Strange Relations (TV Movie 2001) Poster

(2001 TV Movie)

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Very moving and engaging story
TheDome812 April 2023
I have to admit, I wasn't sure about this film after reading the description of it. It had the potential to be really sappy. But I was totally blown away by it. It delivered on everything--the writing, the story, and the acting. It was ultimately an emotionally draining experience.

The story revolves around Jerry Lipman (Paul Reiser), a Jewish New York psychologist. After being diagnosed with leukemia, his mother, played by Olympia Dukakis, tells him he was actually adopted. His real birth mother was/is a Catholic woman from Liverpool, England. When he discovers she's still alive and has two other sons who might be possible bone marrow donors, he pays them a visit. This is where the majority of the film takes place and what a wild ride it is!

His mother Sheila (Dame Julie Walters) is quite a character. She's a sweet, loving matriarch who is overjoyed to finally be reunited with her son. Dame Walters delivers an incredible performance. While trying to reconnect with his two brothers, he ends up falling in love with his brother's ex-wife. Maureen (Amy Robbins), which further complicates the story. Without giving away any more of this excellent movie, let's just say you'll need to have some tissues handy. It's a fun, complicated, and yes, gut-wrenching journey. Just a solid hour and a half of solid movie viewing.
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Interesting twist on the old British kitchen sink drama.
mark.waltz14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While there are elements of light comedy from Paul Reiser and Julie Walters in this family drama about birth, death, dying, love and truth, the focus is on heart, especially as someone with understandably selfish motives comes to see things from a different perspective. Reiser finds out that he's dying from leukemia then after telling his mother Olympia Dukakis the news learns that he was adopted. He seeks out his family in England, and learns that there's more to family than just needing something from them, especially as he comes to love them, especially his natural mother, the magnificent Julie Walter's.

Tender, touching and true, this is a sincere soap opera like story where Reiser gets a beginning, middle and end to his arch, going from somewhat selfish and needy to accepting of the inevitable, far from perfect but getting a chance to atone. Reiser and Walters are perfect as the reunited mother and son, with Amber Sealey the heart of Walters' family as her supportive daughter-in-law, definitely closer to her than Walters' own natural sons. Dukakis and George Wendt (Reiser's adoptive brother) are also great in support. This never goes for overwrought tears and thanks to a well written script and memorable performances, and the two completely different style of funny actors truly deserve full praise.
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Unexpected Good Surprise
nicholas.rhodes7 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Caught this one recently on the French TV under the title "A La Recherche du Passé". Now, I hate dubbing at the best of times, and it was almost a complete waste of time watching this film which, due to its subject matter, was dubbed into French. I say almost, as at least I managed to make acquaintances with the story which I found very interesting. It does not seem to be available on DVD here in Europe, in spite of its including a very well known English actress, Julie Walters. Seeing the film in English, would, I assume, enable the spectator to notice the differences between the Liverpool accent and that of New York. The dubbing of the film into French led me to believe that there was a lot of coarse language in the film - highly regrettable, but there again, perhaps that is the way people speak in Liverpool nowadays. Anyway, coarse dialogue is offensive to me ! The story line was very interesting indeed and the comparison of civilizations even more so but for the English side of it, they did appear to be scraping the bottom of the barrel. I am not saying these characters don't exist in real life, but not all English are like this - as to Liverpudlians, I did have some in my family ( now dead ) but I don't quite remember them quite as crude as these ! I had one or two questions about the plot which seemed a little illogical at times and had a little difficulty sympathising with the main character, despite his absolutely awful plight. I was more at home with Julie Walters and the character of Maureen. The character of Mavis was AWFUL and I wouldn't touch her with a barge pole ! The two little boys, though were quite adorable. I am surprised the film has not had more success and been issued on a DVD - it is even better than "Secrets and Lies" which is on a similar theme ( but without the illness ) and seems to have been issued on a DVD in its own right. To conclude then, a film with a large number of positive points, not forgetting excellent picture quality, but which I would dearly love to see in English to savour the dialogues !!
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Julie Walters in a role suitable for her talents -- A real treat!
herbqedi16 May 2004
I consider Walters the top screen actress of the past 20 years -- I'd pay to watch her read Direct-TV fan letters. She makes ordinary movies (Stepping Out, Sister My Sister, Clothes In The Wardrobe, etc.) seem quite good -- and good movies (Educating Rita, Prick Up Your Ears, Just Like A Woman, Billy Elliott, and Calendar Girls) seem great whenever she's on the screen. Here, she has a perfect role for her immense talents as a working class Liverpudlian Mum faced with the sudden arrival on her doorstep of the son (Paul Reiser) that she was force to put up for adoption forty years ago. She gets the use he entire spectrum of her immense talents: the auditory, the physical, the facial nuance perfection, the movements, the humor, the drama, etc.

Happier still, the combination of terrific supporting performances by the entire cast, believable people as its insightful characters, and a wry screenplay that manages to deliver many smiles, titters, and the occasional belly-laugh. Kudos to Director Weed and Screenwriter/Co-Producer/Cameo-Actor/SNL-Alum Tim Kazurinsky because accomplishing all this is no trivial task -- when you've had a chance to think about the plot. The shamefaced story-line is ye olde "I'm-a-rich-New-York-Doctor-dying-of-cancer-so-my-mother-told-me-I-was-adopted-so-I-could-crash-into-the-lives-of-my-birth-mother-and-her-family-members-in-impoverished-Irish-Liverpool-so-I-could-try-to-find-a-bone-marrow-transplant-while-learning-insights-from-my-new-culture-where-I-am-a-fish-out-of-water." Moreover, the movie gets its largest incredulity out on the table right in the beginning. Paul Reiser's Dr. Jerry Lipman is actually purebred Irish! In my mind, I think I can see Weed and Kazurinsky selling this to a producer saying, "Think of Terms of Endearment crossed with Local Hero, then salted with two shakes of Flirting With Disaster, finished off with a dollop of Lorenzo's Oil."

But, the acting is so good, the people so genuine and interesting, and the screenplay so full of disarmingly dry wit and wry observations, accented by some clever background inclusions by Director Weed, that it all works wonderfully. Reiser's love interest is his sister-in-law, but in this context, we're okay with that. Amy Robbins, who plays Maureen, comes across as a terrific actress in her own right -- and somehow gets away with making no bones about the fact that although her human-being chemistry with Reiser is adorable and their sex is great, inside her true self she knows that it still pales against the latent-yet-ubiquitous animal chemistry she feels for her hunky-but-no-good ex, roguishly played by Ian Hyphenated-Name. The heavyset Brian Daughty also scores well as feckless brother Frank. Olympia Dukakis and George Wendt are ideally cast in their minor roles as Reiser's adopted mother and brother.

In short, if you can stand a bit of TV-movie-type production values and obvious cuts for commercials, and you have some tolerance for a dollop of treacle, catch this one on Showtime if you can.
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A man discovers the world and himself just in time
stephenhr28 March 2003
See this beautiful, loving drama. Every character a gem. A super script. Rich and excellent acting. Laugh, love, cry. This is what it's all about. Movies can enlighten us and release us. Sometimes they actually do.
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Brilliant mix of Yank and Scouse!
dianewoodbridge9 May 2003
Iwas born and bred in Liverpool,and now live in the USA,so completely understand the mix of these 2 cultures portrayed in this movie and loved it! Julie Walters is her brilliant self, Amy Robbins(any relation to Kate or Ted Robbins?) is so believable as Maureen and Paul Reiser is 'Lovely'. Landmarks of Liverpool made me feel homesick especially when the Women's Hospital was mentioned 'cos I used to be a Sister on Rankin Ward there. Thank you cast and crew, this is now one of my most favourite Movies. Diane Henderson(Woodbridge).
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This movie has everything
bill_russell8 December 2002
This has everything. I mean EVERYTHING. A very good plot and storyline with a major, unforeseen twist, excellent acting, huge emotional attachment, a really fun and witty dialogue, educational, with excellent acting, good DP work with a backdrop of Liverpool and NYC, decent music and sound engineering. I LOVED this movie.

But for some reason, probably at the agreement of Granada (UK) and Showtime (US) it was never really pushed as a theatrical release (most likely poor marketing and publicity). The credits are done very cheaply and this suggests Showtime and Granada either a) ran out of money or b) didn't believe in it. Either way, a major shame.

This is a gem!

Just watch it and let yourself be emotionally moved in all directions.
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The best movie
ksutton7827 August 2005
This is definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen and I only saw it by accident. It was on TV in New Zealand and had a poor review so I only intended seeing the first 5 minutes... thank goodness I didn't switch off. Maybe you have to know Liverpool and scouses well to understand this movie but the acting, storyline, characters and dialogue are fantastic. Fortunately the movie does not dwell on the sadder aspects of the storyline but focuses on the Liverpudlian characters, their attitude to life and scouse humour. Julie Walter's deserves every award possible for her role but it seems has missed out. A great movie - don't miss.
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"Strange Relations" ( the cable version of this movie)
sschwart28 September 2003
The cable version of this dramedy ( drama/comedy) is "Strange Relations" but they could have called it "Strange Bedfellows."

It's such a quirky, unique piece of work. It defies much description, and the plot summaries above tell the tale.

The acting is surprising good.

For once, Paul Reiser is not exactly playing Paul Reiser.

Julie Walters is phenomenal, as always.

Ann Robbins (a cousin of Paul McCartney, and sister to Brit actress Kate Robbins) is excellent, and some might remember her from "Casualty".

The setting is primarily Liverpool, and it's both an unflinching and romantic view of the city, in my humble opinion.

All in all, this is worth 2 hours of your time, and if you spend 120 minutes with it on cable - it won't be time wasted.
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Flawed predictable storyline
tef8918 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
At first this seemed like an enjoyable film with a good premise but it quickly becomes clear that the storyline is being manufactured in a wholly predictable, and more than a little, unbelievable way.

The underhand and drawn out way Dr Lipman goes about ingratiating himself into his new family in order to obtain a donor match for his leukaemia is way too ridiculous - he's obviously severely ill yet he wastes precious days beating around the bush and tricking his brother into a blood test instead of coming clean immediately ... with obvious results.

It's got some nice acting to begin with but unless you're a little slow you'll see what's coming after 10 minutes and after that it kinda feels like an insult to the viewer's intelligence.
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Touching yet not soppy, a drama with some British grit
pippa_bennett19 August 2004
This film was shown on TV here and repeated once - i am waiting very impatiently for it to be released on to DVD - despite my nation's beloved actress, Julie Walters winning a bafta for her performance, it's yet to be released - mainly because it sadly came and went without much fuss being made about it.

I have adored Julie Walters from the first time i saw 'education Rita' and feel her presence and northern nonsense persona was a wonderful dynamic next to Paul reiser and their on screen relationship was so moving.

I usually don't enjoy these 'pushing emotional buttons' dramas - to me the words cancer, bone marrow, long lost family, when put together with film spell disaster, but this was something different. British films being known for their 'realness', made this feel like a personal, private film, only you were being allowed to see the painful process this family goes through when Paul reiser comes searching for his birth mother as a last chance to get bone marrow.

I will say no more, other than watch it.... and please can it be released on DVD???
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Brilliant, touching film.
darklord3825 January 2004
I just watched this movie, and thought that it was great. I can totally relate to this story because I am adopted, and have found my birth family. They did a wonderful job with this movie, from character development, to just a great cast.

I don't understand how one of the commenters here said that they didn't really like it because it wasn't the kind of movie they wanted to see. I wouldn't watch Mission Impossible 2 and complain because there were no zombies in it.

If you watch this movie, expect to have no expectations. It's like nothing that you've ever seen before ( at least I haven't ). They took the very risky subject of adoption, and made a brilliant movie. I give it 10 out of 10.
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Sentimental ? Yes Heart Warming ? Yes Engaging ? Yes Well-acted ? Yes
glennandrews19 March 2006
Always a pleasure to enjoy the talent of Julie Walters, here she is supported by an exceptionally gifted cast. Starting and ending in the luxury of New York, the main story in the film takes place in the slums of Liverpool with any number of quite believable scenes. The supporting cast may be drawn with a rather thick felt pen but add enormous colour to the general atmosphere. This is a film which will obviously mean more to, and be enjoyed more by English audiences. So much of the dialogue and so many remarks are probably incomprehensible to other nationalities and that includes Americans. This is a film to be enjoyed for all its good points and not to be criticized for all its weaknessess. The right type of viewer will find themselves wondering if they are crying from laughter or pure sentiment. A brilliant performance by Julie Walters
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marvellous, very moving film
tinasmith6 February 2002
This film was very moving and emotional and had me glued to the television set. Julie Walters character was really funny and, although the language was bad, she manages to get away with it. Paul Reiser is a marvellous actor and is very good in this film , he manages to mix his 'posh' lifestyle with his birth mothers lifestyle very well. I also loved the scene where Frank has left his wife and they are all sitting down to a meal and the wife bursts in. In all, it was great!

We all talked about this film in work for days afterwards and I hope it gets released on video soon as it deserves it
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strange relations aka my beautiful son
vickywil513 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
i thought that this film was excellent, strange relations aka my beautiful son. i first watched this as my beautiful son on TV by accident and tried months to get it under this title till i found out it was aka Sr, i thought the film was great, it was really funny in bits whilst sad when Gerry(reiser)who has leukaemia had to go into hospital with his "mom"(walters) for bone marrow transplant,it would of been better though if we would of found out the outcome of the film,(did he die or what). i always try to watch films set in Liverpool as i am a scouser, and i try and see places that i know, so it was wonderful to see that in the scene where Gerry is in the park with his nephew and niece that that is the very park i take my children to play at it is on everton road. It was also good seeing the liver birds and she is right i wonder why we aren't named 'liver'pool like as in liver birds or why aren't they called the liverbirds. there was some great acting, i have now got this film on DVD and watch it virtually every week, i would definitely give this movie 9 out of 10. it was worth the money
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Outstanding drama, funny, moving, powerful, it's first rate.
Sleepin_Dragon24 July 2018
Many dramas have lived with me over the years, but none more so then My Beautiful Son. Everything you want from a drama, it's funny, it's moving, it has a realism, an actual story line, and the power to move.

The laughs primarily come from the culture clash, Gerry has come from a refined Jewish, American background, and suddenly collides with Liverpool, some hilarious moments, the savaloy and chips, Auntie Vy etc.

The 'moving' parts are numerous, particularly towards the end of the movie, you'd be a cold fish not to feel something from it, the discussion about the bone marrow operations is hard hitting, certainly makes you stop and think.

The performances are just sensational, Julie Walters has always been the benchmark in acting, and here she's simply mesmerising, I fail to think of a finer acting performance. Paul Reiser, Amy Robbins and Tony Maudsley in particular are just so good.

I simply cannot believe this has never had a UK DVD release, such a pity, it's a drama of serious quality. I've watched more dramas then I care to think of, my reviews will bare that out, very few are better then 'My Beautiful Son,' it's stunning.

Perfect, 10/10
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Sitcom quality full length feature
=G=1 April 2002
On cable as "Strange Relations", this romantic comedy with light drama tells of an adopted well to do NYC psychiatrist (Reiser) with cancer who goes to the UK in search of his birth mother and marrow doners and gets more than he expected. Reiser delivers a marginal sitcom level performance at the center of this flick while being upstaged by the more talented host of costars who give much better performances even though their characters have obviously been tweaked for quirkiness. "Strange Relations" manages some humor, some fabricated poignant moments, and some fluff....did we really need a guided tour of Liverpool complete with yellow submarine?? Passable stuff for hardcore cinema aficionados but okay fodder for sitcom junkies.
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Very touching beautiful movie
gunjor30 December 2006
I have just watched it on Hallmark and must say - don't miss this one. It's a really moving story with likable characters , a nice performance by Paul Reiser , and a serious twist at the end.

I tend to think that I am a tough viewer but I could really cry during this movie , it was really touching with motives as motherly love , members of family reunited etc.

Quite interesting to see the clash between Liverpool and New York Psychiatrist's realities.

Amy Robbins was also pleasant to look at - kinda hot really ;) Was awesome to look at her at the beginning and say "meh" and then suddenly - hold it who's that chick ? No waaay ! So props to the lady - will check out Casualty for her definitely.

All in all it's a decent piece of drama with comedy moments - If I would have to choose between having 10 Block Buster Productions that cost 100 million bucks to make and and 100 productions that cost less but tell an interesting story , and do it so good as this movie - I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Definitely recommend it.
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A film of love, laughter, devotion and incredible strength - a must see!!
pbreeze29 December 2014
Whow what a film! I rarely see a film that I am so moved by, that I just had to put 10 for excellent! I was surprised the film isn't more widely known. Julie Walters, well, what can you say about such an astounding actress. This role is one of her absolute finest. The whole film is just beautiful, funny and deeply touching. I found myself laughing out loud in one scene and then moping my tears up in the next..A mothers love is beautiful! And well, I don't want to put any spoilers down, and for anyone who wants to view this film..DO..DO..DO!! I loved it the first time I saw it many years ago, and today, I watched it again and wow, it's even more powerful. Perhaps I'm thinking of my own son and thinking of the incredible great humor and acting thrown into this outstanding film..great acting, great message, just great, great and great!!!
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Beautiful Film
famclay23 November 2006
I saw this film when it first came out and it made me weep, laugh and think about it since, I love Julie Walters anyway, she is to my mind such an amazingly versatile actress, her range from comedy to the dramatics are seen in this film.

This particular film has stayed with me for years, my heart went out to Sheila,Julie's character. I thought at first it was to be yet another soppy comedy drama but once the characters came alive I was hooked. I would love to see it again and again and have tried several internet sites and the usual high street shops but have been unable to get hold of it
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The plot is Hollywood, but the acting and locations,beautifully done
rudyvasquezmusic19 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I too, came across this film by sheer accident.I was traveling and was getting dressed to go to a meeting and turned it on 15 minutes into it. I became totally transfixed to the screen and was almost late to the meeting!I have been a fan of Julie Walters, since I first saw her in "Educating Rita".In this she was of course again wonderful. The plot of the movie: A rich New York Doctor who find s out that he has cancer and tells his mother(Olympia Dukakis), only to find out that he is adopted, and then that his real family live across "The Drink", seems like the plot of an American soap opera.....But....this plot... turns out to be a very entertaining and heartwarming Gem! This is a great role for Paul Reiser. He is both funny and serious. The blend is perfect.Pauls love interest "Maureen"is played by the very beautiful "Amy Robbins".I had never seen her before this movie, but she was wonderful and her chemistry with Paul was touching. I love movies from the U.K. and have been to Liverpool, so the locals added that much more to my enchantment to this film. The blend of both American and British actors and also the calibre added to the charm. I did'nt get to see the end until some months later. I did not even know the name! I finally got to see it in peace and in its original full length, without any interruptions.....It was really woryh the wait! It is a funny, touching, comedy,drama, that leaves the outcome of the story, to ones own imagination. All and all, it is a movie worth a look and owning.I have loaned it to friends and they too, have enjoyed this very entertaining movie. Enjoy..........
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Had never heard of this movie, will never forget it!
danibethb18 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
FANTASTICALLY funny, poignant and so very human. Every scene rang true with great acting and rich characters that were flawed but so lovable! I liked Paul Reiser on Mad about You, but in this movie I found him to be more cute and SEXY. His interaction with every other actor in this movie was respectful and warm. Julie Walters was as incredible as she is in every role, but the her scenes with Reiser were magical and brought tears throughout, and I normally don't do that unless it's an animal movie. You can just feel the love as he starts to bond with and care for the insufferable family he never knew he had! His love scenes with the sister in law are passionate, vulnerable and tender. He is truly the leading man in this movie, more so than any movie I have ever seen him in, this part seems to have been written for him. The "twist" at the end is truly unexpected and makes the story even more touching. This film was a delight to watch, from start to finish, and I have whole heartedly added it to my "top 20" favorites of all time!
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Very enjoyable, must see for both sides of the pond
Weet Bix26 November 2001
One of the best things about the film is the obvious cultural differences between the rich American and the 'common' Scousers. However, the relationship between Maureen and Jerry is also lovely to see, as is Walters as Sheila. The one thing that kinda throws the whole thing off is the secret at the end which gives renewed hope to Jerry's situation, as it does not really make sense considering the already given information. However, this is a minor blip, and it is an otherwise very enjoyable film, especially for those who have experience of US/UK cultural shocks!
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A terrific movie
JGidusko13 February 2003
This movie grabs your attention, you can't walk away from it. Not that it is suspenseful, it just keeps you interested. I thought the acting was superb, particularly that of AMY ROBBINS. She and Julie Walters had the cockney accent down perfectly. I rate this movie 11 on a scale of 10. You won't waste your time with this one!
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Funny and loving relations.
rltorney9 February 2019
Loved this movie my wife turned me on to it. Has a good ending. Can see it several times. All characters fit. (The kid's are adorable too.
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