Pinocchio 3000 (2003) Poster

Matt Holland: Cab



  • Scamboli : They think they can mock me. A simple blackout and those little brats turned their back on me! Oh no now they have a problem, a major problem!

    Cab : Major problem. Duh what problem boss?

    Scamboli : Me! I want you two to go to the school. Get every one of those pint sized parasites back to Scamboland right now!

    Rodo : We're on it boss.

    [Cab the robot opens the gull wing door and slips out of the flying car while Rodo grabs his leg] 

    Rodo : You nit components!

  • Scamboli : Little brats. They don't appreciate the magnificence of the city I've built for them. It's the metropolis of the future. The pinnacle of progress.

    Cab : Yes boss you said it boss.

    [Rodo bumps into Cab] 

    Scamboli : The Temple of Technology. Ahh.

    [Cab walks over the hologram table and examines the remote control] 

    Scamboli : Just look at my city Scamboville. Instead of trees and grass, there's steel and glass. Concrete! Asphalt! And thanks to me and my tireless efforts.

    Rodo : Yay! Hooray for Mayor Scamboli!

    [Cab picks up the remote and changes hologram channels from the city map of Scamboville to the Japanese Castle, the pyramid, and palm trees. Rodo notices, rolls up to Cab and they both fight over the remote control] 

    Scamboli : We have soaring towers, Gleaming industries, Mega brained robots. I could talk to you about Scambo welfare for retired robots, about scam bonuses for outstanding robot achievements. About, about Robo nursing or best executives. But what's the use do the children really appreciate my hard work?

    [Rodo plays with the remote and jumps on the remote. Changing to a castle, an octopus, a pig, mushrooms, frogs, whale, Scamboli as a baby, then an Igloo] 

    Rodo : We do boss.

    Scamboli : Right and I won't let those little termites destroy my creation.

    Rodo : Never.

    [Rodo gives the remote to Cab] 

    Scamboli : Cabby. Do you know what bothers me most about children?

    [Cab tosses the remote control behind him, hits the table and the channel changes back to the hologram city map] 

    Cab : They don't pay taxes.

    Scamboli : Worse it's their winy little voices I can't stand.

  • Marlene : Hi daddy!

    [Marlene opens the automatic doors and walks right in the room] 

    Scamboli : Marlene ha! You know you're not supposed to barge in here!

    Marlene : Hello sweetheart, I'm so happy to see you. Come give daddy a kiss.

    [Cab and Rodo looks at Marlene] 

    Marlene : I've got a hot new program for you robots, wanna try it out?

    [Marlene pulls out a CD disc out of her pocket] 

    Cab : Oh no don't! No! Eeee!

    Scamboli : Don't mind.

    Marlene : Trust me it's wicked.

    [Marlene puts the CD disc in Cabs disc drive chest] 

    Cab : Please no! Not again!

    [Cab goes wild and acts like a train, Marlene laughs] 

    Scamboli : Marlene will you ever grow up? You're ruining my robots!

    Marlene : You and your silly robots. Who needs them anyway? kids need to play and have fun you know.

    [Cab hops around the room] 

    Scamboli : Scamboville is fun.

    Marlene : Not for us.

    Scamboli : Nonsense. Why, haven't I created special passageways just for kids to walk to and from school?

    Marlene : You don't get it, Scamboville is all about work and technology, there's no room for play.

    [Cab dances around and acts like a monkey] 

    Scamboli : Of course there is, every building of a 30 stories has an authorized destressing room.

    Marlene : But no where for kids to be happy daddy, we need our own space.

    Scamboli : Your own space? Contain all the children in one single place. Yes what a brilliant idea hmm. Alright, I'll build you one.

    Marlene : You will?

    Scamboli : Yes, a place just for kids, and I'll call it Scamboland.

    Marlene : Really! When will it be ready?

    Scamboli : In no time at all.

    [Marlene hugs her dad while he laughs] 

  • Scamboli : Go ahead cut the ribbon.

    Marlene : Where are the scissors?

    Cab , Rodo : Eh, scissors? The Scissors!

    [Cab puts his head in Rodos mouth and gets his head stuck] 

    Cab : Um Yipe! I don't see them! I don't see them!

    [Cab tips over upside down] 

  • Marlene : [after the flying car pulls up and parks in midair, 3 round hoverboards open up and Mayor Scamboli and Marlene gets on their hoverboard]  I can't believe you really did it dad.

    Cab : [Rodo gets on the hoverboard but Cab puts too much weight on the edge and it tips over on its side]  Oh whoa!

    Rodo : Socket wrench! Yike!

    [Cab gets down but the hoverboard files up with Rodo hanging on the edge] 

    Cab : Yeah! Run Rodo, I'll catch you! Ahh!

    Rodo : Don't miss Ahh!

    [Rodo lets go of the hoverboard and falls down] 

    Cab : Ooh!

    [Cab gets distracted by the music and Rodo hits the ground and Cab realizes his mistake] 

  • Cab : I don't see them!

    Marlene : Robots.

    [Marlene pulls out Rodos needle, pokes her finger and Cabs head gets free] 

See also

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