
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Ghostly shenanigans.
lost-in-limbo3 October 2008
Whoops I forgot my 3D glasses to experience those mind-popping images (where we are informed when to put them on or take them off), but I doubt that gimmick would have saved this already below-average, if bizarre supernatural/slasher tale from Hong Kong. It looks like it had a bit money behind it, but it feels second-rate when compared to others of its field and that ending is a complete wimp out.

At least it has going for it some stylish visual brushes by Wai-keung Lau's frenetic direction and an imposingly eerie setting (an abandoned theme park, which has some freaky looking clown dolls on a hanging tree) with some sensational art direction (like the opening entrance of the clown face). Too bad that it's senselessly penned with an messy same-old, same old structure (even though the concept showed more promise than your copy-and-paste 'Ringu' clone) of cheap jolts, typical thrills (that steals its thunder from other films) and lazily constructed characters. Even throughout it demonstrates some unwelcoming camp qualities, where the witless script and self-knowing humour just don't come off. It irritated, but not as much as the performances do. Bobo Chan in the lead role never convinces and her screaming/crying gave me a splitting headache.

Yen along with her friends are looking for her missing brother, despite the warning from her medium mother that he's dead. It leads them to an amusement park, which closed down over a decade ago after a horrible accident involving the death of a young girl. Instead of finding her brother they come across restless spirits who pick them off one by one.

The computer effects are well-done and never distracting, as there's one memorable decapitation sequence that's brilliantly executed and there's a little bit of blood 'n'gore in the traditional style. Sound effects hold an atmospheric grip, but those constant whooshing noises and whispering voices could've been toned down. The music score wasn't all that effective, even with some jaded cues.

Pretty much like a foreseeable, underwhelming haunted house theme park ride.
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Awful and Stupid movie
chonlasith8 December 2003
I've watched this movie in my country. It's uttermostly stupid movie. The story is bad, going on without reason. Some scene was copied from Ju-On. And the ghost capture by photo camera idea came from a game.

There are some bad 3-D scenes but it's just a cheap and cannot-frighten-you 3-D.

It's not worth watching. Try some movie else.

I give this movie an F grade.

PS. This is just my humble opinion. Thanks!
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What the hell?
AwesomeWolf15 January 2005
Before I start this review, I must admit that when I saw this movie, it was the wee hours of the morning and I was slightly intoxicated. Maybe my judgment was a little off, but I doubt it.

'The Park' is a silly 3D horror movie about a haunted amusement park, which just happened to be built on a cemetery. After several deaths at the park, it was closed down. 14 years later, a journalist investigating the park goes missing (naturally). His sister, Yen, is determined to find him, but their mother, a ghost hunter, believes him to be dead already. Regardless of her mother's professional advice, Yen sets out with a group of ghost fodder (her friends) in an attempt to find her brother.

Where to begin with this film's faults? There are so many. For starters, the plot is a mess. Unoriginal and full of plot holes. There is nothing close to horror in this. Sure, there are ghosts and other such dead people, but no scares. The 3D effects on which the film was based weren't all that impressive - or even 3D - on the VCD I watched. The dialog (in subtitles) was rather bad. All the characters seem to have a problem in which they felt the need to state the obvious, with everyone saying several times "There are ghosts!". I think they got the point after that was said for the billionth time.

I will give 'The Park' credit for two things though: More proof that clowns are evil, and the fact that we have very little (to no) character development. It's a great way to determine early on who will die, and who will survive.

After thinking about it, this seemed like it was meant to be campy B-movie. The (very blatant) references to 'Mr Vampire' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street' prove that, but it still felt like the movie was taking itself too seriously. Sure, I laughed at some bad B-movie moments, but those few moments were surrounded by a whole lot of just plain bad material.

1/10 - 'The Park' was very disappointing. Maybe I'll try watching it again sometime, but not any time soon.
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An absolute stinker!!
ronevickers8 July 2008
Whichever way you approach this movie, you can't escape the fact that it is downright awful!! Anyone expecting something along the lines of the standout far east films such as the Ring, the Eye, the Grudge etc is in for a massive disappointment when viewing this effort. In fact, it's difficult to find any redeeming features about this movie - storyline is flimsy in the extreme, acting is atrocious, screenplay and script are diabolical and, for a supposed scary film, it just isn't in the least bit scary. In addition, the few 3-D scenes are quite simply not in the least bit 3-dimensional! The whole thing is an utter mess from start to finish, and its 90 minute duration seems more like 90 hours! All in all, a quite dreadful experience!!
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carrienations12 April 2004
What a waste of time and money. I recently saw this film at the Philadelphia Film Festival and reduced my expectations so that I was only going to enjoy the 3-D effects. Not only was the film a complete mess of bad acting with a terrible screenplay, the 3-D effects were only used for about ten percent of the film, and the effects were barely noticeable, using old red/blue (anaglyph) 3-D technology. It seemed like the film wasn't even filmed to take advantage of the use of 3-D. This replaces Jaws 3-D and Amityville 3-D as the worst 3-D film I've ever seen. Next year at the festival, I'll have to avoid these gimmicky, low-end horror/action films. This film isn't even worth it for the curiosity factor. Stay away.
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It´s bad when you think "Why?"
Peter Elefant4 July 2004
... And this film is good for only that. At an amuzement park a little girl falls from one of the attractions, and dies. This shots down the park, but some year later a boy goes out to the shut down amuzement park. Who he is, or why he really wants to go there, noone knows. He goes missing. Who takes him or why, noone knows. Then his annoying sister wakes up, and decides to go find him. Why noone knows, he´s been missing for quite some time. Who she is? Well she´s the sister ofcourse. She teams up with some friends, and from here on the movie steals from every single film, that the writer could think of. Small kids with dolls, themepark built on cemetary, DV cameras that can record what isn´t there, evil clowns, and a mutant and his son, who´s just basicly up to no good. Oh yeah. It even has a "Surprising ending".

What a piece of garbage. This and "Mutant Dog" must be the worst I´ve ever seen. 1 out of 10.
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Not good at all
As_Cold_As_Ice22 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying this movie tries way too hard. What's with the long haired ghost and powder white boy at the start, who have nothing to do with the rest of the movie? I guess it's called pandering to the masses.

But seriously, the scares keep coming and coming, but there's one problem. None of them are the least bit scary. Some are unintentionally hilarious, but nothing scary. Considering the greater part of the movie is supposed to be frightening, this is a major flaw.

I don't particularly care about the characters either. Sure, they throw in some 5 minute subplots, but none are interesting. The plot is pretty basic as well. I mean, how original is a haunted theme park? There are some positives however. There are one or two death scenes, including a beheading, which are pretty cool. And they managed to find the official ugliest man in the world, who is fun to laugh at.

Still, this movie isn't good. Pass it up for other better Asian ghost flicks.

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forahuman3 February 2004
Man, this movie is so bad. Well, i suspect that the intentions of the creators are not to make a classic, so let it be. The story has no sense and you must hate those screaming "characters". The horror scenes are laughable, including one (with no sense) "borrowed" from The Grudge. And what about the 3D?. Well, those funny glasses didn´t work for me. At the end of the movie, you will hate Polaroids, trust me.
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Yak! Like Karak and Haunted School,the plot is boring, main character screaming a lot like the Victim 2006 thai film,
Ugh......, I really hate this film,what the heck main character screaming a lot? The plot was Stupid, why I rewatch this one? Is boring, I give this 2 out of 10,is really bad,
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What a blast -- in 3-D no less!!!
commerce196926 January 2004
We saw this at a midnight screening at Sundance, and what a blast. The effects are excellent, but more importantly, the images are so disturbing, they run chills down your spine. On top of everything, the sound and music are absolutely perfect, incredibly detailed with terrific depth. Some scenes are even in 3-d!!

I hope they put the time and effort into ensuring the dvd quality is up to par.

This movie involves a group of friends looking for one of their own who turned up missing in an amusement park. This movie has everything for the perfect horror film -- lots of creepy clowns, disturbing and deformed people, and that creeping imagery that seems available only in asian films (Ringu, Audition (Odition)).

My only complaint is the editors did not seem to put a lot of effort in to the subtitles -- sometimes a literal translation does not work. When you friends are getting dismembered, the subtitle should not read "Cheer Up."

This movie is terrific. If you have a chance to see it in a theater -- go! If only on DVD, then crank up your stereo, and turn down your lights!
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It's CAMP! Don't take it so seriously
whiskeymittens6 August 2004
I have no idea why this movie is getting so many bad comments. The reviewers must have been expecting an actual "horror" movie - where you get scared and throw your popcorn around. I think the first clue that you shouldn't take this movie seriously is the fact that IT IS A 3-D HORROR MOVIE! I knew going in to the theater at Sundance Film Festival that it would be campy and satirical and silly. And it turns out it was exactly that.

I enjoyed it as a kind of homage to 80's B horror flicks in America. It had all the right ingredients:


a deserted place (amusement park) that used to be fun but has been abandoned because BAD THINGS HAPPENED THERE

unrequited love (boy likes girl who likes other boy, 1st boy gets to "save" girl, making him wonderful and attractive)

group starts out on dangerous search to solve a mystery, couple splits from group to search alone (what will happen?!)

running/chasing scenes that involve tripping, falling down

etc, etc, etc

This is so Scooby Doo meets every horror film made from 1975 to 1989. Plus it's 3D!

I got exactly what I expected from this movie. It's dumb, it's silly, it's not really scary at all -- I had a great time.
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Do you believe in ghosts?
OwtYtrof1 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
***Here there be spoilers!!!***

An amusement park is closed after a young girl falls to her death from the ferris wheel(which utilizes cages, not open chairs!), and then the owner commits suicide(not on-screen, though).

Years later, a young man who witnessed the death of the little girl decides to go back to the closed down amusement park, and goes missing. His sister decides she is going to find him, and gets a group of friends to come with her.

This is the point where the film is supposed to become scary, but what actually happens is that hilarity ensues. Think ghost film aimed at teeny-boppers, made in Asia, and you'll be able to figure out the movie.

Full of plot-holes(why are there seemingly limitless ghosts when we only know of two deaths besides the teens who investigate the park in the dark?) and cheesy (subtitled)dialogue("I believe in God, ET, and .... Michael Jackson!"), this is the place to look for something to grin and shake your head at. If you want to be frightened, however, look elsewhere.

As a horror movie, this would barely rate a 1.

As mindless entertainment, however, I rate this one a 7.

Recommended for fans of campy or B movies.
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Complete waste of your time....believe me.
Ravingbully15 July 2004
I love the recent spate of Asian horror films that have been coming our way: Dark Water, Ringu, The Eye, Ju-on, etc. And I can honestly say that even most of the bad horror films I've seen had at least something in them that was worth watching, whether for scares or laughs. I have to say that this movie is a complete waste of time. I never got scared, laughed, or even said "Hmmm." As I watched the film end I realized that I was incredibly relieved that it was over, not because I was so scared, but because I was so bored! This thing went on and on and on...and I never ever cared about one of the characters. Oh, and don't forget the crummy 3D effects...really awful. I rarely say this about a movie, but this is one you can safely miss without any feelings of guilt.
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A couple of youths seek out a haunted theme park on the quest to search for one of the youth's missing brother ...
societyrain14 October 2004
On the surface , this appeared to be a cool movie , with the 3D effects and all but on the inside , it's all crap , just like what any sane movie goer would tell you . So , what do we have in The Park ? We have special effects , plenty of unnecessary noise , loads of screaming and shrieking , and a whole lot of you-run-and-the-devil-seek situations our gorgeous young characters are being trapped in . Everyone is just plain annoying and walking around looking for trouble , screaming their head off when something jumps out and shouts BOO ! . You don't flinch when you see the youths gets finished off one by one in the most gruesome fashion . They just deserved it , you will think , shaking your head and wondering why are you even watching this movie in the first place . There is no suspense , no shock , no violence , no sex and most importantly , NO Plot line ... can you believe this is exactly a product of one of HK most acclaim and well established director , Andrew Lau ,who is also the guy who brought you the highly rated and well received trilogy , Infernal Affairs I , II and III ? No , you can't and neither can I . The ending is predictable and cheesy , you know who dies and who doesn't . An attempt to give a surprise twist in the ending didn't help . It merely leaves more questions unanswered and made the whole show look even lamer than ever that they might as well do without it. Badly written piece of trash , a thumbs-down plus an F .I don't mean to be critical but it's really so lousily done that it's just overly worthy of criticism . Don't watch it , don't buy the vcd or DVD just because the word 3D caught your kid's attention ... U have been warned ... this might be proven a waste of good money ... go watch The Haunted Mansion starring Eddie Murphy instead , at least that one has got some humour in it to worth a few good laughs ... honestly speaking , The Park was a movie that started out with good intentions and a fresh concept but which turned out disasterously and became totally unwatchable when it loses hold of it's objectives ....
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