Club Dread (2004) Poster


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Funny Slash Movie
claudio_carvalho28 November 2006
In Pleasure Island, Costa Rica, a serial killer slashes the employees of the Coconut Beach Resort, a paradisiacal place for having sex and fun. He advises the staff to continue working, otherwise he would slaughter the guests also. In a environment of suspicious, and with the afraid employees trapped in the island without communication, the number of deaths increases.

"Club Dread" is a funny slash movie. The forgettable story is very attractive, with beautiful naked girls and a nice cast. I liked this hilarious movie, a spoof of "serious" horror slash movies, showing a good combination of gore and comedy. If the viewer sees without great expectation, he or she may have a good surprise. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Pânico na Ilha" ("Panic in the Island")
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Nothing to Dread
loafer29 August 2005
At first viewing of this comedy by Jay Chandrasekhar I dismissed it as a completely cheesy and off-the-wall spoof movie we have all seen many times already, and I was right! The biggest difference is that this fun film tries to be something all it's own, while still spoofing all the ridiculous slasher movies from the 80s. Bill Paxton was hilarious in this movie! It makes me completely forgive him for being in Titanic.

I'm not going to go on and on about this film. I'll simply say that if you are looking for another Super Troopers movie, you will not find it here. But Broken Lizard delivers a pretty entertaining movie that will not disappoint those looking for a fun ride.
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This film is getting a bad rap...
lambiepie-224 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this knowing it was a spoof of slasher/horror films. Club Dread has its charms. It's not the "best" spoof of slasher/horror teen-aged films out there, but it isn't one of the worst either.

Every character represents another character -- or two -- you've seen in these "legitimate" slasher/horror films over the years. Same formula, same outcome, same ole, same ole. But this spoof makes no bones of how ridiculous it all can be...and I must admit in some places in the movie, they could have done more to make it even funnier. Much humor is lost to the silliness of it all, but I am looking at a spoof of a genre that is overdone to begin with.

This is a nice piece of spoof fluff in a subtle way. Bill Paxton as "Coconut Pete" was a wonderful spoof within itself and I wish they could have done a bit more on this.

Club dread doesn't hit you over the head with it's attempt at tongue in cheek spoofing...where as in some parts it should have. But maybe being too much 'over the top' too much can spoil a good thing.
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Much Better Than It's Reviews
swbigg4life7 March 2004
I have been sitting and reading the completly brutal reviews of this movie for about two hours now and I guess me and my two friends are the only ones that found this movie HILLARIOUS.

As the movie started, I was thinking "Oh great, Scary Movie 4". But the more that Club Dread went on, the jokes got better, and I couldn't stop laughing. From Sam the fun police to Jenni (played by the super hot Brittney Daniel) each charecter was histarical. Especially Cocanut Pete who everyone seems to think was a unfunny atempt at Jimmy Buffet, in case you didn't notice, in the movie they take a shot at him being a Jimmy Buffet rip off "Play Maragrita Ville!".

And before you dismis my recamendation as yammering from a Broken Lizard fan boy don't think so soon, I have never seen any other Broken Lizard flicks, but after this wonderfully executed movie, I plan on it.

I think it sums up to you have to have a certain since of bizar humour at some points and just keep a open mind when watching the movie. It wasn't the best movie I've seen by far, but I am going over lines in my head this morning from two nights ago and still laughing.

Broken Lizards Club Dread is a extremly funny movie that doesn't deserve to be bashed like it is. It is a very funny..... comedic slasher. The Jimmy Buffet rip offs and cheesy ending is exactly what Broken Lizard was aiming for, and if you look at it like that, many of the "mistakes" become funny as oposed to angering.

The Final Numbers 8 out of 10.
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In most horror comedies, the comedy works better than the horror; here, it's the other way around
gridoon4 July 2005
Taken purely as a comedy, "Club Dread" is not a very good one. Most of the time it substitutes vulgarity for wit. Let's face it, when a film has a character named "Yu" merely for "Yu" / "You" puns, you know you're not dealing with any type of comic genius. But if the Broken Lizard people ever decide to leave the comedy business, they may have a bright future ahead of them in the horror field. As a slasher movie, "Club Dread" is gory and suspenseful, with good kill setups and the requisite false scares. The whodunit angle is handled really well - it's virtually impossible to guess who the killer is. Also, the locations are pleasant, all cast members seem to be enjoying themselves, and the two female leads (Jordan Ladd and Brittany Daniel) are too sexy for words. To be honest, I would give this movie ** out of 4 just for that scene on the beach where Ladd flips a guy over and then sits on top of him, but since I generally liked the rest of the movie as well, let's make it ***.
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Kind of in-between
smatysia16 March 2006
Club Dread was one of those in-between films. It wasn't bad, although it had bad parts. But it wasn't really good, although it had good parts. I had never heard of Broken Lizard or Jay Chandrasekhar, nor had I seen Super Troopers. So maybe I just don't get it. There was a lot of opportunity for nudity passed on, and I think that might have been part of the wry, just-under-the-radar humor that this was so full of. It has been called a horror movie spoof, but that's not completely accurate. It is a full-fledged slasher film, but they are obviously having a lot of fun with it. But not all of that fun making and thinking up this film translates into fun watching it. But I will give them credit for putting something out that isn't the same as everything else out there. Kudos for Brittany Daniel who made this easy on the eyes, too. I'd say check it out, but just don't have unrealistic expectations.
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Totally unfunny and charmless.A waste of time and celluloid.
mwrowell21 July 2004
I think the summary says it all - This film is a big waste of time, every joke is beaten to death, none of the characters are likable (apart from the masseur), and I was glad when they died. Save your cash or go and watch Farenheit 911, or Spiderman II or just stay at home and watch anything else, just stay away from this movie. Not even Bill Paxton can save this, and that is saying something.

I don't think there is a line in it that doesn't mention 'getting laid' or 'getting drunk' and that is the highbrow humour! This isn't a homage to spoof movies or horror movies, this is a raping and humiliating of movie goers, and their love of movies. Whoever allowed this dross to be produced should be kicked out of Hollywood and sent to work in a nudey booth as a jizz-mopper, because they sure don't know anything about how to make a good movie.

Makes Police Academy 6 look like Police Academy 1. Avoid like a rash.
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If you like Piña Colladas...and getting killed in the sun.
Coventry30 January 2007
Horror comedies are such difficult film productions to accomplish. Usually, the horror elements are so poorly done that they actually become funnier than the intended humor. You really don't want your audiences to laugh during the critical and intentionally horrific moments while they don't move a muscle during the comical situations, and yet this is often the case. I'm more than happy to announce that Broken Lizard's "Club Dread" is an exception to this general rule, as it works as both a comedy and – surprise, surprise – even more as a light-headed and gory good slasher picture. Granted, the humor isn't exactly edifying, as the jokes are mainly just misinterpreted terms, offensive sexual remarks and other vulgarities, but the entire cast is so contagiously enthusiast that you won't be able to resist laughing! Then there's the horror plot and this is what really astonished me about "Club Dread"! The maximum effort directors can usually realize is dark black comedy, but here it's actually genuine HORROR, with nasty make-up effects, suspense and an effectively misleading whodunit-structure! Unlike I feared, the story isn't too ludicrous and brings forward some good intrigue and exciting red herrings. A new boatload of tourists washes ashore Pleasure Island, a party-vacation resort run by former 70's singer Coconut Pete and his loyal share of sex-obsessed employees. While the guests are occupied with playing silly games and having casual sex, there's a malevolent figure slaughtering the work crew. The killer leaves behind clues referring to Coconut Pete's old songs and insists that all the employees continue their work like there's nothing wrong. The fewer their number, the more suspicions raise that the killer is actually one of their own and the mutual trust and friendship completely vanishes. "Super Troopers" and "Beerfest" prove that the Broken Lizard clique knows comedy, but they clearly also did their horror-homework. The murders are highly imaginative and the island setting is fully exploited like it should be. Heck, the script even makes full use of the 'necessary' clichés like the killer's piñata disguise and the stereotypical drunk teenagers. Last but not least, the female cast-members all look truly ravishing and they're not too prudish, either. The unbelievably gorgeous Jordan Ladd goes topless (amongst doing other sexy tricks) and all the other ladies (Tanja Reichert, Brittany Daniel, Lindsay Price, Elena Lyons…) are the most ideal eye-candy imaginable. Bill Paxton shines as Coconut Pete and he clearly had a lot of fun playing this role. "Club Dread" may not be Oscar-material, but it's a damn fun and exhilarating flick!
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Unbelievably awful
tom-4565 June 2004
I've seen a whole lot of movies in my day. I mean a WHOLE lot of movies. Club Dread is one of the absolute worst.

It's supposed to be comedy, or that's what I thought at least when I rented it, but there wasn't a single funny thing in the entire movie. Nothing funny, nothing remotely entertaining or interesting. When they chose to use the word "Dread" in the title, maybe that was an inside joke, that they thought was funny because they knew that it was absolutely dreadful.

The dialogue is incomprehensible for the most part, which is due to most of the "actors" mumbling most of the time. Even when the written dialogue is as bad as it is in this movie, you still want to be able to understand the words, and it is irritating when you find yourself watching a movie and realizing that you have given up even trying to understand what the actors are saying.

Okay, to tell the truth, one reason that I rented this movie is because of Jordan Ladd. There is one "special" scene with Jordan that was particularly odd, because she has an absolutely beautiful face, yet due to the incredibly bad lighting in that scene, her beautiful facial features were effectively obscured. Manifestly, the director and photographers had no appreciation at all for her beauty, and it is a shame that such a rare opportunity was given to such clueless idiots.

This movie has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Please don't rent this movie, because if you do, that will only give these people more money that they can use to make another movie, and that would be criminal.
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Like a smelly nugget of gold...
zetoss_rules23 June 2008
Club Dread is a very interesting piece of work, not really too original, exciting, well done, action filled or intelligent... and honestly not even good. Basically it pivots around a bunch of people stuck on an island with a killer, giving it quite the "oh please not another movie like that" feeling. However, they are not just a handful of people on a deserted island, they are the staff of "Pleasure Island" and need to keep their cool while taking care of a load of tourists. The plot is by no means complicated but it stands out just enough and can be quite unpredictable sometimes. Just beware of a very common mistake! Don't give up after the first few minutes, it gets better and better all the way to the end!

This movie needs you to fulfill three different criteria before you can truly enjoy its interesting properties to the fullest. I have listed them below, the first being the most important and so on. Number 1; you need to be able to laugh freely and comfortably at silly, odd and stupid things. Number 2; you need to make sure you are not disturbed by "almost well done gore" or attractive women not wearing a whole lot of clothes. Number 3; you need to be observant enough to notice details, and too tired (or possibly drunk) to be upset when these details don't match, instead you need the ability to laugh at it.

With these things in mind, my punchline is; This movie is a total piece of crap! Characters, script, effects, dialog, actors and most other stuff too can't be called anything other than crap! However, follow the simple guidelines and force a few friends to watch it with you and you will laugh so hard you will never forget this movie. Hard to tell if the movie was intended to be hilarious or serious, but regardless the intentions behind it... this is a comedy overdose! Total piece of crap but in a Very entertaining way, I give it a 7 out of 10 because months later I still start laughing like a maniac when I think about some of the scenes in the movie.
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Club Dreadful
Skint11123 March 2004
This has to be one of the most utterly incompetent, embarrassing

excuses for a film I have ever seen. Stultifyingly stupid, blindingly brainless, it manages to neither be a

proper horror nor a proper comedy and from the ridiculous

opening scenes to the bizarre, unexplained final scenes it is truly

dire. The plot is devoid of logic, which wouldn't matter so much if

this was merely a wacky, gross-out type comedy, but it isn't. So

many of the lines fall flat that you ask yourself whether they were

actually meant to be funny or not. Add in a host of unfunny,

unsubtle performances (including the worst English accent ever

put on film) and you've got a movie that should be jettisoned into

space for all eternity. Truly dire. 1/10.
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What's people's problem?
dracovandam27 February 2004
The people that don't like this movie expected way too much from it. People have said that it is a standard horror flick, but they're wrong. This movie is a parody of the horror genre. If you watch the movie knowing that they're not making a serious horror movie (and that isn't hard to realize), then you're opinion would change drastically. This isn't supposed to be a smart-funny either. It's just something that you watch for a good time with friends. They're too many serious movies in theatres anyways, it's nice to have some relief from uber-serious movies with something that doesn't have several plot twist and emotional rollercoasters. People, just lighten up and realize the entertainment purposes of this film. It's not for over-mature parents or little school girls. It's for the teenagers that have to sneak into the movies because they're 17th birthday is in 2 weeks, it's for the general person that wants to laugh and escape bills and the real world. It's not a movie that will make you cry, it's a happy movie for happy people. Got it? ...Good
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Not 'Scary Movie'.
PhilParma9 March 2004
The thing I hear many people saying is that they expect it to be like Scary Movie.

You cannot assume that. That's not even close to what Broken Lizard is going for. Broken Lizard is not trying to Parody (making specific jokes about specific films), but, in fact, it seems that they are they are trying to Satire (poke fun at the genre in a sardonic way, effectively poking at social situations). A ridiculous premise (killing on an island which is dedicated to drugs, sex and every other sin you can think), and pokes fun at just what culture is capable of now -- an island dedicated to having sex and taking drugs, imagined by a retired, loaded hippie.

Yes, it's stupid humour, but it's smart, inside stupid humour. This is a movie that you have to think to enjoy somewhat, even if the humour is at its basest. Maybe that's not what you want going in, but if you're familiar with other Broken Lizard films (supertroopers), this should come as no surprise.

Supertroopers fans: Keep an eye out for the big, blue feather. It's back. 7/10
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aserrano16 March 2004
I loved SuperTroopers and I am a big fan of all types of comedies. From Kung Pow to Trading Places. You could ask anyone of my friends and they would tell you I will sit down and watch a movie no matter how bad it is as long as its funny. This movie I sat down expecting a bunch. Sure it isnt on the top 250 list but hey, there's not a lot of good movies that are. In my eyes for a comedy that only a few people would like, it got good ratings.

This movie, as soon as I was done watching it, stole 10 years off my life. This movie was undoubtedly the WORST comedy ever. This movie definitely doesnt deserve to be seen as a good movie. How the hell did this movie get so many "10"s.

This movie was advertised to me as a comedy. There was very little humor and even then the jokes were very stale. Instead this movie tried to be a horror flik. Now personally I hate horror movies but if I can find a movie that can scare me, I will watch it. This movie didnt scare me, and didnt make me laugh. Because of this movie, I will probably not ever watch Super Troopers or any other Broken Lizard films that come out because of the horrible movie I saw today.
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cornsmee28 February 2004
Club dread is a cinematic treat. Fans of super troopers will understand the clever brand of comedy applied in this film. The accents aren't supposed to be realistic, the situations aren't supposed to be suspenseful, and most of all the acting isn't supposed to be oscar worthy. It's a joke people. It's a movie made by a comedy troop co-starring Bill Paxton. They're not exactly shooting for the stars. What they are trying to do is make you laugh. Let down your guard and admit that you like unnecessary nudity, brutal murders, and fake accents. If you didn't like super troopers you probably won't like this movie but on the same token, if you didn't like super troopers you're an uptight loser with no sense of humor. This movie is flat out funny when taken for what it is, so please do so. If you're looking for a life changing dramatic experience go see The Passion of The Christ but if you want to have a good time laughing at stuff you know is funny, even if you won't admit it, see this film. Smoke some, drink some, or go sober, but have a good time. Peace.
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This movie is underrated... naysayers please read
biggiesized6 August 2006
Let me start off that I am a fan of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe. I'm not an obsessed cult member, but if word is out that they are into another production, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it.

Having said that, I'll make my point.

When I first saw Super Troopers at a friend's house, I thought to myself, could movies be any funnier? Tears were coming down from my eyes in torrents (especially in the first five minutes).

When I heard that Club Dread was coming out, I made the mistake of expecting a Super Troopers-esquire sequel. I saw this movie and had mixed reactions. One part of me wanted to think favorably of this movie because of my experience with Super Troopers. Another part of me thought, wow this really wasn't that funny or memorable. In fact, I'm sure many people felt this way.

However, I never realized how much of a buried treasure this movie was until I saw it a second and third time. It has a great, twisting plot that mocks the slasher era of films, yet it retains its originality. The humor in this movie is characterized by crudeness, subtlety, and satirical elements.

It also has the killing and gore scenes. This helps appeal to fans of the horror genre.

I appreciate this film even more now that I realize it for what it is.

Summary: For those of you who dismissed this movie because you expected Super Troopers, go back and give it a second chance. You'll regret the way you felt about it in the first place and ultimately feel more satisfied. If you really don't like then, well then don't let anyone stop you from voicing your dissenting opinion.

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Pretty damn funny!
the_badman_xxx13 September 2013
Broken Lizard's Club Dread is about a resort on the coast of Costa Rica, where a lot of partying and heavy drinking/drug(ab)use takes place between hundreds of collage students celebrating Spring Break, as well as the resort employees. When an apparent and unknown killer is slashing off the resort staff one by one, the resort breaks breaks into chaos.

Now what I found amusing about this film is that:

1. It doesn't take it's self seriously at all,

2. The characters are, though cheesy and cliché, are fun to watch,

3. The actors work well off each other and< though the script is also cheesy and cliché'd , is still amusing.

What I felt were the weaker points are :

1. Some scenes seemed to sort of repeat themselves too often, more variation in sequence would've made it abit more enjoyable,

2. There are A lot of characters, and I found it hard at times to keep track of who's who.

But overall I give this film a seven. If I were to be as critical here as above then I'd probably say a 5.5-6* But being a fan of Broken Lizard, I give it a seven. I don't really think it's a like it or hate it movie, it just kind of depends on what you're in the mood for. Fun for with friends :D

I hope this was helpful!
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someone shoot the director in order for him not to be able to direct again
ionutz131310 March 2005
Comm' on... I've seen comments regarding this movie that stated to be a great movie... this movie sucks big time... Not even that it is not even a little tinny drop of a funny movie, but it's boring and annoying! Except of those good looking girlie-girls in the movie that I suspect that the director placed them to distract the attention from the bad plot ..the rest stinks big time, quite huge... Everything is so predictable in this movie. I felt like I was watching a movie made in 1988, when I was a little child. At the beginning it seem to be OK... But then when that masseur came in the picture everything became crystal clear it was a bad movie... Comm' on.. who in the God's name ever heard about that nonsense with a pressure puncture above the lips that can give an orgasm to a woman. Off course there are placed on a human's body several pressure punctures able to induce some effects... but this is ridiculous. Who knows maybe they found a new G point for the women, or that girl was "like a virgin...touched for the very first time"(copyright Madonna) by her dream-boy. I can't imagine who could vote more then 3 points for this sad movie for the cinema industry... It's sad... Stop encouraging them.. They might be thinking about making a sequence for this poorly movie.
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a few good laughs
SnoopyStyle1 March 2015
Pleasure Isand, Costa Rica is a resort hounded by a serial killer. The place is owned by the once famous musician Coconut Pete (Bill Paxton). The island communication and transport get cut off. The killer leaves writing on a board targeting the staff and warns them to do their job. Pete's former tour security ex-FBI agent Hank (M.C. Gainey) is on the case. The killer could be anyone. Sam is the Fun Police brigade. Jenny (Brittany Daniel) is the sexy aerobics instructor. Lars is the new masseuse with magic fingers. Putman (Jay Chandrasekhar) is the tennis instructor. Yu (Lindsay Price), Juan and Dave are some of the other staff. Penelope (Jordan Ladd) seems to be an innocent guest.

There are a few good laughs but it's mostly a hit and miss comedy. This sex romp horror-comedy actually got me interested in the murder mystery as much as the comedy. I was oddly following the whodunit. This exists somewhere in the middle. It's too silly to be a scary horror but it's not funny enough to be a full-on spoof.
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Not Scary, Not Funny
SenorPez7 February 2005
Also posted at

After nearly breaking a string of watching and reviewing bad movies with 50 First Dates, I devoted myself to watching another bad movie. Having previously enjoyed Super Troopers, I settled in for a couple of hours with Club Dread. It's good to see that my selection skills have not improved.

There's a fine line in the horror-film genre. There are the really good horror films, like The Exorcist. But below that line, there are two more sub-genres of horror films: The ones that are bad, and the ones that are so bad that they are funny. There's a long line of cult classics that were so bad that they became humorous. Sam Raimi did it with the Evil Dead movies. However, there are plenty of horror films that are just plain bad.

The main problem with Club Dread is that it can't seem to decide whether or not it wants to be a sex-beer-and-boob-filled comedy film or a horror film. On the comedy side of things, there are only so many boob and drug jokes to go around, and a comedy film truly needs something more than that to succeed. There are few truly funny moments in Club Dread, as the jokes are stretched too thin and delivered with far too little talent to be effective. Instead, the comedic moments seem to be nothing more than ideas that were rejected from a Saturday Night Live sketch.

The horror part of the film is equally bad, and doesn't even reach a point where it could be considered funny by it's ineptitude. There's some sort of a plot to figure out who the killer is, but, quite frankly, it doesn't even matter. Instead, there's occasionally an over-the-top killing, punctuated by your typical screaming victims. But the killer is neither interesting, terrifying, or compelling. You're not going to be going home at night wondering if a machete-wielding killer is hiding in your closet.

Actually, you'll be going home at night wondering why you watched Club Dread in the first place. This movie is terrible. Anyone who enjoyed Super Troopers should still avoid this film like the plague. It doesn't have the compelling characters, the clever setups, or the memorable comedy of that film. Instead, we're left with a half-baked horror film.
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Club Broken Lizard.
anaconda-4065812 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Club Dread (2004): Dir: Jay Chandrasekhar / Cast: Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Hefferman, Steve Lemme, Bill Paxton, Brittany Daniel: From the creators of Super Troopers and so much better. It takes place on an island paradise yet a mad slasher is on the loose killing everyone via machete. Director Jay Chandrasekhar does a great job presenting a satire of slasher films although the murders are graphic particularly during the violent conclusion where someone is cut in half. Yet much of the humour works thanks to amusing characters who seem to point blame at each other leaving viewers to guess who really is guilty. Asides from directing the film, Chandrasekhar is the tennis player who actually uses tennis balls in an attempt to stop the killer. Kevin Hefferman is new to the island and can give a powerful massage. Steve Lemme is struck with embarrassing sexual secrets but catches the attention of a spring break girl. Bill Paxton as Coconut Pete runs the island entertaining guests with songs he doesn't remember writing. One such song seems to employ clues as to who will be murdered and when. Brittany Daniels plays one of the many hotties in this film. She attempts to hold her sanity and suggests that everyone stick together. The over the top graphic nature of the murders could have been left out otherwise this is a well made shock comedy with clever writing in its satire of a declining genre. Score: 7 / 10
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civ672 March 2004
This movie sucked compared to Super Troopers. Basically its Scary Movie, but its not funny, it just comes off as a bad horror movie. I laughed out loud maybe twice, and it was from stuff that was in the preview. If you liked Super Troopers, stay home and watch it, do not see this movie. They are even marketing the movie based on Super Troopers, banners on this site say "out meow" or "click here meow to watch the trailer." So they basically tricked everyone who liked their previous movie into seeing this one. The only redeeming quality (which is not worth 7.50) is the pac-man game they play on the island. It really makes me mad because broken lizard could have made something really funny, instead they settled for hot chicks and stupid accents.
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I love this movie!!!!
sobrdj4115 February 2010
I see a lot of Super Trooper fans that hate this movie. Personally I enjoyed this movie far more than Super Troopers. I don't understand why anyone would try to compare the two movies though. They are two totally different style movies. Kevin Heffernan as Lars & Brittany Daniel as Jenny were both hilarious together. I personally thought it quite hilarious that a spoof of slasher flicks was actually a better slasher flick than most serious slasher flicks while being hilarious at the same time. It seems to me that the reason most of the critical people don't like this movie is that they took it seriously. That is the problem.
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second worst broken lizard movie
kelsey-4522 November 2006
this movie was OK. it was very stupid. it was too stupid. on occasions i have to try to laugh at a movie because i want to laugh. this was that kind of movie. there were some laughs, but not laugh-out-loud funny parts like beerfest or super troopers. a question i have for the mpaa is why don't you say that it has nudity in it. all you have is sexual content, violence/gore, language and drug use. i was not prepared for those boobs. good thing i did not watch this with my parents. all in all, this is the second worse broken lizard movie. other than puddle cruiser which was hard to watch. this movie was OK and it reminded me of scary movie but it is only for people who like stupid movies and people who like he broken lizard clan.
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Really pathetic.
TOMNEL2 February 2007
If you enjoy unfunny, brain dead films, than this is your best bet. In place of funny, we get lame dirty jokes and nudity. If I wanted a movie that was funny because of nudity, then porn would probably be your best bet. The basic plot of this film is that some people from a cruise ship are stuck on an island with a killer, and they are all very sexy and horny, and to top it off, we have Bill Paxton!! What a big star they got to play the aging hipster musician/singer. All of the acting is atrocious, and because of lack of anything amusing, the film is really dull and boring, and to top that off, it's over 100 minutes long!! If you're going to make a horrid film at least make it short. Anyways, obviously this wasn't my cup of tea, but if you enjoy low budget, unfunny films, then you've come to the right place!!! My rating: * out of ****.
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